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WANT AN EDUCATION? p If rou do, there ls no better way of get ?; ting one than by reading the Encyclopedia J I offered to THE TIMES'readers for one coupon j V and ten cents, lt is published by Rand, Mc- ' I Nally &, Co. ? ? .?.?.? ? ? ? ? S^i tn r^. ASK THE TIMES OFFICE ; To Show You i | The Century War Book Series, j ?ast*t *1m? ^?^tvaJ-.t.ara%?????? VOL. 7?ISxViS M-.i.JliS INO :$!!>. RICHMOND. VA.. THURSDAY MARCH 8? M.M. PRICK TWO CENTS. CONTRADICTING MADELINE. ;:: ns in Behalf of Colonel Breti iniidgc Read to the Jury. THE PLAINTIFF'S iGE AliD SCHOOL LIFE . Ui'i.iiiul August in.- lien, I bat Miss asl l lo.rpir. i,.1 I \-\iun -..nii, a af ibe i innis. l ile ? ? I ; 1 ? ? i i -. I'<.Hard. ? ln-1 ? I i . ' ' - ' aat. ' - ? ? ? I a . satin*! DssNBstUea, Air. ' ? I ' ? ' ' ? ? ' - public ui ' ? ' ? ? i a i when bl r, ' ? ? ? err ol ' t ' I ' ? ,' with -i i sea >>r i asjaas Wileen** li ' ? ! I ?... . that a ! ? ? ? ? iniiii - i ali - then. Mi-s is up lid liaielH j ? -t ai tbe desi h. Deponent, 1k.iv Igna of irrW on Um ;uirt No Inquiry area ? ? I r/hl a Sll" \'. is Ith li ftei Sid have a call fi ' ? ? ' lo the Mr. Btoll ai read th< * ? MT. Al.iii.a, and lh< illowed ti i . a li v . i made ' ?? portent, ti pk four vol un v. ark. in I Ha III a ' i .'. then Bearij Bim ii'- SSaaaea Chrtetaaaa OerS. i ? : r the rnemb ??aether Di ? On lt a I bunch of Soar ? 'i'i, ? ? ' had ? ? ' ? 'Ul ? ' i n ever ! ' t rei tlent who s ? St, i. -, pa's Byee Ul Right. : ' ' did i nt In the ? ' ' ' ' ' ' build* ? I ' ? ? ' ? ? - ? ? I all atrlkl Mr a omi a in tl ? Th I-,.,f Bs-awa'a Testimony. Orvln G Bn I of Dr. ts ' ' ' I Mr. i B ???I-, re an lu til "1 A1 . .Mr. Stol! ' ' ' w Clalii" ?1 Kia tSRIl Bil Kig Men. lard, arhll I I ? ?? al not ki Sl"' mentl i one] H ~ ,,?,.!!. a ? : t,, calculate n c ti i lind t" apara I ? i al klneblp ? ? i with tb* tl li ned hei Vivian Bell Brecklnii I roll.-..,!" Mr, Browi I Ml P 'Hard's nama M \ k Pol UN, abortl) afti i Bre< k i -,\ ,-. In Jun, I--1 mi l Breckin* hip alta ti..?- pioaal ne it people. st bal Rbaaae ? "<>we?t Mb*. Aft, i ? I I?? :.ii Mr IISO ? ? dim "i Mi Kiowas dapa sition, J wolli,I h. OoOd I'ri.lay the <a-e aould ie- adjourned over from this after noon until Mond iv. OBM of 'I put tn Mr. rjr-asjrn hmm **Wh il m looklntf man w^ RbodSBT*' ??'h. wi ?!? ? irs nh-.: !? looiea d Judas WI f sboot w * t., thlH pun of tha !? u ' -I"," naid Mr. BtOll t. -ti- . ">'?'' ' ? li. tj,.,, -.-, ,-. . ri- . Mr. Mrown ttoni . Ilerd aad I ?r JOS. I-' . , ,. ? nllei-e, ? sered that tb lona ol ir* ol - nn.-d with uti - lone! ? ? luy Mellon, ath ? ? I Miss "i \ ' arlt* ? Mr. Br ? popular ulrt ki: r Miss 1 I whet Hi*. ***agBS Teli-j-rnm Dealer!, Mr. Brown t< Hard her nomi - ?-. ?.....;??. have ? tn lc ! unh him). M r Kiri perfectly .-. "?itli limn, nnd t-- - ? ? judga min..i siinii Bros - and abilit) t'. ; "Oi ? - Pollard's ' I I: Wini liml lived in Url ? ? i n - ? ? ? ? : ? ' not. WILSO* is n I is Very Much Fm Kial ed lint is *..>n I li<>' olli-Jlll I B *aNTONIO, TEXA8 - f, rea o'clock, ii" I Pi ? mill ii;'1 ? - .--eli he ? ? iisk'-'l 1 I I.-ct. ll!- ' i;:iiii th r I, - -. John Ti hi -in. Wm ll. ? .-?wu .if; : tn ..lil lipnll Ililli i ., Mr. Wilson bsa ? I it le? is pruileiit I.- Hy. li,. Hill. 1 think, non bi r." "All that Mr. W : . ' -a-? Will N..t Aid I'ri-nde, ILL. Maisl kins, Wood, Bum raj th.- ri..' hised ti.:- mornln- n, the ? ? Pi :. I In ? l pus. -a-,-. Mxoa KnncWed Bom ii PHILADELPHIA, Msrch a t>;. hloa that has ' nf tin PU! ll II, Hr- Work I '-Ill-Ill ..Il ' .-, 1 tim k "'1>' li"1. pion i. lt hi, k- -1 | \ raeltV .?? ? i,;l The Imper ul Deeree deviled. i. Sopj i *;!ii. iBBi, BJ i !.)? i Pi Kl' ', '.. - i; 1 . . -\ PR\ IDE! '. M.ili li .. i tl :. i Ived the im; ? ; :- -i i; tnriiml ti lal, ol all p. rsons who rtsvs takes up arms against th.- (Jovern? al -r-t, ar- Sell ?'? I hose v. hu h.u ? : .1 ..tiett.-.i, dire ii) or Indirectly, the nf au ins urn e*jon. WANTED TO MARE REED VOTE But the Speaker pro tem. Refused to En? tertain Mr. Livingston's Motion, FIGHT OVER THC O'NEILL-JOY OB. Sa Qaaraal Vet "'? *herni*n OITere a lt,-.,,1ml,,n iii l>feren?e to ih*. I'un. Ist.mentof < nunterfeltere. ? Hotjee lay in una quorum O'NelU ' ? .ar th. .Kel.... ? - Hbo rule ? ' ? ' ' lecllned ruin ' ' ? ten or a ' : ' ' . J, V w . I ' ? , Itl i die* ? ? ? : ? ,i!" " Inorll Tenn.l ' Urmin-f l: in, i: ., road ? build il Iver at Cllf* ' 11,, i ".aa. I iivlnion ? ' ? ' ? i Third ? House i :l this ?i. was I ? ', Addrea ?mit a ' . a i I oiil.ln'; I. !>. .1 ii. Vote. ' . ? it." Air. Ll ? ' r lr "V. r Mr. I. - ' g on thia i that t ' ? ? i "hair erlll Hon !' ? rropting \ j iv ey lane . Persists. .Mr. I ' ? ..; .ait "f ? be should fall f a ni,ilo ' ? a would f.r any : : , -li'..' lan-". Now, ak .-\ , enforce ? ? and I it. a III th. i pted rulea ? ?? ar- Lin.ling upon ,. ai the oth.-r ? hair is the Hom ? ' ' a the H., na Beuea baa thal ;t ? . ,ia- S - lo So ooa eel the SI With th. shaker Pro Tem. Mr. i Mr. i'li.iirmaii. 1 '?' ** >'" ******** mi the ( hair ..i i ' . Ti?. Cherr rda to in- rulea Mr. l.hii i;ston: 1 ? ' would anui atsdy ih'-m until i .... Mr. I Itt in Ka? ia,- aaa* .Ken of gad , , , th,- Hou?e ad ' ' <H Ni lltl I I'I*1* laws. Ut. Wi aa ai aa g USasarSaWe Resolution. suiumr. i ?' SaSsplai, WASHINGTON. v'"h - *?*??' Bhei man oft, i n i" ihe Senate Ungi idlclary r. muatt i.. imln? B _., rrport whether the | simulation nf Knited Stat-.i minn t 'ff UM BUBS ive'.L-ht "f and fineness ?Minni by th-- stit'ites sf th?> Pnlt! -I r Bf 'itiier . mint?-'. U I K Bot, ti repon .1 >.in to present and punish such simulation. Hts attention, ' had been I to poa I til lan | t,, punish ei-iiinrerfeltln-r. aad .,* !,, arlsstber th,,ne haw* s***ptlsd to aa lgb| aad I ' " ' opinion wu... from a iasajr saamlnatlon of the atsAii ??'?' a .bed to Si from the tn-ltelarv Com mut. - n. .,, m ,i|t. r*}n>B'a bed n ad a pn -1 dlsp li the ...tinterfei'. ? :;? i. Sher* mu i whethi r :? of tic fact i n..-nt. Mr. Sh.-rni.'tii Bald hi I: ? 1 . ha il with th<!r mit ; Re repeated int ' ' l Mr. H reeolutlon uh belnir. "A r< nmrkiihln mi n, with a ' In lt" tl t'i maka i' a rrlmi money "f f ii1 - aro .li i ? Mr t tl " of ms l>v pri- ' iva.-, i ni provid ? I far d'.II. ? ' ' t the ? 1' rell, with free in anet , (i lia i' ? ? on until it effectuall) ? ? 'ional il '.....ul-! b ' i go OVl considi r lt. Object . ? ii -i Tim bill to ni', and . I I 'lim ' ? ' Hulldli | ? ? ' ? .... ' ? i i.r ft. I ' ). Lin ? Mr K ? ' I I the ? - t.ik. I hill. ?'. Ill ' I ? I lei ' : -[.ri. pilli.- limn. . t ? build i ihai I for John 'ii--h . ? ls rn ih" ? and - one*] ? : ! Mr. li.. pira l iiiiiparlsiui. Mr Ittle ' - "I thins I Mr. -i hope tbe feaster a 111 - " ? H- bas i .iii bis Ufa - ? Ur < tbal il i a . m th. B nut.-, ai ' ti, at \o nts i ai tu nt mst ii. lin- Bsesaaasa ai ioma Bliss alb twill asa rBSS iTlSI Australian -<.l). .,.|-|.j- ? lly Of ' ? . next li bs taken to n naary by w.i> ,,rder ts ">? : ' \-isman ' ? to ar* rilKe fOl,n of tbe ? I ' -; council run<ta tnunu '? All lt ' "'i,lh' tnT '' ?nd lit" - "? liv?" that all '-..'-" I H. ",ry ??:l,11 h" r ,,,. a atsd at his fm. \\ AMUN-)TUN. D. C.. March B.-The follOWtBS resolution waa offered hy Mr. J H a- iii tha Bi and was I to: SsreeJ, Thur tba - sited baa bears] with leep re^r-u af the Of Lotlla Kossuth, the i luetrlone il'- rt) , f' maerty aiest of the Ami pie. Phal the lent ht mi family 1 I ' \ I 1 ' . , ' / '/ ?|. I > ll ? I I . ? i" I aaa al PrtMssalaatee or,ier!So. t on Hie Mibjrcl. ? ' ' ra ' ,ui>. ah ?' 1 tent. AH | ase | ?-,- ? .' .,,1 . 'I ?hoe I ? ' ? tatta dom. Vour ri ii aa ' ' ? ?i i p. ai . and wlii i. ?. Mel ali i i kiaka lt ls Ha !??-,i ? ' I rom ' ? si Maa ? ? Will ti"t i li nun ? ? i | ?>? lti< ii I I ? nova aries "I I upon Kiar ' t I . ia ' fut thi r un* , loni I ? ? a anility I lire Of ' ll ' ' ' ? ? ! at If it . - - s - ;..../ ki tn io ii . /- rm si i -?, Mun i i? 111.1 ll..i.i..r Ulm li ( aniiot i?- i ,,. mb ?tot I lt la : r that have ? of ' annoum ri ?' ' ll ii-' ' ii Ut) fol i in In law, ? ? l| of I '. Il ? ta in a issed ? . Marry," ' day ii a : ' .11 ..I fun. four ? ? ? _ I ut i .? tu to tn .... ni., i asst..? ?- i- not he.t I, ? sies-ses, Tba ' ? : ? i som j s ru sn un s i rn b, ty Pera ma 1'ji'ie.l l>> au I .plosion, \s i,om g*IH We from ? ? ' . rah o| Um peraoae, -s sn>. Jaeaer leora Kills Herself. l; ski i.'i.'KK '.: .-' A aaa* .Mi :,, the Newe from Clarkabtu \a, to-day, says: Alis JsSp I '? Moore. a ;? ol the ;. nil 'l States .? nt : : aaa of the i,. -t known la : ol tha ?<.?:?? State, ,. anni': this moroka**, ky ? heraelf. No cause fer the act All. A i eu --li I mooted. \V.\\N'i:. ST. VA.. Al..rh B Special. Rg of lilt- -U'.h liuttaiit. about ,; rn tornado passed our town, ui.r-ooitnK the Matbo* iii, building i? .in[,!ei.'.>. There wan no other damage naas ta the property. N<> one was In? jured. ONLY TO HORSE-WHIP HIM TUB MOTUEB OE MISS Ul HU DID SOT IMBSn ro SJ ti, ff Alis. TO* Accuses! Hailed fer Ber Appearaa*M-A Prlse-rightat Newport Nrwt t irePer. age Barns Heetroyed by 1 Ire. N'TN-i'l K. V\ . BM* I .".' - J*pe.-!al. Mr. BM Airs Hugo taken before Jeettoa iin?s<, -ts .Norfolk laaaty, bp SS i,i lt*U vs** he,.| u W. Batter, af rsnaaaialb. *?*? Hf IIUK.I v ? ? ? ' " Hug-s batei ? aer ? .. ? -,?ry ,., ? ba** lt waa ia ev .| lo tl tba | :-f.-ne af I erhlof ,. '"m?' ' NeSf 'Ik county fermer. Aft-r mut -he be I ? t lUllaS him .-he tired three i Pa ? ? eb cffe.-t. MM in th** tha other in rta- ? .. , ,selti?r through tba !?? ai I lira Hui i -ivs her l iter, arbo tattfal and a? ? ? ? Sha wit . her life. si>? HiiBo'? Mn Has BPSBslL I is m il" tn her treaaai I str.n* ?be hir) kill-<1 W >'?? ? 'net i,. the yeSBS nmn In the -i i ' , a.ii , ni ia rho daughter " MOB thal lia* passed I I ?! av a w|ll, Klief an.i lim tba aj rapethj el r i 'mmu \ itu,. Kaeekle Fight. \ ? 'Mai klee Kl - in an Hi gan Hk'ht of 1'hll and 'ivulon of Kalli f VA* B sid' I IL'gilli w ia daclan I tha artai ?noon deetro! ''?! Use val uabli ll ? a mi of Mi John s\ alla. ? .t Vi ? I I Me\ ? i ,1 ' ? I I farm Implement* ia ti.,- buildings ts ? hm u ti ui ur ba i nu i*. ?aloof au Esses Turin \ Staffm il County ts elding. FIJI RK K ki RO, V s . Si ,. i, TA Koj Davis lal h ime in rt telford count). ' ? ..?. . . .. p| Mr I ' .Si ??' I '-X rOUIllV, ll ii h. -, Hoe ? ? 'ii ... ?<:.. Ali John i'u,' I, | h<>tti of Stafford i mini |. were n i ftes i' i Shopoff of* ins. nm ii mis 1MB i tr u ti Cuting Nrta the *,,nilli hom the North, ll ls -aol B ski a sn,kk. \i ,,, I, a Th,- Marnifet , f viewing the liti-u Iniif. a ,,r th,. South far Hie week, says: lleporf lr,au all parts nf the South In ? , a Hool ,i oin ? V"laine ol' trade goes noi i/el shoe sat sari lassa laeraaea ? ;? I the .Southward trend ot , I immigration, nnd hy the etd* n ila- organisation or new South la enter!aa upon I ? .(.. i.... .a . ..f its . V..V mk *>,,iiihv*ai.l ?|!, ? mi " ' ?? -I'.-' lally . na of tho iha North ind w*-*t is to he seal ilil? li,,i '.. : .nd show moi' before I \, if lu H.,nth. rn ..ii..a uihls, an,', a ? M ,., ,f... I ai ? a -' Record lu i' , " ila!., i of ? ? will be bulli ia Bi hy N.w England p * . ii I , ?, pi *.? K. |e.i l> d Sn. .a. il,.- more In,;>? ,r? ': ,1; ? rted for tl \ ? '. lou ihtpping fa Illili s Patuxenl River Ml i " ? : ha ry ta froa Slacks ra, a "tte . ; .ni win ba sal tbllsl i un-, tablisl irtlS* Italtlmore In , onne. Hon iv nh ? I ' luml er mill lltd .'-uv In Alar land " a shoo Sn ai* I , ta v iii Vlr ? ind , i OOO lan,I" i exporting I Bl . ..tton mill ? om mill, i ? anriir.K factor) la ''?? " 'innfaeiiirlnrr ** :.' I?<!? ? The Record at fi om ? ensus bulli tin lusl I iha tics of manufactures of ttsi S In IMO as compared with lie lal fr..m t In i** an I rh" value of prod . I 77," ia IM ? ? , sd from |0 ,unt '.f their wanes from ? I IO v due a ii i... i ? I the total for tl ' ? ? ,.r ? ue-'uiif t*ies as .ih'B cotton st ki, is VMtOMOO, Slr l .. mi, Sin.tot. ,,( A fsan.lrla, KrlngS PaeeaaSlaaaegneaM ii <? Kiiimi. i III' AK< ' ILL ?? st,,. Toa ta pare flied tu the . ??? i.. !.,y w ' - eeah '' "f a rasas* tlonal ' rur.. t.-t > ir.e * ,- ni-*>S ?i ? I'la.',.a ,|eale| .f Aleg . . . ag ilaai Hat rj ?' Ell lol I of this ' i's for .,11-iiatltiK hie wif.'*. *ft^ - gi I Ka airier Ki M.ed l.v PIMM if i h?r*--*i Seaae three yeara ago Smoot ni4irled a ? ? lor lo . Irglnia lam.. ral loni visits to Chicago, and oe ker return fr.,m ? of laal rear bai husband found * letter from Elliott te kbt wife She g..t i ba i remained -ti ? Sra ??! ai on'-.' I- . a divorce al ida hon,... sm,,.( ls here v.Mn his attorney, Judge i k ai N a'.ri, ol PlrglaM Meamer Ollie Hunk. BROWLMT, Li Mir, li 'J Muring ihe storm Honda) night, which waa the - known here t"r yeare, tba steamer ii.ii,'. runniaa betwe i, Mermaatau, on ut hern Pa i ('bealra, In 1-ikv Arthur Ne live* were loot. UKAIHtlt IllllH*.!. WASHINGTON, IX C.. Marah W-For Vltxinla Fair .luring the gay, with proh ihunder showers In the afternoon. fur Saturday, nnd probahly Sunday. slightly coaler, variable winds, becoming vv. - ' . ? I I >'. Por N>rth Karolina and Bouth Carolina: Kalr during the day. with probable thun? der showers In the afternoon, winds be camlns northwest, fair Saturday aug Sunday. RAKUK or i HIRMOSMIR, The following ts the range of ths ther? mometer ai The Times otttce yeeterde>: '? a m :: ia vi. ti, a p. M.. stt; s i' M.. si; '? p. M. in, uitunight. r*. Average, il?.