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NEGRO FUGITIVE SHOT. TWO OF WAMMMB BAHtlEB'* ASSAIL AS TS bei Arti iiEit. Veney Waa sorroun.lad fcg a Toaae and Ura.l I pon While Attempting to Ka r,,,r Was e?riou.|y Mounded. STADNT"N. \ A., Mai 'a'' Last fad ?' C. lUrg.r. a farBsCt living i? |he ea ' ' ?oakly, wa? . h. ai. n ly f"iir at Be* ii pat who aaa and have keen fuglttvee tram Jastlcc ever Mn.e. one of tht fOBT, Kip Middle!.rook, has been Brr**!**! ami ts now i . Laal nu- ? K-rr, of Ne* Hope, le '"? af IM narn'd A-hurv \ . t.. v. In a BBgTO'a 1 ll Mimili,,ie-,1 Veney atti mpti I whii.- on,!., a- waa h.- ha i '" In, and ir he win be i'"K- ? ORS AKA I. EA Kl.TS BAMAWM, Wo Will Vat Faiuxl -Frepertv r.?tlmatad aS Ahem a QaaaCee wt a ?Ullen. LTNCHBlTRi;. va., Man h I Apt Vxi to Hils tune there h,-.s bee* BO will f.emd of UM ! lae faaalrj I ke ka a fl r oat peopi- erh* wera acquainted with thc KentiemuM believe :,rmi. H >t bc did leave boos* din of hi th* will m.o' yet be found Oeneral Bm | i - of TB' * BOA SOB E'S ti I HIV I LA WA, No Impr.iper rill, allowed to ba I'oated. RmHh'a .New 1 .Inl li'iAN'i IXE, VA Man h fl t Dine an I Tu fc'fl ? 'ompai .- u-li j,i UH 11 .iii> i "' n pe \ g ..,? i from the nm, ? i ? with Peter Bmltb, perrini nu rd loan two ; ? ? i ? ni iv ordered a new ? ., to i raaklin i ounty hill to-night jon;, mo it mu s i . aaleamHii'llekl. mjl toiii.l lu 111* IH.oin In. ? oust iou*. ?FTTHISA ii.u . VA . Merck ? ; h T. I'' mit ii:. "f ' hilllow ? . \ a foo,,, ii al< mai for a Know Illa I war. house, wa ? room at i ,. ii,mi-'- this ..? ie,"ti. having taken thirty grains <>i mor? phine, ti, tated with .,,,, ii . rabi* duh rutty, ... 1 I :(.-'?' i" I > MK. Ittl BORAM ItlKSED. Th* Ina-rsnca Baplred aa the Oar of Da l?e*tru. tb.ii K' RAT, VA . Mm b ? ? The I. ? Of I! ll St ml' \. nu,.- mi'. ? from a del I wu burned to the au ti,.- fumltui ' mi ih- property t noon on > ? lei I iineinl ..r R-W, U. \\. Y.mDk*-. Ll ? lal ol Rev. D. W. , ? ? ls morning at u o'i i. i'. <" Irwk ndructed tl int tally larg' . a number of hi* old i ongregu hoi. inion attended. He leaves a grid ia and .-? eera! grow a chUdn n. ,?-o Hath bet Long lenna. kino or.' 'Hon. O o ? Kin iUBE, V \ . V,,. i, ... Bp* lal I 'bal l< a Bufleld ? convicted ol robbing the house -f Ur. ? im ar d. Johnson nial Beni to the pen ...I) for ? Ighb ? Bufletd'i ' onf? demti, wi elven a hiv- tl i in iii the Stat -* I ll I. Oil IS ll .11 /.) II AS I ll Rill. 1 Bweleouie ti iittor* at the Roby lon ?? Track Miuiinirt of the lt it ca. CHICAGO '. Mst - i A Ma marnbi i th- grand lui > of Lake ? ounl! m. i the Bobj t:a ., t . ga] > to -? ? uinler Instructlona from .Indue Dili. tte. Tli- \ i-' ,i, I" d ih, it.., 1. two hom , I" :, Inspected lh< ? iring the rai lng the conni,m.. visited th- !?> tiing ring sad grand sunni and taik.-.i freely on the subject -I racing. They did not Beeta to lind una h i,< , ? ile ,-.- irom ii bunnan, etandpolni The racing ? tbe finishes In each event bell -lt" Hie w Ile. l-'.o orii.-s fan ?! i adi]. i in ? waa tte- thud, w h. ii Uphate, at Ml i" i. ran an oad in a Inning Bunn rat rac rtve fui ? ? > first, Air? tight ? ly Beth tl Ird Tim.-, i ll s, , ..,, ? nv .? im lon:- Bankrupt Hit. Rev* I ' ?? ???ni. \\ and.g Nun thli I Time, 1:12 1-2 Thfc I ra mils of b Uni.-. Hill.I'll ' third. Time, i ? I Kouoh ra j: h. sh.ii. a aecond, Royal pm lt r third. . l ii, I'lfth mee Bellini Ulntj Rral i 11,1 d. Tun., ll" I Add New ? ll The Willuris ul \aw Ofteasa, ni w ORL1 w- iv. Match ' ff ? race Pemfri , ? o ? Payne ll i bird ? llota i Satinet tl P-MU-t* I.e. ' ,,,,,, w ula , third I'lith I., .|llett ? ?nd. Bill] Dui . i_i. taino te* I, ,11 l,v the We******. .. T!?- v ? er to-tl -f i, - - h>a. ib, I the ' .in 1: (al lu to ii ? : -r Io.1 it ? Brown. Bum ? tu.- fmi ' * ... I tuon 'I lill. . I I ' ""d ra. ? rn ? .-. tlra and one ball na* No Rem rka Bret, Montella nd. Uovernoi Brown third. Time, ? Third ra..- i || , Brf furto-A-, Ut. Ile I'.-iiow. Ji . ,,, , Beeton second. ale Bennett tl li - Tim* 1 " I I 1 """' ? "- aellitsg, iu-,- and ena hair furlong, Allin., .. nrst. h,- ,,?, Bevond lir-gulai third ' ""' ' ' Hot 'ome.'l",! . ' - * .bird Suth mee, Mx and one-half furlong-, WILL TAKE AN APPEAL. POSTAL COMCAST'S CAME KILL GO TO THE SVI'REBB COVET. The Orand ' minni Koral arcanum Meat* lo I'ctersloira "?> lb* -Tlh ? llealll ot Mr. Waverly Kckles. PETERBB1 i:n. VA, March 1 Bperial. t 'i that th'- ,-uit ,,f He . itv of Pa* I- til T'I< ur;ipli ? ? i oinpatu will I.- taken by ti,- de* .nts lo the Sn; .:t of th . -nt i- armagh! l in thia to r< Bover the license i tat de* f't.daiit company on tte ir polee in this The hiv due aiii'iimts In th* BBlgb* Od "f two ir,ri,li.-,I ead fifty- 'D' Ti,- I, n ,,f ii"- Petersburg Worki ' impany beM a meeting to a' wi.i, ii -har.r fltocb amountlm ?.i dollara warn n p* ?-'i. 'ih'- work* begun work, a tel al,, j: BJ \t- ?-?: hilt,'I ill- BBIpll er way they will ? inpl'-v im.'.t to a larK'e fone of ;tl7.eri toll me this morn inc thal ' i mm i aa i >ot by iii-t- i,. eatsbUsk ?' reip ?. ra* tong. Tin- Ora,id I'-ii'l! Royal A' .ll nt'-'-t iii Hil-' ? Uv "ii Hi' .'7th - t. v. ben there will bc i i nn- ' addressee voil be ma le by prominent h.- \", al music hy som'- >? talent l' Rend tl. , . . .ii.,,at ;. month ? Walk. I in ? ? ' lng. Mr. Wavi ?' '"? ! bb I,? n mentioned In 11 di, .1 th" morning al ;; o'clock ? ed aa ? f ml u lilian- C itneron, and ,- t be tobe I rut Hi aaa a kiely ? UV. She Peens* Her Mnn and Married ilim. ATLAJ ' ireh 8. Mrs. M A. Hank-, a wldOW viii" here from Ti '-uta lu search "fi Klllmyi i. waa marrii l t., him to I,,,., ter ti- ci n mony the : ? 1 and Mi myer left for Texat ? ? ? | man ? clerking In ? hotel. He . marry her at BraL bul beim ' i I hands 'ID- M ld fan poi Iii ll' tb* Killin) er llvi d ,.i Houaton Hy. K Sidesplitting Cornell.*-. "Thc 1'rodiL-il Dat- 1 Mac* i ? loll] i "ti., dy, \' . .? my "f t event! Fore a lan , Simmering and but.Ming with would nial;- :i man wi ?:-in-lr.w to ii'-- "Uh him lam b ? to covet nil Hi' Borrows arising from a visit. The dla ? Mr. Hai exploi md a mai, ' i to his troubles, gave m. the character. Mr. Georgi ( Bonlfaci Jr., aa th- un ? I loVI ' . v. ia .?? ' I ? ? t . -. ? i tri* lover. Thi pi"-- '??? 111 be i ? i" :it> d al i ii- a net thi afternoon and thc i ?? i formance to-night Hie Uni ni Arciumiii. the Royal An a liuiii i Isl ti i I tuon i 'oin,, ll, No ' ' "or oran Hall, a comp ns ft rm the ? mella of - -,, j wen! to Lelgh-81 a pul,ie me.-H114 was per fun i hy thc ladles ot thi on 1-, jnoi ros nighl .in "tl: Lil visit a i!i i.. paid Belvidere < 'ouni ll, B'Ood ll,ill. "li ? lng made ? il public Ile . tink' tu Ihlfl 'i''- "li Hi" JMh. and ??? number "f Bupn me ? " . ;,,| V pi ogramme I - bi lng to ill,lu, e a lao-,' alt- :. : ile ? 'I ' ? i'. nd in a body, an,I Im will le se,u out io non-members and their Whose lint gad I line? r? , . k laat 8 ma nlng a negro named Prank Mo n port' I i thi Plrsl polli e-statlon Hint he ha,i found -i gold-headed i i ne and .. black fell ha i on Ta enl > i hil d . thc articles at tb, station, and noi ? ird fr,un the loser "f them The poll |r as quit- mysterious. Tue hat mark ol a . lothier .ind furnisher in Hus .ny, .md Hi.- , an,- i | wuu a inoiio^raiii. Leetar* on Hawaii. .Quite a lal , ):, , .'?I ''hallet el Heit,,I. ie Hail On Hawaii The ?'?'- IHustrat -I ton, -t >reopt:< on "?tv and ; the latter Includii ni lmle and ' '?'??'? U>< ea (jue. n, and other i""'|"| nt pei : proved Instruc? tive as wi ii a- high!) . ntertalnlng. Kheuinatiam Otilrklr 4'ur.ii. : la ii very short time Jn a bad cam "f rheumstiam bul it can bc done If the propel 1, Sa V, ill h.- seel, lo the rig ir.'iu .Dimes. Lambert, of New Brunswick, III.: "1 ? afflicted liam in Hi>- hip, and legs n hi ii l bough I a bottle of ? ? Pa M i'-,lim ii 'U'-' ?) m. in thi, ? ill righi to-day, end would in.-ir-t m ever] one who i afflicted with that ? tiamberlali ind get well st < ? rent . r tale lu ' men A Mlnoi l M ug h M Blaughter, i: r Reevea .v. i 11 >. i druggists. I I-i bia and lbs south. The nea Florid* Sh,,rt Kine of U" Rli h iii'ii.i and D.nollie railroad tia.- sprung and favoiably Into thc n the traveling public, and by its . ? sei \ l< e and ffl ,. nine a -ph n h'l reputaUon, While lt ma Incredible, lt i*. nevertheless a fact, ;hat ? rn take dlnm i in Rii hmond to i i - eakfaat In Jm k pent a i imfort aili.- night in one of Pullman'i most ????pets, and covered ii dla f ala h'ati to-1 ai i r*v< ity-three i Or, If you pi ? vi mi k in RI hm ma, ? ? t iram. w t Dai wilie with the 1 test 1 : ? of the Mason and Dlion Hue Ight ..t B **i This ti ? In not rmi rai rle* throu ' ville, and Tan pa. but. If for v ? v . ham. Met ? ? \,.,v i ,,;. trill find ..n lt .: Pullman Bleeper' ? will , an*] you to your destination For reservation! and ali Information relative to tb* cheap excursion tlcketi that will be Multi until april noni, call .. , Ioho M. Heall, pasn gei ,^rui n-o . , t ii...u street ?i I'lr.iiiii Lt.ursion t,?om Palatal*the 4 Io *|.?*lo- Hi.,1 Ohio ll tilt, ?> , I ????,, ,,,?** <>r tba I'.'-tl.Htan I ni, ROUnd tl lp tl g*tj un Sun,!.,t .,' Il lita, only il ;*i Train leave* Hro*,i street Htatlon at UK) A. M keevei '" i f0lM, 4 P' M" **rrtvl"? Richmond gJO TUE KXIGHTS OF HOXOR. STATK OKAXD LODOK IX BIBXM1AL MKliSIOX AT .lORFOLK. Tba Last of th* Trix, right (asea Dlapoted or-No Conviction* Caold ba Had, tba Commonwealth'* Attorney Bay*. NORTOLK. VA -**-*-*1 ' Tua urana lotaa, Knajhti of Roanr of Virginia area I lam U>oa| ls M-aa BJaJ .,,,,..? at I O'Clock in Hall.-ntln-. \,i ?f um grend offleere baw ,,pi Rev. h. m. Bop. I PeterolnriaT, ll tu- ta preeent at l )n ii,.- ,? ,,f a revival il I H church, 'ih- followiag u? th.- list of tba r. Edwar?; I burg, I. ??? I, ci: ri-.-! - k, O. D . I-- T. 1',,'rr of Abingdon, v. O. D J* ob Pey* n a g d.; !'-? ? ii- ?*? h..p.- . f p< teraburg. O. C.; u minm H. la, G R . M. !?' II1"' ;. hmond, O. T : W. B. Holland of Honitonn. Q. Gul* . i:. W. Wllaon of Smithfield, <;. Oueidlan; H. B. Anal. Deiapleee, <? Bentlnel; John Maxwell of Richmond. Imi H rah of Prederl. kel and H. H Norfolk. O. True! ? w. i-; Poster .a Norfolk, an I Jami - R Lamkln ol Rii hmond, Buprema Repr tativ .-. and w J MeDow. n and R. Bd? bim of RI. hmond. Al the meeting rio delea appoli ted, ' ? i tin- ti ind offlc. I - nb* mltted their n pori -. w\& ? , porty r.nsnetal Mstter.. During the i ki pl up with the tin. fl . ar t" the I- ni fk I tr: med merni li.f fund wa dial rlbuted. ti, ai I-- In ? four days, ana will hold morning, afb i - noon, ead nigh! I.sat of tba I'rlr- i Igln . ? mmoi ?? "r NV'r" ? in the priie-flghl that if ? - ri, ii Jo! ? ngai ? a In it gi ?? he met Prank w ongo, the Uta thal . ur) cou! i not be found who would ronvicl Wongo of piiae flghtlni ? ? rtdent of tbe dui ting :i i >i The ' llb'i attoi ra y of Pl In* . I nelle ? I Duki ? priTre-flghl queetlon m 1 under th.- auspli cs of the Ariel < lub. \ Plghl Between Johnson aad Moora. ? :i\ date an i ihlbltlon will be , here between Johnson and Moor. -...iii be the grt chara ter In Norfolk. M Noi th, in 1 bal ' "'. ld. i - able i ? putaUon. -B I > MRU II Ul ABA OB ' I he F rater ul ty Ulai in heil Over Her Kee eu t All cation*. A toe iii t" ? fork Sun from a terea! itlon: rbi ol th* Qrend tlommendery. Knights Templar, of being flood* from nil over tl making Inqulrii nil i Mri i ? Meena. B that a com* mitti ? pointed to li of ii . Pa) ne (' immai form:., ile a d Mrs. Li ' : I ? Mission, which h wm ' tba! hood. n>r husband ? not known. Tl ' -" al ber ? - wi ll-knon M - prln - ? M .- r r , than she ,i ri'-rir to a ?to l? admil ted not only In Purl Bcott, hut Uurougboul :i iii fi ira w lt tata, when " Lea ? her huaband - diiturbed by b Heat i . micah bel. and bi wai d an) nob i In com ? lion a ith h.-r propoa ? I- eli ? | to thi i 'rat. a .- len tte. uiAi BBBB i loni st HEBE. (apt. Plslel lu.Ut* Hi... lt Will Hrenk Ul. I mn pail v to PUmlah I hetti. I the < "on Hil hu k. Mi in ??? ? Iden! ??: mond Bal trew t itlon, and Mr. J. R. Tud rn mber of thi Bi ? ? ? ? ? , mmlttee I loom in i -,, . ai, Hall for ii., un. tel lUon, time by tai b ithoi ans. .I.itlon , to room No. If on the fourth nmtioli v :. -..? nd. 1 t ? An ordinance i by which Um ti . will in the future be under the control and tupervlslon of the Committee an l Building!. mmlt? tee in behill ol the Electric Ugh! i lom rel an.- to th.- furnlehlng of Ike Cit) Hall with electric ligl I -,ua bli , ompan) could I the light! as requested. He further ? tated thal if bia company sh i Ix forced to furnish the lights t would result In tba bank. upt< \ of 1 ? ? cern. He stated to the committee thal the Ki.-, tn. Ughl Compan) was not mikiiiK an) iiioin-N. ana in. i not i.ii fm some titi-..-. Captain Pisilnl produced a l"t ..i facti in Ruppoi t ol hit . i Mt Turpin responded to Captain Pla* tinl .; statement in an argument t. n to shoe why tin- committee should Intial on the ra-, tn. Light Company furntahing the li-hts. in tin- argument between these gentlemen Captain Piaainl maa,- th. ? meat, In proof of his meei lion thal I i company was making no money, thal Ihei would willingly s.-n out t.. the city to pun bl Mr. Turpin moved thi! i'i the I of the commit. thal the Elect ri. Light I '..nipan" !? I to furnish I 'I ill ? uh .1.- tn. liaht set \ i. . f,. . Mr Carter nt this period Biked the i,.ju.ii.r ol Hat in-- thal he rea iired and al-', the coal of running them . ip. Izalnl Buggi ? postponed upon the resolutl in offi ? ? as to whet it wonia coat to light th ?i i motion "f Mr Carter the euee* laid npon the table for the present l'"' ?'? i thal he hi I . V," ' :" ,'??' *?-h Judge Minor .nd ted i roora on the 1 ll 1 ,w ..1 rou? win te h'; ?fflc, ?oor ThS iv.. ? rn ,? cutshae ?haiin;he,,:.,;,;[ ol ruing of tl u ,,|i,( np ea ",, ..', ,,;',:?';." ,,M.r -5 i to the effecl ' '" tue city 11.11 Of th. pr '?'" is fat irabij re faido *rlg A'tei t>... transaction of the raaoal rea? lm bualneea ana ? fee other minor mat. tera, tht committee adjounasd. I imeral or Alfred Shelbi*. inaccou7ta,.M*i. "'" ,'ut" Alfr-1 W***-*, cunt ..r wi,,,.,- .!.,,,? aas published ' '!" lintel arrived in the . itv \. -? 'iZtZvWi: K?? ^-T, aS'la? ? ? ""? IrleiTs ?r ,.,".,.:.-'' ??,'"??;? i ti... funeral ? ' ??:?? ??? their la,, un,,;,' , . ? hou^bola^c." S^rly^ Ammonia ~f0; PEARSON'S CANDIDACY. RELIES VPOS TBR SVBBORT Of Rt' rcRLiCAsn asp roPVLnu*, Interesting 4 nnteat In the Ailie.m, fon, greaslonal Dlatrlct-AsslrnmeDl of ,|. ? Beatle? Liabilities BTO.OOO. ASIIKv JKLK. H. C., isVth A S- r,-!a| _ Hon. Ki'-hmorid rVaietm, Who will i , an Independent foi O tri t. has written a ??-? ! BtlOBBl letl the Bega****, the ii i rgan montane lb pul.IP a:,' UUcla* lng an ..pinion Bupreme . Itrulag a p; uo: ">' ? ? laws relating t, regtatratl *, d< Juath ?? A-.-1-?? in sra Hearson says JfJBtll ? frenrhlara twenty-fl' in thia district, Includlni InteUlgenl m-n a- ti Vam ? and Captain T to Path ... of Asheville. The a'.th . 'his opinion rle and tain : ion. p. .1 - ni- letter I .- tull "f denial ' Uw Republicana and Poi ' |! ' - thc Impreeei i tended author, and is Ont] it Indicate* in greg ':' ' elong which bl -': wllJ '" dm ??'! In ' ' l"'N r Mr. Pee* "i a. a taki - to Hi- .!?:: ' Republican. Be* Kirk. It ha i."' pet d - ti - r, p ii "j|i mal nomination in His or endoi ?: Peal pt*-*hahtllty thal the) ? I porauc th ter , without lng. ti.-- --.-.iv,.. havi , ? ""? -oeli Hu.-, year, and ina - ' : orthodox believer iii tl I?st* Hil Ie oat political ff -: ''? Judge Merrimon h win nat i- a caad : ? :?!?? nomination, I may be I to r- "ti-: : Hon before the convenUon meei the ai.h t min i.,-v. ? ';"i!' d for the who could he i , ? I tain I ?',.. i,,,nu,,,,:, wanta lt if be dedin** t-> allon h . onvenUon, Cn ?? 'rd, the pt ?? ted to the Di eratic .-t,md.nd again. ? . Ii- linn:' ... ,: to holding up ' I the lUck it: al i kiters <>f .i. ?? Basti* John B. Bosl f the la ? ? ma,I" .i , to .i o. Merrimon, foi ' bia ii Bbl bout 170,00 ? Many iu addition irlt" ll riga dc in Hu. .tier it era!. Mt t. tu: ? i iii rehab! , fortune.- measure in ? OUree Of 'h<- Ii' gt MX i::' r.n-ine^s circle* were prepared 'cr the failure, it h;ivin;r i.' Boam ? v. months H,.,' I lg oolbra* ?it will necessarily tl ;i hr t of Ashevill- i on the niat k- t. -a ni sm ii a riisti-ormt t:. A 4 bares Against Ih* Hen.leraon Hold Dur Oftlrlal. RALEIGH, N. ?', Man it *"? Bp* I ? ? ? ? | I I ? lon .it Headerson. .1 I; Mi i i Repubt I ind I the postmaaterahlp 1 IA M. Basket, who live? tare mlle* from Hen* I, ?--- 'ii., latter ll ? . his farm I paid PO I" a ii-- also : ' r to "fl uahingten to ma I -ans? ter. Wh*n Mos* and 1 ? . ? ll ll"! '!? he raised a ros tito fl moue- . The law \ e| ul in atti nip: I" sell the lund In order tbe ?., ? ' 'op $15:'. Appeal..I io Hie ? .mri*. ? i Kdgi :-:. id l,e a out . has with such a ca ' to ' \ Lyn, tilling Inn ??? i th ra a ic b li now putting up a ,? i:,'i planing mill al Ape*, has a contra I to furnish io feel of dressed tumbi r we High Point on Bund*) night had a $5,000 tire. Ta " real di rn ea we Th'-y were only pu Hally insiir-d. Aoe.tof Desperate hara. ter*. WlUlam Littleton and Joeeph Moore, two deeperet* eharai tera, wa itt i al TayloravUle, Ai' ninty, ior bur glary, and fur who a reward of iu', each vv., captured al Bbl noon. Boam af the stolei re ovei ed, und the mt a were placed In jail. Littleton i rged with crtmi In ii-. ?? different c*unl les The Friends lu Ibis Btate wm boob es tsbllHfa .ni orphanage. Though the place baa not pel t.n -?, - '? d, ll ia prababli thal High I'oint will be ? hot ] bi ciety of Friend atrong in that section. Th.- four-yeats' term of j Schaffer herc win expire 1 n/< i neaday. Th- appointment of big ga got is dally cape -B-_ ACCinrST in A lOSDVCTOB. Capt. Stanfield, of th* Norfolk A Weatern, Strlkea Illa Head ACalnat a Bride*. WINSTON, N C March I ? infield, coi the i to tera twi ra evin* ie, met it Uh a painful if .. bile i ?> "triiiu; i the a i .... rle , I bia ii-.i t. wh! | . Ill< OUl Of th" ? i* .J ?,.. shu, k the bridge, ki -., . .,. Portuaatety thc tr.u-i did n l itrike kim. ii- wa- aaatetcd I W'lii-Mii Be ir,I Of Md. rm. n la rt ni-ht elected J. M. Wileen chief <? ric, i \v. Bradford. Wal ion nt, t-n wera chosen city sad i"-. Byam* health ,,f?: | mada many rdaaagee, i ? ri I i The o'ricers are ifter th.- men who 1\ " -hed Blaugbt r i'i mtv. They are d'?Icln? the office**, and have thus far Bar ap ed art -?-* ai I'ark Pince Church. The r. -.u al s.rvi flfl at Hark Hhoe church, whl< n comm* lay night . ??minne sri th Increa ms- Interest There ^"r*' l*.nvei night and ii large i ingri ?? mon po si nt I ?r. v. ,,?n< preached with bil usual earnestness uni pow-r. The Sun,Ur. aei -. fun of Interest, the church wa. crowded and on.- ,,r Hie largest imraunlons ever leal in thal church. Mr*. Mlchaeii t In th.- choir s,ii,.ii>, after an absence of tl ?.- months hs t pin. a bat lng i. """?I by MM* ; lu kwell, wi,.-- - we.-i singing wai miii h . njoyt i ti Jell ' in, ?i?i w. ,i nttad t,. pt),., charge of .. . bur, ii . noir. Klee That! Slop 1 hat 1 f ferrlhl* cough with Dr. Davida Cough Hyrtip of ptne Tar. Horehound, and wun Cherry. Highest of all in Leavening Power.?Latest U. S. Gov't Report Baking? Powder .ABSOLUTELY PURE STRIKE NEARLY ENDED. gnVATlOBlMYBB BIBI BO KEOloM BORKEAYORARLE. Tbe Dynamite Scheme Lo*t tho Striker* the Sympathy of lbs People, >?> Trouble Nii\y Ai i est Inc. Rioter.. rjHAAXaBST. ? .. XV. VA , MM h I itlon in the mining re? lton pr. s. ntl, i ibly, < more favorebli t for en early aettlemenl of the troublt i laen f ' With fifteen bundn ' ? ? 1 lt th : to d) nemile the rn fl, all of Which ged in thi - . ii in nu-.. I. ha . ompli ' ? nthy of the i ? . ra ma> has An ni ' pry, who were dlrpose l to hind, r Bheiift' ; ? rom making ai to-day aili - ? ? in; ai ? iffatr. The sll< ll deal with the Btrlk the opp >i Fwenty-Sevee Men Arrested re have i.n tl of thi ? ? to-day a pre? liminary examtnatlt i Pay et te vi I n In pro* i will contli - been i ? lea ed "ti bail and is BtiU . ville. The Backbone Broken. i i the impn min. a a. nnn of the :111th. ? bout ?i the backbone of tl ht that th rally will ri timi. ? tr iii' : -.III all api mlll li i\?- mal' r.l control, Kapi : i-day I I : ' YBBAOMAL ia n ors it: ti. Interestltic Fact* About I! i. hm.uni'a Citi? zen* Md tither Mullera .; narai IVlIll irria* ton, ' ? ' : of th- H terday. - Minnie B on a :.. A. Brown, 0:1 north Sixth str Mi tarro, ot 1 lol >? Th. am roller wm roi ? ? I 1 H. M. Slejiley, of >Eastman, v ' niau thi bec n M. E. 1:1 .i'll- ol lng .a Un entertalt cle ...-k, h 1 vi ll on Thu Mr. w. 1. the lUt i" ; 1 renville linet, with -.J A. ! I ti vii lr, I'la. Mr. J. H. Ni lath -ire bread to the Sup Ibuted among tl Company 1 . of the Fine* Virginie R ,.t Monday night, almost unanlmoualy favor* of .1 new uniform. . Bglln on | | |ght the meeUi ' ' of Rich* 0 P., Ml 1. A, '?' icker a ' Mr. Chai .. ti - ,,f ri.nip Al 11 and Lam??? Indow, '1 here is no ? th- pei petrato. . ol the 1 will be held of the in tbe .ah- ?? ol the ? 10 o'clock lo tat 1 "ti .?ath ol I . the ral Early. Th.- Howlta 1 (geeutlve >'..m mlttei lhere \it rdilire; on I day - iner.i1 of ? ?? nun nln| All of the ?. - ,k hi the hlgl ? ? ' ? th, I- ireatmeiit in th- Hill 'the Carroll n Ti. il duh held ? ?? led to 1 1 select ball ' hi \pnl llth. ISM. The : 1 - lohn II \\ aK'-ter. ? Tucker, and W. I! ' The Powhatan Club has meda an 1 an eta with the < 'h.?., ie end Company f^r a trip to old I ? ty Of lie tr ? ie . iui>. their lil en di. will ave-l . te breen pared THE AMERICAN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY, 125 Milk Street. Biston, Mass, -:X: This Company owns I.ottors I'atotit No. 468.669, fieUitod to Kmile Bdriioer November 17, 1891, for n eoffibiDSd telegraph ami telephone*, and controls Let tfiri-rati-nt No, -*74.*J:: 1. 'Mantcd to Thornoi A. K<lison. May ?'!. 189*. for a mj I'aUini- t, Itjgrripb; which patents cover rnntianientsJ inventions ami c'tnLmur ali forms of microphone transmitters and ol carbon telephones. imsoitrit is ii i > 11 Washington'* Bli a i..,?> ? ciel.rated at Port Au Priam Aaaerleaa <<>i<m?. ? rim ?-. II.I'. US'- lo M 1 Hie i gaga n atina i i honor of na- Brat i dent and i it a i- pi mourning I Mi - John Campbell, ind, th- ri Smyth*. M i i iiotn the : 1'iiilv. Tl' \ them city. Tin ? tion. AMERICAN DB ino WECKERT Died, Msrch faa., al :;,: > |, bel ?f John V I ? ? ?? Funeral will 1 [URMDA*i af l H. M. i: and re ;it i\.s ur Norfolk. Cumberland iMd.l, Washlng ;in 1 Philadelphia pi copy " i. THE COLUMBIAN ALBUM OF ART l- now COMP! MK tv Nos. I to 14. Bring this to the office of The Times or send by mail, nvith ten cents in coln, a ill receive one part of the great portfolio of art. No Stamps taken. Complete Set, bj mail, A1.10 ? * . '. . . ". '. ~ . *;'. "THE HOLY LAND PHOTOGRAPHED" J No-. 1 inn! J If nil. i ' . r -end tno ,-"?; ent .lat- gi ? ?r sith 'eu ono in no -tamp, .to lill. I I vt I - ? ,.: lill PHOTO! I KA I'll! K : v nilli sen I two rei.' ? I I L RiOPfllH'S HISTORY. Nos. 1 ami 1 Ri tlo Sender bri to I III! 1 I MI I ' reno in foin, and ri Part of BID* ? \. M - I.:- No stamps -'-.?.?.???.?'. .*.?.*.?..?**..? rand, mcnally &, co.'S ENCYCLOPEDIA AND GAZETTEER. -. I tn ls Kfaaajf. n l or bring I IM. ? and recsiv a Ol sri i LOP! I IA IND OA/.I.I ?tami ? tfl kan, .?.?*.?.?*.?*.--?*.? avtaAs.?.?. ?*.?*?-.-. | P ktuvesqutf^metica i ?? i I I ? l* Hnnrr THBgZ Coo pons from Da*X1 Timbs t.. I bi MBta in 'oin. and re-nive <'ne Kart of PIC. i ri SQ! I AMI RICA, lt maila I. I I i ..-entsntra. Ko stamps take.n. PARTS I lu :; vow BEADY. _*..'^V-* ** .'x*?*.'.**,'. .'.' kp.?*".'.-';"*."".*'."' *.*.-.*.*.*.*'.*.-,, ( oliiinliian High Art. I BOOS OF THE BUILDERS. .? f. I r ' . mr coupons from DAUA . and r.-reive onrt Part of BOOK "I i ill. 1,1 ILDEUb. .Ma.led. ti,ie* cents extra. Kr a ily ?arch tata. ' ***-*-* * * * * * . ?~*-,T*i*'..2 i*?i1-*'.*.' THEWORLD ITS I'KOPl.i Bl BU5LIGHT. N-... i to ti Beady, SD .?'?roe.-utne ? sad >o Cents in com presented at III). I I Ml S r tu ons 1'Uoi o liiUPUIl POtti 1 OLIO. -No itanipi taken. Lt_fj ****^**.' ?_r*.****--*-*-*.r_?_rJJ1 LIBRARY COUPON. I. The Kei .lor. L 'itu li e < I a ? . ,. i neilin Life. B, 1-ranK.-iintein. ?a. A Hook of lioiden Dei M. Moaner, from an i Hd Manse la. nasa) i "f ulla il ol \\ .i> ii i?, la. Paill BB* * IO. . Hi. "Btory of An rm." 17. Leya ol the bcottian ? ivaiiera - I. alie. I*. Drt-j;.. .mty. itt, ' 'I.- ot iii" t'roresaion. J.l. I Ile I !> |? ot tn- King. '-'4 i ti ? . , .,r Hit' li . i b ena H ? ? .' v. Min. i I-. . ' > !?'? Uraateat ,.,,,,,. ,? t; ,. watuX ..". l.otiKt- ,t i Ul. Lalla itoukn. Two of these eoupons cul from The llmeB and sent with elcht cents m coln te The Tlmea oftl.-e -?,n entitle you to any one of the above bool**. No sum rs taken. ll*. Mi Vrs.TI MIN |. ItEPORT -a 1 UK IV THE CITIZEN MOND. AT Rh'Ha N OP vu:-; I ma. ? 111 "SIN.. . 1 I ' . fi I, ... . ? ' - - - - ? ' j \* knut*. I. ! ? I w i ? i .NO m ii Il THE a r i OF VIRGINIA i 1 other Due from n i I ? - I LIA1 ? I ' ? ! I I | '?' I bal . Corr-^ ' I I Caplt ? ' i ' 1 I. Il V ? " ' mh7 ii J, R. V. : Mr. KNOW ALL! . at *r? rh - it we I Duee. fhird: ih? 915 East JYIcnlrt Street ? easing* paironags ni.y in the i.i;i iM.ii.ii r OF "i Lt Bl .. ? Tito S. GALESKi OPTICAL CO,, 015 E. Main i ree F. SITTERDING, BUILDER, CONTRACTOR, AND LUMBER DEALER. BUiLOtRS" MATERIAL UL kinds. ', i'll) ANO ll ANIM! Mil 1 ST. JAMES-LEIGH TO JACKSON. 1:::am lt stall "1 Corner Lombardy and Leigh Stre*ri . RAILROAD FACILITIES. THOM' -* Ali work promptly it tended to. ji;*--a