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Dont PORI ,hi TO SAVE j: Picturesque America Coupons, The first and second puts <>! Ulfa ml \\t>ik ni .ni moy. VOL. 7?M >N SI KlfciS NU :*2S. A JOURNEY THR0U8H PALESTINE. I... I THE TIMES often Its rolers i splendid Utntntetf work, entitled HTHE HOLY UNO PHOTOGRAPHED." Twa coupons asl tee <ll cents will get one part. I lf7^-T?X^ibtf^^WtT^a^^ KICHMOISI). Va.. THURSDAY MARCH I 1*94 price two cents: lu ORUM FOR BLAND AT LAST. . i Motion Cl sing Debate on toe Sifter Seigniorage Bili idop'.ed. k STORMY SOM ll THE BC03E i tv Raaf t*r*<ljil ???>>l tm *n?ry l>i??u? ? bi (inrilUinl. | th* I'lMriM. ul ? Q ? > ,iii\*>lt?'? Moti**. ! I I I ? tia ? as oin ? ? tal the !??? I ? ? I un t.fll ? tl nf K. gor? i''i- poa withdrew |M ? ? I this ? . | 3d ?u> I 'lr. jir r.f tba vote i ? ? fa ? ? ? . n uni. I ? I - ^ ? '.i'm um ?t l.?n. iu\l | '" BM i Int-.1 sn tl .-ii*,it . ii, u> ? ' thc aft* r .- tad K?r<J r**tp>tu>ic ? i,?H - I . .... n i ? I Mr I ho katomod b) Ita mtUt ? tl n viii! not *i i ? ? ? mun from i 1 ? ? ? ?? r thi '<'!! roi ir ? .h. ? i ti > i ? ? i'i'J timi un arro] :. li- wuk I'M)' ? *han un J ? ii"! th- k< Hld Jii.ii! I.?ii ) ii MlggOBtton ?t.4 r>i.<n ii. by tho I ' ? ) 'Tk If OU? *?T? toad In ? ? ? ? ; (Ml Ml M< Millan i ? ti;. \.,t,- I ? ? : ? . I ? OlHt tl.' nut.) pom ?ta. It??a unit Ir?<fT Inp fell Mr. rtanmlm I ni Ik <; I ty to ter report ? without i ??"?""< , , vina he felt I tatton <>'. ? ? I Mt : la Jn ? Mr of but I quorum ??? ,<i it -kt- to irnr . ? fled, U'l luall. Mi ? linn. n i ? Ml ll Mr. .'. Ii'-n li is ? I I h? clerk not to return to '?(1. il vhs 71 it in Ml ? 1?1' ? ??( I Av .in. - ? ? I Mr. 1 . Up, ? J'hi wlth tbl 1 I ? Tl. ' ? How ni* Quorum Wm ?> *n.<i. Tl. ito ii, ttl" n. itu!. I ] : ;? '1 ll), il; ntlng t!i.- ; i "i Maine, refrained fi willi the exception <>r a ?? ? ?1 bj .: ? ? V, \ ' k .11(1. Willi lortl [>p1 I '?! tl I the follow I ? in rho afllrmatl Ai:, Dooli! ?? Han! man Hilborn, 1. Ute, .uni Cumming H I : atlon. Thi I ' (T Of !!:-? \ ll t -_ Bad ?i BaatDH . * ?. Rtaaraaajaai NEW rORK, Feb )\ 1 ? ? pt trill ri I . ile/; In San H 1 1 lim mn Paalataalira Hamed. w U9HINQTI Domli \ in ii ia vi 11 : .in \ \ John >' ra ii I-. ?II. f !? ' month. iV. oj. Mat. Mahoner, U . onvrv tor RaJataa: ra* Bearaataja. WASHINGTON u ber) ' th.- Kearsarge from Hon ador r< ditton f> thai from the M 1 imp 11 ? The new bl ii), rtt an ? mi any, ..1 Nosi thc '- ?< Wiv-Ki' of New Iii 1 of Nea 1 01 li . ii and V v ..1 h 'i'll- !'i.l n m n public at present, ai I ' ,? ,', will ?ontlnue t" receive l everaJ yet Wh< the i- ? 'i.-iiix Un- wreck the trax 1 will in- awtided An Instructor f?r the l?, ?' r W tSHINOTi ' , uv ,./ U aJ 1" detail ' f pyre l ' ?' "' milli*' I ? ?t the L'an ^111- Minta, v institute. Danville, Va. DOWNE? VBWS OF BRAZE tiik C**?VE~MBMMBAZ 91TW ms tmrMMUtOMi ot ii,K roi WTMi Trrrc, of rreetag Hm *)?,<,,. tim ? ? r.?it-<>ftlre <'??? i .?, v|?,r | | Olvan I n?i?i-4 >??!.,,, ,, '1 ? ? B B . i ? ? Wimmtfti. ei ruarjr j-. i-'i. I I bil! i:i UM S I ' I I ba tobra ol uh the* *P* Uh ' Ol Ita Vi Individual at natora to bi ill- of tl ? KtlU ? .ire ! In t b . imtiii be l .. I .j.p'Mll'llir Th ? The ap] Inia ? ? i by ti. ? for North ? lina, tba! i h.ii I i , - '. . ... .h. !i Xiii. ? Mr. WU "I ter U minul ai.'I ? Ilk ? a cltj ? to l< ok lil ? ? ? fully " *> \ ? , ma brui . i ? III, Bul Ihe ?Ul. 1 ? to pul on a perhaps ri turn lhani ?i happy return t" my n*l ? liHIirntlnninr t Rio I ely hot, h more il.lit Of ! ? that .i brough lt ll owned number of i ? I m i Tfcf ti ? ? I Ivil ? Thu li.r.l s|,?ve?. ? . i. I . ? try, In w hloh ? td vol D .... ? I Into thal country ! KO j fi|H. I ? are a of the ? v- ? ? ii).) for ii'1 i : '? Braal) Ii I* ral l In ? . ? ? ? sim.- ami in thi . Cuba. PH : "Kilt ai aad a half ??< ru*. I i^ trattn . ml throughout th' ..,miii i . .!?..! dui . I have I lhere l have .-??? ii nu ni tubai i ?? In hi mouth ex* epl '1"' late retiriitj; Cunt-il vjenurai Pinker), aad I I ? red to If, ? MiniM to the hou?? B< r*. Urns*'* m..iri. "till in Lynchburg, mt of UM i'- .. \ Barty. Ta* ? i Mattala t appratMmdaoa. ? I. ft fl . sal ? ? rai tate - taik hat b aa !?? I features of UM i >\ etiaaaj i bataraaa ,rT>, aa win ? ? re la <tr.i\? da I ted ? ?n I ci :. UUOQ or until del -i is his , .- ; before P laaell In -^- Hrtit-/) ?i- 'milln i>owi i ? ??' Senator Bato, H in ton and f'nn aand n ' the ream man In I -? ?ft *'r- TwTiimn. '.'livy ... ?? ol i lacl^s . wyman, <?r ? ? - . I ty In ? ? tilla ' I ' I - ? u i H L Vf. ?awi ,. \ ai,,, -?;th" !?'!)) ? Iii ? H< -i upon ti Mr. > ! (Rep., i our ra? tion i ? threw Ional ? 1 rt - in bte Pi i :-i that tin-in to '"' dj ?.in, 'we will li. . " Into al ? on har tl i | ? all >>f tl I ? lt a t- tad in ala ' \ lld of that'.' Think ?' li ? tn hy, (iii - Lt tl ... ! ? I lt tO < I o'clock locua at b - i Mr. Qraj la aa i . v . : t ? i la tl ,. ? ;, il ^u-eide. pt ? n^ Ho? tel - ol Alvin J which : - .???? ? ? , - , twa. t OamatwaiiM la^Maaaalt ? ?N, Fi )> a The Houae of Lorda H . Baltebun dment i" the I , ||, | , ,. . nubllag rm.-ill pa , - etta if they .;,).. Inhabitant* ii,, j- . ompromtae amaad _____-.,.-__ I emaaarta OaaamlaaraaMi1 *?'f?>l D^aii. i N,: fi .\ r 'udna Jami i u |, dui of >'? ti ?r","V t^ommerce lon. ?ii"' ?' ' '*?'""'.'? fl Mng fraai lhc effecla ul ruaUtial farer, TARIFF REFORMERS AT SEA. The Gum tym Wimont Any spe? cific Instructions. MEMBERS MAKE EMU THEIR WANTS And th* roraailttp* le I mt ni. tm to Amend the Bill accordingly-rugU'* Ke quett Defeated. WASHINGTON, rah. ? altar aaaaaV lng Um bau r part ol tb*aa san araeaj on the tariff wu. ih" Den ral Keaton ran iftamooa Mat lae bill : to Um nnaaca Uooaatitteo alttaai preaatd, but with strongly lmolii'd In ?liafllaaa, to amend it according to the consensus of t [.Inion as enan Um dawoaavoa. Na daeta mado to UM mmmiUee as to what arri, lo aaooM \>p pal on a wtn any ratai lUfseated, th-; aonui biiiiK I! ii ?? i , ..k.-i ,-,. ivk o?n men) la Um Ugh) ?r what hu~s transpired i fi- paal i The i ?: in UM banda of UM Democrata ol Um Ptaaaca ceaomtttM j.t>d an tifort win be nada to bnvt tn uy u before ita full Inaaee on atoturday, or, taratan, Th< aaoUtar eeucue, but, In . igfin i?*. .??? oatt i u I ott giv?u authority io ? ? aO U bo boat W tal dir tnr V. -?t \?;uil?. I al . . . , di i other . ..i . VVIH ? Mr. M dar fi r the f . , ot having tl ?? cauctto iv M.. i I to Um ral real .?t ai ? they erere folio* HUI. r i. -una K I In fl. I-i t two ta Mle In od dutieo v. hi- h Uieli ? ? it tho ? ? ? trd by the industry of .Mr. |for] bopeo tba' . ? will I I by Um ' ? Bi im?n fleed* for Marat?1 -.??i i at l ? tot '.i2? and gi Qonaaa ? i numbat of oenatora, aad I ? mu . in ?? tax Mr. Oorman expressed hit blt ippooltlon to c. . ? i raUc Ideas. I rom the bill, but, if ll e ? . ? ." bur assured bia hud yet !?? lied t'i tai i * nar <? "?* Motion i>?r Mr. 1 made a i ? If tl Pugh wei i?ut iron oro i a th ? dutiable i i .I. On a yea and ? od bj i roto ni' If to it. Mr. Hill ? Mr. Puah un a ind by the vote, meal to tho bill when lt raia- inti Sonata. aaam?1 Tea Oatt Whitby. Coi ? b.. ii menl. talmanner, ^.iv. Tho Internal i bill have been Pi > conaenaua ? t ni a IdtUonal io ? ' . I. Tl atroni bill, v.h- -i i ?? ported, u 'ii hal Ila! al -iKiit-f ni i for all tugar op to a) 6 tlari : for each a the eommtttee, bal Ute bl i flghl ? i taplan Ulon wai tbi.-v dun tlr- ! and otM-elghth of if u. Tho .f tlon af Mr. Pugh bi ran ara, *?d U I by it, lod I * I b anything d< mot committee, "to with nlxe th- dlfi *'? Voorl oat oi'i"iit""-_ rsi vHi/.i yfni"?? ' ? Pneojaaewta 'i??i i?OaaMiThvi>af>-ira rb k in on ttl I Reel*. I NORFOLK, va . r b a Ponai ? trial I i,n i P the I m them. .'wiflrorwo ... *?. ,.,.i lo-i larrit, and In tho nemo ol uVunfS rfolbaakthal i, h? naaaed withoui 'I The Norfolk '- to ' ofTfiorfo? an elegant ' / ?)?),,,,. were more than "tn- hundred L3pnM? aiTeadai e. The club-! .aid to be tl B0,;ih- , Tta Merreti Wrecblng i"?w work ou the wre.-ked avliooucr Horcne* C, Magee, ashore of? Bodia Island, kt C The vessel is In goad condition, and. aa tba weather bl favorable, ran r>- suved. The win of the tata winiam A. Ora*** shipbuilder, of hu .tty. ami the . hW te navy al "I' k ?. ha? been i <imitt? <i to probate Tao ! a til x. Tht i. s? honl field. tree Metho* di tl it Thara ? : front - tl Mr .\ | \ gaol of Vir glnla t'-. i. ,?,... of Aanertcaa " W., J I ? ii-, ->f Norfolk. appointed to the bill legalising tba | mary ? |< tiona Of Norfolk C*ge WOT* to-u!?ht. The Lealebvture la aa bill. I by kt (ilennan. Cbalrmaa R Secretary Barton \ .) Dalton, A T Young. T. l. Danita, afr. Thom waa oat af tki i"i' aaal word rapathy with thn committee. Tin- electoral t -I lUdfea aad registrar* ?i'll ordi rad - nea reajtetratioa. They gp. ami RopubUeana, leavtmj the ProhlMttonlata tn th" cotd. 'Ph-' latter will protea*. In the court*. < iv Itt /?>)>// I Uh IK Cl, AIM*. Juline Lac on I.* BaMra iib Order In (ha i ' mr tl >: atlvt iv -oilt. ni:\v roBJC rab ? H m. HoUlna A Company, Kuhn. Loeb * Ceaapaay, Tba Mercantile Truat Company, the Bau! table Lift lety, tbe Katck* i Lehman Broth ii -i a p.-uion to Laeomb ? In tba Haiti i ii - ? thai ai 'oort "f tba th.- Central ? mkiim' Company, ol ? > ? r u E{uld< k md Reubet I and 1 ? ? ' ll ? gre for ? all of and i!i>- i ? might tx . i ? ter |fa> ? ' - tl iii tba - :. I by the pring to ? in 'i \ i im> ri mr i.i'.ikii' m \ bemarle 'mimi, Ut ? I i ? I r j. I A . i ? I?it . i up at ii i ll lt, Jim ? ?oin! it .-. tuld be left ? ? '? >LK, VA Feb al The llabt ? . !-,. ,-|. tl River ii-'lu . is noa lound. \ \ i ? K.,l,lr Story. tie front ? Ita qi ? freaka >?r ? the Mat I h .1 foi - ' : in of a - tba pupil I th. I in . Ol Ol I BO* : from a loaer ; ? I ll old, aft .?tn blmeelj from ? Sttuiit ii Brea i CH ABLEST! ?>.'. H \ \ ? '? raj : uta El ? ' . Huntington i ,, ftanmaad i? >irik.<-. MINNE vii ./.is. Mf\.\ . Ft i. - ? i bra N I ? ? ? I i \ Mi-hi I ir.-. Ure wan turned ?? ?"l!? ?k 'rom Bo* If, n, r of Twnlfth and Main atreeta 1BJ . ,, a .mall blase ?n th? branch t reaper; L )''*-- ?" H n undar tn* una of JJ g, .ii Th. MUrtejutebad the tum.-*. Tba ,,|, amount to about ?** The Jin .?..? basement beneath ihe "(gar I by malar ,. ., ano ita alka of Thoma* L. Alfrlead neat door. A emull durance waa earrtH on tlw cigar atora. BRAZIL'S QUIET BATTLE. usn ria?r ront.AH nt. ac ri oj* ro aa BKI.D to HAT, lt ri kl nK Contrnet to tba < ??npilf.i la Amertea-The Insurgent Organ Sup (porta raaaaaa rn* taadtaatoe, i'v pvrl^hf. gJM, hy tag ptjtjf, j.r,. i UU> DI .IAN Kilto. Keb. 2N. - All pr gi rosana! for ita proaMtaattal ab morrow are complete. TO Amerleun ? the taggjgdfai bj* lapoasod p-iuitariy gad ooootd nf pgftaaar bMarant, rag nominaUiina have been made Known main !y by advertisement* bj tao ooajroaoga There han been littli* argument in rarer of any candid.,-- g**gfj maa OOja hat been Baatod fat the BfOBSaBBBffg Off vl< >? len. | has be-n piaJaOd lminod.?ratelv t.\ the frtaaogo faonaio Mo gsajtaaaaav Hgffagoaat gaj taadaauo The ques? tion* of national BOttPJ I..ive been hardly mentioned, und few persona luimr or mr what haas of action Um eaadMdatsa are ready ta pledge UMMSOIvI S to. Th?re BOVtO been no ptoceaaaoan, no stuntp epee, hes, iu> gn itt pubiu rnaWllngs. n<? Hrcworha. HM ? e. Dr, Prndonts Margoo Piastoon! ot the BOaate, aad ? Preotdoaa: of **<> i\u<io pffevasoa, a tii?- leeming candidate fop tho ? ' Eva i the Jouraal, whose bnaargoal e<ittor was I tO flee from the i tty. support* Jj I nv. Mw ii aurpi i.n oaaaad by the of tx Mutator Buy Birbosaa in the Hal of caaatosttta He waa supp I pi lonMj to bi erm loyal to I ' i null I irv la rt> BvMstMS tl I hag forsaken ' Ha aaa the financial agwnt governrneat, and hie de. onptahed, will b<> a heavy Mon to M-ii?< an I Do (kuna. The advertised candidates tor the. vtce Ul mao Noaa, prosi ka Oeraes, and ?rntin in Mrasil; l/lorteno ? the president of the republic, and two others of univ i, gi toma. The Oor ernnv Bgaarfg Marees and fenns i published to-day a loner ? (pedloace of ttoaajaj.* Flrtf Paaalnr Bloat to a. I - il laftuenl .1 nixurgi>nta said yee terda) thal ar.) Fenn* would be sall i theta, tn cw* it should pravi to restore tho rooruLpi'tiy. I I -line aa to the tlovnrn ln supporting" tba caro In um stioti. or. In fact, ally lllana. Thia will be Brazil'* Brat popular election of a president The j>e*> Iran In polltl b il tbera \* itlon thal tba balloting win pec fully, Nobody ls taikioa sf m 01 .1 arlll soasal ! ?' ire the t-nulu That .ill fbi ; will be don ? In k.i f.Uth la but 1 i . \\ bather Braal! ld l/|n?l~N'.. ot io ii by, wu be drlermined br the e. . ni >i?g^ Abolished. i rr.-tn v i ? I , -uv* the j as i*tid< ?! I.reati . . ? ither ibo . log 'I" ta? , ,,. ? . rata 11? , . . i Bio I "? ?"?? 'I abolished. inri. A g. WITHDRAW*. >o? the tither lto?il? r ear that n Rata War NMll Kesult. l.i.ff.-A ll.1.1 The lannis vUla , ? i \ u i tai NaabyBIa, ad Bl i. : bf - a pf the I . lui.,ii ;i ' UMe* . tatton and und Illinois Central e and . tiley, the Louisville, I it ITS null,' ? Bi to withdraw, foi ll of the fl ible fog tl to i r own Interests In th< in start, if th- Leule I ville and Uie Naabvtlle, U ! ? I bej a IU, theaa roads aili gi t mil of 'bo .i ??? i itlon aad i n ne -tim,' UM * uta a? , ? i ? Bible, -am-0-? DOsTeTguf uris in most** Tot Sending Threntenlng Ladara to Vbe PtwetateOMl xtav.neon and other* BALTIMORE, MD., Pi Donjan sm -.uee ri i i'mut to day n" . ? t of , | j D to the i ? '"' sag! monti I broughl I ? I ' "? lan t'ld J ; '' "" ? Prent deni Sti . ? <?- ? aitaeoooa, So fbongs '" '"-neral tarlyN toadltlot. HB1 BO VA., 1 ?-lal - Carly's ? ? ,i ia o'clot k si* oping, bul thinks days langet He louanesg al I .?,!.(?.* i a rft hi* ' i.. bim ital '?- rMtal th- name Mot ? MO gfASOrf -~e?i N.i < redence (uren fhn hfor? twa Of th-* report! di ' ; ?"* ** f" "M*r ?HSJ' I e b gltOBi lg the Only a ' anani. DENVER, COI*, Peb s* 'Hie report rraphed from OeorgetowB Monday that iltlzene ot tba ire signing ,,;,,.., m favoi af tl t -.liver Mcatee .Hiing Mexico povfs to | i uiiard li bj Now a Law. ALBANY, M. y. 9*\% a4?ftOOaffagg ted the greater Ni * York bin which means that Um >juaviion of ther New Vorb at^l Brooklyn *hall ba iidatel ls to t>" decided by a va i a people of both ellie*, and auburns, wrATHKR roagrAar WABHINOTO.V. Feb. ?.-Por Vlrtinlar Imreaelng elnudlnetw and light rain. ea?t to fcouth enunda I nt North I'arolln.i and SouUi faroltna: Kain, warmer la western porttoa, e^.t to routh windu KiM.K or TBKRMoorrea. Tin- footsortag .a thcrmometei .<( the Hw di ? ? eel IA M. ?; U M i;J K st sse, la.