Newspaper Page Text
THE BAZAAR BOOMING nillir ii ts st int i i t si ts mst. boob ix nu it u i. i nt vu,ni. mtlledatfar'a Trlasapb of An-The! Kooli., l-.e.l, _e,l l.n-l MrM'" nt ami T?-N i_h I '? I'i oui hui ate. I I Kl . If Um . r ground fi r <? 'r:>; lalm on ? of a Basalt atti n lam ? ai the "Wai of tbi Roaei Uasaar '.\>-i i . taint]) iiinie laat night, foi ' . .1 ' iliad alu-'.*-, t.. over. oii.ini. L. . ? ..... . ?i *. ? i. yeral tinten ol Um ' i. ii hu beau? tiful al i t!.. i i he .. I- .1 r :..: . a. 'Ul lh' :o Hi'- i."I UM* . ;?-..? In do , al Impl) sui-' rt*, and te lha i ol decora U_, . I ..r ? , . . . U.t'i an upai, 'h. nt resent!) pele potent! *-ill il-i ii!' >.?* I'.rk I or atty < . Northern < in-- for i i ?. . - - \ ? h the ? low l t laat :...., i (.il? lili , : .i - ll tiona, U li's ani UU >" <"H in fiili fort >. ti .iri i" im: ; he ? ' ,i ;?... ' '-riili.-'l .. ll iii Tb ? pened ?aiih a choni Li i,;.. ' In : ihose wai tart ra of the i part of of Ibe ?? iii... i and well di tba arlbl he featur, ol ; . Uti . ?,-. len iiii.i-. .i-i i hi la n houri to pei fi la ? fecUy, and thi ' ? 'l ? an ibe Baan . ? mi t.i "i Ml - M try mar, .ni, she ?- working ir - tjr to . . | -. m. . ?i r? wai antei /li. ?mond. I addltli king cloai I jr ats ii tn' h an in order < ' . . \ attain* d, II ni- ? tba ? ' mai.j pail I . |? OgSBl Mlaa Tba baaaai ? . n In to < ?crib* I of Ita pre! eolli tiIbutlng t" ihe suppoit of thi I Home I rah! ea. ..! The Tir: ? ' nd Vii ? Lillie \ ? i Ada ? I Uti . ii . ? itre P.i.ilu wan . full di Horse u ms added much lo ?il: I I ....?h. chair to N i o| ulai ' ..-'? itu, . well a on I.. .' Little Wi ii most popular child a i i - r' ?? \i ? r ? * . ? - -. Uti fal i -if ships m. re ' .ittrai tlon. At !? ? ? md i-i pun?i ' d< ?? ? . ? m hour .r prett; dani ? In ; rog I TO PAT'S lr -i' '! t i - riv.'ii li tin Barton In .* ... iul ? ind 1 ttl al drill will 1"- pi .in .. In I r - u -ii i ? the drill, ? i ti.. pl< lt af'1 I Bpi ll iii.- 'Tutti.un i*!.... .- ? ? who a expected i ? ? , ? .|.;.i r a ii ir 11"- i v i .ii the . iy - ? factory. xi mm soils iAnni im nm s. III. Kuhl -Brlagtag >l> the U li.ul Min rlages aad Deaths. lifniii -\ iii.::. \ \ . Nov. 1 Sped il AU da) Thunda) sra bad .< :--i I) n pour of rain, it thal m. bave ii i-i sin e ta. 27th 61 Jul) I than i.ii ih. dual dim e t he i aln ihi nea ? wu .i eal r. m.- . ' v time in September, ha* begun to raaki tu ... .i.i. i 'I. Thurs lay. thi Hs) ultimo, Ml rn- Siiiii.k. ol I.- ?1':?. and Mi. R. N, Tuikt nj ngton, D. C., wen ju -i in t rte Mel ho dst !>(?:? ? t- ...ri... .-i".ii_. f.. Ri i . .1. \\ ' lll-lihl, ott! I,illili- 1 .? :.. st tliiili vi,,. li..ti 1- i: < ?". \i c., of Ti ? at..! th>- I ..I honor Miss Amy Rosser, of w ishlngton, The h.,i:.%.-1 gi ? I order thal pn thrum .) ? .r lng t ne ju re the a-'' tl crowd nal attended tin - ? ? ? I ...-?-; ?? reunion ir. Lei other ai | uni til .-, fa\ i r ..t -, | uti in Not .i m igii ., ? i mi ?.,, made during ' he da) wblli Un tn. ll ,.f t ..? lon n. ii il h th. . \ ;'tt..ii ol .', ?-"? n lu. torin, iii a lld ll.ju..1. h.- heavies) .... mad. on an) -i.n :?,: -i.i.-i-.ii i..ns Thus early In Bhe :.n io '..-?, IV, ' ,- Of I ,i advooati i i ? ? I anlshmi nt o Mr Shelton tmbler living lear Ster lng. l.-i ? ..-,. . ina, near!) grown, ? i typhoid ??'..' 1I15 wife la,, ii, 0f :.?? ->..:. ? i - M i J ai lea Craig, foi n oj u-tiv.-, Industrious farmer, real ell nt iie "Marble Quarry," lied ' .*t week, In eighty-fifth ) ear ? ?' Mr. I laorge Bi ann r, an ag' I ' gdlltf '.' 'I'i... 1" rion ir. ili-l on Mo:.:.n M. mm v..ek mill hean dtseas. Mr. Munt-'.' ?? ii ii . family .?: ?uni Mi ? ?. m. i. . i , i Mun ty, Mr John c.. \ anslckl, r, for I ?in- ..t i' - 1... ling '"? i i-'.rl,. norn. ' .' io Me;- ., |{ ij i, u.d W - v un bl tn If th. r,. s any truth lhat ''t? ?? ? ? wing rain ai buow." ?.- mil c. i ian one oi tbi ...... .wo rt. have bi en -narked 1,-ai .v froal ? ? . ,. law. our Cai vat iiu tin ir lum, which, In cona**|iieri , ,,? Pie protrs li I Iroughi, ia .... di . uni as it uauall) U ir. i', The farm betonalng to u? "man ol nani- misfortune-.' n....-.*l ? , iMotoi n thia correspondence, aaa sold i.u.t greek tnder a deed of in..t for al..ut enough o pay mortsase '?. ,n lt 'i in re are stilt Baerami oaaes of ':?, uv?*r in th., county, which are geneaally tiiibuKvi to the km condition >>f tbe pater, 'i'la- irrouiel la irv to m. almost nprecedanted, and it all! r,,,. ,, ery heavy rainfall lo replenish Ihe foun lln-head* of our april ?? ?"i wells ami I! Our strt-atiU BO tba! they n;ay Us! irougti the next summer, iir. (.rah-tin i_ll-ey, formerly of this ?ninty, -aili write a history of Cw Moody Ugbth" Virginia Infantry, of -hich ooenmej-d ho wa* flrat adjutant aad mas aurg-oi- Dr. EHiey la well Qualified Elka **?"*_? wtiloh ha haa undertaken. ID* Hm, J. W. Urubb ia oouduci_og revival Bervloea In tho .la>fhndlat Episco? pal , '; .; 'ith. In L. geburg "ter. Dr. Hough ls crnductlng similar i - m lo-. ? is. : he M. tl radial i'. .1 copal , bur 'i. s -ui'i. in Hem! ton Tn, Methodist r.ptac-*;al nh ur. South. < f Midd!, har*:, haa gr titted i ' (ll. rttephi n . .. mon! i '?? -iv- "r . nee. Mam- of the Orthodcg Prlondi of thta re. ii,,n v. ill leave Ih! v. ? eek to their "yearlj meeting" In Bellin ? - ? - m. /.*/ im rs n at ti i a s u t s. dps tl.j la BaOtwtA, ba . ? ..-..ul Pemei retie Majorlt* Un I la! of ICob, rt*. I ' IRD CIT1 . VA., .Nov. 7. - Lr. al gpoth) < *l*t"l -lurlru' Uti ? ?*? i on leal Tu--I ty. Not wlthati - oi ditton ol stl , .h. i, . .-. ?? ? le. '- . by Da ? ? ., .ima; three hundred. The ? * ,.s i, ad in Etadford. 'i . vv inda, i Hot*.! win ? bange banda on the finn of I"- ember. J*i ..r Nea york a genlletraMi of wide eape 1 Ihe hotel busineaa, has I, .,-? I the house, and vvill pul lt In thorough repair befo ? lakh ?: ' h irge, Mr ? ,,*< i -,:' lbs "Only a ' i r" , iper . Comp tny, * hlch played ? .-? i ., f, ** **,. k , aim ? ii-- waa M well pi, ? i .vuii Be Iford that be >i> - let-mined ?.m here. \s an evldi n ** lhal b ? rnprov lna |n th i Bala of tobacco atampi for the nine rr on I hi ending < '? ? | -ii. Mles for tv soma Um* lani yam* -.u Bat .-,r,i-.-.i,t i.f ? it ... v hi ii repiweents 100,0 ? o sol, I bj one man ifa thia *?? a- than tam up to thta time. The ret Ival al the I raabytet I in -.* il) be < ontlnued thuough tv- wi ah ba en forty ? up to I ,. tor, it' v it B Kggles lon, li -. lin. preacher arel is verj popu lai with V ii"ii p. opie, ri. -1 nomination. Thi I 11 ??'-' terian ru ia gi oo n so rapidly .me ? ??? -si- ?--?? the officers of the churcli, Professor W. B. ? ? iv ... Thomas, un . v\. \ Vii conei hoing elected tleacom ki I Sunday. Al a meeting of tho Ba] ng Peo pl, Linton altai B, ti Hal* and M. H. Bibb wen app ilnte*] delegate- I - tat. Convention <,!' tba B, f. P. t1 . v. ''.? h coi V; runoi i on the '.i* month. ,' v HorMey, who owni ? line farm at th" baa* --f the PeaMa -it Otter, baa sold on. iin ui ,:. i '-.-,rro'li ol ??,ppli i, en i i* not ' brough gal h. rlivi yet " hom ia Olive) vi;, lea* ?? thta w. ck ? . ,'.-- n Inter. R I - Th ?? .. ?'!' ? lu- ' ;? ni ra) Lani ri, ls lu Ri !!???? I, having to Th.- ' ' ? toben for th* of Iki R ibt " . ' Son mber term of I hi ? t -. . ???phi. . ? .... . counsel for th, m st ni i i n r iiui is ri i isl, i Dynamite i aed lo *? ,.p theProgreea of thr Iii, me-. PULASKI, V \.. No t -,.,|.~ i Hotel, H L Btone'i aton Vms--, uni th \- .* i.ia newspoi "iii' ' , forraei iv Ja ? in Newbern, were a'l entirely consumi i .'* fire Issi ? ghi 'iii" hot, l 4 i.nihill . - lo i -tore I nd ' "I tam.": about >*"?. ? -pools were aaved, liol' I was i >r . '..i'lvv I ll Bonn -ii bis m.. v. Inea wei a -,'.. i irri ed |1.'"" on lulu-- an M.ObO on |i>o li In Vi i - i Mai ln< Inauran. -? . 'ompuny. know 'i *- b*tl l;., i k"i ba l move i to Leb i non and hil hotel was rented out. .vi fi .mi" 'i h. re oi iboul 11 o'ekx k al night In .. fe, . n thc tear ol thi hoti i 'i to h.-,*>- been Incendiary! "Co wind, for -.. vv ;-.* I low ||1| \'o Di ? ' wai bio* :i up by Ital Mn, s i ii rm; i \ i u s. i in- i I.-, lom Assaall floss Vessels at tbs -?hiu* a I il. M'v a s \ \ . No-, 7 B| ? - a. m . , onfem i tn* | third ghi rid wa - p i .-..-? .... . ,,?! I "oin! and i lo mp ton w, p. pr.--, i it v.. . Mose ? i.air ? Dr. J. it Ragto). <; ti A Booki r, and ? t. tlon daj . w an . 'i mlnatlon I , 'om t and took Ihe case t,? tbe Count) i I ? i; ._?? ?.. Meesi - M ind v i are all proi . ? tomen len and mu, i. ? IS !? ll 111 Btl,-I N< vv ."fl ? \. Bf end Norfolk rallroa I, nhl] I, being ort Th. ? - ,. p Pel , ,ila, f-.i m, rlj thi Nea-txi - as - "tu? pi- ted her repali hip] ard hi i ? t out on a 11 lal trip t V* n ? lone on t h- i et el .-.t I i ... it | i si ni isi a i ni r.ns li? nn- Watt I vu, 1.1, n il' I in nil.ur 1 ,in,pin* Mee . ?Illil'l;.!. \ A.. Kl v 7 -I Berry, of tbe Cit ti lout I, io -lu) in. i? ? ed Ihe bond given by Dame ainu! the - ll .-n 11,000 to S-O.OOO 'I ? in, tlon real peing the I ,,r th, Bli ern trie I 'on pan]. a motion foi an Increase cami from that ., mps Th. I ti. Vi Pun Factory, wv -. al .,,.?. ed b) dre reste! la] m, I thia moi n lng ,-in.l .ir, Ided i ?-' i" until the Insurance waa idm>;> i Waiilng* in .ri-nm.'u'. MA< ? li , \ .\ . Not ? 7 Spe - Bi i teata i .pal church, of I .-. was opened at 3 o'clock P. ll . to I full and tl ? marriage ol Mitt ll u * -' i ?? rby, the i? autlful daughti t ol Ri . Henry L. I >.-rh*, re, '"I ,.i tn chm t,, Dr. John H ? Ayre*, .. i- a Ung pl ? il dan of .. yeal ?' pre. I. in t rita toa n. -iand old chuii h *.,.* .. bower ?,f BOTO] beaut v . al th- , Vu,, V. i os** end et ergn en t Inea wera entwined In captlvatlni style! wera au* i In a most charming way, Tha ?? monj i* aa pi i foi med bj Rev, ll vk iii..?: s. s1111111. imai., rector of \ eaMati i by tb* brlde'i father, w ho -ca*. b< i an ti Ml M ? n pl iv ?? i iii.- wedding man a, and ? i urlng lb* ? > rt naonj, "Bonni* Anni* ? in Mbdui i b ?.-. B natoi John W, G. Bia katoa* waa bael mau. and Robert L. All* -nv il ' .Wini. .1. Weeta] i "1. brom, John R I ? I ?? TU ?' hi ? l n ummond, Robert L. Pletcher were ushers. Th,- tulle WON ii dress of ,-* blown lratelllng*<*loth, and carried a handsome bouquet of bride's roses, Mia* lanletce Beabury, of Norfolk, was ber mal'l of hoi.or, ian;, ip. _ g alfi*" - i ol Am- rt,'nu Kraut* io I: wa* OIM Of th,- most pl. ev,r witness,.1 In tills gran 1 old sit t.i.-.iy. Th" happy >" toft foe At? lanta, thv afternoon. Colonel *!?n1i.v I <>n\iil<-.i-,iit. MARSHALL,, V s . Nov : Bpi ctol - ' Moab] ha Ul ad to Improi e, and yesterday evening -.vent to Warren ton to make a visit io hi* daughter, Mrs. Campbell. Ha win bo from th.t.- to Bedford to it. u .ia** v.i'.'i bia mothi r and i,ruthi r urning [a i is hom,, ;., s',p, I*:am la o H.- has leel som" weight, and I Blderabl) weok*n*d by tu* recent Ulm a, bm v prs lo recuperate no in rspldlj tlllfll hr Caa t'SUIll" his li'liV, ht!;;. of living. AoaMaatal Metfe CH AltLi-TTKSVlLl.i:. VA. \.,, J Bpeclal Mr. 1' H Snead, ion of W. P Snead, teller of th.- People* National Bank, waa found dead In bed at his father's residence about I AM o'clock itali afternoon. 'Iii- unfortunate young man w.,s eng**. 1 with the rp-m ,,f Klcherdi \ Dickerson aa bookkeeper, and left th* Mora tt',?i*ni, i.tiv well about U o'clock When found h<- wa* lying on the bed and held In Ids hand a balf-otui ?<? bottle al*ou; a iiuarter full of ohloro-orm. Mr .*?nead waa lil tie habit of keeptng a little ehloroform in bis room, which he ueed for ux>tha<dis. and it ls thought ba woe uaing the drug ter tbat purpoe* and took an overdose. THE GAS IRREGULARITIES. The Special Committee Still Frcb.Dg Into the Sale of -hells. MESSRS, GRIMES AND WALSH TtSTiFY i iiie.v Espials Thais Ceaassrl? With tha >mI,-i.i Ihalia .ThaFaiaasi lays Hg Muire,I l-nifll. ll Uh Mr. .\ilniii?. Mi"i',. *l|oiit_oini i y rilli,i,ii ai... Halla Statements. i .1 oini.uri., appolnti to maka ?t detail, ?! , -santas lion ol tbe attain ol I ' ... U oil.-; h. hi in Ol wi the oiiif- of Buperlnten lent k at th..- city Dun, j,,-t evening, I ? following membera ol tba committee art ra present ? Missis. ?Juu-t (.liiiltman), KinK, Bloomberg, Allen, rotuli. Snead; and ?;. W, v.. . Ur. '1', 1'. i not t..i. mail ct I ar (laa-Vi ..iks, wa ?? artrtni bi called. He aid: "I bare been am? pi") ? i tl. for iiiii. t.. r, i. .ir -. ;. i" ? .. then dui li two l i"' ? Ivi i ii,. ,.' ,? ra from .Mr. u alsh, i had to '? i enlngi i .. m. m. ? ? ,- . ..; the colon i man Toa nee roll oui ? >ki li"in r d tioin the WCSt ? m. coke pile. i ..i.i no) allow them < ? ' ok.. after I o'i lock, ?? l .:.. t.or know ahethi i Mi r. j ,,, rei lii.'i. . From I ... ir. food condition and i i H-' i again b) iii" ? Ity, 'i h.- m .;:?.. I the | lego to taki om I Vi or..- ??! : n Mimi,.i privilege, At present all thal ? . \| ? ? r |. o' lock, v. I.?ii I ii. nt on dui] . I -lr 1 i."! irllo.i ? es tO go ni. : . " ? shed, but ol era lora, l could nol Inti : :? ;?? mi, i hi m i ? Townes th- prh Hi ? i' wtt irer the ti :--i I wt to the ord, the Sup ?.... th. re April. 1891. Th- kel ror me were ol i -liv lu h< i 'i rn se tr bets would be iii-.. :i to iii., cart* from the engine room. Tl ?? writ ' ,-. j., d printed ticket the A dice for i bj M in the ratll hi iken up t<> Mr a ii Ur M--r. tilth, ttl'- I.... kki to thi Whi n money ? ' ii ho would turn li ,,i. r t,, Mr. \ times 1 cote ti over the I then ti to .'.ir. Walsh, Mi oil Sll| ? He lom.i. d these slips '.. Mr VI ? .. night ? . - Mi Mont Shells u . ; ? ' ;. ul, ! i.i Mr. Mr Bmoot, an I Mi ? .i ? -u .. ? ? i stopp 'i haulln . . \i hich Mi Bmool ai.l Men ' I IS flo I I tickets In the : ..oin. owi tn or mi r Mr R. fi n..ik nu.-. In ' tri and Mi nt1.1 Mr Bmool nor thi t, bul J ? ? any cari nt .iii The) finn, lo Mi. Sm.... I do not know boa the ., the i: ng to do wltl given io Hm ..i Mr. M. ? the o! - t.. deliver tn. rn io io i driver. AH 1" . ' . ? ? not to ? ecelve t hera ll ii-. Patrick lim k<. i .: , - v. -??., said i ha i to thn on the pile. i ? ii.-h, and ' i . lo Mr l..r ? ' .' r. Ol lines' ? to ? '."ir,. Ilman 0 nu to him i ? ell. I he lo ? ? med lo lu ? ? i would lin.' '" n them Thi loads wen ..-.? ? 1 hi - Mr. VI I . .nil I the oil .ed so, Alli n Goodman a i have 1 in... se*, n "th- rs haul, out thi srays have full ? . ? in told by Mi " bul I io : ?? h Te the ?? : om. M) ? ii 11 - 11 peeled 'i ?? ? - ? hen pit ? I !? ; b pr ? did HO hr:: . lull ll 1 le, unii! 1 li , i ? ...... ru,, other carls, dd to belo wen ? . me n h. n I firs! i-d for wort 11 i eek, mi:, toa.mi . - HOST. Mr. Montgomei > wu I'.- ni \t a ? ha .?? di - in t.. pi.-, ... a i.'i to furnish ibe shi i.n i i Ud - ? I ! ? .: rac t waa foi ne.i ??? .^ i or li ? '? i mon lor Mr Adams, l'.it ir g thi mid Ile nir ai.m.- old d . . for nu. which I iii until Mi Adama i oi!,;.!;.;- ed t man rn .--I ella n hich bia i i '... lied : ? ? ihelia on!) from nt oe liar.-, i .'... i;':> ort iract for two .mi i haul. I also from an! in nt th ? corn i. who had a misunderstands i .Mi. Adams. i hauled from thew nu. about i''."" '??? ?? buahela ol i ai a son i ii "iii sen i mi i iii,-.-. link ..'ir ..iit the time the i ommli t.i- wo lld tiiei-t, _r , lt to Mr. .darna, who would pa) me. unly during the latter i i ? i ?. ali Adama e In 1 KM un i.,. If i ii ... nd 1 said I woul r nish it for rivi ? nts, ... i Mi ...u i i ? hould iii.ik. ii live and a <j ii tei .ft l u oui 1 gel the cont ract, bul I tol ii bim t woul I nu k li Bv< When the contra t araa given out i found ..?it thal i ?aa tx iten .Mr. Smith . : ., r ci tit i lama t hen ? ame to rn . uer alone and i oui es, and Mr told me it i di I II it let t: li r stol ? .' ?? might i ? his posl ... ?. faulted ? ,.-? i- , ,r t ot Mr. i: - Mi Ad im> told rn.- r hal v r Adara and M. ?1.*<i ) il carte running Mr Ad-ama to ,.i\ bm tba aaone. until lbs middle ol ? season, when Mr Adams began lo band me tha srarranta VYbett t col lee ted rh.- 1 would taki.' ... ..? amount waa coming to me anj : ... 1- ti:'- balanci i" M.- ? bun I v ..ii mai.ul nu bills an l woul it to Mi. Bmltb and ! u<?ii I vt his . ? ? r..i it i never aavee .i n ? Adams wbett he gave me tba money, but 1 handed i ver to bim my tickets, ? mu practically a reieit.t. At om- tune Mr Adama owed me mtv-oid doll a'.*, a-i.t when I went lip ba the '*lt>- Hail for it I wna told that there was a -r_.rr-_nt for I ms for 1176. I knew the. .itv did not owe ? me that much, hut Mr. Adama came tu , me and tusked ma to collect that money [ , anl poy the baieaoa a*rar SS ,m ,f. r,J wanted hla monej :,,,-i -?- did Mr. KSmlah When I Dm inade s Md Mr. * li St* tobi tn.- to make tv V! "v" :,n'1 "., ' cents and I would get lb*, ontract. Th'-n wa* only on- more W '? "> %lr, ' ' Curtis, I think who bid Uv.- nnd ' quarter cenu I bellen Sheila were mucn higher in price than Umj '"" ,""**'? ,u tha.t tim,- th. - v? very much in de? mand b) oyaier planti \ ***>** V ^ _ deliver, i m ? ?? than IH.QOO bushels, al? though my contra, t called for *.-."" busn el ?. Mr *t. e. tilth n ' ' '. t. , Hu Ca ' , h-i it th. latter ? nra far too Ive. -nv ,-,,**-1r.Acrop. Mr i: W. snout waa thi i ' ! ..n, a bi ? he said, til pla. lu ,,- Marshall street In ?< v i. I?l, ! was .,-V ,1 i' Mr. W. C. t and Mr. Vi;., put I ' rh. Ila | think it wa* in fl the i - p - - . \. .danns nam tl - price whl. h l ?'' ' I .h., ? ? | Know :, him from Infan, I would not I ? tate to do ?? ? I ' not ,,w ri any to Mi I Mr. Weis! had thi ? think I ??? ted to d ,. * aold his ,- ,rt i t any i dn n th" w ir rant* and ci i m, but tun ... , ?. ? ' Mr. fri ind Adm price foi ella th. r the ' >? nt, I out of I : ' ? " ? ie hi haulln ? WI ? i was aeon about thi fte,-. di liv ? ? that pi Bee Mr. Mont he 1 Mr A ? nt wi u.i.s V . ... ? , .,, ?? \T. Mr. <; to wtaal ?? out 1 " . ii.''.:.. - ? to b. .'.'I - ? a< - bs did not have tV ,r ? tba t ld. i the tai urti and after | all . \| < .-.-- s Ml I ,-V- 1 . . ut thi for I , ..ii.,-t. : - - ? ". ? mat, way. Mr. vvatah load, h" ??' a* ion vv h, tiei Sdi OUl ot U. I i ? Luring ? ? Mr. M< r, llth then rsad fro i a pajx ' - & 1-3 eel .'?iring th" ? when Mr, ; ' ? Mr -. -? ted In 1 ? ? ? 1 liol V hen lt Ix thal - ? he calli I Mi ttenl .ti \i: v . ? -. ' Itt. the Cou Ulltt-r I I mont h- In th, H. ? - ? ot l ? ? - a!T. A ' I ' ? Mr. ' I ? . n ? i i Mr. Walsh wi - AboUl - - bul lt bad i rh tbe> g. . tot - i taken out from ? - ? ..?ii : -n't know w heftier as n In a din V r til from tl ???? ? i rta ! ti ? ? ? ?-. ? v.-. .1 for a -in-ri v, hile '. ? Wt 1 . ? ? I ll helper. I -li l net er see tl ? ! v ?'... ... . ? it woul : ? not, but ll WI ? .. 'i - I ? t then tx ? ' i ' ' ' -.- -. ; it the i I . . of Hr. > ' ' - f) cents for t bul I do t ra ' but I " ii . ?. In lt. for 1 a for my 1 ? . II When th ? ? ?, ? ? lng, and ?< * ?? lay* later Mr A l ims t .1:1 , ... ? ' I i th.- shell - ? to Mr. A i. Mr. Mei :> t ? ?*???!?? ? ? ? ? Mr. Men lith Rad. i thal ll waa but I tl i -.-. that Mr. ': ' - ' ? ? . , it Ml In ii i ? the bc "'ii'' ? haul,-I 1 v lim, [ i the ? Montgorpei the* ! , ' us , ,-n's for the I ' ' Mi > toma aol tin ls per bush. I *. hen oi '.renl ? ". tory',-* ? un- v . i tract *f Mr. Mon trot ? " ' ' ? ? - . " Mr ii not the fart lo th,* ?? Mr. Mont ? . ... while tb* VU for IM load*. Mr. ?Tal-'*! ? ->. t lld bj Mr Adams to mal "i's pp ? ? ? to ad '?:-,, r v.i?'. batt! ab '? ? '"" "r ''"k'' a I hi Itt beek al I tbe same ml i , f loadi .,' '? ' for* -.-, i ? ,>.' i ???' .- ? - ai i i' ta rood anima it meta V''-> duet !' '"""""ht to bnvr* hecr, !."r?\>ne<l. hut T ha-1 neve >r.v rnler-i to jatre t* I never report el to the <*<irrmiltte-. that eOSSS ot that size ?lad be*?n hauled out I .-ever a?c,--rtaV.e,l who gav* Townea the privilege of milln* nat tho ashes; I did not think rt to be my luty; some one had to do lt Mr. Ad*mi 1 pall for the nh,*!]* ti-M-h mv eart hauled. i ; a i for tbs sheila hauled for m\ ?< I* iini .'n centa par load, while the etty paid for ihem at the rate of I l-l er hiter it*, cents ir r bushel, bal 1 don't know i who K'-t tt:" iiff-T..". -e. I maie <>'it the hills for Mr. Montgomery, becauaa I was told tO i'l BO. ' "I lil It if. ..I N I -. Mr Boudar was tba lae! vim"-^ i ill. I by tbe ? oramittee, and ti itllk ! lo tba pxamlnatl.t tho sh.ii accounta, whi h he ha I n idi In tbe A*_dltor"i office. H. hiioii".! that Mr. Montgomery wa- cred? ited with tbe balding ..f IMJ33 loads of Bbi Ila from Jan tar) IM, to Oe to ter, 183-1, ? | to Mari h, l-K, i' ll lehels. The warrants for Hi err tot tbe ?,. .u- U-C! | .,,'.-I up to HA ?'-''. .mi for the ? ? ??: at 51-2 f. . a :'..- Ml ll ""t's . to J " HI the hauling amounted tu ind In wi. undi r the Montgomi n ? iel MO. i turing the Ha : sraa | lullng. irned .-it li M \ o'- lo, u. subj. : ;.. ' ??? i ."i ol ' he '-h.iu \ mun. _ //// int smt n THAD a .mus. I h.. 1...fl'.,lire -hull I'e-l.mite -tresta Il,, ,,<l_;ll M III. h 1 lilli -.Ililli In llrllen. T ? t? i brm ? I Usa i Sty Council ? . ol '::?- a hi li . .1 ??...ii un ? ,.f the re' i ? -> jive it - ? v. a n up, and thi evening wu red Mr W. H. Ilraui i. ilr, ?; <;. \ ali ntine, Mr- M - V'ali ur:- ? -. uni ot hera , ittli mitten a .' reade, and n hich ??I for ? ? . i then onli Vt an A. M i rn motion - ' i, Mi Bra li ? . i ri--. The and if then r brough th< ha loss ol I ? i i ? -'_. 1 ? o brought hi n nil hours ,,f thi , ? the ai the oflli i re "f the Bo foi r .. previ ntlon of ?'i m : : Mr. , iii be ? - ll "Iii ? ? irii iii-- of ? -1 r<. 11(_: li the i iil-f "t I wi tb, lon as to hours. as a ;? men of . ' effe.-l. Tl e chapter n rd to thi r wai ? ar.i it -.- upon a few tm t I'e.-niii'i- Letter, ? lett r v.s found In a :.? low the poll ?'. I ? ? ? rid: "Thia la ? . ... lying ,. about ii mlle beloa R | ? - i ? Publlsl ? warning lo all e\ ll- \'? o in l'.ili|..|| I.,'lill. ? | '..l ' ion u . T. i oui. u I ' lieve tl ? ? i ? a - IV ? prominent . Ilnil Se thant gm -. al >.f tlo ? ? uni Itulldlni ?:..ri Ol ntl'l nil tl" ? iii be Baa i| \ ti "i Et. i; Lee i I*, v., ii. li n Comm I ? - ,;i De I-,, i ii...'.-i - Hoi i.i ... iii- lire, ? ? - Bl ? Mr. !.. ol IWent) ? . i mata l latter ] , lon ?? I that it I t than Un \\ hil* . lered woman i in on thi ?? ii it li : ? ? i ilty to . I ? | ir. the Nol BO Wll ; - . .,' : | i -a, ? ? for theaa men i ' ' ..ii,. i) ? -i sr -. ? ? i ? tr. Pal Hlon |T May lt SK'' 'M' WARD, lian - i . n -I?. i. I 1 ll I H ll I 1 1 Us I Ul ll . 111*. U ill:..m. on Hi,. >tiin,l little III i.-i, ?t \ii,nii.......t ii, ii,., t aaa. BAIAT1 >A, VA., I (INT, VA., Soi. I ope, lal Iii ?? ri : hu * - ? a light to-day In the M.. . '?'. IIII . in- trial 1 ? , iii i. I tr-- si i.. of tbi examining ell the witnesses sum ? idi -h'li t work ? ? jil - \*. iii.mis was .... ml .-.ii i ?lrh,.r.Kh ?i 1 IO Stop ? la ment i events ? thout iii- sill ?ieviatl m I ? . Ina. iron. The crowd In ..\ nan ., rj am ill. fool la ara not taking mu ti - (.,,..:! Koiir!*- Gag-tag i. ? . ? HALIFAX COI MTT, Va V .i .-' ? " enta on .. Usa ? rfle I I'. i No'towav. Prince FA ta - ? ind i _ni . | are ret") evident, ind proves concluslvelj that the i-n-f. nt plan of attMi.iinj? to the r.a.i? 1? mm h better than the former one The croj-i tn ? 'amr-he'l and Halifax are much better t!__n In ?.?l-.eaterlleld ani Amelia. Thia fact ta 'j_\_el> due to the ttmtaaa* WORK OF RESTORATION". I c rr ari so away the wreck at THE t '.VII ERSITY TO REBUILD. I I Tbe Burned 15,ill.Unca Wilt be at (lar? Hf newed-Amateure lo Itepla.-e the < ?1 leBf. Bril -The I'e.le.tal anal (lock. CN'I VI. RS ITV 09 vrt:<:i\fA. Nov. 7 i Min have leen put to work to cleef Um d*brt* of the ur,-. B'trnflding ?wm commence ni once, The two wing* I rotunda >ol-l oh ip- I ,i'i ! r- . i | ? vviii ie r*B*w*d Immediately, to ba ti*-'- 1 aa rt'<-i'atloti-r,,'Ui's. Th* rotunda win i?- r,*t,>r-i. lt ls tx p- lOd 10 h" UllMlMd hy Mu_vh. Th,. Amateur Dramatic duh propose to replace ti,.Usg* v ll by Ike ptw.ia cVriv.-.l from th?-ir entertain?, nts. a pn 1,11 noa ala* boan aai on fool to re*tore the pedestal to the Jefferson *-._i t u, and itepa ar* h* lng ti'-k- ri lo hi '* in ibe position occupied by ? soi I u r Altai ISA All SIS I nilli, tntreroitv of * Iririnin to ( ..ntrilxite to the ll. -I.lill,lil,K t Oli.l. CfiARUSSTO-i, M C.. Moo*. ".-Tlie movement started awong the Uoti of Virginia alumni of Booth Carolina lo ? ,i -in..ti to the huti in rec. ntly Vu:.- ! Initltutlon waa ? ting -o pi- .ni* 11' " Tha i ni embrace all the ? 1 'nlvcrstty ..." tb* Stat., and it ta i that the subscription a ill ulti amounl t,, s consld. rabi, i Man) prominent n -.,,--, i in lt, Ul ' /.' / tl Fl I I 111(11 MW., Hie lni*ri-lt* I.. I.nil,lin); I un,I li Mill Glowing. 'i.-? following additional eootril I fund Brera rt erred yea Amount previously aubi -.:-- l ..9U.I72K . 'hart, s Billa . John T. Nragta . j. i;. Tn - . i . ?*? Hon. i: Tm) lot Bcotl . M. Millhtaer . 11 ? . C. B. Antrim . i:. T. Johnson . ION Charil b T. Child . IM Han Kills . Pol ii .Ul Mr. i' ii M for J'.,.*" The following . I tory: M >vi mb. ? t. I ? ? - .?' Valentina, Georg* Woyni _i B - -in- ^* I 'on.:i.:"'a . Rlchmoi \ > :? in, tl,?I I ' 'k f"r - i fund. I w . sum ne, '!?-I tot ? ? b, i Alma Matt ii time . . . 'i ra ti ri I'AYLOR t / III I I U I s I S I I lt I t I S Ul S I . i ii, oin,icm,' on,-. - ot -BBlatane*Bae*lv< i I ion. Mau* _.?<?-. - . ? . ll ? itt of tn, mu :. ? ' Cl tu.;. 10 - aili. i vv it j. ? ? - iii lb, ? ,it vi in ena ? ? - ? ? '? , ?p'uetv will not be rea tu r,-s a i ? a ? oi the I ni BRI ' Kl A BJ /"? / / mt I ll I si s u i . ii .v? tbs I.rnturi,', ii gUlalnr* w ni Stand on .loin! Ballot. NV I'. >N i. n "f Ih. p. Ot -li th* * in ol ,,; di - ? em ( t ballot it in tt,, I '.T In tin I f 11 ire foi rhlcl * ?? the i" ll against Blackbur ? ?: it leas! I ' will \"' t"i ?? : Cotted Stat, 8 at - ? an "u I--'.-. for I ted Stai Th. who are hi v i Wilson and c . ? Wartier .. i W. Yerkes -? will hav,- no bel from 1 . , i . tepubil let thal -VA c. P. I ir. ? -kt I for the l p-n ti ket, r talked of by I ' alor. to uti, s ii i mt i'. Tho Ragagsmonl af Coastal Mill, and "*i. ? N;.Ile A . non nreil. V. ASH-NO***! p.v. D. C., Nov. 7 Mr "i Virginia, ? ol iii- i nit. i gtatea at n nolulu, has : | ashli from i with ins arrival ? bot n for hi* niall log to m. .. ' - Nelli, .,r Rapid . I Mr. inri Mt * Benjamin r t ? w. toing ? iii loki .tv Mr. Mills Obtaload ll boom mont v.s a*,,, bul wa Honolulu on ?? ? nt d*mlc thi re. lia iroHiie iviii tha I,-..-,*. WASHINOTON, Wv 7 li,, ? i< ? Un, ?: \\ ri. ? ? look lat n - vs v found tb, tlii.-i *?. ?.* lii.-h ort. I..1 BO non h re ll ali',** ? 1 bUI o:ie-sl *i .1 ? ,-ulatlny water for condensing :? a. ti tin ? ' i. len or*, A metung formed bj thin Buhelano* ?' cerved et Ihs N'avj Depprtmeni ' lt ls thought that ashen thia obsti li r-;n'..' 1 the condenser* will wo ;?, ti, . ' - ? ? ?t lon adgin wm i.vt il* >i,.., * Ul Mill:. IP'. YA., month* ag* Mr C. M. Thi-.-. lj ill. of this city, won a ault aru'ii-t rh,- United state* Bapre** Compony, Involving over HMM, Tli? tln.e for taking au Bppanl has expired, and as no appeal haa been taken, the Judgment ls lrreverMhle, He will get belwee.-i-t-'OCo and W>,0i?. TITE CHES T COWWAH f OBOASIZr.D Two .earn for Mee 11 nf a W-t'-h Convic? tion, in the I tilted Ma-OS I oort. KORPOL-C va. Har. I lal. - Obartaa -tarin, (colored] was __a_a___ad in ni,- Coipoiallon i ourt io day of altai lng it ju wal h ani given two reran U The ' ? .a. ..r,d lo ' ? sith n minimum capital of t-".'W tai maximum ol ii.,..,..... , mig __?? '!i ? ott! . :- at I dire, tom J lt I 'itiKr** rriiladeiphta, il fred P. thom Norfolk, ii . , genera s' ' ? ?' ? H. *<*? ii'gmtin, i ii.t', illina, ,;"> ? ? H. ? rtol, l-l a I, i, ino, mas *"'??? ?' " un i>. i'm ,', -M *' l*g ll ll ,,!._r. n.t. I . ??? ni , 1 Ila ird B. run si ill, V , m hite, u ,1-,. ii Doyle, falter il : , ? , ts emt-owi f to : Norfolk. rn nt was ei . ?''-utt of I aw .ii, i ,\ il. Kn.ti. , hlef ot I'oli. . r | mt >'??.ok, i for raia, . ? in ' ? i gran i ?. i ' tr.,n lulen) ? ? i I ol , a ti '' v ' for si riding ? Lgal ? ' The Hoard of Police Cot ra ia* ? ' ll. r. ?:dei ' ad Kev. Bai Vt Bi ? which will i ? to .... The B " ? TB ACS i ssm t i ms. rb*Nea fork, Philadelphia and Noir.-'.;. Railroad. CAPE CH \i:i.i:>. VA., N ? J. Corbel ! ? ..ll er,il agent; and ol j th ? .?:; ? t I .-rt ? Impi "-? - ? ku / / ? /. i 'ini. v. .te,: as -. ? '"..I < i.-. m .ti.i. 11. i ti,. i .I ala Hi hi i "? WASH I Nfl I ? ? The i ' , ' ; ? ? ? If thia of tht postal u mu i s stn msiHTBt. r. vi i,kr.i-i. i \i i... i . n r..-.. II la *iiii..-i i ..' i.... Iga ia Minis' ' ? ' Am:. . folio, I ? . \ i/.i- r nor . ? - - ? thc Am ? ? _? a ali l. lue H.nilli- for Insulllli- tin- Linoel .r iKKl.l.V Nov. 1 -Ir rr I Boe'alist, a tb' :?? I i .- ? ? B ' ? ? ? Hf,_ THAT TIRED PEELIN'O .venoms al onci or I Tak< ll ' UL in i io- si ? iI/ART l< ' M HOW 'MHhlHU .! mr. IN-. ??*?>' tar ? tti.oi:. THK KAM't.S I \V 1N KN TK UTA I N'ERS. in an evening of ?eta* f/oae. and rot-try. D.81t