Newspaper Page Text
BAILEY SPEAKS IN PETERSBURG. He Paid His Respects to the Repub? lican Party and Thorp. NEWSPAPERS AROUSE HIS IRE. The Times ami ?tic Washington Foal Receive a Vigor-mi*. Scoring <>i? ptmra Aniievai BBS ,,r ,'"' l"''Ni|? pln.s I'rai*'* lin'Volunteers. Ott. PETERSBURG, \\. Oct 8).?Special. To n ix ti' Co Idreaaed g the Ai adi my ol Meedo graced t' caslon wltb theil ?j he me nil* e-ae called tn ardor '>>' Mayor Weeoen s, who Introduced Hon Sydne) P. I-,- who In tum Inti ot the evening Hon be ib< . ? ; ? ' toue-hu.g upon thi B< . I aa. . I' I : ?? - Ol hlS e.-at in I and putting In I i:. T. Thorp who, thd ?-;?' ak. i Bald, can ncvr nial will n ver represent the , i tba Fourth D atrt. I of vir ed that If the pi ? ;??? of tb I ni tins ; Hon on ,i,i i.. ? than it waa I. fore or * re* arlll ' ! tn.ii . .-\ Republican wanted Thorp kept ... n ,,, mid aol !? ? nine with ' I Will hlin M. . i ?. I R \ YU i\S '?' e.MI'A! ? . n,.-ii lng the ' Hon With tba! Ol Ha I' -in-.' ra's, ti.'' epeaker dei ired thal the peopl mote pt ind happy undi i crane mi" thea wera under thd Republican admli man Ball* >. m ? ? . ' that we are blCU ? ? h is '.io , .,,,. in iklna thi ms. . ? v.. nake bo war on a hut We say that Wi Blth sil ill la w-ur ,,n lebor. To say tii<- leborer ts worthy of ids biro, ta only n be r wi ' ? ? . 11 ? ptihiiiaii pap tl il ,! ''? : - witta Spain, and fed them* ih n the i ?'? d ii"' ' or .. iain. m. Loth >. eai h and ? . !?? ,r twa \ iii ie lia the !'? mocrats in United Slates ? Cuban If thia . aid have I United Spoin. * .w* SLAIN FEARED i ?-' The Bpeaher Bald tb et Bp iln a .,-,.,1.1 wai with ns. ""I b< ..,1 ns but "' "' ' M I , it. Biid i.e'd his friends that ..,,. I;., ie, inri I th il wai iban people ) il,.. .. riv. ri Ha- ? ? rhl for lenci i oi' i be - ii the ? ?' ? published In the P ? (oilier. of thal hool V . iieved the i . ,.,,eiiei he i ll .- 'ORBS THE TIMES '? ? oe hal I j I hen . . . ?? ^he i ? u i .... ? for in th" ? - nteer troops aiiel .. DELIGHTFUL BANQUET, New i.,i.r?. Opened Wltb a Brillinni (Inthering ? >i Social Llg*ht, The . omp un- rn i- -. . ?: quel given by th.- prop)letora ? ?! \ v. Ford'a Hotel, friends ui th* .ail aff.1.1 NotwDistanding the- very In B - ! I-' Illle-Ille II, I .ul in iii.' \ oftt' la'. i around tia ami thu praises ot thi J mprll ? I I e III el III .--j'e M.. I pp.mine at < i i olonel John s i t .on . - i i. i ? i: N * .iii.-, ii. Dr. Call i ; oveU mosi , Off) i. nt In the position assigned hun. ai I ced the vi ? kel i rn ap . th.- drat spi ak. r, e i "i > ir > ? ; He referred to cent trip to Phils ind i ? hears* 'I his com. ?* dcKlnlO nr,on that occasion In whlcl status of '. ?? of the country at> a united one a that th- Lr- - faithfully - to bury all sectionalism, and that his i on servailsm has had a *? od deal to do with unltinjr the people Iii- said thal Mi Tyler. because ol the loss ol foui brothers ntagonlstlc to the h.- him . but thul a bir aon i ? ? il 'er receiving an appointment In the volunteer army, ohe ? .- kii.w !,<? won d not lill ' il. i in k' ? u ii. .. .? I anlmii Itj she ejnlfoi 111 lao! li. ? n Obliterated "I wi ' of ? bod) of < ? ??it thing to ward wlpl lhe se. ti en i t-m t,.i,., Bdanr \ : and In ''"'?? ungi I- te 11- d '.' thi I Di. m. bi 'ii thal Hom hi.< per there n:i? nothing tin' ind to on. ? lits the i tr> 1>r .1.-:: - v ? ? a .1 mai iKilnti I .. ihli . Mr Jullul B . - ' I Colonel ji,i,. !,? rred to the "Volunteer Army." During the Intermission, the "Wk r 1 ittnt te." composed of <afVe?rs *' 'oks i Mathew: Captain Cunnlnghan :?-.:.e-r ol popular mpanled un the pl . Prut Mesara Weill <% Shore .md their chief e'erk Lelrh. deaerve much credit for the milner in which they arranged the uf Amona thees present were C.nvernor Tyler J Hose Tyler, Jr . Colonel John . f Harwood, Dr. E. X. Calls'h. Rev Dr ames Nelson. Henry U Vaftntlns. Uec- I IS IT A TRIPLE? That Common Trouble, Acid Dy8 persia or Sour Stomach. Now Itrrnjriil/.cil aaa Caum- flfflJflflrtaTflfl |)is< usc. Acid flyanesesa, eonanionly eailed heart* of BOUT sf.nun li, i .< .f ll - dictation resultlnfl from fermei I. 'i ha atom i< h t'cimc too *?? sk to promptly di*, al lt, the t untu feraftentatton ?totnai h e Ith ku ftnd a bi lei rear, bunting insta in r.f mouth ut . I.- and beti ? ;,' irrence is i;i\'n bul Ut tit attsnti ,.i is imi .. many for ii.'- '?? Within a recent period a been fueeovered prepared eolelj to cure , . , trouble! I known I iota )?? i. t m '.t '?> tpei : by druflfliati erei M ? tba in , ontrai y by flit Ini i rta t d .? ii, hnpro*. .,; p< ii-, un i in ike ? life a ??? >? ? i (01 fi 11- bo k on I "?? h Di - e.ii-es. ti ii Bdflsr Allan lulim Si i - S. 11..;.kins, li i i' i: i M I ' 'S'. ? ll J. I.' SS ; ' A SHARK STORY. How Bram Wari iurr?*apondenta stand bj ii Other In Time of ivr.i. The centre ol sa sdmlrinfl flroup In thc * ? ? ,. fortu? nata Ki X' i Ni vt a .-'. I.. K. X'. . ''. ll -awepl Carib . ,;i. hill th". X's ??.! ' and ., ? . at-home ? i ?xx. ii, be wa i fi el I I ' ? : i I ..[.(.. I Inn 1.... K." "Weren t rou afraid li" ?' ti* aaked :.' tin- iMiii. h. "Say, ins !"'.>" ' s'. nh ? . vu ? :'. O'' ; ik .?\'-i ..?. ' . s... ..nd enfllni i I ? ?'.I XV il Still til" si' ? ? -.I Air. Sh irk .s Then x\..-- a pi The h< limn- '1 "M .,s- i tc n r Hi - ? ? n i ben ii' - ??? oohed .ii the eye 1 I I Ai,..I, . Thi t.- \s ia :. low whlitU im .i ? . th rn mg in ? i irk re - "Hold nu. Di ti on," in for .i " n medicine nnd ..I' th" h story. H.. f only recently returned from < 'uh ns i w ir i ? >real ??? nt 1 ? ? Mv ti ii nd haa nor* 1 anon the truth " I i: l: xx i ? i '..m.. cit V.'i \. " ik." ' i yOU ur. dumber Tw ?. "but 1 tame i ' ll is ti to gani ? '' .. turtle. \\ ? rind i.i ' ? plainly that he 1 Th.- clerk ? s-..nil ? ? ' v ? ' . ? ' ? . .ii Cape war i >r Bight " Nee ? WHEN Vol LRE ? ITJT ? tired, i mould and net 0 Ho ,,i .. Sits.i pal illa. I I ?>?? msc s |ty Hi -I'S TITI S tit" the 1 ? Qentle, r DEATHS. i-? -i.i i \'i i ned nee of hoi i north Ninth itn ?? ?? x M . M \i: V, s lungeal daU/l I i'm.' Bi P M. I -i.i :m i \u Died ? 3 FLEMING, Warm ri >' ? i ? ? ? So NO? weal iNDAY M' >RNIXO, Sill I t, ;it 11 " HOWARD Died, ai - . ?, s. s .' toiw r ?.lit, al Kl KS! I Died. tl I \ 100 SSI 11:43 Mr JOSE1 '' KTR8H, In the tevsnty-nlnth year of bia sae P*mera1 will tn bel I - n M< INDA1 ?.FTfrndoN ut 1'. o'clock ti '.- s Di WELI*S ' ar SB). ISM i M a of 1 Mri ,- !?? Adams. ?33 Hull street, M . ... Mrs MARV A WELLS, in the seventy-ninth year of her The funeral will take place Hom the central Mesh'-dlst church al :: 90 THIS (Sunday) AKTKRN'O'N Fri-nfs m?* acsuasaOtaiicei ax. invited to attiud. SAD DEATH OF LEWIS FLEMING. He Passed Away at the Virginia Hos? pital Yesterday. MADE A GALLANT EIGHT FOR LIFE And Died Brevets; ami Celmlj Bid 1 un.uil Will Take PlOOe al 1 I ot lo. k ie. Morrow Mm nin;; 11 um His I .illi. is IL-ii lc ncc the 1 c I noon, after from ? ? calm aad pi ? ' ? Mr. 1 . R A. W. I ' ory, J Mayor ] ? 1 . ? A 'I ' ' - ' irm he Riehmi I ! ? ? ? ' ll'- VC. " ' ' ? HIE Mi 1 - ' ' I ' ' ' ? ' . OBI l t \ Mr. -J. N- ix.( Ul i . ? ll ' ? Ur Gordon \* : ? ? ? ' ' - Bl i; ? - '" steadfast faithful . te lope ' ' .. . ter of i Mi \ .i I eera Mi i. .. and la ' 1 Ot D IV. 8. < ... time Janies Benjamin Bon ard : i j ? ' : . ' ?'? ' Newel." ,u> health v ? returned I lus Har. ison and ? M borne tftel gina ll"' i'1' i' l!' Baltlm rnaln.d until Beptembei he re? turned to ins hom* feeling He s*nk agu m. however, and was con-J I"*"l fo tho hollie until fda dBSta | day mcnilrtf. Mr Howard was a rm-m^r of Si. .1 ' Lurch, end had mary gympa . ? November marri*** Mite Kati nine Barber, da ter -ir tba ana .it ons tfene fretgbt si ? ajT'-nt <.f t(.a Richmond snd Alli - beeldee his aifa 1 ?? om- < bl ld, r,-mimili B., ni Bi ?' ? I' j;, church. Il ? a * In Koli) wood. " ? Bl ikes, W. r> J. Cl H..ti. i: m ? E Bollina " " .,- B M ? ' '?''? W P. Kl ? ? ? v ' ?: ? T. \\' ' J Sherrin, Jr [?; V. W. Harri .. I fte. I - | li Iv If-ll. ' I a I ? ' ? ? ? i ? ' I ? ? ' i i. 11. i i .1 ii. i I ? ? ' ? ? ? ?' ? ? ' ? ? Mi. I'll.i 1 ll asl : ' I ? Wi bingi ? ! '. ' ' ? t to 1 ? "\\ lilian* ? I tha real* "wenl - ? ' ? ? ' Joseph l> Brana, lr * ? ' ? s'i g, Hal - ani ll. Lee ? ..I i. \ x Oct ! ? iii.i i. . alfi - i. il Ilya 1. ? : : . i I , \ pin x The , anas of h- r death wm a compile.. lion of dltcaiet. She was at-out slits. Kaufman*! and Company. Stylish Winter Garments. l:^Z^Z^:^ \ Outer Garments docs justice to herself who doee not compare our stockfl with anything else found in tho city. A Word to the Wise is Sufficient. ) Ladles' Suits, ll flt erectly Ilks u- a ? Cl *% ,w* ? C A. a _ 90*0". w e are shown most T uVt-M ide Suits in ? b - . P - ? . i your < Trustworthy Kid Gioves. Our fl ?* ' ?aH<* . tin- igpff ' - I -.r-' ? "'' ^ * ' pub i'-. the best .mc! tv ? i in, rs cite- ??<? odds and ct ds ur list Year's Icft-OVCl" stock from Home other fina I ot clean. fresh, reliable i tite manufacturers ?111' ase 5?* 75C ISC IOC Silk Petticoats lind Colored Uadersklrta. Remarkable Values. Ta^ ' *?> j cn Coloml Uml.T Hirts, <9c SPECIAL 1 i qual* ? ?^sr ? -kirts, made, with deep flow ? ? rest Braided Effects in I icinnel Waists, ? F ' $1.50 rVinter-Welfilt Otidem ? r have i i face o v* these* fl 50 dozen Misses' 1 ind Children's Swiss-Ribbed Inion Suits. ?, at 19c WM\mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm\ ?* - - ? /?j*** ' is ith 25C Extra mr Monday Only. Nt' x ?~ Babies9 Silk Caps, 2 - "iv *ft*-rv jes. -runfty. I ? : > uti match thi ??=;<? s, > an ..00 I.5O New College Hats. Special Millinery Offers. ? ,;-' 65C Again Mond o'. In tl fl ... Missed..and \\ ol MAI ?Jv* $.3.50, $4.50, $5, $7.50 t)pv.' Trim tiicii Walking H KAUFIYIANM & CO., 4th and Broad.} i . Mi Mi ' xi ?' three 1 ind Mark, all '? ? vi- - - s member of i l>r H. M. Keyser. LAT, VA., ' v I. ' :t-1.11 ilth ha - ? ? ; . lg chu* , j lt Lit \ X I ' X A ' ? ' : the Ute ?' i Kprti he n. 1 \\ in i ;.-?' "in' i ?? the Pin*7 ? m np his Ufo v. ? l tha a , | it ara ? ? fnctnrad and I ? In 1 I ' ' ' ' : . I ? i also ' i ? r Poljnealon Leundrj >r. 11 ..,: i ? ? Of th' ? 9 Which ever: IB thi ' ? the next ??'. ? i - ? . i : * i - .: I ? a ? i ? i ii , . i ..? brides tumbled ? ? a l ?i ? ? : ' I 1 ' ,'fa^^^^^^^^^LBBBBBBBBBBB i i ?? ? ? - i bctggd 1 aaa * -J** I ? ? - . ' I I 4 I ' ? .. '' ? ' ? .,.???