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Twenty-Four Pages, IN THREE PARTS. VOL. 18, NO 266. Wi: FORECAST. ? - nihiy: ||y r.'lr. fallowed be ludlni i Bungay afMraaBBal i ida N'.rh <'.ir.din.i l-'alr. f ,1'nwed by In ? ? .1 [irnhahly rain; i vat labia witi'd*. RICHMOND VA., SUNDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1808, PRICE THREE CENTS. THE BULLET HOLE IN MOORES BUGGY Ii Proved a Feature in Yesterday's Trial. MOORES CHARACTER. Many N?* Witnesses Were Introduced to Prove Him Dangerous. CYCLONE SAMUEL'S TESTIMONY, He Prm* An Baa**/ Mark (or tin- f .iii nu mn .-ai i ii WRaseeaCraw i*ord gad a "Woman in lin- Cs. ' 1 A i bbbbob lo siioiv i Mai Moore t'nnu-il a Fist.,I ll s. ( aitri on lin- M.uni. . .--??.. bs a Bomber al new a a of .1 li.l t it- h.: lu- o uni ls ? ..*.-i f..r Cartel ibl that tba prisoni i di i ? ceaausi * r, xx a.-. ? ? ' i (...Int they inim .. ? ? ix- ? :. "? ed the . -of the bullet ; lt s point ! hat t he ? ? i made Of th. ' it lg BBS ' . \ . .. I .-AM! KU He waa pul i ed the bug ' I at 1 a ? ? Mi I ; ililli to tbs vers ? | esaanlnt : In Ihe . I .-. ed thar Mr. BamiK i ? BOBBe t -.i ? them tba Bherltl1 and hi* di .Kl get Into ti Th.-t ? nieti xi I a* h.ii ? him of . ? VIV V ? of thei that ll ? ? ? ,;M BOl ix- ..a put U > ? the foi h. ? gide after the ir.-. Il ? rsm r leallmony to rig thi* ? Mr. Byl* ? i-M.u: ll ?.")?': TBBTlMt - ta abo. ? ? been in ' ? n ot the al ? tn, whli h !' | take oe? I ? ?' who i. ? ' ? I that li and 111 m the rm game of poki ed nu i. .. bowevei escltad ' George Crai f r i v. J C Ups mb, of as ? he would do all he i . I I , ? ni tie aol bj ? ? I ?i ' . th. ir ? ? The ; s tba laat ? ? ? and with hut lion. The ? stony ?'f tba Hitit ? May Cl ?I-.. rRR B BUOOl I v ikflNBD. ' a yard i ? ? ? '? ? look a much ? ... . .., tr, i ? of kl pul on ? > . Moot a i . saying vVh n ? mmon I - pul Mi. Bj v ad Mr vYen* ? i U A DIBPTJTHJD point. Mr vi ? Hi ? ? ? ? i the i t Mr. M .n th. mifchl i the i Nt? \\ . Mi Moore to ti ak' ti ihe buggy out 1 Lal "We rloi rt tl ? ry i" hai ? :unlty to d Rom ' ? ir not. H ? ? MUNG BARNES DID NOT SHOW UP. t Was Understood He Would Sur? render and Throw Himself on the Mercy of the Court. Mr. Eui i i- a ? .. ? . | entlal In th. EUGBNE BARK teeth I p th ? ? ire. . V. ? iw mm h mont i ? n on i MAJOR-GENERAL JOHN R. BROOKE. Sba Becently Appointed -Milituiy Lovel nor fin- Hie Inland nf vOnkav, THE BATTLESHIP RALEIGH EN BOLTE TO NORFOLK. ?i.... ' v..nt. xvi-,-:-, ta-re i ratsoaa being .. id when Isa i Cai ral ateaso I rork. and stood by the A I been one ' - ' V la BS) . and tani and Ired, it win m. at tbs Mg reamed of be - ' ' ? ? ed rh.j bo that ll abra at M mila. COMMITTEE MAY NOT COME HERE. Their Time Likely to Be Fully Occupied. TO COPY THE ROLLS. Captain Lamb and Mr. Ha) Introduce Sim. ll i CONFEDS IN UNCLE SAM'S PAY. (d' I In ni in tho Revenue fl t *. ii i >ii. lin*'I Inqnli | Iii plied To, Impoeslble t.> Tell Bow Many Men nra Si ? di i. Bal Mik i Bticki i" iii- * Irlfflital I lg urea, WASHINGTON, Di I would ' ; fl 11. tl I THI Mr. ll . The bill ?? if War sha ? m. 'u a-r. . . ? . I lill fl little 1 CON :' i. 1 J ' : ' - - I I! ?lc ' ' ai Va., who hfOIllili Bil the i -? rill h. ld 'Mon v. I ? ? Hf n11ll. I> | . r 1 ? I i-v about J Nfl -un: i Captain < ? R the N irj Dep .nm.-nt t i ind to ? lust ana Mit HAT'B INQUTRV Actina. B of War O. D M ? i ...anaaattl i lo I i urina rnpljr to tba raaolntlnn Iry introduced hy Mr. Hay, of Vir n In: 'In response to Hi -tant. request I ? lb secretary "f . Inform th-- Hom ' I lt. pi ;it town.*, in th.- islandia of Porte Continued oil Secnnrl P;ige.) SAVANNAH VIES WITH ATLANTA In the Reception niven President McKinley. PRESIDENT'S SPEECH. Ca Successfully Meet B fore Ih, ELLR SHARlS fht HONORS, His Reception Almost E*qaalto thal \ i ded 'in- Pf -ullin I in- lin l h..11-,uni Troops ni Savannah \\ i re Res lewed. Mahhas* i int ol ti" Moat Brilliant I*.l-l .lill ? I .Xl I *>i III, GA., 1 - in Un ' ?' . : _ ,, l I ' ' ? ? with i t I | a I mi:. ?? , i h in ? I I. M., i ?? ? a ll ! the 1 : Fl. ? n thal ? We are : ? .? a ? ? and xxl; i'? ll be | i i ? I r-'V til lil : tl ? fore, ? ! Ut ll I Mn- tO the ?'? ? fl *' # ev< ry luntry. I differ ? |( | pri ter permanan a to i on ? ? hurt* ire hap* . ry v i il relatl ms ix it ri ? inned on B i Page.) ; j TO CLEAN 1 CITY'S SLEETS. Health Department May Be Reorganized the plan rkorosHi). lt Will B? Pi sented to the Health I . xt Thursday Night. i\LW HEAD FOR THE DEPARTMENT H.- Will llav.* Mora Authority Than tho Pi cit nt Ona rna Poroa lo Ba, l| fl lill j|l.ll Sile, ts td Bo Sweat Farica .1 Day -Tha Banlturj > MSceru of Uk- 4 ny. i - ? , '? ! ' I .1 OUt. fof P ' m. tel. d . .. in tile stitch will ? 1 th.U fur. A I t '.; . . : t ll : alt. fi? ll mmend that i work, . cl I t I tim. .s *? to 'Hs . i ? I to bia in ? ; ? i tin- .i p rtmant, .* n, hut it baa been aa* i ? i m iii - i ui. - ? inltary ? r: ( ** ' Ible In I ,; ? ? ? -I ..-. nn.l oomfort of I ? ... I end o.' ? : rtav tit : it lt ls . r that more fa , ? the d ?f the II".' . ill Be ? to tho*e of no city in ih<. conn try. B^RON ROTHSCHILD DEAD. rho M.'iiiln'i- from A>lrs!mry in I'n oLiiid'* Parliament Di,*d Beet onlay ? s ? ?' arasnand I Dil lld. M P . I? dead. . Ferdinand Jamel DeRotbscblld n of th.- 11te Baron AS* p] ? ! t: uhsclld He married his cou ajn a*a r of the hirst Lord Roth l I I! ana a m"rr.l**r of Par? in the f t tnt- ti -l f'?r v ? Tho Bama was an inlimaie friend of tne , Prases of w-iies n a ia an tl?? I i ' last visit tn W . i ' ot Baron i'e.r-. Jur**! his kme The Baron \ < I ti rt alia d the Q Hi.; d. ath was BUddl n oaly s ?. tr..-: i:. - (yon i RALEIGH TO COME TO NORFOLK. Otil?-r,-?l lo N.'iv York Itui Hu- Order Will Likely Hg fltlBigfal KORaTOUL VA., Deo ash dal.-in re -. -aaa tn ., lester (I ... Board of Trad.- . ? i . ? B lasocl i'ion gsjda - Haleigh return from Manila, t shiel 1. of the Bun tu o ni, has I - .?? ha.* gjroady Y?'rk, bal tiiat t,- . i that abe i" ordered hs prece i lt ls th. purpea elation to 'en !? r . built al nany F* SPAIN'S HONOR. Sonni- Kio*. Sax s Wa Fried to Rob) lier ol' lt by Un- Maim- I'liar-,-. I.n.M" i.v. Dec. fi prealdent of the Bpanl h Pi atna, la has bstei vtew uah kl i >? tba Parla eerrsspondei London Tiin.s. a portion of xi hi b a tin- a ? ad the ? ld tn I In "lint moat . . ni this ?--ri-at whirlwind. ? . ire last all. there aaa i" en an al ti m oar aoaor On 1 >??' ? mbei hat i propoei .1 to the tmei t<> ag* :>.>int 1 ti. In.ii al corni th- question of the Maim W Am -i: 1. xxa 1 gpj 1 .man and a. I-":- ,i-.d xx e uni ai ? 1 . timi nts ? bring in a verdict. If 1 Innocent the Pt ? United Brill a.ill ... a 11. tte da - - Spain wad ' . having h...wt, . ? Of In 1 i*h ably ' rait.-.1 gsa tee ?'.~ md Bi ta ? moat h . bl 1 vxn Og I "? camber Rh, bs k ? ti b r xniK up of the Halm "Ob I ? ? n corn? ered 1 ? ? facto; hot temper ami ? honor th- Amerii ? FOREIGN POWER TO BORROW HERE. For the First Time in History a Tor eign Nation to Apply to Us For a Loan From Our Surplus. i'm. .\' '.11. I tee, r an 11 ni of th- . lank, : "I am ? i ? ?? Wy in 'orassd tba! md tl, x or the dotd . irmation I 1 ! i.\ v ?? ||ON*ET. ?at.-tn ?Ut in ? ? . I ? the .,- two months na thi ' ? ive bi s 1 1-.: ? tated al ? -ill",tl : I GEN. MERRITT IS AT HOME AGAIN: Reached New York Yes? terday [mn. Paris. AS TO PHILIPPINES. Ho Doesn't See Why We Should Not Kiyp Them If We Wish To. HE DID NOT MEET AGUINALDO. Bal Thinks Ha Ia a Uh rewa -ran, lin- Pele < oanHBanaihaMflN ll ml a Hard raak BM Manana ChjaaU* l.lf>le.!.,(l..r K ID- Will Ba -uni.' ( ol' ll ia OM Depart unlit. NEW YORK, Dec. 17 M ? -?r-f ciisrai . : af tllO I I i , fl .:. n pani in 'ii Hil II I J *amsr w ith Qua* .? r in <th.T, ,. I Nornaa . nd Cantala L H. SI .!??. antp aa the mutt .h. BM Ml V*aS vi ni.;mr I ie!, th! I'Ml . .1 Mort nt, . tba situ. ?rbi ii 1 1. ? ? ii i in ula io th, ? lon. [ ? . ? thal adaalral ? rh in Bealla .... Ha waa b hen i lett bl) i i rain ol . tasha : i to Know, it la that Phill) 1..I a t . t I.. ba i ma,' b (her* who had .1 they . <*l lolls make. ? ? . t ivouid aol believe. . BBB, when were Kin i af v. iii. ii I tlilnlc ?ul.! have i- he Ger san . (til fl I i alls h.ul Ml '? their ?final wa : rlsiidly i i iBtsera Wi lia.l. !'.-??, ai lil tO ii: I he United I . ? ni.a-i i f lt. "I think lt aili . : i Baa . ? ? ; i . waa! i i taa i \',i IN Al DO BHKJ i i BM sea i 'i'd tt irina r mp rrival, what i ? ' ? h aura (Coi I CENERAl. WESLEY MERRITT. se Late Aron iran CiniiniaiiiUr la ihe Philippi** -. \\ hg I. laded al Nen Yi rh lc* to id A}.