OCR Interpretation

The times. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1890-1903, April 05, 1896, Image 4

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85034438/1896-04-05/ed-1/seq-4/

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0?c (aLttncs.
ll'PLlSliKD BY
TUB Tim, s i.oi?.PaBY,
timi a l ii.lin'.;,
FHSDAIL1 , -:. served by carriers
on tiuir own accounl n thia city,
Mac. . ? a wee*; V
mau. . ol Kiciiiiii.iiii. Gil
a month, J^.m a year?anywhere in
the i i.it.,i Stall a. ,
Tilt \\ i.i K.a pimps laaued nnd
mai: i ma dollar a year
by ,:i Ibo I lill"!
?ai .
Address all communlcatlont and cor
J. ?, . aimiiiuiy.
R.., ung nt ? ? ? ??? ' ::"-''' ' typ*.
20 crlils pt I .
Card of advertising rates lor space fur*
nlslird on .-.,
Keini: : a ii rheck, po*t-ofno* ora*r.
fr mi'. a sent n>
mall ia ?t. rp.- ri k the sender.
Tim, ? - Business office, No.
Specimen , .
Ail au .ll payabl* in an
vance. Wnt h the inb.i on your Paper,
If yon live oui "" W1"'T'
your rj Pl ion ci a,,11 can re?
new t? pped
?PHONE 171.
IS' T< i .
CHANGED AS -r.a>-. A--' THE SI B
Thc price or The Tums lg taro cents per
copv and Ita outs per va ed.. delivered
Wilbla lb* limits ol Kiidiinmiil anil Munches
ter. Sunda.* pa|w-r three cent.
gOKOAT*! Ml i hm.* Uti* r vents.
I'i k. lt <"..rnp. <V V . ."? ntml Uni!.
K. of IV, ?
? o. O. iv. Odd-Fi bows'
;. , I. O. O. iv, Belvidere
i De, K. O. E., v.,r '
I ... k M.. Laube'a Hall.
i. o. iv M., Toney'a
RI. hmond Paper-Hangi rn' Union,
, ,1 W. C. T. I'.. Y. M. C. A.
Lat i
S Club, L. Of A., Y. M. C. A.
b ?
I. Jr. O. LV A. M , Jr.
M. Hall.
Tatrl, k Heart Connell, Jr. O. IV A. M..
Powhatan Hall.
Oiave .'"nu ll, Jr. O. U. A. M., Good
Templars' Hall.
Bes. ... Lodge, I. O. O. T., Gatcwood's
Myrtle Lodge, I. O. O. T., rine-Street
Bu pt'- ?
McGill Catholic Union, Cathi iral Hall.
Carpenter:-' Union, Concordia Hall.
Company E, Firs) at, Armor}'.
I \^l IK.
if Chitjfltaaas ba 1 lay af ebfld
hoo.1, rea Iv li.r. for a : ? , n t ? '
and plow of i -. telling of tbe
:??* birth, Beater in all tho more
ri the Ki-'' " ' ;" of
life's Una] triumph ? I Into the
no nora noni
0V<: -ni' I wiv'i :
swallow .-d np In ar In f,
? .'..is van tad Itu labor in ? '
seing to prove tba Immortality ol
eoui. pta sm c.u, no mar, tatabliab our
linnet i.. t< ail di monatrate our
. | tone* an i righi working ol our
fled that vs actual
live, in
ant Inr. tii.it If onr
earthly |
I v. a aaothi r foi n
of CXlr
during than thii pn i i v "I I Hi iv.
lt self thai Intimate* Immortality I ?
We ara; ;? Immortal. The
: ? qdi:t, aa I
out Its lilt . I .
can: . ii.
\\ hat thara is I grave wi
know not. it ii for nodera philosophy to
an I u ?? '
? iel ail be ? ' ?
i I" ii life of a I
disloyalty L, God; th of thc
reign of la av i
Manhood ls assured of lrnmortallta .
triumphant ac- bogot for annihilatii.n.
aa the only es and
desperate tn,-. \i.,i all nat ui e.
and philosophy di ny its hopi-, i
thing can bs ant mm of all tim
Immortal toni. On it inust po, for weal
or trna f???? a> ? u,- bs
lect at ti i
tlon has two :-i I, S to ll ? it have
done goo.! ti. tbs resurrection of Life;
they that I to tho ri surrec
tlon of con.
But to take the hope
I ? ?'-. And may mel
Join In tha I, For the
encl . . . . In the ere
generation. a v... |n,. ,
h."la ? Ught,
artie Bpiril hoar) Chris,
(sanity tin the light ,,f imtui.nal.ta
over .til ta>
from thc heit ? ta..
clous hoi*-* tint th* daj <?! '
tlon win eon*; th* anal aa p i waits
for tho day of I
of V
Baa t fact and truth
to all the wu ld. Aa i ? ?
mankln t n i>- aird lt
gaartshes ki: Ai \
so la C ? i til be i
Ani fealty to tbs kine ls t
th* au:
Iisrj.er's Weekly fer the carnal week
eonlalrs a Sort of a!- li !s a
g*tn In th* way of hteratBIO, and very
charm bal H I
painful saggastkag i" i ia ciu
sen. 'it purpertg to bs extracts from
tbe Journal of a satan, olin er In the
Bngliah navy ju t,h<> bsglnntng of a
war that in to ^rsnk a>ut about the Brat of
the coming June between England and
America over the Vt-m-imelan boundary
dispute, and lt proceeds to the burning
of Chicago by a Beet of British gunboats
eoou after war ts declaicd. The point of
th* story ls to Illustrate tht perfect readi?
ness of England for a great war, and
our absolute want of preparation, not?
withstanding our eagerness to provoke
on*, lt show* another ces* Ilk* that of
WI, so hapgilg lUustrated tag Joha Ban
dolph. ?li?n he sahl we proponed to en?
ter thc Hst agalnat Ml Bhlpfl tn cntn
ii with a three-ehllHng pamphlet.
This officer's joni inti Brat introducea us
I,, a.no* aa tai tin- taatfhor of Halifax in
Um earjy part <if May, i*'.?s. to which
port his gunboat baa Jool ooma from tim
Meditairanlaa. "Wai bna not pal bawt
i i. im! it ha baan konara lani it
wii! be, iinu be lind!' la that port n Baal
af forty-flea maa et war, big -11"1 little,
"Ma "l Uni.i lilt:!, ships, with a unzi ii
I , -.,;. m. ? t .1 of small
fry '.ike iii-i gunboat, aad linen armed
v .!.!;.. niel tiiiuip:-' tOO iiiirneroiis
f Thfl Imirnal gives thlfl BOCOURt
Ol' What D'- I . ' . ? - r.V> VV I.f
l'i. y wt ie Un-io for. lt
wc hav*- heard no explana
.. .- hil - but ord ra, bm it le pn I ?
v ? ;.s ali about. We must
i.. hen t> Boree agalnal me Tankaen.
there han ta en a di],
.tew pen c .ii for yean between us and
?.ie,, j,.p.ihili-< in Mouth
| .Me, el lin Q|
? wlnt* r tba Atncrh an l'i.
.ve ont thi*
ihilrullon ur else fl|;lit the
i n ' that nive their i heekf V, B
li ,..fi- ut Gibraltar, icu we ail
agreed thal tin- thing would Mow over,
ai,il Hint lt was all a piece of bOtOv e,
what they cell ?'buncombe," for the Van
Is.. - p. protend that they were going to
fight the i!i!Hsh Kmpire, about what trna
.laesa of theirs, ?ti-!i they bara
no army and no Bary. The nant In this
harbor ts at-out twi.-e hs atroog, i aup*
| ? . vv!i?,l? Amer!, .ri i a v v I I
they initially appelr.'e ? OOO ' !''!! Ol
th-'.r own t-> li;'julie Into 0'ir r*OW With
igoa. Thia eommtaalon la lo
in a few deya, and for boos reaae
I-.,ly beMevea fha! tba report win take
Lgog Bid*, That ls Why v
Journal next lalla ns that bia gun
..i.ing with fourtoaa otters of tba
?tripped of all superfluous
.!..! their armament, s*. as to draw
as nt- ? possible. Th,. ofBcen
li to put them into eon
i ila between
. tin: great
lugh thal tura eui to
Vt ai I-; not ie* land, un.i
light, under h. r treaty
wiiti i sment, to have armed
. the i .k's, '"it wnr la about
lan , and aha win Bend in r gun
without armamonta on a Bort
tha armament* to ts
np when war ls declared. The
bim ta a point on Lake Huron,
Ipfl Bsd their armaments on
a wharf with abm
both when a tag arrives lira-lng
a cviia!. a I ' bea to thu
admiral, and the ofllcera und enw I--.
thar war has baan declared between the
i and Orval Britain. Business
BOW ' .-niiii. i.e. s. Pix of the (drips arr
left at Port Colborna te take car.- of thfl
. re inifTalo,
Cleveland, Toledo, and Detroit, ami not
one of them ha;*- a tort or a gun
fend it. Tiine of tba veoeelfl hi
detained at Toronto to look alter Ihe
? cs on Laka < tai trio Tl i
ara 0 I Ri heater, which, though
five miles inland, i,ui v ? | h.- , ,-i-tiy te
Btroyed (ron the water. On tne wav *..
' ' . uno Phip i. ? tl nd to
Milwaukee's care. Tht* rest of the Beat,
mil' r ciiinmand of the admiral, arrive In
front of (lil.ugo oji the 1Mb ot June. The
first thing our narrator discovers from
CW ago newapapen li thnl tba people of
thet ci y have BOl th,. Bllghteet Lit ri fl
! i'll h !'? ? r is In tin- ' i lin y
think thfl Atlanl ne the
? ?
Tiny .io put seem !?? n od al all vv hat
happens on Ihe
the pap* to rejoice In the
'. "ll the British n- -1 di
. , "ll w ill iner.iv .
Up il I" I Of A.
u try would he. better
'ir. ' I d n'l kr
? | i j lain ? Bough tba! tb* i
iv. one am ith< r. Th* re
,? ii In r in- pap.-i
t tba I tl fy know ol 'i hey Bil
punt tlc- win I.- Uiiiis-h na! i
: ike Ililli- el.. || ?
w hen the shipa had a '.ur ba?
ton Chicago tba admiral rn mis ta
wun ;i . ommunli atlon to tba
. * proves iii ba ?'? 'i ? to him
; noa-eonbatanti ra tba
dty, a.-' he will opt ii hr. upon lt at the
twenty-four boon. Meant**** ?
I llirilldl ll by CT'.e
?ii Bteamen bearing alghl
nd io Finh an . ? bara
n.siiciiity in keepina tin ta i.i
?.mee without hurting them, (mr Barra?
tor was ofllcer or the di k on ins st,ip.
and this i- tha s gives ns ol
?- n. in I with OUI ?
Tho Had!!' S had I - dOB fl tn ?
them, when a mi; Inchon al
? ?ni straight fur ns, and came ali ?
' oi it rod I ? i off, bul sin. p na no at?
tention, and I had tbe bi s*
? ni pump, Th* i.nut ii
lean, fankoe-looklng chape on the
u* i. foi -.vam. wi ;. . .un' -.? aad
pei ? and one i
"it p.-' ' med" aomethl
aa i di mended to see the comn i
i told !? '? on or be
ll r bul be I" tan tn in.iht- .i
you nev*
- rt thru this was a n ll
ter of | . ?'-?-, and ?'?
? ol tbe public. .-\i
ll t my ti np* r, and i am afraid
'Thc public be .'..nuii.- I." At this
then was a greal :? ell o "\ andei bllt'
1 I- lil ni! Ito- , nap .
ii ii i oi lied .un, "How do you
lik'- ? -'.- i th y an yt-ii. .1
mk oral i ogam
rim rights ot tn., public and the
of ? i ii'-, and i aigi iii* ti til"
quartermaster, who turned the '.".se on
Iii it iiiiiiiite tiley Wen "I." ni ll
? i let of . ives ol His
you ever aaw, Their skipper, wi
ira i been looking on 1 - ? be lac
- BUI as
'lull k aa he co..id, bul not r .-? w enougn
' ' 'i hal
w is the end ol the n tivea ol
Hex! morglng a deputation ol citiaens
cami*, out to the Baot, nuder a nag M
Hen la tba account ot their
l'i" l!a^' of tin B tU|*l I OUI to he the
itlon. it was rathi r a ram depute*
- that lt Would
ba . e baan oompo ?< <i nf Hm in-n .?
g< uii.v but na all iii.- m* mbere are
in ind* 'i ?? v's. ' eli boai 'i and
Imliai <ame ort Back to i
them. Th. ie wen five of tfiem, and
pokeaman lnlrodu*.ed himaelf, ana
thea tu*- otiipis Qn< was
tinned inca's, elie a man -I Bi I !? i ot the
Blseplng-coachaa thal ll \ ? i ans use
on t.'ieir long railway .ml one
a hotel keeper, We could all nea: what
was Bald. In teed, we COItld not have rul?
ed to hear lt and BtOp**M on
The spokesman ?_ot tl*. Ihuutlhg r.. t irs
io- ba i spoken three aentenoeo, an-i wora
ln? his aim like a Hail. Hts line was
- tho same ak that of the ienrter ot
which I have given you estraere. He
gave a history of Chicago, and lou row
the enterprise of her clUaeoa haa con*
verted her from a wilderness to "the
centre of A'm* rican civilization, and the
yueeii Metropolis of the Western World,*'
and then want on to erny what a crime
lt would be tn devastate tbe, proud *dl
Boes af bee loasinnrrisl eaportun and
th.- happy sud primely bSSBSS Bf ber
??ni/, i.s. "Tba o*nutj and Uta nag*
nun en, o of m." North Bids "f Caicago,"
bs said, "are thc bivu-t of Amen, a, ami
ihe adaalratlon ol tempe." ne bm ant
gel nny further, foir at that penn ino
Hillie.Lin. als m.ln ami lill
In I" Baa ?
ith side and not tba Ne
vi here tbs napp- as. I pori -ely bOtaeg
were, and that the damage .en av
don* by bombarding the Nona fend.
Lo u mer.- trifle In mann limn The be?
tel-keeper grew very angra. rmi oems
t,, I,,,, na ,. "f tn" ?poBeetoea, wno
soi med to bo e bank***, av;
m.in tr i ,i te tay som I I '.,-, _m
\\ ,-t .-- -. lillian ny nil
fi. ur .,; the otb, ra. *? Mle tn*r wert
squabbling, sir John sto. il Mk* a .
Imagoj anil t toon at thane wa* a tun
pull, i ,. .' bi - av.,' 'i ami Bald, natte
Gentlemen, you are waatlng your
lime, .'.r .aa- ma oodtaon
Bhall open Bra at U o'cloc**."
'Puen follOWS tba BOO0WJ1 "f UM hom
? i.r. thus:
w fi I,,, i ,-t nu.!' lt eight bells wh< n
? ailed to 'i ??' lers. lu Ovi
ute* nu.- ffiT*1** ''kn i? sn ?
. BOed, am: our iii U gav*
, . lng. lt a...j
tn.- toaicet i-ori ol v.. g?t praotl ?- Tb*
day bod bom* ,'if tren ? nnd a
Hal tu.m, fo thal Mliuolii
ns a mirror. XX ,? .
foot of every oon*pl ile ashen,
uni they wera a? p.,a t-i on a chart thnl
aa..- Beni on j eek ^>i ihe Kain.er. ah
th. Minf, iie nutted tbe Brat stet. Wa
don't Know wii.ru u want, though probe*,
bi>- somebody la if*, back part ol Cal*
OBgO could MU na, ..I d, s* v.. wit. wing
only pornusaloa h.b. s, we uiu not svsa
!? u lt !. .lat. JV.t lau saw ohm BffOCt Bl
lt, I i.i I] it was Bm I
not batley* thou ivor av^a war. Tl
i rom aa riK still bl* S with p? ? ?. la :
a c.cal an that ul' th-, day b. :?!?-, Int
?till V,. I.- ii, wt ba re tax n tome thou
. thi m. \\ ii ?.
nu l they bx ~an lo s cotter like a - m an
ll, in Bve mil inti * not
10 bi seen on shore. The gunnel lowered
; ? :
?hot. As soon j-, tbt BmOhe lifted, aa
saw that on*
Auditorium, which rise* four oi Bve
f bovt i kt nunn b .
i ph ? o ol avi ill flVB Ol Bl
Sida 1 rd taau or ' rt
high, rim gunnel n rlnn. ., an I thi
Cl ? av Oh. ? . e.I . ai.
bed gut to v?,>: k on bu', ii tides
up a st- tdy vi i. Um shs
the minute for i -??! h nf u md it. nn
bow b time yo - . ? ? i..., ?
I, I,,. la . ,
We had Bighted th. div tx ?
it on* oi v., bulidlni s tefl
? ? hal v.a* i ? gh to be a tu
get. Borne and du appeal ed alt. .
athen hu i theti ippei walli >.
sway, and oi
ntl. kiria*, up || B)X '
o.a: llgbl - wbloh bs
. left, n a\.i- rathei
. work nus! be I
down the born
lunn, in I
11 tb*] ad rough) - ? ll aa ould hai? bean
nt, BJ i wa thi il I baa u gol s,,,,a
\. iv m. i,: on! ol lt. Bul not a gun waa
' ll ? I ll elli sh,,." . . .Ita. V,'.: '.'.
ii aa ^y with" pg tO keep
saiiits. exe. pt that ta*., wen
town Into a Junk ?, .j
It was t,,,t until attSUt fla-e bell* that
aa . -?? ? .c|P ? ? i :????:
A: that iImo aa? ian th:- k
half e nile to ti" i of na and
aa. ii bink from the water, Wilbla ;i
?i iVit v.
another di -ol a ki > md directly
warda two a to I
II, I iir. 'tlier betWI ? tl tho llt'st tt
'?ii then apiu i. ', ben rh,- 11
rolled Ini >r ? ir ?
cloud, and ti to Cha I 'hw.nd
spici,I i,:.ti.
When lt was clear tlail | nore
i > ?? !? i t<> be d. lo
j.urt, tin- admiral ship*
to starboard :,. go to the norths
-,, t boee to poi tl go sard Wt
ol' the ind kl i?t 0 ?
'.ri Pr ttean a vary easj u thai ??
i- no v .?? in I',.- lau. . i
trill"'. I Pl they ttl Ula ?', - a
aa ?? li."ut 1 t ?,? ir gum
noni in :: di . jr iV ?
? :'..., SpOkl
p, M, r ol th'' Ol
1 ii lest ' him t lu ?
ai? I,- back again and - ? ,i pool.
in,'I--. By this til
,,\, r tbs whole town and down
light, ame toni,i se. flame* breahlng
, w. irk arai
' ' ?? ,,i !. |
to signal [ heard a
roi e, i.i;,i ,, | i
TIM tea- aa I iv i Untiing dova ?
.I' old nu:. ' . . ?
with a bind of gulp:
'IVs ii I*.-::- -I was here In
. i never mel a In Imbi
in ny Ufo. Some ,,f t! ?? '? Uo?M !:.
? ? ? aa ai .1. ami hoi,,.a of I *t wo?
rn ii But. dear nu, whet fools tl" >
ls no more than an uncommonly
clever fancy sketch, but all that lt de?
tails ls possible, ni, 1 it lllustrai"
war WOOld bt S ?'.:.!?? a I ? r
i,, tiy tmprspen ?? , Bl
naval power of the earth, standing al?
ways mady for war ut a moment's no
Let BS leave foreign complications to
themselves, fortify for ports, and attend
to our own bu loee*.
Each senator and representative will
11 allowed ll I??' pack td foi
distribution. Th.y win ba availabis at
Tho New York newspaper reporter av hr,
atv mpts to Int. 111, b ll 'i Hat -
i iv,ii in poll tl thi lay* must 11 work*
mg ut t\
i'! ukron and
11. Hank y bavt written <
Settle, of North ?
RepubUoana In ttd Btat* i
fusion up ni netti
"the National Committee greatly
tin: Btat* "f Nm th Carolina for \b? Ht
publican p irty, ' and "we a ant fun
(North Carolina) with us at tbs N
tlon for ai for Pi
vv ho, w .".?:: . Ifl tl '., aa i'll bs for L
cms for all the oso ss." 'i blt
strength, a Mr. Bel who ha
Ol th'- I :n his Btati
Benntor Pritchard, s i ls fi i McKinley.
Tho nomination ol
Indlffl r, n, ?, lor z. ? , ,
. mixtures ot l
cans and PopuliSta and ls Blighty apt to
return to Democratic rule winn alioth.i
. bailee ls cfit rad,
Ubi N..t Take astana.
The rv .. i vmmittet? Of tho Vlr
Kinia. Agricultural and Mechanical So?
ciety held a ne. Ini al Murphy's Hotel
if tbe | td. N o
.-!? lion 00 them aaas taken. ;us lt wis
oastrncl I
visions ol tht lenee Brat. Msaara, Wick?
ham and Harwood aa. ie ejptootaitd a
committee to de this Th* committee ad?
journed until next We Ines lay.
They Favored the Motion.
In the report of the City Democratic
Committee meeting Friday night, Chair?
man Marlon L. Dawson and Mr. Cunning?
ham Hali were made to aay mai my
opposed the motion offered by Mr. lien
stern to strike out the concluding words
In the fourth section of tho plan, i ne*o
gentlemeu favored Mr. 1 it I is urn ? mo?
A Coafnsed ai,,, heall.lered Negro Woman
AtUmpiing to Vlad Her Old mends In
HI* him,?,|__A Small Docket.
A vi ry i,id negro woman stood in the
'?' of Jual;,., John's oom
'.".'.ng. Sha waa i
ed, and from under a warmly-knitted reit
?me of u_? grayest of gray hair
Uer Bgura wus bent wtth
td wheo she .-poko lt was i
? 'eeth for to mt de hoecake
bad to ht ne boocnk* .
?? was nothing particularly t.. mara
ber from ?!,?. herd that ??? illy . omea and
- ? through Ht, gin -
the White Chamber, yat ono lnvoni
? to look at h'-r again, Then a .s
something, after ail. Why, or now, ,,r
what for, ara i tai a* ver tell, but
I-. an Indefinable instinct in n
ablon - u them to dlatlngul
unnamed dlfleraaaa la human
reoognlse oi knov
be undisplayed undi r-cun
taMllty a.- ?. detect the ugly du* k*
Ung or bel.-, t the bU-k sheep of the
li" k. We r.mrk BUOh dlff* rencoa In the
re or the pan. and readily d
?? m tha Btabia, but thia we (rent
.-. and u n,av i ?<
r-.\ atii women .t mu?i
itlnot r t$ v. ? bring i ?
I ObtM ? ? igtOOUt
t that will attend the aheap
m.ii i ki rn.i.-s MiAiii'ii.
Tl a old , ie .;.. ,i ail around at
Hm '".rr, and tbi ii
I g.. in. A BM one
"No, Indeed; thai i ate'
. ill-Hi.*.* in gar vvci .lim po* w-iiito
ind dam trtflln' i
"What ara you
I.1 "l'l Wi.mail
. ?
? of ber \i - i it i-i nw ii
? rment,
ll w i .1 ? j une ha.I
kind to tba o
nd, that r
i in mahen,
a Itrln thfl lin-: "tal Ibm la rn* i
? ,- with me
mutat lo t circle I l i
, thea '"i'i ker at
nd ???:. au iv di vu in Cl
and lately har grand
that bar little mtatnw
of oth?r yean wus about t . .
and she hail 0000 ta t rrrse her back to
life again; and she knew bow to th. )ti
..?:, all da
? --. and nm .
tba addi i, but ti
i charge ws man lea
elli Hi e We ?
? recall.
... .-...- : -.-, iui.i
"Well, I ''.Iai". 1 thought th'-y.all ki
.io r.n'i'ir.s i!i tva toa ny abe
' ir the
with ! '"''' ;i
| ? ,-nl ra*
? . ii :i joya and
I wi re Bl i
.:, truly?
' '.
Nor i'a graver l
... lt* if ? an tdot
'i he n. rm rlea
. ii aromna waa finally taken away
tte, tc.A v
lllae - again
- b d' h'-r ' M '
"THH WAILS l'l* JASt'l-K.'
?r.t aa
,: ban
ai tba
r ? ' .
t pm ... Adam
i nd Ja
the recent
? .
i: 1 m.
-t lim d Into '
tnii'-h :? ?
-. I !..
pei ?
. ? ?
their ir
bOOk." ar 1 '
: ?
? fl . .
h. ni ur nut, rind BO she .'..-man'.fi fru?
in in.
e. .ucl t
? l Bbfl
V. Ith, "'I hOl' I!'' Il?
le M.. n. and kl
. .uni Bibi* s, li l 'inn' t.-ii de truro."
ried J u ?? John,
? vu I.- going i" I
i lon m ?? i'i" at* m. and I tu ?
nu.i .. ? of "i" vv.ii- ot words
.! i r; Ulla,
. ..it ..iii
atop har, but ? on i'-k* a
down rv Im
thi: .-ii) man b chani a.
She uri.aiy failed '"i" weal
and Ha . In a ni" t. nay, ir.nt
plainly told that i. - rrettui
.'.:!ld ol VVnr.
|i..II lilr. BtOT) ? MB 'al IS"! '? Il
..lei Ju.-': | Join,
I. ,. ben, arom in, 1 thnl
? - - ...
Pioi a tuna autKHiod ai
thia, bul a threat di lal! fl
tl ?
Ph-lll xl, an i mix. i I p
ever by mi
fact thal thar J
ii.-: scrlasmags hut he araa drank,
a black .-ye, aid i..ni MCI lean
on a freight train.
Jane lappar thea waa ra flag. Bbe worn
' I '- -.ol ! -
r face and bead, and n -? mi i"i the
gypsy in th- Bohemian oui li
tart* i ci about thia a
"I tcH. fOU, J el." ! In Ml I' r.t .1 BtOB
folks a.-; dose in ail rey bown 'liv
? i drunk, every one mi .em, ann
' ?:'. In'.
"Sprained your ribs7" tat Al justice
Bah; day don* sprain tnv lin* and
i | i ii buneh ab aug ir on li i ?w
'ii mg ur good t..r rprniw 1 nos-.*"
a.-k--1 tba lue! "iisly.
"Yen. uah: dido' you know dat. an' you
-, too?'' replied Jane, willie the
laugh went round.
Bottle Jasper waa coiled and after kiss?
ing the book again, she led oft with:
"Now, Judge, lae gwlue ter tell you Oe
solemn trufe.'
?*?h, I'm -ure or Mmttt you niggers au
tell me the truth." said Justice Joan,
with a fine Iiamascus edge on his tone.
Bettie thea agreed tu tell how the whole J
' i
thin/*; happened, ami having said thru
fhe k"pt a small grocery store, sne told
the origin of the trouble.
"Dat woman," salt! Bettie, pointing to
Florence, "ls got a evil BOH, and ne dorm
me Jes' so, Jtnlgc? he molo into my SBed
ami riz up my sottin' hen, and tuen oe
airs and w;u.h um, ami Silaged int to
i to'* leah a:.,I sell',i ,p m to my .uugii
t'T, Lillias. Now, Judi;-, what }o tl IliK
ob Ililli."'
ila time thc courtroom was nilen
r, and Justice .lohn wns com*
pia i ;? admit that Ploreaeo'a asa did
a n ? in, |OW*dOn ii tr: k.
"\v,ii, i've p.,i enough <>r tata." bsm
"gtVI III"' i. .il ia n. Voil,
Phillis, and Florence."
"What I glam* gib ter J'-' ?" ML Judge,
I ain' done anl h ..." n 11 k ion i
" 'You ain't done tr 'hm.' " replied trie
Judge; "haven't i p. mi listening w yu
for taao I ' .11, "Jive m.: $'.' VJ I ??
talking en mi h."
Plerenci started to appeal agata, fut
Juatlca John tald. "i'ii make n Bve ir you
? '..?n t-'pen your mouth till you get
uot doors." The ||B** wera j,aid.
Ssnm. Jonee aad Joan smith (ootoredi
were tined 1^ H tech for being drunk ano
1.gilling lil th.a Mle. t.
All Honor to III* gjOtlgtoni Herald and
tin- iii. i..mi gin** "
Rev. Dr. Andrew p:, a :?..- -.viites as fol?
lows to the Bellglout Il'iald:
Tba struggis is over, the victory* bas
ticrn won, nnd th.- Mi pm lill 1. now
tha, law .-if tba lal I. lot Lils "consum?
mation, so ? l," thc
? n's or al. ??, ,i, 1 th* fr l*nd* < t tb*
good mime of the BtaM uro Jar-;, ly In -
debted to numy of ih?? newspaper*, and
aepeclally zo the Religious Herald und
the Riebnond Tin**. Thee* two poper*
lae first tn the Sta
Infamous laav that legalised gambling
I those dens of cot'
aear Ai. ian bria : ? aaa Bte ave.r?
irage, vigbr.
ami abllltv. which it would have boen
- at least tc
? ? . r
end rimes'
let tbe Inn rtlaily and i
While a <!h, usslon of 1 " In bill,
either pro cr c. on its n
now be on- [ think it will
. to r. .ail and to i er toma
over that 1 II ? I ga-u
hiing at ai iral fairs was In tin ln
.' the farm
Intimated that tb favor?
ed tha pi i. i Ice, for tb* auj?,
[ht I
ror mora than Aft]
IB ri fl I mei , la B Miiu.ll
? I BBB. ,1
I r.d I do not iles;" ?
nZnuntlon thnl fat ni i
favor gambling- In any form, or dt
Iniquity," which is
Its fruit, as a bu. ?
(ron tiio vice of gonbung l
t. j.i of b, lng pr, nw ? '
irs int:
n mi fair* bald
gtnla Agricultural I
itory. At '
? '
anima: - av. , c ? -..,.., , \
B there were
">n OO* j )W vvus dra
. of fo ir i ??
ami their sleek, tx
.'. ad ni I
At one f thi
? -
ridden I Ik, only that thi
people nlghl s... ,t bora* that had be?
. During dr, mass-mi
va lu h <|?;?
led by
?tl h t". :i a-i William C. Lives, i
I , 'I,, ke,
'ri, and "I
"?i Hg- ai
Hf Inti r
fairs. .
i...u .. nd gambl
is fi,: rn i bavs b tn Introdu ' ?
the fair ted by
>? tah ira i i nell ber ki
t ting 1,', it farming, ur. 1 ,. ? i
OXlilbltS '
li* and
i ? gd farr-;': g w lllld I ti b L pi
by a retun
nd pre
.'.un of ll.-- "
pin bill tl
the ' I ! Among
gambUi | ? roi
??.it ting
part Ih th*
? :, i ?
???d Iris
' ri than ar.
i I. To B I at In
is ana
lld hs uifwi -,
to In'i : tainted wttli tbs
??s attending the
tb* M lupin lill can fenn
? to it.
In closing thll - Von, I offer
?Mons V.'hl>
the op;
thal thi :?' ' ??? d fl
a gani
um s bava tba oonmnnd of
inoney, and ure utterly
'. They Will adept '*?
a ic* and resort to any tri k te e
fy tho ll ipln Inw Already they
. big st. i s to taet the constitution
"i Mark tb* men
pin bill, arl
? nf then bj
..tn ??? aa i, ,?? . ? i No ad V inbltng
? ?
,l s
ctety bas
y wav In your poa
som: l isl i u Ml sn
At st Andrea*'. FplBtopol anti laurel
?l, . . t Ml Ibo.L.t.
The , musical ] -raman adfl
lornlng at Bt. Aa lissi's
I l charcb ira Ier tbe direction of
th. on bj ; i, Hr iv Anhroy Toongi
.... Yo Faithful" (Mu?
r chant, "Christ Our Passover"
Te tl. um, Li <: tS. I, lb,[kins).
jubtlal i Joyful" (Woodwaig).
Hanm ll'-.. "Am Boll the Itotth
Away" (Ibi
<(loria t.'.i, : Z (An, n)
Hymn US, "At th* Lamb's High Feast
(1 lien.
Banctaa (Pk nan).
Communion Hymn 22", "Bread of the
World" (Hod
Ol irks la Bscelsls (Zeaaer).
At Lnorpl BtraSl .Methodist church this
morning tire nualeal programme, to be
r.-id-r-.i win be as lanena.
Anthem, " The Risen Christ," in G
i \\ u ea), eb dr,
Belo, "The Resurrection," Mrs. Carter.
Anthem. "Christ ls Itlsen," choir.
Hymn. "Caster Dels" lExcell), choir.
"Calvary" In A flat, Mr. F. Wll
kins iRodney).
Members of the choir: Soprano?Mrs. M.
Carter. Mlsa Myrtle C-\rter, Mr*. C. Cou?
sins, Miss iAila Traylor, Miss Gracie
Danoo. Alto?Mrs. H. E. Pusey, Miss
Maude Traylor, Miss Annie Earp, Miss
K.ln* McCartney, Miss Bettie Robertson.
Tenor-Messrs. Claude Cousins, Frank
Wilkin!*, Eldon Roberts, and Ernest
Thomas. Itu ss?Messrs. T. J. Dame, .1.
I>. Starke, John L, liol las, ami A. C.
Jones, Chorister, P. 8. Joins, Organist,
-.lisa Martha Holts.
B.-hate at the r..ll.??:??.
A large crowd lieurd the annual uehate
of the Mu Sixina Rho Society, at Mch
mond ("'ill' gi . I-: i lay night. Pi -
s. C. Mitchell open*,i the pro
witn prayer. President Henty M. Pu*
gate mada 11
wa? a rm ling by .Mr. W. Ernest UH Peon
and a declamation by Mr. inn-si M
The aubjecl debated wa I ?
That Independent ? lion ls PraterabM Ti>
Party Allegiance in Pontt se."
C. Aylett Asi.i>y and it. Mercer Hartman
handled UM ahlrtnativ, ar I "
Emerson Hicks and v. i ?. Poikea tonk tne
kiegwUve, Bach piitteu
if band omely.
Tiie Slatnlard Telephone.
The oili.ers of the Standard Telepbone
ny, wileri seen
that they would not aval, themsetvea ol
tl.. extenalon of thna 'or the
completion af their syatem to tbe
in in limit, but would have an SXi -
in operation some time il.ii
en! mo
Befon the expiration of the six',
e ! them tl '?' vvi'! have a service
In full hi.us', win
the city.
For Spring Colds.
The most tantalizing of alt ere ?
-?pring, Inlluenza with ?
Hs rum -. requiring the ?
: 'il. f In hand. ?
and m. dangerous, after the lone*
, li In ?
Hon for La i letppa *
nnd the i ... In ?
In lng on ?
, pain in tba i ? ad, ar I *
il' he. t' .1.plums of I t|*tp ?
or Pneumonia. ?
"77" ls a Him ld between you and ?
V, in-n taken !n Mn..* lt ?
? ?ff the dies. *.?, ?
Ido, ?
Orlp, Influcnaa C * in ?
? *
. and ?
ita, or aent pn *
sate, ?
i ? ??. 11 ?
Ir may bo pogsible that ? !ar Knots
Pantfl Snits cad lo' matched for tho Dollar, hut
lt's hardly probable. These Dollar Suite tra Styl?
ish, Sightly, Wearable '. . tnd uro tim host
for thi dollar, A'.l Blzen
tn :i re 15 in itock now. Come <{ivk it' inter
? tl
E.vi c.i ' i Dollar Balta
be had for a Quarter. The Panta, like the Suits,
will ihow their worth. Farther comment unneces?
sary. - mplete now, hu* can't tell I
thej 'll lu-'. vt to be uh!" to duplic tte,
Boy'e Knee Panti Suit- Two Doll i
bang up Suit* fur the j ii'". '1;
bright, ti. teriali solid and iti . -1 the
make-up extraordinary i", the One Fifty grade.
Extra Panta and Golf l to match lt Kitty
Cetita extra, making a Coi "i (hit
fit, consisting of Jacket, tn > | - ai i
Caps, all of aame material, only Two Dollara and
tg Tl e I "; ran-.' from age 5 io l
elusive. I'.--ar in mind that choice gaines arc
bled up quick at the jump of the I' inter
ested, thi- tim" is now.
Dreeay Nary B ' I'9 ^"i*8 to
fit li iva iv ? I".. Hundreds ol i e
:,,'K said they'vi ublefot
Ch that never looked a bil better.
The wi . ? I tho Suits
have a rem Ice of
. r y-Kivrv
Finer Children'i Suite, made, Better
in all th - in
tho annex for the lit! i im
? lin.- ot' Choi
ut' tin.' Nobl : t6 " shown f-r I
IVLeix's "Wear!
M.'ti's Snits of Navy B n <irey
( Square and Bound Cnt Becka. Tailored
in extraordinary fashion tor the price. There will
? ncc i to dwell on the merita of the
the V. ? >ne hundred in stock now er
hundred to follow short ly. \\ ?
that 100 well-pleased men wil own a . re he
fi re ti ?? other hundred are received.
Men's Snits ol Pretty I ??. and
Worsteds. Bi from
good wool ? ed in our own woi
i'i - I futon 1
of them beera tli.- \\
? l i larment Worker* of Ai ? hich is a
.. larantee thal thej ordinary
? il '. matter i
stock contains bund i I ari r
i'.Mi liol lars, and < ralnee aj
Bevi v. Eight, and \ Dollara, bnt the Ten 11
(trade being a md, thin. . |J( on
atrengthened much more than any uti,cr tai
and ia bej '? a grand showing <>f StyUeh
.Men's Suits for a chi ice at Ten Dollara
Burk & Company,
1003 E. Mainstreet.
Forced Out by Low Prices.
That is what is being done with the West,
Johnston & Company's stock of
Books and Stationery.
Everything going regardless of price.
CHA8. A. R08E,

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