OCR Interpretation

The times. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1890-1903, April 27, 1894, Image 2

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85034438/1894-04-27/ed-1/seq-2/

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liat wira mo va wray tx.
The Nowell.MrCtia Nnptiala al 8taa?t?a-A
Largo Atta?n<Une?-.Mari.ag*>e In Matty
Other Parta of the IUU.
STAUNTON. VA.. April 26.-8peclal-An
Immense crowd gathered in Trinity Epis?
copal church this afternoon to witness th??
marriage of Miss Amelia I'et irs HOCa*
and Mr. Benjamin Rush Now* I. The
ceremony waa a beautiful one. The spa?
cious chancel and altar 07800 profusely
decorated with white rose*-, calla lilies.
arrowing palms and Other plants, and
lighted with hundreds of wax candles
in bunting- candelabra. The Rae. Walter
Q. ..ullthert. rector <?f the church, per?
formed the ceremony.
M!*8 Meroe ls the daughter of the late
Judge John IL M, i'll.-, "f this cits.
Mr. Now mi is a protB.net>! btu
of Beaumont, Tessa. The bride was Bawd
becomingly attired In a iraveMng gown
of gray <ioth erith bal and sieves ?
match She carrie.! a whit" praycr-la^k
waa maid of bOWOt, Bad Mr. J.-M<!>.
Mccue was beet man.
The Batten sv r. Meesra Marrar HR*
liars M?rtIn Patty, Hampton ss ayr.
h'.,i.. it McCue. waiker McClMsnsy. Per?
ta,, sjrewn, Kenneth McCoy, Ucy <??>
aaa, Md vv. a. Cahaotaa of AMeghaay
*MrT_?d Mia. Novell leah tho *?*??*?
train f"r Mew Vork t.. apend Borne time.
Hua from that city wfUaafl for Oal isa toa
Innr In Charlottesville.
|-HARI/?TTi^VILLi:. VA. April M.
Ip? Minnie O. Harris and Mr.
h m Bowe sv ?? ii anted this sftero aa
la this City ami 1,-fr for Rici m >nd.
<nl.<>r marriages were Mrs. V. Willer
ron lo Captain lt. M. Hall. Miss Sarah L.
bag |o l"hn M. Mooney, and Mrs. Mary
.!. Wash I ' Mr. L..!.. rt I'.a.-s.
Krvsnlil. (!H,k.
Mi c. w. Reynolda one of the prominent
ritisena ? ? ? merril 1 thia
sv#ek m M n i. alli 'Mirk, of Cnlpeper.
Mr. m. r, Oouldman, .Ir. and Miss
Marg.ir.t a. Goldsmith, doughter ?'f
tain and Mra Wm. Ooldsmlth, were
married ins; Bight at the hosae af th*
pan '.i-. Ri ?? ? T. J. vv llsoa, of
i ne Catholic ' hurd., osnetettng.
1w,? \VVi!<l?nc* ai -,ilt?lk.
SUFFOLK, VA. I fal M Mr. P.ohert
Matthee - and Mi- - M I I Lam
i.oth of this county, were merrted al
Petea Christian church, Drivers,
.-irt,-rr,'. ?? lock, tho Rot. M. G.
N- svman oflli l.ttlng.
The marriage ceremony ol tire Rev.
Heary Wingate, an Episcopal clergyman
from Ootesvtlle, x. C., and Miss Mattie
Hunt?r. of Mooee City, wes performed
at rhe Bptacopal church here this evn
lng at 7 o',-i-?? k. Mi ry visitors were
present from distant
SEW list rr KS ACE
Pulaski's Workmen I onlanted?New Court
Hon., rait,-.
pclaski. va., April M. -SpecleX?It
|1 as ti a- h"re ,-,:-, alSSWhelO t tiat th"
?'leaving tTSSS BBBOBBM " the < "mini; BUtn
mer." That's th" word, coining, for it is
not herc, and win aol arrive until some
time after tho date Bx< 1 on for the ai
rivaJ of Coxey a. Co, si tbi Capital city
cf the country.
Speaking ?f Casey reeatada bm t.. .x.,y
that lhere are no clanks an Mig Our
workii.giu.'ii, iiiai though the timi are
hard, they sro doing ail the work they
can comm.,id.
Work OB QM new zinc furnace and Ihe
foundry preajreosv i finely. Oar etreel
being Improve,!, too. and this glvea I m
pliijmaa! to ,piite a number of desi rving
la t'orera.
The second election on the subject of
courthouse removal sviil lake plan- on
the Mtl of May. Dublin and Pulaski are
ll:e onlv contestantrt this time.
A del.atlng society s\a,s organized OB
Tuesday night, and the material of which
lt ls made gives assurance of aa intcr
es'irg ira' Instructive organization.
Th" ho,* Of last sv ah a" tl 8 opera
Lois.. arOB largely attended ami thorough?
ly weil enjoyi d.
our mit!,.i ni Kpring slOCtloa provokes
no latereal ho far. Th.- adltor of the
Lara.. Ohs ure*] me that he ssiii resume
tbe pubs! aiii.n "f lils paper no the ld of
M ? v
!Vl?-i?c Cnd'laM ls in tOWB tO-doy,
am, raattdalne "f bi ag a little lonely
-Ince IBB return fran Richmond. He en
toyed his eesjnpanlona, ml isyperlallj life
lu TJI'l.mond
R I l.t. li ik JWS ... C . a- il ?.i-J,.ll .
il olio au.I (i?li...aua., .lia Mallett... Nc
groos. Mill on liuu.tii Ibis >.uinlu?,
MAattAJMAS, va., April Jg. apeclai.
ss inie and RoMason, Ute iwo tailored
msn who will tic lunged lo-morroa Be?
lasso i aad u .s. m., were brougni her,
last night from Al ttndria City, arti .
n.cy have been confined In jail .-ince the!
conviction, by Sheriff J. P. Leachman and
lila deputy, V. C. Rorabaugh. Th
-n< rift wiih me prisoner! arrived hera
ai midnight heit night Thc sheri fl. had
: ..mmi'iieil a guard of twenty men to in-" t
him ut tb ? train and assist in escorting
the prisoners to ihe j.ul. There were
eery fess present when the prk ?nei*i
rived except the guard, and thc men were
landed in jail without trout.le.
The Juli has hen strongly guai :? ?! to?
day. Everything \a In readiness, and tha
execution will be effected a.^ soon after
7 o'clock as possible ti"" Governor hav?
ing refused turther respite ami the Ap?
pellate Courts having declined t.. grant
fsri He will Show th* Norfolk People
Soma Things In lists t ?rr.p.lc?.
NORinLK. va., Ap.ii M. Special??
Sam Small ls the leading spirit in the
Prohibition combination, and cutting with
a two-edged blade, whacking DOBBOeratB
and Republicans right alu! left. He States
that he proposes to prove lo th" ?
of Norfolk that they have hf en robbed and
plundered by lh<- city officials. He Will
prove, so he declares, that tha police
of Norfolk are Instructed t.. protect the
bar-rooms In th" violation Of th. Buodl s
laws, that ooaaotnetlona havi been mada
to carry oat lobs for the pu; po.f i ut?
ting money Into the pockets of city o?l
ciala and leading politicians.
Al! art* Oeteeed ami Coleman I'ndrr Death
aWaesMaa?afotaad Mm BaseOpsSaj
GOOCH LAN M. C. H . VA.. April 2C.
Jamea Coleman, William James, lady
Clover, and Frank Cay made their escape
from Jail lien- last night by prizing the
door open and Bealing tlie wall. Coleman
had been BBBtaaOOd to he hanged, but s.us
grant.-,! a n,\v trial. James ssas sentenced
to the penitentiary for two years, but
was walting to appeal
Prank Oay ts a one-U-aged boy, and was
eentenced to tw? years in the penitentiary,
(Lover was walling to le ir id. They
were all colored, and Cay would hm
Bone to the penitentiary In a few dava.
Un waa ?svaaafj/ ReaOsa After a Demand
tram M..I. f?r m. Mop*..
I'LTKliBBCHO, VA.. April US-Special.
A little white boy. agrd about fourteen
>caras, named Burrow, residing in Prince
<**<>rg? county, waa assaubted a day or
lw? ?*? wa the highway by two negroee
and very aevcreiy lieaten, wiihout any
proiroeatlon whatever. I. appears that
tao lad had been in tbe habit of gola g
to a certain store In eb* county to have
.hool srarvaUtU cashell, and while on an
errr.nd Uf this kind he wa* met SSI taB
road bg th- two negroes, nh" asked him
If he had any money, and when be told
them he did not. one of the negroes
Btmek him. knocking him senseless. Al
the lime .?f the assault Murrow was scat?
ed in a jumper. The hois* took fright
.ml ran hom*, carrying the lad aa he
lay aaeOnStlQUI In the vehicle. There ls
r.lue to lend to the detection and arrest
of th-- assailants.
The H urines Court, JsaxgU I?. M. R'r
Baid pr ?siding, has been engaged to-day
Roaring ana.ment. DU a demurrer In (be
rase of Wtnfree'a rrust.es vs. the U*udon
end Liverpool and niobe Insurance Co.
'Ih- amount Involved ls about Jl.'flO.
Irc?lrricL*lmrg Mattera.
..il. Yesterday morning MISS labile
Bowl*, "K''d about sixteen years, ni I a
mort charming giri, died at the re
of her father, ia ar Fletcher's Chanel,
King !'?'? 'rge county.
A large real estate deal of lats near
Washington avenue and the Presbyterian
sehooi whs cloned beau to-day. The
BOW purchasers wall bcirin at once the
arecUon of several large and handsome
modern houacs.
The Annual M*?ting Held In the First
Presbyterian Ch ti rr b.
Th- First Presbyterian church was rill?
ed last Bight with an interested and cul?
tured iiU'lienee, tba " '.-.sion being the
EiKhty-riis- anniversary Bleating of the
Virginia Bible Society.
Th" . venina's pna;ramme was opened hy
th.- , li,,|r rendering a beautiful selection,
which was followed hy an invocation de?
liver,.| ly Or. W, V. Tudor, of BrOUd
ajtraat Methodlsl church, who presided ia
the abseil,.- of Or. K. P. K,-rr, pr alden!
of O.r- |.>? i?-1v. who was detained at horne
on aCCOtmt of slekrnss.
Th" Rev. J. R. Newton read a selec?
tion from the Scriptures. Ha afii follow*
.1 iv Rev. william .). Young, I>. i>.,
who offered s prayer, The prunfumuta was
intelaperUed with the sink-in*: of hymns
Noa eil. aft ami HT. 'rta :: v. W. a.
< !ampbell, i>. l'.. a ho afnee ".e lal ol
February ha.-- baan tbs general sgeni of
? j,-!y, deliver-,| an address. He v.'iis
li I by Mr. T. la lb Walford, who
r'ad 1',.- annual report Of the society.
Th.- repoi bowed thal despite ths
financial depression ii,,- society has Som
a pood work and at pr.-sent is In a
bing condition. Artur ihe rinding
of th,- report tia- annual address was
delivered by Rev. R. B. Tyler, i?. !?.. <>f
New York. At the lonclusioa .f Or. Ty
tddresa an ai,peal for the cause
aaa mad,- by Rev. Meaaa D. Hi
i.. The programme was concluded by the
if the doxology, fntlow*d by the
V. U. C. .1. Rd 1 Club.
The v rung Men's Christian Association
' 'iii, laI,I aUOtbl r nc '-tiru: in the
directors' rem ^f tia- association b
iii.: Issi evening, with Mr. Wilson WU
llama In tbe chair, while .'lr. Samuel T.
Pulllam a, ted ??- aseIatarv.
Tbe Executive Committee submitted a
sit of rui-s, which wars adopted aft-r
little dis, a.-Mon. Tba rules provldi
th;.i. the iiu'n is io bc Rovernad hy the
I of dlrectora The memberablp
Sf the du!, : l ill be limited to sixty, and
ga ar,- t , be ic ld ila- Brat
Thursday ol each marun. The buatlni
n ls 1 ed fem April r.th to Septen
ber l&th. The boat-bouee i.-i to be closed
on Sundays, when under no consideration
and foi- na purpose boats shall be taken
it was de, Ided to order thr'-o new boats
from Mt. .1. ll. Rushton, ,f Cami,
al ?:. ?-. which are expected to arrive
I,, i in BbOUl tw,, weeks.
lt waa also decided to bav ??? moonllghl
down the .lam- s river on board
of tie- steamer Pocuhonlae on May Mtb
,: Morgan Shepherd, I.. <??
Burruss, a. L Richardson, vivian F. Far?
rar .md Harry s. Bates were appointed
a committee to make th,- ga canary ar?
Messrs. Wilson wmianis, I.. G. Bur?
russ and .1. r. Montgomery were appoint
ed i committee to interest Ih- ladles in
the und. risking.
The cl h ls within three members to
the lina-..
Soldier-' and Sailors' Monument
Captain 'Meinas Eiiett. the secretary of
the Private Soldiers' and Sailors' Monti
tu ni Assoc lotion, is preparing the Invl
battons t> be sent .ar, foi- tie- unveiling
of ihe monument on May ftth. Some
lettera of acceptance have already come
in, also a number "f lettera ."frlng for
di i nu as p. iii'- caramoales.
Mr. W. T. Hay nie, secretary cf the
. i- s. k. j-:. Company, of Anderson,
B, c., writes that hi., organisation b>
1 t,> be present at the ceres om, s.
W. h. .Mabiy. Adjutant-General "f
Ti aaa acknowledgea tie- receipt of in
Invitation extended ti." mlUtarj com?
panies Of that State, and says that while
I w iii be unable p. nit. nd him elf, he
will Issn invitations t>> the military
., id companies of TeXSS, l ..na- Of
whom will probably 1.. present
lu-. J. M. McBryde, preaideni "f
Blackabuxi College, requested Mr. J<>:
eph w. Tbcenaa, of ti.is city, ir' the
re, ent meeting of tbs I card of iii.
to apply to Governoi O'Ferrall to obtain
.-.-?i,,;i f,,r th- BBB Ol I lue Of th*.
Siai- tents duriiuj tba unveiling. Tbs
Oovernor has kindly granted 'he request
and Die Blackaburg cadets wail, there)
go lilt" cami, nar tbs Le ll I .anent
Tii,> expect during their stay In Rich
no .nd to Rive a number ol exhibition drills
and parades.
Prom Iii Council Ciiiiitiiilteci.
The Committee on Second Harket bald
Its monthly meeting In room Na U of tba
e'lty Hali yesterday evening at o:,u
o'clock. Th.-re ware present Messrs J.
W. White. Mitchel, and IsCkSOO, The
usual amount of routine business wa
transacted and a number of bills were
ord-i. ,\ io be paid.
The semi-monthly meeting <'f the Com?
mittee on Health was to have taken plac<>
at the aaane ttaac in room No. n, but on
? a-",mit ot the abutota of a quorum no
ie sin.- i could he transacted Chairman
E. P. Reeve and Messrs. Georgs P.
Davis at,d .lam's T. Vaughan were the
only rm tubers present, lt was deed d
to mak* another attempt to *? ara a
quorum thia art'moon ar 1 o'clock.
The ?' laanttti ? "1. Water belg Rs
Bsoathly meeting in room No. ii i
City Hail hi-t evening at 7 o'clock. Then
wei.- | ? u< ' .!. w. win:,, (chair
Brauer, Mann, Mountcaatle and
Trower. s good deal -a Ineaa
I . and tia
departn i it i<<r tbe pas; nc,nth was ap
,a, red.
it a as ,, .1,1 to h.isa- th,- followtni
tsnsloaa of oater mains laid On Tv..
ninth Street, from .Marshell to -
a treat; on Bevertj street, west of Ran
dolph atlast! Ml Harrison BtrOSt, from
<'lay to Leigh street; on M sln-t, from
Twemty-eatghth to Twenty-ninth Btreet
Il was also ri-, ide 1 to have ii horne
trmiKh Banool on Brand, nour Seventeenth
Hie International M-ic'iinlM*.
Tbe executive board of the Internatlonnl
Oiler cf Machinists were auditing ac?
counts all day yesterday. The only bipi
ne.sn of Importance was the Oreat North?
ern railroad trouble, ut st Paul. The
board authorised ihe members in Bt
PBUl to r*a|8t the reduction of wagua If
possible. The board will be in session to?
day, auditing accounts.
Uy.ubay* llheuminisui Cannot ba c ure,!?
My wife wus confined to her bcd Cc*
or*2 twown???i?? w-ln ? very sew,,. ;,,
tack of rheussattam. We could set m. ?
mg thal would afford her ai. v Y.d.V "?",?,
as a lust resort gass Chamberlain's p*^
Palm a trial. Ts our great surprise ? i .".
bctan to improve- after the first appllc .
timi, snd by using R regular bEs waa
aoon able to get up and atterdto her
houaa work. ft II. Johnson of Ci
Kn'.tM,..* Co'' K/>wlngton. Minn BO
cent bottles for aa e by Owena 7ui.?
Drug Company, P. M. Slaughter E P
dr*ugg7.tsA C?' and W- ?' For.trn.nn.
catt. WBaT~o~nBS capt. o'BAGAy
roly tem* oy arith work.
McCoy Knocked Out of tha B-? ?>T ,h'
"llloedT Mhlrls'-O'IIagan's rina Hi.se
RlBBBfll rillll" "*?*? Balling.
The bee/a from the Mushroom etty were
eoaBptetety anowed under by CtBptnia
West's darlings >,-slerd.iy Bf th- WBBI
Kiid Lark In the pfOBOB ?? ? I ?? a***".*
aaarter of culUvated rooters aa* trgnha
Th-- BOOffO ssas fl to t, and th* fBl I WM
the visitors only made thi.gTOfB ihOO
bow viciously Hi" "l.lo'-'iy shirts' BOUOdOd
?,,. gpbera Ooooral Us looked oewa
from his big horse in pity as he sass tl.
representatives from the city of ric
ievmlnioii-ly oofoatoo.
ri..- boags team recured twenty hits for
a total of us oni.\-.v:. bene* while ine
visitors only got right hits with B total
ot eleven bases. The Mushro ima only Baa
three errors tO Hie home teurn s lour.
1 ri Vt a BOOS CUMi,
Although beaten the visitors pat na, a
go 'i came Crockett el flrst, Freeh in
shoit. and (illa,;,i. at tl.ni. played bril?
liantly. Th ? latter is certainly Un ?
,-a Lord aeen here I r >m i lime, mu
bunting and base-runnln? are ol tne gm
edge order, captain West sad hie boya
can g. t ;i few points on boa I > tteai a
beg ir tbi v keep th-lr eye on O'Hagan.
Thi "Bio ly Snlrte ' only obtained a
dosen clphi rs in tbe Brsl Inning, i '">'
jump".! on McCoy ss ith both feet, end
m.ole that gentleman Ihlnh ll
bat ssas guaranteed t.? make 8 la
ger, if aol s borne run.
Hoi!.I.. ,k relieved him in the fifth, bul
even he was unable to ki i p the I
from perforating the atmosphi re with hits
of every dea riptlon.
The vlsltoi pulled themi tber
In the fifth, and for a while ll I i ked ., ?
if ti,, f had a i boa for tl
secured six nina by eli vcr 1
and the timi ly ; their bits.
West captured a dlflii un io
0*Hagan'e b it In the Bi I Innli I aa
the prettiest catch mad ? tblt .
'j ll i; s
TIi" following le tl - t. i'll..'. I icorc.
A.B. H. R. 1\<>. A. K.
K i a, s. r. 7 ;: t l j n
los; r. '?. 7 4 | 7 1 n
V. ? t, 2b. ?'. ?". l I i a
lt'. C I I! M I I
Worm ley, p. tt e. t, ?; i :; I I
1. 0 I 1 I 1 I
' i .. irn, ". f. a. p.. 6 l l ?? '? I
. I I 1 I 1 a
Mace. r. f. I 1 I .
Bucman .I. I I i
Totals.' R .'7 ll I
a l. i. i:. P''. \. i:
Everson, 21). i " D I I I
l i. G l J -' I
' . ..-?.!!. ;?'.).:. : i u 8 0
M Havi rter, I. f.... i lilli
. l i 0 i: I i
Smith, <?. l i) ii .- 1 l
McCoy, p. A c. f.... 4 \ \ \ \
. r. f. Ill ll
loka, i. i. A p. 4 l l I i l
Totals.-W ti 6 -7 lo i
re ny innings:
1 | .". I '. I I
Richmond .U 1110031
R anoke .ti o 11 n u o o i>- b
..."l runs? Roanoki. I Rli
Two-base bite Roanoke, I; Ri I
Three-base hit Roanoke. Bases on I
i; ? mi .;? . 6; RI :hm md, 3. Struck oul
Richmond, .".; by Roanoke, i. Lass balli -
.-nilli;, :.. Poet, r, .. i * ii 11. -i
and O'Rourke. Time Pwo boura
WBTSaaHl ttl 'tis.
Thev Defeat I ba l.ynelibai leere ef
IB |? 9 t\.- i lt.- ", .
PETRR3BUI1 I. VA i -; Bpe>
. i il. The
bel ween tbe 1
hun; <-;..
rd, but the game
? I
the vlsi! no
tbe "i
Pl tl :
.it the ? ? ?
.-!" ??! 13 t
; layi re from tl
t -l and out-pla I
al no time did the hi tn ? ti am ? i
selvea to ,vin.
Th i Pi-b tart d oul ss ith
.... |
. out in one, i ?.-. o, thi The
latter did nm Bet re until the bi -
inning, when Mckenna mad e hil and
Ly eton caught a beauty for a h
Tnat ended theil -
The borne ti am acored in nearly every
Morrison, the Lynchburg i
new Erle (Penn.) pitcher, was rather
Wild, ind ss-. ? hil hard. HU auppoit
waa j.'. I ea b, for the i om ? team,
only allowed the vieitore four
wa aol ta good condition, bia arm being
son. bul he p!t< hi l a i pli ndld ?
two clune piny sgain to-morrow
afters I Satur I ly.
tn ? rv',c; ??! i ? a ' ' ' KOBI'??: ? .
N' MM--' ilk, '. \ . tprll M ? ? lal.
T | ara ?' ball of thi asat in
X-. ? played this aftei ion, when Staunton
I :,
held w i a on bot
ssas ci 'I and delight! ll, A la ? I mwd
; - ? Di
A ( os il. t i \ I ? i tMi:.\T.
A Vealer* of Mann ? ll minn Loses lilli]
m Oaaae,
BALTIMORR, MO . April MX, Maaagi r
Hanlon ssas in an c\| .::...? dative BBOOd
to-day, 'iv. cate wai I to 4 La I
..: the borne club a hi n Baker ati i
denly appeared in the box, i Inks,
who had been pi! liing good ball, i
three m.a, had (a d thi bl
nhl a, pi i sto chan j , Bros a, ano!- ? i
-1 i. appeal ed In the 1
innh.. had
crossed tbs bome-plate. Tbs expert
menta bad Irretrievably tost tbe santa
sad thc 7,580 spectators were sad. Hi ?r<
L. H
Baltimore ....10108 <? nun I ll :;
L ton .u 0 I 0 0 8 1 Oa ll ll l
Battei i i i- ai. Raker, I a . and
R blason; Btiratta Staley, and Merritt
11.nm i.e. a, laOtTtoi thu . l.
LOUISVILLE, Kl., April 20. KlRea
was very . Bective against
team to-.lay, and Umpire Bwartwi ,i
aided th, Plttab irgs rn i b by bia .
dei talons. Bierl - . pta) 1 .
cent i ima a'. | A'eal
and wm m. Attei ,1,000
ville .0 (i o o o ii | n i: \ i ',\
PlttSblfl _o ti , i _? 11 o o 11 ,. ;I ;, ,
Hatti rles: I, li >j ,-? ,i Grim; Kill, d and
BT. i '.. B, 1(1 . : . ... -., J.
ST. LO! IS, MO., A I 2d ] hs Chi
? .
da; . ra ... ng lt inn
!??' ?? pul up an - -.ir., ii iii....
tlelding ot th,- iii-.,',.: ctiVe
at critical Junctures, especially in thi
cuie of Ely, who played at abort Score:
... , n. li. ,:.
8t l-otiiu.-j o ii ,, 4 i o ,, | ia h a
Chicago .-j <i o o 0 i | o IV? I 10 a
batteries: Ol a on and Buckley; Abbey
amt Bcnrtver, " y
.i si HM', 12: aXWGXBBAXti 4.
CINCINNATI, "., April IS Tit* Cleve?
land dub won its third sn. ceaslve kaine
from thc ClaclnnatlB, scone.", ali bul two
of Its runs oa errol
i>> Llarkson arc! Kimmer, togetl r ss th
a on halls .-as, the Rod. their only
rana Attendance, 2.80U, Score:
Cincinnati ....:: o ,, i | ,, ? | ?_ \ H.; l':;
Clevelaad .8 i :i 0 ?_? ?? 0 <> 0?12 U i
Latteries: Haly. CrOBB, and Murphy:
CtaritOOO mid /anim i. ?-asl
WASHINGTON, n. ,\ Ar,r;i .,.
'.sis' l, ng hit In righi centre when tba
won*tk.*rkS_,d*ln ;h" ,w*Btt Sntag
Won the Kaine f..,r New fork t..-,l,v
I1' a-_SS_-> J9*** ,'"' ???*? t'-ltll led
th- vLitor.s by two runs. :--,-ore:
Washington ..4 0 O 0 1 0 0 0 0-^' "i" EJ
N',u Vork.1 011000 Ix- 7 IB ?
Hatteri..,: Btocksdala uni MeOulre
MeahlB and Farrel. aarawtuttr,
rfllLAt'ELI'HlAB, 13; BgOOKLTk. 3.
HROOKLYN, N. Y., April 2a-The
?Wen*'n?h l0HtK l?;day ? iS" ta the
K through their Inability to bat
ana Sharron's poor pitching. Delebanty
wSbnuL wSfhad c??aKriy myst,,,.-,
his opponents, was strtbk on tbe I. ft
knee by ? terrific drive f-m 'I read ,
bat ami -'ar-y went In I pitchie..,. ^
Rrooklyn .??i.fsBitJ ,- .
Ph iftdelphla ..-". I B .". 1 R11 --'?? IT ..
int. r-l.s: Sham.tt. Liifiance, and Car
B,.y'; ureyhlng ind cicnimts.
now tut. i-i.rngeT*Mn.
CLUBft ' ^ '" Pa?
lest",!.v -J -WJ
cb viand .f ? ? 1 JRM
1 40|
- .71 I
St. LOUIS .Y' a
Philadelphia .i-- ?
IOU aa-re . J - *?
Cm, iniiati . ? ?
Pittsburg .??? ;; '.'
Louisville . -
Kew v?.rk . - \
\\ Bshln fton . 7 2 f
Bj oklyn .""?; ,, ?: ???<
Chicago .?' ' ?'"',
Snntbcrn I.eag i? Oem*..
VTT INTA. o,.\. Apr] ft?During the
dr'st inning in the garni to-day Sullivan,
rnanagi r of the Atlantis, Kicked on a '
., .1 stepped ip to the plate.
Kannan tired the ball at the plata, hitting
millR ni on the temple Ind knocking him
, When Sulllvm was revive i
,, . i ul ted Fannan, Bad s Reneral ron
u it imminent, when the [".lie Interfered.
Sullivan claims that Fannan did the
work Intentional!,, while Cannan da?
nica it.
Sore: R. "? IS.
\tlant.i .1 ???#?#?? I 7 ::
Nc vs orleans... . I I I I I I " ? I - I I I
Batteries .'har arel Boyle; Fannun
and BcbabcH.
\t Macon, Qa.:
re: P.. H. K
Ma. on .SiiliOOOO I 'I ".
Memphis .10311 2 0 0a I I I
Batteries- Gibb and "Veech; Mason and
O'Mi i i
ai Savannah, Ga:
H :? ft M C
tinah .20 J I
Nashville . I 0 0 ? " I 1 " ? I I I
Batteriei Ranusy, Cain, and Jantsen;
ra and \\ i
tc ' ?? -to:::
.?: R. H. ft
a . 1101*0000 LU U 4
.l 1 1 "t -.' ?"? ' "
Batti ri ? Mi Fi Band and Zahne; Knorr,
Anderson, and Vi
wiaan torem ann bags PBfUATgn aOAtii
LEXINGTON, /A., april -'-- Sp.
Tl md I Rnlvei
? I sm ther d feel thi i evenli
. i Perbayltinia State Coll tte
Se..i. ?'. ? ? ara* a poor ga
i .Idea Tl
ed r .ar | ?"?? - . - nd Buffered
. ,:. i. .>.- pia! th.- ca
sn I it la the op alon ?f those who saw
today thal
ra Saturday th- "Ml ik
... and boa University) play
v. ping up tta- earth with
sever, they arlu
? the wi; lng up.
EV MM Itt ? i 11. 11 i.i .
A Fsrvortis geales by sig ts l Mm: ?Hie
Wlaneraal a \ > ,>u? ti c.% i
BAST ST. U tV .-. II I... April 'i:. -The
close to?
ll da; . . :? d in
I : -.'
by Mai i - I lot Bill lt
v. is a Inning th t lurth ra a In u in i
Bleep, al?
um arRh
. an i i ind ti ? j m Milt
fifth, had an
8 .inna
i .- ths of s u
it, Ti ' pore ? i ond,
third. i In .80.
of S mia-, si Il?
la 111 sec ???? .. \v- ?
Tim -. 1:05 ,.
. '
.hird. Til
Ixion first, BUI Vt I
Fifth . thi tera of a
Time. 1 '
? i first, ,:', Pai i
i : nd. Tun . 1 ???
in axsvi a
? : ind a 1
Monita I
Time, 1:12.
Kai Mol ll]
:. Time, 1 ??'??
'i'h rd
s< liing. -Jake Allen fii
De Rm I, Arl
i'uih ib< ? scant
Roj ?! Plush ??ccond. Imp
third. Tim.-, I.e..
? . . iv.
.!?' vGl >. H.T... April 28, Tit Fi> Tat,
who | the
? ..
Fin t race?se liing, half a tr- Mc
. . , Barm
' i
I thlr ! 1 li ie, ..vi ..
? i of
I ai t,
third. Tin ?
r .?
nih first. Ea rd [md,
: ol ia arl thlr l I
of fl 1
l. Pal M ill ry, Jr.. third. 1
'. .
SreteklBrldgi' trap mau ? la 0 strut,
^ ape. : from Louisville. Ky., under
tee I
the ' rial C immitti
lan l district to rill the r caused
bj ri.. ? e. polk J ol
ri : There w ?-, ,? { iur .
du-- .). Hull 1 ?a\i 1 on, ol Lexi
Breckli ri la ? m in . Alexander i '?'? .,-.t an l
William i. if,;:, sn l
Fl ll '. ; of Versailles. ! .
known to be an Owens man McLeod ai
eic ti I !?:? b i ind ms majorli Mci
tbe bi a member, I - i itli I ry j . thi
.Mr Sea - | 1 thal what OweUB and h
a ntod ? is an antl-Brecklnridee maa
a , lld call an < rlj c ?m ml n ai
all ai lea an oppi rtunlty to mal
thorough ca
lilli,,.,a C o. i- frere,H. .1.
attacks of
bliio ia c< tell,
by ; .... SB fl -
, '': meuy -
I iff
I ri
pan p. M.
, E !' Reeves & Co., and \\. G.
Poratmann. drugi
Hair Mattresses remade and returned
jaine d.). Howell & Shaw Co., 7")
cast Mala.
tl, van 'wi).
Relow COUt for ten days Baby Carriages.
Must ii | bj to sho.v the "Perfect
Keeper* Refrigerator*. Must cl
th.- Carri.? , ea in tc a days.
I ."'..hi Carr.agea . now $ UR
i i;.mi Carriages . now s 4..*>
t s-'?"> Carriagea . now * ?"???'
jr s-,., Carriagea . now * ano
* U..1CI Carriages . now J '? ?*"
112.0(1 Cur.. ...". now I BmX)
|14.1 bj Carriagea. now |10.ui
R23.1MJ Carnages. now fiaui
I3L0O Carriages . now tSLXA)
svonoR &? HUNDLET,
Nos. 711 and TIS east Broad sn
Wi think our Raby Curriases the pret?
tiest and ? heanes*, ob the market; bet?
te r eome nd ??? ?? what yon think. Hows!)
& Shaw Co., 701 east Mala.
si,,,, i baal Mern rh?e:;
terrible cough with l>r. David's Cougti
Syrup of Pine Tar, Horehound, and \\ nu
Chairs, Chairs, beautiful Charra, and
so cheap. Howell & Shaw Co., 7ui eiit
Fine Couchee and Lounges made Just
aa you want them. Howell & Shaw
Co., 704 eaat Main.
a armors affuay os as bxcvb.
The Wenaded ara Walter Crimes, Wiley
Walker and Fink Hannah-aalem re?
main College t ominenctment.
WINSTON. N. C., April 26.-Speeial.
A serioua cutting scrape occurred on an
excursion train returning from North
Wllkeeboro last night. Messrs. Walter
Grimes, Wiley Walker and I'lnk Hannah.
Jr., three yoting men of Winston, were
the parties injured. The cutting was done
In a crowded car, and two yoting men,
nain-d Shore and Read, of Surry county,
are Charged with t..e cutting. The latter
sst,. .Linkiri;,-. Messrs. Crimes and Wulk
?r .sunvred graatly boar tim loss of
Mood before arriving home. The form-r
waa ttahhSd la the back, and his wound;
*h'>re and Heed left the
train at Sal
s.n. -i n.MAi.r , oi.r foi-.
Th* nlnety-eecond anima! commence
mona of Salem Female Cottage takes
place May nth to nth. Tb - I i al lureatc
eei m ,ii ssiii i... preached i"-- the Rev. T.
h. Prltchett, n. i>., or charlotte. Rev.
Robert .siranee, ,,f Wilmington, will de?
liver tba annual addresa Virginia is
? ni.-.l in th" graduating > lass this
. ss hi. li ls composed of thirty
young ladlea
A msss-meetlng bbs tuen caned t<?
next Thursday tunda
for tbe erection of a monument io tho
lah -:- lalor Vanna,
rsa bb v u back.
The Wlnston-Salem Race l*rack Com
pany decided to-day te hold a two dav.-'
; - meetlni fl i au 1 -.
Stb and Mth.
Ul be large, aad la
. .ci.- Born* . t ibo bi el 1 Idi ra la
i, ut gan m I .i"'s r>.
ii. st nus:,in >n lYi.pic are Aaao)ed Oal?
lo\s , ul ii < I,fl il, limn .
RALBIQH, N. c.. April :'? Special. -
At the ni sting ..f the CommUti a i f
An lagementa for haying the < ?raor?BtOB8
terete monument, which
the Exe* utlve chamb r .
i '.ur pr, i lim',, a
ali rr wa " lopti '1
and a B|.lal commit!
, appointed. In order to i lets as
mair ? I iii BtBtl Ba possible
sad aft 'fi railroad edt antagi
'i ?v< rnoi
I ? Invite the ati ' af all thc min
lary 1 '
i of h ilf-hour tuna froto
? on thal
Tl ? I the writing
. l living a
ta wn] ? ? iti
The poop ?
Tyro ' ? war irpi thej
- burch Sunday
dot to Snd a gallows standing a
short distance from tho church bo i
.i grave near by i ? lo
i to the mem >ry of
aker." A grave wm ela
. lg near Elisha Rai
. ? ? .
on nhl h ss.rs the In?
ion: "E I ad." The
ragea are un
rta ss ni be Bia I* to Sad I
.;????: :' . ?
and a n
1 1 last
i ' I ? .
' his
Vi. TIl
I f r
! on
u i . I i r
A8HEVILLE ti. C., April M. Bpeel I.
Ui trict-Ai ney R B.
Glenn ha ? r t i
the cotna
.. to '.oak. , aretul Int
: I
: ? ? ally > "ii
du I ibHc
Intei - I -ti 'ii and i
ti:.- ? Ung ll up to tb Dis!
in i ??? Con i in
? i ; thia . ? tunat' atati of
.I forth D
adverse < i Iticlsm In ? ?
tates ti.-ii I"- n is b* ? d assu ?!
of the : Ju Lg Did
It ls hoped tl result in
i of
ited f ??'
\ Iry at Hend we
'I ir ? |l .
'. ? : . ...
Vs eb .
Ul RU tB '?? '.rt i I 'iii ,.
The Waltina.**! ' .? '?? ??>.? u..\<-.: ta that
too..' el*.
I'L C., A - -: lal
1 > .
Drated Um
'' i i . ?
ton . ' ? Raleigh and A
id, the case wbi re I
the boll and the bull struck tb
broke bia ribs, is to ho moy--1 ti Durham
Walter Mangain, a OOUBty convict, dl".l
v rj of wbal the d >? I rs. d >
i:,,t yet ki. w. Two other convicts are
very 111.
W?i ;on Rotes,
WILDON, N. C., April Wk synodal,
lodge Ryaum will open Nash Sui
Court Monday. Tbs vOTf
Holden Drake, a ool ired barber, attack?
ed Tom WlUlaata, also al the same i
he, svith an axe in Edgecombe county,
inflicting painful wounds Je
tao boobs of th" aaaault. i
been bound over lo the I tart.
I ls -tr Anni ver*n ry.
OREENBBi Ri - ' . C., A] ''.; lt Special.
Cotoni I .John '.'. Rruton, i. de
Ure ed I I ? ? 1.1 ;he SI
I Baptl ll - ..i'vat '.i '*< ' ld
and Carolin Loo ll i bo ly
Elegant musk" waa ad by the
:roffe orchestra.
The clerk of thc Hustings Co-art is?
sued a mnrrti',-" ll.? aterdas t, Ur
Henri-.a !?".-:
Highest of all in Leavening Power?Latest U. S. GovJt Report
yoi:edik ash westeks rat elute*
si i lusa A COMWBMBMCM,
Not Willing; to C ?iitlnii? nt tbe Preaeot
Scale ?Rel urn (rom the Pi steer Io.
atltute of His Sm'., in I.ada.
ROANOKE; V \ . April ft- BpiefeJ.
When ii" ??? lion of Bfagea <"i tbs Plor
i od West, rn road a mt Into ?
on Febru urj sith tbs nndei -
Mandina thal ' I restored to
tba ,.id og urea ob May lat. If the business
"f thc rued Increased in the rrssanflmr
Notwlt g t hera bs a a < en
slderable im - ise I i irani . thu company
has notified thi - thal th" pros
eui i ? i?- malntatned, and the
: d another
niaat} dagu,
Tiii.s ultimatum tba labor ocrganlsal
l on tba ... t : li' ad
sot and ?? i b has :t , ommltb si re
to ? ii'"i' a refu aroul i
have been held to Lbj bad not Col. Sands,
\i -pre id.-nt and general manager, left
tba city this morning, bul an effort will
be rn eb- to - r at hun t,.-ai STOS
not at ail disposed to
maka nay fm tber ccu
buss moa is asauvTJtn,
ltiss Josephine Th ??
pcu,ad count) ? I lodged in j.ul
i ira oa a warran! charging her
stealing plo from J, T Jonea The
win probably rssult In some b
dave lopments.
Mrs. Snail H. Abhltf. wife ,,f Joseph
H. Ab'.,itt. a well-known and popular
citizen of Roan,.i.e. aad daughter Ol '
lat.- ,-? 1. g, [-. Wal!, r, ,n-.l leis
i:.-' Bged slaty-three ?? Bara The ree
wars sent to Lynchburg
David W. ESapenlaub, who waa I
lyaed willi.- talking :,, file- | aa ??
da Len Hotel lauri Friday, a graduall]
KETin.N ok thk Tuan tn 8.
Or. .i .i. ff hf "fir bas returned 'a Salem
fr. ni Kaw York. | I by th
c.-.-, R ?. the ' innady, Alfred
I"' Hart, and Royal
th,- treatment I ?? i al the I
teur Institute i.s a . .'alive of
rt !?'. Wingfield mail Bgibl "ii the
ilk and Western between Not
an i Lyn. burg, and Mis- Florence B>
Hawkins wore married In tn.- First Bap
: inatc
.i ? i ;:. i an 1 Fourth
vii ti. kel
? the Third ward at-- di
\ id I ..-i ? Un'.. !>. N. H nth
i, demand
i lldates for th.- conn
: iored
Ft. R. J
Uarth w ni v- rv ilka
?' ,r in-ville, late
DI. ai k, Be
? -
rd thia til:
... . ? .. Bumbe r of Roai
over the overwhelming
ball team In 1 Tuea
-.?. hli a beai
aa ry ll ad I i
ta,.1 e a creel bowing la tbe
I. ''ll.il;.', n,a-i a' his e'.UIiii
aks up for lost time
?yaterj of a Waif.
OXFORD, N. C., Apt
Quite as-- ? ni our commit
,, ...
ot ., ? boy abo.it
? old ia :,
Oxford Orphan asylum 'lia- iii;!.
waa da
. milk in ip ? I .; bail md ?<
Iii..- ?
ba I aa to tha 1 '? ? - fi >m
! ?? i
the atrei is ti |
I ?
ih.- emil had I
, ' i. !. 1*i -.- : .. I
little ' I- ri
ll I. ? .
' .
; sm lb <' "ii-.
II and Kp; | r I
H. II. Tallai na J
F. \\
0 vs.
- ?
tn Ali
member of tbe Beni
*-.r.. irs many friends alli learn ol
oiaatb with ii.ep :
jr.iti. ii .ii o'a ,'.ri KK.
Mr. Jeremiah 0 Rourke resj
..I Mr. c. I
Mr. O'Rourl live of
Clare, Irel
ft c. and M. ?' O'R ark-.
I..-. .i ixty-flfth ya
his age.
His funeral Will til fr, ::'. St.
Pet il, with Ito a.ieni Mai a, at
lu o'clock this mon .
BB. J'
Or. Ii ? l. Johnson died at h's resi?
dence In Henri int) terday m ira
li ?? ai -. o'clock, In the sixty-ninth
B| -.
The funeral wUl take place thia after
noon al I o'clock.
I v i ;. ilaggan.
Mis. Anna ft Burbar, wife ot Mr.
Thomas j. Barker, died Wednesday ai
? i
tm .ral will take pla,'- from Lcigh
Btraei Bapttet church at t o/cloch this
Hon. lt. Perrin Craves, member of the
i 'are from Orange county, died
last bUjal r.' n ii Thom Hill.
I ..evenly
Royal A: "a ri ii m.
Lr. R, c. E ?
Senator William L - ? . '
tary of the B
Nea pori
& Soo, 1 (? || WAWBj,
?? fm'1 r- ' ,, I
r; to THE I '?' atlee, i ? , ',
, .1 sola and ?
| &! CENTO
I ia
of ' RNTI ll
v. IB i
aTsillBg, ta
cents tcrs
Parla 1 to il
Bring .s eoni oas fr-un DAIi
TIMF.N to I Hi. I i HES offl ?<?, w.t.;
twiaty-five cents, and rec?ita <>u?
Part of BOOK OF I IIP hlildliu
J wu cents estia when muled.
1 Mri | iSti]
IT r-a^i * a'a'.".?. *5 ~ a ' . * . ' . ?
Picturesque^merica j
linne tjirie Coupons froa Dal
'I psi Nt"! nir Tis. rs ofRi ". with (on
cents in coln, sad receive Oae Lan.
mailed, tsvo cents extra. No stamin
PAKT1 I l<> ll READY.
rvir+,**"**---f-i f~* - .*-?.?-?
, |
Nos. 1 to ill Heady.
Three eooceeni - md Tan
oju pr rited ai THR TIMI
r ro ona i'll'?. "
QBAPUIC POn'l i OLIO. No itoaipe
I. .'ii.
rLaaiAa?laal__?S^'.. ai
Koo. l lo S li
Briag or i fer- .j
ent date" ?
io lill' riMK.S
Hiil.V LANI' I'ilOTOOll \l il
bj iria.il send t ?
4*^Jsa?w",>t*|aeffORe^afsrt ?^ajmjmT%M> ? 7W *-"
If OL?
?} ?n
Table No. 3.
.-?a-, ra, ... ,
makes tho hun
?.. ul Tempi '??"? ? i - ?
ure and health to es
family. A abe i flutes bbb*
lona. Bo sure and gift thu genuine*
Hold everywhere M*!? on... bf
Thc Chas. E. Hires Co., Philada.
*>.?4 t* ???*? ll* SWUM rv.'*,. C*jrt* ?.J Bast.

xml | txt