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What to Wear When Expecting a Pew Family Friends for a
New Veal's Greeting.
| ? r j
j ? ? ?
sen ln
of a
' homo
t, "lt i - tn <
'?? ?
7 V ."rf*-"
Wm ? <a
x ^r
I day as you would have your friends re
i? eel ve you em othfr tlays."
There ls a fad In Qet-M-H for the alv?
in* of Hilo souvenirs tn Callara DM
*anU*m*a uko calk* to wish you a hap
J jiv New Teer laka* away with him a
? trltie aa a r*BM ?branoa ot thfl day. It
J may ho a tiny celluloid celendar, or Iks
' flmalleat of *Uver glovfl battoai r*i or the
j \"ty tinhut stamp e***
Homo litt.'e arti'-)..' whi. h N laid in lb*
'. hand with i pretty ward of grsktlag by
I the ho*t**i as be wishes h*r a Happy
I .Nu* V' ir. Tbrouah *ini' touch of flea
ttnent lt t? tied arith a Mus ribbon and
thn gent! man, if lu- bs prettily mindi*.j
in iv Us il as a tr'inmtn-r to his watch
ekalfl to ho worn-until in* makss Um
aaxl call,
ll . callerfl lake arith them
? New Year
'??ir(- srlth a very pretty sentiment en?
graved ODO* lt .'."iii*- with tbs nani", '''it
tilts is not ol ad la by
it Ive mi 'i
Ilks to s-ijt the vi-ry formal
In!**ff of n\w Torh
t;.nulli wini Knees Hon Remarkable
-Peaka" i lian iii*-.
f one garni*
.| rther as <? ?? I ' ? fa-tarr
had laid tn- naMlvt i
? ?
Dm B
"it's what I < rfa**r
? mir al
to't et
; i
"d*y'S raps
ir r*r on
i.... tun k la it
1 i of Bri i * mi:.
la poetry mg Wile
r -
? for ' Mardi n d
I tb* I ? critic,
Miss Goodwin Describes the Latest
Paris Creations in Lingerie.
Preened In Clinging -iWirtu thc laii
Iiaia! ieUiow ii-t'ptlirl I* Very Slj
livii Mir I i. of lau ,- in I mit r
wenr -jCOiaol * <>veio
PARIS I"- ? t had tho glenora Um
other day, Um **ry ooiqoo pleaaora of
n)ng IhO farewell rev. iry al I
il lu Paris.
In I". ' IChOOl until
? . ? v.: i,|,, th- ra nie B Ki' Bl
al toaa* fashlonabl* noilhartaa.
ot twi Ive h girl ?- ed
. inetltution to remolo unti.
.i timi ibi
? boll*
da) i.- I
b< r I ,
I little
(tri. ai
h in wild ..
during ? lng, in the hour aiv,
- l.e'il',,,. th< >' have the RT".,!
. ? of ?' i >d thO*l They dan ?
' m| Hnv "in h other to the moo*
M are outarard \
ii , bj th " i who baw
cl trga "f th" KirW. but the K,,oi| a in- ?
and lara away I la; for
ira rigfatleM and aarleaa a bc
?oooernad, Thi ? l thc
i moat tender hearted won
tn Hi* world, ana i o
mere la beti
fata than to h. : I i I ?
? mam
. ,,|. iwayed n>' Url fluctuations
I ?'?y.
Imitation now by the yard, to be used
for Insertion. Corset .-ov^rw ^r? made
from lt, amt even whoi? skirts. Thee*
entire Valenciennes skirts are worn ovt
st'k patti ".its. irlvin* .1 very mu.ll
trimmed lai 1 y affect, n* you ian lma?
Ine. They ere worn only In tho house
aa they are too drill '"* for winter w?*r
In Um streets. They ar" no ni- re nxp?n
Bivs tkaa silk skirts, for In thea* dey*
of rel nt -np Alrts, \r~ry gretit ?*>
**a*S ts tataila- bi their manufacture.
1 noticed lever*] *"''?* of endsrweef
that were -*v*rstj* plain, though most
evoulslii'ly wrought, bl convent faehlon.
On* vonn* wpm*n wore a corset ***ea
thal bad aol even sn *?!?>? of trimming.
lt w*s hemetttched around the norie .md
armholes and around tho waist. Th*
wal*! waa eat deddsdly short. The en?
tire skirt wa. perfectly piela nnfched
with h<'m?flti iwvt tack* eba** th* h-m.
er whi'-h wa ...
wis band -nilir il'l'-n 1 and was do-rM
kss mule un.lor tho Judicious eyes of
ireful nuns (lathing can exceed
the faaelnefl* of thin b*a4flwerfc which I*
lt* thu lt -BOta an.1, f.-ois like
i ie* i ks great prtde tn d?tn*
this sort Of work, and any COBVSI I
woman will to!| you how faithfully she
r.v l to measure her stir^n*** and 1 t
?eek thread with tho mccantoal pra
clstoa tauir'if hy th* nuns
Women who co in aeclaty ?n'1 w?r
Ung dreeae* ot ty,* ,?.*?,,? (,r?
Inventing a sort of tight fitting auder*.
i- '1 does a< ' add to 'he r
Of tight* exhibited l:r
? ? to b* wt r 1
wlthi ll la ia so obnoi-loue to many
' 'ot cherish t
t imf" minina I* wser a set of tutus
and roi ti I ? g I tho soul of a ??
-'??-t putting on * dr.??'s
. ssl Of Ughtfl
A dsridsdlj nee a iterial fra ?k'rt
?ie mad* of whit* rhine
-.ik which gives a* falnssa al ad to
Sgure. Th" skirt was titted to tho
hips very flo*ely *nd waa got upon a
very narree ?? of silk, whl'-h
1 th* lower educ of the
thus 1 . filings
tram Um walai Th* skirt fitted tight
to ths knees 1 dened out vi" y
? wora with *n even?
ing di- -" ll * ia 1 deml-trela and lag
upon tl ... r ii laches io train.
Bilk and India I twn
? ammos And you ie* 1 hem a ? l
together ell th? time. Both ? Mb wWh
rind, In thfl hands of th"
up ft 'm
th* laundi jr though from the
1 -ir ire simp'.*
%uk -r- j^m
i\ / ' >_
? i / P*?J. *? VisjiiiiiiiiM
"TIGHT PITTrXQ l-\i;l'l;Uu\i. ...Mi n 0OQB Xo'H-ADI' Tu Tin; FIGURE
just before coot foi th- arin*
ter the
? ?' .. ll i ag if II, l . t?- Othll - I
wi.st? axproaaed, th
Bael ti.. , ih."
,110 to wear dui lng tha I
Wry few of them COOM bOBM for BtOT*
thoo a day or two, tu>: rrn\;tliu\tr of tho
I girl ni"i. i ? . . Lon*
or in Lire ri.i
Berlin, for i im all ..
roo* le tho J*arli !
It wc - ?? I
manta woi ? I
ottlea t > allow h : | a girl of '
?'.. on tho vere.
bot lo go w-iri/. ? iltabJ*
? ion fore it.
rive at the convent h- ii. w k oro
: by tho i
ibo moke*
? i aitneeaed ot the ;-,,unff ia- I
di o' b arding m ?.
it aroa the eight ? clo< k !
and the iirii . d out
gally in ChriaCmai underwear arith
o'toao, . aging tho l. ir
aw .vy.
As I faahleO writer, th"i:;,-h a ?
I noted th.ir pi
I lt to oe l ?
? ' nod it for tho .
of rn;.
( the yoong women, who "
VOry re n g\,\ from m !
dancing r.i;ht merrily. | ,i ?
tl, oat of whl ? . ih tim.I,.. ,i with
?g**U v ls tho
: easily frayed I u ? ami I bga t ..
I of ut ? yean , ? tf tht
i difficulty bi laundering lt Bot. with
?.11e. lt can be ? ..-. The
1 unique featoro af ha ono
j which attracted nm n ana thal h
skirt lt h.. bed -is tho
I "en rc I th? -le.rt -:- ri p || n
J the outaide. it was trimmed ilk" tn
other, although lt had no rutlb around
tho hom.
cons ft mvicrt.
The corset color wa* a very pretty
piece of notch lace shirred BpOO tba
shoulder Bod under the arjns. It was
brought down to the haft where lt was
fastened with pearl battons and was tut
1 to a belt which was also of B
lace. This was the filmiest kind ld a
corset cover and waa decidedly on* cf
beauty. It could be worn with an even?
ing gown; for, even should lt show at
th* nock, lt would hav* a very Uci-llkt
Valenole-tnee lace ta worn a great deal
ah tho sauna way.Thlo lao* ubobo io tba |
IO flflakfl and a .- ,,>? ins;,,,,-,
them i -.iii... i. ml upon
ber /. i , i ? nd I',
- i
w it.
.1.1 i.ii'ii.- \\ as mind.
Even wti'-n blaessd alth Btsedy nerves
it n ?? . ? of a
I Wi niau
at;v in isculine will do, .-??:, . I. ij
to Ul*
a well- Iri !
UH 1"* a lin!" 1 un.
? Sir ' . ? ? r
your an
irk" srajr, and t!-.., fltaa e
: -hit
' ' r bl* urm - ->i th*
? ?
. . ; ...
tn." hs
m Mind."
And ' ?: tte turned
< \i IRRH n\\oi iii < ? ki i?
? ?
tarrh ls a bli
and l'i
l*rnal rvmed* - ii... ?? ?
tahaa taiaraaliy. tai :,y ?"?
tho blood and mucous ll ,11 .
Catarrh Curo U aol t quark mi
It was pr. Berthed
slclans In this cou ? --. and ls a
regular prescription it la comp*
the best tonics known. - "i tba
best blood pur uer. .-uti: -
mucous surfaces.
tlon of the two ingredients ls wh*
ducea aitch wonderful results In curing
Catarrh. Send fer testlmonlala, free,
p. J. CDENEY & OO . Props .
Teisdoii Ot
Sold by druggists, price Tlc
Ball'* ramil/ Pill* are th*