OCR Interpretation

The times. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1890-1903, April 05, 1894, Image 5

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85034438/1894-04-05/ed-1/seq-5/

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os ruo to sirt ti.
fl k?ep tba Slats I ibiaiy Open-Mr. Kpp.
.'(Iris a Re*,,!uti,h. SHlr_,i?rd? at the
Ooek Other . ..unrll Bu.In, ...
il lu ld an all.
I in tba .'unlit-it chamber i?st even*
I ..ly t')
..'.'?- Itt) I . '
a thc
- I
lowell, M..ipi.*,.
. \\ lille.
.if of the iloma
iltted a pl imb ng ordl
miga be pi luted.
I the
rion prov
? ?
an <??
leraaea ap
fl '? -''? ""
the i llbran Mi I
otlon the n
? ? ! i-i tbe sd
the proper
i ?
.\ , Els. als? Rail.<Mi't.
? ., t ' tulon
I ?
Con mitti a
the VU
from tlie i
io i 'hi I
I the
iiiii app
: tain hours
ed a
? I
y might
erred to the 1
Another Part
? ' '
. I
In ? with tl.. Mr.
? _e raolutloi
Mr ?
i .<?':?
gi the
to lt ? .
? :? I,.--.-...:, the i
; with the
? - opinion '?;
? ii of Mc. Eanderkln,
Ity r-h"iii'l hui
t or the < ^
lim Reaotattaas.
' Ul.' f0lll A
I by Hi.- eui, ? ?
Ult hmond (I Udsi
1 nat his Honor the
' ii.' i '.ty t 't ulla!
? ? r . ? ??.-. whoa tl
tlc primary el i
lilt to th. !
a; rh.- City
ndent of lat
? I Superb ?
almshouse 1
Instead of by the
li ' m< n and i 'ommoo < 'oun*
i ? \rnl if al sahl el- 0
it ?' ..; pe ir that ?i inajority ol
' i . ? >t fleeting i
* . 'v .t" of the people,
itrstru. tc i t<> pre?
nt to th" next meeting of
? \ ii ir ia a bin . moody
irter of tba
'1. which shall pi
I | ' i tai b| a
vviti. m.. r, solution of
>? ,i,-sk ,.f the derk,
' a City Attorney Meredith
u Inasmuch as the submitting
...stion to a popular vote would
tpendBurs of money, iv
1 lsd ..l a i~i.it, ,'i, ,
Ila t ? amys ia whit h
id bs attained The lu .
ri *T> might i" ? iv.- the ballots on
favor, or a him ola] muni*
election would base to bs ordered.
f i ...i-i i. rabis length
In f*\,r nf bis les..Inti.ui, saying that
? ttr.it .-. v, i: tl ntl'- of tba bott rn
? ir. .mi would vote for th** changes,
''aller spoke BgBlBBt the proftosl*
ring thar be tbongbt ths dignity
d) would bc aocnewbal lowsrsd
ling willi the .jucstioii In that
!!? w.uld pref, r to "take the
ins" and have a *;>eclal
tie,ii ?.f dlsrussioB Of the
? i.ii way, Mr Stratton
ti ian nd " <??- lo ? DBbraoa avi ry
of tlie etty receiving a salary if
?LatJO a year.
lani ....v.; offetttl hs an arnend
' to the aiu, Bdaaetal that the City
d tha St u-eant-at-Anna of the
it'd from the provisions
???' Uk rt-soi
lluodtrtsked lt
th amendment* sven- lost, and Mr.
' *. - resumed bia rciuaik- upuu big
motion, and stated that he believed that
a faa1, having some object In view. WSfB
irylnv; lo defeat the meiianre. He rall
that the Bard of Aldermen had once
hoodwinked it.
A vt. waa finally reached, and the
raeolutlon making the request of the
Citv Central Committee through the
Mn\>r wa? lost as follows:
Ayes Messrs. 1 )a\ls, Kppfl. K.rrlter,
c.rim's ?Toorna, Mann. Murphy, Noble,
anti Trowel 11.
Noaa Beean i.ran..-. Carter, curtis,
darbee, Qtnsoa, Eanderkln, Js-ckaon,
Smith, Stratton. Thomas. Vaughan. Roy?
al White, and President Clover 13.
Mr. Epps then changed his vote from
?aye" to "no." to tte grant Mtoalsbment
ff the I 'olin. II.
The membei from Jeffsraea ward called
up ii- !,? is. ,,-. j buggj resolution, snd
foi i. uly l.aJf un hour on it Mr.
f ile- rt solution,
a.s th.- Committee on Betranehaoeru and
Et form hal not aubflaltted a r. port on
this mat:. - ,i d Mr. < Al '? r
.!<? that the several
| ini'i th,- Council furnishing
de*partments with vehicles, be
?o it fer the COUBCil to the or?
dinal ,:i..r:. ? s giving them ,'i
thoiit) i.i". Mr, Carter's aaotloa was
\ 1 mi, anti Mr. Baps' resolution
takiirv; sway th.- lesma was lost by a \- ta
of 17 ay. .- .ul 7
.in | Br. Crimes, the crematory
itlon was refer rt d tf, the pinanci
.'t' ?'.
The Bama dlapoeltloa was made of tlie
resolution submitted by Mr.
li rktn ipproptistlng to th" Plrst Vir?
ginia Reglmsni tbs gum spent by that'
Organisation '-."I the regimental armory.
intlng t" shout $7.o0n, for tha purpose
of supplying tha n_nttar] arith nsw gray
unlfi ?:
ti.* < nthana] smn..
Mr ' i-i a reaMuttofl providing
thnt all atone for curbtntg and Bagging
I med by tba < tommlttea on
!>-r the aup* rel di n of tha City
to tait 1 raaldent
? ut tera of this city, provided not
more than thirty-five cents shall ba paid
Tia rea
lutlon wss referred to tha Coramlttet
Mr. Bohle ofl her i itkm,
providing thar the proper oAcera abell
I tai Hu.-tinga i
to order a apt Isl ? |e rion to be bald on
tha day of the neal gem ral eb ctlon, when
u as to ti"- ' bx tlon of certain
(Acera (as named la Mr. Bpp-1 n i
bmltti i i" a popular
t any sapi nsa to tbs city.
Mr, ItlOn, say
mn should be
I f..r that pul i ha offa
.ni .tn,, ndi tha da ta of Juna lf'th
for UM fourth Thai
In ll
Tin .'hair rub-d that If the amendment
i to the election OOUld BOt BS
? Involved th< t sv- ndlture
of mom ?-. and dlatlni tly
Btated that this alactteo ahould nol la*
my ezpea
A| I, but
before any ai tlon could be token li
matter the Council decided t.Hourn,
.ni i.-: ? i by a vote "f
II to IO, Messrs. Csrtsr, Davis, ESpps,
ms, Maim. Mui phy, Noble. Pagl .
Pl i\\ ? i \ itiflg ia tba IK ,: i
t omniliter. Mestlag* 1<>-1>*V,
< 'omniittee . n Finance arlll hold
B calli I m. ? ting .it the Btata Hank ttiis
moi nmg Bl 1! O'ClOt k.
Water win hold a
this ev< ning Bl i> o'clock
in Room No. ii of th ' nv ll ill,
Al the ?.am,, hour th*' Committee on
? will hold ? thly meeting in
N... 5 of the City Hall, mi that
lon thi qui ? ? ? ai t . tha ?
IB! by the city
will au.nil ie cot?ddert i. tbe commlttei
? Council to
lota t ol
on Thuraday, April 12th, Instead of to
hm.nt of apeclal option
.lame* ltivn Improvement.
?: , ?
provemem held Its monthly meeting in
room No. E of the City Ball lent ?
Thi re v. ero present
M. Curtis, .'i.iiiiiiai*. and
? ? . lam< han,
W, E. Whi:. w n pre enl fi om tha
i 'n v Council, ??' ' mem
? ? i ???? i. pr. bi uti d ih"
1 I
ti ii iwi . i: i. poa
and B. W. Travers.
Tha ehali Sated thai ll n re?
it a ? .mimint.? from the chsm
( ?? woiii'l ba pu ? m tO ' "li?
ft r v\ ll ii this l."dy Bl i" by which
sn appropriation for the impi ivemen! ol
Jami - tiver enid I.b' I n the
ral Government as areli .is from the
etty. Ia tba abaaaaa al tin .
' that Gol. Cut
the < ll i Engineer, a i ai bia
. i k. hi thought th i ba
iisidt r tbs matti i it a
Capt. Curt!a had hardly rn il |
a when Mr. John e. _
;., _]. d on behalf or the t !h n
meroe, bul th" commute,, accepted the
.. itlon of ths ' hsirman.
4 Mr. Whnt
ii , | gppi oi. a. .md a number of bill
ed to b. | dd, win n fund.- .ii ? avail?
"I suppose some of you p. nth-in.
sire to alt' "d I'"' Moody p
iga of the
Ings, "and a motion to adj ii a will
bs in ord i
The mt,non WU promptly put an I
? hu i .in.? f<?r Padlas OauasBlastenee,
W hen Mr. Charles ll Pl I meed
tl .ti hS was ,L candid.tl. for the "tlit .? ol
I , mrer hts pis. e sa polli ?? i om
? uer from Jsckaon v.,nd became at
vacant. Tba Board ol Public In
will at its aext me. ting agree
upon three aitnttea from which the City
ri w ill have tO Mil t .i Mi.
in joint session, ip to th.- present time
thc following gentlemen are mentioned
aa candidates for tic position Bi
Charles E. Pltswllson, Daniel A. Wein
brunts, Charles OagBer, and J. li. Mc
K iniiiN
The New Central School.
The lew Central School-building will
bo na iy tog occapaacy by tba tmst ot
bi al month.
Thc tn v. deskg ai. I other furniture are
BOB being placed in the building, and
the carpenters ari putting oa tba finish?
ing t."..
Vl.lior* at thc* Illy Hall
Among tho visitors at th.* City Hall
yesterday were Messrs. Arthur Leach,
I>r. 1 pham, of Booton, and Mr. Robert
ll. Howe.I, af Nashville, Tenn.
law Httl lap..Iv Onset.
The jury eummoned for the trial of
eases before Juilge Minor in the Eaw an 1
Equity Court will meet this morning at
ll o'clock in Room No. u of tba City
Hall, the present quarters of the court.
Mr. Kirkwood Mitchell was yesterday
admitted by Judge Minor to practice law
In thia court.
Tirrell Coori.
Michail J. King, a native of Ireland,
waa i earle ida j. by Judge WeUfbrd in
the circuit Court, admitted as a citizen
of the United States.
The case of Edward rs. Gentry against
the city Of Richmond for $10,000 damages
v%a-. partially heard In the City Circuit
Colart vtsterday and adjourned over until
to-day. This suit was broiiRht for in
Jury received by the plaintiff nome time
In (fie case of Peter McAlcavey'a ad?
ministrator against the Richmond Paper
Manufacturing Company the plaintiff bled
billa of exception.
li us tine* Court.
reader-day was quite a busy day In the
Huetings Court. The cases for the term
w.re called and the dates for their trial
lix- 1.
Ten cases were heard, the reault being
us follows:
Henry Hauls <<adored), grand larcsny,
pbaded guilty ami waa sentenced to three
years In the penitentiary. He was alao
/oiled tut "tie yc-i gad uueU oac cent on
a charge of housebreaking and larceny.
Alexander Jon**., housebreaking and
tareen*/, pleaded guilty in two eases, sal
Kent to Jail for three, month* arid flu**!
one tent in each.
Jim Thomar., alias Jame* Thompklns.
housebreaking and larceny, pleaded guilty
and wan n.-nt to the penitentiary for a
t^rm of two yearn.
John Cook, petit larceny, fifteen days
in Jail, and tlv- *ame punishment *?>
ii warded John T. Kehor. Joseph Wil?
liams, allan Walter Jone*, and Wllllim
H-ndfrey for similar offence*.
John Seam-Mer waa aent to Jail f"r ??
months and fined one eeat for shooting
at "'"orge 1'atteraon with a pistol.
Th.- clerk of the Hustings Coull
terday Issued marriage licenses te Hi ll
W. Hawkins and Saruh V. Kewell and
John W. .Smith and Mary E. B"
The Idea I* Taking llrui Hold In Every
lection of the. "Mate.
The idea of a permanent exhibit of
the reeourcea of th.- farinas eouatle of
Virginia ls taking tirtn hold in many of
the aectloM of the stat.-, and soms of
ii,. . ountlea win make aa exhibit this fan
.? um puss ia new,
Mi: ii of the material sent for Hie nn
nual exhibit, if left, will mak- a One
ll for the permanent exhibit, Which,
if add.j to a little every year, weald in
a short, time m.ik" a valuable pennaaenl
exhibit and advertisement of the coun
All freight cominis' to the BxpoattlOfl this
fail, when prepaid to Rlcbaioad, will be
returned to the owner frees of charge Al
Um meeting of the railroad traflli mea?
ngora In thia city a few day- aero they
dei Idi d to traaeport material foi the pei -
mai ? ni exhibit fri i of charge, if arraagi -
menu could ba made with eoonectlng
linea, which they thought would not fall
of coneummatlon.
Tha conuaittee wlM offer over AIM this
year for county exhibits, and this feature
will i"- the i'm' i' yoi atti mptsd.
'i'd. premium lieu will ba tel In thre<
w,.. i-. ere ail mora
liberal aad attractive than ame!.
Hi "Han |" Vt nod, thc preetdeat, and
Mi w. o. Owene, the aacreUry, an both
>? oung men, full of i end
the ri i ulta thia j i ar will ahow the el
nf thi ni w Mood lafuaed lato tht mai
neat . i in* j a ii:
A SAD tish.
A Poor Woman lo Plead Tor the Liberty of
Her Ifiiehienri.
a poorly-clad mother aad four chi! I
fr.in a I".ut two to
twelvi | red at the Capitol
looking for Govi root ( fFerrall,
1'?''? ol the two boya, who is probably alx
old, la a badly deformi d i rlppli.
?nd ail tba children were acaatllj attired.
I woman la the wlfi of Wade Rob
Mae, one of the convlcl who.... attempt
from thi >? aevoral
waa trustt?t. d i.y the |
Robb i aired al the pi nltentlary
Pebi 'i iry Mth from I ? count v to
two terma ol two yean ea h for I
bri eking
iiity, and
? bia family Stave bi i n la a
? m. They i ame down on
the train this morning an i wt nt dir. ? | ,
the i 'a
Thi late i wh< n
abe leerm i thal ii." Qovepi ?r, whom abe
will aah fi ?? her hu waa
nol la the < Ity. Bhe was entirely without
:' a i i ? ? leal I li ki i bob, of the
i: tard ol Aldermi n, who happened to be
al the i lapltol al thal time, aent i
the city -; a hi ra Bupi rlati adi nt
i '.u-i.. her fm the time bi lag,
Tbi Oovernor aald
irrival from ii
ha i not eeo Mi H ? ? i ? .t he
bad nol yet takaa any acttog in tbe mat
seri yt. MAtBIMOUt,
A Fiill-Dres* Wedding on Chnr.li Hill ami
re l*ee*e*ptlori and DaiU'r.
A pretty april took plei
* I o'i loch lae! eveatng al Bt J ?
MethodUl church, la walet lbe partial
...'? tl] lu full :
The '.iniia.ti- were Mr. John
K. Bavage aad Mle Anna L C . I
1 .!? tra i layton an l-l Vt ra i
"i handaome evei
ai ted .'i- bi h amald . and the
Mfr. i i. i it maa), *??
T. Couti .? E. M Candy,
it. Parker, and < Thai ? - Q Poa ?
formed by Rev, J, W. Moore, I
The bride WOK I ii.iuds.'iii'1 white
gown en traine, and carried a cluater of
Mai bal N
The usual bridal '-.ur was omitted and
-. ? eptlon gad dan< ?? waa ti aden I the
friends of the happy p iii at th-- bl me Of
tbe bi
The ?-?loom la a well h oem an l : ipular
yinni. i witta the eocount
lng .1. pai tm.-nt of the Blager office la
thia dty, aad the brldi la a m iel attrac
. tag I idj and thi favorlti of a
i.ii ga ctn i" "ri ' ihureh mn.
lt I'resenta an 1'nalgh tly ami Dilapidated
ive wi in. n . ommual
? ..ti.ms to Thc Tlmea at Intervala ol
month* in regard to the condition of
the pedeetal and baae of tbe Lee moou
The stone-* are much dJedgured by dla
col iratlon, and tbi y atay wet ao i mg
aft< r a raia that it aaami to ladlcate
thai the water aettlee on tbe Inside nf tbe
pedeetal and oaki thi mgta the cracks.
Th.- earth has freshed away around the
b um oe the n a th alda, aboarlag the
loundiiiui work below thc bottom
Btep, and whli.- it doeo 00t threat.-ii in?
jin >? to the ?tracture, the appearance is
unsightly and dilapidated
The condition of the monument cannes
an amount of criticism discreditable alike
to ihe city and the memory of Lee.
A Good "linetrel Show.
\V. S. iMeveland'H All I'nited Minstrel*
played ? return engageaieal af twa per*
formaacee at the theatre yeeterday.
when bara earlier in the aeeee Clave*
land's company was not up to the statid
ard. This fault threw a damper nn his
aagageaaeat this time, and tbe audii
were not as large aa usually aeea at
a minstrel show.
The first part his bern rpmodelcd and
a new apel laity in a clever dance by
I'armody and Hyland has been intro
dil ed.
In the second part the remodeling ap?
pears to more advantage. In it ls In?
cluded the Crawford brother*, In a well
executed hlgh-klcklng specialty, a mar?
velous tight-rope artist, Frank Appel,
who did some remarkable dancing and
ba leafing on the rope, and the burnt
cork lauuh-provokrr*-. Lew Benedict and
Cherie Goodyear, who ntver tall to pro?
duce a hearty laugh.
Trust and company. In "Wang," closed
their engagement at the Academy vt
Music last evening.
Tba Patted States Court.
The Ualtod States I ?i?trict Court was
In atealOB yesterday, and the grand Jury
returned Indictments In the following
D. B. Garrett, for Illicit distilling.
W. R. Drtir*,'. violation of pension lawa
(two indictu cuts).
Lofton Paige, for stealing letter*.
I "avid Anderson, three indictments for
violation of pension laws.
Cemmearemeei Exercise**.
The following ls the programme of the
commencement exercise* of the Cniverelty
College of Medicine, which will be held
this evening at I o'clock at the Richmond
Theatr.-: Music. Prayer by Rev. Mooee
I). Hoge. l>. li. Presentation of diploma.-.
to graduating claaa. Music. Oration by
Hon. P. H. Rjsbee, Raleigh, N. C. Mu?
tti.,'. prem'Sttttioa ot prizes, Music.
Tb* Itsard at tbs C .e**p*ska sad Ita Trib.
utari** KO to Tsogter laland-FneU ls
the <? Nelll-aley tlectlss Cosiest.
Ooearaor O'Ferrall returned last even?
ing at , ?:, ..'tl" k from Harrisonburg.
wi,.a.- ba bad I." ^i'1-'** Saturday on prt
iness, as be told me when I called
at the Executive Mansion shout an hour
m. will lee") ' batB this afternoon
ItTtT tba ClBBBpaa' ind "K . railway for
old i' ,: in*-" hy ''ol.mel Mor?
ton Marya ?>? ! l **** Ma'or A- **<
lE-irrtiriri. Hie Othel two members of the
r the Ch'- pabka and Its Trlbu
I ? ""nt t0 raD*
tain Mudglns, Of ;:" ">*??'" ChBBBBBBhB,
re ii. sting him to me*1 ,hf> board with
-.| at that point. Tba Uovernor
and pnrtv will fn m th- Tangier
[aland to la rh'' 'barges pre?
ferred recent!) ?>- ?::lrit rai,taln 'tead, the
: Tangier, lt
is probable tba' ' ? ****** win at the
.-nine tune lOOK I '" ,',h*'r matters tn
connection with tm ronbte with Maryland
oyster thieves in I '*-''"r ftaaad.
Ender th- r - '])* vvh" '" baan bef>n
? until llttU '?**?? a month ago. the
term "f olBct rmmnndsnta of the
steamer .'liesa!" i*? an'> th<* "ailing ves
aela Tangier moke expired on
March 1st, but ai " "I th- bud regular
.. ,,f ,h,. bo I il was dei I led that
:,,,,,,,n ? " term of oftlce .should
tKka pl ? -'lt had been the
intention of the tx U*d t" visit the oyster
gtouoda i- ? 'lli,"' l"u' *****} *
...her important bu linens, the trip had lo he
,, tstponed The ni al-pomtmenta. or re
ilntments. a aat he mada until
after thia propoi lB*reatl*-ettoa of the
charges against ' u tala Baa I
lbs O'Neill-.)'* M. c !,.? Coats.!,
While in .onver-* 'ion with the tjWrtt
nor i naturally ? - '? h,'n ,h" aoeetlon,
whether he would have say objs. l n
.... m ,.,,:, information in regal I
,., the O'Nelll-J "'?",1 contest, winch
?he House ,,f E. pi. -
ittvsa on Tuesdaf in favor af tl
Dem it ' bv il *** :' ,'''
,,, nf, .; "enall. in his well
known affable end rdial manner, kindly
.. iod to tl ?.--? and at aa ?
related the fa? tl ?- a mem~
hf.r .. ,., H.,. of Repreeentatiues
from the Severn: ongresstonal .ll-trl<t
of Virginia, the G reraor waa tha 11
man of tbs comm)"-"* on Elections when
the contest area refatred to thsl b i
The facts In I I, BS told bf lb?
G reraot lani ? ?-? ' " ** ****?
At the tongi- d ela. ti'.n ta 1MB,
Bl Charil * V " ;' publican <andt
ii tri ' il Missouri,
had i.n ?!? bu dull tai upon
th.- t ertlf] it '
ti. n from that d 'rb'', fl ma! ulty Ol
,, \i,.r. Di IM aft*! having
taksa bia aanl la tl a H Oawa>
e rrnpetltor, Mr. John .!. O'Neill, ?'
mltti-i bb) pal-!-, wherein la
Mr. Joy'a whl< fa wai
io Col, ' r"Fei rsll'i ma l
Mr. O'Neill ma'.- I numbT I
of which could i"- ir-'
tlon bad h. rn I "id 'Hider an Au
trallan ballot lav., which pr ' I
Ihe >
at ti..- polls, hs i ' ? ba mark, i on the
? ?? I
pia. ea M wa ?'? '
by Mr. tyNe-T that la a Bum-,
i. r of Instances the J* gi ? of eli I
1,1 f,.;, | to i mply Sith this i !? td lon
of tbe law. Th.- b.iiiots affected ii I
mai.' ' partly in favor
of Mr. O'Neill, bal a ihnjjorlty of them
vc '. for Mr. Joy. When these ballots
lt ai peered
? ? cast
for Mr. J
i l . ry. rr..ll h ?!?! BJ 'bl Other mem
romltti . who aubsequently
the minority report, tint the
\t,t,.r^ who c.i t these ballots Which
di I not have tba si'.p. at ti res of the |u
dil nol rlolate aa] provtelone of
Inn Tl a dui f tha rob rs ia ?
ly .I ? i tba faull ia to I I
f r
Joy waa entitled I hat asst, hiv nc re
I i ' tbs rotes, snd he
? ir Mr Ji v rei ?
hi. n tl had I . member "t* the
? !, | ni the time.
I ?oh lag im a Lu a. i h. . .
A Mi ' rtto ii ? : ?'? Ontaa
a letti: ; . i tavern i 0 Wt i rall, a ba i atn
bi i 11 to th.* k bei ? -
to thia . mintiy sboul nf*...
wiitei . - ams to -der th tmj
Nol ' ? I hi- >.min.,.in ..
i. lit ikradt
? i ba ? a ie.ii ned t ii a certsI
b> tl t si ml i i ?? living
. .'.tl of your
-ital. .
rted i" ba reri
hy, a man Well up ii. .vars and
witt.. ,i .my fan . or rotative* ll
bi tad in
.: I tiel man papers
tba purposa "f as
t ? : i lining the | a of some
rete) ? rhta advertise
i am
now i to I ' athel .bouta
ki edt.
.;, . ll mUSl I. IV." lett
ti.i.. ra ago, and hi
s.n.i :.t in th.- South?
ern States of thia mtrj atna tinea.
inctly as i do
Ullin . I !:.... rn to ipi ?i thal
ba b a brothel ol nay a" wt tami father,
vvh" i ,' tji.it U .m. to thia ? '.unto
and Of whom the) Bi rat had .tny tidings.
Kuli i ....trait ut a Bear.
A gent man, a i. IvBa In Eur"i ?
? 1 OB !'? Second A. liter at tba latter's
Inf w nh a BMdtUm
.-!/?? : tin I Badi i hil arm. To
mal. bject Of hla . allii.g, however,
he " box, which coman.'"! Btata
nag to WA2M9. li'
a ki i Br, Kyla: i T" i ai hang* th. m
.rv bonds, whi:h tba
letter, ol course, readily consented to
do. Tbe itrnngei ? H receive for them
baa booda afl-tounting to "k-.wo.
\ i.lie.l tbs Capitol.
the visit 'if ?t the Capitol
'ed States Senator
slsci 'Ii. >maa B. Bartlfl, Hon. K. C. Mur?
ray, of the Nor! :-* Landmark; It. O.
1 ? ? -t ?.,,. county; O. W, Flip
pin, treasurer ol Cumbarlaad county;
State Senator Th oas H. liam**, of
Nansemond; Dr. T T Williams, of North?
ampton, and Rev. W. H. D. Moncure, of
i'm, .. Edward county.
Rev Moncttre bl ?? brother of Colonel
George V. Moncun one of tba clerta in
th- otflci Od th. Audltar Of Public Ac?
counts, who is at present sick at his
home |q Btafford ' atty.
( outr?,i f'"- 1'1-loUn-c.
Captain J li Q Dani*BBi Superintendent
of Public Printing, has awarded Mr.
Jam,3 (;. Goode tht ">niract for the rc
prlnUflg of volum.-" ll and VII. of the
Qrsttan r.-..rtH of esses decided by the
Supreme Court of Appeal" of Virginia.
the third edition of volume II .
Which had a large rale, and the second
ac'ton of volume \n Tba tcatract bx to
BB Ct uipleted tn ninety da^a.
Two Slur-' G'?*??*?*?*?*"?
Sheriff Wilson Hallbrook, of Wise coun?
ty, called at the oflice of tbe Auditor of
Public Accounts yesterday, after deliver?
ing at the penitentiary two colored con?
victs, Thomas Jacki->n and lat. rugate.
Who were sentenced to two years Im?
prisonment each lor housebreaking
Bhe Can Abswst?
The Capitol Square gatea, after cob
?tantly swinging for many years, bave
reclined at eaae against the fence, to one
side of the scene of their former activity,
ever *lnce Oovernor O'Ferrall. with an
appreciation of the fitness of things, or?
dered their removal las* winter
Like a drunken man against a lamp?
post, they lean on the railing In a very
dilapidated way, resting and rusting.
They are aa unsightly now ae they were
ungainly and useless when revolving in
their places.
The question is asked forty times a
day. Why are those ugly old gates left
there? Who can answer?
Female Club Goers.
The Commonwealth Club threw open
Its doors to th" fair sex yesterday. Be?
tween the hours of 1 and 4 o'clock yester?
day the handsome Commonwealth Club
?a,i< entirely leeerted by tbe sterner sex,
while the gentler Influence of :h<* fashion?
able dames and maidens of the Weet End
reigned supreme within its hospitable
From basement to garret they wander?
ed and rhatted, discussed the latest blt
of gossip, lounger! on th>* comfortable di?
vans with a* much ease and grace
as the old. st club member, and tn tn1
hidden mysteries nf the wonderful club
life of loving husbands wer.- unve'l ?1
by the prying eyes of the matrimonial
dames, and many will be the excuse that
will be shattered when hereafter belated
hubby endeavors to explain his "how
came you ?o" condl'lon.
A beautiful luncheon was served In the
handsome dining saloon on the seeond
floor. The decorations were potted palms,
ferns and roses. Beery delicacy of the
season was prepared tn the most ap?
proved manner possible, and the dainty
epicureans did full Justice to the well
laden board. From the first cold entree
to the crisp salted almonds and the black
Java dripped coffee, the feminine follow?
ers of Lu- 'illus "piled the early feast''
minus the "late carouse" Wt high spirits
Fashion waa present, bedecked In her
finest feathers. Indeed. I do not speHk
extravagantly when I say that a hand?
somer galaxy of women were never gather?
ed around any other festive b. ard than
were assembled in the <" .ninonweulth > ? -
terday. Nothing but praises were heard for
the club, and the hospitality of the en?
tertainers. With only bright memories of
the few pleasant hours the female contin?
gent of Richmond left the club.
About Tuat Delav.
Cul genoa, va.. April .. HM
Editor Times The sUtemenU in The
Times of March "Titi and Hat, ?:.. erning
a recent report mad.* by th.- coll ne! of the
Second Regiment of Infantry, may have
produced the impression that the report
tn nu.*.rion wis dela] ? i si brtgad
quarters, the only heidi.uart.ts through
which it had to pass before reaching the
Adjutant-General's office*, and that lt wog
not transmitted promptly, as it ah-iuld
have* ireen. Permit me. therefor*,. U state
that that report, which waa made by Col?
onel Baker, commanding Ihe He. ond l**gl
metit. ender date of March 15. ItH. In
compllan-' wl'h the orders of the <!ov
ernor, aa communicated through the Ad
Jutant-?len*r**r* office, under dat* of Feb?
ruary lt. lim, and promulgated through
Oeneral Orders No *?. hendquartera First
Brigade. February SI. IAN. wn* received
al brigade headquarters Mach B\ 1*****.
and foi warded by mall to the Adlut.inf
Oeneral Mar.-h WK UM In this I Sa "'< -
tlon. lt la proper t<> sta'** that the Adju?
tant! 'eneral explain* In a letter to the
brigade commander, doti l March 31st.
thai the Bte! -.'tnent In Th. T'ne* (of
'I-i ii '-*7th> probably aros*, from (he
reporter* vrrltlna: ld and Ph. Wbea he
was told" S.md h.i?raii.ai |eoli n li. and
Fourth," and that "Colonel Bnkef-*a re?
port came duty to hand," Ike.
Von respectfillly.
Colonel .-omi.landing First Bri** ic, VU"*
glnla Volunteers
Knew from Kxperteacc.
TW T-'a. her "Johnny, you may tell tig
What ? on know about th.* season of
The Chicago Coy "Spring la a short
?i i-omlru; between lbs first and last
parts of winier." -Chicago Record
ira mb mm m
Cash is a long pole in the commercial world, and we con?
tinually keep our dollars reached after the good thing! for you.
In conjunction with our Washington branch we have purchased of
418 Seventh Street, Washington, D. C.,
and shall offer you a share of it, beginning
at prices that are just ahout
That are worth $5.00 for $2.50
6.00 ? 3,25
'? 6.50 " 3.50
" 7.00 " 3.75
'? 7.50 ? 4.00
? 8,00 " 4.25
? 8.50 " 4.25
" 9,00 " 4.75
" 10.00 ? 5,00
Sixes 4 to 14 Years.
That are worth $5.00 for $2,50
6,00 " 3.25
6.50 " 3.50
7.00 " 3.75
7.50 " 4.00
8.00" 4.25
8.50" 4.25
9.00" 4.75
10.00 " 5.00
Sizes 4 to 14 Years.
That are worth $5.00 for $2,50
6.50 " 2.75
7.50 " 3.75
8.00 " 4.00
11 10.00 " 5.00
Sizes 2) to 6 Years.
Spring Reefers
That are worth Si. oo [or 82.00
6.00 ? 2.50
0.00 " 3.00
7.00 M 3-50
8*50 " 4.25
Sizes 4 to 12 Years.
It's an opportunity horn of emergency. Mr. Baum decided
to discontinue this branch of his business, and we were quick to
turn his intentions TO THE PROFIT OF OUR PATRONS.
It is Fresh Stout II is a Desirable Stott It isa Stock of Qualities.
An Extra Force Will Be Ready to Wait On You*
THIS is what one great authority says of the forthcoming
" Book Ol THI Bl ilher*-*," the Memorial History of th*
World's Fair. Kemenwer th.t this great work has not inaptly
been described as ?*- the most remarkable book of any literature in
any age." It is to be written, designed, illustrated and published
by the same men who built the World's Fair. The work hat been
undertaken under a special charter from tho State of Illinois. Tb*
regular edition of the * Book of the Builders " is to cost, at tho
lowest estimate, One Thousand Dollars a copy, but through tho
special enterprise of The Times a * Popular Edition " is to be com?
piled by the uthors themselves out of the materials of the regular
edition, and a limited number of copies sold to Tub Times. It
will be in twenty-five sections, issued fortnightly, for a period of
twelve months. By special arrangement the price ii fixed it only
twenty-five cents a part. Immediate application ia necessary to
secure a copy, aa the edition is limited. Address
[(Dorl&'s 5<itr .memorial.]
THE TIMES, Richmond, Ya.

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