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WHAT IS CHRIST TO Y0U5 TBIB WAS TBB TBBBB OT MB MOOD I'3 TALE TBSTBWDAT. Tke Cree.% ??.?????* ??'?? Clem* Mle Uoot laga Bete Bent f*MBBMBOo\JBmA* Deeerlptlom. Even tis*, lor the* detwrin*-* efTee*te of the ?biaaianlmr weather reeeenu** aft*?o?n oomethir.g like? Sr* tho-mst**! people gath* cred nt tho bte: taloma, ie t<> h.ur the great cvangoltet Moody. Tho same ecenee. Whl. h have been a-aaairfi BM th* past week. to>k place. The'arrangement* har* bern well aya tematlxed. end the* me.-tl.;R* IM conduct? ed by* a regular tn.grammo. The. Shotf eli-it* o ntimbr of selection*. .Mr, Moody invites the v,nrm*K?tlon to > in him in silent prayer, and utter e. moment nome one of the many SDinlstcra present leads in a petlttoo for dlrlne Neening* rn- a na mertln** More floging ami na dh r pray ?;? Mr Meed** jr.-.. bea He r.Aiii.***. tho tune*- that be wants Mr. Jacob- tO .?in/-;, arid n<? mattor hew new (T h,.*-*.- dUBeult they ate*? I"* Uk***/ are sung, and (h.* < noir Jrd*SS m the thorn*. Thin ls Mr. MOOdy*0 ?ny Hie peapla d.-llght In Mr. Jae oho' full, rich v.->loe, and many requests usc sent to Mm tor special select! >ns. I*t be is ? .-med < r.tlrely hy Mr. Moody-";* auf-Kes tlone. illa rendition nt thia meetlnj- of the hymn. "Some BwOOt I'ay." wsus sweet and t'rtdcr, *.r:<l inspirim- ot thoughts worthy Ot thc occasion. Quito a Jar;*.- numlior of visiting minis? ters wera present, and of these Hov. A. ,i. Frletoe, of Petersburg, wan eelected to ofr.r th.- opening prayer. Ra***, Qoorge Coop-r, J'. I?., lead I in- SOCODd prayer. What lt Obese* to You? In opening. Mr. M.!y said ho would not tai..- a t.-xt, bul would spank <>n what Curial is t<> oe or wbal Chris! wanta to be to us; and, said ho, if Christ |g not to yu what I ropre'oani bim to ,,c then lt la because you do bet want him nt all. I'hrlst la a sartor, "He shall b? railed Jsouo, bacauea Be will sara bia people from sin.'' Baw /sus bas Boase sort of r<-*iii*ion. bat v.bal ie tbs sos of talking about religion wkoo you an- Bring In sin. it la counter? feit aril ? -hem. M my pi iraOBS ha\.- ;i s..rt of bletorteal Barlow, but they bare ne psrsssjql acquaintance *. ith blot niejr have been taught pothana In the Sunday .?-hool thal wrist mm.- to aarc stanerrt, bul religion starts from tho erna*;; lt does not start from rh** cradle. 1 oi a penroaded arj atheist tO road the ?sow Teetaeaent, and be ramo t.o me and said he had Brtade tbe Afgeovery that john tho Baptlot wan a greater maa than christ, and s-ked nv- why 1 did not preach John tn.- Bapttat i-istead of Chris*. 1 told him lo ko then and preach John the Haptlst, -iii! I w.uld preach Christ, and we WouM aee who would do tho most good; thal Soho the Baptlat waa i.f hoadoi and went tO tho grave a dead body, addle Chrlal rose on the third day. I d.n't want to worship a dead Jew, but s llrlag Saviour, who la able to Bare to the utteraosot, ?troarln-; Christian*. ? .m? psooes who . lain to ba Christiana BSg that they can't help swearing when they pot mad I bare very little opinion of such Christiana. They want to ho saved just a little blt; some of then hara a very BOBBI! Saviour. Mnk.- him all be WOUM llhe to be t" rou?a whole Saviour ani a whole delirerer. Ur. Moody then told of throe of christ's orSraclea when he commanded the derlls to rome out <>f the man who Ured In the oaree < r tha dead, tin* bealing of the woroon orho toa bed bia garment, and the raising from the dead of Jar! is' daughter, Tba Ural of tia ? dd be, la thi*. dav arould be bi sn Insane asylum, the sseoud In a I o pli <; for tai iimbles, .,..,* o,e third on tbe way to the grave. Moo |y v < ired a outang "dory j tba rc m e ii" waa postans d of Ihe derlls. and described th*? de-iiKht with whi;h h^ wa*, recelred ru home, when clothed and in bis rij*ht mind. Tho eran t nald that ho believed that mon orara poaaaased of the davfl to-iiiy, and that the Maraket of these is the rum devil. Vnt let oreo bim who >s u. weak amt sod dsa drunkard know that Jesus bas the j?.**,?r to sara him -him! And so with the woman who touched Chris! - garment .ind aros healed, ho ln r SOI ad lt with new Rirroundinr** and graphic dee. riptlons, What physicians l ...lld not do In twelve years. Christ did with a touch. Only a Touch. Touch him. Just touch him. my friend, and he **,H1 heal you. People Bay sm ls B disease, hut Christ 1< a physic! in, and bs win beal yon. bring on your disease.i bodies, and he w.ll 1k-.i1 you and make you whole. Ha described also the SOSUS at the bed? side of .1 arius' daughter, and the doubt in the minds of the disciples of Christ's ability to raise her to life. PBOgiS Bag tiley SJfS dead. I* ri nf- nlonp your dead, and he will giro you life. If you want to bo lu abd com.- tO JBQUO; if you want to b<* quickened unto lifo come to Josh:.; if um want tO be SBOOd <ome tO him; be has the power to Bare, it ls all In Christ. All the churches and preachers, apd popea and priests in the world wont save you. "1 am the .vay." All you have pot to do la to follow him. Ile will lead you from darkness Into Unlit. Christ, said. "I arn the way;" not "a" way, but "the" way; not "a" door, but "the" dOOTi HOI "a" truth, but "th.-" truth. l?oii't try IO Ighl dailiness with dark* BOSB, but como to Christ and get llKht; follow rl(*ht In his footsteps. Ymir Faee to Mu Han Keep your face rlpht towards Jerroo Christ. When you kee;, your face to the sun your shadow will always follow you; wh-n you keep your fae to * "hi 1st iove at'd rest and peace sad happiness will follow rlf*ht along behind .inst as naturally as tho .nba.low. Mr. Moody depleted Christ as n shep? herd, and Illustrated lt beautifully by # norien Of the wonderful knowledge of the shepherd of hia sheep and the sheep of the shepherd in pastoral countries. Christ aa a teacher waa also clearly aet forth, and arith expressions of regret that he could not do justice to the sub? ject In a limited time, the a*r. at evangelist eloeed ht* seimon w,th an' Invitation to those **ho needtd Christ to come to the inquiry-room. Wbe* Mr. will I.e-ay*. Mr. Moody announced yeoterday after* hoon that, as far as hr was concemi '., the meotlnjcs here will clone next Wednes? day. Thora bas been aome desire oil the p.irt Of other* to adop some other thai thc plain method*, u-.d by Mr. Moody, but he has steadily Bet his face "against them ao far. His work ao far has been one of prepar? ation, and he Ins done more fjood in arousing the Indifferent church motrabero than in turning the unconverted tb Uod. a gaatiamee ne ir to Mr. Moody aald stace he has beea bore: "fdr. Moody Berat counts th.- convert**, and nerer worries himself about i. -nits. Ho never has fail? ed in doing koo.) where h. undertook to hold meetings, and lu the face of all aorta of di-e-ourugemonta the results come, and sometimes th the moat uno* yt cted way." The queatlou that be asks in thc in qulry-Toom ia. 'i>o you fe-el that you can trust Christr* and invitee tho*e who can do so to apeak out. and he **eems to feel little fear In hia mind of their con? version when they take thia Step Yesterday he requested all who were In? teracted in the raaatlnga to ladoce their unconverted friends to attend. MU. Tr???>'. tf.. MIm Tyson ls having as great success tn attracting crowd* in her way aa Mr Moody in hU. The Be-cond Baptist church ia crowded ???-/ afue-aooa wtth boya and airls of ?reoa toa to dfteen years of age, and they, as well aa the parents who attend, are delighted w|ih her talks. The door* are locked aa noon sa the church ls full. Thin waa found neees aarjr t.> prwraai the overflow omwda from the tabernacle from crowding oul tba < hildrcn. Alfred Henson, E. A. Shepherd, J. E. Hall. R. F. Haskins, M. E. Gary, Robert Lecky, Oai ar Hwineford. W. Lk Walters, Joseph H. Shepherd, Werner, Walla,.- Capitaine. B ). Warren, Georgs w<*<t, < borate Rklpwlth. c. Whitfield Painter, .lohn M. l'rice Frank Moncure, Joel Cook. C W. Mercer, Nat. Frazier. W. iJ Yarbrough, How nd ilot-don. C. w. Craertort, ?I Ho.don nm, c. l?. McOehee, Henry Vi. Cottrell, W. E. Tallafcrro, John P. JVttis, William Dewell, Walter McOehee, A. J. P'eaaants. B. M. Qwathney, George Christian, J. H. Phippln, Hamilton Chalklev, M. R. Face. W. J. Hosher, S. S. Curter. H E.. Bishop. William L,. Wade. w. a. Barretti Henry Vaughn, John. Settle C. c. kftthod, Henry Harrison, I*. A. Nalto**, S. T. Wallace. >Vm. H. Pleasant*, lt. W. Jonea, J. P. Montgomery. l?. S. Mermen. John i: Macgse, J. H. Kggteeton, w. xi. Tutwiler, Ceorge E, Saville A. M. Halter, c. H. Oedeey. Frank L. Butler. E. K. Bernard. F. J. Duke, Frank Montague, Lindsay Allen. Wm. Fntyeon, T. J. Kmtther. J. A. Smlther, E. C. Minor. w. h. Nsason, I> F. Craddock. H. Eckelberger. tum siour s nus ms, Mr. Moody Freed***- a. Hesutiful 9e.rn.oa to a Large Asdlrnoe. A large rrowd thronged the tnl*ernni:!e last night to bear Mr. Mo. dy, the emi? ta nt tin Iii'-. c\|?*un<l In bis clear, terse m*inncr Hie treasures and beauti?? , of the MMe. i Long before the hour appointed by Mr. I Mo i to b-.Mn bia sermon a ateady I ?dream of humanity began to ftll the streets converging nt the tabernacle, i?s* I lbs Capacity of the building was filled | 0 its utmost and many sought th<- ovcr I flow meetlnas. While the ushers were bullly ."-eating the vast troneoutne ' the , hair, under the leadership of Mr. .laaObs, j r> face.1 the evnlng aervlees with a t.urn la r cf beautiful hymns. They sang in perfect time, and showell tin- effect** of th. ir conscientious training and prSctfc To tin nc beautiful gospel hymn" Ss .lie in a large menstire thc* peculiarly touching ond nppeallng power of Mr. I Moody'a meetinsH. Th?* baaiaiful atralna [ prepare the audi*?me, ax it wen', for tha SftStrSAatB of BtbMCUl logic; In fact, the bj inns ami Mr. Moody's Hermons are as d> li .ic ly combined in their Wonderful .nu..n a-s ls thi- hlfndtng shade ut twi? light CO?nectad with day nnd night. IBs Kentle*,* Opened. When Mr. Moody ascended _Bf platform lie announced that the services would be glri with th.- singing- of hymn No. "iv . "Am I a soldi..r of the , r ,-.i .'' fha Ch ar threw their whole soul Into tile hvrnti Bad mal" the large building echo and . - sound with the strains of tho appealing and .touching .'mufi'- After the hymn had been sung the meeting war. bi hy Hey. ,|. \V. Eec, of North Carolina, In rt atrollg nnd fervent prayer of several minutes' duration, in which he prayed that tba hearts of all the anconverted present might bo touched by the word-. of truth about to be spoken, and that they would not refuse this opportunity to fl' ccpt their Saviour. The thoir next sung hymn No. BM, Which WBS followed by Mr .laoobs' sing Ing, at Mr. Moody'a i-aojuesJt, No. IM "Where is my wandi ring boy to night V as a solo. The greet evangelical singer Siled tba tabernacle with the Bareet, sad harmony nt tit- tm" bing varaaa, and many were Hie eyea that ware tear-lnden before be .1. d. ?fbi uahera next pacsed among tha 1 a large contribution wan the ro Whl<* they were thus engaged the choir sang hymn No. SSS Bernara. Smith, Bennett, Hunter, nnd Henning "''**-t rendered a beautiful quar? tette; flfter whi'b Mr. Moody arose nnd anno meed that he WOUtd take the lirst chapter of Jeda, and tha twenty-nrst tba text of his sermon. .Mr. Motwly fir-***-.*.* "1 want to call your attention to three veraes." said Mr. Moody in opening. " i he duestton. tlie f*econd an exhor- J tatton and the third a command. 'Hi" tir t verse. 'What seek you?' is one of knr beauty. In it we bave the his 11 rv of the devotion and fidelity of Christ and bia disciples. Did christ hav any favorite*? tba. his twelve disciple* were nearer than thc seventy, and I think John was still nearer than any of the twelve, and the reason wai* because John b : christ better than any of the other dis. :; M _, ??Von see. my friend*-.," continued Mr. M. ly '-although Christlevee un all, love begets love, and it waa peTfectly natural that -Christ should love John above tba rest of hts brethren." .Mr. Moody also illustrated the kind of .roved that followed Jesttfl Into the desert There wi re thone who went from curi? osity to see if mira'les would ba per? form"!: there were thOBS Who Went from a hundred other reasons, said tba Bpeakl ft "Humanity has sot Improarad since, if 1 wen- to take a vote." conBnued Mr. m.,,..iv. "to Ond out what riraeons brou at this crowd here to-night 1 would find them ai* numerous as those that took the crowd out into the desert to hear Christ.'' Mr Mo.'dv gav a number of plain Illus trations to corroborate his assn Um fi "ni bl;; 0WB experience. r'xhortstloD. Under tbe bend of exhortation. Mr. said that Christ bas stvight vis uni it is therefore now our duty to Beek bini. He will never desert vis If we set'.c him earnestly and diligently, an! lt is our duty to seize the present Oppor? tunity and to enter heart aird BOUl Into the rai- for the salvation of our souls. Mr. Moody showed how hard Even strive for wealth, fame, and honor, how hard they work for the pleasures of this world, and yet take no heed for their .tt mal life, "ls not our et. ri.Itv- WOTth more than all thc ?earth's attractions'"' lae, it is my brethren, continued the st.. nker, and why do you rad seek the Lord while ba may be found? NOW, right here, ls the time and place for you to seek God. Tower af Preter. In several tors*, pointed Illustrations Mr. Mody showed the telling truth of bis statement, and appealed to the crowd t" se. k Qod In prayr. while he Continued his sermon. In a touching ap? peal Mr. showed the power of earnest prayer; hs said ll w.!s the tra., medium between poor, mortal man and tl- BUVing grac* that flows from the ll. av eidy throne of tho omnipotent The third verse, the verse nf command, -Beeb lirst th" kingdom of Qod nnd his "righteousness, and all these things ahall If added ant., you." ?Mr. Moody Bhnply i .1 ,he verse but dM not expound its meaning, owning to ths tact that ba had consumed all of his time tm the first two divisions of his sermon. The audience listened Intently to the discourse, and a number professed Christ. lh,ii.ila?? Callers. The fellowing are the ushers for Mr I' ly s meetings Thursday afterr.-ioh ana night: A ft r moon at HM o'clock" I', (IM ';',irruss' *, W. Johnson, stuart Hopkins. N. <,. Michaela George ,?. jefferson, j. p. Davis C.. H. Bydnor, Jr., Wm. H. -athwrlght' * V._^_t____ c' '' CWten.' l'i. Ed. EgKleston, B. A. Williams, Charles Wlllroy. John F. Ragland, Jr., W. H. Halght. P. K. T'-roekmorton, J H. Walthall, J. *U Rldenour, Hr. Isaac Curd. C. C. Dary. James H. Crenshaw! Evening at 6:30 o'clock. Miss Sadie Taaewell Pierce, a daughter f wn^wm ? Pl*rc*' ***** wanted from tl King William county, where she bsa ben sc?hooirUCC*"fUlly '****** ln ***chtng tl ? yiTTHE HYMENEAL ALTAR rtrT*.*TnEi\*7sii7*. cnvnca ran bcebm or a rnrrTT weddsxo. rite ott Tetewiy-TlteteoA at.eekta. Bira*. Doee 8? P??? ** "-d D#"fh ?nd yuneral-re?rf??nala. MAr-cHrarra BgBBSS ^""'T^T'} nu Bru. Btsost. Baama Buxjb. j Tll.: Kifth-S.M.t Methodist church wa. tb, scene of a pretty w??Mli.S yesterday ? ?,, when. a. I o'clock, Mr. RnbSri ?B damgbell wes married to Miss Ltd** ,*. Halley, by BOT. McDanbl BUCkOf, POO t .r of thc chun h. Th- hetti man. Mr. M. P. "alley, and Hleo CWHe BoyoM. maid of honor, enter? ed the right aisle and , rec-d, d the ushers to th.* altar, where they stood In a semi? circle while the ceremony was being BOT* found. Ml Sula PholPi presided at the organ and rendered a beautiful wedding march. Tho following gentlemen acted a- ushe.s: V.-ssrs. T. Ahem. .1. W. Smith. F. il samps.... r. R Jeffreos, of Richmond, and Messrs. Oeolge McCoy and J****** chis- cousins of tho brid-, oi Norfolk. After receiving the be-st wishes and eon ?-rafulatlons of a host of friends, the hap? py pair left on the Richmond, r r-clenck* burg and Potomac railroad for an extend? ed Norther*] tour. Tho bride, who waa sttlred in a neat traveling drfrs, ls a member of tho , hoff of the Fifth-Street .hui'... She ls I hand* some brunette, and ls very popuk.r with a large lirele of fri' ods. ?i'h.. groom ls an attache of tho Rich? mond and Danville railroad, a*.d is a brother of Councilman m. a. Campbell, and is quit- popular. About ll o'clock yesterday morning fire broke out in the mall one-story frame house a. the coni.-r of Twenty-firs! :.; Q Bl ckton streets, owned by ti..* Qranlte Building cuni Company, of Richmond, and occupied by a colored family. There was a bigg wind blowing at the time nnd the flames quickly communi? cated to the adjoining hons.-, occupied by Al. Micki ns (colored), and the ron. ln.-r.t house next to that of MlckenO. lt was -onie tlrne before tho alarm was Sounded at the station. In fact tWO o' th. build? ings ba<i been totally dootroyed and the tenement house slmoot consumed when the Bremen arrived on the ec-ne, altin they were there in about seven minut-s jfter the bell lang. They soon had throe plug st loams at cork, but were somewhat delayed by tv... nf the hose couplings blowing out, Which necessitated shutting off on.- <>f tbs rt rpo mi Until a new s*?ct|on of hose could pul in. Th-- llremon dil effective worfe .nd prevented the flames from d toy great ********* ff to th<- othbr buildings near by. The tenement house was occupied by Isaac Lee and Ed. Tatterson, both color? ed Th" 0) eui ants of th-* ..iff. -.'.lit build lugs succeeded ni saving ail tl: -If furni t ir-* and household effects, which wera !.;. ugh! OUt into tba IWd near by. The buildings destroyed were all of a Cheng character. Intelligence was received hero yeoterda) m..ming of the death at ber borne, BOOT Midlothian, in Chaterfield, of Mrs, Win* free, relict of tho lamented Ber. it. David lt. Winfre.*, who WUS a distin? guished member of ti..- Baptist "hutch Mrs. Wtafrea i.,,i boen m with pueu* monle for eeveral daya peat, and ber ,..,, ItltUtiOU was too t- Me to withstand such p.-vore lllneee, and so death onme and put an end to all ber Bufferings. Bhe was a holy of noble Christian character, and tbe anr.uoneemi it of her death will I..- received with profound sorrow In this city and throughout tho qouoty in which she lived so long. Tho deceased was the motlier of Hov. Robert WI ifree, David B W.nfr*-.-. Jr., ot Chesterfield, Mn. I: ?". Broaddua, and MTS. lulli! Holland ..f tb1 . il . Th.- funeral of Mra Martha Adan mother of Mr. a. I.. Adan*son ond Mr-, 'i'. P, Pettigrew, tooti place yeeteri .- treing from tf*o West-End' Met: 1 burch. 'ile- serrlces were conducted by Rev. B. T. Dadmup, assisted by Ber. Mr. Phaup. Mr. I'admun paid a beautiful tribute i . tbe noble Cbriatlan chara ter of th.- .!?? I. and in feeling words alluded to the raluabla aid and npsiotan ? ? which -he bad rendered t<> the church. The '..ill-bear, rs were Judge t:. A. Han rock. Major Joseph Walker, and Mosers. W. D. Tolor, M. Stein, h. C. Beattie, T. W, Wood, .los, ph Mlddendorf, W. T. Perdue, W. C. Rice, ami Henry Hamish. The remains were Interred lu M^ury cemetery besi ie the grav ot ber hus? band, th' late William Adamson, who Hod In ISO, A telegram was received here Bundey afternoon announcing the d-ath of Mr i'avid Fttageratd at st. Louis, formerly *>f this i itv. Ile loavos a vlf.- and thro* hil lr. n. Miss Maria Fitzgerald, of thia ?ity, sister of the deceased, was telegraph* "d for and left ut 10 1'. M. Sundav for St. Louis. His death was quite rudder*, ai d vs yet particular-* have not been r. ?elv.-d. J nero was only* ono case before the Mayors Court yesterday morning. Mr. C. 1*. /.. Cara.rlstl. who wa nt B igota, South America, February Bth will return to Chesterfield In Jun-. Messrs. John IC Harris, of Huguenot -j.rings; winiam Lancaster snd W I y '"nilen, of Cumberland, wera in the iltg yesterday. VERSO. AL ASD OBX KRAI. Intsrsstlng Tart. About Rlrhmond CHI teen and Ofhar Matters. Mr. B. Douglass has returned to the hy. Miss virgie Di-owry bas returned from 'eteroburg. Miss BUS Korr. of Baltimore, is the nest Of Miss Annis Howard Mrs. R. Taylor Bcott returned to her ome In WaireUtOn yesterday. Miss Tallaferro ls the guest of Mrs. Jcorge Smith, west Crace :,treet. Mr. Joseph Magee, of V" u-renton. N. C.. taa been In the city for several days. Mr. Allen Magee, of Clarksvllle. Va , ias t>een In the city for a day or two. The engagement is announced of Miss forma Walker and Mr. li. Stewart H-;me. Miss Sallie Walker and Janet Morris lave te*urned from a visit of two weeke 0 Lynchburg. Miss Nannie K. Morton guest of Miss ?tattie L. Mooby, has returned home after i pleasant visit. Rer, Thoma.*. Dinoa, of New York, will BCtura la Rlehmoud on the 2J instant. ?Subject. "Hackbotie." M.. John J. Leaker, who has been very lek at hie home, 601 east Marshall street, ? very much improved. Miss Fannie Thompson, of Fred, rleks nirg, is visiting her mint Miss Virginia lawling-*, BM coot Ieeigh stree:. Acca Temple, '.nclent Arable I ird. r of be MyotJa Shrine, will visit Washington WK1 Monday as the guests of Shrlners of hat city. Mrs. Ceorgie K. Carri-r has returned to er home m iJladaton- after a pleasant blt to her rrvdher. Mri*. M. J. Beale, 618 ?uth First street. The funeral of the late John Frederick trauer will take place at 4 o'clock this fternoon from St. John's German Evan ellcal Lutheran church. Mr. L. C. Adair, of the Taylor A liol ng Company, left last night for the Red ulphur Springs. West Virginia, to visit ls mother, who ls seriously m. At a meeting of the Firemen's Assocla lon, held yesterday evening, a vote of uanks was unanimously tendered Mesari .mu. I Steinberg d Co., of I'hlladel?"; >r their kind donation to the association (trough ('apt. J. R. Sheppard. Mr. William B. Cunningham still con dum vsry m at the reeldence of hie ieee, Miss Wight. No, 809 weat Main street. There was no change In hu COn. dltlon last aught. Mr. John Harrison ls suffering frnm a very aore arm. cat-*"*"* by a sprain tn his wrist. He.. R. P. Williams, of Montgomery Ali.. 1? In tho city and will remain until ufter the Sottish Mite Convi which elos?*s with the thirty-third degree Eriday. April 13th. Mr. Joseph Ilamford, Jr., of tba Brm or Bamford Brothers, of Eaters'.,), -,- ' , msnufarturers of braids, ribbons, .;.,,'. silks and handkerchief.*', ls in the He is desirous of starting a silk factory here, and mad.' Inqtiirifts regarding labor, etc. Kour persona are mentioned for Police commissioner for Jackson rsard to succeed Mr. Charles H. PbHUps, ri .; Tb y ara Messrs. Charles E. PHswIIaon, Panie) A. Wetobrunn, charl-, Gasser, nnd J. H. M' Kinney. The .MIss.s Hayward, of No. Bl north Tw"iity-slx'.h Ktreet, SBtOftnlned a num. ber of their Manda Tuesday night Soi,,-. , r tboaa preaaat were Misses Kemp, E*hu Upe, IHorence, Maud aBd Lottie Bay* ward, Minnie ar, i Virgie Kay, Duke, ida Fletcher, Belle Leter. Johnson, Lula Bass, Ellen Perry, ils_ghter, snd Menus. Ka np, Bddla and John Davis, .-. Bodgera, Heckler, Braid!, Allen, Key, Phillips, Duke, Bags, Howard, Louis nnd E. H. Msyo, Gary, Mr and Mr- William Hayward, ar.d Mr. BB 1 ****? lather. Niisx Mnmla Baashman, of west a ? street, gare a delightful little dan.. Tuc*. dav night ia hoi,or of Miss Merrit:. ,,f Atlanta, Ha. Som** tt the yoong ladle*. I . lent were Waa? Louise Quai Meedo, Burwsll, Bary Carrington, Bid* i.. d. Mariamm* Mshde, L-acj "reejrarn, le -'.ur lera N ttle Bvai i, l. ? " ki. Lee, Alb a T i -'">'? Maud Kent, i-'annie Winston, of Hait**rrer, Sheen, Madge Welstger, Oregory Talieferro, William.", and others, and Messrs. Wins? ton, Cooke, gi. irlea " "'-? Carring t mb, Wilson, Wellford. Wadu-ll. Pleesantr, Bldgood, Williams. Lambert Brooke Si, Ith, Koykln, caril n McKinney, aa I itber . Mr. 11I'M niagara '. faiiaaiJy o.' tiii. City, died In St. Let] Mo. las' Sun;.,. morning. Mr. ITtag.-rald waa ono . nten ber of the Hjloh". md I Ii j..iny a, First Reglaji nt Virginia Volun? teers, Infantry. Hi bad bi i ? rfpflenl of St. Louis for the last twelve, years. J OHS pa ns KY'S JULE! i. A Southern -Ippia Bala?Bal World Wide Kaine?( lark'i VleWSOf I hem. "Theta ls no rapte delicious drink lin Miumer time than the mini Jalap." i Ud tol. Hurt dark. wn i Created the part ..f tha brassy oM Kentucky Uotonel in Cbarlea r. Dnsey'a play, "in Did K-m tucky, ' and wi, i is m the city sith' tbi ol hi i i ??n.).. ? ? ..r ti. ? compan) 11 lng tins play at tbs Columbia Thi coi. ci.irK is a BeBBberaer and cami h.s tl*?1 h..nest,v. Ile has to his four yean of Berates In t in* Confederate army, Al tao ? I aa ol the war rn b - come s pilot on tie Mtrslaslppl, and stter meeting with ill-luck on a isnd-bsi on tin- Missouri h>- becsme aa actor, "iii author ha.- put a g.1 deni Ifl my part .! .: mini Juli !?-. said be, ' ail'l In .'ie- aeons i am compelled t-. .irniK. taree of them, l am a lover of a weil-mada bul unfortunately tor me'tbe prop? erty man ? ie, BB1 I r.^r.-t to I ay that they are i.iade of piala ? a at- r put Breen**) ??red tumblers, with a wi mini atuck In tba ton, lr la a pi strive liumiliati in, sah. to be coinpe led to drink i ii s poisonous concoction for the moa) .-'...lions beverage thai aver wea Invented. it is Indeed, "ah, bul ti. ? msnagi mi ii I to think that lt tin ? tl Bil th qu : ? ments." foi. claru believes 'hr.* tbe lulep ls i panacea for Bil Ills, and ba sacs | real good one an onl> be obtained in Kl '? mond. Va., from ine John Debney, sn old colored gentleman whose reputation is known from ona end of ths donth to the other. "John Debney la an institu? tion, sati," h" continue'!, "Ve":, he ls as much a .credit to the South as tlc Washington and Lee University. Kir hu..aid Idolizes him. Virginia ls l> ld of him. No. sah; there will never Em snothei Dsbney, and when he passi s away \ rgtnta will have no more mint Juleps and thal Will bo s i niamltv." ih.- Colonel'sMrolce quivered a blt. Presently h.- grew- reminiscent, "l bret mst Debney in 1881 si Maj Thomas 1 ros? well's 'it-ii day" at Bluedeld, tn- |>lace where Planet, NTna, Fannie washington, Bolus, and nany of the best horses ol Virginia were foaled ard traine). Dnb ni'.v furnished tho edibles sad mixed ht? famous Juleps. At these Held dB] when the trial races wer- over and <ltn 1,. r wa", eaten, lt was the Major s tom and pleasure to s assen bis bis gm ta In hi1- parlor, Bl 1 there the day was appropriately woe_ed up In singing" the Old-time south.rn soiic*.. Thomas WOl Boa Page, Virgtntn'a dialect writer, was alwaya thain, sah. Upon each occasion I ie wss caliea upon to recite 'Little Jack,' n poem written by him and dedicated to john Debney, eommemorallng bia praise worthy COndUCt. The poem is OB beau:.- and pathos, Bah, depicting tbe % Incident', of Debney i Mfa." ""ih" Julep .i i Dsbney la .. work of an. i tstowed upon pereonsgea wbom he bolds in high es-. !' They ar- prepnred la a aterllng ailver goblet fotirr ?? mblbed tbrcugfl atrawa of solid ailver. Tha cup, "t a quart capacity, rna rnade for Dsbney, and basra upon irs bowl tba legend: ?? '.b hn Dabn. y. preaentvd by thegeatle !"H julep*).' "An adequal i das ol tbi Julep cannot ba had without .i ire not onl* di -ii al Hirst lag, but a work of arl sa uniqui ?- i ? utTful, ah. ii I a thing < t bea**t] and a Joy for all who Blt sn una ? ?? n .? ? '? l with its biddi n ch inn-, by tbs ?liver atrawa. Tne urn is slmosi en? tirely td'.d.-n by th-- crushed Ice tigures fr..z.-ii f. tbe b n.t. 'I '. ? i P I B pyra? mid of crystal snow-. Sticking in the Ice in artlatic designs, are fruits and ti >wers, trapes, sliced peaches, I Btrawbsrries, raspberries, blackberries, and raisins; rose a. csrosti-ms*, and violets. Nothing "f the inshb i- aeon. That >.. a faith. Tn.- lea ob t rp dona not melt, hem a tha \nltp la not wakened. "Bach year, sat). Debney, al t natl ?' i "rc Ol his marvels, and v.- tors from nil the | oil ta ? ?? tbi bi si i wonder. John Debney la an oM man. but well preserved. rte ls one ot IBs mst of his kind. Hn c ri- i.ition has pe ed yet be Ungi rs, tbe but connect? ing link vlth a .lass of colored nun BIM women to whom the South las a south ernei I mj lt) owes sn rterual debt or gratitude lt was his Kind who, during the war, atayed al borne and faithfully cir-' for -nd ?.rote.r" . lbs w -? - m<i children when ih-* men were fighting at the front. Thank >.":. sjh. i snail . io. iin,- mi a Uttla ? ?Chicago Evening J lurnnt. Cp lo Hate. Editor Jsyville B_gle*-*'CMtaaaay De pew addresses the young Men's Republi? can Club to-night. Hav.* wc got a cut Of hil: Fon nan "Me, r-lr. Had one, but itfa all bettered up." Eillior- "i jot a cut of old Adam Kore I a Ighl" b'orernan "Tl . are got an old circus cm of him, but there'a a tiger en om sid-: and an elephant on the other. 1 can saw 'em i.rf." Editor- "So; don't do thar. Ju?t tak a cbtsel and cut *Q. 0. a*.' "ti the ele? phant, gnd '1'emoorai >' 08 the ligar, and sling in a caption, 'Chauncey Kira tu. the Animals:' That'll show the pen? nis of this town th; t we're right un to late w-ith metropolitan Journalism."? Puck. DKA'l ?*, COOKE.-lMed. at 10 P. M.. April ld, at the residence of his parents, la a ruth Beach street. J, ALLSTON COOBK, only ?on of J. Kllia and Kebecca C. Cooke, In the twenty-second year of his age. Ei'-mis of the family and members of k-Chmond laodge. No. 1. I. O. O. F., ?re Invlt'd to attend the funeral from :he Second Baptist church FRIDAY st I JO P. M. Interment at Elisabeth, If. J. COBB.-Died, st hts restdence, on tbe ."barlM City roma. April AA. at ft.oO A. M.. "ALVIN li. COBB, in the flfty-tourth irear of his age. ?TBPTOB.-Died, April .'ld, at 12:0.1 K H.. at thc- residence of her huaband. No ;_'S north E\ghteenth atreet. GEORGI E. *eloved wife of C. II. Sttrptoe. in the wenty-thlrd year of her age. MARKS.?Died. April 4th. at 10:53 f* ?.. WAbTEH BOOTH. JR.. son ot Mary irifllth and the late W. B. Marks. Funeral notice later. DO YOB SLEEP DOM? If 5ot. Something ii the Matfer aad it Neods Attention. Nothing ls so important as sleep. If for any reason you do not get enough sound sleep, you are sapping the vitality from your nerves and faying the foun? dation for the most dreaded nervous dls TJBBtT* Many thlnga prevent sleep, such ns weak nerve*, nervousness, worry*, I . dlgeottoa. overwork or strain upon the rn rves. Thousands of people become sie.pless and have weak nerves and weog bodies, and yet do not call IhsuiBlliaS o ctly sick. Still they arr- out of Older, netroUS and have no ambition for work or pleasure. Von need the great spring medicine, Dr. Greene's Hermia, blood and aerve remedy, it win make you welL Mr. Frank E. Bacon, of 7 Dyer avenue, Arlington, lt. 1.. writes the following ler ter telling how he was cured of the bor* !< I ; o', sl.cpl'-'.-sriess: "For over a y-rai I SUffStOd terribly with sleepleasnese, IndtgeaSlon, Berrourmeos ar.d debility. At night sloop would not i oms to in-. I would g.-t up in the morn? ing ..nd go t> work fully as tire.i as i would go to bed the night before. Evefj morning I had that same firod and broken-doom feeling that i had al] day. "I would toss uni turn lu bpd, but could not g't a night's rest. I had in dlgeatlon fearfully, and my food di** tr.-so,i mc constantly. I could eat hardly anything Life seemed S burdon tu me, and i waa completely dtecouruged. I co ld not do justice to my stork, and feared 1 would bt OMI I to glVI Bp work entirely. *k\^5*\ w. ra ?* n s. sat wi "Many rem.,.- were recommended to nie, and I tue.I them, but could SOS BO benefit. I recently recovered from a Mr eere attack of tha g*rip, and on gi around agJSln determined to get rid of these terni. ?? diseases, i digest! a, sleep* and nerrousness "I determined to K*-t well a td take some comfort m living, i heard of Dr. Oraene's Karrura Mood and nerve reme? dy, and the wonders lt was constantly ibung. and decided to try it. 1 did BO, and noting erith surprise th.- beoeflt derived from one bottle, continued it*, use. "I have now oood four, and fool like a diffT. nt mar.. I can " ' St night, BBd I reilly enjoy eating my in I I attribute my car.- entirely to I" Qroene'oI Kervura bfcoed and nerve remedy, ti la a moal apleadld and ???? .nderful medicine. I "l don't know what would hare become j of nv* if I* bad not been for this re? markable i mady, i heartily recommend lt to every ona, knowing what i' baa don. for mo. .\.> i.uch medicine waa aver m ids before." Aro you nervous, restless, aleeplesa and havo wakeful, disturbed lt* ao, yo i are In danger, and the Only thing for you to do la to take Dr. Qreene*a Menrurs blood and nerve remedy, ii win surely and positively cure jrou, gt*, yon natural ni ap, and inik?- you well. Tin-' ls thc beet tone t.. ? .be ll Ina etoreys Beta best in the spring. [| i Reed and recommend..] by plc . | it ls the icora* i ot tha ? en ifni ipecteV ii-t in . iring nervous and chronic dla* aasso, Dr, Greene, of IS weet Fourteenth street, Nest gert city. He can bo con? sulted free, personally or t>v lotter. Vcu Mav Never Have a ( hanee to met distinguish, rj Ol rple In Beery part of tha world, but if you will let ur wa will Introducs tn.m to you. rou caa BOW th" look, and how they dress, and thal ls almost as much as yon could BOO I' you mel then face to face, .\ft-r y .a have met the leading poopls In thia countrv and abroad, we will take mi ,.n o TOUR OF THE WORLD, Boated In front of your own glowing fin* with your family around you. ah it coot you a w?ik. BEE COI PON <>N' PAOB -, OF "THE WORLD AND ns PEOPLE BY BUN LIOHT." A Hors Throat or ( ough ir suffered to prsgross, often rsoults in an Incurable throat or lung trouble. "Brown'a Bronchial Troche, give Instant rclbf. Tha Moo 1 la the sour a of ii-uith K"?p it pure by tabing Heod'a Be rae partita. which la toolf, and a iperior In strength. ?onomy, at. 1 medicinal merit. Ho., l's Tills ora the beet affer-dlnnor pfjl -UgdOt digestion, euro headache. Try a box. Ste. At Last a furs for Shk Headache ls found 'hat ls pleas? ant, bar minas, snd efficient. We refer to Hr. Darleys Pills, that thouaaoda oi mr people have successfully used. Price, 2"> cents a box: live boxes for ,v tl OWBNfl A MINOR 1>Rfr; rn, Richmond, Va. I'lchinosd, Frede*rdcte?biir*- and gallresd Commencing Sunday, April 1, iv-t( round-trip tickets to Baltimore, Phila? delphia, aad Mew fork wfll ba on sale Ht the Richmond ticket offices of thia company st following rates Sew Vork. limit ten days.*?17.mi Philadelphia, limit ten days. Ui.u> Baltimore, limit Ave days. t*.oo C. A. 1'AYLOR, Tr-LfBo Manager. Southern BsptU- Convention, Dalia*. Tex. On account of above oeraaion, the Rich? mond and Danville railroad will sell ticket- from points In '.he State of Vir? ginia at a rate of one first-class fare for th" round-trip. Tickets to be sold on Mav Mth 1'th. and Kith, With final limit thirty days from date of sale. For all information and for Pullman resorva tiona, call on or address John M. Meal!. Traveling Passenger Agent, 'JJfS eatit Main street, Richmond, Va. Reduced Raleea to <ali'e>rnla The Richmond and Danville railroad is filing tirst-class limited tickets from Richmond to San Francisco und other California points fer 94&IO' se ?ond-clas* f 4'1 MA Rate from Richmond to -sari Ft incieco and r.-turn, f>vi *.*i>, tickets limit? ed sixty days. For tull information and Pullman reservations, a-ldres*. John M Heall. Traveling l'assenaer Agent, yjO eajt Main street, Richmond, Vu. Attractive) I u v.etme-n*. Tba paid-up stock of ths Commercial Building and Loan Association pays H per cent. For full Information and prospectus, address tha association at Richmond, Va. Stop Thal! NlopThatlt terrible cough with Dr David's Cough ttyrup of Pine Tar. Horehound, and wita Cherry. Um Moody'e Superior Ammonia for household use. Hood ? Pills curs all Liver Ills. Billous aeee. Jaundice, Indigestion, Bick Head? ache. THALHIMER BROTHERS GRAND OPENING FOR APRIL. Thia 1b ro Anril-fool husinesa. When von call at i ur atora for bargair:* admtissd f a get them sad not 'Are just ?old oat*" but we have, ahrw and Bell what wa advert:*. get full value, aa we dy luaineaa that way and nu other. SOME OF OUR LEADERS FOR THIS WEEK, lease more of those elegant riai-1 and Striped tiingham* ami Baarsoeksra a*: OCR WONi-KIt PRICE ONLf 6e. A YAKI'. Imported La(*e and Mull Striped tfingharn that sold a week a?"o at ! c ? in*. >? I i Monday. (MK Wt ISDEK PEII E ONLY ld kC A Y.IKU. 1 osae to arrive DRESS GOODS. SILKS. DRESS GOODS. Now ia ths time to buy your Orena Hood*, and the place is at 0 ,r More. 20 pieces I>ou>?Ie> Fold Disg mal Whin-Cord and I bsagnabi i *_Teut* that aeli ave-- el -? atU.V.: Ul'K WONDER PRICK ONLY l?*ie. \ Y4IID, 10 piecea 4(1.ireh All-Wool Heine ta and Preach Serges that w<*r<* nhasn a ftiw ?_? . agoatTSc.-, OUR WONDER PRICr! ONLY jOc \ . .HD. io pieeta taVtoeb A'.ENVool Cheviot EfTetts, imitati u :' t\ ..ood* Ol B "sTflNtni rillCE ONLY 50c. A YAKI'. " A Hint as to a Few of Our Silk Bargains. I") pieces Colored Satin Moires, eveuinjr rind dress shade*, that soil every where at lb gad 75a.. OUB WONDER PRICE PNL1 81 ie. A YAKI). tt p ecea eleu nt stvle and quality Figured Chins Silks, ahown aa a b _ WONDER VKlCi, ONLY 28c, A YAK.". l'i pieces best'Jl-inch Figure I [adla Silks, agaa ai rod last season at WONDER PRICE BOo. A .'ABD ll pieces Bl ck Plgared [adla Bilka sumo gooda as gold at *1. nnlr three iacbei n.wer: OOH WONDER Mil' I ONLY tbe. A JARD. n pieces bsa! J'.inch I'lnek Figured In Iii Silks, Bold '\i*rv\*,!. re at fl nn-l ll WONDER PRICE ONLY Bec. I xtra Bargaiaa in Ulack Moire, Satin and 1'lu.iti Chu:.*. :'ilks. PARASOLS AND UMBRELLAS. Wa show tba largaat aad abaapast aaJactloa of tkaN *. - ladiaa, gaatlataai - cbUdreB, in th* cry. White ferney Pa ratio's from ll ba lld aaeh. Black J'ai.'c Pa aaola from fl to f io each. < olored lai cy i'ara* from tl to *7.5' each. Children's l'-tr-isols from xoc. to* J each. I.ailiea and (rents' I inhrellas in (Doria. Helvetia and Silk fron.1 75c ko |5 s.i<*-h i"0 mine ur those excellent Kug'ish Qloria M laen I ml rellaa al LADIES1 CAPES AND SUITS. Big steak, low piloaa. tail must he aotd. Bee oar immeaaa liaeof Blank i ? ; -j Capes short, medium mui loag atjrlaa, with and vi* ta ? fromt 1 special numler- Blank iiud Navy Ser_o at t'.bi). |e>M aad * SHIRT WAISTS. SHIRT WAISTS We have them br everybody all sorts and Kiata] 11 suit everv one, v raoga sad small people, Weelosed cit 700 d"/en la oaelotoftlv uart] the tno'iejr. Wa ffOt BB advantage aad aire it te you. Ooodawortl - tot hiivi mude one price ootha lot. Worth 76c to fl i eeck '? i Mi ' price of tOc. Tiiis is tho hicseat bargain and best \alue e\er offeroo MEN'S NEGLIGEE SHIRTS. "mother _r- pt burguin ov.r buyer secured, and that is Men'* a*">0 dozen laundered and unlaundered co ls itt I ll ana I WOl rooney. Also bargaina iu White J.n'.'.Ddored uni llolauodered Summer I'nderwear. SPECIAL BARGAINS THIS WEEK IN HOUSE FURNISHING.;. 250 pairs Blaacbad Sheets at "r' Tl und fl 175pain Blaacbad 1'lllow Cases nt I0o., lit1 .c. I.'"'.. 100 aud 5 car-es I'.!eachcd and Brown ?-heetiiii.s nt I"- . ',< . fl le., ' I ' fS do/en Hemstitched. Krint'e I .md Bammed Damaak and I and 250. each. I.ur_eat ami beet towsia Brer sbosra foe tbe money. No. I.?Abo?ber lot of Curtain ?nda, ij to - yards loag. at 12a.; <'h??ai' I No.'J- Auother l"t of i urtain Eada ljjj' to 3 Tarda '. g l.t.- ebeep at ll < BOO piecea Straw Mat mg*, -emu 1 ps* and pieced, at II c. and 40c. Byard heft ralin* shosn in tins citjr for tne cr; AU other gooda for tbe hooae, aao_ tia (''irlams, Cotafortsra i to he bad at ti.H right pricea a \H-m THALHilYJER BROTHERS', FIFTH AND BROAD STREETS. Thone 998. fap I-su.'. th2tl IJ / ?*7*ry*ri-^rrvvv-. v\' v -x:& Hear the Eagle Scream! ?>v V *? fi'VTvT \ \" ?vN-v.-g \ VS Picturesque America! PARTS ONE TO SEVEN NOW READY. EACH PART CONTAINS A FULL-PASE STEEL ENGRAVING, printed by hand "ti heavy plat*. poper. Size ot poire, 18 iochai bj 10 incbea, ami fourteen other illoai There are 24 Pages in Each Number. THETIME8 offeri theei patti to its reader* for TEN CENTS each in coin and three i Edited by WILLIAM CULi_EN BRYANT. CoDat-fta of 80 putta, each *"*ont*%iB*ng ;. fulWpagi wtaal en? graving ati-i irom twelve to twenty otho? ill.strati.m,a. en graved in the highett style of art, together w th deaeripti reading matter cootribnted bj irriteri tpeciatly engaged. The tvbote edited bj William Cullen Bryant, and eorreeted and revised to date. Pl A Genuine Steel Engraving Worth -SO Cents WITH EVERY PART!