Newspaper Page Text
.f-*r ?-..*-. , , , ^'llll' fl'll II V -X , ?. .44 KICIlMOiND. VA., SATURDAY, JULY Sff, 189ft PtilCBTHOCBIITB. Ti'li. IV**"ia~_n v>i'.i\ir.^, i>". iii. WATSON FOR SECOND PLACE. ' vention Rewses tUc ll Ordtrol Selection. fFFECT OF B1WS Y.ITRDP.AWAL. : be Day ?p?-nt laLeaa-thj ,. .1 4 I...I I ,.li.nil|. iir leata ? ? - M ' ata .' V ? I ' ? ? ? I ? I ? , A CO.N ,. I ? ? I l> nti \I.l, I fl-Pn ?? f ' * ? ? r. i I I ' ' ? ? ' ? ' I ? ? ' ' ? ' ' T'lV H ' ' ? ? ' I ? ? ' : ' a ? ? I . ? i II \.\. ? ??ii the ? ? ..TTm.x.a uu Bevond l .._?. i BRYAN AND SEWALL NAMED. The Hational Silver Party Noininate the Chleigo Ticket. BOTH ARE CH03EN BY IGCU1ATI01 B Itbaal tbe i oraaalHi ><f? Bellaw I BJovee ?* t.i 11 rlt* II. r I Ir.t Poeaa Mr. Bbafoha I sped t,. _ ,. v aaraaaeat. V., 'I ' ? ? ? : ? 1.1 ita ? ? tborta ... i araa I ? In 1 ? ? BH 0 * ? I ?N | I ? I 1 1 ?' ? ? ? I i dclegal I - ? > ? ? ? lll li of th ' ? ? ? ; Haaa ?a in n be ide by Mr. I '-( ? ? ? ? . ?? - ilutteo hy Bubetltal Ing tha iiii*ueui plank oi tbe Dejagasratl platform.No ? il iii - 'I he prevloui qui itloi ... ; X Mr ... | ? n.-i i ' ? . ? ? ? ? i ? B I ful, at ? :? . | kted to - thi i. i ? ? ? ? x ? At tl ? ? ? ' - ' i . 4 ? : i . ' . : ? - ? 1 ? I ' ' ? , ? I 1 ? 1 ' ' I I . ' .,!, "to ? ? ' ? ' ' ? ? ? ine dle iiisiii u:v. Mr> - If. I .< ? M ' ? ! | I ' nt. Ir. itrnxiit. ,i . - Mr nhrlatoj bei I xi, i harli - i * : ? xxlll l ? Tl ? ... : .; i; Pl ? U. I x,,,,,,., atalB, Neiaon K W/Blta, -ud L-iJ-b Bhepperaon. SOUND-MONEYMEN TO F1GHT. Will Endeavor to Have Tbeil Interests Represented in Con^ress. LOOKING TO CAPT. GEO. D. WISB. ii.- xx ,11 i-i.-i. iblj i" ? allad i aaa and nabadta leeepttha Wa?tlaatlaa lafbB Dtetrletfai Ceagraaa Dalaga of tin- i ree Bllw rltee. I ? ? t free al ? i ! I , ... ? , , x ? ' ' ? ? I ' ' ? - ' ? iti w\ ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ' I ? a ? ? I ? ... I ? ,. /;// / ??' / / /' 11 f"l. ?,,,.,,- 3 antly Mi atloni .1 ? : ; ' ' ' 1 1 i>. CITY in the ? 1 . ? I ,. . .1 with ' ??! he I.i ? ? . itoan. "MORE MONBT" BH IW Bofl ? I ? ''^ "?' w''" n tbe elty Th.aventlon ? Thurs aa* Mr a it-large to i". '" 9 ?*'-'-? Ipated In thp m " Inatton af Bryaa and Bewail Ho is poraonally very fon<l ?f Mr. IJrynn , . . ehKtfea aaal - aria .??.-' tyr BJ ? i xiii\/i '/(?x/ i n.M 88 Ho.v. ?ii,.. Ceafereaee al Ctoloaga FrarUafl fora Natloaal Ba, i lag .1 , I conl **** | i of a ? , ? ? ? luat Jth at Ind i. . , ton ^ . Doi l.i'i-i *.i.rtj> 8fl8t. -'? aad | ? '.x,l,l , g Ol ? ? . Ot A .S',?l . , .,?!,! ' Statee repreei ? . ind ban at : ti prealded. ? ' . ? ? Ifl . ? ? ? eetei 1 . M xx.' ? . : v li \x : . w i irtrkdga 4 | XX f li.un D. Wl . g.| nited Itatea |.,vx.l ,n i ,. .,,.-?.? ? i the fi i | ptneented and tha Bdop ? i ? ? .x , ?? ll i ... ? .. I BB Ot* . ? -. ? ..- ; . , ad< mnatton of tha ion: - . Tbat u i- ? i thB ?:. p. ina, V . ? ? ? . i tboi n ? ? ?? ? ? iimi. latad, and ? ii.-int it the I ta In tba ? wltn ily op tendenclea II " ? ?, of a mem ? mmlt et at 1 ? " ? | P, \l . ' i '" - nm - .. ... n .... ? . . | for ? ' . I ol g : ' iry. ' lll .It '? '? by il ind the ? rll I'.-ir... . Wlecon. ? ' I ., aad //// /?// \bb ii larg. i hej He*' b-eal Yi ? ? irlottea*llIo. ii...mi.. ra. ? ? R hmond, ? Phar v Of IM m-'ll ? .. eom ? , v.ui: the rulea of thi ' ? Bdward ? ? ??? B to thoae ? I , irlottea the nezl place . in July . .'in- .1. ' I Arla, li ? Ed. Roath Ylce-Pi ? Klcbmond; Fourth ?. c Bam C. B. Fleet, ?,. ii I. .11... ' Bl li \v Mahone, Hampton; W. i). B i -. . c. slartlna ?. Ubb ivllle. i . thaa 'i ,i i,... im. 11. n Pha '? Aa j un. - I. . b Dr. II. W, i ..i.-. l'clk ? ? ? . la* itlon?J B bl Intoah, C P. ataarfott, Fred .'lurk, Aai al. K w .; Burgaaa J- L Arte, Mr.-. . 1 V. :. iii * .'?? Druggtsts' .; a. \\. Payae, 0. 0. -ii. . i - B v Cralgl lll, C. B. Fleet. Cleedbaral la Daeaaaaa, i iRNVKR, > '< 'I.. Juiy M Twi -. ii H , r tenrleta eneampod near M iw.i.ty aallaa rreea Penrer, . t In a do.Kii.urnt thla evaaaag. i ? iLDEN i'ITY, COLO . J.fTy .4 -An Un ??.???.;?? Bf thla r I .. dock to nlght. Tbe eonfualon la toa great to d.-tlmu ia> t ma at pa a I KUtKIAsr. WASlTlN'i.TON. July 24.?Forecast for Vlreinta Bhowara foiiowed ny tair tn the BsidBal aad portlona. weaterly to uortbwcstcrly wlnda BRYAN WILL NOT ACCEPT Tlie Womination of the Populists on Ac count of Sewall's Rejection. HE SO TELEGRAPHS SENATOR .ONES. KBal?dBaa Adilaed TbiaAaalBa Ba8aara it w.iuiii ba BUnBraaBy laaaa?sbbbbi fui Iti ?>?>i ln lii.nili. i.x ..- Il.jau U, D.lar LOtJTJ xi. > j ily :i wn'.ium J. Bryan tba i i tba Chlcaa*a con :. xx ill not u .- i't ii n..n inuil. u at , illaacai ll they t'ini ,|. xx n hla runnlng i - ' M'l'n*" Thla aniioiin. - iii-nt, ni.i ?!? OB l ? lUthontf of Mr Bryan aV nator Je4 aa. ol Arhaa aas, ihalrtnan ol th N Oon?bIU< ? ' ? B b ? I. in tba ? '.iv Ba* iba i 8 we. k labcrli of tha full ' - upon ii,<- propoeltloo to "apllt" tha Paaa ,s i., ,n obaraed aith xi ivlng poattlvi i.x t'.i'i the !?? ulei Bryaa aad s.-waii. noihlita :'t ull. BENA1 i?K JONBB' ADVICE I... ii . .i.i. nt te I l boura thal ba could nol w-.ui ... arbo l.ltti r In th. Il Mr s. i mii. > g i ihi> aflar* .: ia ti..ii det kled to noi Pn . 1 In i.ui' > In, .' '?' ? ire d ' i ? ? ? ? ,.i ? A PRi ", ? I: :i'I.V. Mr Brya long In ..i bla ri ply. Benatoi cteen mln ? followlng n -i I to Ha tt iua : ?? : t.... -1: ??I." ?I agree aitl lewall li Bai : ited have mj ?.I i ? u .i BK1 lb " ? ..l.ilMy i illata i ?i uf . ia already b . thi ?!? I- ...?t. -. 'i: nal frb nda, and thi j m al to tha ? ? IMT. iSSlULE TO I -.-r-T i - .M It n .t~ in inlf. stlj imi m tion f'- in -I ?? i tlckel Thare . 1 ii ulth com entlofl a.i.t the Bx. ?! i ? r thaa thts Chalrm to talb to Bagaat . w ll.I. IT ? ? irned tne from Mr Mryim i ? ii- .1 i; \\ ? !??.. ane., I.iit fl i' houl r. - . sal.l ..ii. - nevmej i not, h- - .i.i. i ? . a. tion of tli< ??"!'-' "tl nomlnating Slr VVataon for '.:,?? rrv-i dent. '- are a)| at - . vsl"> ,"4m' ? i- mi- ,-.. * n Ol hope, the copven , and i-n . ,.. I- n*? i . ? ... be DO j.roba ? -a? /./ /? i //.-/% u mi riBOIBMA. gao Wlll Agala i.?> ?'"iBtaaaea iii-twreo ii. re and Baltlaaera '? ? I,w '???>? aii >RE, Ml' ?' il> H -vi" . r i., i . ateam< r Vlrglnla . tl rmiiiiilli'li ? anpany, ... i ti .-??'. *lth BrnctaaL Tba poal v. i la tha laaaa rhn r . K Baturd aai aaal 0**v ...,,.> i. ti. Balthnoi .. moraiaa aa In i. g to taken from tbe ro. k. At I e'eteeh Bun . \|. rritt Wn< kui* O04B ol Norfolk, bad u> antlra outftt Vhrgtala, bavtag aaaa ... ired aad thlrty-flee atOai aaaaa aabdy tor beataeea. Hy l o A Bunday afbarnoon tha lultimoro i . k. t Obnpaay t.a.i aaartheg . 1. readg for the lsaltlmoro ? ii ,.| . . eaaat'a baataaa ha ?-. i . the ra k ha the mtd ,ii? 0f tha Cheaapraha Bay, ?ho ..,- haaa i ...k, f..r the rc***?>n? ujta all ileaBiera <>f tbe OM Bay Lhae~ preoaatteo haa been tahaa in do irafl . .iiiaini-tt-in to rnako her as . pnaafiai Hag hall a t.uiit ut Ii.iivy inm plataa aai dlvldi-d Into aav tnpartmenta t.y tbeek partltlona or balkheada, whleb nr- wnt?tr-M?ht. Wggag aare t.. mi twa af to??? t.? >-aua? her i" Btnh Altabaajh tha tout wa? badl] dfluaaged t>y tha ar<-td<-nt. tno fact iinit abe -?? h bawad for aaa aandaal aaaaa ii..wii tba Jaaaea n..r t., Ifeavport N?*a. ?i baaag peiled <>rr i.y tba M'-rritt OaaV Indlcat*-. l'r,w ?-a.*tlly slao waa kept .. Itri wai?r tn one of her com pertmenta, as no pumplng wbatever waa goae until ahe- waa pla.>ed in tho dry doeh. O.iiiril Ifanager Sherwood, In an la t.rxi.vx y. sterday, .-xpr.-sm-'l hlruself as v.-rv gral> f nl th?. synipatliy .-xpresaed for th? .^jiiipajiy 1-y tho IU.hmon.1 and Baltlaaota penpla. aaal ba: "A. a.ion aa it r>?-oame knoxvn ln Rl<*h BBOad that Iba Vlrjrtnlu. had tnot with ?l.-nt, wo a818 BflflBfltad asslatanra by s-.umhoat and tiajboat-oa-n.-m. and i.thern. Th.. raptaln of on* tuer oftered .... ~. rxir. s Of hln boat ari.l irr-w. J*0 rlded v.?> wmil'l ulinply furnlsti tba fuel. Tba it- un, r I'.xahontaa trle.l 10 pull tbfl TIlglBJB off Saturday nltfht. und work?-d ri'itrly two houra out of rr>?rrt?-?jr to u-t 'I li>- UTifi.rtunaie affalr .l.?m? onstrati-J the klndly feHlna* whi.h . - is tawarda tbe I'.iltimoro Htwin Pnchet i'om pany In Ulchtnond. and It flbaarfl t ut our ?*fforts to xlx'e aatUfartory . belBBBBB Baltlmore and lU.-hinuiid ly we ter ar? heartlly apnrerlat. d." Although thr. Vtrglnla waa only haul.-.l off at 8 o'cloofc yeaterdax- nioralnir. sha r<?a.-ried, Newport N.wh dry-d.x k l? f,?rt- fl o clock ln the oxr-nlnK. und the work wuj Immedlately l>~?'in. whloh will ?*? proa eeuted nlght and ?tny un.lcr the ?Bbar* vlslon of Oeneral Manajn-r Stic?ood, of the Halttmorti Stoam Pa.-k.-t Comnany, who haa gorie to N?-wT>ort NeWfl for thla purpoae. Tho damare to tlie Vlrglnlu . onalata prtnrlpally of a Uole In on.. of her w_tur tlglit rompartm.-nti forwanl. g?8 tt ta r?P?-?-ted that tho vei?.-l will !>.- i lacad aealn on the route betweva Uaitiaveaa and Rlchmond ln a few dAye.