Not Mach Kiilili I'ul lu llir foUnti Tliaary
Silfiic- Tr*,aila.
Was Solomon jenkins pelaonad? I'
why did he die? Tl., mftst natural
aiiKwer |p tin- al.- - qui ..ms would
seem to lu-, "For v-nnt nf koaath."
Mr. Jenkin*, who livid in Haaxtee i
ty. alu.ut thr<-.. ni.|-s limn this my, was
a carpenter. He waa ampleyod by i
Sm ;?il. ivlth mTi.iih In- kaaTrtnd ll a
tha' mi <he night of tha loth of Ja
he Mail tin- evening with ;. neighbor,
Mr. Benin ti He ral nm Od hume about J*
o'eloek. and retired un nattai. The nest
mofnlng ht* was fi.und In a .umatu^i
OOadiilfaV und soon dli d. A . i-rUiicitc .-I
death from natural noam WM abran ?.;.
n county official. Who vhwi-d the body.
It waa reported that, tho aon* of tin- de
ceased had their suspicion., .,, ,,,..,..| _v
the peculiar manner of th, ir Cather's
death, and that they nabed ti.,- county
offli-lu'.- to order an Inv. .M,
Jenkins mths Inaured in tin- Mimi
Fund kif* Ai-*<*? iut piii of New loik for
Common weall hs Attorney Sands, when
aueatloned relative to the matter, ir
tilted poattlvely to talk. He seems to h
tn the possession or some facts in r.
ffgrd to tha case, but would not disclose
them, giving, aa hla excuse, tho fact that
ka waa a public official. I talked with a
Alli Elli: HEH C.A1E.
A History ot the tonlroveroy In -fhlili
?anana Ooeaaahn*! awi Man* other
ITomlne.nl People Wnw Hara.
-j na arbitration baard ?
j ?.*.?* .???"" 1; :
Keith, aad Alei
U?? attachn i I
tn i ** -;* -s"
.M.iv,.. aad otheca, and dtemlentng we
Hil of UM ?.mplalnant. >
reopen th" award and gi
Hti..n. When rn
aaid that aa arti
it wal. I I ? '
uart ar * ' !",T
nan ?.*-*' ? -?M ?""'
..T1< m made at
then adamant ol
When ..
not..- n """ ""?
lina I
.,,,11,1 sss ,h< '
On m.,, ,,' , I
?,, i
... ,
,,' v . ndlvlduall!
A.lc ", ? *""
liam Kl lc
ri..a.. Xi
CleV eland, li
Company, Hi : Lon*?"
Orin v.i, '.
known tl
ol Hlchmond, di
Tba obj* '
the defendants the tor th
Vlrglnl i
itu ir litigation with ll
the ton Urn u I
,.,,,.. the ch f. .i ;?'?<- '?. thia
Mal.. ." ? ' '
,. mmlsslon di.n Virginia b
gi: I,,i ii,' any ol tl
? 'in
them, In
iuni brad
pm;. i
provtd i hy th- *? i ?*?! A ? !" >l) ol
March t, VA
Of til' III.
flnrprtss l,>r lirnTer.
The aarvici
on Mr. CMcotl nd their
aonfareni a hi re with thi \ li
Presldenl Cl. wn*
served upon him the limo
tha gueel of the I nd
bad i'-" n doini |
ut Hog l il ind W ?
Northampton, ?
mon Qroi er ? 'li \ - land to appi
Anneen '
.*., V8e\ tha ?*??' ? * nih.- et ki
wisc mrpric I, and would nol ?
the pnpei until be had wired ba
Richmond, and lain. I th.it Prealdenl
Cleveland wns th< one to a?'? un the
tattara rn n ferred. Hi then wenl
lu I I ,..| 'If... ;,
whan the ' 'hi< ; .'.'. . he nation
iii,i. i. "i ?
tarnma to th. sheriff, j i
ten me an
"I i-i ia .. "AH
thal |
t" m.' iii thi .'. bit] tn
M rra tl
An *\; i, ? .... I
? Imf .Mr. i 'li ci. j WaM canted .it thi
Chancery Courl m Richmond i a n <l. -
tendani In the i di br marbi by Mr. flmlth.
The in. ny n matter of
nnd Mr. Cleveland didn't
come tn Itlchmond, ns waa hoped, but
remained Ho* Island while, and
continua 1 i > make it hoi for ihe wi b
foote! bipeds ni ii. ii i inti He ?3
oped Into s>nm thin;; of a marksmai
fore lani ???
Vern low ni i:, ?? i mam,
The answer of drover Clevel i I wa
Wad la the rbi t'ouri I an ti n
An attachment wis inaued again*)
tha Hamers National Kink, the agent
of tim ni,ot, |n l||(. trans
mlsalon of ihe Htate I.k ., ,),, Com
monwealth, In pui u im i . i u,.,,
tn.i-t. mi Indemnifying bond wa glvei
hy the Central Truat t'ompam fo
iticoti committee i , Indemnify ihe Planl
tr* National Hank against ans ,|,
in tha cauaa ol Hmlth agalnni defondan
In order that no di lay should "? ii I
fulfilment of the contracl nf th. . H. olA
oowuaatttee with iii. Btat ? ol \...
in iii- sim ,.f wons n. Bmlth, after
s.ime voluminous testimony waa taken
and the alum era <?( the defendanta, In
cludlng that >.f drover Cleveland, were
flied, lt was rec,?ni/.,| thal tho or'dl
prac aaa <>f the .-..uris would InvoH
much delay in the disposition rn' th.
that the proposition for arbitration wa
submitted by ihe complainant and
?repted) by the | ? j ?? Jam
Keith, Judge W .... ? R - aph -.d
ender Coke a trio equal In all respect
in'i app.-lliit. ti ii mal wen
n \fter an elaboi ste argi mi ni I.
tha ? md ;i patient r mi (deration
l.y the arbitrators, an award waa ran
dared abating tba attachment, ail I
without sufficient ra usc, nnd dlsml
the ?,iii of the complainant
In view, howevt r. ..r ceri Kn i ii
f.tane-.*i ,c \ w j,,, Ml., ( tl, ,. ,, ,
nrtttratora aaa Rt to I - thm
itlon upo
i t< rms of aubmlsalon, nccepti <l lha
non boquHi i. and di- hat i liablll*
rn nt.
In th- i-i min.ii; n nf the i intro
1, tarean Mr. I.oyall ai d Mr. i iui ton and
the .ones, i ,,** ii,,, fort-inn bondho
and the ni
of Mr. Smith as il Uaso i
ami othi rs. lhere lu . i nd of litigation
Incident to li e public ,1 ut, an I the pub*
ie ! to be ? .:i:it.iii.l-l that this mu h
V \. I ?, I- .s,,.,]
It ls repn senti ,1 thai th, legal -
involved in thia argument wara -. ry lo*
? I auk, ami lo
!nuiTii* ? I ?"?ity i trivial;*, but they sM
i tb* ? elves a** bovine no faith
in tn. p .t-.r. thew Ths body will
..roi*., ihuined fur the purpose "?
thi Hf*ima? h. one fa- t that
ma to ihroe seam ihrht upon lha sub
i (e-t ls ihat Mr. .1. ll. Jewell, nn ?
..r th- roanpany in which Mr. ? ?'?
was insured * her- from Koa Voth. a
li a. | ., at Ford um-', sad u h<r
expres-ly for tru* pmpSSS of l'>'* '
' *?0e. , -. -.rn
I , i , i to talk. ??"?" r*
? ?*?<* Mo conow
rumora rn r?srd to th* affair -
? n end vs ts unjust.
HIE * PB*FB*r-B**\x BRIC. ADE"
Ymemm lashsm Oisjasle? a s?n.t.v for Pro
teetlng 1 hem*el ves.
Th. .lies of Csmrct BB! I
, ??,,? 1 Of H.'lf-prot.-.
*),,? H,*.*-ntly there baw t**nl
WawAUA while
I, alum- rhe
to be powerieos to
,.?,. _? the young lad
w? "'? Et** ow
, ,,,?*. known ar the ",*.l'pe.'-r-c bri
? Kv. ry dan sel i arrk*s a box
?i tbs fUl
the damsel ls not
Inted with h-r would-be
. . r he will receive fl warm ?
in the amps of popper thrown I
| lira nm lit* Knti-rniinini-nt.
of Priday. i'?
ll- re srlU be I
I,iii a drmaaatlc snterU lament for the
the perieh <>f the
, red Heart, to be pn ceded by ? mus!*
i. i,i,*it tbs soloists win bs Miss
inna B. Kirk. M RI h. Mr.
"rank Cunningham, Mr, Oeear Lohmann.
iv I.
Kerss will i?- thi i
,i-,t. *pj er plsy
n given, "The Looa ol i- ? * '
I as foil
t. Mr. J. lannis Sulll
(Vatkli a M* rvell;
Mr. .lohn V. . Tyson; Deli . Mr.
i.. ah) sn i Bi ??? tine R* ?
illhran ls In chargs of the en
? njpent, with Mr. .\. rvll BS
iv -.mi'... manager. A pleaeant evsn
? r.. ? |.i ? ?
II who -iil< nd.
To flinn?;' i's Name.
At the annual stockholders1 meeting of
lc National Building and I
I '.i ai the ? Ol*' 'f that as
. latioi :. estsrday the 1
... directors wer* sh ted for the current
? at: Otis H. Russell, A. W. Gerber. Dr.
i rkes, J. A. Patter, and B. C.
in complian* ? olth b re* < nt decli
!?? Ccirptroller "f the Currency, prohib*
lng the use of the word national In
?iiiiiti ? and loan associations, th- stock*
lld* i. dire* te l i he board of dlrectoi a to
i ;.!;.? to tbe ' r, i t*> amend
tanging the nemo from "Lincoln Se*
i the American Roms Building
mi Laaa Asl ? tatton, by whi*|l aai
l. .'.-. il.
loaring ofllcera w
i* Ideet. < 'U- ii. Rum* ll; Vlce-Prt
W. Garb* ;?. Be* retai.- and (I
r, -i. A. Pattes; Ass! I
Bl Arnold; Treasurer, B. C.
...:.; Ti ui les, I. J. i! xi
Mu**!*- and Dancing,
I. , ... ? .
in. nt to hi i ) .iv fi lei
rternoon at the 1 Ml
: mts, SM north Tw* I. i Mr*
srsrs m i."i - i
;i.-1 McCaw, Constance Bondsr, Allie
i Harwood, Gre* e Fitswll n x, Kth* t
..I. . Mary Traylor, .Mari- ii re ? d,
dele Lookerman, Alene *?Iirtin, i nel
lula'-, and Masters Hyde West, Wor
i.nt fipitlm n. Aleen ptssinl, Charil*
roWn, Maurice Wlngo, Paul Christian,
tephi n Putney, < -larc Kv.ms, Brn*
p. *'i..itii.> Traylor, Ho :.*t w.t, and
hannln snd Alli n N* wton.
'ih" music, singh dan lng, snd
tai I* lantei n - os g. ,*. \, rj ,, ,,, i, ,.,,.
> vi by Uv young foll
Jooksso Wert Democrat?.
wss s Ka i .i. , ol the
..mia,- .M.ns ii.,ii of the Fourth precinct,
v Bs* n ward, held bi UW north Bi vi n
itrsst last Tuesday night. Among
is. F. IV ?
ei layne snd J. C. Bmlth, who bn ertaln* ??
ie club. Mr. u. ii. h *ott spoke . i
H. M. Muiiti, .lr. foi *'
Attorney. Nearly all of the .m
i er* pres* nt, bi d after th*
the club adjourned to tbe i ? \t
partook of refreshi Tl
' the above numb* r cv< ry
i ..ii th candida'
? n ? ; with them. Mr ( lu <i. a
1 th. i,i. aid* rn and Ur. :\ .!.
Carthy th* ai, retary,
I'oaag Folks finke Merry.
! le ii ur ii lertalnmenl was given
I th* rtsi len i of Mrs. Hun..'!, x m
"di M net een th street, Friday* night.
? sn rs Miss* i Annie * !ole
J ni < ol* man, *Maud
1 ? i ? mph , \'iuii t Ri. bard ion, < iple
Nichols, Polly il. alon, Lola
i i ear ?-. ai I ll ten Willie
'?? Frlschkorn, Robert Puller,
i > mum* i: itoa, Welter Burton, Ernest
Pags Bmlth, ll -ii., ti Nuckola,
lld Hunter Hallow.
Hem hor fi rs.I I, Matteo,
Mrs. john .!. Balloo died si her home,
i. ll i east Byrd atrs I yesterdsj
. lt. Bbs was i u o in Hali*
unty nearly forty-six yeera sge, i
' ri* i fibs iv.is i dan I
a Penlck and Bunao
!. ives i in-:. in_ and ssven
uiii. n io mow ii th* li i..ss.
i ? rai will take place from C* o*
rch thli afternoon st *: o'clock
he im vu. vt . Ill :, in Jlollywo *l
I' E HS OS.tl. ASD C. E X E RAI .
iisrsstlag Pesto fibae.1 Bliheaee-I's Cid
v? and Hitter Mattera.
The iati i. ? ned th
ty Jail yesterday aad found ii li |
lu thc * ir, nit Court y* iii was
stituted h>* la.ui'. i... ri - Haxal] ggainst
C. Nelson foi *i fi
nt-;.* um bs s called mootlag of the
? i Final ? Committee .Munday at
o clod* ai thS State Hank.
i Dr. .1 N. Bogga, of rittsliur:-.
ti r, Mrs. Bamuel
AS Floyd .im mia
Slr. .). Edward Uh c. of mtaote, former*
here on a visit. Hs
- been away from ti.* Btate about six*
.' i ye:
? .lyn Bsaa sad Mbm Jo)
i.ion. Ky., will he In Rich
January Bd, i , visit .Mrs.
iward i'? ii
rills Calmer, who has beea vMt
I tho Miss as Brown, st .Nu. nm aouth
iii-.' Street, I ? !.,,* f,,,. ),,,. -aH,,|1L.
i ;iiin. .*. lek county.
i| Mr. deon ? W. Woo loll
is broken lalo by thlevss oa Priday
aiht. The mi;? ilsa sst of wagon
rn. s.s. Th,- polks bavs tbs os
dre li Martin, wits f J.?hn 1-.
irtln, died Friday nlghl -it h i residence,
Nicbolsoa street Mra .Murun was
ld In th- hinhes! esteem ty all who
. . h.i Funeral ? n< afternoon at 3
? ml of directors of the Chamber
Commerce will hold a meeting Tuesday
ening for tbe purpose nf taking som*
Uso In refOPSaes to the rsCsM dscbrion
the rxeeutlvs cnoualtteo of the Yir
na Agricultural and Mechanics! So
ty to huld a icn-da>?* exposition next
>r a clear head and steady nerves
rahs Bremo-SeltBer-trlal botUs 10 cts.
Interest In Ihe Tenth Ulstilet Cnnlest-T hs
Hst. It. J. Mi ?? i de a Candidate for
A??Ulunl Illili.T
USXUfOTON, \\-. Jaa. fSf.Ept
Mr. Robert P.. All-n. a minim,' and civil
englnaar, ha." baaa kara ihM waah looking
OVar several r-.nt. I Ot survey for
railroad that will pass through thi**! aec
tlOtt II- woul.1 not iM w-hat lin- he
v.*.-is working on or tm what company,
imt it is aappooai that he ts kmklaii over
th'- proposed rout.- from Haunabe, faa *
connectli.n at this point with tha Balli*
iind Ohio .-.v.-'-m, ini.1 with tie
tpaak* and Ohio iit Buchanan. Ha
,..,ii i:s far mirth as Harrisonlmi -.
Va., where k la aupj.i be haa I
looking int.. the poaalblllty ->f reaching
Benara Croak'. In Weal Vlrginin, where
the conl heida will ba mool ndvantageoue
ly reached by ;i dir.ct line, uk ataj
waa devoted to determining tha baal
lion for aa antraaca Into tha town. P
ties from Roanoke her- thia weak nay
thal ll is gore thal thi compan) recently
,.i ganlnad la thai i ity w-iii puah their
? h. m- to -ither gel the Baltimore and
Ohio to build tha Valley aatenalon south,
,ii- eK- ikey will build tha connecting
, i. to Buchanan to the Che apeake and
iihi.i. and to tm.-, point, arith the B
mora and Ohio railroad.
Hi i toke * ifttrici.
Thora is5 tillich apaculation Indulged in
in this section ga to tha poaalbh* ? ?
datea ot the Democratic party foi
donal honors i.i thia (tbe Ti nth)
?ci, tn sue -i-i .Mr. Harry
?linke', i.n : th. ihe
., i/eral candldati i may devi lop in ti."
it is thought the frlenda ol ?
? lovernor Lee a DI aw ure hla co
bia nan * * andi*
date, and then tl.. i ;I l>"
nominated by acclamation. While l gin
not authortaed to i iy ao, yel i d
?*.* im what I hav. bet rd the ex-Qovernor
aay, If ba will p rmll tha use of his nama
in this cunt,'st under any conuiuon that
*.v ntlon.
iii- Am slatnni Btohaanid,
Rev. ic !" 11 j. M. Bryd.
i. ? Manu rial Bpta oj al church
at thia point, I-' a candidate for I
position of aaaietant blahop of thc Vlr*
. the election of a hlch takes
pla a al I meeting
to I,- bald in Richmond on the ,;i*?t Inst
Dr. Mci ung man
marked ability ai - piety, and
would gi :? '-i*i..n in or ou*. of
the < bur h thal hi might b ? catii i on
to till, ii* is lim father of thc
of tha \. m. C. a. in Un
and wi,.i- chaplain of tbe Unlvi
I sim ? his al iy I.
he has exerted mogl
foi th- moral and rell
gloua w? fan I the young men al all
three of the institutions mention, d
BIB MTS OE sot I AL dins.
A Csis at Knanokf Involving tba yueition
ul' 1 il|ll.il I iri-ilfte.
ROANOKE, va.. Jan. ?^-BpeciaL?M.
,i. Kelley and O. S. Rue, prealdent and
of th- Pledn i club,
were placed on trial In tba Hnatinga
Court yeaterday for aelHng liquor with*
.rn a licenae. Thc plea that thc club
had been chartered i.v th. -Hnatinga
i* iurl area aol np, *? ? 11 did noi avail th-m.
Their coonaal, Judge a. J. Brand, then
li nun red t" ih- indi' tment on two
irounds, thal it failed to deatg*
aate the place where tbe tlqui
md failed to charge, "being drunk when
-??iii!" The demurrer a ruled and
the trial pn h eeded. The es
ompleted la I night, and argument af
.i mai I a gi t" have i ?
When tlc rr. died. Acting <',mi?
ch's Attorney Locket asked per
missiiiii of the , iurl to anti r a Bolla
:ii*.,s>'.iui. The antl*local optiontata are
i i.e r tha teeni ta of tha
ironecution. Rae la under h.md for hie
appaairai I
'?int al Lynchburg i ner the charge
? f Belling liquor a Ithoul a li. en
The vote i,i* mn- repraaentativa in tba
Houae of Di ? Ion. M. C. Thomaa,
, i Ki- railroad* to hame (rac
? ?-?sic t,, members ,.f tbe Legislature, la
?e\,-r.-ly erltl ed by nearly ever] Demo*
ral here.
The <"it\* Council has Baked tha Roan
>k?. Electric Light and Poorer Coi i
> submit an eatlmnte of the
Ightlqg ail tba pul,ii- buildings of thc
ity with Mei ti I. Ity, Thc coal of light*
nu with ims la rei arded ia I ??> i ap*
(migs *r.ratlnn, ar .staunton, Decides the
Leen! option QneeMon,
?TAUNTON, VA , .lan. M. Special. -
Fudge Qrattan decided tba queatMw al
d-optlon petition by rejecting lt,
He atated thal under tba law. tbe i p
ilcatlon for the writ sh.mid b.
lam.s on it and thal after taking ott
daleen for various carnes, and forty-two
abo ih m 'i to tc,- ita I- nan,.. ,\illi?
li,- number i-it on the -
gua vt, I,,-! one abort of the required
Kef..re the opinion I,ad been delivered.
Mr. Btepbenaan, <.r counael for th
iptionlata. asked leave to Oe thc alB*
lavits of two pomona, wi, i mada
?Imt th, y algn ... the i- Uti i, bul di I
lot atgn the paper gaging t.> fa n
-amen wiri Irawn. This th- ju,ure re?
cd. >f,- .-.is,, refused to aU rn namea
o i.e relnetated 09 the petition. Bo it
? ?' ? di mia ed. There ii foy on tl 1
*. Thc local*
'Piton people are debating whether to
-t up another petition or g. tba
'..un of Appcds for ii wri! .,r mandamus
> compel tha fudge ..r the Huntings
euri 1.1 issue tim writ .f . 1,?, tlon. The
nzht is still on and tha tenalon la very
treal on all banda
he Koily ot Ired llond Foiiml in the Rall.
10 ul Va .1 nt CMfe-m lortr,
CLIFTON rOROE, va, Jan. M.-lpo.
ial.?A niiin waa found daad la thc 1 ,i
c.d yard* hire this morning name*]
'ini. B"ml. He w.is a mnrhlnlat. am*
toyed "ii tha ntgbt force lo tba ahopa iit
his pine,-. Tiie corooer'c jury kaard tea*
iiTuny for nciily throe li mrs, tijmi; t,
- clue as to the cans., of th
? ?iith. There app\i:el t., bc no marka
if violence upon thc body, and lt ia aa
ina* countable fat t aa. to tb
leath. Evidently, there 1- aomctbing
mug aomewbeee. it waa ahowa In ovl
,'i:i'i' that the man had a gold w.n. fa
lay, but when found this morning
t 6 o'clock it had diaappcared.
lil IX 8EFESTII Dist mi i,
irlegatrt III. ctol \*.?l-rt!iii in Hocking
liam und 1 iiilerl, U
HARRI80KBURO, \ k., Jaa Bpi -
lal.?-flail ga tea were to-,lay elected In
Kxhbgbam and I'red. rick com.
,... coner mventl. n whl. li meeti
?ie .a thc -id to name a
uii.ml o'Ferrall from th dla*
ni Thia connty has slxty-atx deli
hirty-slx have keen heard from
an in.' foi Tunier. U l-l for Mool
?r .; id. n. | n for Walton, an i l faa
.immIk. Ho far as heard 1mm la the dls
ni Mr. -Woods, lt ls claimed, lias thc
rgeat i. miiir ii. ad Mr. Wai
>n is aecond.
-w ?-? -
lbs Sale rouflrmed.
LURAT, VA.. Jan. 30.?Special.?The
lrcult Court ls now In aession. Judge s
urner presl-Jlng, and ha* ?.?onflrmed the p
ile of the taverns and Inn site to the tl
altimore and Philadelphia syndicate. i_
Tha We.tern .Mao fiB* M ,,e Kn<"n |
to Fame-Norfolk". "?r,,or ,,n
NORFOLK, va.. Jaa. -" **
Norfolk county grand t*tf wl"
Monday ond win lavs***-*** rhs i
: pUBSflfitii rseently ,,','? ""''
t tbs A-i'i Athleti* Asso
They will examin- a 1.11ml-?:' "f "'"
hut it i- m.t I. Herod lhal
partlss win I"- pcaw i ol '?? - '?
composed ut soms ..f ths b* ri ;n'" '
Contrary to th- ? - "f
persona. Um gsnoral public mantf*
t?iiiiK in the matter. W
this morning, ead
in. Moe that kn... ked bim out ? nt r
,.i ntal, ii, it tu- fi ada sre srililt
ba* k him in soother < oates! sith Sob
.Norfolk'*. Ilrai*, I " ? < I
dn ti. ? ??? I I, lt la rep ??< I
m ,. an ali.is. and thal tbe ii
fought w ongo ls un- ..f ths b* il i
an ighta of the Weet, and in no
unknown; thai Norfolk I i
I mr. rior rn* n agsln
Indian thal they dot* i mini d lo .
man win. .mil.I gel
ba. tc, Jol ?
knocked w ongo t lt a helf n
ti,.**, entered
i.i. ri will I* mein fa
i lit ry wll
s, ? provlatoi
?;. gry set, one i haa tx i n
tv. -i in this ell . !? ?
Sd .luhii Al
and bas bi rn In Mbrfo I .7.
Hui Our lni|>i n\ ? ii.-nl a.
C* i. >\ killara i.rn
ni*, i of I loman* i I men
Ulennan, n. A. Dobie, and \. EC ii
plirt-s. will k" to V. a still
er* **k to urge i'
prlatton for ths Im rov* rn ni ol thli I
bor and he * ommll t*
vn appropria
hanni \ from Hami ton Rc i t
-. rd that tbe .
ment an 1 m* i hai r
fol. Lamb soya thal fl 1,000 will cul a
chan Roads to
tb* Navy Vard.
Ths du*
John L. Hudgins, ? *i l'i -i ?
.]. troyed by ? Loss,
No Insura i
I n inst i t \ i x m ii on,
Yeitf rita.- '? PrOOOSdlasjS lnerea?e In Mon.
bssshla. Daring lbs v. ar.
LYNCHBURG, V v, J lal.?
Tin* a i ond da i of ths thli i
?n of tbe
ao* letica of ' ' leavor it
? bli morn i -
pi ? ?'
by Mi I?. t'- I- nn* tt, ol Richmond.
t.v Chali eppotnted the following com*
.\. ir of on, J. D.
Murrell (chairman), of Richmond; J, N.
Ryck* :. " I-'- ?? hb IV. liuwx
iuii.-i, of Fails Chur* li. Va [attie
'rutn-w and .Mi.-s j.,* ? Strinc, ol RI* hn
Cn lei Hali. Poul Pratt (< halrmaq
lu. i ii . nd; W, .i M* tlllsti r. ol
Franklin, of J..
lutli Rei ? P
(cbalrm in), of ! . of
Richmoad, snd Mia
Rusin* tt: -i. B. < ii cory (chali rn
Lj i. hburg: IV. i hmond;
v U Oakey, of Lynchburg; Mlsa Laura
After ] .v i
annual report ol tl
Lulu < i. Phillips, of Ri* bmond, s
In demil nd tb work ii
Virgin! i. In MM, n
i.'.'-ii memtx i ? ? ar, tu bo* leti*
report l,*K7. Thia pl i In*
waa ver]
rention and friei 'is ol i ? rn* i ment.
ti. rt p rt of i?.
treasurer, s I recelv* I. Rev.
I. T. l'.i In
Of tbs St.ii- t'nlol i his annual
H 'i.siv.
Clarie, ot i
pr* .Int of the I mi.* I So* let) ol ? 'In IB
tiaii Bndeavoi. i ondu* ted a quest I
His remarlu were to all
who board bim
Tbs folios
fiaturd i' Pr* ld* nt, H
T i m Imus of Manchcsi Plrsi
nt, I'. I', fibeffey, ot I
Bi' ond V|. ? Pr* vi. nt. Rev. C. li I
:. Third Vlce
nt, I>. H. Rennett, "t Rl<
? lu int inn Imleaior Mass Westing.
Th* re v. iii be s mai ni ?
Christian Gi di .? B ' RI h
mond, to morrow night. ? '?'? ,;" kief will
i??? ti* prim Ipal ap ik* Th* p
the nu eting b iii be announ* ed In ths
aft* mu.rn i i
-a ?
RElliilovs WOMB IA i'll I:ese VUE,
i n nu ler-ftsssef Presbyterians ond MsUi*
edlMs firnal ?'f Three BoBbsalaas.
i I.,- union aen I ? ? ol
tl,-m- -. tand Method attona,
nrblcb bave been held during the pa ? thr e
?reeks, first .a v\ eal Ington-Sgn I
B. church, then al ths Plrst Baptiat
hun b, end next it
terian i bur* h, will be i ontlnu*
aei k at tbs ia' ter cl
I result* 'i In th
nf over one hundred I it bsa
?stablish. .1 a unit) bCtW* "
rhe pervtess *.?. iii i.ntinui I
.it T abb -Str? t thur. h.
Tbs recelpta of tobe
wsrehousss Ib thM city I
pounda I
eeeh were :*??: boles.
? (file* r l: tel.nv
statis Pillow thl
Uh ti McIntosh, John Rob. ? i .' and
rivun.i*-. Costa iy, three n. ball*
ing fro*-* Beeton ami Nen
u-i'i lon. McIntosh afl i .. . .in\? *i
M o lady's Mus
i immed sri fa mink fur, I
ia* ket ls supposed to be s
?elghbort.1 uf ta Afl st Mc*
fntoah broke from Ofll ll nd and
bo uti. Bubsequcnl
>y Police Ofll
- i ennis I'* hmond
ilium :.."a o'clo* k this .,
Ived n telegram fn
leant Toanlinson, af the I
ri i testing thal the
?1 bS Iv ld, -is Iv ','. :: I |. , .
?etersbu SB P If, |
?mi Mi I' M i r, ol
? ond, a i
.t the Hom* ( .r tl Sick I
mon. nfl* r .i painful lill
Mr. ii . i .
pected tisen. died
list city, this morning, after a Uni
rrestetl far fi ur c.
SAIaI'l?\. VA.. Jan. _*, .?-,,.,.,*.....The
legro Rli-liard Ur.-*, m all . ? Dick 1
ll dieted In Norfolk .om.ty for tbs
ti l - ot Tobe Joh
? -Uv arris'...1 at Mill Biter I ff
oho H Pleet, snd pla ed In j-iii i .
I ? anti il of Sheriff Cromwell, ?
"Ik cou:.;;..
-Death or firrKrwTllohln^n.
IMAHLOTTKSV ilal.K. \ A , Jan 'j'
pedal.- .Mr. K Vf, Kobertnon, the pro
rletor of the Piedmont Nurseries die^
fla morning suddenly _t hla horns near
rozet Depot.
A Personal Encounter at Rolotgh? Dr. Hay?
wood's Funeral-Exodus of Farm?
er* tn thi> Woola
RALXIOH, .V. c., Jan. M.-SpeclaL-A
um i hera about
ttl rttlC BtraOt between Mr
Kr .1. L M-rri * ItOT af the North
Qreek O. Andrews.
of th- S* ? T-Khroni
Tha affair of ii kU"-r at
"""'i Merritt in Friday's Kewa-Ob*
mt of a tara*
- ittoa a-* a ? tn apandent,
in Whi. :: . I !:. ? dis. ussl.rn .,t B
Igb i'hatnli'i "1
[Ord tO th| , k of cnter
la Ot tlHS
Curr 1 rai ived n I ter frmn
Ifl . f Ma,l's,.p. county, Baying that
? 'harli !!? I ,;"' ";,:r"
? i: . i Hei eley, an.l for whom a
i al Houaton, M.-. The ''?"? ?
been telegraphed to
. . c
i ru nv .???!. Commit?
ted I
I una
i . ral of Hr. Hwy wand.
? tin iota i'i. '??
.i Christ
ng ah the
a cltj nnd the Btate
... honor >.f hun.
lei ? '
. tiona p lying a
: thc Ra
of Med
fr .rn ?'ai.artus.
.i union counth lunn d
ntl< n.
mool thrift) farm ira bare
a if hin the puel
? tba beal
homesteads In
ira many va ung
K.i.* Hi lllgl
. the i'"i * iking
things lively In Ootdab ?ro II la nil tl
sut ol dispat. in il ni i*. for 'ii' a
tl t .Humph ? taro
Bi iidea a gn ..t deal of per*
hiv- had two lights,
c howi \ ? ?
ona ?? lay. A < KMdaoor.Tq*
? th- drat
fight, at itu.. Ki .? "Kn ler ki icked Koa
A i*. a ard of ll a each a
by Kn Oovernor for th" capture ol ' n
ind Maiy Bmlth, murdi rei of Rona
Hay*.i. in thia iiiy, on tbe night of
.Jin.*i:ir*. 1Mb
? tovernpi Cai ?. ? ted Oct
Battl. Hie, and .1. C. Powi ll, of
Tari,, ! ? gi di ? . the N.i
i'H'. n, tO bl hi ld at ' '.? Vi ?laud,
Favor u Cnn anallen.
? rn Uh nt men here fat
?a m thc southern i ,
. i-'i tiding
by ai
th. ti inciples an i
ni the Chlca ? m.
n put a new
lt will take tbe |
Nea tu.,
lound al
Mountain, In Clevetai I
< lue ol thi ai w.c -WM to 'i'm . i
where u.
i n t i ret nm poi a nbootixa i" inf.
The Voting I suit Hailed for Her Appear?
ance nt i nun - a Kailroad c-,**.
GRBBNSBl ?R< >. \. ?
* '..Inlii 1 Thi : 1 \> .fi .
i, sldi nts ? but now ol
Richmond, I
for .a ii lp to cv
ii i Trultl who i Btroud
; DU riv uv ? ??
i Urning
thal it * lei tal, waa Hied
i thc ?-'lip. M.,* Court
Sir-ii.il , laue ? tried I" I.
Wm Lindley, ti * ni nur
Pomonn, nen thia city, re
i Raleigh whore
road C .
Ung. Mr. Lindley
made ., ifilpn
Wilson. .\*. < *
ter waa mia*
a.-iii,i. .,,. i ; did nol rt
and "fi * ? lha cha ?
ti-, shipment, bul could nol get ll with
bill of l idli -. coi
of thc tret
?'. V. .11 I.
i ird to thia
k Tomllnami haa h
point. d ? -
Ri inn,,iel and I '.HiV Ute d-i
ii 'avid .1. oilmer (t "-.r. |
a-id ti, oder thc H
A FBMSIOS sn tniEll.
\ gagrc Who li Aicuted of twin*Illti-*;
tCnnson Oal Wt I heir M,n,r>.
a 5HEVILLB, H. C . fen. E. gpet Int
? by thc n ai ia of An hie Taylor
a pension hm *
ni and ar.ai:..| As). -
* , . 1 ?
, tin- vern, ii he a ppp, i, h j ii, ,
. pro n- '?? :a penelopa on ao*"
.?ini! ,.; parti Ipatt d in tba
ey would make
lita u sn .11 cu i: tO d- fray th?
ain. A
1 f'.r bbl
?ut bc han ant b--.. I ?'? i
? c meed I m lt. < 'oilier*.
r ? ? bc ' [tiling i Som*
I thc I attie Icc and <',,ai
. | ? of the i
:? ? . nw. of tha pim ?-. iml Miss
? Douglaa, of Milwaukee, win.,
.ill bo married In the latter i
H. Bea "tnaj r af Montreal,
'."i.el.i. le Stopping In the city at thc
Path tor .?..it-** a aojowra in our
munmin , Mr. H ha wa*
| tO BM tC Ashe\ ill.- by Mr.
\ lerbflt'a glowing deeeriptlon
the taro ti
lanvllls's Kia W?ak_?rank Holland Hut
Alt. oiling tu K*asia?s*.
DANVILLE, WV. Jan to. Bp* tl R
. Goodaea, tba yong man from North
. wi,., Was arrested here Thiira
ay for stealing elatbea, had a i
try baaatag before tba mayor to-day,
t on to th*- grand jury to
h irgaa thi
in-eny and one for oarrylag
l"*ank IV Holland, the young mari WhC
as kRoi In thr leg at Greensboro last
eek by !.'. L. OUmer. waa on the streeta
>-day, having sufficiently recovered from
is wound to be out and at his place ot
The alipmenta af manufactured tobacco
thia week wore the largest for some
months past, being a million and a half
[?nun.I*.. The leaf Hale* fur the same pe?
riod were about i.Vni.iwt poonda,
A small file In North Danville hint
ni-flit det-troyt-d a hom*- fur William Dog
Sett (colored!. LOO*, IT '
Celebrate* Leo. Birthday -Alumni hfiSSSjft.
-i lam Meeline.
dal.? .MaKtinh r-Kw.11 Camp, -Nu. Ul. Con
fed-raf.* Veterans, celebrated Uv anni
v rsarv or tim i nih ..t' General H
l, .* last niRht Vs- having un open meeting
m- run Hall, which iy -if"
j. nut uni. BBS, Imf by rill
sena gansrally. Colonel James H. Allep,
of JamSS fits, a nv
who was during du- war lleutenant-col
,., . | of '? ll ???? ;
r the speaking th ? veterans and
their Invitsd gusets i ap xl
quet ball, ? h* re a magnificent
i before them
Sj,, . i,. - wi re al o mads by Dr. E. G.
Booth, of Cartel - Grove; Dr. Moncure,
and iv > Wilbur T. 1 lavis, i>.. I
MethodlaN church
Mr, William '-. :? nt ot th*
Alumni Association " the * '"H' -
William and Mary, bas called a rn
of the ? secutlve commit! ??? "f thai
-,. b*
I' m al the Exchange Hnt.-i In Rich?
mond. Tl
following gentlemen WI
. B
S-uth..11. ?
ll | , Col*
A. C.Chandler, of ?'orolli ? and J
nt tl lt m TOMMI foo it?
ii.. ll BS a Well-known gabbiWd I har
ASllIaANI). \ t
Tommy rooms ls .!? id. Pei i
arba trovsl i afl dei y over the ]
Predericksburg, and Pot
aad none who I I a Ashland
within ths ps t twenty ; a ho
. Tommy. And no I
harm of him. Never a train In ths
of aummcr, or durii
daya of a what Tommy, wltb
meet lt, ami i
i "howdy." I'i Tomra ' ro 'irs is
'sunk (tm
And Ul.*n the fun I
hod with Iiim. anl I ?
.H.! t.ut value ; ? Indeed A
land v. 111
worn fae* - ler, hair
,,f Toma ?
Hie death I
o'clock, ? ? ?
i mother
Harton Heights Rates,
Mr. W. K
.Mr. it If. I'
Mr G
.-'out lr.'
Mr. w. o. Bhelburns is traveling
.Mr. I. ' left fi!
. rip.
Mra W K Ba* hs bas r I froi
The s". J..
Mis. R, I. Bl
ll i lexie uni. n. Vs .
Biser, .?: tn, Va
irs,' pinl
I-. .M. In
a\ll th*
for .li ill.
Ti..* ladl i of ti'*- i
ivt Epl* opal iliui' h will hold i
hurch "ii Friday nen .
In i ii
I ? ui...i v.,: i
: i
I l-l. i
Tl-, ll
? i mit i: iiiii t:\nT.
v USHINGTON, iv C., .1 in
' li '-.'mia un.I Xvi 11
hi.*.it..iv. , | ,
? vith v. fair
older Monday ot
bs Upper .:
nut nil,*,- has mn'.
? ;.r Ti ?
'.. tbs
i from iii- lal
h- * Jiilf ... isl. Kain 1 ?
'll valle)
. ii sooth i" v Th ?
n ti;- .Mian
f l.r-;h pi
f Montana. Th- lull ?
loudlneaa will with fight rains
M in- mimi- At I.. ? . h.i a ai iv r
out tieri j wi: .1 wavs in the
ctreme I |
.: m. r 'u thc
nd over
I i-i
?il> i uld. t in thc
i: im.k or nu BMOMKTBJt.
Ths following s lags of ?-'? ?
. ??
' \ M . ' IJ M I . !? \i 0; <
I ir-f ? 1 ii.*.- we are 'h" on!*, regularly ineor
irsted l)\. teal ''
Mei .ni: '1 hat me neve no coaue>*tton with
.iy oner eonesrn sud tba! es ? ur loy uo
aveling agents,
Third: Thal our .n 1 y office ii Located ??.
>1& East Main Street,
:r factory sj I SOntb Tenth ?'re, t
l-.iiirUi: '11-at lbs cm .*? nf our lari,'- Bad
m**tautly nnratw n-f i>r.trou*._e may be found
l th
I.l.lal\l!lI.lTY Ot OIK SKUVK Y.
t niii.lerite rbaig ?
Fur comfort ami prsssrvstiea of the algbi
BBB mir glasses scoBrsttl* titled _t onr
ell-knoi* uOp!leal olhoe. K? Bains tim Vin
015 E. Main street.
j, nr. fries vami i, ron mr sonni
STATE IMBSHttrS Ul si , nm- i v i
ThU Oraanlsatlo*a Own*. -. M.Joilty ,,f Um
Htock ol the Cap* Tem and faifcia faL
lry ll. IK -A???l? I >??.?! i. .bl lit Ira.
Of the *.
'h ii of " ?
and la
w. A
lins pr? _
1 ll I Ul A *!?
A (hKil r.urnrd in Demil
? ?
over *
IBStVEMBBl n ti ? s* ms
a H . Hi si. i i ka Bk atwood ?
I.H m.
91 i
VV. !
th- preferred
. . i>V till'
115 E. BROAD.
? ? :
i i ,;
m th- ir i
???I have .hem <
vu. '
115 Hast Broad Street.
iii i ms on.
,, e ., ,, .,,,,.
Brirg this to the Office ol thc Tim*.
Of syfid ii) ma,I *ith st a mpv too/th-r
ai'iIi 1 ..fi cent,. Aili you will r?cer>< the
gr'at portfolio
? ? KNirUirs HIMO|{\ M
Coupon No. 2.
*** t< ? Part ..f ?
hi Ul'A lil H I11STOK. /
ai _ __
j KAMI, Mi ll A I.I.. | < u.'s '
T~ Ent'-yflo*ifili.i ii ul I, ?* ir?. r, '
Coupon No. 2. ^
Oanl i,, i- vo <ina
m. l'
-, TOM !>: U9EM1 '-tl.
Its.pnH Br SSuliiiit
Rix eooaecative (u<>i>ona anl Sn iVi'n
,raaaDled at THK 1111-0 uthom -?.*..?
older te Photographic Port/olio Na 7.