Newspaper Page Text
NORTH CAROLINA VETERINARIANS. [ Carroll of Wilmington Elected 'ont REPORT OF SI REGIMENT. Qaat, rodd, i bi M. i ' hal "iv- "i \\ In... Mn..i i. * R a* Re larted bj Maj ? * t? ? , H. Dat i-. , ? K.l. H.I I I' I. 'I. c - ? ? ' . WEDDED IN AP X. ? - i bo >ii. k. ? GAVE THE PASTOR A WATCH. 1 nu li in P..iiiim Hoi - ? I ? i I RELIEVE TH: .. ip ? ? i. i Halie I ? Absolutely Ihjre RAKING Powder Makes the food more delicious and vt holcsoine LEIGH-STREET ANNIVERSARY i ? Habbaih Behool i"< i ''-1 rotc Ms i ort] Fifth, ol Iha I ni will u thia I ? ? i li M ? ,? lir ? ' ' PERSONAL AND GENERAL. lilli i< >- ii (? I .nt. \linii' lin li lin mil's ? Hi/ ns mid Ot lier 'Niall' ls. ' ' ? I ,' ' ' '.'.ill !>? ' ' ' 1 Uno for Baltimore to i ' ? ' n I i . ? MESSENGER BOY DETECTIVE. 1 Mtolen Wheel i I < Bpinus ii,r I h terelen J ? - \ hrlti moa I ? i. the ' ? Qa Iel in si.,i,. mil, ? if al noon. ( lever RU of Wort : ' I ' Rubi nea* a- I rani. ? ft ? \l lin .1, fl. i son. ' I : ? ? k 1> tfi ? J H Mush ii.- Taeeday. ? ? An \rni) Frome. LONDON : Daily 1 ? grap* , ' -nu In i. ty UcalU. CARTER MIST BE TRIED AGAIN. i - d from Pi- I > ? I WI" ll lt I sa I ? lin during his 1111 : Mr. 1 ? to hai ? - ' rd trial. ? ' of Infll BATTLE SHIPS CANNOT LEAVE. Would Re Rottled ip in Kori Yorb Harbor Rni lng Lon Waler, ? - ? In the hm I reef and ? - : to gel . I ' I ? ' view I : ? ' LITTLE DISORDER. Christmas Ere Pease* a* an Orderli ? ? ? -i m. ? ? i ? ' ? of . ? lenli nt. Mm h in Little ' ? . . . ? ? I ? ? ? ? I i 'A ? - ' Litererj N I ? ? . talking ai...ur notl ? ' - ? | th,it it n I i, . ? ' nlth his 1 I \1 Bj li \ McCarth; ' ";. "Tho K- I ' ??<'??????? " I >r John Wal !l ttl ? piing, Mr Kail ('sine ba* slread - .h.. Um Amflaioaa pa-Miic with aum* blag t'-' ? ? PETITION TO JUDGE CLOPTON. Citizens of Ettrick Protest Against Ad ninstraion of the Law, ARREST ON SMALL PRETEXT. Thc one ? r Benalta*" tl ? 1 r Bach i .is.- and tba I When*? boiga i hat tin- Fee lulim in''s the Ofnont ti. Muk' tin Ai :, BL PETERSU1 RG, VA., 21 III ,. ... I ? tent t'> v. I k pre . ii no* ? ? offlcer | i I - lng tnt ? I I ? ? ? The - i ? L.t. 1 ' - ra tar . .' : ? ? I with i who ran , i . , Mr. It. > li i I ' \ ? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ill. Mr. Buln ? rr t" - ? ? ? ii i il : "I Iii ? ? ? ? I a A. P. V. A. PLAY. \ i il Hammer Night'* Dveani Under >iNs Nam hi" Direction. ?I of "A v oat ht Pi i - v. ill b'i / \ / \' ,ir?vfl <4 if 1 r MUM NANCI BROi 'KS. it th.- . ? v i.'x' l Bl ' ? ' .'??? I-.u". ' ? ? Mill bo s.'inli I ive* in Hoaem Man. li a til M r it, the I : trance i ? ..-.-. we i n in, who hi For Dyspepsia. Horsford* Acid Phosphate Ag.-eeablo to the Taste. Tako no Substitute. NO PtiiTB COW About Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab? lets They Curr stomucli Troubles ami lu. tligc-iiiiii Anywuy, Whether You Have l-'aith PB Thou or Not. M'r- faith will no; dlvst your food for yoi, will not adv* you an BppoUts, will ree** your beeb and strengthen and lioart, hut rit.. tri . Tahlet* win a* thea* thing*, be* oauea the> uro comiw-.-d of tho elements of digestion, they contain tho Juh"s, ai kt* ..r.i peptone* B*e***ary to tho ri ead a aat nt ita Una ot ali whoie tome I Stoart'a Dysrenaa] TaMeta win dig* t 1 in n jar or bOtUt lu nate* : -. .;. rreoa, and Un ? will do it much i Uvely winn taken Into ? ?'.I. b after meals, whether rea ? bey nfll or nit. They Invigorate la ? atomm-h, make "?1 and st: , . In tho only nay that Mature i ...i do it, and Um) 1*. fi a -> enty ??( a '?? At n tn" food artel it, but what thal >N>'-s u" good. : ? ? ' Tal Nts nre sold by aearty ail druggbrta .-it ;..i cnn for full ?Iced ; ?- ly mail from P. A. . , Mai hall. Mich. vtctloofl and tho fl to maintain . i- lent M K i.. .. :?> Mull a ni ra, il bl * RenubllCfln, bat ho ls an honest K'-;.uhih sn who < onech ntlou ily I - and th" Booth ItU of his politics.? Richmond Timi --1. Then corudderatlon which oar contemporary omits to mention Tho ? ft .tn the oil-time, but ?our.d. I . di if:-' a f'.r :,,. ..f th" od:. .? rani Investa him. ? ..Hil "tli. a in this nation ls bea a dlfltlni t sphcr.. I ?: l appreciate, InstlnctrVi I ? i ? ? .ii", n of tho v, ? . bang* Um rn ra evei r<. '.ot tho a remain* the b BfcTHbfcHEM. Tho Plana of tho Nativity. uv REV. OBOROR H. KAY, D. D. i . ..i- iivo mll"s ?outb, '-r a lit ti.- * ti 'ii from . m. A I" mtif ll I flO .> leada to it from th-.- i ii :,! [ur two miles, till you :? gi li tl i Levitt -.??;??. -iis u th* Bock* in wiil.ii n? ? .r th." tempi* a*e rj these ihi . -,v tl..- sudden light ihlne in ' - : d m . . i ? ? Prom rely macadamlaed r,. oj i: - in- ss Hebron, tnak"S , th" Bethlehem. Iou pe** mil ..:- thi lin between Judah and P.- i through Um yht l- Ai r , Of th" kin. ? i i th.-. Phillletlnea. Ti-> cultivation of (ha s.ui hero ema better ri,au in other part* of Pal - . fi m th" plaina, Bethle? hem ni.ik'-s .'ii Impofltng appearance, -. The ? io th.- daya of Boan ? in th' : . .in for ri." grape, the pron in abundant \ k ld. ami : David ;i' :wiirt .-md beat looking ur rhe ? burch of tiT Natli i- mea io ta b \ i. ? tin.' th.- great who at i ted 11 r in devout sim erl! r. 1 the ll -???ld. thal I croaa Ha ti. ig hs - i lon ..(' hw ? ,, uiic? ? -. er them. W* ma/ i u| i" .-?; thal as an *xpn . lr . di's faith la tod .: thin i hmi h ovei born in p i I., i i f p .r.-. Ir Ul bl '"? i ? .:. , '(all ' ..f til", or ili? wan :? h: but ther* bi almon absolul il thia la tr, Th' lt--.i' ? - and a slu .. i Rmper r of Rom* beilsv od it. He caused ? ? .\ ,.,.:,. ? ? to i.rei te i ovi r Un I l< di ?? d t i Adonis ii..- fal led IAD I not an ? ? brirtlanlti as did ? il ns, neel ly M ). .us ;,. . | UUnh h -ii- ? I ? virtue . Justin Martyr, whor-.- geners UOB OVi r tapp* d that Of St. J"',n, and I ? it, b.-ii.-v. .1 lt, and st Jerome abo llvi .i In .> ai . v to make ? i; of Um Hoi) Sepulchre aear i - ? I that ol NaUvity al Lb built aim by Constantine about D. Wi- i: ira bo record ..f doubt as to the crotta of til.- NaUvity. There is doubt thar, it is ?lid to bat I In honor of Helena, mother <>f Conataa* illy foUoerln* a red tba er nfl on a bich Jes to have ld sb* i'.uiid tho other two ? lei a otoh women teach it ? d lo wliat he eon . th* auperiUUona or' bia pamela to pom r; ema i ehar* WI., n ;. || ? I by the i. -.?;? rn a or Peter Ute Hermit, an-i Uwuaaada of om saderfl rushed to th* rescue of Uta 11 ? ? t >? Land from th.- dominion i f tit" R i in Um eleventh century, they found this hunk in * sta'.- <>f di and re modelled it. ' ??; tho c. n . and the red atone 'pillars, Which flUpPOrl tin rn, itlid A (? I i, are all thal is u-ft of that nn rnpla an hiteetum it is :r now hy Prenoi. Tba 111 ..f knighthood on those r.."k i n. H SI* w..uing away hy th. Per Matty Ltd years th.- "lilorii In RacetsbY' has I within th-, fl walls, ;,nd bj | U i \ ! . a ot ehetrfl ra ?! "haiit of tb* multitude . it maa d ly, all reiv-ailns; th" -mg nf th" SI ii";ird again In Bfl the J ? hy. lt lc a day of pig" ratry, ? day of ezettemeai It is th" samuel whirl of li.'thleh. m. Thc tb* etergy fOWned and a.tired lr. ibi ra l'M'ting ? multitude oa these Baird mi rice* ll lt -.'!?-.i h.iv. slowly reUn I l organ is still; th* murmur ol vole** ls hushed. foo ar" doa* as tho twilight lather* la, ?BV* a .-i rlsl .ri, wno. vi lt li lamp lil hand milena \"i dona the thfrteea steps to ? .. arbere Cbrlat was bom. Tim anthia* Khan of two thousand -? .od to the right of the mouth of tho cave, whose hospitable hull*, wore so < row.le.) that there waa no room f a Kary, UM mother of Jeaus, has long since faHea bi Beear. You do not bundles of prowniler. aome of nhlch were ?rraagad in a manger for | th.- Indy I .mlly Kocle.sla.stloal landry of gold and MfVflf has made the mored placo unnatural and vul*ar; but In tho light of a semi-clrile of silver fl* a bright silver star that niiir'-.* lae flpot Of th* incarnation. It ia kept in .alu b>- th* t ai-* and lllssne, it pilgrims. You do BOt kneel H..Q, bat you do kneel und nd Ulssses to kiss or I forget all j da* In that hour when alono In tho birthplace of that life that has bora Jn jrrOBataa through thone ccnturloa; you feel "ihrlat in you tho hopo of glory." a onoto hoar a nev*r-to?he-forgotten hour. An/ hour of deep rmotlon that ?" tongtin t<r i>on < in describe. And thm vou como fnrth utulop* condurt of your dragoman, p?.ss un a bot k street nnd atand on a spot that overlooks tho field of Judah .when "Bhepbordl WBteb*d their fha k*" In aneh a night twenty centurlea ago, and so? the occasional Isak Bf tho meteor or hour the bloat of a lamb, ur tho cry of tho night watch In I'.othlo tn m. and in that nari you ire laying in your heart, the angela aro yet singing, "'."??rv to Ood In tho hlfjhest." and you think of tho grateful multitude through tht lani who' th* pl< Iga of Ood'*, "Good will tl n.iii' When Kine too* mon arraaond tho twenty-five choir-; thal David trained for tho dedlcaitoa. ? the tcmp!<\ and OOrnet and tnimpel and organ and all tho Inftrumenti nf mu?le nora toothed with tho accompanying voice of song, it |? Bald that vldetti i wert M -i i tO catch tho tobo; from hinton to hilltop tho dedication hymn Wag wafted, and sn tho people Bl homo an over Paliatloa Joined In tho This song of tho angdh'. boanning Bl Dethlebem, has hoon rolling on. an thal "dweller* In th,- valleys and on tho moun? tain* shoal to tech other; nnd norn mountain top to mountain lop, th. v catch tho flying; Joy." AU peopto and kindred and tongue!* ar.- learning '.lils lg ?f "Pinna aa Barth wal go fl win to nun:'' DROWNED WHILE DELIRIOUS. .Inliii Ramp I si ipcs from Minno anil His Bod* Pound tn it < anal. WA8BIXQTOX, D C., Dee arith fat la illa lemporaiily lt fl althea! atti ntlon, John Ki rn om bl* ioma nu row;. r*a iii I, I th foi ill i I, thortl) after I o oloi k > i I rda) atora' lng and, clad only in hla undergarment*. ran through tb* oatskli ta ol Hi >i i an l drowned binn* If In the < ami ohio ' anal. i'"r nearly twalva boara the friend* of K' np bj tha lawn polli ? mining man, until al toa) hla bod) nu* found U) tha cana . ? Point. l-'nr BOOM day I pa -t I\. inn 1; I faring with tj photd favi r and i B ? ii atti nding hun h fl .???ii aa tor ? ... ? ? bad and, wtthoul tn* ino* iny of tha bunni i ol tnt door .md ran oul late th* mad. HI* rared, and a <in mad* by tnt mamban ol ii,, faaally and nelgl ?!?* iag tn "i. I'ut wi;ii.un result. Owtag io tha darknaaa no tract of him could ho fo'llld. A meaaenger a had to tha Seventh Pl Binti n ami I Aug a Voa* aaa Infoi m?-.i ? ( k? n.i -i dtoapi?? ar.ii,i ? Order* to i"-.* ir an Individual roaming ll tha Btret t* clad ont] hi h tnl ai: li aenl out to all th* oAc< ra on tl and hitor in th* n. a min BOV*r un ti w,-r>> detailed to search :^ nispi cted thal ba might hst a f il lowed Ina canal rea I and th : into tho canal "r plnngod la ?itii ta* idea Bf drowning hims.-if. whllo endeavoring to loeata tba tuan I',.Hi (-man Cornwall fell Into tha canal and coma near being drowned. Tha only neWI Of tha missing man fr.un a dairyman who sar. hi'-i running toward I ; Tho mllkm ? a i iliad him, bnl rei I Letti) foot-prtata were dlacovered "i; Ih* bani Of th* terday aftei ne ai , . ,'? d In locating tha I tom. lt was > antod out, nd I Carr was notlAi d. Ha >-? iv* p*nol**ion ta hnva thc romain* removed to tha nomi nf tho fat In r Bf th* dead man. v. Kemp, and un Investigation aili !?? made Washington Poet. AMERICA AT PARIS. I lilted st at cs Receive* Beechal I toneld" ? i ai Inn ai French Hand* NBW volik'. Dec, 24. Ed. Wo the Assistant < uanoi - - h. d stati a to tho Parl i ? ? arrived In >-da> on tim American liner St. Lo M Wald mei ? lener il Pi ck ai I t all I inc ? I by the P uis Bx ? i ?, our i" - i.idi'lui.ii .'Xtiitn' for ii should be known, Ihe lindi I ?? i . n the i entrt "f tht cit). 'lins makli g lt Ira l the i, i tin- additional -iii" me ita ol to tha i tilted Btatea required noi an ordinary effort upon the part of tha french exposition i ithoritlea md .1 uv ? their generosity and pood feeling towai ds Ul ** ;i nat lon. "'i'll.- work of eonatructlng tho different exhibition palaces, :hc greal Alex mder bridge, and the q ? Int tht band of tht river Slim-, is being ously prosecuted, while iii ol* to thal luccess which tho i alway* glva to their exhibitions, ? ... PHILIPPINEINSURGENTS. \.ni\o Soldiers arr Levying on titi' VHtager* r?n- Hnppllra, MANILA. Dec U Th* Hanmer Union, which, aa ca ? I Pre rn m Hollo aril a nani, and Bpanlsh soldier* and i fu ? d .i li nd lng it thl d'tiin. .1 l.y . tl Official*. Pi i\ it* ad\ li et from I i n pro? vin -ea say ll il . all tho leading towna; rhat luppliea are !>. ;.ri ?-. .md liar foreigner* are on! mitti d to tra) ? I n hi n ip* lal | i have I.ii Issn, d t i them. Al Maloioi tb* headquarter* of tho co called Philippine Qovernm*nt, neui here, th* natl) a aoldli r* ar* li r> lng on I lager* for Bupplle* of food; th* peopto aro half starved, and universal d faction prevails. American 80(1 attended an meeting ot a iv formed Philippine De ve I ipment A aao elation hart y**t*rday avtnlng. clorkdto morrow. "? wi.i ha all day to?morrow, Monda) December Hth, to give theil aaaaatorea i foll holiday wm Dpiii Tuesday morning it usual hour. Bat Tuaaday morning Tim's tor Bargain ad. MOTIIKHS, PROTECT Yoi K OH IL ?MUM from Croup. CeagbO, Cold*, Consumption and Throat and Lung Disease* b Dr. David a ' ougk Bj rup CHKISTMAS HOLIDAY KATK*VIA lt., I'. AM* IV IL IL Th* Richmond. I md Po toniac Railroad Coaopan) will .-. 1 round trip tickets bc;wen all pointe on ? on account of Chrlatmaa holiday* I ire an i 01 e-thlrd f'>r the round trip. Rate to Washington, $4 Vi: to Alexandria, *t ??? to Prederlckaburg, 13-00 foi tht round trio. Tli ker* ob aa i De? cember Md tn t>?n:.. and !>? to January 2d. la 'I t" rel urn until January 4. ll** Apply t , ticket office ltyrd-Street ca? tion. Richmond Transfer Company, tx).'! Main street, or W. P. TAYLOR. Traffic Mai i od i.a i ? r?R cunan ii a i ion. "A MIDSUMMER NI0HT8 DKKA.M, JANUARY 27tb and 28th, * ' auspices of j The A. V. V. A, te? * MILLERS Pinaud's Fronch Carnation. Pink, $1.25 Pinaud's RovbI to? ora, $1.35 iPinsud's Exf?, arl odors, per dor.^35*7 LtZtM's ?rri3Frt> Vi? olet, 'Lais! Lily, $1.00 Emrfr $ Uzeli'sFmp-o ! Ros? all. 00 A beautiful ctudy in violats with eac!> bottle ot the Empiro oods. 519 Violet Exfft per dor, Very fino. 50C T. A. MILLER* 519 E. Brc,-d. Branch tinder Jotter ron Hotel. Ia4i4.4.4-*t**t-fe4t4*<e4-ee-e<e? Sterling Siher Sundries. r$ Bsa c > c\ | r isl ?>. >'*? '-? PM Bras) Bl 3m s?. r> Hr istj 'ind ( mt> $5.50 Pod Bon u 1 -i- gpa .?Paa Sold Gold ?Min? drie?. ; .... 1 11 it r : ? '??" S(> Sol'd Gold Sun? dries. V R ton* D t a $20 1 na let O^l 1 ? K m..lld '"itu IjsdMfl1 ??'2 5 Watcoea... ???*??* 14 k -.11.1 1.1 1... lUetaes'at 1(1 Watcbee..., fl>#U . . i Ka-.' I Bee. r I m ru * n 'fl Cf li tVatahea .. ??*** -od i Ult Kimin .? d' lute V25 Miter i,Ut uni lame W a t ?? h ?' ". $13.50 SI OW GOOD\ ? ?????*??????-?*??? ve ?????? HARGRAVE-UPSCOMB NUPTIALS. A Pratt} Wadding <,>.ii<ii\ Bntnaanla**| ITeeteedaj Homlaja. Il If* ..I. ii Ur. A. :: l < j? r- i ?! | I itreet. Tba ? and those pt rere ei I r, ? i i af tn.- bride, ir,. 1 btlSB Of I oil\ music il pi ? led lb* i. i in ngi li : . . .i Mast i. T irani ? i bi ih>> ???lan', hi I Mi I tau i lu' : I La I The bi .-l-l ..ul ii ly . ..!' d irk bia* i kath rle* our.- v. lalo M i -ii Hargravi aaa tn m. iinni- - osony ?I M. - lt ? fot an ? x t'nih d Northern tour, upon which they i bi a Bath enjoy unusual p r;,. mw h ? .t >t ? be H Kl In both I social W< (Idi-il I lim vi1.1\ Bj i ning. In thi ? ?? Ri v J OaJvta tUW* r tb.- Chun h "i tbe ? Th ur ad Mr, J"hn MI. ?>. to Miss Lula Hal ? inti friend* wei 11 ? - fi. m i "ii ni bul ti .a hi. i. m.- In th<j Ul ' :?? i :i ? BM r ' Tba ? ad oouple '.? ft ** the ? u train for Waldon, N <' i i- turning to ? \. iii. ii Mnnaan,'M.i: VAm De* H -Sr-,e.-hi - un Wed | Bi !?' B, M i . inly, wee the e l .?ti old-tint weedbag. The oontracUng perttSa nara Mr. Na? s :)'??* lob .-minty, *n i if) Annie B m ii Th* ' ' 'aili were henuMfully Directly sue - "f the br: I groom ? . non .if run-. nmg led In an elegant i- sitin gown, ornamented with Th* pi-scuts costly and HM* 1 I *t th* or*an. ? from ii | tbs fl .-? Ml-s.-s * B md; Mi-i il \ nie t I -? irn, *C N>r th \ : is '. t Watkins. ..f ?'i. \k. .\i. uk. of Laerret -i.urk', H rry W1I lams, >.f . : i'l. Of f.a wi. ii' ? aremony * .. d by Kev. 7 O. M . tn charge Lun j ('Ip lt. -' "? ? ? I rime i s<.in> \ i O. h. ri.ll... 1. MnJw.n Pulli-r - POLLOCK & PULLER, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, RtflaflJM lilli Shnl. r HiiiUling. ftettlement of Batata* Ipflflbal mtvntflflfl* (Ivan lo las Slatters and Haiikrupuy Tractive.