Foreeaat for Saturday: ^^ Virginia, North ami South ***arollna Fair, brim, northwesterly winda VOL. 13. NO. 214. RICHMOND, VA., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1898. PRICE TWO CENTS, THE EPISCOPAL DIGNITARIES. Reception at the Jeffei Last Night TOJAMESTOWNTO-DAY Bishops and Deputies from I ? Con? on Hire, D EXTENDS A WELCOME i Pai i Haitian : ueetowa, sa ii . . 'ho Pim? m. n la i ked. - ? ? ' ? ? ; I ? l ' ? i Sr ' ' V tree) i ! . ',,' a nan. found the trip Im; I not attend. I ? nted. ? To attempt anyt.ilng thorout-. ' ? ma, I. T. - N - ' ' ' ' - ' ? l ' - ' na. ? ' JAMESTOWN AND THE CHURCH. of the Pilgrims To-I .he en, - ? N - ? ? ? ? ' ' - \ ' ? ? v \ ? ? - ? ? ' S a reaehsd. pleated a every ot tbe ? t alsoe aa mn li naed on suth t . j THERE MAY BE MORE TROUBLE. Negroes .May Attempl to Land at Pana. EXCITEMENT IS li: Warrants Have Been I j ForAr Is. NEW COMPLICATIONS FE,' i. is. i ii i i ennur He ? d tbe ...I- ',a , , ( .. I \ i '. i Ordered .a. ' ?' - 1 ' ? ' '. ? ? '. ? ? ? - ? s - ? ' I \ Morn lao - I'.- ii. ia M ' ? ? ? ? to talk STRONG LEE MAN WAS NOMINATED. rt to Handicap Him Bleat! n. C. E. MACCORKLE WINS i Letcher te. OPPOS'.TiCN BADLY CRUSHED. k j;,..,,'..,11 ,- g the t'liitc.l I Ililli. I. ll I-,,- Dinceij Aim. 'I I ? ' I ?' '. tory . al. - - a ? ? - it Or I 1 t Mr. , r ' ? ? ? ' - ? ' : ' ' I '.'. T. ? ' i BBBBSBBBBSBBBBSBSBBM THE KNIGHTS ADJOURN. < I..-H ni. 1.1.mi i mei i \ '? ? I ; ? ? ' itltut'i rn *aas -. '? - ? y,.||, BJ I c\. I- IK c,,r?|. ? ? re to-day. SUPPLIES UNFIT FOR HOSPITAL ESE Dr. Seaman Says the -Men Suffered Accordingly SIXTY CENT RATION., Was Not Furnished to the Porto Rican Hospitals. NO DELICACIES WERE SUPPLIED. it. ni i Not Know Un* Oommlaeai s n. - partaaeal Had Sfoaej to Pun ham i ii a,. Blame w aa Wot aa tba Mri i. i Depai un.nt ii i n .ai tn anearer nu' 'Jill stj.HIS. | r - ? amlttce the troops in the de . ? . ? I to secure ' : ; ) any . ? ' I If nts on The I ' them ' et the ' i ney could not bc ? ? ' me, he - - ' i ? ' ? ? ? ? - ' know I ? ? - ?i there ' ' ' I 1 ' I ? --firing, ' I ' - ' - ? ? ? ? ' ' ' ? I : tha .rn ia P. K :? N L ? - S ?I ? ? '? . ss..I.,j rn Bald consume.) fear days. Ths armv I to land, and Lieutenant Hill sahl that as he vluwed the matter ths army arestd iMflM bc'n unable to lat lt r.ft-rr the land ... ail of t'ne navy. A great nra ti on for i's loath rata ANARCHIST PLOT FOILED. Ci? i tn.1 ii lirnp.-im- Was to I'-- Kiilrd iii Pal ai n'l N iii?- Ani .-loll. ? :.-The . ? ? lan a i la i :' ? ? ? i lbs i take I not ? ) rim si. k Learn Jackson, ill.*. 11 - -A ft m-r ? t. Va., : ' Mlaso Iii and ? li ft for ATLANTIC LINER FOUNDERS AT SEA in Wrecked Off the Lizard L bj cf Life R? por: ?Fe v Details. ll-Tha Atlantis Treas. ... B tCh Just received n of thc two hundred - rs and crew ol . port! t. . . .? I to I ? when I . itruck, a - blowing Life : ? ths lif-i IS. ? >.f Bu? sses a i .' to *?r-t a llghtshi-. \ ? ?ri t> turned M ? i t!i ? I m- int-i pen .. THE INDIANJROUBLES. The Men fVame-d *>l n-i B?*> Nnrrender* ed ftirs iii.- Already O m.- in. ?: I : ' . , : ? lea g-ilned an ] '?/ tho it am . renes tbs Indiana . . MINN ll-A "; i hostiles , Bli Bil] ? :..u..Ji 1 others to come In. atlll holds out but .?jilt In by I Rcpiilili.iiiis Open tho Iii; ht, l'KK'wi.o. n y rjsrtsbef it-The ? ? la Kris o'-nty Uh-.. Th.i pt sp. ik ? . i b Poraker, i a glowing tribute to M Kinley. , lYeaSy Willi Ah) sal ula. ROMK. Ocriher ll.-The Italpsays this morning: "Fr-ince has concluded a treaty with Abyssinia agalnr-l KorUnd la the Paahoua adair." CHURCH UNITY WAS THE TOPIC Debate in the Convention an Earnest One. THE BODY PATRIOTIC The Flag in Porto Rico to Be Spec? ially Mentioned in Prayer. THE CHURCH TRULY AMERICAN* Il i;inl)r;uas Nut (inly Ai^l-Saxone Bal AH Nina nain ii-s < oiiiiiiK to om- ?kaaaa s.ijs i>r. Gaea?*, 1 innl l>i?p >h.linn at thc Qaaatfoa Gass Oana Till Momlay. WAS ll.--church unlt? tha absorbl ' ire tha . 'scjr,,ttl Con ir.l el.iquant rulnued fee i?er -.e ender their spiriiu.-U ' con (enalac atrletlj l U LU* ia waa thal n?ver In the hi- arch In if such ll fie, a:at nobility of epirltunl ? v Aita i ? I much a business sra* ai waa a ot a ' Th!!..'! I the ' ? ? . this Of lhat . re| resent. ' ? l.r.K'.and I th*?lr Of the Bea tha tsvo daughters ol Church, eeperei . Aaeonu tha n ted ?nd rwe^n fha I oe *he nt i a pell n*e irs the Pray : : tabled. Ak* n, svhfch svas referred. provl.M'iK that -. Joti mllte.' ? ntcd to - ? the L 'Biala* -t that appropriate Bt ie, aure aa ? .lllrl Ol'. Hes-. Dr. John f ult . Ile aupp ington n ,lm of Church nftl Francis L. I a York. acnt tx* . .-[ irltual lat] . ireh. Tin; AMERICAN CHUB H ll ?? Dr. Joseph Carey, of Albany, spoko of tho American ehur i ai aaa .-miirae only Ar ? har rruly m in embracing uli nationalities .md na , new. comara iteago, mont ., - at that I ?I with ? Al thia i alar an er ? * rte at 1 frleade of the amendment i fr the flve-mlnete - 11' The fina: of fha o I - haroaalaa * Another amendment .d do notnirg ua:il he had made his retort to th* President. AGUINALDO'S TROUBLE. Un Ham a Itrvoluiion ol' Ilia Own B Oiiili-ii.l Willi N. sv MANILA, Oct lt?A rumor here eaya that Macabulos, chief of the Ave north? ern provlacee of me Philippine Uanda, has rebelled ana nsi Agu na, Jo and tnat hard fighting has already taken place between the opposing factions. It ts also reported here that General Rios, the Spanish commander at Hollo, has sent emissaries from that place to undermine Aguinaldo's Inftueace snd in* duce the native* to demand that Scala rtl.Ua Us rbUla?iue lammas.