Newspaper Page Text
VIRGINIA'S LOANS IN EARLY DAYS. Her Claim ol 1812 Closed Years Ago. HISTORY OF MATTER. Q m of Interest Was the Bone of Contention and Tv. .Von. CONGRESS CAN RE-OPEN CASE. Aa Waa P ?? '" Bart rnl i Mtnnoee le Um Peet, Rnl the Probabllii ? *m ii \< ' 1."i m. 1 term te Mr, 1 Bill Now in I "inline 1 \ 11 ^iin.i Keuator, 1 n - , ?el ? ? ? ? ? 1 ? A l: I j . ? - J I ? ? - St tl: ? : ? ? ?11. bul 1 ; ? I : A ? ? ? tual lona !m ln'erest had Leen Incurred li I dl?p^?^d of Interest.bearing securities or kavir.* sold *ortrts "-, r?i?* tho monev provlfloa was mad* in several casta to retmbure* f?tnfr>?i for Bach Ir>**e*. but it asama thal i wa* unwilling to Interest had not been paid directly rmi i>r State I ? (plain? ed more full* In the n port >>f the ; low, RKIEKL1 HI Al BU .? story bril fly tin- itat? \l* ni ? rn men t. i ot mix n wi-li |i : ? of - ? . v. I I ? ? \> ITltnsr : I *71 JS 1*78 ? ? u h< the n<l ? ?. I during I ' ' ? ? ! In : ' ? 1 I ? ' ? ? ? ? . ? ii I ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Tl i I ? ? I ? l ? ' M A I. - ? I 12, 1J ? ? of the ? ? I f 1812 ? ? i I ment of \ ? . Bte that ty Interest i At**, bo tar as I hara lwi a ????:. ?nv. uni the act pmvMing for payment Intareat to her expressly reoltee:' "The ?jany eu expanded having been drawn by j ?u th" Btatfl from n fund 'ii".n wntm ?n?? I waa i hen i' i eh In* Inti re I nret "f ni ' ? the payment - ? ? ::.l of Marc... 1 Hil , ..! \ lr*lll] : folios . . prop, r H of the Tretsun I ? rn-., hen ' '" "' ? i.l VU. ? ?]<-r.t..'. ! the ? I \ ? to vin ? ? - ? ? ? i - ? ? i ? i ? . ? ?? i ? i ? i ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ii ? ? i . ? ? THE OTHER BIDE - i ri i Inten to Mai her Inter. Urned thal L'nltad fl n* ow.?! Vii *1nl i. fin Inter. thin* of principal, more than this $;,s: non, thin sum should ho a payment on account ot fha Interest ? from tho VnlMd Suus to Vlrjltila nnfl tneretore trnn Wai tims snouid Senr no Interest If 'he i nlted S'.ites had simply loaned Vlrglnln ,t that time out of Hs treasury ISW.otsi there would h. lu the < "ii'.,.j,,;, that Virginia should be permltti i I ppij the same In nt ??! the i dd not ? " bot tho . Ir cumetani ea of Um n take th<' hi the '?'-?? - r ii, inlfesi thal r rn. .. ..?li application | ., ,:,| i* made "Thl noed hv tba ?- Interest - - fTI I due until ISM i Ju addition to t : ttee find thus paid In 1WW to Vlr *lnla. ' ih" bonds mention! d. a ? -, nf tho mon I tai y of the teri or I I thia I tmi nt-? m.ide ? bly un i fund to principal f ill. d lior In ' I -. . | ? ? BDfJ vi: ROTSR. COMPTROLLER'S DECISION. The Paper HTh ci Re opened I> ?< ns -I..H ni tin- ii. ii i, sj eat hm ?:? Comp* ? rtment, i ? teary. I Of thc ?ion of the I lng for ffnent Of the I Oov ? i ... spaying I ? ? .. the ?? 'f ? i mi and apply SDB by the In Btate if Juna - duty it ol tba '. ? .! uni i -y ? - mi ni ? t 15. 1 . V W'S .'. Illili ? appro n ? f Vir Rl md tho ? ? - : i.T I Statute* 'ault fn ? - I , ? . . v. ile, or nt from the - ? | . r ,' Btatea ? I thua ? h a. t ? ? ? ? M ii fur. i In ' ? ? ? i to n the I then fer to - ? ? right - Mr : Btory, li ? thfl common ? " ap. ? , ? rhile I latuti .I ? it i Hon I :?"?. re. - mi meed l ? niano teeni ? bs rrf i I the debt of tbt apply ? ? thfl provis! na .,f .-, i. HELD Ai TRUBT1 It 1- 'hat the provl >r.s of section SiSl relate to stocks or I ls of a 8"ate field by tho United ates in trust," and that these stocks e now owneJ by the Unite! States. A whsn th* United Statoa, Tn pursu ance of tho act of Congress, assumed tho obligations of tho trustee, lt must be (??iii tu have become aubroguted to all tim rlght.i af the trustee lu res;" rt to th?*so Btoeka. Moreover, the statut* ?pa othcalljr provkraa for withholding pa" un-nt fur the reimbursi-m'int, with In? terest thereon, tt moneys advanced by tho UnMed Ital** an aeooont of interest Aa* "ii sn ii atoeka inti bena*.' "lt ts BB bo further ohB*n>*d that, there ls ik doubt whether a ault again**. B Slate is contemplated by th* ?"t of March 1*7". S'" 2 lAWrafBSB, First Comp.. I.,, nt-87. As fha preeecufloa of such a suit WOOld It-volvo anon tim Attorney. il. I will express no opinion BOOB that Quaathm. "I have tho honor. In reply to your i. te stile In my judjrcent. lt is the duty of the gauataiy < '".hi Treaaury in parsoanct of the at. vs referred to herein to withhold pay: ant of this claim. "The crtliieato of tho Auditor ls hero Wtth retuned. 'i. pectfhlrjr vours. '?lt. J. TRACBWELI* "Comptroller.' . LITERARY GOSSIP. <> int:.- town ol Bi ihl beral How Btlll W* Bl ?? tin * lie; Above thy deep ami dreamiest .?!cep Tha silent atari ko by; Vet in thy dark a tresta ahrntth Th" everlasting lkht; Th'- hope* and fear* of all tht venn Are mei In thea to-night. ?lii.ih'.p PhUUpa Br kn. Tho ndmirers of MargorM Deland will ba ph teed t,, know that a collection ol - mnler Die tit, Tah - is ii't from the pr- aa ? ? been pobuahed aerially dur* r, and ar* now In.i hi book form. Tiny aro character ikei ;, j bbb aoold *ay "t baK , ?? r ' Ph* quaint old eherac '? r- rr. ike OO* think Of "I i nfl rd. Tills s ? ma t.> be ii" ag* of "Crnnford" by Mr*. Oaakeil ba* taken i j"w lease <?> jj/v a baantll m brought out. "Th" Moth :n ll irriage Marka) noe need, m momi to !)?? a bli of patch* Coreill i. i. i v t ? (Counteaa of Maimebury) anal Kira, 11 Annie I .;' tht tn ?-' uni the bi b l.ks i "The Lift ,,! H nry Drummond." \.| mi Smith. Tbi* ls the1 au i biography of th* autbot ot "Wa i la the Spiritual World," and "Th ? On steel Thine In th* Worla." Tht pUbll ihl I letters, :, and a new series of Drum? mond's wrll millions <?' person th.> w rrtd, rel Hem t i iniroB in, la almost unknown to the world al burge, owing to his quiet I retii ence; bo that Mr. B) l\leith' ti,' ll. revelation even to tha ararmeet admirer* of his b Along the r rival '>' ? nu i tha nearly of i 'hu i.-s i. 'mil, pam i 'Ol* ri,11; ? and tin- LiOJ di I ed under tb* title "Chariaa Lamb and tht Lloyda." lng of Charita Lamb bringa to mind pope, who died inst before Lamb area born, and f he follow lng I ll Cdotat ter Pope, tho poet "I I ? nMmi nutlve hunch-back, who bad himself t by s t every morning. Ht ii known I "? a* and l . whi n. \, r ha \i 11 croaaed, and to ero** hun ' ? ? \ imlnlng a ? and found wh"li h i."ie nf ib< ni could Iranalelt Pi a young ifBeer, who was atandlng by, tated the prlvll i mining Ihe P who aaked to ace a rn ntl nee a I r had failed I I, m his na ? ( mai cript." ? i tim i-. i'm. up .n examining tha Bent* nee, I an.i pointed out that an Inten mark Introd ertaln p< Inl . Intelligible, nar lt waa out. i'"i" '?? '. turn ? tempi ll an inti in ??? ition mark doarn th* ??,. him, td,. young ? ed: "An I ? "Tue Mormon Prophet" I* thc title of a iii. As th* rn i'll Br iii: the founder of tht I ?? Roma Immori i - ii li R i in ex li for the authur is it will bi found thai of ro? il wi ik tn ll i ma ? ? ti ? Mere? dith'! "The : ortly make i ? ndon v. i Ittan I i rttii a sai -? that il la Imp t,> t.ik i f arti la s.,me n"ti; ?? of Kipling - it t,i bim, ? ?n board I in the Channel, "1 Mr. KIpili _ ni.. "Soldier and Sailor, Too ' nd lh*n In ti,-ir enthusiasm aome dosen young mi alt, ? the i i their .' m neil.'J Mm atong In fri umi'li, and Uti ii the b i Jpboard id PS I [t wai I luthor red. ? ? u | h tva been ? iliad for within tin- last month I -ri e Day** Vfork," which la In I Hall's i ? ; bi . ( !: tand'a "Cy rona >i. >th thousand; by Netti* l!: mi han tenth thom md; "The ] ? rhood." by M iry !?: Wilkins. fl| ? "Rob Battle," atventh th* isand. 6 The X ur.e I ? 1 L'S Ol .\ i ? man 11 ? le; "A 11 Introduction bu :? ?- Admiral B impaon; and ' Whal bl Do for a livtngt" by < h urie* A GERMAN HARE. ?Ir. i:. K. Vii tor tito Re*link nt ni a lilli.- ( luitoananGlil T<> l>a\. Mr. i: K fi ? r, of th.- wall-knoam irm of K. K .Victor n Co., tobacci I of I ..?. to hun by a bualneaa friend In nt. commlaaioned ls clerk, Mr. fjuatav Kl 0 h" mi hand at th- Union Depot on ar ival of the %'Jt r. ht train via the Rich? mond, Frtderlckabttfg and Potomac rail oad, jivii'iiiiy, to receive the areli bm i.'t. whli i pi ... 1 to bo a base, or Ger* ian i: ip-, measuring with Ila tl full length, thin. a from th tip ol Ita front 11 tba lp of l.'.-* hla . ir. Krona, ex ited much euria. l-nt; peopll ask"d what it waa, and hero in the world such a rabbit came rom. A e'-tter du?c riewed it cauticuily >r a moment, then Stiddi ,| pos i \>. ;',i ? : -.- i thal lt was a foreign ?i ul prey, probably a young linn, aaked Ila tall between Us legs ami iughl aafaty la night (neand, lt seemed magnificent specimen of Its genus, and ?> the epicureans) who viewed lt with louths watering thought, but Mr. Krume ivs lt ls only of tho average size of Ger ian hares. Tha animal was shipped on tha North erman-Lloyd ateemioip Kaiser Winiam Der Grosse, which asfled1 from Hrf-m^n on tho nth, arrtvteg ba Nen Stork ctiy on the 20th Instant, hy express, to Richmond, nrrlvln* h. r.- yeati all In *ood time and condition for Christ. maa dinner at lion Air i.M'r. Vlctoi*a i bateau bein* ?Ranted ht that balllwh ki. Tho game ls In primo OondlUoB, and tba company which shall diana** th" ?) H clous ragouts nn.l Other laflXhaOBM viands la to be flnvtfld. \ i ok.mi <>f 1 iflteem. Tho final rebeayeal of tba nhrulmea music of Qflatie flt ree I Proebytertan choir took pUeflj on last I-'rnlaj- evening. To? wards the < ios.- Mr J. S*Ott Parrish stepped lu: wa id and, in Um aeme of fae m. inhere Of th.' choir, prOteeted tho di reotert llr. Preen; Staytoa Thompson, with g beautiful ullver-mountod flbony baton, ea a token of their fl Mod ship andi eetoom. Mr. Thompson Iflhfltl completely hy surprise, and. though deep* ly moved, .s.ioii found words in whh !i to flgpreaa his appreelatton ar hfling so kiudiy remembered. Tho baton is btatlfuly engraved with Mr. Thompaon'fl monogram and tho words* "norn ltira cs Rt J Choir, Dec. ii, l- ? A Ne** Year's Hunt. Tho Deep-Run Hoi ada mo yesterday at Westbrook Kat", and enja I run attar a live fox. on Min: r'.uti win have a Nen-Yflar ? hunt, meet, in^c ?l ti,.- kennel* at l o'clock. Those in Mi.- included Rum Sophia I >r. .1. A. White l>r. P. C Bb II Lenta Croxton, Mi ron i! Hoi" rt Tritton, P. i ? '? W v Townee T, m. Wortham, J T. Auder non. J. H. j. Anderson, L C. V I ifford of \\ i ihlngton, D. C., H. l. M rah ill, .iud g. li fl .fl wa* Connell Commltteea The Committee ? i ?'.- inda see Build? ings n ..? I '..? ont irei ? M Kari Irman)*, Perriti i . re ip ? roved and i "halrman ?. lUihor ;ed tu flign tl,.- ? i in- a r wa i ?? illed t.. rn", i at 12 o'clock y< at< rday, ' ? -ju mater ill* ?) the mei Ul . tl-.o c.ill of the tho su' Mr. Head in Lexington, Kr i !bai .ii Ri ' Jr., ??? ll-knoem archlteel -.' Rlchm ind, la in L xington tabing BMaeuremi nt* of th< ^ plana for Its enl irgemi 'it. Mr. I: I tho Union Theological Seminary, recently i ompli ted in Rli bmond. Hi o it.- ..f tho Virginia Mllltar] I Rn kbridge < Sou il ll irnewa Htolen, Thomaa Smith, allaa Henry j.>hn?on, . i officers yesterday, charged with Uk I of a I 'ii a farm, r named Bfi i HAWK BTATEMENT. NEW vi irk, Dee. 21 rhee s- i? ? mi Burplua re?( rve, li I .:' Specie, Increase. 4,44it,Ouo I legal tandi r io :r< isa . la.usi Th.- I. ? of tho requlr menta of thi _ rule. NAVAL STORM WILKINOTi 'V. N. C., Dec 24 BPIR. ITA ' '!?' TURPENTINE Firm ceipts, ii. Ki 'SIN Nothing i ? i, -ir '.?I DE TRPEN | fVR Firm a' -*i 'io (j ?_'."' ? tau -Firm at Ji io. i BAVANfrAH, OA., Dee. 24 SPIRITS ru-' Tt'uni:\Ti\i: Firm al ip ? ROSIN'- finn: sales, I -'T. h irrels; r. reipta, 1.72!) V /:. C /? ll; 1>. JI.lo; <;. vi I:, ll. *l ::..: f, Jl I". K. $1.55; M. *1 i "? N ??? |1.75; water whit) - ? CHARLESTi IN, B C., Dee. "t TUR? PE.V.VTI.VE Murki I . Ii' ISIN **i:-:n i. TOP lt vi Iii. I 244, 1806. ? Rlchm - Un ?'. ? aha w's Wan - ? ? Total, 148. , Pr! vs ;-.-?.. ?f the pi hm ni ? I ' ? ? \ 14: leaf The ' ; for the wi ? k ? ?, ? lit & hogs ? R< I ? ? relnsractloi ::_? h "I- ind 1 tl Willi :m? St Refiling's, Shock* ? ? ? i,18 P The N v wal I, I : I addi .1 n ? ort for the ??? dav: Ri . : [)1 20T7 ' for tin .? ? ? 1 ? ' fr?": plug lol 1314.52 - United Bl ?>??>?>??-????????? ? ?? ? ???<????? f. i on oar store la l in ? k If th* crowd ??! ? tho ? ? ? ally f. : ? i line of Uta t to our au v know tho eaekera .ind the reputation of th. STEINWAY, KWABE, HARDMAN, KIMHAM. and STANDARD PIANOS amen you buv one you are aure of making no meal Walter D. Moses & Co. S 1003 Muli. Mre.-t RICHMOND, ? - VIRGIN!.*, ? Have you seen the Graphophone talking machines? a) i T Mona on tobaeco for fha clfv of Bl<5* .????nd \"i f"r the wrett ending tO-dayl flgnrs nnd rlgnretfes. l.TI 'jrvi.-.a; plug U> baco, $1?,?27.1H T..1.1I, MH."..7f.O. . Our Mr. Hamnet (Hover, of Louisville. Kv. whs on 'fhaugo to-day snd rocetvea ?.r.JMl greeffijg fri,ru his friends.air. (H..vp U In ??*-hmund fur tho holiday* on a visit to his family and mnnoctlons. Il \it 1 ni: Dm efi-.ber 25, 1W*. Cbriataaaa Day. Sun 11- s .7:^4 A. M. Mun s.'j . 4:?jO I' M Moon south .M>:41 V M. hirst high water . -, *J A. M s.cmid ilgh water . *'?** *? ** I neem ber 2?. 1?W th) of Trenton. 1771 ! Sun rl? a ."-'-* A- H' Sun esta .*?[ P- JJ' ; Moon aouth .ll:** ?? JJ ! Kirs' high water . ?:?A M. Igh water . 3:29 P. M. PORT OP RICHMOND, DEC 2*. l?w. ARRIVBD. Steamer Albagajrll. G ver. ?aa* and passengers, md Steiimshln fninranv. Norfolk. Nut as J* fore rep<>r' bjBBBBBj Steamer Gulf stream. Tunnalh mer chandu* nnd pa Clyde Line. Philadelphia. , - ? . ? ? m?rrnan> Alas nnd [? >ss. ngera, Virginia Navigation Company. Norfolk SAfLKD Steamer Albemarle, Glover, nurenan* olia and passenger*, Old 1'omtnlJB rn my. N >rf< lk. ri*reh?n l'"in ul .n FOR PRESENTS. Reliable Hi LD SIM 1 .'1 I ?? M?d By!" 1 ;i . . 1 than. 1 ? te suit ? Mull Order* Promptl? mended T??. The S, Gsleski Optical Co. Ol.". I .1st M.lill "sll.M't. rector] Ne. tl James Bros., Cash (iroccrs. 608 East Marshall street 'PHONES: Old, 7G; New, 494. We lead the market in Xmas Having bought ? laigl lol very cheap we grill id] thea at the follow lng pi ici Our goods are all new stool. ol the beat quality. FIREWORKS CHEAP .-5 (florid 1 doaea. seo .ll Nw l.'Jtl . . ii 1 .\i 1 Lemon Pei l .l] .<H \ .? . U . I .lt alli ly . <f. .<x . ia . . . tin . FRESH Bl I rER, 150, i . . . . . . IS Bai . . ? . . ? ' . Li n ' ? k| ? . r . . . . . I ? ll . <* U . il . ? i A Merry Christmas To AIL Wedgewood Blue. The Latest Novelty in Cor? respondence Papers Wedgewood Blue la a tnw paper which, when ?tamped or illuminated in w hit*-, remindn you of tlif beautiful effect of tht celebrated Wedgewood China. Although thia article has only been *>n the marketa very short time, it lias proved itself one of tile raoul popular and desirable ?haden ever brought out lt is the Intent addition t?> our vern large line of high claaa wright* int) pattern. We have all the newest and most desirable shades and qualitiea In tine pa? pers from all Hi" leading manu? facturers. Everett Waddey Co. Stationers and Engravers, 1105 East Main Street.