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Tl) GIVE BOM) TO I vii-: SAM. All Postofr" ? .-os Will Br Re? quired to Do So. NEW ORDER HAS BEEN ISSUED. v,t lt* in v 'ii. Heads <>i Dc ,..mni' ni* and < rrkafi an Indem? nify in- thc P "' '*-'- ' <?"<??* i,,i,, i ti, i n j 1*1. ? i I ? u hi ' ? r MANY CHARGES AGAINST HIM. nd .1 il f Steal I n g M., ,1s n ? ? lay n ? I ? ? ? ? ' ' MR. ZIMMERMAN TO RESIGN. i ti w.i Know n Md< ? arma Removes i, M , idbmn U..I.I. ? ? f residence Inl n ? ' 4% ? ? I :' ? a. ... \ Vi Ulfl I. ? oramK tee on CosuBlUea ?.;i n OYAL *""* fOrSZfW Absolutely Puri Makes tho food more delicious and wholesome ? until the i 1 M ?? ? Ci ivk i ;i' Bnalneaa, : \ . , \*. ie ?? Of the ?: :: ? ? I .??! No l>'.'N. ? a 1 . Virfflnln H lal ? " a*-"*""?~-????????????.__________.ana, \n I 1*8*1 Mi:** STORK, Hilt < III i-tln;|N <.I- .nc BO < lo ip i bal Nu < m.- < iiijc ta to Uh Stop ? - ? ? ? ? i ' XMAS HOLIDAY RATES To Points on the H. and W. Railv>,i\. ? ? ? r - I: <; ? CHESAPEAKE ** OHIO R'Y. Christmas and Nos Year Holi day Rates. ? mbe i r ic to NORFOLK \M? VilMIKV li vu, w w 1 ? ? '?. i nan >\ - I'n \ 1,1 ! ItATR Ol OH ONE THIRD PA It BB FOR PHIP. I ? lualve] I - ; . J' ?I i m< ii ?\i:s: m mi it<i\i n ll .1 fin,et ' i ! until k Wulu-i D I . - * THE JOHN B. CARY LECTURESHIP. Dr, Kent Tells of the Good Work lt is Doing AT THE UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA. Th* ra of thc Facalt) and the Hoard of Ni^iiois Have l ndorsed lin- V. mk. \\ lm li is Pto*, mn II' min id th,- Mm), nts. ? ? v ? . ? Ibo 1 I ? . : Of thia I ? ti I ? ' ' ? ? . ' ' ? ? ? ? - ? "lt I ? I ? M f I ADDI HONfl I I I I - ? j of making ? * ? ?ul.'. I ? lt ? '?? ? 1 ' a AT DROVE Al B ' ' ' \ m . nd h" ls still i - M ?? m I four i.- " int,, tbS I ' DB BM Bl Stn tt BERM ' ' i; ba k of the pulpit In .. i In Life." It waa ??ae.H m> n. Cr Sweeney has som home, lu IndbH-V ea account vf c : I ? ?. ? ; ? 1.1 i pulpit nexl Bunda) ' "- -: md ly in January his brothi Jana B, 'i f.-r Mai i hu lng I sa ? Ungi win hs i" ld ob lawas* ?*'?. night ilr. ll in kiel's-*, rm.m. ai tm i 1.120 H lay ei entng ii ? - ' Sen Ji t ii-a l'-m Church in thi ; Stat ott ??The Har* ai ike (. tt, i , the I Sf I li ? . ? , i be l/ird. Ituf these '. with tl nv * ? tli.- I, - 1 I ? I/iris that Fl ! 'hat ll ' tn- . ll ; . ! 11 A HOT CONTEST." The Grand I c H. hi tba i the 1 I l i i i ? 11.11 ' . ? ' . . .. ? for'll i - :. d ? ? - ' n I: .1 ? tliS ? ? ' ? I I ?It I ^^^^^^_______________r ...i. a-ak CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATION. Il \\ ill C. ? lui ?-1 a 11? C: ' :_i -ni.Ul anil leelatanl i i ? ht mm n. ? that a I ? tO In . I I . .",'. ? 10 .J? Aril Inn. I . i . JJ i . J i ' . " ."_"' u , be Retired *. m!.'.,a.! ._ - < ,,,,?!. tad ? I Huii_i.ii i. ? .1 A ll I SJ Perfect fc S infantFood* ___ 3 Gail Borden Eagle Brand Condensed Milk SLI A Perfect Substitute Fop % ~ Mothews Muk. t~oa *fo |J (J Years the ieaoing 13ra*o. (3 S 'fHfANT HEALTh's^r FREL V ^ NY ^nC-NSCBNiuiO. atWYTJMl w A LITTLE BOY BLRNEDTODEATII Bravely Rescued His Sister and Ig? nored His Own Dancer, A FATAL SUNDAY NIGHT FIRE. While PlflTjrhag fla"? t'lBblriMi of Mr. J. lt. \\ illi.nus on licM-ivoir Street i jm.1 a Bf wraf we Lamp wiii.ii Bal I iif IO ltnjnii>n<l'*it-|.iilifB 'cs.sing atchUnl occurred "n Sun ,i,.- night at IM ..-I'.'k ai bbb boam of i Mr ?? John !'. Willi ima ? Wo 111 ir atreet Their four-rear Bel child, Raymond, was the victim of a BVp Which Wal overturned. !?? tallow was so badly kami thal be died at au carly hour )??.-?? rpondi .i r . ?lieut. HOW it (ki t it ki: i>. Th.- rl found to BB training headway in ? bedroom in the fri llama' md they **-. t-? eating utah ah-.rt "? ?? i ttl BM " BUI BOt until Hie >.f the child. ?Alli, il there ? > th.-ir ra Indxlfalna in a I id ? limb, d ni*..i ? ii her th-, ?; the ? of the ? hi ? ? there, with ? mind : n r ne. Ri ? i ED HIS BIST ? lr aid ai ' ? t ..-!.: fl | ? ? "THE TELEPHONE GIRL," Sha is On mino t,, ii,,. \,., ?|,.m, li,,, ct lr,.in \.-u V.,ik Thia W.-.-k li the ti';,- of thc lor Richmond : Friday and ? M ? , ?:? " lt h I i from time ene I 'iii I lp as no 'Tl # N -v fork,.rh- - ??in <; in Anti . rtie LS I.V I I ?ii by my i? ly or* _ r | : In th two nan ? ia ri f.-r ?'. ? i - . rm ii ? - iny, with which they ? lui inst ttl. ii -kit, ..' proven delightful sin.. hen ntlnued ? "INSECT LIFE" i'lio Sullied I !.-< ll ?< . I nt the \. allom*. i.* Prof rid ward I.. Moree, * *.. ., . ? w U ;!n^r. ? M ? .'k ol . ? fi i.nd to hi Bl kinchm. rind the ? ? of thia rennel i with pr found tlly, ? rn |i- ? and ; I .:: ' roundi .id not tb :k. r, who ? . - li ? beldara, wa ... i.ilnt by th- dla* ? CAPT. PlZZINrS RESIGNATION. lt Will He laaanjlnil BJ tba Hallway ami I lc( ti ii ? .nii!>aii*. an .-I froea ii ? |-..//.-., , ai 1. .S I,.., : pted I ... Coan* Phritnl Brill n nrialn a mnected mp .nv for a -hort fire I, - It is illili . r tr..- ratlwaj company ;???:>? l*> H.'ni. Th" funeral of Mr- I took plana Boaamy alter* ? k from ttie t.-sidi ie . ..'. Ilf Barker RI aaat i^iih street. Kev, I .r srirr. "f BraadMKraai M- heaBBI , har h. otVtated, und tho folkown | n iiiaiiiBt H.uorar* MeaBTB. Robert 8. liosher. J. Ta* lor Kllyi*"n. T C Williams. Jr. .1 .tn- s T r.irklnson. Irvin Wt Georae W Poe, *' B. Bjrdnor, .ital s. B. Woo.lfin.*. M.-sKrs. William H Wortham. Kunst, ii. Jam. I) I'olh *, .John .' Knoa, s i: Mah .i>. Robert Mitchel!. 1. I-'. Sutton and If --.ll C. William*. The funflial of Mrs S.irah Q Newman. wko .lid at ker naliliBin Wo, Ul south ?If ??? t,?.k :? .. 8 Bf. , from th.- I'n..' -Tot llaptiat Rev. J i i ..niiiating. ineom.1 frienda ati Bl th..- .1. in td was highly .. i by ker ? i .int.un ea ?ri.,. ? Mi - - I s I*., th.!. H 1- Carter, A. f> Krown. Wm Clarke, C. J. Jones and J. M. Buller. I -??aa*. ?. .--? *-?* ?* * ~m ?~ * J_Vegc table Preparation for As - stadia ting thcTpodandlHula ting tte 5toB_ti?_s and Dowels of ISKW1S CHILDKKN r*rTj^*iK)lcsT){_;cstion,Chceiful ne**-.s and Ftest.Contains neither Opnjfti .Morphine nor Muxral Not Nai-cotic. ATtapr af Old nrSAKlTLmtHEn flimpiin .ima ' ,4lx Smna *, .fcfo - Amit Setd ? /tjtwnrinf - /fl (wt fal* * WrmStrd Omf,-! l.i.ter ? Uiemyrmtt TkwW. A perfect Remedy for Constipa? tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions rVwrish ucss and LOSS OF SLEEP. Pac Simile Signature of nt:w Stork. Alb mon ths. old EXACT COPYOF WRAPPER. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. m^mtmmmwmimmm^mmMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmn The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of in Use For Over Thirty Years i?i> Mfa, rona orv I ..BOOKS.. I $ For Chpistmas Presents.9 ?? Pri H '' ' I OUR HOLIDAY GIFTS. Ss /> ss Cv | Presbyterian Committee of Publication! X IIU.I Pn-t Minn llrael )' 1001 Hast Main Street. Second Floor, Thone .388. Hiwltitiond, Va, *^X*K>G<)?<>0()(XXX)<X)<}GCQ<)G<>0<>G< 5 :??:??:??:??:??:<?:??.? . : :? :-?:-*>X"3 I Xmas Presents at MILLER CHINA CO. i1 109 E. Broad St., Bet. 1st and 2d.; Cut Class, Bric-a-Brac, BRASS FIRE SETS AND FENDERS. LAMPS AND TABLES j Dinner, Toa nnd Cho; s Sets of Ev^r/ Variety. R CLOCKS AND BRONZES, B 8 3 Miller China Co., 109 E. Broad, Bet. 1st and 2d. : o ?.??.??.-.??.?'.-.?? ???0O<'' 5 Blooming and Decorative j c > PLANTS, ROSES, VIOLETS, ? ( ?rt rt \ HAMMOND, AND CUT FLOWERS.; 107 EAST c, BROAD ST. J /s. st-V* W " ' - USEFUL XMAS PRESENTS Persian Rugs, Fur Rugs, Smyrna Rugs, Carpet Sweepers, Portieres, Lace Curtains. look at our Jute smyrna ['.mis of different -i/es and very handsome I il ipe< lal lon prices. GEORGE W. ANDERSON & SONS CARPET HOUSE, 1204 East Main Street. R.L. BARNES &GO. Office, Sales-Room and Repair-Shop, 1408 E. lain Street DI? AI BK* IX r?oaaanoDooo9oooQoooooooooooooooooaoi* ff, 0 O B o o o a o o O hand at dos. Inures. Moving, opening, td j listing nen locks, re- O X painting, lcU^iuj , dUsM with dispatch aud in lac U-_t manner. ? i-i O DQOOC?COOOOO)iQvOOwOOOO'-*OvOO:*OOvO: ooaoooa Standard Fire and Burglar-Proof Sares. Good selection of New mid Safes always on