Newspaper Page Text
imi^v VOL. 13. NO. 292. l.-rilMONl), VA., WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 18, l^!>ii. wi.mhitn i oap \**r. ' :..y; Vlrgi .'?ur follow* '?en, 'Inda North Carolina i m .:inaa Tin'. .' thor, colder, hriak i.^fbe PRICE TWO CENTS. GEN. EAGAN TO BE COURT-MARTIALED aden, Da tded This thc Onlv Coal PERSONNEL omni RT rt Decided On, But Genera Merritt May Pres: . THE PENALTY ISA SEVERE ONE. 1 ..nil lads Hun 1.Hill v 1 bs] I. . ii un I,, Daaanaaaa .ll tin, I lo \t lil . liol llisl Inly ll | . \\ oil K. n.l ... um. 1 I nu i i I His lera, ' ? * Tl i ? ? ? ' ' ' ? i ? ? n ? ' * i I I ' I ? I v : ? to tba ? i <1 xx ny. ? ' ? '? ? ? baan re Rev cd of bia unties in anticipation, yf ? ' 'I * STATEMENT ACCEPTED. General Begun Hus Blimtnotod the iiii|(, tii.ii,ii?ii Phi*aaU**oln*pr. ? i temeni 1 ? of th-* . '?.niiin-Mi i. in ?? Il it- ? CORTES TO RATIFY ?ii,,* Treaty,a mi \\ 'ti Sd la* sunn iii,- Whole H. aponsil HKy. ? : ? ? ? ll THE DEAL COMPLETED, lin. gea I*i hi- i"i i> 'I t< t Ik \\ lin.nus Syndicate, ? ? in and JOHN RUSSELL YOUNG IS DEAD. Tho Librarian of Congress Passes Ai*.,.)/?Was Widely Known and I Writer of Great Renown, ? i ? ? i ... i ? that I . ol : is . . . P ddt, ? nun. IL- ii Ko 1 . in th" bm h. unole . .... I . place ' ' ol tbs ? ? ? I Ilia writ it,.I ll ? ? ,'".. titi; batts. ? i Bl of teer he editor of Ihe I nhl, h 1. v lot gp ? Nrbtch, h >w ? BS KT! HI LD KAW. il. ii tted to ni' (Continued, on tfecoud Puk'?.; 'eek PEOPLE TU VOTE FOR POSTMASTER A Bil] in Allow Them 11 Express TheirCl FOND OF POULTRY. ! for Civil War Damages that Soldiers Took Many BUT THE LOSERS GET NO PAY Sn, li lt, ipa ..,,? rUric-ben Out of Ml < i.un.a a* i lu 11- i- v. Pro. lo I'.i.i for i : ...i lian Would i i Better. U lil s,,,,,,, 'I I I III'. - ' : - ' ? ' ? r ? ?>-. Va I OUR SAILOR HEROES. 1 bfl i'll Alli. Ul - ->lir|>llllirilt-. 1 I. cern and Men of tin I - i ? - ? m ' ? ? ? ? " - ? ' ' I I i ? ? :. r 11.. i Hon. ALL QUIET IN THE PHILIPPINES, i)iin i.ii latte*rea in the M< -t i;. aaaati** Inn Received N ac WA3H1S\ ? ? ii,,m M to the VI ' fairs in the ? b lt uu,.l. : , iii.ii Al ll in lb* ? hi ' lon to ad report upon th* Philippine Island* ? I N| .i mai., .tn. RIIOVl oflklul ?.u'luunvt-inuti su-jj'tly aili follow. THE CANAL BILL WAS DISCUSSED. tte Devotes the Day to li- Consideration. TO ABROGATE TREATY Mr, Caffery Offers a Substitute for Ponding Bill to That Effect. HOUSE PASSES THE NAVAL BILL \\ i! li ail Div I-;,.ii I I, ? - . 1 rn*.. .1 I .un lu',, i,,ii,i< His Were IdoaUnd, om ,,i \\ lil li in. reascfl ihe Mnrine c. -rna Iq len?1 I -lull's 1 III I i ll. \ Bill n Recnlled, WASHINGTON January 17.? A ? I Turner ? : ? af th" a tba ' ' i naval ? ? - in Hie bill : Com. ITE. ' ? I In tin- Hons,-. ?? ? -ill". 1 to ' ? 1 thirty In the b ? a ?ie ? ' lip. '..ill. i'I RP Mi ? ?o the ? e intra .11 ls to ' irrency ? ann ot " : i>. ? i. i ind nus I ? DEGENERATE CONFEDERATES. \sk Buller v.i io Mi.hhIi.ii His Hill fhn i nm il Burnlea Pena ons. abe i . ? .'.in not - ? i I bill an I ? I that >? hilt 111 I Wini . eel -i ? soldiers." 11, tiered io * bb i_. WAEHLMVTON lanuniT IT I lanlan i- been detached t;..m the ' '* ? ' ' N : .Ik and or 1 linn-* rondravoua arni tho biaaicli by- I | drofcraphio ofllca. I t. MORE HONOR TO GEN. WHELLER. Ladies Give Him a Recep? tion and Luiuiii-nii AT THE WOMAN'S CLUB He Pays I Delicate md Beautiful Tribute to Woman. WAS WELCOMED AT MUSEUM. \ l*arae CttomC Tneee la Oreel Uk OM Hera \i tba beeabrre! Honaa 11,.-* x.iiitiiA Gaea Him ?"? IIhiiaiii^ Ki. .'jin..11 Baal linil .1 rs.ililli- in ll is lloiii.i'. hi |n thia > itr, durbai which tune tba peoi I their a.iniir.iti.'ii and i I i8E EARL ? did n"' ra? ter tba , eng from m. ming when went - hi had had a lol Uni. -mi down in tb* lobby, greeted by a number of ? Bhnrt ? 1 . . 1 > A I teA ? w \ Capt Jana Lamb, and Col John Murphy. ARO! ND THE CITY. Th* n Ked null k .. .,,-:,,, k Colonels John :. \ iii.- iliruin iround th* lu tl . ncl w. ? ind th<* .ir ed the liv. I . him. li ? .ri tia * hil li he l- .irs of hr: nf the ? ,..-' .mi: HIM. I 1 ? Up Iii- ' ' :"*? "f thirteen ? r- N. V. Randolph : sering landolpK introduc* wii. aler, who dellvi htm In ?'< i I . ' a nih. na then form ?<! In ll da with e.i.-ii v,i,u i, h.- u, : j through tile ? lu (terara ? he ,.i<i hero I ? pent at tb Home, . rh* ? ll>, driving . th* Wotnan'i Club. .. ? 1 ,iiii. Iv-, and ;? braced th*- opportunity ta meei tha old . room began to nil il with i'..1,.nols Cntati rat to the Re. > In waltina. Thea* 1 L. L laume, ' '< In a graceful ape. i Mi Lewla intro uly to ? r then In a hr ? ? ; anti. ii thai tte a ? ? thought be woti : ri of thc , lui) MIS TRIBUTE TO Wi MAN *! I '-, thf .-IT, Ct "t Cul* . women ai rather mora 'han In nun. and s.d.l ti. napa it arould coi ? ? -i-i thal t : like ri;i> difference 1" tween the I lo como In which ? Of WOBB*n : til" country In Ita bli the Am< ri ? tory as ;ittrl!>ut;ih!.. to "th* men r n ' He art hi -i to ? th..r %. ? lue, In largi tb '-B.-m. n in Mad iii" raan h> bind th.- gu na" i Loud ... - number ..f Instance* to prove tb* .-oura*'.' .<( woman In times ?.**:. n dap tb was bat rtaln end. lt remained a fact, rs.nil he, that m> a boasted of < our ,i of cowardice, yal in Usa* ol peril th.- latter mvarlabl] proved lorttj* in tba tamer sterling virtu.'. ii . ri .1 to thc. faithful and fearless ministry ..f woman in tbaaa of fata] neatllence, and, In con i that :,i bi f abe who ' in all tim wa., noM* on earth, won:.i also bu dist in the EUna-dom of - I.l.'M*ll|. II,. After th* reception General a ? ' 'n Li.' ? under lb* ..sion of tho Beard <>r Inr.-< tot a. who are M Archer L. Lewla. T. Willi ,m I', in barten, Mia* Claire tSaUlaaase, Miss jane *?' i: 'i--i f...>i.i. .1. Arthur Lefroy, Real* [ham, Cbrlalopbar Tompkins. John Hunter. William L. Sh>i>|,:ud, 1-'. li Williams. II. W. Hazard, Edmond wi. k. M and BS. Ii. IL-ro Mrs. William Sheppard and Mrs. A, JJ, Watreu wcie oa boaptuble Ubi/ ' air. R VI Har -. 'I i. nu i ? ' H. Maj I I "i and Mr. Reginald Gil i Mi . Ota I ? BOO, Ml ham Pera ' I. R. V. Kl - KKl'l.'N VT TH'. " From i ? : Mat tba Ri. tim. ? : ? mieht n - peaoe ie I Of U t of the ? with hlfl I ' ? .. , -. ?md Hourn; \ I .--I'l . s ? IT i Minot and \i ? i, : ? .ni, 1. 1; i . l' . i - Vlrpli . ' I > I! i Carolina I lina Mi- W r D . ' 'o?h. M ' M .. Purcell, 1 IC. S ? i'll Ki:\ MELODIES. 'I he ' ? whits ?'' I in the ' I ' ? "i dale ? M ll . . . H iring the i rn ?? to him mmtttee eay leading tn l ? : Allin". i . WA ' - I B K MANY SENATORS WERE ELECTED. Depew the Choice in New York, Cockrell Re-Electeci?Lodge Succeeds Himself. AXiBANT, hT. I and a. iambi*, H. ? lu ttl i A i. I ward in tba - JKKKKIlriON CITY, MO . J tn. 17. BENATOR CHAUNCEY M. DKi'KVV. i to ills lit'li linn I. *-it Uefl Benate ?? the K- glalature, the two h row th v both AKK.t Sl-A, MIT J .:: 1. Eugei ? i' by i-oncurrent nd to-mon no.,ll ,i lull.I Arra th" eli Tl,.- . omi'.-- lei :i wi : i ? Mr, ile. His total vol.- Was 111 Ni Ult' ll"! I'l. -? I' .i'd large number refrained from -lon of th Halo ? course i?n > xnan dun ind nar.1 to tbs plained iii. v roted foi Mr. Mab> only vCoutinui-d on tkcvudj Page) WARM FIGHTS BEING WAGED. Result in Pennsylvanta Snll in Deni)!. quay is confident: While the Opposition Claim He Has Reached High Water Mark, NO CHANGE IN WEST VIRGINIA. II,'midi, .los Hnve Mail,* No Nomliia ti.ii i .il s Will Nominate |.,-\i;;li! I h.- D. l.ivv.n.- Its .ul loeb K;in i Mil) ba Hi.'k, ii li> I 1 . .lo I'l i'tills,- Mien His Own. I . -ITie end of Hi" ? Ibfl hallie the re Isnntnf Q ? Ri -MtU u. M i v ' iot tO ? ... .Ult . , ... ." dally until a ' ? ? ? SS 111. I . .Mon. Brill be ne think ibgre fl ; there la fi nh ir lion la l ?. ? a Hi" oth, r m.le |, nt iliat ii A Ls the - : i ding him ?n tba kiiiir id* ? nd ? ?**. dUl lil? IK win meei daily until thi I. '? ' R, , ' '. IMBI NE ' ; ' ? ? In thi een* Iest, 11 ? ? . hut made Im ' lr : th. ir . I ? :,on:,. . d Mr. ? t- Qua a ?4 ...dur li ' PU burg made him lllB 'lon. ii for the Irwin. |; Huff. 1. . \\ - Q Kl KM A S I IHHT CHARM i-?l T lt 18 ?? ? ??< of n ii from thia ? they i I ta ? l ill In- h" ld ' lohn T Mi u - um ttl ? majority on i ? electing THE DBI.AW UdT DB DEI... Jai lain rrow and vote for i.'i I antor lt l. '?? In th,- total vote tl i wi Bi .. .? ul Addlcka, il'n ? .:..i. I Hem v |iu. , U Irving ii , lohu O. .ti 3; William S. di: : Th.- regular Republlcana who ,r. boon ? .h. .>? .-. at lt is stated lo-nlght that if a eena' i -Ad! not oi. ur for Meanwhile .1 Joint sea*. aili I,- hold d ? lt ; f IbUl uiu-st he aele. led h. fore *. AU.KN HOLM HIS HW V 1,1V' ?! \ M I Si i-. s ena!or is ? ? he :vcd the . lu Kio oi Judge M 1 BS) w;irJ. IN OTHER si'XTIrM. BIRM \K'K N D . J .nuarv i; The two h I f?r I'nlied State* H. alor to wa* had. Bent whs laban until morrow. i ne ? t Slate.* Senator w ,i taken In th* Legislature thia aft.rr..'. Thc ants ??s -wauarja** *-?a resulted lu I na choice.