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CONTEST 1 NTH K SECOND. MART CASnirtATE* COR IHE roS t. li I ssl os A I. S OMI X Al IOX. r.a-fla-'era Visit the Na?y ? ar.l-A tJsrmsn SWamahlp I ln?<l for nol Harlin- a Bill or llrallh Itrllslons >ot*?. NOIMMI-K, -A. X'.rf..'k's rle, toral !? Il I sTsl n-t B* ?????? i ,,,. i,. sal noard I ?f mi. ii. L aeaitfc, .1. rr...k staat, nat H. 9. Joyaea, wm .l(1,,.,l?t th- Jn.l.-.n l"r th- num.: Mr. Smith hays that th I valli iipn'Olnt na . to ne f'.nrM in Warr*Bx, sad arith *wBM reat the r.-i".nslt.illty for honest <r iii- staa. It 1 mtv likely there flrlU !"? a lx-mo <rat. ph'-hii'itionivt. nat Republicen, <<m kSatly Pi'' -am? or . . in Mn- I Tha Saa-oad llistrn I Contest Catani i Fulton Pey. ? ? l|- "f ^v,*-'ht lOUlitv, lr. here and ba fl :ui rc cte-'I him? self ia,' for CotmrorA. li? ne , . number ,. Pi Norfolk. HP own ..ant'. him hoi t 'Ul vote, .ucl he will di airmail'', na hi- Meads r-ialrn, in all -t ti,,. counties. Th,- election of Mi. R Prvatta lodge of the Norfolk cir. ult has ,'?;'-v"l Pom Mc- rac h sitora- D '?' ia A , . There ? nnintr-r of g-mtknaen mention, Oght win bo lively. The fronts ..f Mr. .1. Prank beet win ,.r.,s.;,t I. - natue. .Ml. -M. T <''"' roes win i tun like | )f ,,, . -. ..r Southamp ton. win I ? ;""' lik"h Mn M ? L ol ni'i'itli Mt. Tvlr-r lins many Btroner mei a I.U will but ns tl,ii is Pc- hanlest district in the pointed sp . ba nuaibered by bundred, ;." win ii"t have .1 ural* ,,w ? Nee-port Neera two li. ates [|;. . , i nave oppoi I ? . . th- Populists, Repub Prohibitio I the man w ic i ? ll.,. ;. .-Dilation will haVB to I.- .,!.;>? t I ? if upon the Bturap. I I. ? Knglorara ? I quel ,t \ ch Inst night, ? t ever in\- a at the Prite ? -s Anne H,,t. I. \ u<> ? lol train from Mus ? ip prominent i--,, 1. lt nt 7 -k and 'Hil not return until 2 o'clock ri,, engtneera wi n nt wrk this monring receiving rei ?,,.; Important papen. Thia . .ni," ll|> to Nol l"li. ?rd. .Pule.. Hush) fl, "f Ute Unit I Stat t 'niirt. tc den ttea mahlp ,n fe entei -? ti.ts p.,a t without a hui ,,r health from thi pori from which ?> d. i p :i ; diann of Norfolk i erected a ha I Lambert's point, waa i' '? i Bundey. Tli.' Hap.lisp c. uiv , ompl. ted :? - fi l', whit h was a truck | icu- has a j. .t 1,0ft), which is Incri Pvanarell. t Schoolfield. ..f Danville, fa luettng, with i rn, n revtvnl m. etlng ;,t .m p. ndra M. E. church. Ho i? holding cs a May. sad at the night a rvlci ? ? thousand i.pb nave bi n twenty-ts EXUOHbed BR. WMMTMMBM, Tha .lr. O. l\ A. M.. or Patersl.iir-;, Approve ot lil.pla-liir gaagfl on >. hool BalMlagS PPTPPSpii',;, VA., Feb. Il n> N . cf this , itv, hai , lotions reoolurjoi Lotro da ed rn ? Delegab by Mr. en the public school ? , viMrglnla, and ? ? i Mc- delegates from ? :> a.. t th.- seaator from tic lo wort tor its adoption, a i -py ".' the resolutions, under the Beal of <'??? k ?? I. .'muicii, is tn Me forward) 1 at to Hons. William P. .M. Ilwaii,. , John P. Beana and w. p. BIcRai a i'ost-,,f!i,-,' is t., ic established by i ,-t .,*, neal month at pi.,ii ? s hat f, on .lames river, with .Mi. j:, jp Marable a- poatmaater. Rai . .Mt. Ml P' an Intereetlni pc m. etlng at the church at Prlnoe Georgi t There have been eev< ral co Cards are "at announcing th.- marriage on next u ..!,,. sdaj ol Mr, <;.ge Kc h ?II. of Prince George county, nnd Mlm Mollie Gall ion, of Petersburg. \ m;) prcttj matriage t""k place an ? ... nilli; ol tWO BgO a! Pl alni.m's eli,ir. li, in l'liti, >? i |eoj*ge county. 'I'd.Qt*** t Mig 1 re ?',,; tam i baths pop. i A'. - Minnie Bri arning, of i 1 ?? "i g< groom us captain ol .1 a I,...",, i pij um beta ?? n Raitimore ami landings nu Janies ri,et. Thc I.-ci. very popular and attractive young lady. The couple have gom i" Baltimore. Two young tm n. giving their names aa ul- r ami < ? P VV1I I ?'illili,h.iti aa h,mic. wei th. y ai.- saiM to i... want? ed in .Norfolk on tw.> charges. They were Ba*t*eated by two police officers just a- il >y were ai,out t,> boajrd ti,.. Atlenra special for Richmond. Thi two men i,.i\. b en iii Pi td-j,un: nh,,ut a week, eon ? Itu :i: ItM BS "I ? illari;.ni; phOtO i!.,i!.- Th"i both deny thal they have done anything criminal in Norfolk, Tha authoiitlea of Norfolk wera notl> ted by wif ,,| the ai nsf ,,i Puller and \\ illlam . ami iin .-:' . tty is e\|.. I'M hen- tO-nlght 1" i barge of th,- tu leonora. Mr. A\ iiiev arrived bare to-night from Not !"lk. The clure.' h.- j | Puller was that of stealing from hm, a ma rnlfj lng nias., ;i pi ? ure . i -mail articles, smountlng in valuti to ai".ui ' leven dollara i 'pon i "idler re? storing au ...r ihe allegi >i i tolen ia i .Mr. \\ Uley witinir. u th.- chara i rtaom i wa? roles i r --? ? t; ? . istod* l ama i burn'' t" hold him John Windley .m.! Harry wilso,,, t,n i p. were ai phi'.ii of houseburnlng In Chesterfield ?n re ' ? 'i'' ? '?? m i p. . nmmun . of Ph' -1 r ii.icn <'oleman, who ( ,t-," to p burg from Prince KSdward county, while Intoxicate,! to-night, jun,i ? i ft m a Bec omi -story wlndoa of a house ,.n Lombard a.t, cf Which fin- is an lnmaP. ami was j'tMnfuiiy Injured aaa fell on let hack. The woman was < " t.. Jail. \ cltlaen "f P"rawe, who was n, the city to-day, toll me that the two negroes, ? w Davenport and John Orange, he i ired, would certainly have bean I; ci i,ut for having bean removed to p. - tereburg. Ba naya the feeling against them in verj blttei Aa already elated in tin-, correspondence these m- a charged with having r**abbed tbe dwelling of Mr Thomas I'.um at CrOWO, amt also with Isavtag sh.M and woar**led that ?*-n bV -1-_ 1 All I > III J. l>ASi ll I I . taesfRJ ti'iiiimii I'rrdia-ls the ? omplritiin of H.. Hoad lo Itrl.tol. 1'ANN II.PK. \A., lVb. ^.Special annual meeting of the stockholders of the Hotel Pm tun. Company was held at tba hotel this morning. Keven hundred and two arni a half nut of tin- 837 tinan | rr.ucseiited. l>r. H. NV. Onie |>r?-s|.le,l ,u I W, J. I>uine acte.l na -i.-i i et.u y. Tl.. portn Of the i.lcsltinit aici m-cr'tiii\. WhlCsa were submlttrd. show tbut In the tl tr?arly da>a of the hotel lt did not Bay, B bat lt has now ->aased that Btage. and a alma November lust lt has bean paying F sssiiJauaaaciy. The ivUvwlii. board of Ul- ll : E \ ? N Wyllie, C. G. Hollnnd. W. w j IL Neal, v.. W. Waddlll, and 1 B. Kltagereld, of Den ville; George W Mon ut .I C. Donnell U BalBnsore. Irarnedlntely nfter tht holders' meeting tbe board of di rouvened and ? let ted F. X. Burt. dem nf the compaay sad W. J Ota ice ? ?. .,,,.1 treaaurer. Tht were Invited to dine at the hotel and Judge H. W. Plournoy. of Bl. wi,., was Mr-nit by special Invitation, being called upon, modi a most . tag talk. In the cooroo or his remnrtu Uctetl the ? Atlantic nnd DnnvBle mBwa i'. nn. LICEASt: Poll A ol ol i i OS iFSf. A Candidate for BepoQIOTSf IhS gSnaSSBS tomi Vlu.iral Mat'ei.. WYTHES IEEE YA .1 , i,, i Th- in mi. lpn! author!) ... the B< i hit r-Hli ?. art to be "pu ii, Sexton's Ball on March ad, and it la now said thal iii.t eJO tn hots 1 i ot Th- ci ni stsnti : to th" har," Of bOSlng I ?rbi. h will i" lu ?? tht ? onteet to one of lung pow.r nnd bruising nbllity out ussgsr of asrtoua n h i.i". sn uncle ol ..r. sent Int umbi nt, hsa announced iahit.- for ti.thee ot reporter ,,f the Court "f Appeela, under tbe in? coming 1 '.tn" ian court H. e. Persona, of Bullina Col? lege, has organized a thom! class and ., bool of music in w> th. \ Hie, wall attended. Tbs i lesa will pi .m. some time during Un au miner. iu.-nt burglaries, moa! of ' l recently. funeral o; t nptun Bills, AS HE \NI>, VA., I '? ' The funernl ol Cnpnln L P took pince in a ? N'??? morin] chun h Thur day ii was attended by a sorrow lue; friends, consisting of 1 in every station of life In tbe town, for all honored him. Tl ducted BJ the Bev. Mr. i ireen, nnd Biebop Grui bs ri y dells red , lutlful tribut. ' i the li!" "f th.- d< pnrted, not! ting bia fnlthfi and atricl Integrity In every d. of j,- tuchlngly nil ided to the tend, ri estated be? rlet I ? dei I '. and Potom ic i ' rhlch for :i nun ll ? idltOT. ll- I lindy BOOl ? life, him the singing "Chi Night" hy the ,, the remains were gently I irom the chmi ii nnd laid to n at In Hand i ? meti rj . snd tin flowers, sent by losing heart! the ale. ping pl of men. Among the m n I nol I. eal fl aai i- -i^ns areli two pl. by the ofllcei nd employ railroad, one, a heart, cross, gad crown . outblned Tin- other un open I. with the u Pi jr. ts, bo tj pi- al "[ his wak ind well dont . Hmthavllie ?sttrra. HEATHSVILLE, VA., E T. Hssssrd, whlli iT-.-n.iii n few .. had on of his benda badi] n :iiiins or Prof. Rt bert Kubank, tea. bing in Maryl ? io thia county on t- ? red al ? E Haj nie, by the aide A large attendant e ol om dil feres! poi tiona of th.untj al tha meeting of tb< ipers of th. ? ? rs Isoi did nol a I on thi matter at this meeting, bul continued its i" their .'?! ii h mt ? Surrendered bj His tu, doses. EEI'.I i|;i:H'KSI:! '!.'.; \ \ | ii. ii,"!:, with ? Charles Waugh, In Orange county, and n ball, but Ot I county, i rrcn men. He i.s now tn t Orang, and will be ni- i ..t tbe February t. i m of tbe com I. Mr. Jefferson Mason, an aged nnd i Ineni .iti/.. ti of Btafford county, -ii- d ir Mountain View. * Treaaarer Uilllaaii Blrihstay. CHESTERFIELD I ' >1 RI HOUSE \ \ i el - et iii. i >r. J. P. Gilliam, treas? on the Appomattox. Albinia BxpesltlSB. ATLANTA. GA., Feb. 2 COUnCtl "I" Atlanta. | i dsj \ the propoet l Cotton Bl . position, t" be held in A UK to th ext the sum of 175,000 1. bunks of Atlanta. 1 tm.I tvhii" Use directors of tin i hat.- nol yet i more than tiftv tl tlonal baa sin adj p. ? ? |y BUb scribed. It ia t "ii pee ted thal n wiih whit h. by tl and other st. ps, tl ? .:? aili be st ones placed on a nn The ^ttlfnii ol' Untoei-u ffe'SS, MAI'El I' i ,,|V ., loiiir ..I thal the Sultan of Moro ttlemenl ot ii, iln. which - omi stab) isl ? the paymenl ol a n l> liitiitt. Tl ?I in Moroc. ., bavt led the Ol Spain to I.fin ' about tl tut! ii," protocol hs i ? Igned, i diahed fact. The m will ? tarn to MO] ? ? o , . M ireh, Three ( leter Mslt r*. ? s". tbe Amei I. an giri who at.iv took the tr he Sm btnonne In Pnrti ed upon ry all Ihe nen pap if three Butters, ail of whom seem Imbued tith i, resolute ? . ?.nh of w bom in ii d : teen nble to gtve I ? Binn i.i ?? with u iisks. Each one I t form ?f French i ,wn the ? ability iiii'i d it. The oldei i. la the I ? ? leonine the I ian in Fran ,rt in a sta.Ii ? . studied. The third oi ? stt"ii"-i fl dd, and ii wm nclden! i. .1 the high, i mathematl | not.- tho I t HE li has won 1.. r u v. bte t la lo l.e I, eem to bSVl i am it ? tava done lt pa; By bi ..i full) ?? ag Ern. h so Iel ? o tu- from ? ::.? '? tt." . TrsUspe'a Ueulue. A , len f iiian on* a asl I In be novela >>f the late tnt; , , i hut he atarsj !? ai them ??? Ith n ] . ii.-..- of tn hied v.u it-. . |gh |; ,.-; ,,ntineed 'mit be "eoul i io li al .-if if he tried." Neither he nor any man ..nhl bas?? dona lt a i matt- r ow hard he might I, I ii in 1.: . ui ::? e.-t lll'l . i.-I .ill heric i. trains'' mi ? Barchsater sad "The mall House at ABlngton'' winch no Int* .atl'.'ii aould have touched.-Exchange. TRKWflOLM'o HASH DEED A WBLL-KSoWS sol 1 ll CAROLISIAS CUTS H is TM MOAT, Nephew of Ihe Late Secretary of the Con. federate 1 reaaiiry-Slt. BBBISBB a t an anSSSS for 4 ongre** ionian llrlile. ASIIEVIEEE. N. .'. 1 1'1' .,!?,im. .,f Eh.t Bonk, Han iai. ,,,t ntS throat nnd i My kiii.-i al that pla day. ThS 0f .). brsxtghl ? i il. was hort:. knif". TrenhoBn orsa about ? ' ? n. all of whom H.- bt f.nulli.? of Sou;; ?] na,-in Of W. E ' holm, i omptroller undei I dur . Thoma Vt Potter an.I Lillie V. Bi ? band "f t Iherokt I low i I Og at I O'l . ' VS uni ? marri us. i' lei thal Hui e pe li: this il.- tl let -li I . an. Il- vi Itepublcan n, tl ? ? : will be a hard n t the Dei that if lt n I ; ? if not flier.' Will I' I righi . . the "thr ? lin-'. -?-( I S ll I Hst i } or Soi.? i ll , tl.o, i t I Bando ease DaaaUeoje Made ta ike In tito. Hon Open tn linn, lase* RALEIGH, x. i'. Feb. Of Un- li North Carolina meeUng here to " ? : ? ? ? lltlon "I Hie III-'. i I" presider) ? Istrntlon. Ol the from ;-, ? node u ? if th- uni . ? . >r ;i aummei normal school with u ? ipproprintlon m i asm**. fd, and -ontinue foui to botl be i" ni a. ??? ?; ted n i ?f the I : Bing lo the lolnt libral wenty thom and s oturn. - in wai atalng a pei "-?nt fund. A lona .Its. Willi" p " 1 ? ! A - Ol Mr a | '. tum, espt dally tot- tl w.nt-. Iden. - in ' ? ind i ii' IU' I I il 1 . 11.1. itu . I,.i i o i Ball Danes, ' mar,I Of trust f foot hall . a th" part |ed until II . lt lesa : tot.ll Illili ' lusty Intel f. t attend . lian. i w.. Mr.. ku. en ? ?ploelen. ? I, .uni of them ?? . ? 'clock. ] hi fra: II,-.- ot li'. .tilt" ll ? ? '. Pi.-, it Rocklnghan county, part of ' ti . k <? to th ? ? ? rt.. I i i: i n nial /?/.Ilia: i ? nf th-- \ 'I cotton ml I ? iiity, hu' at ntl r. ? i in a pp il will I Bupn . , ,t for > rii' aslli ? ' 'a. r, Will I."t , tl i- trm f M.-. kl-nilli!.: count' . a* its n p| . : luke ? ppoint. ; who recent Burke ? ?!?? ihis week naturalised, They re ail i ? ? i i North Carolina lumber ; m Is noe being nu- d bj a lumb. ? i . ??; | lt has cloned .'at t" 1 ni ni- ll a timi ll! 1'!'' ? ? million r monti Ab . : two mts in Gnllfi I ... : : to-day. C Liabilities ? known. nu: i:n mio\n is/* MANAMA is. I Large t row ,i ,.i p., etaees Men Before thc I minni!!- .- io, ft,,a,I.. ' I of a ? 1. Uti : to tl l rad li ii,-. '; : I. i : l vote I J . ? r rederlcksburi and Potoma i "f Hr- . hail ? . ' Jula ..pp m ?! the cl i .... the ? i . fi m.uks that Fredertckaburg was op- 'r sad to the ennrtei of Ute nos rend be- k us.- it woul i Interfere arith Uti lr trsd ie moth ii was lost. un.I the commit 1 With the question before th. m. Mr. Gus. Mlllhlau, who ls connected with several bl , it%. waa Invited ? ' ' , . M,l 1," wa ""' ln i,,u' * " : to ttl" pj bmoi : Pi tom tc railrosd, bul th ?' <<? f Important thal Richmond Btu another railroad Th u ,h" '?' tin- ? itv i- ,i -pender I ti*anaportatl nd ... bad In ? i ? I' rood, an.] thia I Nl-t H. , I'..I I bualneaa n her.- the larlt ? nta ? bad beet ? ' : ? p. .,. I not bleu ' ; ' bia "un bu. in . i ii ?? ' '?? ''? ?'. anoth-r raill rad the large!) water ii ? .--t it"i thal in oi : t rr trade ? : . : ' to get adi th. v a Prank Reed spoke, ii" t - the v ? would letritn, timi .... H . Ince Mc Virginia Mi : ? bal ': pi hmond - . ? H ? - ? in i.. hall ?- ,.f Al v. Mr. Iii-t PP. ? ?? H I i rd It a publli Inti - ? : led to ll ti. ? ? . ?. and argued 8. W. Venal - ? 1 ? . .,; I. t" the p.tiii ari i ' I ' by others, and ? ? ond, Kred ? ? - will p beai I. \ Blaze on Prsnklia Sim An .'Marm o; ?. I nnd oft. ] ? ? ? I riamphnnt C il. ' Inti I . 1 ? ? a.ul Mc : ? ? holli'!:' : ? ? ? t irlnll). ia t Fra i ? : . .. - ? ? ? . ? ! I lt fl ! t this l - : ' ' I IMnu.s. lest. Roth ? ? '.uh th. ? 'alli." I . ' ? un;.!, ol "air ' ? | , ' ' ' ' Te'eph I.--. r? f , ,. ,,, j ' ' J! ; ? i - -net | ??. ' " is I ' ll fl for a ' ? ] ' ' I ' ? ' (: 1 ? , ! at Tl ?? ,<s ll re tha) latter of fltringtag np ? Mtg, m*relving no . st property. -Harp-.-.'s lYeekjy. A WAITING CONDITION. nests ess iii si i ai rv/// solir / MIES OF THE EVl CHE ls KSn ll v I'rleaa Agata Greatly l??preesed...Voluine Inndesjssss to Bsantai Mm OreeJasthrs Atallaljlr-*,oiitl,arii l:e|?,ri?. WSTWTOBK, Feb B R ,-. XMMtStCAX'B weekly review of trade tomorrow wu! v vv;,itj: -' rsa ta one which weekly fl r,un)f rf all kind | ?ntil : -.. \ ami : ' ring as lt. .... ! lower 'in wheal I ? rot : in! ' I the from the .?inn' w ith gre ? d ? ? . takl ol northern .??? mall ? ? are . ? lom i p.r ci ni and , . g ? i .'? I V furtl is n ring the a the Tn t In Febi ? I it ? ? ? lens aili ? ? ' In tht ?? mills, tl their ? ? I ? ? Iii ? ? mid, ? ? ? In the i I , .lr I ii I h.. -South NEW ? will .- . i ind Au hat- in intn ia ? i.,l trad ? ? irl ? . i ? Snow t hun li I om panr. ' ttihutnr : shows . i Ile ! - ' rom making ? ? ?1< of a ? ' quite ;,? an di ' tai ' Hards ? And ' I corn ling ? ? ? si r.s. .*/ ito's s, n, ,,t 11. rna! Mei Father gera sf Bes te tha Coes* medora i ii lt : ? i I ' . rt ii un thi f Conan lyo, ? thii ect from the beginning, il Usa which heir fri. nils a w. Of the it rat lon . aftt r ter mai feiK" ha di . ow. There are .i good many thii aid, thal nalghl I .,? necessary ti . hut at pn ? nd hi* family would keep silent But the statement thu she left her hus end's home should bc uualllled to ibis Highest of all in Leavening Tower.?Latest U. g, Gov't Rrnort. ABSOIJLrTELY ' I poor, and app itvi brow I cholla tartum, which t , he Mr for .. ? ? ind was I lu r th |,ro M r ?-,>? to Iii-1 - ?-? //// WINKER* WRLL PLAYED, i.oo.l Dav r.,r liiv,.rit.. at Dnln IP suits i.r ina pta.. ? lt.. whets ? ? wa- u.ll | ? ? 1 it. ? \\ lt,' ? third. 'i ' han;. ? Kif ll ? i m u m.i .,.1 I,,,... < EAS! ST LOI'IS ? third. T Tun". Ple.ssai Uraibn Bal ? Mow lt., HAN FRANCISCO* ? ' - ' third. N ? >i i?, . NEW ? Uni.I. Til ? Loi (il t.. i i . ? i .i l-'oiirtl ? a n ii i i lt t tTI AN! i ha bj raatHag >t ?>? h Si **?? ? hanap n - ! ? \ : I raaater Bralth' sent -ncr. WA8H1NGT0 : : ' I fl il ? Isl i|.- al 'n elglit of I - ', i rs] . ..a ? ( '.noni i ' - I a ! .-. ii tr rr I . I ion i ihe ru alth . rMTa-BjeaflaVlfll tatloj tiri,!'* trends. ' ri . In - time He st once i oin i ? ? A ebel ? I .ii ? muli ludefl i hidden iprt ? ala man Miai *".o>i!,i Bpelng forth In he most unaiaectsd ...... M. ' ? ? 1 ? ? ' I ? : ' I ' ' ' ' I THE COLUMBIAN ALBUM OF ART ED. Nos. I to 14. Bring this '.:> the office of The Timis or ?*i ?' Bi ten cent* In coln, and yon aili neena one part ? ' great pu I N I oin|i|. E Bet, I?t mini, |1 RiflPAIH'S HISTORY. N??-. I ami S Ri :? ff to THE TIMI i *?--?..?.?^.' . . rand, mcnally & co/s ? ENCYCLOPEDIA ANO GAZETTEER. ? Nos. I to TIMES l ' . i-i ie; t ?tami - ? . - -? . . THE WORLD I ns PEOPLE Bl Bl ll u.Hl. No.. I !., '? ' ? i Uki Vaia*. I '7HE HOLY LANO PHOTOGRAPHED'' S-"-. I 1 Heall}. ri ? ffer |* '. ii Huon xii ?', J ".?-?^'.'.' .?? tutti V < olumblaa High tn. I Or IHE BUILDERS. E ? . t ? :. h 2.1th, E PictutCi^ucAmerica j I L *, Hr ii.- " - .. l.* . ? ? ?. ' re One L. ? El. II iii -.'I I WU EH V '. - sst* ? , No euopa Li: taker.. PABTxl l AMI I ROW taUPT. j a*!?i2asta.Tia*m- 't-Zmt! sat ai?*nW ??