OCR Interpretation

The times. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1890-1903, January 21, 1894, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85034438/1894-01-21/ed-1/seq-1/

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S*> acclaim /:l ;?-- tho turn the ?
li\u ?; (..'hinibi.iii ?
? A.buiii. Too i tu hv -tlicy ?
= could no< remember it .ill. Ti-eir s
E memory needs refreshing, "1C ?
= Album * ?
RICHMOND. Va.. gt] if (MT JANl'ARY 21. I?M
? The coupon scheme of The Times, g
? whereby they offered their readers 5
? the World by Sunlight in weekly |
? instalments, has boomed from the E
? tirst day. Parts I, 2, and ) are |
? now offered. =
,,? pj st * ? " ??*? '?' '
i i t ii i ii t ii IO TEM ESS i.
I nm'* Ann i..!.>.?'.l t,. Hie \Y<>oleu
(, t ?,;,, . .1 l?..wn-Iii
\ '
. . nil
' ' 1
., thus
. ? nt. to
? .? .... Hi.) i. iiuii
? ?! Mr.
rallaa <
.Mr - i
1 ?
?f th.
min .1
? m.
.1 hi. tl
. i led
i .riff
I .? >.!? i.s. ii Daws
* I c.
' ri I .ii,
nf the
. ' pli |
i pro
\iii.*i i -
I ;
' having uiw.vJ, tflc
reseal without neting oa
Mi Hit
WARH1NUTON, i>. C., Jon. ?.?Thors
ii of rnsmtM 11 on iii" Ito*
pubii* r th" ii" I half a
ibout tin' i '??::?
it ih. nil I
Talb* rt (fi fi,
ti V.
hiki Wheeler (Rep*. Ul.)
Vtlaon mu. i
th tl..* OBAJBA
in ti'.*-* Bens* of
lill, f'n lt Intentionally ?
rex enu*
.?ti the ii
1 ll I I.l I tx li HU. li RAT.
i.eil i..irilou'? Isolate on lin* I-ant Day* of
III** I .. I. ll.* I IK}.
WASHINOTON, l?. C., Job. M.?Ba*
V f t e i a n i.
nml ? Veterans' Aosoi la
iivii bare united their forest, tad pro*
?i. Gordon's px**xt lecture
\ joint i om*
, * ?? latlons has ;
-i two sreeks i? r
shd Bstui .i i
.",ih. will aItnsss an
? .1 ii ration Hail tn v. i
nt i >.
! '??itiitiian.l. r-ln-' Iii' f -f
tin- army, aili | ? i among tin*
i rnlon and Confi
??. ..-i ? i. t.) act
tin* foll* Bing:
F. Maud*
? i lohn M. Palmer, I Calvin
.I Redfield J''*
M < nilly, Qeneral Daniel E.
Henry W, Blair,
nor, Hon, < I*
? ? I
I s. E. Fauna .
i Fletcher, Gen* iii
-lulin -\.
i-i. ki i tel '.'? < tresham,
i . vfIles, Get
.:?*. B.
11. ii. Bli neral
v Al -
i : ;? Bender*
?'. A. Boutslle, *'" n
Epi Hunton, Gen.
m. n. tn, Gen. Wade
li P : -. * i.-ii. K. <'.
1 v. ? ht, Gen. J
i nun ti Cox, *.? rx. B. R.
I .ni-'.-. Gen, i<. i
n. I'r.'nk Gen
. Gen. W.
M. I'iMkrill, d.n.
'I w. lt.u
Iel, Col f*. ,,,, ,
i V.i.iitn. Senator
W. Marshall, Col i. B \ sase, <'d!. H.
? *'lia: l.*s 1'. '
il. All. ti, I. pr* ? ntatlv,' A\
vi nrhen ll
H i inter
t. * '..h. ,iii?-'*).li <'. A.. Killin v.
',..:. l:..|i.*ri B, Le* . I
.vi Capt. < '.
. .
. ? McKlhben, B C v, I
? ? ? n, William P. ' ?
-.' tncy. H. I.. M< I i
Jones; tl
Roi rt '?'? I
m. s. Thompson, Ja
Robert E,
He, Et B H. I..
?i, and the pr*
ton, nf th T ? I Mv.'t.j, .h.,
i) r th *
n \n|i. ilnatl IX,
? l in Nen York
klyn. The Nen i Brooklyn
ol n i-i the most Hatti
in eloquei i descrlpti
n.-\t Caafsdsraat CaaspSi
I ' 'Kl.i:.\\s. Jan PA Th
* immardli - the fellow*
followim . the
m ni United Confed*
Jackson county, Jefferson, Go.; Carnot
kl ph E. Johhsl.
. Hie, k \ ; *; i' \\ hai ton,
.-'nm inn Camp, Lewiavllle, Atk.;
William i Koa louako,
V* teran*, R* mn y, W. Vt :
abontas, Ark ;
itlon, i 'lu
hul* Aik.; Confederate Survivors,
\ik.: Hampton, Hyman, s C.;
?'? ' ? W, P. Tucker,
i '..nt'i I. rat*
? ilford, i i\i.v I, \- _
ter, Mo.
nor, -s i ii is, st. s mn; uni*
'-lr. < l.-ri-lmiil Values 'he Bern Yeah anti
Ni-w.lii-fv Hr ile* Bill.
v- roi* v ' ?
i e his vi to of ths
i.iii i. ? ? ntly peas* l authorlsin
ii i iver nt
i of NSW V"i k i itv .
'I'M.* i v..in ;. ,. i ii. i', ii ih* ? l
v ? lill'it du* . vitl-ti mi
iii i . that the com mei ce "i Hm
? not be Intel fei <i e. lth by
v ..i bi i'i*. iperl engi*
:hat iii*- river .*t tbs
polnl alni "i the
ed iv. a .-ii thal
In the I v ?
, mj. iii.* erection of
the bill p*
I., .harp*- sn undue
for the trai
Irallar structurs
v -punted by <
my, by aa --? t ?hi< ii re*
construction of a i
I hal Allen Coal not latilior.
tn LSHINGTi 'N. D A A*te
l be i.i i) or of Key
i ' ? ? ?
arni aMi -. of the ci.'.sr
ahopn nil iii*- tr Bbl.gi .
mi oi I Mr. Rub* ? - iitinia
i. ni .i
,14 before Superintendent Stump
Pronoun i ispart*
. n-i-nt Btutnp, befors iii.*
srarfied Bcidenberc nnd
m k.* :'nv admissluns
l . riinlnati- tl * ?
od of the beering Buperlntea**
i iv slr* idy had i nfl
ex ld* nd Hi*- * ?lilians ba* k, anil
iii.u in int* mit .1 to strli th enforcs the
Ijm. ThS inatl'T will, lt la tess aaid, bs
np by tin* loo bran* ii ul the
Boverni ?
Ri-v. lather C .li <',.--?. iel*- I.
DULUTH, \ll\.\.. Jan. M ht -? Ymtber
el) tl ? < 'atiioll* mi -i .v\i.i"il
' i.'mii -Mi I Julia
. ''i?;i--aui
timi, v i* in I",- j-, nto-pro.l In u-wiiy
in*) ti:ce months' ini*yrl>**uuh.eiit
at hard labor.
HE EX. ll I sse* Dis A CC no IAI, OF
Tho I iiinn-'i'tl Ktrlngenc-jr IV ill S?t, He
bey*, tte Iti-iirvrd l?y 'IXmt I'ull, rn .Vu.
Legislators on a Viait to Loudoun.
iiMtp Pii-RKAr, Kan aa, >
Wa.-itim.iov. ,lnnusr\* 90, l-l i
Th-- x xv Tort polll ii to think
? ? ? aptott nil ol Ik
I tba Tami i -
i now
i lum tli.il Iff. *
? ku* kv- Hornl
i ?
plantad pttbHe pollc:
th.' milli.,, din
i v n" wi:
nnatlon ol
i ??..,..
* *
? ?
Holly incapable ol being ai tuati
liol '.I' til.' ?
ii obje tlonaMe pro\ latona li i* te i
ti ba took, ai
? ?
< lol. Lamont, .- ! W ar, aol
ii.ii.m e of ii*.- ? Yoik
contingent here, I
| \ lil. li " . nOt ill c
w Uti tlii ir ?.u n t-\\> i t Will.
i nu p. nu ? of ai ii. \ aaala
Tha boai i of ira of
will api. ?! tha Sabbath at Old I
Norfolk. Mr, John W. Oe *. tl
I'r..in Vin :
... r Hal ID
..I* v not
of Senatoi Hei I Oak HUI
in u! . ' .'iiy of Mr,
Pali i
bald la i
a.is Ita ""
M. ? nf ic knoara .iii
thia i
..I . v*. ry nf lin.. I
f '
Mi trop ?U| m.
>ir. film 'ini> Opposed ta <???*? Banda
:. inda i*i,ti. ? ?
of I ? ?
will be in no \\ li
',. in. liv a,]].
I *
to ll -
In th. Ti
t.i mine and ai ;
I hai favored a b
* ? ?
WOUld be :i ui|,i,
! I *
the iiiiv.i.h enl volun
the ? In ?
Mi. Ifidn
. morning
lents, Hi ?-? i
. who bas .
thai I..- hui oi
nol reli tati Han i, bul partl ll** ?
sppointment to
,v'* ?? D. v,*i- . iii.] on
the Commtealoner ol
lng with Mr. w*. O. Milli r, of 11
. ?? inman D Q irdlm * *;
the majority ol
By "I * ry, and ls
In favor of making available thi
the i now lying Hi.' In
Of K." Weisin y, i.
var bullion tha
ind i ild for.
Mr. t> i ?!? arma ip bia . iii
though n.it c rt hla
it ii k
Judees Sam Wllllama and Bolling
'?ii ' ul...
red them the relebrltii
t"l froth the .
Mr. i >. * ? \* <?.
* *
nt the ( apltol to-da*. and rn *
of tha Commit
,i '!,. tob
dide ut iii., revenue bill.
United s in - Dlatrl I Ittori ??* Glenn,
i, n*. i'.. a ? Itor t.i tl ?
ri m. nt ol
iir- ? ?
i: r *
\. C., ana of Morth Carol i
? 'I'; .1
Ih ii ii, lal dist rici !-? in the i Ity.
Meat ra. W. 0. Ct ...
i k. . torddell, ol RI. hmotid; lo
Loving, of I'nliiski. and Jokn J I
Hotel ba lal * v
;nrivala ;.i tba Metropolitan.
???-?rs. \\. B. McBuntey, of ftlrhmond;
k. ii. Qalloway, of Raids
<'. v. i lush, of ik. hm aad, ?
Menora. L L. Blln. I; w.
? ed nt tba ?
Tin- t..ini number of cl * fourth
? :?
A ;naj..rity ..f tin- apOOlntn
. tu iii! vi aaeiea ofcuaed
b) deaths and realgnatl
North Carolina daea aol aeean la bava
i. tiIbutton
Virginia gi is ona appolnfmaat* v. i? -
vacan y aali
Kr. i>aniii Dray conaanta t.i aaaum.
charge of Uta pont-ofBce al Cook, U
rou eounty, Mr. U B. Monti kl
I Of itS < ll
Hiiirisviiip, Plttaylvanla c.mtv. I
of tba aaw ..ttl.'.-**- antabUabed. with
Milli- i: Hinea tater. 'n,,s ,a '*
.1 office frtrtn Wl.ltmHI un n...
?_ _
r is ii op rh rm ra A *S ls I A S 1
Tho Varna at Hav. 1fUlla? r**r' ot Hmm
?_,.ifc, rriMiiln. at I.i Mentioned
\i;\V VultK. li''' '-"' " is
.._, ,h.. ...m..,- to ic presented al
thc gpa* i..i Rpi* opal ?v>iiwi.n tu
an naalatant to Bishop Whittle, of VU
rlnlu al Blchm ?nd. on the Sim Inatant,
xviii be that ot Hip Rev. Wm. Rag
,, ]) of this city. Dr. Page araa boen
lo virgina- '? >**r'. nn,J ess kt*'',"
?from Hampdeii-SIdnej Collet* kl thal
-??i.Ar. ii>. i-iii ? -I H.-' Oonfodi raia ?"">
? i ih.. nut- ?-f tialeon mi.I *->?,.?<! Ihtough
',,.,, the ?..*?? After ihe aral hs keraiae ?
pastor '.f the Pi eeby terian Churchy but
.uljactucntly returned lo I*** crwfl of
..vd ls n iw <h;iplaln to
Pot) r, al New v<.rk.
tl,.. ..iher nam.-, nu n'loi;M hero
iirlc Krofpssor
'. "t thi- Alexandria Thi.i
-;. ... ,? , , Bar, .1. : r.-.
? tal church, Btdunaad,
., .-. u . . ii* aan, ol Cincinnati, I ?
tn it n: a l I I * s t, ii i IKES.
.drd bj tMuwuSAxtutu Walha*'-/faya
More ?<? K 'ir*.in Ap.ll.
wahi '?? " '' ? lan. at-Maaf
k. i' Iknap win I,, ahtty*
i Mannay. and win be
I i-t fi*..ni tiiat raua <?n
il. ? !??s.-l 1. i -* < nrr.-r In th*"
t'.-'I.tj. Admiral H.-lktiaji
? i i . :h" aai v i rom New
11 mldablpman lu IW I
', i.v bia ratlremenl viii ba
i om ofl ow nf comma
?*. whd sn. ceedi a Admiral
DI ?'f
? i ..f Inspection and Survey.
? ; alli ri Ure in
mi ii' ol Admiral Benham
! m R unaay,
nd th *. ir.il Irwin will
I ?'? I ? i h B. Bkerrett.
: *
to the corni
Hot *
mala ki ? ommand >>f tha
Com rd "?v ?
? assignment to
di sire
? ,i rea ri i ni th<
. ? ; vin., are likely I
to i
Kully h Tinh.-uml IVop!?> Attend Mer I'lrat
I' ii 1.1 ?<? Ki-i-f |.lii'i.
\ aaiS'-.T'-'S, T>. C., Jan
this il N'o ? required,
id nt
illy ;i tho
I oi the people In
rt ii
the mull?
ein nf ih.- ?
i copia
Th ?
I the public lobby.
OJ n. nu ni t I tr nu; a i ,.
Offida News ot ihs iic.it of ha Honda.
i *,, i, w ashli . na
n ini
I !
. .
? \ i
? mm a I 'lei I. n tie k
: *. i c tO
'I M*. 1
Informing Val
bumai Ity.
I nol ? nder with
"Ole Btate 3
nothing concerning the battle..
in nitu ts i is TEXAS,
I i.nsidf rahle PlOpartf Ilestroyed in snd
Aronui) Dal lae,
PAT.T. v.". TEX., Jan. " lill
. f c.
:i 'l ?? \l
? ? abo 't liny
: in a
lon. lt ? i
i, ni. \ i
fted ofl i . i i
mu. ii dam
to tl I
i and .. numl ?
.// STU I TH I' i: El OPES.
ink. ia Wi eMhj V Ulan Leevtag nu Wife
\i ititi.ni Keans of anp|M?f^
* rther
thal husband With
M .? ?
A letter whl
it on wi ai waa
-, h l The I
ti), n krked
? ? Mrs. Milli i WOUl I
from in
* ? *
.? dd
11, 11 wi ?? liv ! vi'lniiicil.
W * ON 0. C., J m. to,?"There
ion .? <?? 'in'*, tha in
Tatum (Dem., Mo.) tl la
I other a
? ?t ... ?
:,ii ii income ot
c<>.. iv hlch
i per
if hla In*
, . i kw, it i*t
. .i ould underatand
* ? ? ian*
eml that wh.
-.,x..d on th" lull amount,
Offers r-.r tim Srvr Pond*.
WASHINOTON, P. C., Jan. 2>V-Offers
? _,, f,,r small amounl
, l- ? Ive i al th * Treasury
Departi ni Moal ofl * ' ,
lill continua l.ma In W
.. and Indi, ate a
.-. or over. Kal
? lng made In prep
the i lt Is believed that tba
UH rea ly tag <w
Ilepuliit.-nin IVtiton tor a Recount.
CH IC A< io Jan. IB Lala thia, af temana
\n,., f Mill* '*? repreaeatlna
timi .,i .Mav..r Hopkin* Wed ? patlllon
i,. th .it,,.' ot ih.- dark al nie .\nmtv
Cuurt for ? rc ounl ot tha *??" ?
Tin* Monl-'oineri All Hight.
WAAHINQTON " c- Wm -i Th,..
Kav) I- partmenl '?' ' tha f"l
-The M. iiIumii" iv i sfully run.
Ipaai altbaut ,...?-. iK-n*. ???*???!*
(f>i?.ied> i*. ALK.1-.U.
Home Spicy Note* I'atu lt-*tween Minuter
Willie ami I're-il.letit Dole-Admiral
Irwio'g Report.
WjJBINGTOlf, I). <*.. Jan. fe-ThO
lt In Hawaiian a flair-- was
BBBSifssled in a striking aasnosr this af
I i? rnoon, when Prsoatsai Cleveland's tase***
! sage trnnsmltttu-r th*** I,
i eorrespoadeaes sa tho Mbjset, tra
before the Hons., nf K-prwiitativi -
t*r the loading ot th" brief nv
i that, without
\ the m?#.?nire nnd accompanying p
woul.* !>,- printed (the u.-ual tongala), lint
I Imtnediat.-ly Mr. Hltt Hil > i , I tho
t the C* iiiiiiui.; . . .viii* h
'!"? ii* alden) had i-i* rn d, Bbl ?
don* i- eos ra elved srli
plain.i tbs Republican aide "f tn**
chamber^ Then th-* follosrlng lettet i sri
. and afr. VYillli to Mr.
I-, t the audible approval ol
Dennosrata, Tbs Houae Insisted on
? i espoi den
mi thing snd evei - nord ea*
la th. i? mot* I ? ? iv.*.. : ths '
-..ri., i m . oe In listening to ihe
clerk as ii" i
Ci- Bldent *'leveland'a lett* r of ti
Bslftal aaa ? - follows:
Tn the * 'ongi
I transmb heres Ith dh \
? l iy from our mini
wiih certain i om iponden. ?? \ hi* ii
in. luding a ?
dst* 'i De* emb*
.ni B. Dole, minister
of for* Ign the provii
ernment, and a
Mr. 'Wlili'-i, snd .ml., i
? i .
lnp'tui nona gtv* itcr.
In .i
"? vi, d I BOl
II I'* 19 In* luaiv*
ment to d
tl a. | i
"* "-. ? ? ' ?
-rh ,\it .i. m. Cartel
l in. lose the I* tl r I *
Trea-id ni i>"li' ??? Minister ? lilts.
Tbs which the
i). partm* ni ? l l >ri Ign all
Slr: Yet.
Government o
the mel tatnsd luni
. itlon rn Di v. l'.'tn. ;
i ?
ti.n to I
lion of thi * ? Hmm i
tfullj mii; I tltude
wht i*. vim hov* i th* lan*
.., .
and I Un publlsl of th*
i -
i .!.. not, however, i lalm -r inti
ii, en
inti ntlonally cr* ited bj j ou, or by
Governm "'. bul
? om a natui tion of your
attitude, and I* nus of ths
ferr* I lo,
: hs Hms "i jrour arrival in thi - ?
try the I "i thia Governm* di
nixed, snd ply aufll* lent to
auppi ? Lr.
Aft* ? rival, you m i le eotnmunl*
catlona regarding your policy which
ambiguous, ni i aral wei ks you
failed to d . ir iii* -ntlfi is, and
navs mi.v partiall) dons so up to lbs
nt iv.m. it, leaving thia government
to infer s on ty ultlmat*
from tl.e letter of M no abd the
in whi. h ii bas be* n
-.1 In vt?rj distinct lam
! iv .i ought ??" b
t.i the throne by the government of ths
run i ? u ther
to Infer thal itlon
would i * . I. i our langua
. ,i m pub. I thai you In
i to i ? rfoi mi
.- time arrived, wltl 6 osing
what thal a* t would be.
llndei ths ? ? lr* umali ?? es. 1 t
at on ? disquiet
natural Inference, from -
vi from Mr. Gresham -
..a,I (hs Prcsldent'i raj and la
that dod to u ?? foi ? ?? Lu i
talolhg m.ur policy. The fa*
known thal you, as admitted i>y yourself
ur communl stlon ol i ><. ? mber 19th,
with.mt i t or 'cr ??-?? I* ?
thia govertunont, have held negotiations
wltb the deposed Qusdn for ths pui
..f overtbrowisjg dis g.rnmehl
apprehem lon of both poiltlcsl i
well a i thal vf psrsoi
inti in thea * ma thal yan bo] l
: hystcsl foi
i ? r ii. monarchy, i an
prepared to tats t!i.. i tl
opinion, although li -
uf Information t'. tho contrary
compelled it t.. I I .is If ll
In cona quent a of your attitude li
behalf, tl. lent,
bell* ? mr Int.-i,tinns
hy f iree, hav.* b ?
holden* ; Thn ..ts . .
this governniciu !? i
made, Ths police fores ls fr* lusntly in*
foi mod ... es to cr, ne die
tgSd .ii ?! ''?*. of all
uPa, bavt i' ind aro I I dis*
- an.l si slaty. * tilldrsn In tl
Uti* .1 .11
turivmi'v*. The wlVea alsters, and d
Ism nf r luding many An
: in il iii*, ri ppr. h. n.si- ni of
. i\ j.* disorder, n sit) ..i them h
armed themselves In preparation thei
ration In their
homes for defence sgalnst assaults i
may aria dire* ty * Indirectly fron
r.infli t. Persons bava begun to pock their
valuables with .i vj.-w of immeiliHt,- .*.?
parture. -Largo quantities ol
iv.*., ii- * '.i : t-i pared Ifnpi
havs !? i tn * 1 the
11..'ii ibe Jspai
? ? ,n . nosQuen* *.
.Mn.-iv.u. Invasion. Ruasors "f thi* in*
t< n i*-.l I. i.OltiK of your for ss tnt oft** -
purposes h..\-- agitated lbs renununlty
fer m. ny daya The altaattae for w*
las i... i on.* of srarfore, wlthoui :.
.1 combat Beeb tbs ex
yu-n has railed upsn this government
fat . *??*.?< ti..ti, Wbleh was aw mt .1 !-> I*.,
uwins io your attitude, *.h* nears nubaa!
bas '" *n * ompeil* il by imbil*
mi.?! i i lita;, ly Increase its military feres
... Its nll'< -ts hSVS I" , ii
i mill -nil continue i-i a conditon
of .!? fem ? and
t-.nd th<- iommublt] h_.- i ta a
stat-' .*f mind bord* rin >i ism,
Thi? bum rnment bsa tn ttl earn*
wmght from vim ami through our repre*
??*t?tmi,s.* at Washington, trom v.u
ernment, same eoswranve thei roves would
not i*e iieed. and hat* failed to obtain lt
Vour ectlen has unfortunately sroussd ,
-dona of all parties, and ?
' *i dlatui lV ba
?? at any m , . ?, i am informed
t?y military aotherttlea that while tba
tore,- m yo,,. eoMBand is snflii W-nt i?
destroy this .itv. il ,* Inauffl
mp general rism* and conflict ..f
or to
previ nt I
luis |
Hara thal t .
contempl tted or exj t< I by youri
PraaUenl of the I'nlted
I bava. tl i |o in?
firm me. with tl- lanai .j. lav. whethpr
.?I Inatru. I ? ? ?
pi.ii. f with I
, will ba able k> reply,
'1 t.'Tid
kag in
! * Ult,
Mlnlater of Foreign Affairs.
Va * Baan ? ? m ii.i ? tams.
tn the fuu'r, ap?
ed Ml ; ?
ii? i Mena
time ll..in.lui.i
- th.' Prealdent's sp.'lui ?
in full, together with Instructions to
Blounl aMl Willis.
Mr. Dolo th. n wf.it.. to Mr. Willie, say
??Th- special me saga af thi Preetdewt
nf ?
flirt'- ,c on tl
* *
min. cesaary, an I
i ilv add*
? l ; - tbe
ted, I rn ill ba i ? -ply to furniah
Mr. Wi i ppor*
Iraw hil
i inly thai ti wns
of hi*
? ir ui*
thia I
Rear iiim i i I: % r ll. pm *
' * . , ,\ l>. .'
K a
for del
? ,? ii
i la in*
? "
? ?
. nit- I
I un' enl
,, th- r
. im*
w? i Inn.I. whl
Mr. Willi
? an*
I da n.
- will
h.- in di ri Itled
dli .1 ..ii i
* * ?
te arith ma and
my opinion, th. ? - ?? ild lo * .'
, :i ii. in Bono*
lulu of the ;?'
? ? tl ?
ii. led to
i-i).it,-. minni
c ? roi
i to,
to tha Inter
work hare, aa ll
a ny trade Inl . nd that '.
v. ill a. count tor i
in tha pu
m ir,I lil. s ?
,.f th-. . rear* ..rt!.
good '
ll ? i?t?r Tl.ii.ufo-. It?"inn*
IINQTON, iv ?' . J ui Lorin
B. Thurston mlnlater '?.
tha U to-night
fr un bl nilli.
i\ nts ist i t; si ti ts 11 sm ns
?uaualned by Mm aanota i ani Ballina for ??!?
Hom. si,i,| ??,., *, , .
v. V8HIN0 "... I. .
ex*Minl " i wnh
tribute I
: li un I:.'... ii. did I 'h.
-,- for ti, ? committ<
six I. three
of tl i rk. He s ' bon -
. Hm
o ,. ?,? ara pi poa nb 9, ha
I unruffled
mitti roon the Uma tha i laatlaa*
ti.ni began .iii'll I' cloaed, Iii*
fur ., few mlnutaa al I
. ||fhl ? ? * ?' '" lo I"1
fortlfl. I twoa wiiii a i np ol i ?
? 1 frooi .'i
t.ik^n t<>
read knan ledge >,f the -1 I his
Halag put.
Another I pri* as In Somoa.
CHICAGO, im M \ inorniiiK paper
tba fallowing from
? :
tri" t ? f Hana hav
r.ii.-i i -*ae*e
killi?. This Tan a ' .ll <.f Uv
former Oerman puppet king; and ka
lar ; ? f..ll.i*in?r. The pi ipi o of Ra val ha*
, Kin* -Mall, toa, and
,, |hu ag l i "it. 'n."
jUMth meet
Monowai tor war *k tha
l.ulil Balance Continue*, lo Ik elise.
w ASHiMiTo.v. i? c., Jaa. i*1).-The
inda -.-day aa
., (Juill. IDK.'ltS.flHIl; CIM''I '?. Ul.ltl.
lenvaa tua uno net halaweu isnm*.
Th? ?oli ha'anec continues tu d?elli?e
mth each day.
salishckt, ron hie PMMBB* i imi:
CBBPBBS ur itu ms saoitu ?; ..
I losing of tho Indian Minta .? | rw Vnim>>
age of BUt**--- Proves ? I allure > itii
ot n,e Khodtse *o r.nguud.
right, ISM, by tbe I sited Pram.)
ON, Jan. ,ry wlll
come to ti wn un Ml . Mu,
hii CoDeegfiM In ths last t'oiiserv-itlve
only ones sim.- hs buroma teador in the
H..us. .ii IMO. hM l..nl Hsllmbury h-ld
a alirilar masiing, I ? .*?* of
ths Nj* tion of the lu.m. tu'*' Mil.
At tin* coming confsreaes it win he
'.v far the process of mutilating
Psrish-Counclls MU rafi tx* safely
ini-il, nml whethor Of nit the fbi
m. nt s offer nf ' '.rn' i v . -n
- ita*
I.illly lull hh ill i ,, i.
..*-*?*- nins snd i-hu ooh dunn.
nat* lin ii l
l-aiisl,-.' tun* . Ivi! , i
Lv th-' exempt!* i
Het from the control of th.nells, by
the iiiiii poer lea
ii in the
? I of lani aUv
ll ' ii .1. - lui ,-vlll 1
absolutely to make tl
??- UL* v. V . ,f
favor of the i ? up
having v v .,, ? ,, in
i ' -y the
? m.em?
il..? hill.
tl i refuse
I . i
. .... . .
ri nds. Th i
[. lie ls Ix- il
1 ? for thu
'ut. During tl
I ?: m. . in uta for i
d to lei v
? i . ..'itravtli-g- .un .,.**
? ? /. I i li HUJhOUt
'h.- wi 'i iv other weeda
win ? lullify the I
. >. i
u proposals v. im*
r* ung still more ?'. i
>n the r
* ling lr.linn Mi-n* a Islm..
af I ii
I .ill COI 'I.l
In iii
"ii Hi . .un- h.,uki
ir tiv couoi ii i? i
-??ll ih- ifta, h is nts ni
I not
l' lug
? I ..h.
? v. n 1.1ti.rs In
? i m.. 9*9*1 ?""
rs sti ps, us add*
1 | v.,|. vd
' ? ????I a-i gol
llkelj 'iu.il reversal
? Met,
I l| -Ml.
_* n Idl-A
'.* lt tl i
I ' ! M.i*
tO v. Iii ii tiv Viv . i of . . BBS
I, All '
tn.tn ...lin.
uiii. h th. Kapui rt
i. ii I., th-, prote* livii
titled ulth i -Min i ?
? in tha ?
I thu l.'
un.-.I * hii. ? lion ts
in whh h
Slam'* I I ?'?vi '? '*
und* r Hie pro*
, | t.i I,.* In'.-t.-l
,',.. truth of i i ii di ?ara***
p wtn nol I --*? 'tie
s,t- VVIIIlai H I, Thai lor of tbs
lo thi
? a trsduel i
? , .. (I !? ll
from Ihe Cal
,.,, .ni Inctresss "f th ""*
nothini del fi* '"?
of the Bud '
ll,.. \ , If Of Ul- Kl.'.live.
Arrangements noe i ' -
reptlon of the (Ched
thsl ? ' a*
an Important . ','1'1
.,,!? I I*- two ..f his I
will reside in Hu* kim 'JJ
I and wnl
d< a
I nd ons
tl,,. ioIoiiIv 'me.
lt ..I regulate lt, ? '
.?',,!-. The mst efforta of thi
tiona will I I *
tbe .1* '
. ,. |Bn i -i lie Rothaohllda are I I
lng s.ii?..is for ths pris ' m***\
.?j ia of emlgiaato.
i.i t -ii tmBe " Eamttnti*
The Col.Bl ?M'" Bl i fl * ol *
plan f '*v'
purely British esMs trout Auetoalm
,,, r; ' I" confiull <
vith ' ' ' "'*'?
tv- M ipi ii- "i H
Liv. : '*
. | to the
-Mton had Ikou
referred t.. the Cabinet
The publlsh-rs sf "BhtMWlrs with!;,
made an sppllestlon In ?h.meery this
week for an Injunction to restrain the
Inning WhssT from
using copyrightsd anU-lss. It was brought
nut In <-"iirt thut IhS publishers of both
da stole fr-elv from an Amen*
caa mOBthfy ma?a?tne. "
<ot tessa
Th- dsfendants
s eiiht.?Mland IVrforuier Killed.
KfidUtODslBURO, KV. Jan. M.-At
Du1;..;* ssh -il-houise In this county last
Bight a sl.-l?ht-of-hai.il iw-rforra.ince was
l-i-im; give* bv a traveling showman
nunvil Wilson, ft .rn T.*\_s. He ve ral
drunken mwi saaeavered to *-*in ad
initt.iliie WithOUl I *? ii>K Wilson left
ihe platform und went to the door, whers*
, a general row safiBSd. Wilson Wsg
imt through the heart, but not before
fatally w.-undmi, John Whltsker aad Abe
Ituf.ird. Tho botts* w ,a ei*B*rB**\ many
gotnsg and hlldiu i?-.nir i>r<Ntent. A
number 'if them mads th. ir eau by jump?
ing through lbs wind*.-*.-, while otbel*
hld under bea-ches during tbs fusUsds.

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