OCR Interpretation

The times. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1890-1903, August 26, 1894, Image 2

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85034438/1894-08-26/ed-1/seq-2/

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Brr tum mow* woy, vak inn it
Tit KB tl Min 4 IO 111 M.
Tb* Tullera Maren (......i r*?u hut Lock
waa A|?in>i n?m Inuit Mada a
Hom*. Kan- A Larg* Crowd.
III*. (Tows won.
That ?1!l ?> ,'?*
l M the
martin wa* too
ama" to he
int <" the
I.i r
who ?
?ni I to I
.. | when lb*
with two of tn*
Ul on
I ? i
li i <- li m o n .i
r o n n ?i y
gu I
^-blt*. inrludlnff * ^i^'r"''! v''.-P
mn b) I lei Kain.
Sss afc
Sj ' BfSS
Victory f
a ttarnBBAaxi ?"t.
Righi here 1 ? ' JoMha Roan?
oke ?
t.: ' ?
Sgnt to kick In th
SP-econd .... ?
Saan hil lo i i
vent. I '
nvM'is V.s caned ;??>,;
nc ' "
Interfi rli a with the flt Idei
The * '
china i iu?e of ll
belm? none of thal rival!
team* thal eal I
,_,,! | ? nning Oettingei
1 . line hall to Mi i oy, which the Muah
rooni ,k.',"1
loud atipiAua*. Kain, alao, made a prettj
capture of McOettlgana line hil to
r-h'tt In the foin ...
Bani ??? na I to jump al e feel
Io get 'Hu ball. In the alxth Oilmai
\,yt. ? of the i': '
plava ever mi de on the hon ? i
i I Mci oj
)att. itt;. ' ? ?' M
I . , t| .. ? ... ..'rt, m. \t ho pul
out and ? the ball in timi
catch Boj d. a I o atti mph
home. ,
Elita madi ? I ? itlful rum Irr catt h of
? ? '?
nh i' Ri .? ? ?? ik '
without an ? rror, a I n i M -
Cann gathered In eve)
their way. ? lllmi n and were
In tin a wu . i. il did not play uu i < their
i III, BMIIT, HUI Ul'l HUI Ul?) Ul" '
lual ri tn* Redd] I
..hat ? ?( behind the bat. fro. kett, Violet,
1 Lilts put up a good lnfl< :
while McOetttgan got In aevcral j
throw* ? ? ondL
In the Brat Inning both aid I three
timi ? i Ih< t'rowa K un and M Gann
elnaled, while Pop Tu te mad.' a three
I . hr them a. i s th. plate an l
. .,,, Pi
In their half B en hit baa* on
i ? and <'tu. kett were hit by
the ball; then Vlo el i li a be tutiful
to di ep ? > - lng them.
I ? t ..ti .... ??; the li ft- field
i thi < rowa another In the ai
>\ hilo the vlali l In th.?li?
lia If
Both ti an ? dr< w Li mks until the
i acoi ed
tlmea In the eighth the Crow* got In
t.? . more, whlh the Muahrooma only
gen) Mi G ttlgan ovei the i
The hom* le un dn w a blank in the
ninth, while the \ laltoi ai red
'I ne following la the aro
1 layi ? A.M. ll. i: P.O A. E.
Kain. a. a. 6 3 I 2
rf.'. 2 2 1 0
Tate i h.:. s> i s ii
Oettingei I ....fi 2 0 l 0 1
ch ve, l. t.I 10 11
) I h.!> <i 0 4 ". ii
Oilman, ! 1.i l l :* I 8
1 .t 2 I I 1 1
Nevin* p..I i l :i 0 I
Total. ...? ii
I'lavers. A M. ll.
Boyd, r. f.; 0
?h. 1. f.
Croi k> tt. Mi.
Violet, 3 b. I I
2 b.I
MeOettlngi i. c.,.....I
Mrdlnnb, c. f.i 3
v Coy, p.i i
Score by Innli
R, P
_? R
RI hm.md, .S
Ro inoki. .0311 ?
?I ?j< ti; - li Ida al the
? ? ia
Snini mond, fl.
! I. Tu ba*? Violet, He
Olnnia Morgan, Oilman, K dn, Crockett,
Tl t. Tate Home runs
Stolen ba ??- Mci tann, 2; R< s I,
i .. i r. Doul le p
Gilman, Ti ti , Flral ba on hah
t ia 1; off McCoy, i Hil by pitch. .1
hal! ' '??? ki t. I cu k oul Bj
Kevina, 2 by McCoy, r.. Tun.- of garni
One 1 r and 1 rty mlnutea, i tnplr ,
Norfolk. i"
lil, hm- .? .1 ll I 18 j 18 i b'i
Newp'l Newt ? W - H -
J.\ nchburg
?I Pi i-i
Q un. - 1" ' I I I |'
i" .c.
I .
.4" in
w u
Pi ?? rel ur*: .8* :<s
N irfolk . . ?
J'.' hm.I. i .fit 41
?taunton Newpori .%.-.?
* . e> <"
Lynchburg .35 w
n4Hra acai a mokoax.
l'i lertburk' at i.
i.\ nchbui 1 ai Norfolk.
ii Nen port News.
jr in Ar.' ga 1 na t au t i.\.
Norfolk h? pt Iii. I llltt scattered -tooti
Wink in Hie Haiti.
Nt 'Ki ? 'I K VA., Auk. | ,'? . r rmrr.
dr.'pi-l i" . Norfolk, not by
1 .v.ak in the ti-li nor at tba bat, bul
i. Mitt th.ir ten hits wert wei acatter?
an, w' ile the ' the t tomi
?gt H pe lally note worth.
Waa th* Wi rk of Tl ?? .1 l aae,
mel of .lum. - and t .? bal
F.t 1 1 Kelly p ayed br Ulan K
la 1. ? at third Staf?
ford'a hem- run .ln\e was one Ol '
1..uk- at tver teen on 1 be
ac ore:
1 ?? e.
:. kev. r
(? ll .."all Jp.
Truhv, ii. .
< - a.
Collillovier, c. f.
j iii .
Haui'limui, 1. f.
KIm.1ii?-.i r. 1
p.a a.
Td a li,
I': TU B |1
failford, c. f.
a a.
Kells. 1 t.' 0
iMnlf.-d, lb ' I
1 r. I .";' 0
1 m lb.'.'.'.'.'.'." 0
K' efer, c.,.' 0
J. ie?, p.'''_' 0
Totala."j io w jj "i
Seor* by inning*: v " a R8
KeteraVarg .. ... .OioOioSoT j 1
faunnuLry: JBarned nui*--Norfgik. 6, Pa- 1
i Ta-i, Imw Mia-???*oUlfiow??r.
' ?n?.li .Ila*-". ??..>.! ??>??; ?'?'"""
?, Sinik.mi Bl Kissinger. 1;
V, Janies 4 ******* ,,,,; K"V ''"'
l.u.i pit.-h James (1). EJarplraa, Hi Dar
BM Clark.
IMr ??"? Blari ImoroT rt?
NOMroLK, va.. Aug. -j. spacial. Wi
l-l Herr the Norfolk pitcher, wh.. Bas
.;,? very sick for many weeks, waa ont
ia ... tbs ? ima at tba park yesb
and appeared to enjoy the defeat ol ? -
teraburf as much aa snj rooter on ins
)tf ix rapidly lmpro> lng, and wm
bs nil rlgbl "i ""?' ow twa weeba.
s n*i ri it urn ioaaaua bais.
PBTKRSBURO, VA . \ * S|..-.i.i
|tr john !>. Foreman, pitt her for the
iversburf base-ball team, who baa been
, on the bench foi I
,n without pay for ploying
.'., here this evening from
v ,rf,,iic He stated lhal he had no Idea
li,..,.,,' .,.!?? of Petersburg thought thal
- ,1 ,V. Vam- He pitched in Norfolk
Thursday H< >?'"?? further, thal he
,? S control of the ball In th. I
irnn- airing four men bases on I
n that Tnnlna*. Mr. Foreman I |
}?lp' I- noi playing and
,,",,.. , aa they havi ; sklng of
. ia, Newport News he
S1ii {hai the umpire gare the Petersburg
or lt In < very gan ? For< -
f..r Baltimore to-morrow
? - .
Hevrra Kerpa I linn Homo ge Ma Ulta nm!
Ma Peak Marnia Won.
NEWPORT NEWS, v.v. Aug?. K. Spa
dal In d '? ab i by
I omi tea in thli afternoon In ? i i
. game, the score being IO to 2 I'.
tin l >och Han ls h id ri t
in, hut In thal Inning th- .
cuaable errors on the part of tl
ir men e
ih<- rubber. Moran w is p >und< l all
the H< the ?,.-,. i?
. a Heed.
? th? m, and K ri \. pn tend?
ing to
his ' lub, I- ft the fi? H a I .-il
i to play In the g ime After this
the Hill i le n - app trent i I
lo .-. ;n the game. 1 he i ?
l game throuj : like
llivan made two pn I ty > itchea
in righi field, and I his
, ime in centre. Scon
Ai:. K. H. P.O. A. E.
Soberer, cl.6 I 1 '?'? i
Sullivan, rf. I I "
I ile, lb .4 I 4 I n ii
Mi Creary, 2b.4 I I 4 !
Land . E 0 1 1 0 I
Vrthur, I. f. I 0 I 0
ngton, 3b. B 0 110 1
-. -'- H 1 2
Si vera, p. ?> l l 0 i
Totals.il 10 Ll U I 4
A.B. R. H. P.O. A. E.
Mi ara. 1. f. | u i) 1
Mi Karlan, c. i. 4 ?? 1 0 0
?i. t>.:i i l 3
.4 1 l S i 1
M' C ?? key, r. f. ? 0 2 0 0 0
. ll.. \ 0 a 7
L- ahv. s. s. li 0 0 I 0
. I 0 1 2 1 0
Webster, e. -t 0 0 3 0 >)
l. ? 27 1-' l
B re bj Innln R.
?. ? .-. - 14 0 2
iburg .... .." 3
Summary: Earned ? I ?'?' Newt*,
? nchburg, 1. Tl K nf?
by Moran, 2.
Ita on !,.-?? .. off Moran,
2. Stoh ti ' Sch' nv. M
Wild throw
pori News, 9 Lyi - Time ol
hmir and forty minutes. Um?
pire, li
? -?-a
ti I 4 > in WIH I BU HAM li*.
1 In- Champion* ami Orioles I'srh Defeat
Tiioir Oppoaeat?Other liamma.
NEW Y< IRK, Aug;. R The Ni
won two games from the Loulsvllles al
tin- Polo grounds to-day, In the
game team hil Nicoll very hard
and tonk advantage ol his generosity in
the way of baaea on taus. .M.?'?kin kept
the hit* wi lt er ed i seep! In thi ninth,
w h- ii three t ans wen - red
in the ne the visitors ma Ie
bul one safe hil errol
In 11.i" ning Inning ? ring ?
only run. Wada* "i't h ptti hi ?! .
b it the New Yorks h id lui k in bum
their hlta, Thi g imi ? aa calle i In the
eighth on ai count of darkm
R ll j:
I'ork .I I 130124s I"
? i ii a l i i .1 a :: i. g g
I. merles: Mi ekin and Farri ll; N
? li un.
(Si. "iii game): lt. li E.
New york OOO ! 0 3 Ox G 8 2
Louisville .1 .I 0 0 00 1 1 3
Batteries: Rusie and Farrell; Wads
\\ irth and Zahner.
WAsnrxoTOM, '.?. cbicaoo, 4,
WASHINGTON, Aug. 25. Up to the
sixth Inning to-da\ it li oki l tiki a
tory f..I- i 'hlcago, h
aftt i- that, and the Benah i , I
difficulty In winning. Stockdale was
tak. n al k al the end of the bi i nd In?
ning, and Merci r '?'-? ni In, but tl
ke t a>> run* off him.
?? al ires wen the rh Iding ol %bbi j.
Shh 1" . k and Dahlen
Hal in.- r and In cker. Attendance, i.' ffl
i: H. i:
\\ nshlngton .0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 3 9 14 2
.11 .2000 l ll ll
- . stockdale, m I Mt -
Quire; Stratton and Si hriver.
mm. 8; < LBVgi ash. 8.
Ri i.-t'i"i i\. Aug -?? HodBon pitchi
great game against tbi < h\ ?
Say, and re* - Ived perfi cl support. The
Champions hit Sullh in very hud at
li mea, and \m.ii tin- ruin- handa down
The f. aturea of the conl the
batting of Lowe, Duffy, McCarthy, and
Bannon, and the fielding of Lowe, Con
hton, Tenny, McAleor, Burkett, and
Mi i lal r. Attendance,
lt. H. B
H"M"ii . 01030202s 8 IS I
Cleveland . 0 00 i 0 00 2 0
Bal Ison and Tenny; Sullivan
and Zimmer.
ncooKi.VN. .".. riNi IXltATT, ,'t.
BROOKLYN, N. Y? Vug. ? Th.
Hi....kl. a- pl i\ ed an Inti ri sting g ?
1'iiii.Anri.rniA. 18; riTraauBO. r>.
PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 26 The Phillies
fei ting Pittsburg nandi j hs- h ird an i
consecutl ft hitting. The \ ? Taj -
lor haul in the first three Innings, bul did
little with 1 .,,. i
The hitting of Thompson and the fielding
ol Hamilton were partlculai Iv i
Attendance, 8,000. rho .- i; n j
Fl lladelphl i .0 02402111
>urg .I 04 0000 ? i.
Ratti ? i: Taylor and B ley; Gumbert
ana Y.
HAl.tlMoKS, 1; hT. LOOTS, 3.
BALTIMORE. Aug 26. Brilliant fl-li
Ing hy the i irides, al led by
gave Ballin el i.,,-(:
pitchers wi re i fret tivi at crltl al j ?
ii doing the beat work Keelei
was hil mi his throwing ann by a
ball lu lbs Ural Inning, and
s- to right, Atti
score: !; n |
Baltimore .0 o o 3 n i o o \ i
Si. Louis .10 0000 2 0 0 I 1" ;,
Battei lea li n\k<- and i; iblnson.
SOU and -Miller.
nai.onai. HiOt'i; ar
W. h. p.o.
Boston .ivs :ir, euu
Baltimore.<;4 Sd 'x,\,,
Ni a York .hal BS .ms
Philadelphia .M 43 571
1 leveland .&4 48 Mo
Brooklyn .68 ls ,625
rg .:.i .".j
.17 51 .4.v,
Cincinnati .41 .-,7 aBiB
.st. Louis .li: I".' ieOfi
gton .:it ij> :t:!D
L ,ii?- ..-(-j 7i .?{[]
No National League aasasa ara ached
r Monday, tba dals havn I
raaarved (ot poatpooad gan
Th* A->lil nula lirfra'-a.
.ASHLAND, va. auk. pC-?peclaJ,-Tbe
Richmond Sundowns defeated Ashland
to-day hy Hm aOBfBj of 18 to H.
Amal.ur Hal. at I.uray.
LVKAY, VA., Aug ?-8pectaL-A game
of baae-ball wga played oh tbs Luray
diamond to-day with the Shenandoah
team. Tba seora waa M te U la favor of
Shenandoah, win hid fur their battery
the ?eml-profeaalonala, Geeetse and Os?
borne. Onm and Morrtoon w.-r- in Um
points fur Loray. _
ll I l ll Ul I HO HU I HAM.
? oininrnt- Anent lin- Moth who Know flow
to rtai Bait.
The Crows have won thu toa! fifteen
out i'( rta teen gamea that Ihey bara
? I No other dub In the leai
. i. ? ti i, tal weet I pi
? i ted t hal they would gel ta.il of
in Norfolk and ail three with
toke In th! ?< i ii ) . Thl \ .'
lt md . o fai ? i??. .1
Tba men are I ni condltl in, I
are | ll. 1
commeni ? a aerie* ol a. imei. upon t ? ti -
I .lt ol whl h will depend ihi ?
ship. Playin* the ball thal I hei e
n ream n a b ? thej ibo lld not win
a neck
To morrow. Pel etty
f ir three gamea, while N i "ff
f..r a similar numbai
sh- . hooaes to plaj I lp.I
Kain. i nea with Lynchburg, and
which ahe will probablj do, and In Nor
Farmer have loat alt
I thei : ??!
in nd - ? - lt nine
I .
will al vi " ' provided
ahe noe* roi loae to I--, ni hbui
the Cra caine.-.
? iii be ! ? battli -. b il
????. ahould go
tu thu credit of I ? wi.
Al the name time Rli hm nd ls 1
with Nutt .Ik the Farm<
fi..rt News fur ti re they
? and lt
la fair that tin will drop
Shi iuld l be i irrn ct In i
? night will ate i
ai 1 probably Brat p
? > ?
i nt to have a fer
the Rici
I don't Intend to crli
l pl y wa n t I I
lu"k ti la in
can afford
Ile ha
k. pl up t . the mark. .
. ne to Petersburg. X ? |
Iv, and a h. re thai ? *
pend al
? m e. I simply tell yo ?' a
h ive .1 me, and l know y< u a Ul d
N iw. ? ? tbera of the RI
y nlaj
mediate future iii
'l he rooti ra I ?
thick and thin There may h.t.
Petersburg and Norfolk
fatal hb ? y<>u used to kno< k. Tl ?
..... .
' lal ible for
? )
u v st ir playing to Ken era I koo I
team v
? I
> and
ei . ...
li have p i he I on
iii- li . any
for n.
K< nan and Nevi
1 McG
im ? ? Ime form at I
: ihey a re rea
I do bett< r. 'ii'.'
been luipi..vim', while I:
\ i e thai and M ' lunn
ter, Wi ll.-' sit km
I lj. and the Ittle I
after, for If I
would i i
ll not bc well 1 g< ?
? a *
Ute Fal
had droj
' ? .
unfair un .
it led the
? '
that, !n vii
ible ball .
i of thi
non. wli
? ?
bpvi iii nlfylng
thom th Itel In thu
future or I I
1 iu.-. thl light
aire to
at l-.l: ' If thll I
. ?? I hr iv11
mond i
lav. 'I
?- ' '
when :
i .. and m thu c.' -
? ?
iv liii waa
for the
...-. and
(mtv r
wo of them, whili
fall* to du
? . . ? thing al ih- correct time,
^ . \ s. ime
\ ith only four i l* a wen ,
played a I
Onlj iwo i
. work on Thursdaj al
icema lo navi
, one nu
in, a '? ::
nt and an eyi
omew hal m i
:.l pla i a atrlking
vay, oj an> mi li- t In thl
he t
B ..a. >.--,.1.1 ...!.- tu i a Hy
roea his way, it - to him.
innei he la wldi awaki
advam e
il the b it he
l for two i
Bili* ;n, 1 Boyd did not acquit them
vlth any I ci 'dil
villi thi Umber. Nevins
or a hu oi any dea< i Iptlon, 'i hi
Violet, ' a, who
falrlj ni the
.' -al twirl, ri
ible, and M irgan, a I
eft field for the Crowa, kept pace with
he vegi
letting three put-out* to hil
;ept a <:
bai li home a ia In, ? illman dec
rated tl .-. Ith lii.s
iii skill Ile put oul thi
lated in rutting: ahoi t I .lions of
i many ra ..??<. and did :
illman la active, and mak< - up h
ii a hurry.
I . is falling back al I
? a Hui i shuni.) Mir around a
:? I ? !.? ? ?;? up with the , R
Cleve felled to keep up hui hlgh-claaa
d'urk with the atick, Or.lj one hit wa*
??I Clevi ? i
lie iiuus not care to embarrass Mr
small i pui ?
In the un.I innlinc Ucl.Iv Potter k- i r
ip hi*
i Pate othi rwlae kl Father
rate, who ba* anj numl r ur decorative
'"-'I o^iena, ki i i up the fun !?. a '>? i.-j,
i>.int of merriment yeaterday. lt ?
l.e Brat Inning. Nain and Mi Gann m.
teaed bim. Bach <>f thtm found McCoy
'or a jvif- rap. Then Pep took un th'..
itlek. Ile lined out the sphere In BUCh a
nanner aa to put his awaggerlng i.hy
?tuue on tha third bax, serai mg hume
gi Kain and McGann aa a sort of tn?
.areatlna IntreducUoa. Than taltai thraa
thousand volcea Joined h>artlly In the
McOann'fl two blt* ware neat ones. He
in a gama ,.r ball played al
V.trk ??. da j ina taloa di
ed the j to 7
Th* Btai ted th* Forest Hills
nt i
nf 7 t. ?*. \\ ti,,, ra and Thorp wen
.. Barrett an l Hick*
for the Pores) Hills.
An Interesting gama "f bate-ball toot
pia. ? ? . iiimboi I/-. Part be?
tween tl.ukoot and roung Virginian
resulting in the defeat of the Cuk<
the score of 13 io |. Bat teri ea Kn eman
ind Wis ;: 1
Thu H. li. m.
I ? ?
C. I mk., and N ?ndei ion and ' lai
and Oarla
indent 'Irrrinpr t'ti tem*
Many - . on* con
r 1 with the very lm|
are little ?
whb hi ? ? 1 placed
by tl ? In the nanda of trustei
| -ii of
the j oung girl !?
hui,.urn was in
1 ? ll -,'.: ? '
family, and In addition a alfi ?
rn ir
' '
-?'.. tl
. lalmed that "ll w 1
ll ?
to Adam that with lt he bind unto hlm
find lat. r mi alas! mi
been too '??.'?.: I of I
: heart*
and li
1J1 ; 1
soon bi
of thi , , ? for 1
?;. ?
1 ? in
.1 . ? fair
? t of
? ' '
" wi- 1 ?
? ' !
1' I
: iy a little ?
* : itnlllar lt
? ".ti..ti.
\\ .
"To i ted to
all n.'.
' ?
??I he l>nl
ii i\\ r
GeorKe Kimball, t
et.11 Mi I
early ? I
? ??
it..: the ?
the i
; .
In full I I
prom eJ
A dellvi rer 1
? in the
ia our
b lian h id
i U| ti
th 11 long mai ch Into
?. I M
t' ?- Po 1.I l\
pie with I
I to or
. but demonatral il
thia Mn idded and
able itu: the fact I
1 ifter '
army bi
v-r. at
? .
Mci li lian si in the
road. '1 ? in the
South I. le or tv :
I H Ugh 1
way up the
ration passed thi 1'.- n 1
came app irently forgetful of evt ?
heered iga n, until tl I ime bo
nission hi .
leela red I I
be tend< red I ni ral-in-< ?;
great crowd : 1 him
and the . [rations
I In 11 indn di. even i
mane, w ni the I
- ip In Hie mi
tain ihro i? h ahl h our path lay. lt
. with th
othei ? (...,'. 1
1 irred in I ,', ,.r
the Kt.': at Antietam, when thi
?:--r in,,,, |
w. re. 'leneral Mci lellan 1
opp mei
thom ba command?
This ls one ot the many lnt<
ni ?? 1 he 1
1 on which li may ba
i will ba i i ia this
las ue.
Guitars, mandolin*, banjos, and violins
also a large stock of flne str.nga tv.r
ll D ME- MI NOR CO..
. . a- wit Broad atrcat
f/Jjri TUB ORK A T It A 0 E.
1 ,,warril the Iteronl lo 1:11 Hat-Tlie Flral
HHt lo IVIo Ihla But I he Olhrr
Events of ibm i arr.
NEW YORK, Aug, 26. Tbs seventh fu?
turity ws won by Butti mb -, altar a
bitter strm-:;';.- arith Brai In the
preai ? '
nay, moon. Bhe can justly lay
claim to bs tbs -. - tho (?? i !
world. Her victory ls "ne that will lira
long in ti ?' ail that saw lt. It
will be years before any coll e
time, sh-- low* to 1:11 Bat
for the ra-'.-. Tbs I tit'-. ? - tims was
ni ids iv Morell >. He won the i ? I
In 1:12 n, again, i
idly id win the rli ii staki, -r? ?
vii tory h
? in
COVl ll
world. Thi
. with HI/ Highness.
All ? - Hy's great
irable. The trai k was In per
. ? a itt'ul.
i.i sport
marri g, while I
T - with
ne nly ?
it was i |6 o'clock when the seven?
.?ti their w
' al! In th
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Till ll a!
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I ii-, walt
In wi ii- -l t" I
turn rt, tc
"Tit: 1 IBI OFT. '
rred, and
at the lost
fortj l he flag wi
g out Int '
? | M 'ti
The Butterflies
Tl e du t hld tl
Monai o and Gutta Perc i ba
Mil a
11rs. ? - i Man
walks in.
-'nt llrai
mi ii i ?
rn- nt ?
He left M in hil
...... IF?_
Plrst i
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ls, fr..- fur
112, Orlfl
Fifth i
?ei nd, ?
Si. Midiael lill, Taral. 4 I
neck, Watterson third
Tun., ;
/ iv / DAI a s < ii non A.
Tu Tasab'an l?er?-*ta Laaiplighter for tho
Bpeneei Maniileap.
With thc
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for the - for thn
".. with To Tamblen I
V At the
In the 1- ad, ar. I i
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ly a
i 'n mlle, for
I um- I "1 1-2.
r-olds and up
' :'I'o
nattox iii". Parkina, 13 to r.i rtr.st.
entate second. Florcanna third. Time,
:20 1-2.
Thirl race?the Spencer handicap, one
nile and a quarter?Yo Tamblen (118, F.
fordon, 7 to Sj won by a neck. Lamp
lighter second, VletOrtOOt third. Time,
Fourth rana ont n le Bt. Ma vim fw,
Pi rklna. 8 1 ;~"1,'" ? I' ? M cona,
Voil third Time. 1 ll
Fifth rt of ?'l mlle,
Propl I to ii
Time, ' - * i
Sixth i ? ' -
th* full
.ru, p. li Brat. T im Fly mi
!. St. Luke thll I ?: M.
.4 M> Ul IK Bl 1 OKI! UKoh I I
DtfwotJy.th* Two faar.Oid, Pa*** ?? atti*
in ??tin a i Uth*r Evania
th* Norl rn 1
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In 2
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form . made b> -
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about I
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at hi r own mark of
do bi
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md race-pu i
hr. m., by i
(Millen! v
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(M< I'
2, I,
Japan's rut M.i (Var Fhlp.
American Inti i -
I ai
! utie.
I rue
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In Lo
i |. ll
A. S. i . IO ll. R. ll. the 1
if t-j
a obi iori in i nm-iii "m/',,.,
or i ii ic TIBBt BBBIMH gr.
Thar Spent ??* Omjt on tim i
winiam Biarkej Pleati oi?.
I < ami i.
: left I ? ?
: ovi r '
. Jones
Do You Want Your House Furnished?
1? i you ?'?? lire ai tl ina: in tho Furniture, < !ai
. 1 ? j . '1". i lie place for you I
William Daffron's,
where you have the I.
from; and i reduced
? Original Installment House.
Don't forj I re 1120, 11 :j. ! L438 E. M
.*-'reet. Factory, North I
? a '
Habliston & Brother,
N. W. C
I r Artistic !
Received Wed
t!% " " .^JtjSj IT WILL PAY YOU
-W Habliston & Brother's,
J. B, ! ' V. V ' , MORtO!
PatttD m. N ? ragAs'g
IVMKVMK DEPART "-HM n.L.TitiiYi.oit, m.???*'<?.?
Virginia Trust Company,
Deputy Attorneys for Virginia foi rm l ni *t
Metropolis Lloyds cf Nsw York City, MMatt] Fire Lloyds ot New York City.
Union \kfk of New York City.
We recommend the polletti of the " Lloyd*." representen! by us. and ure agaaaggt I tt wnl*
and place largo linea on satisfactory rinks. We solicit patrol,**'*, sud proui ss
avery utteutivu to tb* business of thus* favoring u*.
attir-fr,to. *????*?

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