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ting one than by reading the Encyclopedia >
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1 Perhaps that branch of your early education
was neglected. THE TIMES now off irs every?
one a chance to get RIDPATH'S HISTORY to
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PRICE two cents:
'el Sickles Attacks tbe Administra?
tion in tbe House.
I ..le.. Tm Ik lng on the fenalan Approprls
ieu mi Mr Mardi, ??' boeill <*r
I na. and 111. Nasal t sdrt.hlp.
P/AJ \,.
I the fell*
Mr .. lea.,
the rlxht*
r salt!
: ?
' '
i hy
fl rn' \iiiin1teil.
' ?
? i i
: ?
\ of
ll ? . ?
.a the
? ?
.. : - let tel
' ii ?
in of
la in bli tnanneri i;
. ? .inta
!-? use in thi
' ?
| fal Hie
ii i of th. .
tyin "the) :
, to ought to
?? en si-ivet."
narked twenty lecUoni In that
win ii iain tiiat upon .?
' faeti hemp shown. Un
i . i,nth a to so neap
th ii .rn Hu- 11 ivetnrner.t.
; . ..'. polk -. .-I tbe ' I
reen thi rlshti <?r the
Prowned tvaea
- of i omroon
"i tm
? ?rallon of clilmi af aards at ina
r-anena. Ih* law of ISM wat petard pur
thal -enHmr-ih and it would
- ?
B Of 1 I" k
| ? r
. that fr .in tim- te tlBH),
? ?
' the Dnlon. m
of thi
\ ".Vail Iron. ohio.
Mr r (Rep Ol
! untrue. lo -ill Hi.it
immltted ?
. -I the New V'.rk ' e '
mltted by ali th- union
. , Be !?? I
i f there
ara on ttir- roll, tl
pent<! for In
\ s r' di, '
* I la 1 term of eervk ??
?i em. h.- geld, was th'- Hld
Infantry, it waa an or
i"pan the queetlon of ft l pen
Infoi ? ? In the P<
. that the ga
i th- mil wei ia ? i
he was oemmlBstoner of
'io v.in. ii Mi I: "1
? ?
Mr. i upon the
I willi..'lt
Inatlon, ai
... '. , - ti
. ' l
and i .-.jut the
Mr. 1 ot.md,' Defeeee ?f IBM South
Mr. COOIBha (Dem. N V , -,j,I |,e stip
? when th -. re
would he I
' . lol.- foi
? '
?? BOl Wi ll
Mr. Mahon (Rep.,
I ai ty
?ten had ?
til' ? m Pennsyl
- -
lt P
? attack u
Mr. Mahon ;
'. or mist
: Ute
the ! until t
,.- roLUii ? r.v < a 4 m i.
in ? Ballia ?5" wat n i Ibero ? a-.i i h-.nrh
rm ilea Ho- i.i' Wi I ial*d.
NEW "'
? ? ? ?
pat t |
I'm,.- rty.
A i
San l
ll I ' illi?
li, i 1
end 1 I E. Jin
- il Will I"
Op of
i'.'i ll
: Preaidem Rodi
-mali tow; i loee "f
ihe Bjaaaitter Br-aeBea I'lursgo.
i Hit 'A' ,? ' I i
irnlng bj a bomb thrown
Into the balla
ed, tbe a
tba i
persona a
Municipal Klerlions in low*.
. ap .in:i..-' li >\\ a. atari h A U
R .
. .rn municipal tl
pain ovai I undi
? thc ra ij oi
,,i| other ' ii v otb' ? I 'I bl
ll -rtand two Ri publli ans, two
...r. and the Bcpublli ana ' 11
oi di r, tr meian r, and mu
? . o
Professor Wllsoo Nearlr Well.
(MTV OF MEXICO, March I\ dis?
patch from ?'imdalHjura says Hun Con?
nan William i. Wilson was well
enough io nit up three boura to-day. lt
D *ait thal he voil ba able lo -onie on to
I hts itv In ist'out ten days When he ar?
rive* here h* win be accorded a reception
by ibe Government.
vu m.rd -, ri.it sos.ti rim ti t <??
er i 011*11 nt', mr mn i taloa
ih.- Nen ?emhat I ... -a..- ..i'-i". Mr
si, I..h.i .h. af akm * f. mid nhl pto-.
traill -i'll. . sui.
u ASHIN'OT. ??- i ? ?
Hon '">,n
i tl
thii mori
inp remai with
? . ?
Mi ?!
and ? I
Wh tary of tri
hill, pro]
hit! iii
i: I ved,
mlttee fran I bill
omi! ? ?
Of, !
by ?
Other I
??I m.o- a .
rei :
he waa <
I to furl
.-!.nine.i thal I
cali t :
Mr. Bui r'l Pt - ?anl I'risllsge.
I ll
be i
?i le?
? '
' '
a is no lot il Interest in Arkansas, be
that lu- h td a dui
by i
duty on Intnl.?
Ui.ll .
bill placed on ll
4 the
to thi
He bel
i be
h. \ ? : motive i
purp te; I ?
bill pass, tl i ii
w hal ? and a 111 I
Mr. Ben
upon tin- bill.
Mr. llrLnnrln't Tariff Platte,
Mr. from
.sr thal In i
bill, .ts il
in i hi i
whirii he believed ti
f..r the lr ?
ll he wo lld ? ?>' free
ding on
? ?
? in the
! I ?
k to the preeeni pr<
! 1
iii (he it.-in- of the
were In
Mr. v
ll" ll! '
If tba! I
I ? '
I un net Ki:: 11.-.
i :
and that
. ul to
our power o| ?
if li!
hill la the moat I that
can ?
ever) try In I
Stales. Th.- ll 'atlves had
thu bin under eeailderetlon fer more
thun six months before it aent it to tali
body. Hal ll .om- to this, that becaum
Ihe Kimm 11 Committee of tba rteaati itu n
is, tin- Democratic rnernbete el n? eae
ruiisia. !>-.i it for Ave weena, ai fta.
inn ih.. committee) an to be a^bbetted en
the riperavreeda of public opinion because
se do not hurry Hilt bill, pell-mell, to
tl ? i and
v ? ?
? mem?
ber of IC*, 1 ; that I
... ev^ry pe
i v -ad ?
so. I
1 with
:l. and
In the
Beti I when
bambi r
i ? ?
? I . v ??
ithfl to
: ,| ? l ' fol om I J','
- their
Finance Committee
? . . ?
I' .' ol ' .
a b itevei la
mil uta, aaaad,
.-.. b all i ll
ll thal hour ll was
?t. ? be pr?
?i .
il up as tl
ord n i on the er*
i '
I Alli I I I ' I '-I ' ''??
Nothlag, Mewsvsi lia Be learned lYaea
Hie lau k .1 o' miinil IrflllUD.
? i ? ii ch ? The
' ?? a
lt 1 :
. th-'ir
full ci
in re
? ' ?
: -
bera of I
Hie hill
soInt.ly snr.- that I :np!:-li
?'il 1"
Inothi r
th.- opinion
Bl ' ? in- pr;
tum.- I
: thc Bland
? til and if possible f
: '
':.:i of ii"- committee
. under
probablllt) i Uon "f
a the tari
of their
'he hill Ul'
i rd na np lo th.- inst
nioiii' ni nt their hill to Hi?
lt- qil'-S
i .
isl day or two
I doun t,. a of what, if
: gi . . '.'
been ul I
eel of the
. t ' i.
? ?- I bC pel-.il.1.1'-'I til
ii mil tai
? .ti daa*
- ? ii the staaten
and ti i ll< i. a.i,i
Lt 1
If a tl lng, has
: :
: upon a
. -
.,. ,|
t v re larderet Lyaeaei.
i. .i Tatt*
; ,.
riff lr
-ut lo limit for
nil this morning
: e*fOUI ii I '
ne, lying ky a i'll'- of
poa th"
lolling off of the
pile i ? . . i
? i -ni, Brier* Bal at Mexico.
Hil ? ? , ,,, MEX.. Bari li >'? I '?'? and
dta -ut "f
i". n, ""iu
V.. I', kink' killi Himsi'ir.
mi. . M.u.h A B llliam
tdd, roma
,tina i do in ;i fashionable
Madison al
. i p*lal dealer, aad,
win. i - mother, had lived for some time
"u the Income left "> ??*? f?,n,*r- 'lUt
Baa p-WBabt* l.spondency, occa
I en a fortune of $15,000,000.
Remenwa) th.- widow of Augustus PJa*
menway, of Hus .itv. died I*-"**** al ber
. ,, b Mouin Vernon sn-, t. sue
l.n ., ,,?;,?,.. of 10,-gMas, inherited Lum
i-eind. . . ?? ?
A TRAGEDY 31A Rly. RI uni Hil OR.
Al I Y ? Ol / , >; , | //:,,)
Nat-asty*. m,? KoUov ProhnMy Rleeeed
Mnor ovt r ii,,, laeambent Othet
Manlelpal t tetlone.
raftOY, x. v..
?rhos tba R
? ? "I. wn v< I lan ap
nm ?? Ninth ward ? repi
?ai wera
itu a.
a ahrragodf Bern t?.
In I -ii. ward two btothiie.
naaied William an I wara
among the Republk h.s. Tnt y ,i
iple <<f m. n wi red
tin fracas (hi*.
' ord ord. r Robert R md lying
on tin- ground dead from I
and ins brother William i>i
tally hurt lu tail
?: l" big i". ii dod mull
I le 1 -
i'his Inforroa*
I Within ii fl v. f. ? I Ol .'ie .1 when
he fired tba fatal sh..t.
tbe mi lee bad
I Ubi .i wt
held his i -,- u,*
thi .' ? i
lt is rumored arti!
i lillie
reen! aili un loubtedly iii I
SI..11 I .
a ,..
SI ii rf ti * 's M in Won
of Moll
of Aid. . remela un lei
O'lier Municipal SI.allan!.
ROCH! N. Y., '?: -
ti h. t bi rn two
to Hui ? .
? ommlttei i
ll if (Den ? i
Eli ctloni topk plat ?? In tl
In D
ililli tMt .it, i / n ; i UH /'/-?.
r.ipr-*ae* Him., ;r High)] I teaed With
Hi. I np i Cai
deni rea
hunt through thi X"t th .
looking ai well t any time
1 nii
iiilbta!, to the sun
waa noUi i
Borne fri. nd tte this after?
noon tbe i i never In
Ufa had i more enjoyable hun
ti lp. Bvei a de?
light to him, .in?
to look at hie
brun.' li nd then nt tba
pile of i win, wild ll thnl
.\ltli liini.
Be ird, Bf thi Preel*
ii from a flporta
m,m's view the trip waa amine.
and nearly <
r. tching the North Carolina co
entile | .- ? io,tine.
? ip down ti., river, Ceptali
which bed been three!
Bond iv. overtook the \ I
\\ lahlns! ?
? ? idem to ai
for th- ni
of liiiii. Th i
nieh I'..int. N. C.; '
md. N C.
ana s:\th nights Bl I '
. mi th- retui 'i trip,
?he eighth nish)
night) the
wu ? Rel
ana pert) tn launch ana ?
, a rh md Ugh! ii
In ti i ntitniier of the
bandi arith them. He was tn
?l by
Mr. i'l> . ' to work a
few minni bad the a.
11 luae. in ten mlnutm aft * bi
| | .lesk he an I I
. '
Ul the Pyt 1 Hie
two had ii t ilk over Tn
i;\ th- president'! dlrecUon tin wesna
diatribub i al Um
. - of ail the Cabinet of! I
S-. ri mi j Thurbi r, md I' iptaln Bi ?
l.ot* io BOX I / i '." OBI B
Th?i Hou.e Caucus r.itl. lo llsacli a Dell
? lie < nni-lii.lon.
v iSHINOTON, Mei h I On - '" ?<?
,,f a ,|iionini. aad i
nMeh wt - anet
nd adj treed without di l
? ken upon thi i ropoeltlon to ???
for a!
the n
.,. . of Mhanaalppl, one of tbe
' '
. Th.- onl) Nen v irker
, ?
abo took i.? pert in
the pi'ociidinsn
Mr. .SprliiKt-r. of illinois, was the
to lake the floor. After atatlng thal In
had a proposition which ?i?* would
mit at the proper time, ha yi-ia-l tba
flour to Mr. Boetner, <>r Louiitann, who
?ubmltted a reeoletlon that the Commit*
tee OB Huies M l.-.|illle.l to pi-s-lit .1
rule to the Ho'i-e B) BMW Ot a
? miorum of those veting nnd laoae |
?ni aud bo! votiag, cuuW '"' ?'?""rl,)'" *j
..id recorded. When he had
Mi. Springer again rose and Hated thal j
h.. would like te submit t' the commit?
tee "ti Unies the follow tuc :.?!'!' i"n ka
M< ipilagei'i Plea,
"ii any M
I. tl
B t nil th*
,.pl,.il" tl.-ally
*hen ta thus
ti thu
I upon.
ll fnil or
lom voting
of his personal interest in : ,
or wh" voting
iher. .m. -.hiii i- deemed m contempt or
, I ill liol
? ?
?lain lar Hus pm
> h- made aller th. I
' raembei .- itempt.
, ting mi- motion shall
peak Arc min
-f aili theil i
kt ti"' in - oaten
Wt.etl the .pe
te pn upon axcuaing -,. i, member. Thc
Journal .md th, Record shall
'io .1 natai rs who
tempi -I' th" ii.,, ... .,, th, ,
day's proceedings, and w
"if ?' quorum should not b,
tt:e " and wh.-n a
: mt" itt- House under
I la- -hill I
? to wc ? ,. . o-hlch
wh.-n the
? ' fl* SO
li- shall Se mi!,),., t to all of the pro
- i been
th- question."
Mr. I
? I - -fl Ul)
thal while
Of the methods plop
aisha Reade pfc i n.ker's Knie.
which ?
John i:
rule, nh:- ii i lead t,
should I
each N
i ? ?
If be di I nor \
Mr. Ki
I in thc
\ Ithoul
( nt TOA 'r /, is / ., / /, / s,,, j /,
North fitroiiun | aada la me Numbai of
??ililli ile* ki,,1 ii.i Wist rr In Looma.
Bach, ???? thi Manu
mill .
had mills, with
iii now I. ?
mills, wll , ? dh a and ?
loon, nilli- pro*
i will has
spit, i
the nnrabt r of
:i.s, with Ht ? ration In uhM,
wine South Cai in l""ins with
-, North C
number of milli majority af
them number of
tn, lr ai Indlea ith i karolina I p
only I on th*
in the Bo I fi '"I
i their dtri?
b, Ink' U ; ? t
oem , in addition to I of them
: fr<.rU
L2 DJ to 1 p- i ont.
lour StiaU-Slnliri killed.
shu anton, i \ March I Pour men
kiiie.i in ti ? -ft. in the
-tort! thia morning
??? shaft, :i-ar I ,, und the
rill, ( karga*
man. Bl irria 1. B*lfC ? r- ? I t i
t Albei' Ki. h
othera nod" meir aecape vwth slight
bruin i Th- mm wew a' the bottom of
Patsl Fire lu Hlrmlnfhara.
BIRMINGHAM, aka . Mar h I fire
i hr,.io- oul at Collrnan -shortly ke
midnight leal night I * ?'?
yorke* livery ateble and ram,
w. ";;' s,,lt'1":
Church, Kinney Brother*
I Johl
lenee, Sam. Itudd-r I r.-si
T?m Hark, rs livery stahl*. Drank
,. .;,;,,,,.; ;," i leveml orh-r hulld
i I unite
,?" koopman A Oei b ? irebou c tx
l Wt WUllang and fatally
Injuring tl *_? c,hl '
,; v Lee and Blightly Injuring
half a a*fl * BB
Actor ('barlee. rogilla* Bsa
PITTBBVBO PA, March i Te* ereB*
kr ,wn actor C
,i?i from bia a Ari lo M
suffering fr' m ' mon,
.- my
te to have the h Bm
reek and poaslblp ioiopt.
,u. , t at 'tl'' i I*
? , -egedT' this
llls . t at thc Chicago opera
|lo?s, ,'M Bra**, Die ."ii.iany dlfl
l to-day.
KvHuiluiuir suspected Aaarefclali
PAR1A1 Mar. h ii- Kxaminlta' M*Ki?
Ul,e M.-v.-r and .Ino. ompleted
ih'. eaaroinatlon of th, ; ' -*"J
\ I -
, ail "f the ii who kare
been arri atty. Of tbs waoh
numb ' "* rtla*SJ
f,?- further examinatloa er trial and ?h*
,,,?, r* were relraaed foi wanl of evt*e?BCi
tufn. . tlfy thor dcb-i.U-n.
Bmwa Bosdij to \.m aa InaportaBlDari-,
tbs llnii.r of Com os on a?Coma's*. ?f
1 ra*.a l'r***nta<> to th* Queen.
r.i'M-tiN. Merci I The office oeeUpted
bf nu.1st.mic ya praaaas *-,s i^rmaiiy
taken possession ,,r hy i^iril Hos.bery .
thai afternoon, The new Lhiunator waa cor
? I I rj ihe retiring Prime
i.i- irrlvel at lea rooina In
al residence in Downing Bareet,
ri Ulam 11 ai onrt, the leader of ihe
Liberal the Hoeet ef CBeaBBBB*
ilar hiter to his sup
portera reaaaefJag ? Pal attendance of
I la the House on Mon
.ih. wh.-n ntstt-'S af
? ?iii hi .arnold.nea"
Lord Rene ber) ittended the gueena
room to--liv The weather waa
I windi 'iii.- coonama of craven,
densbter of M. ami. Mts Brndtep mar -
tin. of New York, was presented lo her
atajeat] bf SeuaMiadop end Mr*. Ha var d.
and was afterward! granted aa aaaaVasea
b) I'liin-e and I'tin.e-'. I'hrtstiin.
The drawiai room which the new l*re
mler attended thia afternoon was th.
whit h the tjueee h.* ht M la
??!.ii k.mle fi..ni the fs.-t
that U BOt hold another
Deb lal pam la wt
?il an
? e were
howevei I rd R awbery
1 ll . -otWpl --liol!.- I Ott
Queen ind .h.- other CaBleal mimsteri
Will) Wei.
BUhe el lo I un. I. ne mi (il ad al one.
Dvki ni i'rt
Of hit -I 1 . it il il|| - afler
iioun. referring t-. Mi (Had
...it lt wat - i-f
h. a hia
Hone I "I not
I bb Mon.
tone w-.iitil
m. tare would
nevei I Hi . I pn.ee.I r?
?i th. ph ntl. irk rd M itreegth
?m.I i ? nd ii- itaei for ?.t bot
. u . auld hi ht .a.-1 H. wat
left ( ? un
,\ hit h w. :n.I hang - i
mill ? ark Of M tarty
i le hi* li?
ll- li.i ii', a burdon upon in*
:.i a nh ih- Hourn >>f
reel around f'.i the
i. lo nae tee i itea
. ila bill, The other un undi
1 hui ..t
voul 1 not tale rh. in ll the
Inclined to h .rm np
ntlnu i the
I ?? lld bi In no hun y
III tie lr
lion ' ' I !
if thi Oovartuni I to pena a
,.. mp*
?I tei fa. ti
: ? ?
' ' 'it .0
th- . | great nen of
. i
i ieoe ii. i ' Obj..1 1.. Itaaaharp
here, In aa arUcli whi-n
s Truth, *.a
aim upoa
it itemenl
I l". h that WO
?' ' ? -.arding
,?? l.'it I I
Home r>f
illili they
will ? ? the pereJct*
ul thal the
interfi re In i.-gird
to Ireland ire not
Thi I Olafl 'i.nr't
? L b appotnU
VV. r, '"it m.ast
al leaat ? hundred Radicate would t-. iva
protected Pl MUM). \\ s
Lai' not only ? i.r Premier, bari a peer
I di not ohj.-t tO any Itilt
ridual peer, beceim ta wee bera in th*?
purple, itii if Lord Roooberj ta re*uy
a i ... .lulu-iiity of his being a
be lurmountad hy a hill ai
lowlng peel to renounce the privltasi
of th.- peerage in order that rJaty may
Ml in the Hem. of <'ominous."
H.- then praauedl to argue that fha.
of foin Burna eaaael rmaala th?
ruling inoesnbly while the Pn-mier ia lu
th.- H Lorda, Ia ibu* connection
bi Mfi
? w.. rrlll net bane real control overgnm,
ai aa ? .'i "i'll turu hi ur, out by a hos?
tile \ i .t tin- Mel <>f r lining Ihe
ilea IdiOCd t" supp.-se
th,! tbe elector* win not peipepre the
utter BaMurdlty >.f oar position wtum we
.ipj.i.il to th- < .nutty with the hattie
crj of 'Hie abolition of the Lords,''
l*il.ou< here emu I talc* us follosvn 't
am ii.* lonvlti. ni that thu Uadleaie
love a Loni. Love for md aub?
in/ to the titled Pl the weak Spot
lu the Anglo-Saxon roe. Vie ar- a rai-e'
of inoha. aad happier than
wh< u liidiiiging In aa otk"* ef -rl/ar?felsm.',
r A 1.1 is ti OX 1KB KVBB1AM TBBATt\
toual Harbert Bi.oaerck'. Ilaaial af a IU*
?nark AterlbuUd ta His Pether.
BERLIN, Mar li I The eommil.ee of
th.- i , bering bl charge the Ger?
man Russian treaty to-day rejected the
I i?y BM ?'oriassrsra
IO tiie yaar tha to*
when m h parti l" Um ppeaeaUoa sb* i
i . I year's oom I if rs
abrogation. The am?ilment was ntiaeted
by | v..te ef ? M M. '"*' commlttr* than
adowa 1 I eeaaker of articles. Including
tlxing the term of duration af tho
?v at .-n years, aa originally pro?
posed. Th.- committee will probably <on?.
Its Minnas in consideration of i*e
I'out.t Hert-ett. Hlamarvk, In .he re?u'.r
s.sston of .he Reichstag, demands'! of
Conni Von HonhorT, Conservative, an ea
pi.mation of the Tageblaefe stawraont,
alleged to have been made on his tDon
hoff'si aathority, that Count Wm*!**
had declared that the rejr-tloi. ot the
. would i.i.-vHtbiy bo followed ey a
-ij.rinaii ??".
Crashed hy Tal Hag Reek.
i.tn-rs were kill'*! hy Ute fallUM of rack.
OpMr enid min* ymtrrday after?
noon, two ..n.er man were hit br ttrbuj
rraxmentl of rock, but .wraped wiUt
l.aht cute and brulaea. They say the* the
Z-. Ident occurred without warning, and
the three unfortunate miners were kairi**!
b.n.arh masses of r.xk before they could
make a move to .-scape. N.one of the bodiee
ggasj he.-n recovered.
n Asiiixij'mx. L). C. Jiar^h S-For
Virginia. B altered showers tonight and
in the early morning, followeil by fair,
n uch rokler. windi becoming northwest.
i i North C*eroltnaead smith I'aroiiiia:
flsnerali) tait pre.-edej by ahoaers on
ide rons! in th* sari) mot nins. ? ohls-r,
variebkt wind" bs-cuiing wstt.
The following B the ranire'of the ther
mometer at The Timm omeo yesterday
:? A. M.. til; 12 M " I '" ,? ? *?*? *
P. M.. ?ie. '?? V. M.. ol, lulling!... M.
Average, 0*H?.