OCR Interpretation

The times. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1890-1903, February 28, 1894, Image 2

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85034438/1894-02-28/ed-1/seq-2/

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si ir BMW IB, i. Il rtM ?" rr BMWl ?
1 n a sn t.oon ./' '"? ntl sami Bk
"Then* -llilm-e P.-mlsed UBM M-.M'?? Wm
An. aisalaial I"'"1 ''i"""1"" ,,i?,'
,,,,.,,1 Im Mani l-rm.-ernl..
MUM"'" Th"
: p. iron ? * '
? -
) drafted Ihe
1 '';h'M
? i ..r
the "'"'
board ' : f"r
Hefon ih" turned a
1 ? t the bi
,1 am in ? !?? ?' ' !
nt r. ti ss 11 i sn r st. n ai u n.
Mrs. ttl son I r.'1-n;.'"- laMa Operation. J
ii isii <>i tern- -rleaata B. ??. uagaeae.
? '
ethel nd both
getting al preai nt
i i,
:? Bl of the Pei
ah...nu. i afr v.
L-atte, gai i na) Ivanla i i
i ?? i route
. '.i|." Chai
nf Mi. ii v. i ? ndenl
nd Norfolk
Tiir- annual mi ltd
r>r Um N 1 P. and
. aoth.
I H 4*1 till t ll AtU ur..
'ilia Laajaar Qaaoiloa la tba Haaga af tha
i ,",,,< .1 i ..i.?..?, Market,
fJHABB CITY, VA., Feb. -'7 Bpe
'I'..).. and
? e much ph teed lhal t!:??
an amendment
ur toa r, . Piai :.?!. which la t" the
? thal application foi liqu
.ved by th- ti an coun. ii
can be grant, d. Vt ??
will now ii ike Um righi n iii"
' toe ll Offic. : B, and nol
i worn ol ..un.
:n practli .I i." ai option
? ? r i" opie are not . red by the ac*
tam pi th.- p.. t ' >rii . i. . ., intent in
giving iib Bundey mall rlty ol
ii,.- beal people do nol wnnl I
Democrata, and propa ? to remain 11
< liit-i, ion we pi
tala nrroi
arratsg <>r "fraud In ? lections," against
v hlch y>'ii ara so mani nll\ i a/btlng.
Alli t: BOO ssh is t MS,
Many of them In Ubs Bstathweal to lie ?"?ma
eaalad Pula.ki i h.
ii'LAKKi. v*A., Feb. Tt. Ppeclal. Mr.
'rii'" one ..i ii,, t loal a. i om
pushed "i ? . Bin ? tot 1i< tn thl
ti,.li. and Who did mu. I, |g pn. fame
and foi lune io the Bertha C impai
gone i" Philadelphia >\ini ii,, hopi ol
making i teni with
td- Pula i.i i. ii i und Improv. rn i I
Comp inj wher. b ha n ay ? onfroi w hal
la Ki a ii,,- [tolllnii mill pr.
Mir- ll be to . invei i ll Inl i a
i"' ne. e foi th. manufa. tura "f Bini .
and for thia be purposes to bm rn i
ulm ii heretofore bas bax ?, throe n
fl "111 BUI il"r. lui n.,. ? I ,i ? u
Dnput) Marshal I il Buford
buaj "f late making u,.ii. for the
l ? lt. d Stat, a l)|nti i \
Ila ha ? fall, ii upon a lol ol i. lion
i ? .latina iii" nattunaJ i, -
the Bela ol ll ,
al I I Ith theil ..!,. ,, name
will be 1<K"'i'?
h 41 tM AS t 4 HM .soi i,
'I.t W .Nra. I mi. ni kalmia: K*tlS*lsHM
FREDER1CK811I i;,;. VA., I', i,. fi.
si". ..m. Tba ri | Ai,, jojm
luau, at riimuvill. . aa liv
! Th. rt
Pl ? id
?pur. li., vi the K | ?jon.
.Ill Ino
tel prop.
, .
"' " Uurlng hil
?elm ? the dis.
llrelj .;? ?! j. i by dre.
Miss Virginia P t, ,. ,,r yU.
"Thomas Paj n. of tl . area nut
rn i ??' Mr I li i Payn, of Went Vlr
gtal i Ret Mr. Rj lan i i I
The Beptli' rei Iva . ;U|,|
??"' I ' idlnta
atlona for the
general ? onfen nee, whl h ? omni n
this city Mareil
J.ulj-a Uanioek IH.solves Ilia Injunction.
viieinin grate i saarae,
PETKRBHrRC VA.. F< b. Tl, Spacial
1 v Wai ide i ia the t'ir
?? "t C. .!? ol ? 1 at. i Reid ?
ni the hum ..; rail
i i im
nt ? hon, erj ..,,, thal baa b ? re
moved from Powhatan county, b.
upon Mr.- count] bond litigation ol thc
letti r . santy, noa pending In lb. i 'oui l
of Aagtaala The Lund aull waa cond
in taa nama af las two Individual tan
payara, who allowed tha nae ol
aaar-ea hi the intention, simply for ii"'
puryoaa of testing the validity of the
honda, oth-r tea payara, friendly to the
railroad Interest, obtained an Injunction
to j,revel 1 Uta j.iiviii- ni \>y <)?? county
?aaervlaors of the reels of ibm bond ault,
ia hlch amounted !,, soma Mt.) ,,r "asa/
.liid-fe llum-o, k Px.Pds that under aa an*re->
m-'iit with the tat-payera ti,,' hint waa
virtually the ault or tba county, and not
?n Itni.' 1*1 ' " I *" '' " w:" ",m"
,, tent foi I ' ' ' '" '"
, H Hi .. E,d the injnni -
,.'?, ,nd ? the hill of complsinl
lat th ? ' 'I"' '?"??
i h. omiiti l...i,d lllhtstton I* C.' i
,.p.| I.v tin Circuit Couti
?ming ??"!
? -v. terda). stepped "I"'11
.md Mlpped .-'ri Ml. Bl ??
.li a
Ki i Vt -. Bl irr, I ?. E. pastor <>r
Stashing! 1 - I Mt th ? ? "i':?>
.1 on
,. .,. p g tl,.
. . ? ?
, be
: . lube r: ..nt in. i.m. ii i. Pe
, u | Ma
i and i w. Qa
opal - hu' :? Th.- cere.
rmed bj th- Bev. ?
' -. Ville, fattier of 111-- |
ted Ly ih<- Rev. li M.
si thc > burch over,
will leave for Dnnsrfllc
: Of Ml
w t Las 'ty. Dr, B
ni iii I 'anvllh'.
Mi i i.iv i'i i' ? : ?'' Mary
iv. left thia murnini; foi
to ba loa.ri".!.
le Line Steamship Company
: office In this
af,,.r |,,.|, Bteamera nil! a
Int to r- ?
freight for Philadelphia nnd other points
The New AeUSSSSle Ittillilint* Near Alcx
aniltla I ? lliklo. y,
Behool, near thia city,
found tn the
i.i.- addition tO thc
iv.- group which crown the Berni*
np Leura Colman Liggett, on the
; . of Bt. I.
. |fled to Mr. E. M. Bl* it ml. princi?
pal 0f the Emh .'-??hool, iuid. ss such,
? m.nt hall of tpprovi 1 plan, nnd
... un thous) i 'I lal for
pu rpi
Tile Hlf' ...
Hi" trustee., and site BIM] plan
on the b i
nun in duly Inst, ll is a. ]
I , With Bl
munni r, nnd con
hall, sith
: .
::i end I" 00 ipi- -1 1 ?? a Mace,
' ?
Tha bul
.Lillie- from ? |
Into the Thu'loni, al Seminary ?
the aoutb pla) grounds.
The audi. ? feet, nnd
for .'. oak,
ng prettily with I
red wood-work.
I -in.: IUp] lied With hands, me
Es ??ry t Itu .
ki ' i n i Ks uroi s TED,
.lodge Pani Nato ? >1 i.?r?. I.atelier and
ItumgHrdner for the H i Khrlri-a I .,
LEX I NOT< N \ s . Feb, SI
Tim Rev. Emir
i able address i in I ba prln
Pytblanlam here to-night tn the
"imt chun h before the Lexington
? E . and thc general
lt Hal ::?. Va . j ludge
Emil, ol the United
appointed Erai k T. ' llaagow, of Li
nd ' Iner, of Staun?
ton, the Rot kbridge (ton
pam. upon :i . motton ol Letch
Letcher, attorn.
who made the motl tn Bnturday bu I I
the pm -ni i ompau)
iu the development of Qlnsgow No op?
position io the npp ilntment ot I
MOMS EOAMOBE l I'.'l OB c.tShs.
If ssers. Kaiiv ead ?t?n Bined Blew nnd Or.
linell lo .tail for Nalline stMIiiiii I urn e
Ri ian- 'Ki:, VA, Feb il In
the Hustings < 'ourl to-day I' ?
for M, J. Kelli :? and D. B. Ran Bn< d
a ui,"ut a
: ? trial t.'1.uti
i efuaed the motion, ?
ii, . used bs iii thirty ?
. a< h Iditional punishment. An
appt ai a as tal I exes ution
ted ? "tah: lona I ipi n tory
? .
Kelli ) ard Ran art re pruprl- | the
lu dm- ni S ? ml , luh. coi I Ot Ul
.1. E. Pl
, i. lli> sn-, ensor will i.i- i ,
the Mai h term of the City < 'mint ll,
cms TMMOWS orr int TB ACM,
Au Siidileiit on ll.a Sil.uitir and Dunville
Near Milton.
t on iht atlantic and
i i at Milli ? ' . twelve
throe n fi .un the tra k b)
Thret natl and one box-car went d">\:.
? Kiir nt. ? ?!!?? brakeman
km: '
Peeler Psrty.MIss Years.
wa well
I Res Di Roge tbt pas!
ni ?i ...? during the
evening. ' U-IS the forty-ninth
aimil I the oe.
a. The eminent divine, who has hud
Put ip one . harge In ht* long
b) wura
rt -?.!
'/?'. JM4MBB Wv yt:
Made a New Man
"I have bec n id ? -i new maa i y Mood'* Sar
aaBartBa. i bsd patna 11 gay tiai-u, i? it LssgnM
an-l ilhl nat BSSC any assetite. 1 lmvo takeu
t-.seiie lu.ide* of ilooi's San.., a ll. cul can?
not pralio it i noucli." Jau.h Wilt:*;, cor.
l.'.th St. and Portland Av, \AMAuSMu\ Ky.
HOODS PILLS Cure all Liver lils. Sac*
Milgar still is Hon* or I .intention Senator*
Uric*, Hill, and While Very Flmphatle
In Ihelr D-mand*.
WASHINOTON, D ' ? t?'?? 2E-The
Ermorra'i "1 eSSaSSS SS tim
larirr inn : Bortly be
f?P. ... ? ? rut, iraUl i" "?: ?
i BJ '..im ar" v. v. lg I Eh lt) talk hut
,. USS. fl "] '?'?'"?
rmphati Kngllsh was M" k<-ti hut BO
i taken os any lissa la Ins
,\fu r ti ' ;l m' mt" r - f
I .iair ?? Comntlttse enid lt was hopi -I
that nos ? Ikes had bet n i
iround, nett m would fiMiow nnd some
thing -i- :".i' I ? : to-morrow, ll
?,vas thought by tala thnt the ? onfi 11
irould ? end 'h.- hill bach to
ti," i ommlttee, sitti instr': I intend
, -. ulara an ? ' the
renee on i - nain acbt duiee. iruder
this pian thc detail - ..f ih.- ni rung
of the ? na I upon would bt
io iii-- Finance Committee, and t a
throe 'liv.- would ela pee before thc cot
reefed bill could be laid before tbs foll
i' .mn.Pt. on I ?? ? lt is dohtfiil,
bon - < ? i. if '' ?
. ,,m |m lon to-niorrow.
I l^h 4?Ter .lu- -ii|ir Si tu-.I ula.
ingar wai not tba mly topli derna
at Un tion to doj. ni th. ugh much di,
lon I iK.-u ni that at hedule.
? i the ? lat us whal
might be celled a "fia' ' nate on attgsr ??'
sn! :. i o na!, based upon thc pure
'1'Eis would itv thc
tenting, but eighty di i
? nttaa "f ;i cent and would, I
the retinal ? rory alight I i
that thej will ht ' tbs ? ni -?
rm >!. nnd some go bb
, inrtei of a cent lt
i; understood thu! ttae majority of tht
..r the Elna!" ?? Com?
mittee expected to see refined sugar k> t
of sugar has ? bt i ri inti nding, No
presslon sa t" hos mi it ra
bi ard In tht - ..mus | .-dav auftlt lent to
wh -t the ..--mi! v.lu be. ">
ired to !"? no further unci rtsli
lsd tha
b ton will be given lt.
i'i. to within the
I to be a spirit I
? hal tim.- the committee ind Ita
followers stood ???.! mort firmly for the
: before the caucus.
i? la undi i-t"o.| that ,i acene som
? ! in Its festurt - took pla e
? morin! g St
? : inn, medea
i the puhjert Of
iviii. ii he bltteiIj d< no mt ."i
itors. N" ?
made until tins ntoerntaf*. when, it
? -ii i.i eh ai Mr,
Wbitt ' I tared thu! bo a ould
I h! ri rtgnntl ?
rnor "f Loulstanu until he j
whal waa to bi j Mr.
Whltl one
that of a maa ? | with
In one pocket
itor in thi other, wsltlng to
w hen he could aers -? hui i onatitul
ind Uti
- niling thc r ll -.f the I :
the st
vi- ws on ,\ but should b lom M :
who 1 ..
again, and mnn
to thia poll ' 1" -, tm ned plead
I ?
H ms or Urie, * Pl in \S iud.
itor Bi l< ". "i' i ital ,, who via ?
l rime mover In calling tne cam
Ible and rig Ht
? > '
? l the com I ? I the turifr bill
in the hand ol tl
?mite., had
l on the ii or of the Senate, an l
appal .- itb any ?
v. hh h were i
with tbe tarlfl bill, i iboald be
done to eave tbe 1 "If,"
thia hm in accordance with tbe platform
- one thing. If, on the
Inti lui to frame il on tin?
line- ot the pla lopt
i' ii us, hut if ) ou Inten I
Inten I the
x -itE. and voi
Intend to Ignore thi rn entlrt ly then i |
fi i one, to bas ?
Mr, Brice, i: is undi ral called
attention to the fat I thal Um re must bs
? done iha: to late the
, ? : ? oiistit .mids iv. mid
. rei." Important question for D .-""
r they cnn do to
pnrt) the 11
Sen ^ "i k. N- a Ji i se). and M
? ? | i p.
Clippie. Th" r..,.;,I S. ( ,;. | ,,f I l|d", ,\ S
York, snd Nen Jersey, with their reprt
il lon In Conj
than the i ithei n di
li i ? Ignored Pl Democrnti
Mr. ' frame a bttl
ie to
... Iiad failed
it. ii the hill v h not ' arefully <'.m
i Mr Bl ?? d the ca
thal the mhi-- to nblch he bad refern l
im.-. so far a ? I "n -?
i; i ii aa . ur -ii If con
? i" lo be made, he aid
? thal | ro'i.. e. the
tneas of the Btntea which thc Da
eratic party were son threatened with
losing Mr. Erie wanted the
movi I r- ..in the place where it laid its, if
to the ?.? i -a ol engaging a
ai of the meal
thal i ? aeon be bi Iii red il better thnt
the bill be referred to n committee I
!?;. itie ' sm us, t" be muda dp
of itlve men :
? ? ' . ; .
iwn an I ' . that
; h.ik- up i ? ?
Even ir ti. | thc rams
lt WO tiona that
- lesreli .1 al the I I
Mr. Brice spoke freely nnd bis mspains
' i
( tht -iv.
In wt fete of thc bfll ne?
pean to rt
M irpby, WI Ite, ? f
i. ina, ind <
uni ll*nunnet a a Iseaene las.
itor inn . peech in
th.- ceucus p. u. h chief a.-.-.
wna on the I tax, n bli n I a A
noun rial ind li Iqaltoua
He believed tim p.,.
? aste?
ll ams, h.- ;u
pai ty and to Its platform.
a bli !? i . ? ? i ? uu.I ht
i from Impoi l y did nm
tem of Internal taxation st i
a i , ---i by iii- im nae tux
lt was: only put in thc hill, bc said, to
help make go d the deaelt caueed by the
great reduction in duty end the placemen)
on tha free.list of auch arti.les sa
should contribute towards th.- custi ms
mea There weir ;l hundred items
In the iti. Mr. inn antd, that affected
his Stat,-, tha: could properly I. inn.....
pirated in ii hill finned f..r ' r.vniiie
only," hut which aeeaned to hnve bean
Ignored by the eoaualttse,
Senators Smith and McPherson spoke
in |..1,,|; of Mr- nUttT*as*OB! I'-'i
Ne* lar-ey, and Inslated thal the .,?),..
tries which had i.n "" |J'"",i'1 '
tiniiv nt ien-t. -salural
Mr \ das un- In favor "r/'I'"
Mil willi th- dlaputed m l" dnie--.
w-.'.l. ' ..al. lr-ri. I "I'"" ****** "j**
r, ..ri,] lumber "'i ,h' fr'"''
I,., v. is wining th a a "n,a" d,1,y :
on Baajar. ?
Mr. Pelmer un i rarored potting th?m
gil .ii Ike free "asl i'?rt*"r -
ima -nada I -
prodU. In* Slat.-. : I
id ore. but th. ' ' ':' I
little attention .. ' ?
lt wea thought tl ?' '
would l- held, but ll
- I
thal m would be beti
r-i.irr i..-n...ir..iv murri
''' '
the pa
Ft JW MM AL OF JAMI - " ' WMB ."M/.>
The Itsr gBBBrtntlan ?.'?'- 'rMon **** wl*
A.rnn.l Ihe -..ril"".
The Bar Ajaao. kulan i
, ,-. pespoct :to tl
? -.- of th- i,- ' " ; ' ?
.?. v. M redRh, pr atd ' ??" ,
M..n. called tho ? rder. end
Jud.:" Sun!
,. i Mr. James L]
committee to w
'" !! ' nam ll ,,
M. ii ll
di, John Dunlop, l?*n H
., .1. R. v Daniel. William
Win ii i. Munford, 1 rank u.
Christian, i'nd Jami
md "ti their
tingly enlegtalng hi
I . nnd bia
learnli . ":
Touching remarks wi ? ' f M !'
Stringfellow, Mr. John i1 r'1- Mr- Rich"
ard .;. pegi ? i'h Chrls
? Imovsly
adopted, and lt wi
be appointed ? t resent I
appoint! I the folios "'"'? -"r
this pu i
To tha Bupi-em ?
.1 idge J > to Ma?
to the Ch ri '
Leake; to tl
.r.- i Cl to the ii - -
Mi * ? ? Tu ki ?. lr.;
that the har attend Mr. Jottea' I
ia ii body.
Ker thia purpoa. I aili i al
gt.. Pi o'clock this
Tha ; . ? Place f
The following gi
quested ' ? I u |
Otway s. Allen. W. IV. VT.
Branch, F. H. McG - ' ? ? '
?nd John i'
Honoran '"dare v. v. Ci imp, I
Waller Sui
13. C. Mil :
Judg. !?' v' V'
Howard I
. . . I 1!
Baakervllle, 1, w
; T,
i. M. Curry, R
T. .; - n, B Vt Rich*
I'i . E. 1 M- 1 '
imuel Bolling.
POW "/ / /' / MAI IF.RS.
Mr. W. H. ( BtUaawertk and Bala n-? lan
Mr. Colllngworth erin take charge of tha
the ? bIj appolntm. ?
- j |, | i,
Jr., as assistant poatn i
?ii..I; Mr.
i; i: ;. riser, sups* Inl
In i H Let i. su]
alli I I Mr. B. A. Ell
Jr.. v . 1.1 kshtp.
Thi the i'"v'
er ls
11,700, lind thal or th. I of
this >'
Prapaaltloaa ami ''rir>nne??.
The na and
yesterday the fol
In th" > omraltl
the ir : lllat.
A bill
W Itll i.i'
I: .'? I
A bill t-i repeal ebal
for l
te lal! to lacorporate I
Bli .? . 'Protection I itlon ?'f
bill to ret
cott.'ii in the ."in
- bill to pi
Uon of Anl i
and I., punish their wllfu
Bill i" regal ii"
ci nit-anil ?? and firms, li ?
K.-I...I ted with a
fiom ii - ? i ?
Pythlui. ? Kid F< Hoe - and ta b-ane
li'-irii ., ls Hom. mpanieo
d 'int: i
i Amending itlon to
taa. R poi ti i v. ItJ in thal
Purifying ' aatraeta.
In accord of the
Mann, ai I
I.- i i .i i
the ;?."
i for the purtfyl at Uta
fourti -ii iii- "i fr
.- rna In dlffi rei i parti ' r>..
did i ? -
I to
' Hon of t,..- -
TaJboti .v Boas . |
-.- .
Cbaiablln, I '? lanj <v a "tr . :.;,mi i-,
Fnrnnm Manufs
. . .
vii ikrapenrinn lea lilia,
of it;, bmond ara nroanlnail
ri rfu.- in-ill in tl,,. \, ... -jy#n
Howard i '?> j,
LL. l?. L >i l', of Phi
Rli'hmond Col lear. 'Thunda)
. March 1st. Tl I I
Tl ? M.f ham of
friday evening br Furness
arlll ' in on ?Macbeth:" Th
Man , Nth. on "Henry V.." uti i I
la ?? ie of Mr.- meei famous
Bi lK' rltlcs of ..ur tim. li
I rr. Fun ? ...
",al '' I ? nu n an i author
and ;. bi ither of Mi P. I bi
breted translator of so many u
The lacturea a-ttl ba nellveri i in trn
Mern.,rial Hall.
Fa Hep-lit iii ihe i.nveranr. /
a telegram from VPaehlngtoa received
b) Tl Tin,. | UUM ninl.i sajn
I l.i'Mifnnnt lt. <1. PslXtOa,
Tenth cavalry, has teen ord, r.-l tojltlch
m-.rid. Va., in report in pareen tu the
Ooeernor al Ylrjflnia for temp<orar^ duty
pertaining to tho militia of that rf tate "
IV IS si os to-DAY.
Tho Stoke* t'oonty Tooan o Warehoua*
r.urnrd Sunday Mla*an A Fnr?yth
.Stan Make* HI* Own < ofllii.
WINSTON, N. c. i-. i g
in the I i n l. E. -
? > K. rnersvUle. Tha i '?
I . |
Coori Instrut t <\ the al riff t
? Inl ri nln
wi?irh lg sttracttng great rwlng
lo th- prpralnei . ? fha
ThS trial i'?
ll.- Btoh
tad ? | p if to?
il W almit
Cove Bunda
? '' ? ? .
? Iff Fulton al Btohi a
rnsnsgsd to
pupen . ? tht r's
itt i.
Bx-Bheriff l ? r^ af Salem, baa a
i" suttful wain ?? ??, i blmaelf. n
* .- mad' ? planted by his
r in UH ii- ba
hand l ?
?i. ?
Judg r, w ho hs
In the Btni
lng to indi ? county comm! stoners, tc
holding ? "in this wes k. ;ii/
to th
lt from ked
lah it in full in ? rder tbst
might be fully und I
.ti he W Ullnmaon, - f Graham,
ville, ? ?
pie in Vira
M"ii nth
4 KEMI MU li Oi TUB UIKh ii Al
Iha Suit AaSTSlnsI ls-Liisetnor llolilen'*
i .tate Interesting Hlatery ?r it.
RALEIGH, S '' ''??' Iel.
I 'lng mani ?
in tht iguina
Hold I i - -
tatra! '? Vt ll
for dei foi false im|.- The
Jury ? ?
preliminary pm
prominent In tl
..? l . large numbs
an i the trial of the - sae aili prol
ptcr In the l
of N
the i
Kirk and H time
W. V
ami i???.?. men da
: h-ir own
ill- law Of the
of the sit.,(,,iar,i. . | tn
? I In
snd throe n Into i leon, ? ht
I i ?' tm p: i.iinini-n',
tiff for 18,0 i Tom
?' uirt. bul I
? .
might be propel
i|ll>. f ll
1 furner
\ Bin .1 Pond*.
|. ...
H., i ? te thi lh
I i...
. .wing
Kirk war H- that
u, io ih.- day ?
ui P
?I -
' ' . has |?
a. l\ Ith \.
Tim st ea rash i| ?
I tl V '
p.. ked 'ip '?
last week. They belonged to
? .
? . Baltimore to Ni
ed with |
asheville Uleaalaga,
? HBVILLE. N. C., 1
, who ls ?
h- will no!
? ?
r" tor of A
k, with '
na Ctaagsi i,, ba I
ti i bi I ii ? otnmltt
? redlatrici
kl "U.t
? :i waid. Hurd
Jeffi i Csrter, Clay wsrd;
'li:.!", v ai i Mi
'.? i ? lit'
makt no ? nungi - In any of I
i"'t th- rn '...ii prevailed. Tl a
? .ut. i !.. obtain
from th- regtstrara of thc -itv ti"- ?
I n bite and i olen -i
of the various pi
The Brew..
:p in IP- ... dv .
The Road ' i Runs
j of mi :u
and conceited 1 nd io
have a In
n, who, by I
fStbl r to the '.
then turua penitent
the vain old v. idow ns a punlabu
ioi his .-ms p-iiii mora
Ciiitiinitiee on nsaeesS.
Th-re was a meeting nf the Council
Commttti.n Schoola h. ld at thi
of fol. John E Cory yesterday. at a
a number of bill red I ? I ?? paid
'ld,.nmtttee s .ii the iee
Central achoo! building to tue authorities
In a few WSOBS.
Hi"hest of ali In Leavening rower? Latest U..:,. Gov't R
>*-. it t lt i fir io sstu r t i i .
1 ii tareel 1 ii -; lantara A.I,I..I .0 >ntionnl
llnse.Hall ? oma.1..
(f-gW v.M'K. Feb. J
ng "f the
the - '
rlh: Harry Wrtgbl
i' to b.mi"
ll!" clul
? ?
inti" . ''
memb, ri of thi two
The cup la to be '?
M . v ?? IBU ...i.-., >? ...
? following 1
pr .--ni' nt In tl
of umpln
? itlon of tl ?
Resolved, That, In vies
? M.le .-..t.li?
the desirability of
the mil'"'
ll.'i'i '. \'. r
1 hief "f umpli ? "
I ?
ab il
lusted a < Phi , li
Idei "'l
? ?
at, official bulletin 1
Ins of the ' Iuds dui
turill, r . ,'Hii; ? ... in. lilies.
m w bunt-hl
the ? ? ?
\ bunt-hil ls 11 fair i
\. w ru
,r>- not all
Bection '< ot rule
HOOD if r 1 1 ll t ii ist, BIO CROWDS.
Bseelta of tbe Rnees al iki 1 Wnw Or.
I ana hp.I ttl Ht. LoelS 1
'1 li
Nun third
TM ?
' '
Kui tl
1 . 1 ?..., ant Ha.
! ?
Timi ? 1
Fourth ra
1,. v. .m. mi sa Orltaea
er pleasant and t,
Third 1 .
I. 'i las al Mad .'?' .11 !"> I " I' >*
. m. m
ill. Jim Head, 111; <
lol; H.
fl t s tsi t n sm , u 1 TIE MIC Al MB
ll-\i.an Min atv, Mena ie,,. Mn Ila ls
1 hor.it,ali , *M.?.|.t Ijlr.
tbe H
rho mi ve
? -ni tin
Minister's relatl
lie fully , ? .ri. '
Mr. t
\ ?
Mr. ' .
s. 1 r< tai ?
lhere hu 1 heen ?
dent Hipp
.il! r.?[...: ts lo Hi.
Mr Bm) thi n-jys 1.
; table t.. his governtni
'ter ?h" I,;. \. r .. ;
lon. So far ns he was
ind k .od v
ii,.- ort . ...
u in Prtsld. ct ,<nd ..1.1 Minuter.
TIMm effectunll. r t1,.- Srns thu
'?hardes, and prevents further tulW -.bout
thc recall of thai gentleman
ri ns, sn iso OBX EMA I
teloreetlag i seta n i
/el.I ? M
' '
' ? 'r t ii / /? -.
MIsb Roselle I
. * .ii.
!!?? Honor* 'i
and li ?
in ti,
Waa, i .m.) ?_? 'M.i.ii.
,? ....
Ll-vT_nL. -?-'.'. la. .?.*.-.?.?.?.?
?.*.*.* ?.'. . -.'.*.-.
RAND. Mci-iALLY & C0."S
Nus. I lu '?'. \i> .li.
Y | |\| ' -
? UPI l)| \
Hs PEOPLE il Bl M K.lli.
N.... I ... | I |
| .
'.?-?.-. -? - - '-?- - -
??"*'? ? ? ? '? ?.-.?.
a j
,* . i fj B .i-lv.
)P r
' Isred uli
"1*.*.*_?.?.*.'. .*.?.?.*.*.
i ! ml>i.in Hlaaj lu.
I '
>* '
B? 11 ll ? - ? . i
i:,.ui> Harri Mt*.
a.' m.' m.'-'m.'m'm .'.'.'.'-'.'
,-.**.'.*?."?.'.*." '.
I Picturc^uc^merica j
. - : ? - rom 1??
.* 1 I fl
? i rt
ill HU \ i '
I a ta
runs i ami i rou in aw.

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