Newspaper Page Text
PRICE OF COKE NOW ONE DOLLAR [he Committee on Lipnt Makes a Cut in the Rites. ELECTRIC LINE INVESTIGATION, A Oin. t ,1 Ol ? , I,aol *>! ,,!, >>n Heigbta People h. ii .? . mn-. Protea! -Th. w bm i ii.nilli e. ! ' Tba i * ? s Iii tho ?? ? ? ? ? ' ? ' ? ? I : - ? THE ELECTRIC LINES. ? |faub-l .>>nmii iee Appoint! >l io I hoi ought- Inveal Ignti I boan. : and ? ? M I r . ? lo thc ? ? ith tho - ? ? ? ? ? ? ba > in 'I'I fl) N'Kl'l.S I?C ,*V" '? Street . autw-balnnau, ano City Eng.. T I \ i i of etla lui OVAL ?*""* w Powder Absolutely t>ijRt Makes the food more delicious and wholesome I ? ' I I If lie Ml I ' _ ? ' \ I f.-r - WATER FOR THE JAIL. ?.mini.Ia .uni Hurl.Iii.i;s I , on ni it !,?<? Hus! I'.ii i>.i iii. Hame, ' ? ? . II. ? h > mn. i ... Hiing ? I ? ? ? Works. a i'i poi ins ""' Bud] i ind Ul ? 'I I" Ni,in 1 ' ; ? ? t - ?? I -. tlpment of ? ? ? M i/.n- Rolled tisane! ttl,m. j i\ | . . . I ' will bo to ? I thou! Hld. Vt ti..- deffer. ',: laeph v. i :: ' im rough I - Benefll Perl i maex .? ,.i th.- Bljoa. k win -? ,.. rj dS ? ??ii i rn it..- iii.jon, ? ? '.Ul, will inonu ll. B 'I on lit T I j A ri,ni , ; .-. . I,allies' .\ii?lll.n \ Aaxtllary of Plobetl | I their annuli tammi jinny ot i n. u Thurflday, .1 launry J ?, '. from I V M t., | p, M ? butions will v ic nt .-?.ii ir, > in 11.1:1 Kl im; hook 1 i-i 1 - ? un the ? tn ?-. un.i Cara <>f ah rpo** to neill opy without rhiirsf to any lntereflted lng toi il. Til?-r I l.iild-headed l? o|il? and peep . Iiiilr In thia vicinity. Why not write \ . . ? - Seeaa Suth- bl Bara, 1. Jjesbro-isea auat-t, M*w ? ?*? k rAKa _ . ntt'i imaBBas*BBBBSBBBBB*BBaBsl SM \ 1 N hei oil iv . ly 1 ..I'.. T A ROBBERY OUT AT LAKESIDE. Mr. J, L. Dennis Loses $22 and a Revoker. THE ROBBERS ARE UNKNOWN Bul Are Thought to be i ara Una U ba < ii ui ba i ii, ii.:- ..i ||r, lab lan Btnrke, and na vs ere Ulan ad to luupm i n..- i lui,. ? ? '? a : I ? ' ? ? ? i w I ? t ? ? ? ? ? ? M r. 11 ? ACROSS THE VIADUCT, 'art,.n Heights Iltur Un* i' ..I I Ton Hull ? ? ' ? Bl ? ? ll. Ia I. "'.. \l ? - ? ? ? ' . ld rk, will ti ? | ? lilli! .Itv. Ml I Vi Vi ? '..11111* Mi 'nii.n ? and much lik,*d hy tl IITHDEAL BUSINESS COLLEGE. BlB*flB*4 |"vmI Pu-, nt at its Formal Oamuhag baal Night. wo ? ni.. I... i i .n .,(? ns form ii ?|*l>liiiidi-d, a,Hi.,iiB|, mint of the length of the trutnental ? Club "Messenger Mar* h*' and I 1/xi.xun" tut Hie fiutubeia ina., td. ? v. | I hy Mes?r?. i" i: Aaderaoa, 11 \ atti bia and H. Mr Anderdon, ll arith hU taut h. Tha *-??ftu. ss ind . . "Tomray'i *tti u ? tu bing p il lag her i in splendid man M I . ? ; i intel - I I T W. ? in lt. --..1 the I WOMAN'S MISSIONARY CIRCLE. TheQaarferlj afei mg il?-M I il n \ ? I I ii, h ?r>. * ? ? ? ? I - ' I '? v - ' ' r ANXIOUS TO COME HOME. ?Mdter* Complain ol < aba's Climate i ipitui an.I Library > l ? ! em. ' ly im ii. ; i ! ' I ? ' - ll I. it. ?nmon i i rfc 1 ' ? H ld arc ? :j*ri!y - I hara I. Un Uuik. I ' t^XX-VuX-V-BuXX**^ S JJ Perfect \ S Infant Food\ Gail Borden Eagle Brand Condensed Milk ts A Perfect SUBsriruTE Fop s J ba i I fo? ti. VA. ? d*l -if 'he lal AI GETS A CHARTER. A Corporation Formed to Manufac? ture Ether. >ALS0 DRUGS AND CHEMICALS Of Other Kimi*., an,I to 1 urnish tiao ant Heal in** nnd illuminating; Pun**naana Bnbaaanaltan Banal ii. -s lli'ii It.-liintl ll. I Ml eBunana ..i Btaananana, is star th.- i.ei.1. Ita pn-rpnaa being ot ether and ?Vuna md ,.omi.als. aa wall aa .Humiliating and ethan a charter arith these cuds ir. view was i Judge ? uri by -..., B r. ?:i. B, W. .midt. William H. B. O n, J. t. i. ; i . Wi lam . Jr., and A. D. Ju ' NY. The men are gu* i ? ? 1 a i }ol "Amerlcna Ether i i r, and otb. i ? ? ? md Illuminating. arvid) d ute h.-I.I in the count) Of H.-un. o sud ar ooo n ty. john h. Pareen, prsu* -i.i.nt. waa. .md Waa. ii. Bun* reel g W Triv :it W. Il /Inini. ? ,1. T. l'.i: kimon, and M. ic I "IT. In tba Law -md Equity . i huriea 9. rli mi Home - M a t the ? ?iv. I lr ..I Ml rrlwether ? ? I in thc II .1. morning for attempted :' it being boosn that nally ho,ni committed er iinUL-nexl term to ? FAILURE OF SHOE FIRM. Stein OoanUJM.] Piles Petition in nank? in pi.?> Cnatoan BonanMntna*, i. uhO conducts business m.* of thc S'.elrt Shoe i'om bia . ..'!? '?' ? i. Pleajen i< im. r. Bled "i peUUon illa liabilin I .tm. represeuflng the Whit. Hiv. r Shoo Company and Jen ? A move th" . ? Ant u i m of tba comp W.t.I.lid ! BUHU in the .i Alexander l ' .1" i referring W. l'. Wickham, Mr. .'.'. Oordoa in the receiver and as o th.- gull agalnat toben, ? di rei ta thal I 1 with .of the lill has gone to Norfolk to Itt. J Smith, th.- glam ' time, has grown nor ii as to give hi." I ACCUSED OF CRIMES, luiiau t. Larj un bi I la ni a rad bf oftii er I .1. I nikos. Tn ih.- Barrani of Julian T, Luana, who I Bund :i H> url. 0 county .- think . man guilt) of many CTUUM rg< d ir.iip t bim In this , ? ?? I willi forcing .md at Ity Hank a ? 1 the i Bsttaan of ?M i 'hui er ea ruty, tining from D He ls fuel I lo have stolen I nt Of ii.ty. r. Hie thargo nf burglar] ka Ni w . -sins) Maa. ired in 'l.e Polio' Court ye?. ii-. uri d .is his H I I, - IT. Wt- -. found tho arltneSBCS uer led i i tho cai i'? ll lu ' Hit VACCINATION BEGINS. lie Pe. plc ul' lli.'liinnnil are Now Be lug IniK'iilatetl. The work of vacillation hi' yester iv morning, aa Bcbeduled, and will b*. ; pos? it work in ni,ms ; : the city, ? tors will : - Of >-\ -ly natlsg un.i will ionsa refar, thc sum of {GO a mouth. Chert* win br *<?? aga af all ? ia (to : I of Iii Sith ? ? win bo reported i'.iidr.n ll I-- 1 nt tho m .viii bo visited. Each paraan tsd will receive a card with the ima Of the doctor, t. ,,r her o**n name upon lt. for nee. I iis.t Harket Committee. M on Fli-t ntaria** met at ? Main III". ly morning. pruana! sub-ciian-nun -fan* ? and Messrs. H ind curtis, wk reported Vagg; collected on ? of the sanitary tax, also ihut l.M would be returned to the treasury, iltur be^n loft over from the u^pro iti..n for 18M, , Hst af the need*; of the department aggregating M.ooa, was approved .be forwarded to tho Fl ice Committee. Captain < ampliell Coining. he third number of the Members' ur.s, Y. M. c. A.. will be gir, i In V M. i* A. Hall Friday ni(fhi , f thu k. It will bs an Illustrated lecture, Captain ll i; u raaBptj lill. Sm Prendsce, entitled Hawaii and Philippine islands. Captain Campbell i mewl inUJuaUiiA\-iUCalicr? atid curiae c ??1 wit to* ore, lon CASTOR IA Tho Kind You Havo Always Boils-lit, ami ulii.-h has be?*n lu use for over iM) years, has horne the stfrtMtiiro of and ha? hern made under his per* *^7^^~^L- Honal Mitwriision since its infancy. Yt y-oUK^U^C Allow no uno to devolve you in thia. All Counterfeits Imitations ntid Substitute.-', arc hut Ex? periments that trill** i\ith anil ? tidau^ir the Inalth of Infants and Children?l.xpeiience against Ivvperimeut. What is CASTORIA Castorla ls a snhstituto for Castor Oil, Pnrefcorie. Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless ami Pleasant. It eontuiiis neither Opium. Morphine nor other Narcotic suhstanee. Its ugo is its ^uara n tee. lt destroys Worms and allay-- reverishness. It cures Diarrinea and Wind Colic. It relieves Te?-iliinjr Troubles, cures (kmstipatlon and I'lalnleriev. It assimilates the l'txnl, rejjuLttcs tho Stomach and Bowels. ?,M'?"li" healthy ami natural sleep. Tho Children's 1'anacca?Tho Mother'* Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. mr come.*,.. r.T, nsw.oaa erv. neford. Piestdcat ?. O. PaJrbaak, ' . at J. ft Southall. Cash's, H Bwlneford. C. I). I iii 1:1 cn'i:s. r. w Daai ?uillraa, ? A.c. ; THE DIME SAVINGS BANK OF RICHMOND. VIRGINIA. 10 EAST MAIN SIRF.ET. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL $100,003 Why no* oegin ?'"' nPW vr:*r '>v ?l?p*''"'t"';-.r your savings with us uni ^et | pei cent, interest? It is arbal v.ju save, tiot what you earn, that niakes yon rich. Loans oegotiafted. We are also agent*, tor the following well-known reliable Fire Insurance Companies: ROTAI. WXMM fufgl rt \t I < " Ul' ! \ ? DJr / If I i.rtmi, WOMTBKMA ISSI S i w /: rim r i \ i ur i t,\ ;,n\, \ti:,\i> lin tMMVMAJrCJ r.n/ivi .?/ MAMTWOMB $ 150.OOO deposited with the treasurer ol Virginia to protect Vir? ginia pol icy-bo'., leis. A BUSINESS DISPUTE if easily settled Trues the accounts are properly kept. Don't pta false economy by .rying to **.**? Sal blank booka. We wiU sell yon a set ul" high-grade, well-made Books, tram ledffjer to iocraal. Cash l!.wik>, Order Hooks, Memorandum Hooks, ami Day Books st such a stn di cos* that von caa buy the best. Oar stork ol office -applies ia al comp'. EVERETT WADDEY CO.. 1105 E. Main Street I*********.*** |A df? I Blooming and Decorative $ PLANTS, ROSES, VIOLETS, di I A* ai AND CUT FLOWERS. $ HAMMOND, o-.-s.-*i-B.^<-rk^*CB-^-v-. . .-B-v--.^-.', ?f?*ftft*?tff?tttff ak 107 EAST fa BROAD ST. 8 Carpets, Rugs, Curtains, <k INOLEUMS, COCOA MATTING, OIL CLOTHS, NAPIER MATTING, COCOA MATS, Expertimj to remove shortly lo our now Kroad-street 6tore we will make reduced prievs on all of the above. IE0RGE W. ANDERSON & SONS' CARPET HOUSE, 1204-East Main Street. >TrTl)MMIMMMMMMMMMMM>HMM'lMMMtM?t New River Consolidated Coal Company I. VV. HOPKINS. General Agent Ninth and Main Sts. - - - Richmond, Va. J Sole inland agent for tlie sale of the well*known J New River Steam Coal. The buswell heretofore con. ducted by J. W. Hopkins, a^ent lor tho operators, will be continued by the above concern. Your orders are solicited. h him a magnificent flteropllcon Tha ill bo a rare eoootu.iiuy lulormuUoa oa ll-cae iifi^orUui. hui.a. Hon.*. Hatiintay afi'rnoon ttl 3 o'< leefe Ut** will hf ?iv. ?i !..r lbs i ? i.'Bl i'i. kc-ts ea? rn*-w ya atkin al tia .*.* buUiaiaa% WALL PAPERS