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Xiiiiu.immnimm.iimmiinmiiimiiiimm 1 OH, YES! I REMEMBER HUT- | W So cxchim all ."i*-- (hov turn (he S S U.wis .'i I ur Times 'Columbian I W Album. ? Too much to see?they s S Could nol remember it all. Their 2 S memory needs refreshing;. The = s Ubum viik^ it. S _uHllUUIIIMHflllMIUIIHIIHHMIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIlT VOL. 7-M NN M HIKJS NO jsi. nniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiitiQ 5 A SUCCESS FROM THE START. ! *= The coupon scheme of The Times, 2 whereby they offered their reader. = the World by Sunlight in weekly ? 5 instalments, has boomed from the g = tirst day. Parts t, 2, and 3 are t I now ottered. = niiiiiiiiiiiuMiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim I r RICHMOND. VA. SUNDAY JAN-!'AKY li lt*?4 PRICK THREE CUNTS; HAWAIIAN SECRETS.' ?resident's toge Submitted to the Honse. US' STRONG DIbPATCe. .;a_sticR?ply lotto Min iterS K?que_t lo Kesign. MD'S UT8ST INSTRUCTIOHS, [A fUd He Tels Willis His Special Doty Has i.Dd.d. coRRtsro n \ volumikous. I n.i.u.iin.l Word., m_ , . | I; ,.t Ih." Hll??ll?P lo.r that ?i es N"' EaxwAASmpu k ..t.Rroaa ttoin ovemt to \ Feater. ce in Inetruc* l li itnw " a,,d lh;it : . b] . at 2 I twlth* rivi -I . ; ? rta I Wt m h. iii v waa ? i;tiy . ia lull. ? oe >.t ? I.- < .. ? ti that . to Mr. Wi ?i In 1 * > menta i ? ' '. to* t feuee* ic*, ly af t.-r mai ot; that . - Metung*., nihanvlni: ?J it. i ' I t ht* * * t'.mu | naber * .. .1 Octo* ti ai . r .tn) et to aad and pro Mr ts .ii'* to Mr. Greet we. nqolry orlginM* i ,,-ti i . reaa, .i <'t . ,.. .I ol B fi.- at. so Hill: r lulu. I * nt'. ' - a,ini lli .1 al the half* . : room, i , invited ..I the * * i Inf, ami : n to her tl n the I I lilt V.I..I.; * . . ? ? i t> I, : * '..ll ' I III atBtka v. i ' .nd ta aa* * you li *l i: ' hilly I art willina* ' trill, ii it la * i * in ..*, would you traill ute wwi tropurty, to all tl psrsons who baTS beea, or who are m tin- provisional govenuB-eat, or who havi- been lni?iruiiii-niiil in tha over? throw of your government?" Hi .a iv ,,,. ,1, . ar* t.iin tatra of my **-'>vermnent bf which I . i would be na V 'll '1 | 1 ? ? I . v ti>- brr s i.u. ' J* ?tiolllii Ki- bi sin- replied, "it la." 1 ti. I.* i . 1'.. v.i.i f il!v inni' r stand th" moaning of every srord Which A'..; gi everj wort i to in- . pnd it soi aa you Min baw Um bsbm pataton." ?A .n ..I ll ?*-* '-iii.*! s4. v.-r enamor wan; "1 baTS understood, all l luivf* said; inn i might i"ii nf tblfe to ruy mini-'. ? fa ibis i replied, "gammas it waa lon i.. ;..i.? \ vi appoints*) nny ministers, nnd tba! yon a royal proclamation . erould \"u 'I" ii?'* ii righi to il, nml .' WOUld not ds i'." J'nn h:k* ?::nii"i: "Tl.. j - of iii* 1- relation and tl o .union i.f itgl. There v.iii nsr< any peace while the] ara bars. They must It sen-4 "nt i-f tbs country ur pun* i"'rty COI i I ? *? t ba i further i oat* ? tu mr.--.-? t i you now, an i \\ 1*1 ir fron n which will probably Le thn ? ot four i i t- nevei .ii mil -*i vi betber Bbs v. ns trill* ine to give mr tbe names of foor of h>*r ? ? v a day or two, i onsider lt my duty to H ponsultatlon with them ta ber pi ..-? i mes: rter, John Richsrdaon J IE C. Ma Fm 1 then ii quin i wh< I bi r Bhe had any .!'.*ly nt i * . ? Bbs thal sin- iliil i ls abs bad trusty frienda thal guarded her house every night, iv wltb clubs, ai I ? habbily iir-'s.-".! had been often ?ne; about tt'*- adjoining premiai Ith a bugs yard, l I 1 ber lbs! i was bi I ??? the lent to offer Iit pratsctlon either r at and -'. - ii- -I her i 11 *? ottt x al Bbs declined, Baying thal abe believed !t was best-for her al present to remain at own i - otdi to ber St any mum* til, night or day, tills offer of our go ipen to bat Thc , thereupon, after 1 I ?ks* eb of tin Oases*'* rrlf*>d*. Upon i ? ii- ? ' ?? -.. 1 ' ?'" lu led not to limn Bl : * "1 with the tbef have na all rmore, I I nowa to ao tiona ? ? public to bsi i if not danger, and to tb ti rt ii,* ? ur Uovsras .i.i' brother of ii. A. V ? ? i - ? ? ? dod to i actor, inti gi ii ?-, and i ls aboul Itfty-ttve 11" I.,i*. li vi ii-. ..i whlti | i ? m.ii i i.i num. about t.'i 11 I ?i.- bas bad no gabi! - ld. Hi -. --I ti rn tbe half-caste, ' ' ' al Ihi ;;ni- ol ii.* last revolution. Hs la -*1 Maul, ln'ln*,' 'i< .-iu:. tte l in it-law, i proprietor of the ills. i Richard "half-, iste.' .'? "*.ii Kawaal i* a om blooded natlvi. * told in*-, b) tb - oui la, aad I. ? l tu m..- yean in Hu* Leglslsture, bul ui--*ii.. little knowledge ol th" ivi philosophy of thi whi ii ii- hai bo long repi aaeni i. He i ajnl is president <-( thc native Hawaiian political club. Ti...n in.lng iv aad t" name I'.i.f tl..- nv- ! prominent native i. lei iii" names <'f J..ha BS. Bush, ll. v. Wilcox, ami modestly added, "i sm s le ii- r." john i:. Bush is a maa "f con* iii*' ability, lint iiis reputation ia very bad. R. W. Wilcoa ls tbs notorl* half-breed v. ho i iglni ered ti, revo lutloti I 'i nu iii.-*-: in* n, Carter .ii, i IfaoFsrlans ai.- Un.* only two i' whom the ministerial bureaus could be * tf- ly i. iu i onvsrastlon with s.un Parker, and alao with .i N'awahl, it was plainly evident that tho e's Implied condemnation ,>f tbe union of i*<-*7 was fully sndorsad i.y them. lu O-T'-rlhio?' th.* fnii-.ii ii' From tbeas aui other facts, which j. veloped, i f< el aaUsfl d that thi re s 111 be a i ow arti i movi ment in the event of restorer.! ?n for the ov< i throw of tbs constitution, wbleh would mean tbe overthrow of wal and limited government, and thi dominion of the Queen. Tbs btw refeired to i>y tb, ?ion 9, of tbs penal code, ar folio "Whoever shall commit tho crime of ter nt of death; and all his property shan tx flacated t-> tbs government." Thi re ai i uhder thia law ti" degrees of tn Plotting alon* carries with ii tbs d : CS, I need hardly add, In oonduston, that ? naion of feeling ls sn great tba! iii.* promptest si tion I uy to preveni disastroua coom |ui - l ssnd a cipher telegram, aaking that Mr. jiioiint's reporl Ix withheld for tba . and 1 Bend e Uh ii ? telegram i , cipher: "Vieara ? I ure so extreme -s to require further ln? Mi Hill Btructidns." I an> yours. * AILBERT ti. w ILL18. i .lui i i- vi ine t-1 .tee i" receni ei ants In the hi I -.vaiian maddie, which bavi i from Hmo I i time, tun ero . , , ? ?..iiDi-n'i' -ii order with Willis s Observations upon ih-m. They i" . 'mi,* ?.'??? suh*-'--:u? mi *,- .mn"-.- ? with a ii- mend upon tl I ?H.-. . the demand, with ?? un.,- history "r minor i rente ol th< * . . Mu'-. The whole tonciuaion with i ' Wll . ? i ? . i by blma If p* rsonail) i ? - ? ? o Si-n i'nir.c'laco hy the revenue i 'erwin, wbi se captain a How ii" nowa of what I I to in ll .Mr. V. nil- i -I *, ttchi 't the stat" * ?i pai tment. I) i-i-' Ken -r '.? Ki i in length nd la a remarkably i document its aubatauce bes lu en published. Follow* I rac ta from ir w nil" wv accept the deeiaiun of the lent of tbs United Btates decUaim further in coasldsr the anas?atlon j'i" posltloa MH the in. -J lon of the ,i administration, wo do not feel Inclined to tngard it ns tbg last word ?"' th-- AiiuMi ni govsnuaaai upc* tkb sub* j** i, fm' thi* hlxtory af tbs mutual rein ot tile (wo lountriCH, of Amer!'an ?effort and Intluence In building up the * Christian civilization Which ha* BO eon aptcuooaljr aided ir; giving ? i y tin honorable place ai-nonx li tions, the geographical pontoon Manila and thc Important ami, ta countiieo, profitable rei ipr... al . -mn Internets which ha' to ht-th.-r wilh our weakin-c oatlon, all petrit with convlncti political union bet-treen tht I try logical i i the tlon ls MDPlUMtMd >'V lha fe ? ?ns of Am 'i i i-< lind, in favor of anni aati. rn, con? spicuous ninon? frfion aw t; nana \\ . L. Many. \\ ilium ll. .'? I Utoa Fish, Blaine, ?* ? mer BecretaHea of Bute, and ti,.- action of your laat admlnl Uon In i ' ty of ai nt i with this | '\<rnni' ? tb* Benet- erith i ??Wo theil, thei i.. t of political uni * * i i polk y, < t.i-i- ntlj i or lau r it *> ' i Mr. Dota then i ? on to >y. In terni**, thM the provlel il of ths i dent of the Unll th- domestic affairs of Hawaii, ai I "My position la, briefly, thi rican forces 111 rally olutloniata In I proi Moan! go\ rnn * lt Vc dpi ina between the Uni ? nt and ita a "i I * ? for th" theory thal \: terican tro >j t nit? -1 Btatea - Of thia i true, as you have ; American * * tion, thal ls noi a mal thal If I . th" casa, it is ? matter for the I ? government and h- ? iii' tn eri iu ii poa Unite I 81 I v. i'll lt, * I iii- its oblli "Upon th r, in h.-half ot" mv jot en n t, I i fully proteei ... authority ia- comm ' ttl "No tn thal tba I to I ot thc A r lvvol of th.- -Banu arhlch sui i * battling * i.i th had bee] ? i .1 *. ? taka for lt had nothing : nt "." nrillU' tat?I In-ti inti.,D-. The last fei red to * i Conti i ? i-t und r ? ??-.. ol -ni i.i W. a. Co I I ali. la ??, in trUCl ivy, linn to l-r.'.x.i . ? ... i .Mat ii- |r). To w Ulla. ilu: "Tour iii.** ? Int- ns wa iti your 1 * n thi ', Whit h hi dutj ?ub* nilt, I - the Hi * ?rovlalonal . dal uni) mull ih.* Isl a. ,\. a t.. the United Bl i tinnily, bul relu tanti . ? . rtitn.-iit, Illegally quel tered in li nolulu, and the repn rumen! (which rt and i ? ir aha art nhl v ould !?? i ?)'-' iut i tl i ni ti d Btal The Preeldenl I ' ' ? .-. cohstltuti ? n, i technical en r aulhoi hi a. i iu ii: a - apacity b twi a viatonal govi rnment > ou v.l.. ti, I -ii St UV . ,- i i-, alden! I * n assurance liven to i ? -,' ? ?nv for u*.* I to ..'.. ai MU . the fact i rial to di ia- .in'.*.* In thi pn ml wm- ii the Mi.u-t -i ..i i i ..a Ord. ult., ll ia efl ci that ? ri n ll tht government waa Sub>ei:? d ..i ii," An ci- in Minti ti i and I li by ? I i ths Presldi ul ? authorit) dealing a ii; our oe o ? iifal! m ..i ? and that ho can tnk. no atepa loofch Ibo corrw tlon ol th an 11 d m ? albllity an.i u ot 11 \" ,i i ia K< v. i un enl ! , ? rtolatton "i Internail . t nithin the limits of bli caa power ; ? aadsaver I authoi itj ? 'I lie -?p rilli HemAnr* to ('iinKK-i.*. t'a nth. nit. tb ,1.,. t .c iu;;rea conni n ct Mr. Hlount . to iiim and to you, on the se d i: , i ii. at nt t pl : t Marci win holding foi dtevens No ,\o. | of N iv. 16, ? a thal tb reatoi ll ti you t" . I. l irned ? DI t" tt:- m. I . ? I ? ' rats in s ? be 'i"\ li ??'! for tbs solution of ths ? om li lem a ith I j.opor, lt I I that on further re* DecUoa ila- <viu"ii gave her BBQUallfied i in writing to the comHtlpna aug* I bul that the p mustons I govern? ment refuses io ecquleace In the Pi i in hand? of the Oongrsos, President will ti i i. .-. full) ...iv jf,i d , I lha nation, and will lay hofor****- lt, from tltttS ? ? time, reports received from you to? ing your No. ;i, heretofore held, and all instmctions vent to JfOtt, In ih. msantlmo White k"Pi/ini- the ?:? imnt fully infonnr-.l of the eouras of events, you will, until further BOi consider that your special Instructions upon this subject have beet fuBy eom pUad with. GRESHAM. Wilton avenue car-baitis hu>I power bouse of Cleveland Blectrb Company, of ?ri-avelend. O., mut bumed al ? '? day Burning. Binny motors und cars vero destroy*"!. BOURKE (OSMAN'S SPEECH. Tte Great TammaDj Oratr on the Wilson iiriff Bli), HLKCIVEUlBEUDOOSOYimOfl. ?urh an One *? ?? Beltlnm Scan ia ths Uou-e Georgi_, and (i h. ia xppak oa the Bill, pe | N', D. C., .Ian. tk -There was not the usual crowd In the galler n-nise aanveaad at ii was bill a slim al . th.- floor. Immediately aft-r th_ -. ' yoststeay'a Journal the transmitting the sup I * * . nd'-iii'i: to laid h fire the Hi use. No 1 I" ii *? to the a Y PttBk AffalrB, and no tor tl ? r.* illina of the Mr i* iee. in, <.f Tennessee, aided I., dlspi-nae with the for KportSi which I. aad at ll S'do k the House namltteo of tbs Whela to ? ,-itr t i'i. of South i i 1 a I'1: \'. i on 1 Mr. I! i.f i i v, :i tail, all ?? ot v. -: titularly i i ii in i- i assad di, .inbr Mr, " ira r (Dem., thx.) then addri I P ? . i - iiMn:,r alln I 1* *1 n ol B ' i on vuth t.l thi I ? lng In . - pu": .h'm IBS, I vy ai*'.* ii from imi i . . of . and : cultiva A ' ' had ' ? on tl ... | :,. ' ?? ? : I ? ? . I. "I ? - ? - publi* ... *.? U-. sad ? Inti i- I had pat on ? ap* I tho , ? ? i. to the '?? i ld. (Li i ap* tOt cn ahould walk lightly ? ? aouth ' witb Mr. Reed, In whli ii hs I ? i a bs I i ? ii him "ii iii" mat . '. his il.i for I . bul !? v his (Laugh ti md Reed i : held th" attention ind and VS.! * ' I I took fe the upi ? l and bo rman h td ler for tho ? ? In ii.ii. Tried is Oat-Simpson Atnmpant, i ?, Bf. 0 given v Mr. Bim] ' ? - nothing, it, wbleh But Hr. did BOI I i I preased with thli ll . similar 1 the ault ' tor . .., a Ik ti mn ?. .i *?? ? ii i ? ? , - : sn English mads :: i, and ;... ii WOUld say rn || * Incident to a rui taken part bi by .. i i" - and i: i i ?.- of u psn tulum Of mir. Qt h o or ? x ? i bran waa : I'.iiiirk- o I, >an *? ?*?*??* li-.. afr ? d to li i not believe ??? "f ihe bill I ?. sad partly In tho h"i"- thal i restart stight I I ?? : the Republicans. Ol td been Beads ta ta bill on i thal ll would not n iue for th* : tbe government i - IgpsSSd that tn* mo i r luctlos Of t ,;Iff ? If bo believed that tlila hm would redu .--nu--, ii" weald noi .-. i vt it. Bs believed, on the con? ti-wy. liva t1 ? would bs b> I thei tariff, and hi* waa baaed on the. experience "( all the civilised nations of tin* world. GentlefBSa h'Tc* had wald that the re duction of tbs tariff would paralyze traill anl destroy tbe Induatries of the country. ii d riled it. on tbs eontrary( he iwaerted thal it wouti Increase trade, would in iee consumption, enlarge our marketa, and woui i not only Incrseas the revel i>r the govsraaosut, hut weald nam in ortunlUss of the pi * p earn tbs monsj U need for sgbWiare (1>. nioratlc applatli ? ?) .\ii cockran challenged a remark- madt by Mr. Dlnaley. which thst genuemaa repeated: "That If there ahouhl b* au increase of Imports by $2iO,00O,00O of ?m.h goods as we ought to produce for our SetVee, that fict wouid decrease the pro dactlou of this country to the extent or ' "1. and carry out of tha country the difference In gold." Mr. Cockran MM tris to be an absurdity, and asked on What basis can we expect to carry on trade; that on thia theory of proepertty lt ls he;fr to get money from abroad han to got | "The-gentleman from Maine think* that If we have a tribute of gBO.UUe.OOD in mon-y we -ere better off than If we have a trlhute of K& in goods. Am 1 right in that?" Mr. Dingley made no reply until Mr. <"o"krnn pressed him, When he ?atd: "I suppose the gentleman ls aware that we often purchase things and g.-t Into d.-ht for th?m. Instead of paying for them. There ls a balance whi h may be against the individual. His purchaaes are not necessarily paid at th" time, .-, with th" purchases of g nation proposition ls simply 'his: that I a pause, haUd -.MU*, laughter Tr in the Democratic slde~"any penley thal lt to the Importation of goode si ought to produce oareelva . our lah'-r of th., opportunity of making I gcoda and Inevitably tends to reduce th.. Opportonttll - tor labor tn this country gad tends to produce the evil of which 1 spoke In ny speech." A'l ll) ll ? ll .1 . <|U \ At this point, .Mr. Walk-r t Kopubllcan). of Meat .a buaettes, i bed If Mr, Cockran would yield lo Mm. "Yes, of "ours",'* said Mr. Cockran, "In order to promote the i - n." (Laughter tad spplauao.) ?*i wish to ash the gentleman," Mr. r wenl on, "whet] thinks tliat if i ;r*s worth of ' or v. le ueed In Urti onntry ? .a ii- in abroad and given i for nothing; th- gift would be an advaa* tags to this country." Mr. Co kron profi l to not under I * don. "Then I win repeat," said Mr. Walk* My point is thal if aa gift were nu-. cy of all the - or all the aro I la lt, tuns sbultlag up our ; ping tbs a of mom :??. it would I >? th- rn .. sive of." "I think if ls a i irae," .- dd Mr, I r in, "ut,:, h tito pe -pi.*- of chi i rf illy aubmll to. (D -ra n ratic itt i* i i am and tbs v -M-ks * ., . | rtty in trade?whether ll 1 " "'?' le " c fort ;-;ii nations I ! And it is well thal itu re should [f I understand the theory of : r 'in Maine (Dingley), an Important n of .-. 00 ! which would be iii.-' and 'i,. u to tl * the ? ma to tak Importntl m ot mom v aa something whit h and a happy c .ii-iiti'iii of tht I ren tu i ? . WOUld fa'* aa Importation pl m ? Mr, \\ .i . gol toto the di * that the li iii.- . ? i h", luquy wll ? :r i * competition In anv i tli.. mos! I the 1 it d.cs aol mean that la the chi ! iboi ll ? ??? * I "*? twval tt 'in ?a-nt ,,' u . - tat'T.-, Who ht ween .Mr. C plred, Mr. .,, ,,t Kentucky, wbo was to wm on \Miii his spea h a id bis paualng Walker. I npie .il. iit?<l SeeeWS In ?he House. 'Ihe Wilson hill, li I reform ai ? I tba countrj, ?1.. nus mu, * h. ??gad i promlsi yo i thal ll will tak< more tit monti ? ol bani tim noup kitchens to every i msc.) Mr. -WI ' Ich anil loot long after h.. has dlaappeared from ? mn n to a lorn, thal I , not "'i tha t mu. ... t on its mines, but on ? th Rq llb caa 1 I on Umlghty Oe I pplaue< i Ming btmaelf t.> lbs H party, be asl ' 'bal th* Den ll j) irder to d ' ' ' tv io lajualce. t ^ppl iui ?\\r will keep on," he Bald, ' until a I tm shall take ths | n." (Ai | l thnt tbs Ss llsou MU a ln all parti.ular-*. M . i, i i been left on the dutiable IM , on the principle I wb -iii been .ii ? if bia a ilsfcy s ss al "" I denly. (Laug! ter and appl i tba the i-.i!i' i * When Mr. Cockran sat down then irst of appia - has , .* been wltneeet i j-, thc history of Cheer sfter cheer rang out n*..i i the lallsi awblch th< bali mt powerless to 1 pec And when ll ? ? the crowd hud got r;.."'i ol ? inc. tha enthaatasra broke I I In, and erl-:*, of "Vote," '*' O-i-er Hro-nli*'*. - the turmoil had somewhat sub. i Mr. Taylor <i: ka if ? t" th" hill. Hs was follow '1 in order by Draper (Rep. Mes.), on Um Mr. Weadocfc (Dem., Mi. fa fn* the MII, and Mr. Doolittle (Rep. Wi .,,1. dost lt. be committee r ' i kai st . * , - took thii staalag Hr. Rrj an hpaolll ?? Muli . Thei" was a tnii'-h better repi 'i Moa of merni aa t t t-nlghl * iy of the i night sessions. The Ural speaker was Mr, Wright ti'- t.'.r.u. an, M i arba aaeWrtad 'hat the | would close American ii ard tts rb ? in t v M US any f..rcltrn markets, and would give foreign manufacturers a monopoly of OUT trad". Mr Boringer .nki-1 unanimous that ladles and gentlemen, of members, should he udrali'.d to the rt tor of the House, lu order ? overcrowded -CRlleries. This per l and i'i s few ada fl, ,[? Ot th.- llouee presented an Ul i iahnated appearance, .vt tha ?' Mr. Wrieht's speech, Mr. Prva-t r.a. N.-'.raekai was recoi-nlr-d to speak In defenee of the Wilson 1 Ul. In the absence of the other member, trho waa to have spoken to-nlpht. Mr. Bryan was Riven unlimited tim" f.,r hi-i ?p....-h, and C msumed over twa hours Af Mitti o'cloik the committee r-se ami the House ndj-urned until ll A. K. -fon? da y. - ? a ?n-*?"<-?i Mdl '?e?treTed br Fie*. II ARIUS Vi M.K. R. I.. Jan. J3.-Th? wisted mill owned by William 'lek hain, and operated by himself and bil sun Ernest, under the nrm-natne ol Willum Ttukham * Hon waa totally deatrjjed by fire, which alert*! a JlttK Vet em midnight laat night, and burned urull ti ociock thia morning. The night -i?*rately chi. and the wind blew forty miles an hour. The booka and papers of the office were oared. The loss is put at $320,000 on the mill pr- p*rty and $150,000 on the atock. The insurance in tl. ? M iaufsctarsr'0 Mutual la paved at on the mill, and 100,000 on the atock. i ss ui fBaytatyMB or road*. I'nlaaa Come-****... ? oiu a "> Illa Aid Carlisle >VI lha* I .rn .*<! to du Ihi-. .YAMii.v.K'N, l>. (.'.. j_n. U.-l*'rom well-informed eourcee lt la aacerUlned that thors la a strong probability that ll Bress fills to COOBO to his r.'llef with? in the next Bfteeea days, Secretary Car* ? Bk\B* in, undsr thc resumption of mstatalntng the iu.- hondo, if Issued, aril] !? oom only tor gold, bat the -t HK t" ll.iv. ll Mill, al tin*y win tad bow r; - I on tl ? baas ? onatd This proposed plan of tbs Secretary, lt ls aalit. la tbs result of careful considera? tion, and, ot course, mosts with the ap ot the PrssMSBt. nail amount Of the proposed in?'ie, lt is . ! upon ply to til.- tbs Treasury over ita needs anti! Congress caa tabs np tbs ? (mani ii' Should Congress within tbe rv ttl ? - will rt "Mm ii om bi ttag ca ats sera iaspen al bili ty, I i thal ml lated it i'; l ?? >ii (?" made. ? a ni iii>- favor ; I ths law permitted bim to toll jr oft . ? tho aeigni ? ninego of the ailver I' lil ? | .. *.u BO ? thal it WOUI I tn"- I-- iv irly Butti et nv pr< - RIO ll B I - il .IE hli 'U S I. Oi b I ii< ii tor Bsarij I ighteea Minina Dal* in - ilia abll ital toa Brh-a-fs* N'l'.w V< IRK, Jan, 13. -Judgn I i day :n ths county RICI i- illway inni Ware* n favor of Charles H. Bh< i man, ami Anthony , ld trust ? i- with ? mi.-1 i, to fl I, on lu regard to the Richmond l Wc.- I. i v.. Of . ' : wera bo I, Mor ? - i ?ii ri iuln - vii.iii !?*? m id isl '-t on- nb ? i i the ? '??mi'ii . ei of Jui ? Ipsl in ! laterael of tho i fourth, tii" ? iii for IhS m i i \ ns ii is ni in VOE, C ii't. Harry -Jacfceoa ?ives Oat a atatsoai t Al.' I Ita B ni I ? ? A'iT, \.\TA. ?. I esr) i ?,'lv. ii OUI I I In itu ii . estie d ? .., ,i i ,. lie i . i drink* I ilk* ind a- ting iii ai i.tlr-ly in - ?. told were bio de* - deni esma to tn i aaa la I, ?. n ii- I I not Bred .I .-!. it, : gld hav- paid to I . i i ? death of th" maa ?I bim, Upon i not nails iony by whli li lt . of lt wa it could da no harm toi i i Isl amounted i . ? ' fall." i linn i cns ni sqe ai i ers. federal Lead larretsta Mast Hnii Kaaist atice N.-.ii* H. ch, W. fe. CH UtLBBTON, 'ii \ \ . J .Tv. kSOn, Of iii- ? ' -irt, Iii i'. ll roy land at Wi lab. W. i tl, wah bis t-uxim, started In -ni tidied ? hy thu with Winchester rides n".; ?., nun Beens " In th- hip and 1, amt 'A" will bs i ? UlE MME LAPP a* I*ol HIE. A Pie'ly Germ-n ? Mi..Ino. I K .hanan'. < o il iii. Imiir.iTfd ASHLAND. VA. ' 1 il \ very pretty ?-? given b day ni-tt.t st the Hotel WoodsOB x*' ? - iplsa were ea Ibo floor, and many | The arc tn a stale nf no itu' esetteoaOBt, as the b- dur* lnv tbs for thia pia " BB -*. >>?'?'?'* it ia inipoa--ibie to pick thc winner orttii certainty, tbs chances aeem to be In favor of Mr. <>. K. Nixon. John L. Jr., son of Dr. J. L. i of Randol] <"\-liege. who li ia been critically 111, ts somewhat better. Big Fire lu lp?wii li. IPSWICH, MA UV?Tba ir.ost destructive fire this old taara has ever known broko out about ?J o'clock thia m ir:.m.'. in the hall by tho ?*, i y, ;,. t.. '.iv k. SBd when lt :i three hum a Uter. bad BWSpt away tho kUgSC part of th.- bOAte MSB portion of tbs place, and camed ( lesa of ?123,oao. im LOST BY ONE POINT. FICTOVT ALL BUT BITBLT MIS (ORAtr WRBSTBD TBOM BIM, How He and Sehaafrr Mast Play Aral-, for tirst and --woad Mon*,y_Th? Beor* Waa OOO to 59f. rHIt'AQO. Jan. BA IM final game of the triangular billiard tournament thia afternoon attracted one of the larne*! audiences of the week tc Munta Hall. The ram-, was between S. hnefer and Ives. The Utter had won thr?c gamea of the week without loalng a same, wnlie Ft score *t>>od two to one. vic* tory for Ive-*, therefore, meant tl.Vd and oar half of thc net receipts, willie in the event of Schaefer's ku-ccsb the two stare would lie compelled to play attain for tl rat and aecond monej. TUe latter event ka whit will happen, aa the game went to Schaefer by a acote of VS io cae. Hlah runs: Ivee, 203; Schaefer. IK In? nings. 21. DAY lilt loMl sunn. On j One PateeHa VftUU at Meei Or mn*. Thf Mmiiinarto*. NKW ORLBAMR, faa. i:i - Thin wita' another div f^r loag t-bnia. ..nly . favorite ptiiiin-f through winner sen ..f six it ?? ' t to 1 won the third rac*) nader s irtt -. ii, the last race Pl " ta 1 Shot, Woe (MB .Marnte iv. the tiy..ih.-, i The other wini Ti..- Uach was fmt and thc weather Suram i I'irst ray" dre eight ha ef a ttitie.eeii i tnnt.Lon* ofl '.. K lora third. Time. I ol, nd race -mlle an.l seventy ysr.M. lhree-year*olda, Belle et BprlagflsM flrnt, in. I.- Jim second, Meziotlot third. Time. Third race three-quartan of a mlle, ): ..-. ic i Mark I, Minnie Coe third. * ? eighths of a mlle. handicap. Mlaa Perkins flrst, Ow wast .-.; it third. Time, l-l. .. quarts] of u mlle, Belling, u "ids Ray Lochiel ?nd, Semper Hex thli-l. 1:11 . Mba of a mile, . . ' c.. Marnte li. xm ond. Lank third, uili.'. I."-'.. aisles ii N w Orleana Inr Mendal. Th., following ava the entries at Eve Monda] I anthe of a mlle, : Hattie Gean, ?; :-i l.r M Tba Ran, i"i i I Ml; Pootmaaar, i*ji *. *>ik i 101; Chess Rogan, Ml; i. :? i Lund :, : n 1 in vi "'. : mila and seveaty i ird i' .nd Kau, I i kt in ?, \ ni.-c ? 107; ? P The .lui l ' light ' | di.-. . V , vj. Little M >'i .. *-., lucojpm IV. ! .uni.-, 97: Hljur, MS; Oaten i * ipi Bpencei. IM; Mina ? : rollins, tui. .i i 'nc .-., ly Rt un.-i, 110 fourth ic .ii- mile, handicap?For* est K '. .? kp .it. hil; Mina I', r klna !l". Emma Mi . l')3; Re itiilce, nu; . ' bs of a nilli-, : Ut; Lil? li.. Dutchman, 111; Tlffet, lil; Hertnan lll; Axlsona, 111; Longbi - ck. ll < ,i ll.i ly, Hal itali, ll"., Il ly, Iii, I ll- H '*?-.?' * i-i li ". san i''i: ANfisi 11, CAL., Ian. n.-The andy ano pl aa seat, and -t. Bntnm lina r*%e isa furtongs, selllag?Hal !? n !?? lind m ? -oi'.d, Ottayan* mi th i Mme, IM uv Bea furlong*. Helling - ??lid. Killi-. 1 third. Hmo, IM i-i i nu i i u mile, i, utdlcap?Imp Btromboll flrat, I EBBS thud. Tl. 1 ?1 1 I Fourth * ip. short "our a.. 'ito ? and Ti ti.-'i'-moro third ,\ furlonga rill tl.ild. il ... po- i> t .*? at i.-iiU i: \ .* l< his. ILL . i io i Kully i m nt ni*, beal ? i iv i ra< int; sri se ? two salle wan won iV'T 1 iii ten lengths la front I casi I i from t ta 1 ta I ta I in the mil* l do waa I to Kmblem ut I to I. Bumm , -elKiitha or n adte Art* K.?put)lio Mill". 1 !?.. ?? ra of a mlle o,tK \ * entail lea- tBSstaX eau* tte v 'lim'', i M ?so mliea, ,eeilliiK?John i . i ltho Hoy , tba af i ? * ? i \ h ai I ? ?i-.ini. Timi Kl fth , I *m ti t, , frankie ;?. third, Time, i ? Sixth r. -lix ..r a inlle-Ty larin flrat, Lil .*> il SSCeaMi t'rlmaon thud. Time, i ?> ii M i \Tiir:it FEME* sst. WrAPHiMGTUN, i> C., J a, i ;.-> irgtma: ,-*lng clou ' tain; whinier ? ..-tn Caranna aad N nita ? aroiina: Clou 1), with rain In ? ba; warm ar i-i v. ?*.un. r coadltlona ano general tore - hat* fslten iai',.ny over th.- l~ik<- rtgl es, and la Ivlnw the normal, except I te lying eaat of th... unta rivers. A atorm In moving alowly eastward i 'y eaat of the illa efssippl. In ' itst I t rature ia au to ai degreea above the normal. Raia haa fallen In the Bouthareat, aad , min haa ??< urr. d in v> ..rh lng'on. oregon, and Northern CatUOrnta, ela* e tho weather haa been tc neraliy * Warmer weather, with increaalmr nourtt neas and rain, la Indicated for the middle and south A?'.i,iih- and Onll Huies and the valley, k dscWad ra.u in tempera .-. hi. i fi r in-- Xortbweetern I RAM. O'' T/??KMO*a?T*Rtt. Thy following waa th* range of the thermometer ut the Time* office yeeter? day ? A. M.. Ml ll M.. TA. 3 P. M.. M. I P. M.. ?: ? P. bl. il- midoight. M. Avar* age. ti ii.