Newspaper Page Text
MANY APPLYING FOR THE LANDS. A Number of People Seeking to Buy Delinquent Property, LIST OF THE APPLICANTS. Nam?of Th.moWli.i Han- lihil \.. Mcaata lowaal OonnMoi * fnm Firm* Mini linlniiliiii" oper.i tfaaaj Kate naively. Much has BOM wrttt ' ''"" ?** Of tho IMI with nf': ''"*? ilem I beer* * '' r ?*? 'n'? doraum ' '' "!l~ Just- 1 perplex to doa! With than that , taxes en to Off< '. 1 and i I *? l'"'1 ts now a I* <julte i , Thc h<< stirred up mucb 1 This i ? in tho : ? paid la * had \ i But t lied I tax** and i not on? to the a| Thin ka I that ls oaaooed LA ?' H x r i\"\' -;.\ lt hal been i p's ? have ; ? ? have }oli ? benefit* b* no I conild' ? ?yndlc memfc ? ' with than a land. Th* Timi In th-' lobers" ? tain Bl lands. Th* story: Swann. Imiiyj:'. HM. i Hiker and < fllod ap; ' undi r the ' Aot " The ? ttioi* fifteen l ? ? Mandle, . Va.; A l: amana Ru<k. . Jordan ? of every tl t ingham, tl ? ?? trict? ' pllcath>' ? on tb* awntr* f the and Jot should i, ? mmle ll ?heir Bttorni y. Prior I the ah. flied. 1< a smi'.l ? appllcatl mi the formallt!'- if the a Ith. Rrurisv.lik.-R. J. * ?? rnery, of Meeki" I Bruns\? ttona fe tba f all ian,: able to til" "Lm tltno fal Iii nm ?? i h. IS t HjWTERFIEI^D. Ch*Bli following persons .'. W m. i illa, v. Il u Raw lett, w li'ite? wm P ' 1 . E. 6waun. Lnnw City. Vi., < grabbers Law," with I county tweBty-aaven for tht purehai ty, and Q. B H wick enanty, V UIi;dl. ail ?: I .f (his number, flftj -eevi deemed. 1 redoeined ai- >. Ba th* not ? ? ? tha anni die of . of the court Informed me thal Ava of ? tKs u; l*^en re? tha eelltctora "ft. had paid ti Combi | I. Jordan. ??( III bau] have applied i ir th* i mils In till! at New K> nt.? In. I with y.uir request I barewlth ?? wt j i the ? ?f the palina wh . havi nh i app for tnt >t.ik*r and On Va.; W. X Swann. M \, Va. ?anas.?] and thal Jame* H. Jndd "and R. M. Wan . >? two a "hied application*." Tin: APPLICANT D MacMenh .. party who ina n taken ui> fl . Tareela of ' partner. H y, who was a I during Otonce ter.?Th* x Title c Bl I M loo tr . nrt ,,f the l' ? born I Patel plica tl ri ?n ' a*lfMjuen1 ' ? ? | ? , ar. the ' I (J, T aaaaaaar, Ijlnd. Caro' ford, I Va.; W. I' i county. \ \ Rurrv Wi rig B | perm.ri" land* f ? other '. i Qeechlan I ? land ea have >" throurn I Emporia. Oreel moro | far ti" ' I I C. I), price Thoa. M 1: ' ? B. Taylor ir C ? Furls ? K VI ?' ir, R vV I'M ? gov H. r v iugh in, 1 Thomas, J. M. Wai Darla, W J. Com lev f' Flnv | who * nd In this ' - ' ? ila- j tur?: Bahai and Or*** B rte* Moiton. B. W. Taylor. J. H Morrl* T. R. Caw ?horn. Ja* L. King, Pembroke Pettit H. 1,. Harlow R. H White. V J wil? lam*, T. O. Ellsworth. J- O. fV-ieph?rd. Ibout t*o application*, not Including thia lot, have besflj redeemed. Mora delinquent i Ulan f"t years. I Cit) and Votk I bo 'i ax Title Company, "f Radford, enli sppUoaal la . TWO W NI KBD Ti: iCTt, Southampton Our County <'..irt re I] pert] nho ha* ,.i. ,i :.|.|'.ii attona for p ? aw lin* snda in tins count) unoet Um l tl ? Landgrsbbei - Lan" bl klenburg county, ? | thfl r.i.tut ? i- "t tia- ts of land . ... .\ i ?., p irttoa han : .ti i. i tb.- pun haas of aucb landa ;-, th,. , Haber, of Bmporis, delinquent i inda, >?( U /'. , r ponhataa ?ounty, : i Baker hr.* Ah ?! ? me ap pllcaUon ?'?"! -\- i - ' ? their lmis . ,n.ii lu Prince i i ? wh/rti ? Et. J and G B. Hal , - this tl I ? n tl far bat ? ' ' ' r ? i : W, B. W, H ' ? naen, Mr .1 Inri ? ? ? 1 to B 'ny law. - ' ' I. C. Bl - i? n lr. J. li but 1 ? ? ? 1 it. In the - ??'? do ; ? ? I, Va.. - wp b a ? ? Hon to dell found ll ? In "'" ? ! XMAS HOLIDAY RAI KS To Points 011 the H. and W Railway. Itlrhmond to turn Bj. Richmond to Norfolk null return ' :.. all points on its Jfr" to parties ' "=r"*nd ? li i. uu., nv :-1 ? tickets from l >? Mia to '.'' ti. in' lualve, pro> Idi or supi rmi' ?..!? nt of theil full in! ? ?'.." I I I ? . . nt. Byrd ur .-it Con M.tin fltreet R. W. COURTN1 l'is. j o^^isToniA.. Benn tte A "? ^ 'rt ^?'J Havp KlVlTI BagM Ml 1 1 ISO <>l si >t ] Jf l:n I DI I I I |()\ \l, AHSOC1 \ I K>N. MU <'K 1: ns, 1.?... 1 us 1 ;>tiii; ?jT-5t(>, I SHH. On account of I ? lon th. "ti lt* line to n- rn "?? li ina, 1.1 . at rate ol fan - trip, . limit J.u , - '? . nnve : ;.l limit! ?! ' .uilii ? C. w. vi Over I is bold ? SS SAUER'S HOLIDAY H Mis VI V lt., I. \\l> P. ll. ll. tomac i ? I round iis line 1 iunl "f ("in latinas and Mei ? round trip. Rete to i andria, i< burg, 12 60 t >r UM round trip Tb I ' Otb to J M. ' Richmond T M .in .- ir W. P TAYLOR, CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Biguatnr* '?<&AfUas* NEWS OF HORSES AND HORSEMEN. Sidmorrt and BaroYitu Brought to Snowdon Farm. WHERE ALCANTARA IS OWNED. Salo nf White barter, tho Steeple < luis, r Mis* Nelson in Pliilnilcl pln.i Hass Awaiti at Acth. Other Item*. Mr. A K. Wan1 Bf the BnOWdOD Fri dori kiborg, baa faith In ? lng tl;* tn lils ti rttlag itod As tht bom* ni ; ' ag nri ,i.i, BnOWdon latin lank.-- ? to no I ? ? ? . prior to tht | a lintel ;. d by Afr u ara A ira ranks I I I t) two to h Wilke* ; I /,?r hun. and Mi War* hus i. dam ol . : . -' . I \ I > a ] I . . .: n I I tl ?tu. edon in I i , 2 28 i - ? Hill, at Mon? mouth ? i on I ? son of B iron w Ilk Mr \V ' , I k last ?? I farm i ? ? ' ? ? li ? ? ' acute ; 1 looks .'. ? ? ? M Sd . by ?? . Lucy > ? ? Dr. R. uthern ; Ono of them 1 . Red Silk. ? o by Imp King 1 ' by Imp Soi ereli Red Silk I ? ? ? ? pr o ... ... Or Trll ed tl ? ? I d 6 mi Bi In ll ? ? a ? Mr. n arlen H. ericka burg. Va I ld to R. C. Il . Imp. Rlgo il .ni's-. Il i hy Va m Imp. ' ' ' ' i ' there Tho i ' ? ' ', ' I ? ? ? ' ? ex-M F TI. of ? , 1 mid \ i ' Deep ' - ? ? i- tin- bay rt 2:11*4 by No I M i L owned ? Ditton ol r of i he ic i n. ire I u oki j in addition to ? i here having be rt bred by Pr and brough! out by B. B, N t now- .if ;be A". \- w Tork i . \ i: Donnai ie of very ere |)ta Circuit ord. . . . William L Bim bu ? ari d hack to a (ii ii Ind r : - i there, WI known ?_?: 111,, . ::. I Lila, ?n Smith, .' --V|. ?11 2:30, and others. Amoni i v. in hla -. .1 i ? I : Purdy; Red Light, 2:32>4. by itel fi/ilkea, ?i ny Twl lah). i' ivid C.. p u. r. by j j i'. dam Rota Clay, dam of David H , 2 "??",. by Ann ri an < 'lay; .I dam by i . ,-year-olds. ? g ? Mr. Phil. G. Kelly of thia city, ls driving; on the road his chestnut mare Princess F.ulalle, record 2:17",;, racing, by Prince Relmont. out of bea Cjlft, dam of Velocity, 2 2-P?. pacing, by Red Jacko*, second chun Ocean wave, by Storm. . thoroughbred *oo of lota. Prlnc*** Lu * J 77 Dr- Humphrey s Cure for Colds that ' hanlon." and GRIP A chill is as a rule tl.e first symp? tom. Ibis is followed bv p.uis in thc limbs and a cough. Th n il the Grip is not checked Pacun mia fol . Tho t wrfO over' .'.'? ?fiem telves ind live irregular lives aic the ones most ftabk to fair victims. Wy advil.e lo those who get their feet wet ind .ire forced lo remain out ol vii or i, jj ii keep continua ly g anl take "77." A Cold can be avoided in this m muer. "77'' not ilone "breaks up" the l ul il 1 nines against takin | $1."". DH. 'il 't 1 li . 1 - B IIB IKST r?Kg Hun : Cor. William & :?? ??? get HUMPHREYS'. 11" be* wt'ii 1 mark of . ., uids ol v _ - i h iif in thi ,? bj Bald Chief, Ung cnn p ill >k< 1 "1 biko sulky h . N i. , w bli ir' ? [at ? ? ' ' . . . who I ?i-i.1 ia ? Ninth ' ? . ? ? ! ls ho for th. ? ? timi ? Mr, ? iMi'r. ' DH PUL 3 TO CELEBRATE. "Uncle Penh P*l aa Min Taff 1 . ? r kin. ' . thrown to 1 ? lo b ona ? : : I '. M r, Hening ? ? town Pi I ? he I 11 be I rn ? .0 OVI I' ? ms, of I ? , ? Inquiry, - - M I v i 11 ? - ? 1 ? Chun ? ? Mi - with his ? .1 T I I . : Mr W H - ' r.i Ml. Of PUK -1 ',' ? n. Va., ' i-f Mr. Kammel Tl - from the residen.f . ? " Hill I vf. M R ' " : irma* borne in Albi ? '?>>.?'? Mr. John Mi U .n. of Inbflti r, North ? bia brother, -'.rr. Alien B. McLean, who ? ceased carried en a pro*perooa^lamber ?-? ti..11. Ure, 1 Rlnm Mfr. \. v., ' ? rabi rn street, left yesterday for the Pnmunkey Rfl**n Uon In Kin* William county, where she will spend the Christmas holidays. Mr. T. J. Enright ls still conflnel to hla bed. Mr. Wm. J. May? continues oulla sick at his raaldenc* on Stat* street. BISHOP JAGGAR TO BE HERE SUNDAY. He Will Supply St. Paul's Until Dr, Carmichael Recovers. A PREACHER OF FINE GIFTS. Mn WIQ Proably Conduit the Serviles al Si. paul's Next Barnda*. K\|M<t. ni to Planch <inly sunday. Personal Noies. inday next tho pulpit .-f st. Paul** . gui h- iliad hy Righi Roe. Thom \ .. .un, MlhOp f" Boothera Ohio. end th- grntlflcaQon Of the vstry and I ition ni b :? ' ?"' ti d bf these who have ?On on the tesl 'ihit Qed, who ? "mr .r'..-i them that .; down, ?"Uifort'si in- hy tue . i , i rag lided ? ??/ the mool lioanaoi and itrlhlni nvaf heard In fhll city. ' iii itorie, Btobop J ? arith th i two-fold lils Eng un "Boglleb undetili ? ?, tmlnatlng ? uou* i holar and ? iitioui mind ? l ri ? . . ? k ? ol ii mi " .*l elo j high, 'i he ? r i. in vin nineteenth i enturj ." tha ? ri , id Henry < Pel ? ,n .\. ? \ ,u k. HLADBLPIUA ? revt r Ni .. , . ..... li te ,, work to a coa ! r .- Weir ll *mi illst Th- latter named him ag IUH ,.f . rori I several timi i ? I to ro? to thc ma:,- appi :.- tor I i king down Boushl : gib In th* Invlgo while here l ? ? ei ? tl ? leh to ? I u.Vf,' l Knowl ? ' ? b* elenrlj I .?? d that the pulpit "ii Bundey*. ml ?? ? n dun uh for him to ? Of his adin: try in : by th* ? i t ? Kt Thundaf ? Mr. William C. Beni ed i letter from : ? ii. in Rich mon ? ? Ho is now at bli ? piety, ? the Bbc Ha la man "f fJ with v di ii ult i" bi ?" late the Ha ? . bowevc r. ? ...... ,,,. i -..??li nervou the poll ll at tim reliably BO. Tin-re la ii" ' A GREAT PUBLIC GRIEVANCE. the I .mids. Be Tnt ned <>n and the Veajiffc in?>? nt Mnll Agent* l lip aed Blr; Tha bi "*d to > thro igh th" King William, Kin nd Caroline li a rory Important oi and B 1 " I n li a th- ra, . -:?? lally during ? i dr. n heme, and | fri R t tO 'i'l' lint ; ,- toy an had no bi 'ii [f thia wen lima thia thing had hoi ? did it, but it dltor, thia ?A- '.1 as i iii yon aid u< in .-? ? king to ind ,,ai wbj ? wi can en? id turn thc . ender W* ill ui tar and tl i 'rm- ? ton t" ne thal an railro id i ompony la t" Mame, iiii?lt. mit tb* olfer>d< r fer bim." iimPERBItB. H., i ? WILL NOT BE LENIENT. .Ins: ne , li din Will Punish Ilesecralois of I lie Sal,dal ll. ted 1. "tn the hen'h id no deali ? tu >??? >nr*lt Bl rh's season "/ the year, ba ..... ihii the peace and order ol tha maintained. l aili punish severely, .-u far aa the lan ?' low* me all who desecrate I hath day, hu' I .',"!"' I may . i . on*. "Vim have untli 12 o'clock to and 1 wain you that ? rr,, ra ker* or Wow horn* en that hour and Monday morning will ho dial" with according to tow, and no leniency will ho glvi a." A ???Itteaj 'haii-man. Mr. Lawrence Prlddp, chairman of the Building Committee ot tba Virginia Poly? technic Institut* Coting lf< n'i < h tion, arrived In th* ? ity from New Tori Pride) ? Ht hiu baan in Nev Fort ; week* la tha In ? f their building fund, nnd report* ?ssful triii. having added u dollar* to th* fund. Court ot* .lnstiee John. J. E. Rider w.-nt ln'o M. J Oaoaa'l en tahHahmanl and began to dtocue* tha rel ativ* merita of urtaia drtoki usi.-r emphasized his remarks with a blow, nnd then ho wa* charged 111.20, wM-h he couldn't pay. Willie Carter and Juntas Whalen, col? ored, got Into a disputation In Ferran dlnl'? ba/room and a tight resulted. They were fined 13.70 each, which they paid. John J. Brady, colored, and Phil P. 1 f Boya* get drunk and were each assessed tl. TO. Hirey .lames and Arlina Davis, colored, puHeil euell .itborn' hair on the street nil naff* flSef down in default of $320 eii'h. KU Robinson, coeorod, la alleged to have asanulted Joseph Langhorne with a blunt Instrument ami will tell about lt on tb* ejth lamest. James Allen. W. T. 1'rM.ry and Thomas Herri*, oeiored, were allowed to eeaerl uti (b* (hart;" "f drunkenness upon the promise to reform. Hsory Jones, intered ia aliened ta bare assaulted Aaron Barber, The casa will b* baaed seal Wedaead ty, SOUTHERN NOTES. Dr. llawt hume's Itepl.v to Mia. Felton* Politician lu Trouble. j rTABHVILLaa TKNN . Doa Bl?fa an lari. I- troai Bra Fattoa, af Qaargta, published jresterday, In nbleb shu eoni ,.,, ,,.., ,,-, i.- p -??rm.'ti de? livered on tba eubji cl of mob law las* ill* Oe. Ma* * "sliok-h?lro.|. alick-t - ksnlf in tar bletheraklta Wall* tho full t"\t of tho intervbr* was nat handed Dr Hawthorns, ba gavi oal Um ta Intervlen this trmungi ?Th* lisps 'a anncundng that Bm. ? , ..ruin, hits i ailed ni" ii 'sit K i left - tongued, pi ? bsnlfll in blsthersblte1 ut tbe dial Intbaatlon ll iva bed ti ' sermon ort mob lan, i ooah! aol in th > line of billingsgate. My vocabulary for sue* purposes la very limited; I viiiinii ous. i meda a tbgnlfl :.L-.i! mob rlohmce; sh" an Appeal in support of i*. if elton wtebea ta discus* with mo ? have known ber I nhl b t" rt i are work I ' ?,M re readll) ? In lither things. \\ bile wi agreed sha ;..,-, *>e. Bbl rn u nidi d n leader. But wai n na i'..'T.-..r DOO ? ... BEND DO08 THROUGH THU MAH ATLANT \ OA., ; of North lb ? r I I' ? . a petition to ? III jo-' otu ? St il ti ly, tlwv became flv*r|cioUI I ' ? i dogs wit:- ? th* poa ? ? ... ? Pt ILITICAL BBSt tTION 0 id iden 11. Bryan a I >> Lan rta., tbe othi ttended this ? - .. promin< ' ? " rom the i administrator fur It I - " ' the OH.fl and 1" - . . . :.lim".! that 1 du ring tba ? '! - of tba ti motion for a new trial a * ? ? AM AIM ' COLUMBIA, D brui* a di ? i ? li - for tba mr la being abtpi to private part la* Thi to think that lt ls tinir bo I some :: ..r marking by nhl Bl ito. 'Il | ot making their saleries i tl use, ls n-\ er n i uri* d Sri - : | to be I of by th" | lently ask that Ul- ir . ourse i. susi Uned Charleston N< * i and < V>ui OUR VIRGINIA EXCHANGES. Tho Bi dford Di mo i ? and presenti l ii ? Tho :. ebreted Christmas ? ? lion of ten Hon ' of the lil I land Virgin! an attr is nil- ?; . orlc tnstti md ' hi ir ? and - ? tit.. \\ blt* 1lou ie of the C ml d ntsd by Uh i. Mr and Mi; w T B mond, spent ? ri tba letti Mrs. Pendleton. Shepherd, end she bsa a at r. Br. Bh< phei - < di i' "inpany la Rici ?. ? trier, W bile i.b.r.-'l rn u '-? willi I I bay arm, ? ? ? mg ? i fan, struck a match and ?muli. Just tIi. ti ii,. ?iderable . enfusion, i I?an I bi m lyoi ' ? Why bj lt that fl . ItOUOl Ul ' handling ir mos) u>, url th..- nlgbt-Umfl for it. Oi it wee* a 1 .ad VA..S . ORBlng 0VST W hil tain thia ? ? i re Inform i - to pi to a clUsen for ii lantern md ta Him {Ufl nason and tara liquor up \\ don'I knon ? vania Tribune. 4 '. ,; ? David n. Price on r In Ki' bmond I of the Bei ond Virginia i. iiiit.-. ra Ha ara* assigned i I Vt> yinia Military Institut* In s- ; for * f'-rm ,,t f,,,i: i ? ?? ri'lanl Last eprtas bi a i - i ? ? i ?? lion nlth iii" regiments, and mads major of the iii dutlt ? aitfa the -? i gi* with tba musterlns our of tl Tuesday. Tba institut.- suth ?ts11>? deafer* ta asa bim returaed i" tba institut" as commandant Tbe doab - i ( Major Prto* is to do so. bur tba WM de pertment has no? rel determtn d tb* mat* ter.-ROCftbridgO COUBty News. CUMBO l<> BCbRSOW. Miller & Rhosds' store will be i kfljad all day to-morrow, Monday. December CUth. to give their employee a full holiday Will open Tuesday morning at t susi hour. See Tuesday morning Times for Bargain ad. Tutt's Pills Cure Ail Liver Ills. Save Your /Money, One box of'I Utt'f Pilli will >d>, many doflars in doctori' I i Theywiflsurel) cure all di* oftfie itomachfKvcrorbo No Reckless Assertion For sick headache, dyspepsia, malaria, constipation and bilio? usness, a million people endorse TUTT'S Liver PILLS Presents Worth the Giving. RI li DUM ll AM ? SOMMER? ? ? full . KNABI - : Manly B. Ramos Co., 19 Ea il B I lore About Pianos ? i I FERGUSSON BROS.,: 8 810 E. Brent Street. -.' '.' '?? ?? X fi FERGUSSON BROS.. | 815 E. Broad St j ';' -..-?! I" I I ?_ ' Q V ' I X-">:--" STOVES AT FACTORY PRICES. Savins ll 331-3 lo 53 Pr Cf FITZ I EE. ? "ii" r well hi I ind tho hu I ? i TERMI CASH SOUTHERN STOVE WORKS. OFFICE AND FOUNDRY. 819 TO 127 N. SEVENTEENTH STREET, FOK INP AN - Beatl *nd - FOR c'llll.i I and S ? FOR BOTS fOB LADIHB?Pal ta and r ?'. 1"W h.- . ' FOR ? Nu tr isli in ny of tl '? All ral table J.A.GR1GGSH0EC0. 121 Eanl Broad street s. c Wclslrcr. Secret rs i; I Special Pianos, Upright lins. I HARDM M