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Newspaper Page Text
THE "MERRIMA C" OF NEW YORK HARBOR. $150,000 Has Been Appropriated to Clear the Obstructions Which Would Have Kept Spain's Warships Out of the Famous Waters of New York Bay. t I I. I . I I : i i / IS" x. ' *"'Sat L/ .._jL_; ? - I . ? I r I i ! ? t ' f I ? ? ' j I ' ? . ' ? ' ? ' I I . I ' . ? I As - needed. Thl? requeet aral changed ? for, a* the fdr', ,ig the ? ra*.* to reach I ' ' ? ? - ' ' ? ' ? - J In a ? ? ? - ? - ' ? igh th? - ' ? ' ? ? ' ? ? ? ? rj -,-. r rt kala* i *. i i a*. \\ ll I- .1 < IX li I I ' ' a nf ^nvern ? lily under ?y ' ' . "*' \( ' V? o' > l\ / 'a wy/ a / ? \ 1% Bfl*BBB*P ix THE CROaS SHOWS THE POINT OP DA.NOHR, At the foundation nf .?<v*>fy 11-e the jlliailBieill by the head sf i ... household, and the growth of the family brings au s pul posstn* i l.rt a household move out Into the xx, nexv settle the rule tiff the . .ns are built , ns the ? . hut as age . | ? sat ?>? ''i* *'?" .. lu the ? ??'? : BflaMng upon I ' , purtioular ? ? ? - ? truant, ? i ? ? ? a rai ??. ? ? ' ? - ? er the IP iMe; IT, if the ? ...? ak or a I ' ? ? . ' mina: a ? : ?i 'ho SUC 1 : . I ? 301 *" ^-' " / ^ >TP** *bs ?'-i-.O C***" aa- *i*S * -4J5.. **50'jV,'Ft.CC?Y /.' _ y->. . - %> .ll-*.. ?al BOUT eTOuCK, Tin: nf I or ? ? of tho forms ? ? ? like, tl ' last, as often happens, beyond the Im? mediate occasion that called them lui" existence, there arius, awutone In whl- n the head of the etronK-ut tribe bBOOBBSi King. Tribes that thus unite are likely to be of common race. speaking kindred dialects, and when they have I bato one people, and ari* known by a eonaaaOn nani", sin h j-* Iiorlans or Hellene*, they aro apt to Imagine them . laaaty "t ana nation, at "birth'' than th<y rielly ure. lt has evidently been through this growth of nations,, going on for age* batata history angina, that the. higher civilization of mankind be.-nm.* po asl fie. 1 funnies of h.ll x land xxiierx ttaera IB a* yal planty ol room for populal with? out a Btrong gorsrnment, but wtaei ln.i ii, nattoua and erowdsd i mes, energetic measursa am ne. to pre order. That out Ot military tlt>< Ipllno CUmB political order cannot be. doubt. .1. WtU BOt "lily l>"t i*etst of tba chaaftaia sawer whole p<opie. but lils army served i,s th., mode* i.ii which to organise the History piala!] tbni li brough rnllltary discipline mankind learned to submit to authority, an 1 srers taught to act In masses ii.Him uni. ngtypl and Babylon, arith ? dy tba ?my. bul ni" pr lastly and ? sat world, sud ? rury f..un.iers of literature and They hUUt np for future aseci mework of government, to whl, li, wurt modlbcattons, we bmoV OUrsatTSa Of our awn free will. ;? our nu lt xvoui'i ba Interesting, if thna anti . t our dtSp .ix- h .xv a coi ted to tha ?ment or ciTlIlsatlon sad I ? kind. In sj,it.* a ,us; but we mtl?t leave thi* del CHA li 1.CS I . IO L-n*-tngton, rn., Jsn. 9, I WEBSTER'S CONFESSIONOFFAITH ? all. il lix un I itu.>i iii! in The I unca.,Ire. the hlch moral i ? t ' ? ? ? ? united Britta for iiim universal admiration, n I .mn country, but in tbs British t; most ? - - ? ...ii use ? ? ? ? mind. H V aaa e of the Ai : i ? o me to ' : I marita of ? ut. ' ' I iii modern times. I ??i be . ' provo them, out he. ladara* -' I* lo re. trlnes, arith ?'ru Wit ll A I Bi ... .? 't- -r lb* (ice ?- to he un . . 4 recetri .1 In ihe plain ami i , .innot paraa ida nc Intended for the liMtruetlon si..ii of the whole world, BtlOUtd , _? ci .-":- n mi Btery an I ona but i rltit j and pbiioai 100-rer lt "J I. the experiments niil ? . . ' likely to oh*r.ire ilian to enllgbi d will of i;.,.i, .-.nrj t:.., -- belar a be i ., r th* ' and in the Cottage of tba Plahern i c. neve tnar hii true reHgtoa eoaetsta In the heart and the affection*, mirl that, tneret'.' .nu are fallible and Him': ' gili.-ul peaty. "Klnaliy. I believe (fiat CblM BBB Im - n ;ill His .Ii-- |p|*flj a ! tba! be wiio refrain* only from what hu thinks to be sinful, has performed but a part, and a ?mall part, of his duty; that he ia bound to da good and .ommunicate, to lovo bj to give food and drink ta his i-rn-my, ami lo en.l.avor, ho far li In tumseir. to pro rr...r>. pe*. ??. truth and bapptHaBB, In a tortoni arortd, bebwrti in tba great day which la te cania thar* i ir.i of merit, bo rltartofl of character, than that which ls air .ii-h.-.1. -li. frnlta ye hIij.11 know- th.-m.' " 1- \ fl 'Tl.Ki:. Loui-ia, Va, Jan. 6th. 40 FY YOI KSDI.F against Coughs. Colds, lironchltla. Con? sumption and other Throat and Lung Troubl?a by using Or. David's Cuugh Syrup. OA8TOIIXA. Bean tai j* Thl *'?** Vw H<l> *lw>!ffi ***?*?** Bipitan af Pianos iP| Other dealers say busi L? ness is dull. There must ho a reason. What is it? We are busy all the lime. jj We attribute our success to tho liirjh ri ratio quality of tho inslrunionti WU sell, and our policy of quick sales, small profit and the most liberal credit system. OUR CAPITAL IS. \VX*% $2,000,000.00 and explains without further explanation why our TERMS are easier than can be obtained from local firms. WE MANUFACTURE Five of tho best instruments in Amorira. which explains to any intelligent person that wo can sell you a finer piano from $-,0 to $it,o less than a dealer or a consignment agency. lt Costs But Little to mipply your home with a finn in^lnimiiit. Then why wait? Visit tho groat house of CABLE and make your home bright an I hapoj by pur? chasing one of their fino pianos. GABLE PIANO COMPANY Successors to Richmond Musk Company. 213 East Broad Street. J.G.CORLEY, Manager, Carpets, Rugs, Curtains, k. LINOLEUMS. COCOA MATTING, OIL CLOTHS, NAPIER MATTING, COCOA MATS, WALL PAPERS I ipecting to remove shortly to '>tir new Broad-street e are will make reduced priceeonall of the stove. GEORGE W. ANDERSON & SONS' CARPET HOUSE, 1204 East Main Street. II Ss Ineford. Pi ? ii Swlneford. c D.I S. G. Fairbank. Vi .-I- c F.H.1 n ,11. i.'aah'r. DUUDCTOI F. XV. Donner. L t Sullivan, THE DIME SAVINGS BANK OF RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. 1110 EAST MAINS IREET. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL $100,000 not lie-in tho new yeer by depositing your savings with us gild ^et 4 per cent, interest? It is what yon save, not what you that makes yon rich. Loane negotiated. Wt* are also agents for the following well-known reliable lire Insurance Companil hoi ai. i lin /*.?.??.???*/ COMTAM1 ot i 11 t nm,i soi; I Ul li \ AMBVMAMCM COMP AMI OJ ins rios, s.iinisAt. iirf. issi i: a si i louiAst tn ii tnrrnitr (150,000 deposited with the treasurer of Virginia to protect Vlf ginia policy-hol ???????fa ??????? ????????? ??????????????????????????*>?????. ? j ? Inventory Sale. IIVIillepGhinaGo ?e 109 fcAST BROAD ST., X .Between First and Second. j : ? j j An Opportunity to Buy Bargains, j ????? ?<'????????????????? ???? ??????*???????????*>????<> 0 t-j?*& Tins ATMaT-IH la tt: ? it win cKi.ra. ria He I'ii|!.\|A.V mm; In Ita NSW BUILDING on the nlitlit si j wi AMI lltb -t tn., n v SW nen.ik INO DiecOUNTB" are r>?. a* folio**'*: An un*<?1 time Biholsraliip lu .iltur Bteuagragtale 01 iii.T. I'.l Department. lnoiud" I K>kn ami atattonenp ii Ino t.? 111.Xi. for Ha, If a|*pllcant paaaea an e. iimti.111 with a arade nt H crammer, .pell lng. and letter-writing Dla counta tor lower grades. LnfTiah included without charil*. Telegrsghla, English, and Acsdemto De pa rt merita Three application*, for our et'ilejiia to take pe.lMoag Wednesday, aaa Tnurada*-.