Newspaper Page Text
MOODY, SANK KY. JACOBS ..... str.osi. imu ai hil tarli: s ti I B. , ...tiiI Feepla limul lite* F'mni.iie i iaa(e>lle1 ead -.meets I ??t Mubi. Maali aaSaPoiataSTalh I it ? ? . - 1 ! lOllii" \ f. '.\ ' ' i the ? I 'la- li'; - . ' ' ? ' ' ' ? ? embie i n the ? ? is.. ? ' ' . ' ? 5 ? ' I : ll" I la t well-l i well. ? rall* ? . ' ? ki from the ' The foll ,,| : n't Usa Qa Matti i ' ? . ' ? ? ? : weak pointe ?! wanted thi L Bul the e Ith thai o d ny thins a whf the v ? than all Um ? , ? ? I In ao i : |g ana tolei ibly drh l t tbe ? : he i i thai it whether we will do ? ?? '. lease, and atxmt '"oti.irda of tb*, audience vatatod? e la amaki fay righi away 'the lllure,' bo! thal w.a.l.Int r enc. t if <;nd is wini ea. ttaii Os y Sanaa1 Home, "Ai! thai Gideon had wen raaw'**horaa, rd caa ni at ?> ne. Some , burch*, -a I.Ik oo. .i uonida'I be ?.r ..... : ll in. livery ? 1 ?! , w hat be David .. inns, sal I?? !?"? a niy ? I 'i tVhy, i a on i rnaki a I i t*claea alain ndtsrtdualtly, and nee arhati tr ln ??? ? sr I - with the ' ? , :' a ai do his or bei i rt, a- do w he 'ail. lUCh Mrs. '.' v. ' e two ahi ii..- dom li <'s lorine ,r" w hi -i ? he trail for Ood ? i ..nlm i\ Oraaaed lr. ll ? . ? pde t" t'. | 1 'I..- an tina ' ? i ? ? l.ft the tal ... iii?? \?setlsgs, 'ih. ;. '..;i t? meet ' I will lie i '? f ;1| Ire ,e ' lay the crat Director I 'I il" ? :? I Thi . a ' SM 11 ' ' 1 . ' A. K svend pared I ? ? ? To V n '?.! i, '-. ab ?? t iasa. ' ' ' ' ? the bazaar, hi . 11 11 ? he hill or fare . Km ria- nea iring ? : ? - ' ll ? i at any i n e koori r t. ens. i be Work ol Organising i !...<.? ni,,, ?,ii i Da*, AI ?? ' ' ... . ... ' the i : ? ' Mill.".. ?I. on the ?. ? ? ? w ho ' "ul,) furn ? '4 . ii daily i ,\ .a- tu., tu advai it iii it pal |ar ; . am... Il th.' ?hat tile I ih. i uildlng beslnnli III Ol le' : too much ?? ? ht in any particul .ioho P. Pettis, ? . ir, \V. .!, I. \\. li St S. .V i '., !> I' I li. I Vi . Vi K. i 'on ? .lav H, v\ ilsoa. i'. I' \ k lt chai'i- ? >,. <'. VV. Nully, B i r\ T I' A .!. K Hiram ti i'll.lia I. ' I ! B .! I. An ? Any ot:. ian con? veniently - noon Phil* , in, f uah le at , lock. Thone t"t- to-n " i ? Mill. i? McOeehee, K. v. k i: Shot-, IA i: Starra, u 111 lara w ? s \ milson, Jr., tins, Vi ..Itel i ir!.',' in. Irvin ?'aral tn ll, \\ lin.un a dray, Paul Pratt, I' iniei i irlni an, R \ : W 'I'. A rn: i- Ba] Thomee < lerdner, Hali;. \. W 'I' .1 a, H l; i'.ik"r, i' k Norri M 'i' Kunai a. Jr K I i ? H Ss ' !?.. N. Newman, i' WT, I nirran, .!. H. Si leer, \ J h. Q, Paimir, .i tv. WI IV. 1 William K Davie, K. M. Sli ;,!?":?'!. \\. .1. H Robert B Minor, Wilson Wllllama, W S. li. I C. ?\ s' I s SI H. K. H I, D i. y. .i Craigie, Jr., Hose Ol Q . Longworth, S ?? Weal k. .'. Authur, w t J, P. Stubbs, Oeorge Henson, Arthur sV. Ia ? Centleinen appointed from the \ irloua churches for ushere, but whose names do not appear above, arc asked to re d Jiort to COHMWA PMIMBSJ at the tah" ' I 0'clO! k. IIRST MKKI1SU At lARERSACLt. M...11I Hu, Tliniisan.l IV.ipte Listen to Iii* lt.-,. assaaff -?? i. bsestbass The stormy v.-,,,tii.r ? ama in bo way favorable to the m the tab< wit)! Its chill) atmosphere. Notwltl lti? thin fact, people I ? tbe build ? ? -...:-. On tba plet three hundred meml rs ' hoi] | ,1 iu tin || while th< ! ..f a' \ n un:., r of vis' ' front aeats mi tl ? ,:I\ . a.I I ' tlemen In the kee* - ? ? tha - .-- ? ; ? : f"r h.- wanted them !?? \t '. lo rylee, d Of Tit:,- I ii i !:? .. lu, \v .1 roting, "f Park-Flace : -i . burch - read l ta kim: :'' ' ' . . ,ld that red pat . .. Ity. 1"h<- . . ' ? ' Mr Barnesl ? M.- | H ed ? : 1 ledles ' ' ' ? ' ' ' - ,ln ' I.. Lin' !. P. E. A. : J!:!!. Vf. O. " i i: ' i .. ? .li.' ? Feffi .1. ll. i A. I. i. I I III ii, I '. v. li er, Jr. ! ..- tfle. M 'Mer.'. Il '? ' i coming s munlty. ut two I i k'snng Mi ' - ? . Mr. 1'. S. I | r* \ -nc. .-.-in. ->. ni r ., i , .. Of lin' S ' i.d tin ' III I . I 'Ullin; I ' ? . live ad? it in I ? r an holli ? ' showi d ' ' ' She explained bos In a 111 k In l ? I thal I ? : d Ai ' At ' mlnul ' I doody 'i a' -1 o'! lock, ll ?cali tn bl oung tirls ii ill >'eet!n;r for I'. U ? 'lin tim largi I lan A moon al I.. Secretary 1 the -. I Mr. D. B. Beam tl pre* slded a cheal ? Mian B B Tj mui, nf Washington, another Interestli to adi "Thy word ls th- !??!:.;. mr.i my I .ni i i' ? light unto ? . irai ? ?I on ?;: t . 1 .. ? ? is i - i.-. i" d .i ji r, eau ti --ti. safety, I i-i non. Another me.-tlnK will be h- ld this after? noon, at the Burne hour, which will le open to boys as well ai to young girls. THEY DID NOT BBVEHSK. ihe PMIMAMT Pity rnomnrs ron si Mt:cur* pAWMBBABBM, Tiia Hamaasalla Oaaaswlaeea to baBleeeeS at th*- ?*tne 1 line the ( "r Oaaaate are Karnlee* ai Sen Members. Th* City ' nut ' .Maia I pri ' ' hmted Han. chalrmai lated i they in i ag o) . ... ? mi .t i . ? ?. .Mr. .1. ?: r on H peril ? Mr. ? Th pted ? ? km I thal ' . a.I there i ? Th- | : ' In which ? ? -hall ' ti,, '"' Pinn, ? the ? i ihe i ? its , ? . ... th" Mr. Hoi ... Mr I ii ?? : ? it t ? ' notl , ' ? ? ' pted -:if*>'rn ' rd?. all ? I ? I ? ? ? ? ? iptali ? ? : f..r him. i city. ... . ' ? an*. ' ' ' lt tl the city ti. k V est 'must ? Mr .'. eredai ? ? ? ? ':!iiu twenty ina in line a of the nten .1 . - i ,n'l lull " ??e ?'oi, a An t waa idopted mel eiec II ? rti tn amend bul lt wai . Tia I Sd li M. 'i ' WI H ?son irned until , /.'. f ci mi s.. /?' i/.AAR. lt will be H.1,1 .-it lbs :. ?? i "I en la l Armory, Baglaalag sj "l.t. r the First i ? ? ? I . (ray, C. kleford, md ?' i .1 ,, M. K .Mills, , ; v ,,- George ? ..t.-r. ? al the ' ? ' ? ? ? Inviting tl tlctpate in tl tl ? me Ili? lli tl ? 1 the ui af ?'""? Pa aaal K K. ; Ibmltted B of the - would therefor! oe nets ia il armory, and la advocng of tl..- iggeetlon thei ********* l.h! adjoin rer Halle coidd be rented for BA p. r wt.k. They adslaed that lt be J used for dancing nnd that the bazaar bs oaessai ob May ?*i?t. Captain Bossleux moved that the re? port be Bdepted, aad i'attain Tsaaaai af* f. red as a substitute, that the report bs lall on tia table. Thc- substitute wan l"st. and the ..rlKlnal motion carried. Tba committee OB arriinftements for ral .uh down tba fernie rive- reported that they bsd chartered Hie -.teamer Pocohoatas f"r the sssasaas of Jun.- tats, July I"'h and B*th, and August :<th. "a Captain Boaeteas a cora ? ia epr-otnted, consistlaa of Cap* t Al lars I,. I'.innlnaham. aD l BBS, k. i I 'rd. to a-. .-ruin what ia ll.-s wmi: be frlllina to ai t as chsps-roas sad I of tbs im ? It'ord COI nt a coma ? loam* Jon, a ap potntsd on that eesBsalttee Ceteael Phil Major Ku Tennant Bossssaxa, Cunningham, -. ? Bdereoi L . le, Milla M rr I L ynter. Ob motion ..f Captain Bhschetford tbe t*oaasaai-*dees ed th>- vsrtoua eorapenles teere lm sd to si ".-in' con - t ? ontrtbuti basaar. Th** boa rommtBtri ned stell IO aarpotat similar ried t . til.mmlttee on ami ni" ? rsd s meeting of tic commit- *0 -,., beli on next ,- \- i| tn.. rasjl ' it., irsw m. -i . ir .ular ;.-- ar i ... < it* bebeel fl*es**ra. Tl l rsst "? lard of ?? l;,, ??..., | ' - K . ? teln, .)?"?-i ? ? rn D Btartte, James ll. ' ? i ?. i- Phi .- ai ? rtnt- ndeni L M L i ul ?? ted I : thly n pori ondltlon : i.jssi ? ? .-ii U'iii -si *. i Avers ' tb. ? ? ? - nlttee on rer te if) fr -ut in*-* bus**. ? - \ Roi '? V. i- '-'icc;. A pn ' ' Third ? i. .; . . ? Hi WI Ism D ? '.' i li:. ' ' I ii urch. Mi - ? ina buel ? H is I : idy, snd ls ' : ? ? nm C bib "iv. v, thal ?r- thi ' I ? Lad ? ? ' I ? ? A Drag "v Knut. ' ' Bl ' ' ' ?? ? ? . the hunt. N ian! ? -?'i. \ ? ? ? ?ci,,. - r ? ? M i I STA I ITS WIT I 1 ,1 I I I I i I bought at 40c. on the dollar, sold j 2t 50C. Cl Ul Waaf ssasftl the I business. if lafasW (lotli-lop Mints, Ia un! hut lon, I4e* I.:.,!m -* abfafOU Hutton >ho s, ti A% To, twa,, |1.4tt$l.M, .MissoV (latk-TCf boes, '.Vic jr Ho. s* >iioc, ol'. 7.*, Wis Men'-. Shoes "?, !is?... tJl.oO* lr Kuri pair aTorth mort' than nj ilotilili" thal amoiiiit. '? ., ? **!:: cs arc i Myer & Co.'s Shoes at half price is the talk of the town, and you should lm se?n the people clam morir.g for ta. Stock of Sh jes ar.t1 Slippers for people ail ag's, 1 Milled (so fr lott) nilli Bri* - -ssas* ">;n "'???*<* I I ill l)l!>. SHOE STORE, I i 311 EAST BROAD. jil***MiB-j^T^ Tell Pelton, Mes k Cs., 7 and 9 West Broad street. White Goods. Everything in the way of seasonable sud popolsr WsMVtN find toxttucs can be iutitnl In our White Goodi Department. 40-ineh wide Apron Maslin, j satin-stripe borders, only 12] K\traquaiitv ot 40-inch wilie [odin Linon, I2jc. Persian Lawn, 12] to 50 '? ptr yard. India Linons, 6] to 50C. 1 or yard. French Nainsook, 80c to vd i' t fwd, This wc keep io different weights. French Organdie, 80c. i" $1.25 per sard. Linen Lawn, 86 inches wid *, .',7''' to SI per yard. Fine Soft-Finished Linen Cr.mbri:, just the sri ide tor nice mininer ender weer, 86 inches tvide, at 50, 7.m'., and $1. Indian Dimities in hil tho new and staple pet terns at "J,! arni .'!7tc. Linen Lawn. 24 inches wide, 16| tu 60a por jrtrds Plaid and Checked Muslins, Sit ifl- I2|,16|, SO, tad tte, Jones' Cambrics and Nainsooks, 20, 25, 80, 85, 10, and 50c. Mull Checks, imported fabrics, delightful for children's and infante' weat, 20c. per yard. Muslin nt .171. 50, and 60o. Kuli line of T chingi Md Re vee rings in Cambric and Sain* ?ooh from 50c, to >?-' per yard. Pique, fancy farana large, medium, and sinaii weight, ranging in pi ice from L6] to 'J'*,', per yard. English, Burley, aad Imperial L n doti. at I2jc. | sr yard. SILKS! SILKS! Spring importations ara now ready and on exhibition, such as 1LACK TAFFETAS, TAFFETA CHINA. TAFFETA PILA8SE, I'A l DE SOIRE, I'd.i.iu oe suede; and all tin' new colorings and designs in spe ial novelties, PARASOLS! PARASOLS! Our stock of Pal ready, erobrac ng .iii the newest ityles, inch as( I mg able Glace, Moira and Qros-Qraiii Silks, White and Black with Lace Trimmii Dress Goods Department is now complete in all ii:" new weaves, colorings, and designs prices from 87Jc to 52 per yard Spet a at'teti iou ca ed to the 44-inch Rassian Cloth a( TEMPLE. PEMBERTON, CORSES & CL if r i ifii| 7 and 9 West Broad street* IN si i: \m tr. STATEMENT. {JOME LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. IXHUA1 ITATEHEICI K)B THI FISCAL YE'.i: ENDING Q nw ?! BE M H'M. i n.M'ii [ol Ol THE HOME LIFE IN8UBAH Bl 'Ml". OBQANIZED UN TUT. LAWS OP i ur. un: BTATEOPNEW wu:.,. HAD] I I THEAUDITOaOP PUBLIC LCCOUN B POE THE '"Milos sTEALTH OJ Ml'.'iiMA. PUB8CAET IO lin: LAWI Ol Vliu l? MA. Ifaaae of the eompear la fall Hom i.irr. f sw sew, i GevM>f.of Maa , "R?. I. . >al i a' i. ? s oP.1.?? of -<ai.l company- Krooki rv, v ?. Character of ths rom snr. whete r .Ifs. accident eaana'.l tue ?... *. i. brothel teak, or auy other sss serial ' I a i reel la t ti to wa ll -: : ? ! stan l'resound ead ioeori rsisil tren. SX ISM, - n ? I ,f tbspetters a - ? .--UK B. Burris. Itesi Jence?No. 8 i iii ?? IUcbbobd, Ve. No Saa emt. lae Bamber of pe Ubi i?sr ami tba aatoeal J ?? * l i ? i lin '..roi- sii'l tn*, amount of liabilities or ? latbsrooa . . ? ? *j :si l ba aa ian! or i rataiaau reeeired. i a of iotaras recein lrom alis ir< i . ,. ? ? '! lie amouut of ali oilur receipts. ? Toial . s . .. Tba ameaat of loeaaa paid larisa the rear ... .t <??? ? . ?. fae arno ant ?f eipensee for ell parposee (eaoopl leaaas. '?" * tt i be ameeat of d-Ttdsudj paid .... I ,?i.. tuarn. '. hp sm mut of los-e? uiit'S d: < .?i as iapro-assol sdbiatiaent or adjoated ead aol aaa . I rsisted by compen> . ? ??. ? in snraace resersrs competed accordlne to tbe AaMrican an ls -.. ir sad leteras et tharateof AihPtt ceal . 1 t.e of all other liabilities.?? .... '? * < ihe sn. ' aeeete ead how losreated i Harket ra - - ts sod bond* owe pear. .t*. a ... ? rain ? ri I ssl its a... ........ ii ft Loans on md sad mortgage ob real esuta. All other assets. ....... 1 I lotal.. I'Ue amo.uit of capital tod. Buann ? di w . .im. dubing S'nmbar sad amonat of i .?7 *"? duct Bamber aad eav a ibs leediooi , r, al naiuOer an,l aiinain'. nf policies in fore; December tl I Whal mu roal et ? ?? tem ? - . reaaiaaat, lees, an I fees were , I or aeear gillis during the roar, i s*b andTnotet or credits, witbon a.> I raees, sBfidea ts. .... -. i-ner-l'ssU. ITSi si ; n ? '.>-?. I9&10. total, f-. ? a,'-, ll I. '?; KY. Pre 1. IV. <,l.A.. . ? ? un. -ixrt ea Bmw Voiix. Ctn or N'rsr Tose aa i Ba li rtaiipWe't tba! rn Iht i lb der af Fahraerr. ian a* ti> eily afon I ''r? ms, a real Ss nt ie tbs said >-itv. . l u I > e I aa i , i im Ii* of the State* te ;akc seknowledgmeots to h.* r . aeal, ena of fe H. Ela ey, arseident. ead Kuia w Ulauwn,. secretarrof tbe U aa . ofBrooB Ire. N.I. sta balee .worn d sos sad rejr. aod ??? ra - ti.a*. titer sra tha shore, deeert bad off srs if tbe sail obi tn; sad thsi ti ? .. iee ir ie sad corm-t statemeat of ibeaataal cou ition of saul corporal tana '.?...-" Lar of its Saes r. ar town: he fist oar ?f Of-ismt-sr. teas, ese i towladeo. lafof atlee, asal aa* lief, re? pee Us, Iv, an.l that th? seal ana bad M tba ?>a "f ?*. I .ri-ira . _ _ lu lei amour whereof [hare hereunto sci wy lani aa I s.*t!iel ide sui .<! lij >ssf. oflM oa the uta ear of Febrearr. twa. tLTEi ? I Loon, '-?? Notary for biagaeeeair. I eriiiicste tiled in New 1 ork county. SARTIN & DUNN, General Agents, a North Tenth Streot, .... Richmond, Vse, , eaamammMMMt