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Newspaper Page Text
VOL. 13. NO. 268. RICHMOND VA.. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER Ul. 181)8. wi,iriii:ii POMK-IM farnttM f"r W.*ln>-*l.iv: Virginia L!?ht r.iln farly In tha morn. lm.-. probably followad by <>.irin?; li*ht, \ ? I ibid wlr-l*. Nortl .m.! louth *-;?nerallj fur |,r?-.-.-rl?-<l hv ruin <>n th" coaat, cooler; fr<-?h, ?<mthwoatrrly wlnila. PRICE TWO (FATS. .mooki: quiet and peaceable. Manchester's Bes! Citi? zens Commend Him. THE EVIDENCE ALL IN. The J * e Scone of the ling This Mit DR. M'GUIRE ON THE STAND. I; i I'i i-i ii all) Hitit Thal 'lu - win. uni < ii. i \ . of tmic ? I. i ii ni ,.i iin ' \ia\. ? ? ? : I I ' 1 t i i v < - v. .. I I U lill ; I f t.'.ut he ' . um ' I ' I I I ? r lt. ' -? I ? ' M I I ? I ? I : ? l iii tlio ? ? ? ? ' I ? ' I i I ? ? ? ? ? M r. i - ? ? - PRESIDENT HOME FROM THE SOUTH ', Unanimous in Their Ex 5 of Satisfaction VV I tlie Jon: ??? ? I ? ' - ? ? ? ? > ? ? "?of . tte dead, PENSIONS FOR EX CONFEDERATES Senator Butler Will Make a Move to Thal End. EFFORT ILL-TIMED The Southern V ire Not Pos? ing as PaujK PRESIDENT'S ATLANTA SPEECH l~ \ p|. i ind 11 in Moth 11 |,i.uni. ii, inn PropoNitkma Rm Pi n -i h. ii Made, llionld Sot < dm .i i nen ?*. i .rin Daniel in '.. i \ i . , , - Mon \ * - m ? ? I r ( ? ... ' ? - ? ? h - :' ? i , i ? ' r I ' I ? ' Hal I ,. - ? . i r I I . | . 1-77, ' ? I .. - I , ? ?? ??'iii. refoi (Conllnuid un Seventh 1 a_,oJ I i HE MURDERER li!!i:. SENTENCED. His Penalty Pronounced the Secotd Time. A VERY SOLEMN SCENE The Kindly Words of a Merciful and Christian J idrei HITE ACCEPTS HISFATE SILENTLY ? in'!... Homos Points Dui lo linn iii Way of Salvation1 .mi Besrechea ll un I.. Heck tin t >ni> \\ ... i.. .1 Belli . .'ol Iii ighter \\ III ld r. i 1 i mi ,l I'.i.ii.i I Only, 1 OTDTi >S, \ I ? ? ? ? . * tl. ? ' ? - \ I ? in tho ? - ? ? ? ? ' I ? ? ? ? ? ? ? A I ? THREE THOUSAND KILLED B* ? Powdt i M i.a/rin- i iploalon ill the i 'tiineee < anapni Hana ( now. - ? I ni'h i ? A GROUNDLESS RUMOR. iii.- Preaklenl "i Bnn liomin:*; > Has \,,i Been laa Marinated. .CE, ii \\n i> ran a ir . . i\. .,r Bm ? I 1 thirty Prince, and ?;th. _ a ? , i . rna bb ?annal in Clnetaanll. i v inn vii. " De. .. re tha ? ? ? ?. i ct. Au imitation bia ufct-a Kilt, 1.1'U, DAV DEVOTED TO EXPANSION. Teller tin the Senate and Williams in the Nous1. MGHT <>I: CONQUEST. Mr. Teller Says the Territory is Olin Regardless of Treaty CUBAN QUESTION IS DIFFERENT, *?li XX ill t. * i.i? Si,< tin. Ihai.K i.i <,t titi- Inhabitant, i ben Hakea 1 bern "i)i,n- |)<-vi ru li lc as I'iii/,n-. NX ..iilil I.i- \.- lin- I'lnlip pin.* lo Kihi Tin ir I )\vn ti, .\ i-i ilium!. lenator Tel of ( i Iud. ? Maintained th. i ind In ir ol the qm at lon, Mr. . , .ii i think tt..i.- ? el th.- po rrttory. OUR POWER. "If v\ ti foi ndei - ol ' ? I pot) iri - - lox. 1 ?' ' 08TQ1 HST. - ? Kilt to : ' I *-\\,. - "* upon thi te l ii dra ? :vr. ? ? ? , i ld ii"t .... ? \Ye I ??. ? ii" tim. ? ? i .... CONQl M I . tn w '?fri propoa. - ? be i- r ,,| Dy , ,,i.|,ll. .( rrttory," raid M r nay of ? - iv this ,\ . ? n I th. iii WlllltH ? ma i? Into ? ror ..f aaefc * i n a wai I -I In. NOT I.IK,*. KX'll.A.VI) "No coloi ? In imii.i. w ? and Strip. - H . ,r Bag will arwaj -? BOB! OIN r i'i'-- i ' . i '" nil th. people lenealh it* toidi Althoufh .iii "f ti. n I.- .ceo ? rtfhta of Anuri . in . ?!*? ti* th.- Bag will doa I bli tn of good ,iii,i pr | t.> tti. in aa n .!? ? In ri I) lo i question Mr. Till? man, Mr. Tallar MM h.. would aol w ir wi* li Uh P lu order t.> forei th'-iii n>- weald eonaull thooi is ta th. form of gOY.nun.nt, md red thai liv pursuing thia coarse w. ahould avoid tl,.- t,. eui ty "f ul'h tin- n.ith.-.*. rrernnMtrl mi?ht not i?- aa p . aa uurtf. bul nil ttvcvuiii- a.rvo, ill ? .1.'. and Intelligent and < ap.ii.i.* of nc oil aaa. BABILT i;civi-:i:v Mr Praetor hero interrupted Mr T " r ? I from B letter from Admiral Dearey concarblna tbe ch of the Pill plana aa followa: "Tbeee i" - i..- k-.v. rm -I without tbe allah tesl dirri- alt They re oin* jive in t,, ? ami I lin., not liol th,, allabtl I didi BUltr In dealing with th. m. ' ?Mr I tho letter of <n army etSeee la leraafl a of ti\,. Flllptnee an.I Indlcatlnn ra n- ? i be aa dil them Continuing, Mr. Teller <*\i>r. ase.1 th" opinion thal the hativea eaatd nm bl mi WaaMnatoa Tic end uti. rai ire itment, and th- re **aa a . ,'ic; tlc m. our BOUld Bot I ? ? thi m. Nu | * ; \ CANAL Mr Alllaon ...f lon >), rep il na Oommltti ? ? ii . - ml I withoc indi r nf the fl | , ? > ? | Will. m ii ka, M M ? : led ? !, on his :, I . \ WILLIAMS ON ANNEXATION. iii.- l 'lliplnoa Sboald be Lnfl Freafroen Bpnla toi.<i*ci n i hemeelvea, w IBU INOTi ?N H waa i on tbe i Ipplni i, Mr \', ? I >. h.,,. mei Affairs Committee, In aa I to i nould Of III. I illy, h.* -?ii.l,.: ? ari i ? ? \ ? thickly point la ? i In th<> an ? ? \ ..i*v,. Bad in ? . ? ? ?ir power oi' i bad b. .'ii iii Phlitpplrx . CUBA !.-? I'll In th" ease ..f Cuba, if ('" willina In Ht with .. i .'lld be i ? I Cuba'i . Berady Har peep ' be ai i wi'liln tin* ' -. . "Wa want no nnwllir Mr. U for th ? ? |. n of ? RE \S- i\S Ail \iN-vr IT. ? r ? tbe m. - ? -1 . i. "ir mi?h* be ?rell I In ml: v ? l in the . nd h ive to d until ?? | ? WOULD BB CITIZ1 Hi If they were aifnej In 1 If Ml rh tile . In the Th.- diffi - - [I m with tvhl ? tbei ', ??? ? If arl ' ::i Iii wall, hi Whli. lld . he !." HAU1 ? TH ? (Conti ' ' |.) HE CONDEMNS THE PRESIDENT. A Massachusetts Man is Severely Shocked by His Atlanta Utterance. Other Posts Endorse Him. BOMBriYILLdS, mass Dee. nb. r M '?'? A A I'- 11 ic--ml,, r ... 0 C. Kim * '. portion of P NI c. , m. nt t lini of I, ? from U McK \ I ? . ? ?? - who di. d for it- prea i * ition :n ni'. a -, ,,f thi , -? LU th.. \*,,-m band 'd' fellow-hip to .cir Booth lc ll- Hiv.- r ungrudgingly of our lo* whi.-h tatura Unailenn raanbMa ? ? bobbi *?> th - i t i nt di? rlnauiah ' * aaa ?avtonri an! h,-r ra." ENDORSED BY G, A. R. MEN. Sorilicrii Panta Auric w ith tha Pre ni* .I.-ni hm tn I'.Mii.'itcr.nii' Ornvea DtTBUQUBJ. IOWA, !***<? -*' Hyde Park Pani oi tin- ('. A t> hai Bl McJClale) - .*? linntlnucd on .** vud Peayhj TEXT OF THE PEACE TREAT! Furnished by a Madrid Correspondent SPAIN IS TO CI.DE All Public Property in the Philippines, Guam and Porto Rico. AS TO JUDICIAL PROCEEDINGS, JBdgementg Pr.owBewd ihe s, --I,,ii -Miall lu- I .ul. irct-il - <i\ il Cane, in ProgressHhall 1'un.uo Their Oowrsc Ttea\ta i<> be Within niv Mimili-. L"NH"N*. Di .-. _ i l-i-l Curlip li o .Liv Klves en arl f b. ll Ills word ii with ' -i thi leal .if M I and ' I Th. i|?I?-ir.*l In th. f M !?. I.I..wit. to Th- Times did ll"* ! I. ? II'll 4 ' the thir.l .in.l tl'th. \l Mft .1 lions, Arl \ v i hit - :? ! Philip* within three nontMr* ? .f thU PHILIPPINE .-. ?\imth?ns. |? r i'i ? ya* ? ? rn ot thi PhlllBBli mmte ? ? ? ? I'' ? ?I of the Antills i within . I by both irov colors, .uni.*, ? ?. with th'ir sar* i, powder, _Mat* material I evett ?? of Spain, In Ute Phllii < i i nu. i tho pro ? Bp un. i rhlch ar.- nut rt 11 lory, mounted In r" ?. r i i *. remain In position ' v tn.iiiili* fr..m th. ex h.m. I dnrlBg that period ? I ? r.-na.o said in .'? r Ul fros - both gerwa* meal wh\i- st*\iN cm i' ' nu* i Islands i * all buildings, lu? ll ?: r* ii .?:? rlfM - ~u h I - r> Iin qul.hrai ? ?' r ill In no n tl ? wi li i I ni ih-. province, and - In tbs I - illly. ? whli h ? l ? i i Iv required ilo* i H lt h r ? ? - ? ' Him i rs Ised ? . .,f be? lli h. I .,f th.-ir In kid ir .?ml irta of no ? . ri hept in ad* lela . - wbetb* ?' t. m<-n ? i DICIAL PROTBEDIMOi I -i,| of this v. ,1 >. Spain he h th. fol lear* . civil >r i-i criminal mat) ? ? ? ? I lu'*, and uraln.t nh ? ? r Uni tn i i .neal* ' i-r I In .ln?> f'.^m hy thi rrl* i - h ?. ; I law beta *n Indl 1 ? .Ir, I,led e.n ihi!1 pur ? iii which which lt S'IBH fRIMtN \1 '' * Third A "d fore . . ? P .-,1-1, sh-i'l remain under it* |urladl<-lton until Anal ','n bel i .1, bul Its ill be entrueted to th.- com* url tv In th.- i>l*i-.? wherein T . - ? , HleA I ,,f .i... : with the ? ind ral ?? within ' ill the P ? rommtaaloner. ind 'he ?. tli-iii-i-.-il \\'il?..ii l*cn en, MAO tN. OA., Di I 'me. ? Vrmy ba re ?i i I i under th.- fltar* and *--l ? a ' .i.. rdes that a tb* re* ibe papen ?.? Ih.u eftv i ar. lolnljr wilhOMt f.>_iic?a. Uoa. _