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t Site (Times. THE TIMES COMPANY. Hal ? .Ml, RICHMOND. \ A. UK W 1 tunica and mall? ed tn two par.a One di Uar a >?ar hy anywhere in tr " si it?-s Ad * . ruin' t . ny. Hes.) . r %< ? - , . lins slnt for space fur fOiiahi'il un ali,.,,, Remit ny urali ? ord'". tf>r rralair.i \ui,m\ s?nt by kuall ts a: itir i,as of the aei Times Itlephones Hu.-in -- "th ? 'Photi- Ml; Old ll Killtorlal ?tooma: New 1 hone, lt BA **> > .. S ? 1 ,..,1,1. - fr%e. All eu bec i , rabin In ad wan ce. VS at gou live out of Richmond, ano a*** when sour a.. ?, no you ian re? pair btuoiv . liped OMPANY. ?tAJfaCHaCBYSa* BUREAU, mi HULL PATTi;.- nt. WRiJ. M. . ni n LOMBARD 81HKKT. ?The T)*?-s ?? awn- mdabtsd ta friends who favor lt a > Items snil L rn r.- Ital all aurh be sent o*eSff Hie signature of the eena er. ll immune.' . .mr.xunlcatlons will be re? jected ai wax a TRI v UT PR1NT fcn imi.-<, -fi Ht ia m i , li N!':A.:V I NAM h. t)N THE Ul I Lb, PINK SHIP I'HA.Ni.l I) AH .'HI-' ?*?'??* ?cr lpn wi DCtiRK to cai 1T,THsf: ur all i' sP,kw i .',?*? ANI> OTMI ll ' ".??* I nami.m I.. Hf. h itrcpoRta ^a JT ia THU .'." >r,l!. f'l'HI.lSH XN V w i '. T'iK NAMK OP WU 'VS... , ?NS V, H.I. *ffiT UKI *?: I ?-* '?? i'ANH H 111 Si AMI'S ITHP: DAll.T I "Mr ? bl ./*rv-1 by carrler on their oe/i arro,in* In this city ano Ma-i ' - io centa i w**ek. ?"?*? I paid week y, ... K 'in a IT year?sn;| a .tea r VA*-- lilli ll \\ III. MU ? m \ I A ' uMuri If hf* ,*\\ .... Its r ? ?*na" ? ?? ? ffln** I -?? transl d to the ft a I t ? ? * v tba fl Iii ea ? hat. lt v rtefinit.-lv . * ? * . their lerif^rpri*"*." In tiif I ? I will ' i ta fl, nine-lent] i ? little, i ?wealth ? I v I Inn br ha Cili'.i.' i i I I li bepl aa fte tts a to rm a ft' Duski-s I' I T I atar I r I frat halts In I . mei ceh ?. \ tied hei i: I |n tl,'*, lui B Ol I Boin* nf lusa ? t I I ? I ron prsi what ws havi I ls far mora ten. fiori -un.:- ntlal thing I I ll Hes at the I - fl i glamkii'i ?' t faros",' ?gnana annul i ? , that vie ' flS-li) I gu Ito an , lat ?ur ? lar?g>e Ur* ' Sires art*, 'gsbli.hed in l" VkUd Ula' ' dollar, aw -piling I - 'ie thing was J t then dona, the hnMnaaa of the oana iMtu. -auapted Itself to it, sad lt would bs j v to t*-nr the heart ont of the country to with the statute in the leant. The ga , ..untry will rn it ii I low ? \ n.i.iMX ki xi i si \n xxi i SM I .Vt,.J Cm, I Ittrtae tf"- ? i nearly . i i,i i ? lon of i stand- | I lor tho . ti,ni of the i would I ? ? j:-.hi ra ? i i - for fin' . . the pi, ' Mi nv I ? ? ? ? ? Cultist; - ?J U'll - And | tentloa ago. ? ? little in the ' ta which ? admit that I , , whi, h thu : alms mad* In MM is lr,, k Ing in fulflln i i*- nit ? itt t;n iii i ROGR MUN'. A Memphis rf' i i ? : of the ? h.nild bav a i mluht r infants ? ; th;it it Bl ? ? ? I I ? n tlie '' - lt ls I / : . - the a I, I ? ? ? ? !lf Ililli: fl ' . every man with a i ? thing* B ' ? ' ' ? or it i ed hy tl for i i toting pelltlelai . hun h tm;- , I Bl ? mt of thia v. .ns to Ita l lil D18MISS1 l? < \t?l Ib ? ? .ah n oh that p ? ly Bhaeki ?', rkea wa k araed thou i gealorlty -ot an example of go in-iiy obedience, baal ta hmtiKh uil raetreiat, and practically i ?fled th* ant hoi it 1,- Wc fnlt that th* Bl ?ry **is**no* (ft th, Lifltllutlon Itself I tl ?was at stake, for If ?nrh mniluct was I or lli-htlv ililli with, th' p ? I i ....p. a te rapid deanne it is i,i?- <,f the gaest dim. alt ttdnp. to atej B*ea and ), .j - '.>.?!??! tiwi h,,w mu. h I li. ir ? nits in the waai ??? tha run. t youth, at, : Bl li BC .11. ne Jen I ? i i,r glided r , g ? ?. i order in a mile atad, up . i ? - . . ? win not ba i a te >?? ? in the hi tory of tha Institut / in i mica op popi ii iimtv. ? ia Dae*. i ti lils V ? ? '111** ? nrither ? ' ' - with c ride o: - ? - . ? : ' - ? ! ' 1 ' tor a newspaper t with th ' to fine ? ? ? r ' | if it of .i - ? I ?? jonvii Iii ? ? - H- vind ? ! -'. ? .'ir vindication fi ? en tha pop I - ? ? Im Tin* i b ? i.uitv ? i iii. i'\ tuoxixG poa i ii ? ''lina an.I Vlrglnl.1 beth at n- run.- ? rtie pardoning power' is * ii It ha* tw-en found t iat lt th* Uovernor of aJthsr But* wei* 1 to e!v* bas ll aga to all who ask them. ?lilli the view ol getting clients or friends pardoni d, be time for any other xmrk Hem i ituta thant ipular <ii tnaii'i fur the r-rsatton ul ? Wlill- the Co tlon of Virginia itrea our Eseciitrvs tha eole i rwet i ri would ba laxx hil . t, ? . ? ? i whoa* duty M and advise the Governor aa to Wa <lmy ut. hmond We ?! thal aa tah meet the demand, 'nun- I | ;. . I arm nilli, ? ? lisflsd xx Ith ' ' ky. lill \ ilium \ i OITORfl ? a ii for ' il ilstlon. 'I - no line nt er now been ' ? - ll when the ? ' ? i ? ... ; ' ' s ll ' I lng alwsyi I i ? ? ? lng habit. ? ? lu au ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^Hfi" *?? tub. ' blunder. ? M i aila hie. i some ? ted foi a pur ' Ol. n...I i ' Hope rban? ll.- 111 Im ' rr ?p ' ? lupin'-. I .toa girl last ' - . ? ? 1 xi laiinil. Hun to a party. What I I- In the |? t ?seaaT" "They stand for a French lentanca that p ?? i ii a means Toma If you haven't got the grip.' "? <hl.ago Tribune. JaaGti Him One nh Mine. A llttl* ic-ihln. raaarag, black, an old otpfir stump found. And. vision* o' .1 jolly 'AmoJ-e" hogan to hover round; Eui, finding that he had no match, a bu i, eapted, tarey f'<r lt made a bolt to 1, c..- in- want.. iupiUtu.1. "\\> kara bera te ku.' sway, and, erea it ?.? rte, , - ? th? owner Beta "fee sn, n a ihir.g aa Down in the reas/ed panutooaa taa BttJt Mack hand went. m iiaataag tight ? the urchin said, hi, ? i atti ..liant. ta 1 ,. Then, handing; 'harv the bea, he -aid. wh, * ,n,n# ??Nex' time a fen' mm w"n,s a "'"'"? just gib Mtn "t." l*> r",r"" " i,., ;,: vVebater Dates, Tine t.eniiiB.. -nins t.u ? ir taking i The r,,.-I No. Tra* *> nlua la thi ? the middle mal. _ U) Bar beck. "Why wa* Um : ' to bia - laeat hours." i rhlcaf i tn- Pea Hinl ilic Saraga!, mightier than the award, For when th* aword ilea finished up III.- ; nine. inn..ti Bnaulrer. i*iii Oat. ndant Trermlow (mournf / ? ? irony ur rata . Bfttb 'I'-trio light*.-Judge. i be i .i/> alaa'a "*""g. Old Kii . .li i And lt I '.Blthout I : isn't about g hit wit! ?Cl, uder. Mlgjlil I it th.- i ? ? nint ?? motto heme. Mr ma one if r J.ate Than N \ V|.,,,|, n's \\ .11 "Ah. r li ath-' ? ' eu.u j aaaaal ?'her sleig-- . -tlnif by; him, and ireh, - i-iRh. i he Vim rican \nmad, r n?)da . v/.e; who bent ' , ? r him In his hetpli ? ?? a behind. ? ? striving r mind. ar; ' I - I " I - ' ' '? ? ta ' i be Roath anal Peoeloaa i - - ? ? to the G - ni ond I ? u arblch the South bow i of th* i -..ti tn. 'mons -i th, \ mora i of a te blur Hurts 1 . ? ' - i ' i in that ? ? i this . serous ipuloua I ' in which la tee i , ? aaltlvt V . ? ' ,? ri ll r-IWiuh to pg] Ita* in ? - r the a ll nu-n able injury. -.-? tho*, kn.-i nt tba in act leal work* ag of the penaton I h.c i ?- .I boneetly ?tni rinkiy arith the whole natter. Leading - ut rh ? ? nd then, he held ont a gteaai af gnbaapUy, I bean i le Icisiiii-ss ni ' riana h ive dfred*a" lae Idea of tba ion and bara ajaae far te vulgarize th. ..sitiori of the pension, r will undoubtedly t ? I tba men who nive served ni Cha and Manila. It ls Barty to raise a vole, of prote.r I ,| t , ...I for a sound, wise, honorah'e ,,.iiAJ,in s\stem whU-h shall make, By ks is^rlmlnaiton, every bestowal of a pan |jn a badge of honor?Th* Outlook. i PEOPLE AND POLITICS. BY AN OBSERVER. Our breech-cloth citizens of aha pines are Just now' absorbing the chief Inter.xMt ,.f tht-i country. The ti pending In TTaatifH*?* ?tid the a I fwda us daily with iional report about tho American and the I'lull'Uiin.** Coming to bl I am not in fa. manon! United Btataa tsrrll tha Phllrpptnaa To mm eaten! i that sanaa t am nit aa aaannaloi um not Iii i gowing An citizenship, arith ail thai it Implli but if anything .lux- un., oountrt t'j aaaarthnj thorny ?net theos Islands ami est nrni -wax- uv ? ,l would be th-, arguassnta put forth hy the anti-ex. panalontata in thia ooontry. Od ? stuff tl argumer-ia agalnal aasertlng our a itv in tha Phillp II ut thus thu Bsn-dhea mi to our n m artes a amy i Bubjaets, should get righi tu the point sui imderstand tha ? onfronta thi . the Philippines; and, i i ' ?' In tho land ? .. i . . . ? inion ? th Ignor in ? I ? lure of the An ......... i . srgumenti and fr of mtnola, '?" ,ir> ? ia v. which la inned that frigid BOW ighl forth . i ss, ihhI 11 bsva aurroun ' ... elusion. Whan aueh oraton ena ? tua Aaaerle. or argumi nt, n. i n low- I ' Ul timon ra spoatrophea to a few old, well-worn ami ? ? r In the Phlllpp the 1 . ii i gnlfying nothing." he mal ' to run ' ter lo create ? and I ;. em when ? ? ? father In th. ' ' - time ? t up tho ' I ' her ru ? ' I ' ' ? i - I ll , hie In I ind tn ha gol The s ? i ig lld 1 ? v ? ?ill civil the sacking m. I I ' ?nts of linl I hystsrl ks of sui h ? with. x ? thing a lot ol , this Philippi*** ? ; ir I. Aw . ' ? ; freedom and of Hberl Thi ? , ii, t \r. ..i - ? i em \* ? ii.,,tor Mr I .m-the ''government i i' -Until.I : .end i. Vt methods snd ? litton wonl i ai i party Baldon and tba mui-t uni lol thu.-- unhapi ??::.'? ,i ll.-XX' I . IOU* i turn the -' i i . Agu nal lo and . I i i I'nitrx h n.imo foraver. It ls a 'oollsh and Imp.. ?sa ? .no will solve the problem sf how o il-al with Uta Philippines. If the ins, Englishman, Oerman, Frenah. lapanese and natives ena k ind ("rm a r-publlc with s. |U.| minn, an eqm'ai le rode of laws I rovenunent of tha mlunda, si r. this ennntry thal thay have tha powei o enforce their authority an.l to maln ain their laws, then I am ready io aunch tha Islands forth on their career DR. ROTH'S EMPHATIC INDORSEMENT OF The NtSSl Scientific Irtstru tttctit for the Tre.itttictit of Catarrh and Cirip Kvcr In* troduced." ? ? INDORSED 15V Al L Who H.ive Tried It .Sold by All Druggi PRICE $1.00. Come and !See lt. Sp bitions Are B Given Thi", We H. G. FORSTMANN. 619 West Main WM. P* POYTHRESS & CO.. Druggists, 119 anil 919 E. M.:in . Richmond, Va. OWENS A MINOR DRUG CO-, 1007 Main Ste R.H M. HARRISON.: Foushoe Streets. PEOP: E'S DRUG STORE. 3900 Wi', TWIN CITY DRUc .7th .nu) M WM. H.SCOTT,Cor. ?7th Franklin Stre 'ts. T.W. CHELF, Corner Thin - CHELF & CO., 106 North Pinn Street. E. W. WEISIGER, 703 Hull St. Mancht *,ter. . ? ? J arl. nit in**! \-i -? "i i mi i ,\i it ?TfOM \< ll wu K1DN1 \ l* Water Ol Dur Sprint's Bj tat BBtet va.uabi* in merl.*, furaeil l.add A Co.. whola**!*