Newspaper Page Text
U CAN HARDLY BE MURDER, Milos FntiW Came to His Ml By His Own Hands I UH OM! AN EYERT-MY MEDICINE ?lioiilaiij Iiit#i\llon of tMBtXEbESMMl | Hr. ? li al Kiev M h? ? amWnmtWM ?it Moil. ?>*??? M xAka aa xBjopgBl* : BUL * " ' * '* ? 15. ni I he . ' I . that * ? Til- i. - \,,i , i omeo n r..i?nm. j ld he i- Unit" ? i for, I : ' 'I \\ itll tueihmt Scar, li ? ' until fl ? ? ..f .. * * Skilled la I * ' : li * ' on. 1 '.? I - ....... | i ilk*. * ? * i i I".* mai ? . ?? ? ? ? ' ? \K > ? ? frotu the public me I n..i h. ? GtoM of i ? ... * to hal iha Vi . n hli ii the i .' I ..f it." Pol I lill. u hal : u.r * I i ? ; * * 1 v. ich i i ? .-if "We ;, Wai .th." ?\ ho th** Ui.mitn Im. iii" Hi * ? hei ? lum, * tex .: tha real ? i h i I I inty, * ? * * Ina. i.ii ? Euora **?.. i ?'.*?>I.-???. I the Iblllty ur . i ppMf at the i-x*mlnj?tlon thor prisoner* whenever lt shall haig. Uv waa arrested only aa a wif l has since been bald In custody Mr. Hands deetm-d lt proper In ' certain dev<-lyj,rne-Ma which he '?-pectin*. ? I ether two prisoners, Lizzie Walters 'i pa < -I i.. -. Vt . da: J'. u : con: of yea lils tlstl ! nn-i Virgil Wnlton. nre Killi ronflnod In .walline their examination. I talked ? Hi ol H.eui \i--f-r.iay. lalzri** e*..-ni-* to be r<-*tiinie.i tu her tagprlaonMsnt. i Ked het if she "wen ot Hollis Bennett, the girl i" whom tonkins bab enl di abe did a* ' i then nuked ber sr she had erer heard ed fp'-.ri ?' ti Ii ltd not aonwei al first Pressnily. ., me for three or four ? piled: "Nf, l never h< I ? ??- JtWgt speak of I1**')' there m .VhIx.ii kn..*-?.? ' ' '' ii-' ? ' I*"1 Virgil Waitan, yxho io r ? the authi Am ld." bears i i: ? I ii* will notiiin .. though i gsther* .1 fr" lunately tiv.* him bli Ul. ix a vr in nn WAT. Um < . BOOna I hnr/fct With *.?*rlou? OftSBS In I'll,-.(mr . I ?? '? Hi ?* Alex Tl in**, ? i v. i.i tm C I I ina to i mk ont for i ??. i ..ut : trent i .1..-. i stn ?'. blank to tell H. v. lr*vu Ivs - his bustne ? i ?. r-toppl' . . ari 11.. "I tlvlv lng. I i I ? i loll I Will t ii you ootl Ini > i cnn I me." ? ,"? rj pi opoui !? i I y* psp* i. will * ? or th* "What atc you in | i i th* h. Mr, Bi ans, will > . .. I ain not Wv ' .ut 'I.'* K- v it, ? any* ? ? ' I : * that pei Hoi to 1" o'clock. ? ri,*-.- ii,!-,* bean In this cltj li many friends, and I md Mr. 1. . Aft* I i '.if'*nu '. ' . late i' ' ? I . morn n ii lends of the ? ion vt nh t' . .mi lefl anded Captain Angle a I* I ; i. M. Bmlth, Jr., wh* I Ull ' led with, ?v, ini'. uni i. >. i xi r. ti ir.r. Bnlleta xx tn Vast Wlthsnl sa I Vt OMI ? ? i Hot* I . io .. a i . that ? f<o quit* rhe two nam* t before ti,, body I re * .olonel WU* mander of tl nt, and i * i>inT *'. a. Ni i ipular and soldier ?i,i. . over the meei ? . ' i L ? Colonel \ i. ,? Colonel .1 C. Pol* ?'? Third i mi ni Colonel Fourth regiment. Colonel i rn ?.olonel ll. ii i.. ., Major u T.i- |. r lbs bal* lotlng I. It was ? n cast, with .. ? ?esulL The . ted in da for i ? * 'oil. | \ ,||. I ? ' ? ? at 1 ? ii. tal ? i.i!. SO SI W ini I. I -1)1} CAVERS. bs i brough i -*' '??ai1m bs Mseoatlaasd. .<i i'hi'iik sa t ,->-.. 1., Ipsulsl t. ? RI .hmond - .1.1 lue and \*iii havs ..f Bal I Ths through -1 in-ill s hi-ii for y.., ? ? a from 1 the Nsw i ? sams daj i B . iday. rhs RI I and Pei | i! run i Ith i be trala from ? i j ty. 'i.i - w lil be ? gr* .a hoi ? i and the] aili noi bc* ,i this action ..i the Post OH *? i ? protest, were Issued bj th* Po t-i iftce lay to tii,- Richmond ? ti*patch nmi! i Train No. MO (the Florida : I ind, Pi ? I* xe ,v This lruin snd '.v iii pi v.- Ihe Richi ? i Swi? nton 9 at the p im.- : ? ? ? .Htma.**.. : Hg til -.-.??terday received .'ev.-Year's card from the minister of imunication (the postmaster-general) This august dignitary each r at*n,ls out the compliments of the ton ttumvetl with tba ullina) aeal ot government, and they are very ar c souvenir*. Pl . * tm Ki 1 pai Uni ). cor aa* pro 00 tia bai a\ .III | ? k mid Iiiii Heh' qua som Ada Wa and ed ( WHO WILL RE TUE HAA? A Speele.1 Merline ta Klect an Atetetant Itlahnp. Ki arty ru of the Bplacopal clergyman ot thu State win artrtva tv- *)-'v ? ' I iv morning to ?tt< nd "1P ' lied i.v Blabop v, 1 ttie t.i another assistant bishop f< 1 Vlr ?oma in. onvealenoo baa bai n i ? i In provMlng for un aattaalon ? I talll li I- Di.- us or Wo ? ; and lay-mi n who arlu attand ti ? 1 i.m lasl Bunda ? it nraa> made < i the .. i ii mbi ra ol .i i . ? u a ho were t i .|. Clapham*! )? - turo on Al i r namee ta Eb D i ?? if tbey wera wuimf io of their one or more "f the delegatea, ? the nai M.- ror two or I i -i . Wllllama, a iv li al * ttachi li"' * 'aro* Una, hat i ? en tai oraMy ? ia yet nu ? i n u. rani I Um * bim, r/ mi a us Asmiit n nt nu eh. Werrlll Waa EU Xrx I . ,i.k (bratten ami XWny l>*> Dj Inc. A t thrown by the hand of i u , ? ? i . . ? Mi v.. prill win.. ? ..ii tl result What ca I the ? and t ii.- j ild not bo learned hit *.*. crin In the he i I, red bia ak ill. Ai ? ? oui I aai night be ted I I tion v\ ben Werri!! in "li.-.i|"*c ?worn 'mt his arrest * * but l ? nth cl up * ir"nl I-- t . * * * ' up uiiiil 1 o'clo *k I. i III Ui ll lill l in : ll 1 I I.n s i, I*. It tito Kuril "f Member* Attead. Ina Lodges *.' * * ' i ?>- ;, to 1 in lc 1 ??? ..f. ?., lille thi *? ? - * : : e of the pi jeni*- Uv \i*i)*'i'?. Mr. ii i. i. and Mi ? .Mr. J. U . J-* * ? .?:i Mill lohn I*.'- '?' . num? ber ..t ? . M ? Mr. and Mra. T. A. Lan Mary, who Bpenl H N'S". **. Mr. J. A. Hobson, \\ I v. -r. I a I. " W With t ? ? - ? Mil ll.I, * Pu rt f ai on Stott I the ladli :? ii tan . . IVltl .1 t"> Bt" The I ty mel Or. R H Pitt on I "h.- rul rere presented * tm, Ura I ( ... ;ii mi I E *.. md Mrs. tm.'i*. A . mmltt.n lp w * - * i and after hali an hi * ext tin * *ii n nf lasele. * 'hlch -.*. i ic l tn club am ? cini.-m horse, hoi ur. and iii-.ii 'I'll,, fol * Ltklnson, Edward CW ?i I .-? M 0 B Hi! , clerk of *,. . i,;,|. '! ?*<*.? . . XV A llchaels, ll. D. Bat. s, W I *? I entry, i. M il Burton, R. - i:. p. Fun ' i . M. Rantftey, B J H i <'. 1 >. v.. tra ? i:. Crawford, i . u. ,,, w. erry, & Carter, Roy Latham, M. m. i'-. H. Mai I O. Ai . a ,. rawford, and u. ji u Civil Bu rlec i i mi mitinn. ? ? intal I- ? sea ri - % only thi * * . - * rton to i ond I itlon. ci tin' ? TSpMSl s-i\ i,-*., ? Dr. IL J ? : i . i . i'i him. Tbe members of the > burch ? i. ? ..-? I with th* I tin- paator, unii many pemoni nol of religion wei In atti i the sarrlcaa. Tba i ie all ti..*.HiK'i. this week. Di W ii win preach every night at I o'ejock. A tiroiKlo'-i Hl--inii. bout b raar ?'- * '?'* nth ., | ,.ts wm a 8unday* 'jul. Willi tt kolrnl vi teiuhtfi'* praaant Thara are ;ely more than a hundred officers and L>lars and much more commodious Kara secured. A rc-vlvul was begun e weeks ago by the laymen?Messrs. m Dlacont. F. T. Bates. Ii. P. Blunt, H. Atkisson. James H. C. Walker, others, and eighteen persons proftss ;onverslon. The meeting has closed. Si ti i n' HIRE THE COMM 11 Tl I . Th* '""uiiiii-M, mi .?**!? 'in W*E r.dice ana ''""'? sf Ju?il?? M**E Mfftin-j*-. Th.. *. ou Miii'-i.*- and i- . hl-i ki * tb* one "fr* red ,; * iril | U J ?'. I Gib* * ' ? 1 V ! I.III f ,. ten,) ths a til M 1 ? , mm , ,.,*- i ,,?r,,0f ,U,ttlrt. Ittee for < ' "'' . ot I ! ti iii rity of th ' ? *' a i ?? ll ? An I > n"|- "f J'l'-n-aiire. | . ? '. The ri. Per i Lord ? i ?? I m ; ? Lau ton, I tot \ Boag ''? pl*'- I i ' th* ? ll ? *,i.: 11 \;. i ? on man, an, who ' i ? ? : aili be pi this n 0:,i,i>-eii io tl. Progl *'--. ' ' ? ? I of t!: ' ' ? ' ' ' ' ? th* r ? ai of M ' ? ,,; the j.i '. ? italie I " ? to Invest ' ted thai ,. i | ? 1 ' * * ? ? ? ? I ?hn ? ' ? rt ll nt Mr I ber. ] he hv, .... . 1 - I .- '? ntly of him to e Mr. Brooks, Iher. Mi - Ofl th ? ' '? : i ? ' I of a the whole I ? i ? ' '* tl ll vd it Lbsent* 1 said i call rue Mr she, i orflv nt ihe . nd th* ' ? : . I tO I ?J.'.li ln Har] i Mi iu^lnc for -? ? ii i i ri. i ? I it'"-.' p Wif T'S SPECIFIC ? ? It renovating tho entire %v*tf ra, Dating l*o_oni from the Woo /. w.'iefh.'i of ?crofoioaf or ai ul orij-m, thu prepsiarion iud aasojaaL r. ?! teen months I bt.t-*i .re ni mv tmnpis. 1 was treait ll ? I !i>?lel?n?, ??.-li- C; trier. .ra gradually fTm ie. I : ?,.-. -? .an! mm eniiielji d after usit.-* a few t.ottles." _ C. H. McLehore, llender?on, Tex. -a Treatise on I'.I.hiJ and Skin Dis? eases mailed free. 5 Tue fjwi/T Srerinc Co., ,0* J. M, FOURQUREAN, Pres. E. 0. PRICE, Vice-Pres. | J. H. BLAIR, See. and Treas. THE FOURQUREAN-PRICE CO., FOURTH AND BROAD STREETS. LADIES' MUSLIN UNDERWEAR. Kai | , ..ur ba am ?? l. iva we ahom tx tu* i caal line of La ind Mun* ? r * * Ti. ? '.? ... * wal imblnee .. i i rot i * ? * and 'h.- * have nt irk entlre lot al . ,!*. have o\' r ? ! GOWi\b. Q .MIS. ll 1 '. ' tel tu. ks. * 1 60c. Each* i down fra ?B&r. E?*rli. Ladtea' Mu lin i; .-.-. u, %? ? ? ll ? n than v..- . ?,er befoi 1 at St 75 c ^V^h ' M * ? * ?* te of H^n. Each u i ll " i downe, ? . -.- _*nbur I I *-6? 98c. Each. H nm *! ?V>ch. bi . ? ? intly trlmn ry and lace, $4, S5, and $6 Each. tOPc:?7 C0VER8. - 3^c. Fprh. 50o. Each. 75c, tl, and $1.25. DRAWEES. th fm" * 50c V.pc\ i 75c. $1. and $1.25. ? 82 and $2.50. CHEMTS""-. i quality of 50o Each* ? i witta i 65, 75c, $1, aud $1,25. SKIRTS. Un Skirts, I 50c. Ei eli. i 75c, i ' ? . ? i ? ? $1. ? and $1.40 Each. ' ii- ? 'i $U5,$2,? Kari $5. j APRONS. ? w 11 25c. Each. i i . 50c. En ch. V. . . 60c ? ii stri' 75c. NURSES' NECK HANDKERCHIEFS. Borne! I ? lawn 25 and 35c, STURSES CAPS. Piala V- ? rimmed witta . 1 25c. J i ? I v. ? . 40c. WAITRESSES' CAPS. i , , v. ri. V 25c. - trina* mn.-. 35c. ^Wvfc ANNOUNCEMENT! With the beginning of onr business year ot '94 we gree our trie ds and patrons with a slight change in our firm name. This change has been made with the view to pro uio.irg [in interests of cor Tj p!a:e ocr bn iness on a better business feisis-itn in keeping lilt the constantly incr aiig derads of the pub? lic. To enable os lo sell the sa^ne qoality of goods that have won for ns a reputation for reliability at LOWER PRICES, To be in every way in elm touch with the people for the people's good, With every advantage that capital and experience can bring weare now in a po i ion, nJ as the season advances, will ofFep the choicest styles in larger assortment, Exclusive designs in all the Novelties of the season, and altogether a stock of goods in every way BETTER and at LOWER PRICES than we have ever before shown. Our buyers of lifelong ex? perience lill be ii the market as soon as all the Spring Styles in Foreign and Domestic Novel? ties are ready for delivery, which we shall exhibit in time for the Easter trade. Very respectfully, il FOURQUREAN PRICE CO, INFANTS' CAPS. Whlfo Lava dp*. haa 1-ombroldered. trlmmr.l with Val. . 25c. T-.r.u.t*-' White Swi*-a Embroidered . lacs trimmvl, 35o. Tr-fan'-.' WMt.-* Inn* dtp*, cori.-,!, pufTe.1. an.l IMS trlmni.* I. 40c. Tr. fri nt*' Whli*** Lawn Cup*, rt,.' ?rad sad fun rucfefc 80c. "Tiif**v Until," th-- IntcA ,,f fem snibn * rt, with arida * ti vi rulT' ? an.l rn, li, 75c. jnf.1!,'--.' Waa tunhad Lawa Caps, mun roUi ry sad wi i m. Lt, $1. BLACK DRES^ GOODS lt ta . .,, tbs si Isstlsa "f?u O.ta. * ? pod l-l... k So many took w. u anti) ra*** an* toona k and look old. Ws ',uv only those sra bnorn i.i i>.. th.- b?ii thoos i *.*.* r, otb r being mum Bl l-l" ?'?? Tl iv | v.,,, |r*| s|,:,U show ' BS Of th ? - ,- hav** d, sad ?*' tararsr prloss r..r haa es, ? shearn .>:i .? ir eoaatsrs h All-Wv ', Blach Imperial 50c, Yard. ?aV-Ii | -w*----, aver bsfoi ii. h Black ah Wool ?tara Barga. In th?* Ons ' ? laoais. would be , tl ? ? ? I. $1.25. 3S I: . \\ .,-; H $1 Yard. SILKS. ^ a hai ? ? . 1 imne ot the i li Bsagallaa snd I osra on ? ? '?? mtilaa, baaaH i loatra, $1 Yard. 22-lr . sex IVsg -ft Btghfg $1.50. ?ii Has -i'i ? I i ' . \ . I $2. ti I * : : for tha pl ? $1. Sill tVS, M $1.5*1. * 50c, h [rory wuitr* i tutlfid lu $1. I ''*. 37ic. KID GLOVES. 1 * i English v .-liking $1.65. Pen with $2, Lad] i Kid < ! -? If $1.65. EMBROIDERIES. II.r i' I -::.' I I " new pa ? I iv. i offered. LINEtf SHEETS. I Hie 1 ! ! I : pair, foe $6. ; j tin H. H.-- ? I Irish ' i . WASH FABRICS. Pat tia in an tha i . : ' t* ICC In Nord 10c. M Irish L tarn, sll aeai i si 12!c. I rands srtth i 12':c. i Ora .v; i s th ; 12;c. . bi-...-!, grands mun, hud I Bl i tot . 16 ic UMBRELLAS. u.- i : t another I al i n DMaufa* tar* ?t Wal*. of --I'll ia silh, with tiatui Th. v sra -iii i "r gent bn* tht m m thr Lot 1 nt 90c, worth 11.25. Lol 2 il fl 25, worth fl.7">. I.**t 8 iii 11.60, worth 12. Ths ?*? ot < trent Drag .! ii 'v*? * | IO IU itCh. 'll ' ' a* ll. I i.-es alu hs sold -4Aln. ale Price. $2 $3 $3.50 $5 sual Price, $3 $4 $5 $6.75 THE F00R0UREAN-PR1CE COMPANY. rut amaiHAL ?IIO OIMUIMI. tm ettty em*****> mmr*n*na rm**,* -mw-*? \^g I-.4li I ?w\_\\\ mt rAHAAtin. ln*4?* **-_* *^ _b__ ma _*_* J____\j _?;.Ti>i -ii* W-.,*u T.i. ?. -Mk-w ^'?___,KX_l_7tS^mlA*l *7t????tr 1 ai ,.::... ^**ut?.?4 **??.- i?*"? ?'?? ??*?'?? VV*i2_5*Cr^?_2_E^ * 4*. lo J".-;- i** pAiuturmn. .?.umc..i?.i, .?1 "*_~5,?V_?E_,^,..o^ i*I_IU_^J___Ia , Kim ewMealawMPMa ANTAL.MIDY ITbe?e tiny eapenle; ?r* teak ia 41 hour* with??t moonveaieooe ?**f*?otl*>**-? ia whlcB Cubebi tail