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AT ROMEWITB MR AND Mlis. WILLIAM JENNlNNflS BRYAN. ?.\N. : ? .1 . .li: ?? I PKOPOSED SEW TRAI K. ,,,, I ,11 MI II I I KI ' I I 1 I * I" H.laJ r /./<<""" x/' i//"x. l-r..,.. .1. Own. --..ii.-t loilii i ol in. ? . i . i : . ' ' ' ? ? 1 ? ? | and becauie It flrafl tha wld4Mt - ' I I ? ? ? ? ? ' ? I I I ? ? ' ? ? i ii i iinxi i I / i I* OVTIXO, w ,\\ ,,,, i i.i.. , i.i, i> it i... ii. View on the - I '. - ? t N. XI tlonlh. ? ? ? ? lhat 1 ? ? i ? ? t ? ? ? ? ' ? ? itnfl Iti . ? trlp, AuiwUk- tLie frlx ri la ol the battt-rv Wl?' u I oa. ? ? ? ? ? nd Bl t ttle : - ' - ? ? I I Here . I ? ,i| ..-i - ? lo Ihe IIARVK1 l,1 \ ? l M ? ij,f .1. 11 i:. ii i \v. Vl.uti-. ? \'. \ \V. II // BSOXAt LXD OEXERAl Int.raellag i aell Iboni Blehaaoad'al Iti /,-n- wn.i Othrr Hatfere. i I ' ? ? . ? I. Bratli N ? I th. i M .' A :? i ? . . . 1 ? . [erahaw, I i ? . :. | \ I ? : . - ? I ? UolBg lo Knrniir ... I n N a N .- . . . fjen In Bweden and Norwaj i.for. n conpu ? iti Le 1,-uallv IBBUlad tbOJ must produ.e certlflcaaaa i-liowlng that they ha\* ???.*ii -.l.U. BOraWERERE-ELECTED. MBBBBB .mii\ U.XBIBCBKOBA 4>l> n. .4. WBtXBBVA Rl n i. \ i n A* BfeaaherB "f lha i Ita i'1"1 B*altk ?? Raaid, afeetiBga >.f lha ? eaaaahUaaa aa CtalBM an.l >?l?rle? mikI s< Imh.I. * The two bl - ? lt ? ? ' ? ? ? Ini . Bra ? ? mn R | ': i. \\ ? . t,r |1 I | -:. ? ? . 1 ' tha raan ? x ' ? Un: th. k ? ? ? ? | . . ' i-i-i .,!. and M-- ira. Cbarli - K All: ' \ ?' froi ? ' i ? w 11 ? i Ifr. Cartei * ?! bei ' :?????'? -I ' " ,,?(.. I ? ? \i; Harda (hl th. ? ? ' ' :.'??' thal . a bon.i ' CAN DI DA If r. 1 from Mi iii - Ri ? forth thai ? ? ? >li M r ' 1X1 '-? ll ? ? B of 1 than pi 1 the ' '? ' :i rn waa i ? i from Mr I I .1 Mr. I ? - a ? ?e. from n ? ? ? ? . ? Mi R " I : ? . ? ' ? ? ? ? Al ' ' ? ? ?r - ? " ? ? x ? ... ? , . ? ? ? i- m h and ? 'lAIVIS \ - M ; W ll ' to | ' ? i ? (..un ti ' ta ? ? ? MMITTEB ? - 1 . i red ? - ? ? ? '? ? ? ? ??* ? ? , ... - \ . - ,) lerffl H ? - ? ? ' ? - ? ? ' . x> - ? I ? ? ? ' N . A .' . ?? H.-t.r.r Lewtfl waa ni ; nh In I 'r^' t. ll incar d ? leredl araa < with tielnx a BtiapiciOUB charn. ter. IW nald the roste of the warrunt Kcbcrt ftayvat tcolored) waa nned aadi f. r being .Irnnk aad Tiaorderly. a . ir'-.n i i waa 1 uted 1- ?''1 f...- baing dlaorderl) and ualng Indeceni langnng. on thi atreel . i r,,?ts for bafag diaord, fhbora, or m ..!?? hB Brai an ; i i-. 1/ ui ,:.,-., ,. ! i: ; ; Petin, IWU I i 111111 y daj for i unnlng ir.,m , IBcer s n . . ? I 83.M f..i ..,1 | I'. i.-i m I :" , ? .?? ? . 1, u i 5 P-, l? l.. - red of II H ha fitught ni i .; hlgtia I w t !i ' II. ? ? t to the ' . g k iii> i: ? .1. hn Willinma | witli I.- ?? .,! S. .-... . , i ataallng f... -r ? ... . i"TT. .... III h lll i 1 VI Battle-Plag fe? tbe Cewfeatarata Naeewea, i ii. i ii, i,,i,,, i a iiiHo, b. ;t Camp ol ? - : ? i ?' ".? ? ung ii. - - nlght arhl, - ' I I ? ? ? ? ? nuniuid, i ictter f"?.. ?? ? ? - ?? " Plckett [ ,? .... r ,..,-?? , .1 ompany - iti ? ; i l Coir.mai ? -. ntatton it tha .m. . . ber of i ? ? .?' '?? i t ? the < i ? rother to . \. member "t i ? ? ,: and ii ? - ? i . < ? ? Getlln l - fl BB* fietllna HoW I jf. M. I i tl I ? ? ? || ? Ihe tn t in i . a tri-i Irnt toS.rri i u ? ? I'I I r .- \_ '. i , . ? . . ? ? - ?? an-1 J ? .. ? ' - ? . ,. -. 1 M i ? . ? ? 5 ? H . .nrt. :i-tment | I '..-??'n!i ?? Meade. ? I. Mai i- ta l ? .iur ? of tl \ AII il in tha laaeetellea B :. M K< B ???? ? ? ? terday. ? : | . , .. \ . iaed a larga ii i Ita -.? \. ited Ifi , f Oraeml i i Pi rahv Th,- rieath Katr The whole numb.r of rlaaths ln Rlrh inonrl for the week endlng J..!v BBb, was ?B. Of thla numler 11 were whlte and II I ^KNOTTYPROBLfM ?\. .?**. ^ ^ysjjh* ?a bb q^**???fl~~~?aaa?fl^^ ?liow to accomplish the niost work with the leatt labor, time and moncy, has heen solvcd. GOLD DUST Washing Powder makes a woman's work light?scts her niind at rest? keeps her purse closcd. Get it before you forgct. . Sold every where. Made only by THE N. K FAIRBANK COMPANY, Cht^BSO. St. Umia, New York, BofltOO, riiilailelphia. ?'t.- ot mortallty aaa whi'.i ? -; ired, N I. 'I ?? iiiitnl ar ..f .Wfh* tor ndlna waek hifll 1**1 xx ia, M / /// iionr a.4KIH x. A DeHgbtfal rraaraaaaae aad <|>"1 ii,.-./. . ?; ? ? weather la Richaaon 1 ? ?.,,.i\ hnt, tha i"ri' ai> in aome parta <>r the < n.r reatntnfl up '"?>-' ? . hundradth noteb. Tho aun baked down tha atraata artth Kf-xt vovnct. aad iliMi'i waa aeey lltllo braesa, Ba (ldea ii.?? i'i.-ni ? al "f i irollej i ?<' ibere , ., -, ? in ftli hmond hiat ulght, whero peapla .i flo foi a wiixtt ?t ir, -ii .u. - ii; ??>? ,i i-iii.'t. Ii a, and hi ar i ,.i to apeah ol li.' bei ll x- ta thi li -ii-' "" i""[ flfli - x .? ? ...,.! he who ..,1 ,t j . ,. i eforo dlnnar dnj a areal Ihlnfl t'"i humunity. Certalnly ho ? , .,; a roof aarden ii, lu. ' ? all ihe u-.lx intaflea of i ii.-ii^iitfui ii ,m . _ v*i ebfltet '??' rlrtng tha fl ? . i i ipular chord - flrowlnfl in populaiity. ? . : . n.| .. couple ,,r lioni ? i niflhta. Tha peo I , low lo llar.ori i ? . ,i from ihlfl Ideal Humni. i I--??"! t 'i ber, waa i a rntlrely tmtinfl lltllo pre uramme laal nlghi Thla xxiii be repeated ' ' . . ? x ?? ? ? llltiful ?Ai,!. ii Mer . entrid dai itte .i ? ta woBje frt^eefiil f her ilaneaa aa dalaty aa ... -i.-if well ? t mi trom , i ?? , ? fale ? i l i i t . endered f,,t.. ,i ten-minutes' Infcrlude " ? . rne ti- ' '? ? . ..ii. and Vi- i'.- ni i .... i i .1 in rtplartKl. '1 Th., .-ro aata infi-ininiion ti.i the Craaka. :? r ii ...x..i.i i..- i-. ? i ' ? ,.,, 1 .. tl . . n ?? t.> r- ?? ????. ra .l.irmi; Ihe raui ? 'hl' :- . . 1 IV ll.-V 1 -, , l \ .1 . i ' mi ta i fltpi ? ivoi Ol Hl- - i ? - brotht-i 1: . o ' ill .:???' I lli- Xi .1 ?..111.1 I I l'l' k all-around l ln tba ? I ? n ..'..ii Bbaa:--. i i thi i. I ?>? "'' ! flo.De> ', ? . j . i. : ; ; ;: th? .- know ' -... . . i i fletter. ai B I tentlarj : r.l - . H ? i X ' i ga m i ? - - lollet. 1 r name, Done I tn x - iat, bul llma X fo ?< illaa ] Ofllvlfl and f*liver ll .: rn io ua aa il . ? to all reunlona, .- ? t tnink ;? ta dono ttine ln C ? i a i v. ? ml rifl . tnj for tl ' ! ii ? .' x WIM.IAM a PIKKERTON. BRIGHT'S D1SEASE can be cured by using McLEaa'S KIDHEY BALM The Pexrless Rerne-y f? adi u a-fliub* w*> * ? ?** *** Tmb Oa. i. 8. MeUaa Maaioiai Co. bt. looio, aa. LIVER I'. -.(iite f..r 1alth.iT Jaflfla , | ? .. ~en ,x, ti m itthew allai adl ? ? y. a. 4~ha ?'??- H. Darte ? ? rsr. ( ity ( ir.-uit I "tirt. ln tha i ilt of C W i .?!!-.- 1 Clty ( -??r t'l'i *'.-' j. ? i m foi an, the Peralan a ? i ... || if, rui to-nlflhi - ?i f Dr. ii - | I la | ted ' n ?bo ? Iii Ii Hl >,.)*/? ?;/. tBOOBf, Ti.e <>n, ?? li aatllaa Baaaa aTeaaa ?a . snna ??.-, Beaaet, (ii.As.;. ?\v. v\ . Juli ."? Bge. il ha thera is ?o liiiie ebi.led aa regarBa plcturcaque GRaagow, i here taboa M ii|niii m.-'-ir te .!-.'.?.? v fe* randoai , . ipha for the benafll ?f tba outada wmi.i. whleh na do.uht, iBeuinia al n.ia lini... lhal ahe hai paaaed Into obllvtoa. Well, u to ti ne thal ?> ha* tllng ?, ii v. ' ,;i.-i>k..? ha ? had bi .ui.i ia now BUfferlog the tii-efr. ,-t. of ? i... hoom >>r ">.'. But aa a gweamei reeort ahe ia af aaana ilgnltlcaiice, Thera ara a number ..t rbrttora in-,<-. aad whea *o lo,.k oot ti|.on the aurroundtng country and note tbe rnre beauty it preaenta, ?? aonder wby II I ? lhal bobm ooa ?? ,.|,en tba iine larga Revkbrtdga Hotal lor the !?-. 'I'tlor. ..f Min.n >| Among thoae who are ipendlng Ih, r i . eatMMi herg are Pi ?'??? a i Theo i ? B*B> llmaaon, of the Danaille Mlllt.ry InatL t.i. and wtfa, Thera ?re alao -. naaa* 1 .-r ..f . iulets fr...n t|n^ BCl.I h#n Tr ii- Deraocrata ahould cerialnly fr.I aa unwareafag gratltade to Tl a Tiinea for the poettton it m,* tapoused In thla rampalgn, ani if arery maa who po* i <*r. -.- ol ti ua pati lotlam a lll pnt i.nii iha aame teachlng* and i llka af* f.,tt la the cau ?. we aay aafely pro dlct tbe Baalatenanoa af hoaeet n-.r ,-i inieiit and boweel paaneg. Thla haa been tbe weteet leaaoa erer hnnwn In ti.*. rteJnlty, and, notwtth atandlng tha greal aaaeunt of r;,in. ttn-r., ' n t'.it llttle .1 imii!.'" lu the way of waabouta. Wbaal haa bt ? n ? abl) dajnaged, and i aat tofanaad bg ?ni Mi; a uwuera that the yteld la *.-.ire \y Bufflelenl i.. hiatlfy thdr Buecaaeful operatlon The Btmlly of fjeneral kfaaager Bteven. -..ii of tba Cheaageabe abd Oble raii ? i1 , r,. aa* eomforfably InataUed In I'.eir h.tndaonie auuMner realdboee, In Weal Phid Qiaaaww whleh waa racentlg ? l by iiini from Qeneral Fltahugb t ... Mr R o Paxl M i- Bpendlng -t raea> ? ? from his bualneaa here, arlth rahv n the BeBrhborheod ,.f r.-iirt.-i.i tfarg'Jonee. who haa 1.a attend. itii; BCboel in Ri-hmoii.I, r.tnrri..l liom-i bi ii daga apo. All ?f our .-irouier ?.-'..i.or-. who eajeg the ?por1 of bftM tlihing. h.ive hewa ? !?? I . | tbe i leeeare 'u: nmna r and .-?? te iv thal ihe Imv, whleh ? the 11>t ;r. nf thla >i" i lea af the fni'iT tribe from ,t?? i .tti ..f May to ? h <T July haa I ? ob erred her* than eeer before Itnea ita : i i_-. .| i. marnly to tbe fael t tba lin-rs hara been high and muddy dur i?i_r Ihe entire perlod coverad by 'hia ....,.! 1. |i i . kiilnht reed aad !? i nredleta thal tha aport viii be Bna when tha water .!>, a ?.-' In i litlon The pntatn erop In Ihe bottaaa laaaa in thla rlrlnlty la ,, tol il i nn< h wet weath'er caualng them t.> r"' Th.> ni. ii.n ,i.ip, whleh ? ? '? ,ii.,.iii h, i? wlll alao aborl ? > -* ? i f i'i. r ? a , ? i lurgo, whlle i Ird Bhot and klll i ' ere whb ii , ? three fe. t alg I tall. aaH :? ea ii. i '. fe, l fi.>m Hp to tal waa etghl * IBt) s,-h,..,l Itoir.l. Tl ?? ? ? ... nf tha clty of B araa betd m v (i.i > - a at 8 i J T.-.' I .r Ki! - - < i ... .!>:?' irk.-. . I. Phlllipa, i.. II ?? i - h. I. D Lan !? rkln W ? i ".-. in T, v Ki.|\ rlerk. ?uperintendeni nomlaati i lehn n i in i it, il tdeal ?> ? . ? ?? Vtrglnla I'olyt. Ii itltutej ? : u m. M Turpln, bj i Bol ert J. Brtgga w. nea bbbb* bera'of th. Board Ifi i- > C 1 'i.-k.-i ? ? , t. i - ? ted 1 -'nlriii iii of tho ? . i !.,. ? Neltta \\ ?4ir.i .. ..- adaad to tbe Ual i mrelttea on Un II lure to p ir.'haa?? ,I.,. ne ? irj fui ture for R u.-loiph bulldiag, aad aada un ap i -1 ni,' Tha i->.ii.i then . I, ited Mr>- '.f i: John , Randolpb sohool. Tt\o laga llbell'-.l. r,i> . were fll. d In tbe ' nlt i ^itte. I ? , . , , .?.-?>; .l-,?t tl.e tuaa . i: i. ,ii.- 11,.- i !.-?...-> aaal .:??. ure Ml i C l.ind?.-iy, of Rlehmend, la the own.r ?f the tuga. I..i" aml K.|nltv ( ?urt. a auit araa kaanitated m the and i;?|.|lty COUTl bg tha ri'-.nii'.ir .:.- Ooaagaay ggBiBiat Jaaaa W, M^rtln; to r< ? ' ? MABINB intellioenck lirXIATUBE ALMANAC, JULY \X. 1KW. Snii r>.-a . 8:18 ? - . . I BB MO. 8*H lll.ill TIDaa Ifornlng. T:M Bvealng . "?",* PORT KEWPOBT NEWB, Jt'lA II UB8, ARRIVED. I', ii. ? V.-w Yoik. I ? \\ p, iioo.i, i'i,.*; Hr.>hip WtKow Brnarh, I'ort Tamp.i. Bebooner Bagard Bonaa. N a Uaeaa, SAll.KK 1 r atf.-imihlp Willow Branch, I.or.Uon. POKT OF WEST I'.'INT Jll.Y '.T. 1S08. ARRIVKP Steamahlp BaltlmoiP. Murphy. Baltl more. paaeengera aivt g?neral cargo. SA1LED. Steemihtp Baltimore. Murphy. Baltl mor*. paaaaoaeia and ganaral cargo.