Newspaper Page Text
THE MARKET WAS WEAKER. Transaction* Were Heavy But Prices Broke Sharply at Close. BONDS SUFFERED IN SYMPATHY Altlion-li tho lon,- (.,mmI 1 nlil Near ii,,- i los.- London ? ll, .,*.> 1.1. w i,.. ii ii, i].. .1 ia Bi \ .ul tin I Koa, lion. .\ ,.W i ? ? I ll ?? a ti mand In Nashville. i ? ? ? I after ? m - ?, l. . I lion In iughl i ? ? ? nt*.* I The total i shu a ? ? fire Pa> ? r. i ?_???? ' ? ? ? ? ' STOCK QUOTATIONS ('lorine Slocka a . . . . . . . . lu* . . . ikiyn Ti . . . . . ni . .... . . . lol ? I I J ! . . ! ? . 117'T " (? s . . . ? ?. ls" . I s '?' .. -JW i ? . A I ? .. li:.': 1 ? Mi I I 1 \ lin . i ? < Han ' Ona.,,.., fd . ..." , ? ii. ?' . > " 4' '. ? Pull mi Silver Certificates . ire Hope and Twine Sugar . Sugar r-fd . faaa. C aaa iron . M \\ a N N N Ni W RT Bl R, ll KU ll. Pi **l in shee .127U | l!<>\ Nfl Wis Farr, Members New Tork Stock Exenang*. Member* New York Stock Exchange. Thomas Branch 6c Co. Bankers and Brokers, HOI EAST MAIN STREET. I Private wins to Now York, Chicago, and principal trade i. ntree. I ii vest m(Mit Seouritiea a specialty* Information cheerfully given. lour buaineaa sniit ited. r fi Leather .-. ' . . "-S, i s. i. . Wi 1 fi lc, ? : Md.....1M\. . i . .... . WA i ? ? '. . I . Southern Isl td. BONXNa : .. lo;-, - ? . . oup. 1UUV, .-. il-' ip . . nt. lir . . 1121. . \ ? . lo, .O', ? . IOU . loo .. . ll- I I -.ililli 4'S IV, H ri . . . t.'.'.j ? . . 1 lo o. ii. and B \ 0 . . 103 . HO . l|o . . '- ' Di 4's . . . . . . . . *-" -.1 Kit ... 113 .. io-.'"-. . l j-, . lld ._,. i i:c j . I0|*4 ? . o. s. ] r. . . . 12.1 st p. coi .tm . lin . ? . . ?;f, it. P |. fl nd r?ulf lats . Bl . . ? . .4 . . . -entrnl . 40i , t . ,'idcnd . BM. Aakad, rn Hill. ( ' - ? I KAU-!-' ' ? -' no .loo \ . 100 ?? ' - ' ? - 00 ? 20 i ? 100 l!o ? ? 121 100 111 HU A ' ... DIS - "' > ' ' 1.11 113 I".' ion . ? 123 M or; . cr. I I I mr for bonds maturing In HAIN AND COTTON I V il ANCE. R tnoi -I, Wi , j.m. lt;, l . . . i... : . 7T . Il '.i VI I . 40 . 40 . 4o . . - ;: nu\. ii.. ':' . S. ? .'. UV! STOCK MAB! RI VtL, 2 m. Iff, - - li . BOO . 4oo .... . 1,600 Mle ... . N* I azo ba . 4<*> . IdOO Icm: catt!.-. 1 t , ff! , .rnriton to . gross; hos?, v. .1:1.h.IC PEANUT MARKET. 'TtrOLK. VA.. Jan. 16. ? PEANtJTS? nera-rancy, 2\c; atrlctly trim*, j Th I Jul Jai M . y, M I.u: M r SH O ? ! 1; '?.' ' f. io 1 gallor 0a*r r.s. ? rations ? ? early ? ? ti .? ? ? ? figures ' ... ' M '? " ?' * ' j ' - elpts, ? ' ' M ? l-32d. ? ? ? ?1 il - '? ? OX, BJ ,? ry,T 100 1 ml-1 R NITW uri k w l "f:.\.\i ? ? ' ' ~ let. ? ? ? ' ? i ' 1 dull snd ? _ CinCAfJO MAPICKT ' i ? ? ? j Tl . ' ' r .... h UOl ' N, ? : y .... . v . ?*? Ttl ? :: ? * No 2 ? 1.14*1 Prime is nori p<*r 100 pounds. ixed.. ?i inn short Whisky, distillers' flnl-hed good- per i, 1127. suosrs unchanged; butter creamery. ftitlOa,: dalriea. 11217c.! ? <-**fu tall; fre*h. ITUajltr ; cheese ateady; ?nirry, {I'fJ 11 PAI VIM Ott F. MARKET. r.AI.TIMOKK. Jin 1f, Kl/HR-Dull. w?'?t,-rn *..ip.-riui" . $;_' :..,j.'a> WHEAT Steady. r.po| mu.I month, 7***? ;.'.!,< , I'.-tir , Southern hy sample, T_ 77 CORN B**lerl r month. I0".u tin,. -.. PVbruary, (..', tthern White rn,il yellow | i ?ATB Pinn; No 2 wlnr-. i:ii-i arty, i:l!..??-: No. 2 w ti ? ri. 63*4). -i OAR Strong: uranulated, ICCS MITTI'!' Stead] . fancy i reen* .h. Imitation, 1781* 1/ ..;<- .Firm; fr. sh, li^/^Oc i Ml Kl tey New York, ff) , whisk 1 - . per Kallon for fin In ? ai load |; 12 I" r ? LETTI ? - 1 -/t [ter bushel. NEW YORK DB MARKuCT. \i:\v vni'.K, Jan. M l opens di market so far ? bualm is -I, but mall - for all .i.'.a. iiriti. ? ?! k.i. ls In fall I .?? export >t> for heavy bron n ?? ll in evidence, but actual business la limited sj over-sold condition ? Hie ichi ry lirtn | tit th- M..sunville 1-J ? ya i il ? llnx-hama ai [?rio, with ? oand. Th* i no -I was qui . od*. NAVAL STORES. . Jan. IA?TUR? PENTINE Market Brm at 4j , Bales, N Finn and un banged; sale*, INNA!}. ''. \. Jan. lA-^TURPBN* ::i[ .-.i-ks; b. ogma; Kales, BPI** ? ? nd tl 03H; re - SB?] m i-ai | receipts 298 bar* r TO ' norrow, ? nuary 17. If will bara ? mn li '.'? *rcret*rt to-day ? Bright. : Retn 7 pack. nu* cotlae* of R ' Total, 110.211 ? ' he In ? ' a phy? ' Rehmer reporti the ' |Va.) i market for tha i 14, 1800, I row in . to ).|. lc of ba no** at. ? i.UV.TS ' ? rder or arith a In anti. Ipatlon of ha* proi en of ?' ' i of our , ',;;<? In I'. ? ? ?llllto ii valui rat dlffei ' . pal ? .... | 1.308$ 2.00 . . 1.00 1.00 -. . - - .. ? ".- i . ' I V ll, fl for wet k l er 1. ! ? MARINE ixti:i.i.i.;i:.\ ' ' . 7 ::l A M. . -.17 P. M. . ?'? Ifl P. M. " . .'?' !*? I' M ? Murphy, BalU* SA I H.lltl ? - arno. >RT BBRMXJDA HUNDRED, JAN*. IC ?- ? I'.rlf n. r., il - d ties, ! -_ I.OIIIDX .WU \\ I a.| IMU \\ LIMIII !?' \ I b H.. I AMI P. it. lt IND i <>\\l I I ions. avlag I '?; north ; ' i'. M., norn . train . V. ? Iriiiiall trains new ,1 of the i Through ? fr...-ii Ni ? I. . ? h. use. ?V. v TA1XOR, Traffl ? Manax*r. \V A ORR WU I I.okiiia si?i:. IALVM IT1 AM M i OABI LIM.. ll, rhe ?\ ', Will be k and Sr. l Rb hmond. li ia p M dally, ascepl Sun* B. I . 1 . A I a. M : iVay m Jacki .o', illa, Bia., P. H ''- bl i exctu*iv*ly ot i j, md Obaervatlon ? un ead lig-hteil No < atra * for Pullman : gtyse the public | BJad ni SA IBB* , be had. b'or | t0 C 8 CAMPBEXuL, gai Agent. Bl I Ml vs ARlflCd stiAK -. i SALVB ha tha world for rea Uteara .ijjt Rheum. corns, and all Milln Irruptions, !??? i Chapped Hand*. i n i pay re , |. .- guaranteed tr, sive perfect ?faction of money refunded. Price ii I ox i or *al* by Owen* di? or i>rug Co. nts for the Pocona Elo I'. Min?y ivanta, and ? instantly their reliable Line Vlru?. both lu bulbs and ivory ts. We are prepared to f Knish tn quantity and Invite orders bv timi! I lill Who \B ;,;? VI ' to th* trade and tutlons of all kinds. OWENS A MINOR DRUO CO. di dr ? Gil of bri rle, lo 1 n* Hie T hla-, eon for li? lt luff. In M and day D gan chu O mer tum tra. Mi Roi ter >I*J NJ cure soho Ep? writ raffa oper of tl Wy city By ita n will FINE RESULTS FOR REVIVAL. Twenty-Five Conversions at the Second Baptist Church. DELEGATE FROM PETERSBURG. Mr. Holier,.ia s to Washington to ?k> run* Un-Plan-us Stenographer to Senator Marlin?Annual Hepon ol'St. Jo* |.li > (burch. PETBR0BURO, VA, Jan Tho Bari aa sf "-nuninga al tha I church, ooodueted by tba asa* tor, Kev, J. li. Unit, aeaisted by R ? K. h. Hartln, ... Salem, Va . ara being attended with Hm reedits, Than tnunty-flvn eonvai doi md int.-. a, i. m..;. .-'ii ; will be continu. d during ll Tba represents liva front Pfltarsburg 'o tba Virginia Oaunctl, Catholic Knights which meeta In BJchmond ... morrow, is afr. p. ii. Walis i?r. J. M. Burke, af tbla dtp, arba ,vr. by Invitation, an re tu- < '..'in. ll. BENATOB MARTIN'S CLERK. Mr. Leroy Weber who for sometime ii Bteno*-raber for Mi ?lam. eli i k of the ? a tendered, and arBl In ail probability soi ept, i ll r left this m.ii iiim; for W ? ihlngton lo confi ? uor .M-rtiti In ? to 'he naetter. John 1,. I ? ? bargsd In the : ornlng aril ? . mlxr ? ..a for trial. Deon b ? ii ball in the penalty of tsoo with Mi .1 i. Bowie aa bondss PH a CHI BCH. .o':, punti r of I aeph'fl Catholic church, rend tha annual ren.irt of tba chun h fl ? ongre g ition morning i. ri the following: Number of anula la tba i" ifs*,, bal; In ml - annual oommtuilcantB, 1,115; ba .'.. mai' lifo and 4 confirmations, BO children nnd 5 adults The total amount raised during tl ? twelve mouths eras ti. wi M The fund, BomeUm imounts le betaraea $4'.**i ard n*n The puld on the church debt ? leaving a balance 'lue of t",1*1 a llcenee was barned tn day by the clerk of the court f"r the marri Joaepb Theodore Joccbs, >>f .Norfolk and Mary Elizabeth Alley, of thia i Bia TOURNAMENT. I arUl ba u-tven In Pln wi.idio, m ir thu county cdurthoui next Friday, which win h.* followed by ii grand ball. Mr." .J. I' Hart l? niite Bick with rrlp. An adjourn* d citlai na' i to-night at the Yoting Men's Chi lion Bull <o take furth. r -.Ittfve to hr.idhiff an Agricultural and Industrial P.,ir here next f I The committee B|V notnted to recommend permanent i 'fl? ora af the Aasod i iplcea tho Fair ls to ho held, gabi 'urtber tim.* ?,.-nr.. given rmtil inlttee of fourteen iva<= apo. ? licit Mibscrl >tlona .. the ?? k of the \ ? vhi. h is to be tl ll wis Stated thal about tj,fi*g ,.' ti,,, tock had already bet n subscribed, GEN. ROSSER TO GO TO CUBA. li,- Monti, olio Wino < i-inpanv I)fs bureea Mm li atnnay to Grnpn Orownta CHARLOTTESVIIXJb; Va . Jan nt? pedal Qannrsl Thomas L. Bosser will ?a\e bare to-morrow for Washington. ' 1' 1:1 v it-." government at u .rp-. c Hlllebrsnd, motbir of [. ,'. HI Ile bi I mn..brand, this city, la erl cally ni si lbs <Isuraaont ir The Ai-.ntl.'en., Win.- Company k/d ? ? Btlng anti ban., Il CRaason Kiturd.iy evening, Buner. tendent Russos ? annual report i tha company io !,?? j,, s lloui mdltlon, and ihe pn trlbut I arnot ? - organised "Arrowhead st.?k Farm ??ii mil-'M south of Charlotteavlll ."in ..ti" hui ? i and is owned : mel i:. Wo ricked sith One-bred, registered "l poultry, in part, Red tiled .-ailie, thoroughbred riding and sh- Hand ponies, I ? wi whits H..iimd turkeys, light ks. dr. Vi ti bia bard tba sin? .1 daughter*! arhleh buvt - *dx hundred dollars. I u-.nt y tl v.- hun td .1..'| th ,1 s|x h?n. ?d dollars. 'Arrowhead'.' baa recentl" been making ihipmauts of stork'an.l poultry, Southern *-' weeks old sell* for J": If th..nth, old, liritiir J MISS SCOVILLE WEDS. fimorcnn Sio, kln'lilers Rc-Flcr f Of fliers M BBBtoU al St. Paul. .V.VCHIM'P.Ci. VA.. January 1' -Spe II der! a fi oviUe, daughter Mr. I.eii W Scoville, "f the ., ?r White Sulphur Sorlngs. was mai i on last Mond tv in Dayton, i Mr. Mef-ane Titton. hs intovhholdcrs of the <7lamorgan e and Poundry <'ompany re-e: old offlaara to day. ?morgan, which ls one of the ???' er,' rprisefl li.*re. Ls In splendid di'ion. and the amount sf bu I was mu.-li la excess of that of ? previous year. snort Loving, son of Thompson but* .'? Pulasad, died to-day at lils home. Amherst. r and Mr. Max < luggonhelmer. Jr.. their daughter, .Miss Cell, loft l" t'or CUBfoi nlfl M .... H's health ba principal cunna nf tho trip. r. lt. J. MotBryde, el Lexington, he a mis-ion.iry servlco ut St. Paul's ri-h hero to-night. . \l mMoz, thu well known drum , stated here to-day that he would travelling in two or three, months himself entirely la the race k. r. Charles Petty, proprietor of the el National. dle*d this afternoon af a brief Illness; aged forty-one. WANT A SUMMER NORMAL. -or or Montreal mul Party Invest! unto Terminal* **WFC*BT NKWS, VA.. January ML . i. Au cloie i- li. ;ng Banda to se? mi.- of tha State summer normal ols for this dty. Profeesor H. II. i, principal of the schools here, bas ten lo the State superintendent In rd to the matter. He baa the co allon of Professor Condos, principal io Hampton echools, and will prooa rccelv? an appropriation from the council. nest summer Newport News, with lagnliicent now high school building, BTobu-bly he aa wall id not belier prepared than any other city In th* - to support such an Institution, annual sermon ro tho New-port News Masons was pr,..' h 1 yt morning by Rev. ll. T, i\Vi"f<>-.. of tho First Praabytcrlaw church. Tb* 'Masons attended In .1 hotly, [bel I in arly a unanimous turn out. r of Meatieal and the Har? bor Commissioners of that city arrived ? Saturday night on th* i Baltimore bool lie Lei Ishlp, ? Prefontalne, who ls also a merni ?er of the Canadian Parliament. VaSted Ne'e-port Mee)* Bunda* with sev over th- --hip-yard Thia morning the party vi.nt b 'ni'l Nor? folk to Inspect th>- terminal* there. In a.I,Hitor. NJ, Hie ?i. J 1 Tai te, M of PtaBluO Work- of Ya" ida. and the f'.l lowlag prominent rawnberi .,f th* .Mon 'real Board of Harbor i'm,mi stonars .Mi.'K.iv, preatdent; Peecival M. .-1 i;..,,.:,- engineer; John Kennedy, harbor - Mi ira B ltl.'k.-rl. <ine. n .; Thompson, ll, LaScur, A Oau b-'ll and .1 ihn TOl I Their object is to ..brain Inform .' 1. -? metboos of harbor and *t*rmla*i meeta before maklag the inimenAa- Impi ontetoplatad \i i will Ia-ur fl ?? - ISLE OF WIGHT COUNTY. Dent li ot < Vd. W. IL Hanlon Mr. Bloch bTeda M asa Peadaa. IflONOVIBW, cv etal Colonel William H Darden died ? oman. I te iter. nu W .Hand M ? ? Mr. .i and Miss Molli* Par. hi m. area I*. De un i, D D., ofrl latlng. Much Intel rig taken I the spring election. M ? In tba tir!d. FAVOR AN ALLIANCE. Katbeelaatle Reception <>r Rnaaarka 1 avoiahli- lo Iingland. N'nili-r .|.;<, YA.. Ja: Henry Varley, an Bl a meeting held under tha the To hore, addressed an ..?? ' ? ? gnni for trevn m..a? ph sal t ' ? t he ?p< a ker ? ? monument to tl INDICTED FOR KILLING, i lou-oil willi r..iucr> in Connect wu wnii Hil linen Mataal mid Betrieiy. CHARLGTl I ;s\! I.I.K. VA . .Int. IA? ' trna bill ag . hare d Wflh ki Iking him on tb wi' ii a I ear I The jui) |* bills against Joseph Wll gery. \' Mutual ALI - i dolitir ? with much crookedness in me manner in r,-,* ni-: bu I for rhe fort ime of I ir SHAFTER CONDEMNS EAGAN. Trrade mgjaJaat Milos "Utter!* Inda iciisihic" thc Beef at Seotlago, s w AND i ??'". TEX . Jan I - Af ct iii San Ant..ruo mi a, '. CBpl rm .1. .\ :?!-. Major-General W. J: S pertmeat i ? ri. tins ait. rt.ii : ? I I . ? "i never aoprovi d atef ( duda't t aaid tit >t thi hal rn ... ,,i?i ' ?d. I .lout know an-, ? ill the' '..-< f lu tlie I'm' : idefensrbfe and I ? latter rs at real t.. Baal I to i . i|| t ? In l bat hal ?. f his broth Th- r. talon '>t th Mew Tori An late reel lng I arid < -aaa. tor a writ "f , td*r, lat* *-? ?.' of rh.. Coori "' ?? / iir.1 Circuit. Tl ostruetton of th* tarifi ...n hu trimming and I .-' terifi,.f,. ? Th.-re ia- isJd t* b ? the country, involving anywhere from ? . .. ?_?-.-a in ekela Mortoarj Bat******. WAAtthNO/I-ON, Jan lt Oeaaral ooh . ? ommaitdine ai Hava tba W -.i Deport mi nt thi rSommand i Innuary i I anka mpany'1 Pira! * ina I nf an , typhoid tever; John M i flfehollsm A NARROW Bb* \\'\.. 'hankfui worda written i>\ Mr Halt, Of Ot' on, S lr: \'..,s lan ti ih a had i,ct v\ hi. ti Battled on my ti rarJ. ;cd in consumption, four .lo. ? .rs gave up. BBVuBg l . ould live nut a short ie. I gave myself up io my Saviour, ermined if I i ould not stay with my ?nds on earth. I would meet my absent rs above. My husband was advised to Dr. King's New Discovery for i option. Cougba ead Cold* l ^aw it rial; took In all eight bottles. It has ed me, and. thank God. I am saved 1 am now a w.-U and healthy woman ." al boltlca tri'e Bl Oweai tad Minor lg Company's Regular size Mic. and Guaranteed or prl. e refunded. Till. St HliLVI.KIPITCl'HK here ls no use suffering from this adfu1 malady. If )vju will only gtt right reasady. You ar? having pain [brough your cody, your liver ls out of er, hava no appetite, no life or arn? on, have a bad cold; In fact, ar* com? ely u?*d up. Bleetrlo Hitter* ls the f remedy that will give you prompt sure relief. They art directly on r liver, stomach and kidneys, tone the whole system and make you fe- I a new being. They are gua cur* or price refunded. For sale at *ns A Minor Drug Company a. Only nar bottle. I b Pi i al ?.Bi Ini tb of I tl , to \ * A efl Lal l nt: A .-?rn of III. I N th* of don r Tl fol 11 Lan Mr. Hr. ca ' These Rainy Days are especially adapted for shop* piny; at Tl For there arc so many thousand patterns ol Embroideries and Underwear yon will relish having the undi? vided .-mention of the salesperson and no jostling of busy days. To-day wc commence an offer? ing of Umbrellas, good, strong and substantial. Silk Twilled Gloria, men's and ladies' bandies, 26 tad til inches, Choice. JJJ 1 #()0 Other Umbrellas, $250. to 5'o. EVERYTHIKG FOR EVINYBOdV' Do You Want A Piano? OUR PRIi - ? low and 'I-' .. IL t to the merit ? ?' I 1. "r eaey minth wi: ma ki: iv kxchani hand - ? 1 1 full value for I IAIN'S IN sunni l-l \ V ll :n ;? rle wi: rent ima*. . iggjt, a-aaaa monti: , TUNING AND REPAIRING* Wa h ' enrr>-> nf tunere and rei . , t,,,,. of all In* HOVIMi. '"ixe.] and Ul- 11 at lowest All tt receive prompt lon. Manly B. Ramos Co., 119 E. Broad St., Richmond. Va Turning Over a New Leaf ? ti mink I. and i urr ap will rn id ? I ? ? than y CISHOP. Shirt Bul U] I .in treet. AMUSEMENTS. I10 ll, rmanii's .11 tl.. \, inliiuj ?Vau ,1, ville ni Un- Bijou, . itedly tba 1 .: 1 tie tn, ut 1 th? Hernuunn, The yo mg. r I lei i . I ' : ? ? ? ired ?vi ? I re very smualng i> the 1, in their enjoyable .h. Ml prettleat en on tbs local stage s. ? 1 ' m nb> th-ir .ketch. ? ? . ? ....od G ii neting " 1 wo ella's ? >t of th lunbar and var sere* tlc tur - ? ? -. 1 . n'her irtluig. hill lt pl'-ased Die audience. Monday ni-jhr. r rooao lam. ?? '....-.?.. ri p. *-. ? ? insole to r-'irh t in ber turn, i ' r ordinary aert.v nie evora] new pictures :.*re jri\?n aa Hie agr.-inh. Bad ,i* ? '*- 1 i'l 1? lng, but 1 ?? Irong as that ? k. , nmlliu-e will he given -it I V> o'olook noon, an.'. ? 1 tn again NO ACTION TAKEN. ranna Rna*, st. \. Mimrchca Ila- Not flSMMI < allcil. . largely attended meeting of the coon of Hu* First English Evangeii, ?i theran church waa held last night t-> aider the question of calling s bu . J A Morehead. numln-r of BaMMB wen considered, ing them tl i J. tt Hen I?' I , who wa? ld..1 b ?! of Ulm ? '.Lu- when tho matter WU btlcM b?* concluded. ll, lunonil < ..ll.-gf Journal Cliit). ie Illohmond Oollege Journal Club I a meeting last night and he*.'t t g% iwlnu paper* wfre read: Mr. I kford on "The Jsnuury r-M-mn." ana J U. Taylor on "The Hreyfua csee." chandler gave au tntereeUr*** lalb Tba Mooroo JDectrtn*'' _ 1