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SEEKERS AFTER SHINING GOLD. to Be Incorpo BY TWO RETURNED PROSPECTORS i i -ii. Pnjleaj ' , rial ru. ? . THIS CLO: R MADE. i * ?i wes* aid. id - c.* L5 Royal -Absolutely "Pure Baking Powder -Absolutely -Pure tho food more delirious ond wholesome ? a the ? ? ? I ' THE AUXILIARY DISBANDS. lilies Resign in < n with ' r ll ' I ' ' - ' ? ' ' ' ' Only About Three Weeks Longer. Then this Store Closes Up Desirable Dr) Goods, Dress Goods, Silks, Furs and Cloaks - ( i >st or value is not con d, Meyer Sycle. 103 E. Broad St., Next Cor. First. MOTHER-IN LAW ABSOLUTE RULER. "Thc Condition of Woman in J,; Mr. Patton's Sub] AN INTERESTING ADDRESS. .ul in Japan i muk- Onlj i i Man la**i. and I ina < Nil of i bn ? ? Dlvon >l Mt- i tv- 'Li. 'I Mi lr-,*- ai m. Jobn'a ^ ? au rd " l ' ? ? ? ? ? - : ? ' n ? ? I ' ?; ? WANT TO GIVE-UP LEASE I nipt I l .1 ni Kail \ wu, .1 m Iii.- i of \|>|,. .tl-. ? I - ? ? ' passer, . .ntygo -te lines. tia heir* th!? rate and deeidei aa-alrst the Southern Com? an appeal. There ts a bril! I I f eountel In Horsley dc ' ii: other i B "ff ami S (tBBO 1 JUNK DEALERS'LAW. I I; g i. i, ( li ii _. .I \\ .il: \ h.I.u iii;* ll Km hi- ul ' -- I - ' ? ? ? to make ? n and - ? I ? ? ' ?' ? ? I BOARD MEETS ON THURSDAY. < ailed tu ( ,.ii-.,i. ii:. Matter of I pills ' - ? ? - ? ? . ' 1 ' ll ll. I ' ? I I - I . . u - ' ? 15 t . ? ? * ? La Grippe I : : Scott's Emulsion eerms of La l t ti? red a bely thus fortified .. A %?? oo, t'.\ dr-jfrfiiU. "*c<?fccc<-*eaja> f 43 43 ? ?I; 43 43 4; 4 4 43 43 43 43 4 4; 43 4 c * 4 4; 4 4; 4 4; 4 4 4 43 4 4 43 4; 4 J. M. Fourqurean & Coi .113 EAST BROAD STREET.. I *+** <*?? REMNANT AND ODD-LOT SALE. -nV*V\E'V] .mr itoekl over thoroughly and culled out all the remnants and odd lots. They ? ! / are ticketed anti marked, and vou'll find them on our centre counters. Now, these things ^^ we are going to close out, nnd we believe that the prices we've put on them will he thc beal proof of just how thoroughly we arc determined to do so. There are all sorts ol items in this sale, j,,.?, m w:i; [led blanket?some lots are large and some arc small. Come early if > T>u'd hilvc -j D tv not lest long, though we trust there'll be enough for al!. K REMNANTS Solid Taffi n i ? a.-. e Darb Oraaa Fail!" li i". now Mt. yard ' Striped Ta ff-ta; REM? NANTS Mell . . . v. K M: NAM'S It ' ?' EMtRRi '11 >i :k I: I > M< H'SSELl N KS. ' ? broldered Moussellne ?? now li SO pe ? Tbn a.- Bola, Ma. k (rounds, with | I White ll?ure; were | On* pirro Kmhr-..l,|rrr.1 MOUaBOltttS imblnatton colorings; was y ..-.I SIKKS. ODD n',p Piece I Thr -od Silk: an.l ' i rd. plere Oil- I ' .lame; Black Ren ? now Sc. per On-- ?Ipr'* Silk ? ) ard. One- plr.o Kr. | Mou?se!lne ? bia, Wblta .J "?*> now ird. Two pi. ,i .;?,-.,.lino l*or?:|in F1*T | ? now Ji IS One plere Black Mnussetlne de <?o|e, fold ? -' now $108 One pirra Pronn Kinrn Honiton. ?m hr"lderpft, w i< J-;.*". n..w EOc One plrre BrOWD Lln#fl redd em hroidor. .1 rna I per jr?fd. Ttn plrrr. Chiffon, lljshr hine and pink; ** t ot \ oordeon-PIalted t.ih-, eny silk fiink. red, gray, and purple;' WI.*. |l '?>. Il'.W ! . One pirro. White PUIted Ohlffon. !> in.h.". deep, with aatln rtbboa I . KM.'I'oinHRY i Kl vNTS-AII Wldttlfl and qtia ' RIBBON RBMN IN I'S All eoler-. widths iud qua talina, Krnt, . 1 iff.m, and Mi.lre, One lot Fine Liol* Half Hose, as SOrted lan a OBd fruin 3".r. to . lr, now -'h'. pair. One lot Fin* Jt'.wk LlcfS Half Ho?? a-.ld al ptteaa from 2Soi to 66a, now ? r?r. One lot nod Merino TT*?If 1 sold ar. prlt-es from Ma. to SO.-., now 21a po.r pHr. One lot Gentlemen's WOol Shirts and i sizes; to to at half I One lot Oentlrmen't Wi r?* ll tt, r - odd One lot ->f Gentleman's Hm.'.ker? chie' koi a .' ' * ? Vol.- palra Vino Bi ri kets, slightly s>>!lod from ' lin* wera WM. now IK") p?ff pair. All with blue borders. i*\ tr**9 ti% O- 2ft fourqurean \" ?ompany.? 9U .......ttt.Mtt J ?-' ... ft....... t?fJ? NORTH CAROLINA LEGISLATURE. rnor Russell's Message Read to the Senate and House. A VERY NOVEL SITUATION. lin- Belo of tbe Senbonrd I rentes ..I .ii lui. i? -i in Rnlelgjfa Bontb i in I I .t. bs l'.li" kl ?! bj l iriyhl \\ i.. l (.nu ii* Dispiai < ii. : .1 Air ? 1 ? - ? ? ? ? e I that I Thlni ' ' t I ? w..rk. ? ? ? ' ? rf tl I lbs publl I li ? ? nw ti I ? tjSLflflflflflflfll THE JAIL OVEN. ll*. Ti.p F.-ll in *i .-.t.iiU.v-Th.- -Bii-.t Iii -punnu ni Otilmaiii .*-. The ? ? i mmlttee ? Messrs. Ounsl I . run | lng will be I ? - .borne Kpps was '. that the top of the ? tba Jail, which has fallen In, be sd. The chairmen requested the r to te. that the work ls irs mnrnlni*, a. lt ls Imperative. The ens. Ot Ur, A. C. <'shier, as.iinsr whom there is a charge pending for Je debt fur Krocerles dui gi n np thia \bill bs . - ni gX* ' mmiitee- on a Itb t v .? -v r . de .ip n their a ai I 11. '??? i Bloomberi tj Kn . im motion the l" -.,rr le - ? I VIRGINIANS IN TOWN. ?evernl Wall Known Onntleanen Keg let* i> il ni the Hotels. Mr. II. C. J Auditor "i Pul M soma . i.,. "tba and gol ' sslilng u-ksl belog .nee. ls also ?marie. Idsnt on the i, ead wea I ? ? i : i ? ' ' timi Itt ! BB'.I ll Ight. .'?! Il SUIT ON TRIAL, lu- W.'si i iiinpunv Against ll. W i l.iiin.iii.-. v. H. VV. ' ? "1. and Ur I Tomlin ? r : I ?v nvl ii., 'it K Ul* < MAJOR PRICE GOING TO CUBA. Hi Bf/UI flail His \. phew. \\ h<> ls Or .i.i.-ii tu m.iii11.. Major Uranha r Devtd I ? re here to Inks leave of hi - ., ii. atennnl in the I u> Manila. . r his home ? eiii ri be vb i tor nf tile k bars Tuan* na f>r M.ij'.r url i! \. M.C X. s.-njiii". I I ittofl Baaato fur till- BB- iv VV I- U. 1 .itt. II.!. .: most li pertldpeted in i.v I ' le ? ? (bl of lutYrage abould oe n ann of aaa ? try for at least five years, and v.: read and write; also, that congressional ntatlon should be based upon .aid vote." Thc report of Temporary Critic Pul '.l.iin, was a most excellent one. Tha Association Senate for this year 1? doing good work. BEN HUR TO-NIGHT. A Tbrlllia** Boot tao-alar f"tall af Ol >? ? amt lt..tiii\. tor tl hu- i e-' ? \ demy January ot ii rea ba. it. the .. , h> i" ti"'n I mu. h . . ..'ii. r di ? lt.mi Hur, ia. .t mau. .Julian HUI. Kail Ilnr (fl '.'. K .; T. Hui W. T. . P. Lay; Kl loot; First lr.; Second ll K Poll I Arrlua, tl. M. Cherry; Blmonldes, M Car ' J .im W, Lallat . P. J Ki I Emily J< 1 snot Hur, Mis* I ? B Adan I Naiad U a k. Branch ll M.. Juli", Ad'-le Wil ? Evelyn ' I Http* . ? ? Mi ? I li eon, K R , Mirri.. inman, . i ?an. Bai pi ???r aa, Mrs, 1*111 D Kidd. Th . Nj mr - eon Shelton, Lilliia Sbonti Huts irlstlna Bobannan, al Erainia McLaucbl , Kilts ' tn G | H Van I> I il Will!' nsoa, Mary igh. /''iiii' i ? i Of tbS I . < mich K i W righi M I mies R. nli ii -?, Alma ' Tha Howltsera?(Under command ot ll <; Whittet ? rporals Heil snd .' I Krl.-e, I'Isdal-*, : l'"iii'lfxter. MR. HOBSON, PRESIDENT. Til'* ('mil. I li..sen In I'l.-siilo thtor tba P*r*a i inti. iu>: of the l'..wh.-;tan Clttb was bald li.-t Bight Mr Julius A. inanl M i. i r.iti. < 'itmiitt. ??, and I .;? m.uni uiui h al int tune. All th- I " Bl f.,1 '?'? rs A. rd J.,tm A I Snead, lc. T Brian*. Utlberl Kl I J'hn K. Hi is.-..11; s ? retary IK A. Ilujhcs; Tn ?(urar, *':> da W, Ss 'the club la BOW In rino **hn**a*t? \i i ( lui. Rt Milli v ? th.- Alt < lui. Will *BSUflte ii'.rk to-night. Mr Kau-f-aana a I m Monda** r?fbi Mr. Val abai t-.... h. (oiiriitlnii ofthe SU-k. The condition of Mr. E. P. Christian was unchanged last night. He lt in no lryie.-tute danger, though seriously Ul. Slr. ff, P. Knowles, who has baaa 89 Ul, is now convalescent.