FOR THE LADS AND THE LASSIES A Utter to the Children from Clifton Springs, New York. NO FIRECRACKERS IN THE NORTH Al I hriBrin.i. lime 1 liey sam- J hat fur ,lnl> I ..nilli, Y.-U Kihi** The Children i., I lu lin ir I'aj-e nu, MBartk - / The Mee* iiry*K I'l.tlnt. Hy ? I don t k; I so, If I C > ' The-i ? one who will say, "Just flee thal ... .-'.'awi down teem 'I hey alway, fret arel say that I aaa Sar t i '>?'? mifbt , i BS*. Hen I a i*1 tn it asa f ? i ' | augur flam.. And In a : I stay at B '?eic. ? pair, 1 fl i* r.v oi -Ju?t a f : ? To etiiea Ul rac*. Ail iii,- w iv I roan N The fol! ? | from I : - t>**r ? thouKhtfl In i and ci r?n, Bal . ? ? I ms f | only he ha* i?. ? ll don't know ?: - li but be m ? Btrta4ay; ben'. hi* il of tn* ne Ilea] 1 wa* r- of you wera badly hurt fl' o .l.r ont* wt... . 1 ar* uk : pl* do all I Wash 'in* pl.-lures ron:. ' I Jr.. ? | Cl If! And ft ; ? | ? s ts the . In it. If I i of Hob? son < ' *v ?h ;. , ? *. . s ? I' ' : *nd or*r, "If ; i a-t*m ni th* hook must a* 1 ? ? mgtam ni ire the 'i "If 1 '?'? r Ar ? ' ' a*'* i Till ?thr-e l-i ? that i: They I th* ? lari: - - I ?v,at?*i * ar ? i ? - ? the Bl . Wet.- fl . .?. I Uv* th. mm' "Von two are Bf a* I of a K... ? r - ? BOt the ; I l?r ? a The ': of ? ? - boys, laugh ? )..w. ? > In tho "in : here " thou*!.' I ? in hla Saw, altar I ; and pu ked li uo. Unfolding lt he found - "Ita th* lint of t**l v row!" h* whispered. ,. ta! Now, Mr J;,, k. art ? 'rft the offii I A* I.. | a lea* b'lfly Btrast. he . unfolded th* bil of pipe* ?r th*r* could be no ml?t?ke' It contained th* words for to-morrow > trial "I'll hav* them. *v*rv one, b.for* I go a* aleep!" h* *xcl*lm*d half aloud. He hastily glanced down the list of word. BOOlindrat," "defaulter." "dis? honest." "thief.'' met h's hut*. >'.e Hopped; lie .mild reid ian mon* Ttvnl ward aesmad tow - i air*a*/ho on**! Vex, * He hurriedly lumad imo hi*, own ? more threw down the lag r'l.nn tanda ' I in .'ifrail you ar* Worrying tOO much tl., ^rizi'.'- n mai Van Kl MOT* ??.1.1.- thai evening;; lor ' a li'id left the warm rrxIN ami fresh 1 guess li Bight, wh?*n he jrot tm hlg room, ? down *j ' ? .| tba ' ? ' - flVTII Ivelv. - ' ? w.. At * - ? ? : -i*?t art . rls nf tho ? - ralf credit, j sll the ed to who has splendidly i ll e contest,' :???-.. lum ? ? ? ned to Bennie iv i ? ? i ho did net fa * - ingie l ? resolute ? r, who md ta the eontestl' o toed I tonk the parcel up 1 -? mi :? - If . Ind, I ie whole story of sd ai v. ard in thi -. ''ore. J and With 'ho bl \ Miall Boy's l-robsaaa. Ike lt. .. ho i d bs, 1 ?? elsa*, / ' " * , be? i im When 1 found that he wai E ja Tn Our < lulilicu. say to ll i I ' ? nd her Mrs. ll WSfl Ii ? ? ri Bhri ? try sn ? Iel the ? I I I "rom i of tha i prize to ' - Bndi v. a ? t TUT Tm DIFFICULT RHYMES. s,.mc Aii.nsm.. i ti aria Oana* "Month" Milli "I ?l .111-1'." ..A , - reply, i,th ' the 1 ' ind ouch ll V - I i. N Khlin. s. .? In -\ mnntl."' lour .is tba .-wm man*th. ? ga efforts i ? How - \> ??< t lt ls to toll from month to month, |iu.tioiis from one-plus anatb father I'rout hi., left on record a full ifion of Mi iiiii' I t a rhyme for this difficult word Hs says In a long poem, which achieve* tris rhymeless as the end of every verne. We parted at the gate In June. That soft and balmy saontb, T**>nsath th* sw*elly baamlnr mnnn And (arnath, l.unth, bUBtn, I ian t la-aj a rhyms to month). Not wi th**-ind ma; all these) failures to ' ' ' mille thal ? to w. a. o niel In . : only a rn-ni" ta nt alee te "< ti ima: il the Ind I'.in.i h in B month. S'uckii.i: nen ? ad thea b ? *. This |rf ii, ? ? ? - Mth the lr. ft riv < r- Bl H Dgl bj I t.. "maQg*." yr lt I-; a klr.'l of rh: , ? . . Hltvdu' fa a* if it rhymed with "i nonthM Ita real ] word under go forever unmated, , ll thrit tba ' t tats la ? to talk of l many ur Tllh PT ? ' ? ' ? bag Bl Tuple; lt I **? I gaea my darli' lemon i on. And next, to give Ik. mora ce. I offer. ,1 h.r a Juicy orri BURGLARS AT WORK. Hare'aPlaalnaj NIH iveston into and Pan.' ? a oar. tl .! ICH ?*! RI U l T?? ri..I ida and Havana, Cnba. v ie fi .uni, rn Rallwaj ? i he i lot kia Shel i Lino." I ria thia route, I - boura i *. I \\ rORM X\l> ' l/ORIDA SPI ' I \i , \ i \ i:.. i . wi) P. i;. i:. wu V\ \\. ll. I. ' I . ; ? I ? . I I ' I I ; b ot fhl? fa ?i lager. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears th Signature! oiC^^M^z^c lin DI inn GRIP ? I I . ? -? . , p i free at O' Bear, th* _>? ' ? ' ' *"[** **? nu; RAI m.i SOP GRIP. from us .-, ? multi - In ur. Kin i ? - ? ?? mi m ady. i back ll lal u>itic : OAB'iOTLIA, Baan tha ^ _ "'''"' ? ' '' m GRIP'S If XX n.I ??. DOOM] |i Sn much i I Kl ? 1 ' ? ? ,n the i I couch thal ?.. e. yee need ir K ? ., I Con. and 11.00. bottla fra* -t 11* rn* .V Minor Inn** Cis>a*VO -ara. X AW. . Bun th. _Ji ?&? *???* IC-1 Hia ?.*ir* Bl.'J+t SOME OF THE NEW BOOKS REVIEVED. The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography. A VERY INTERESTING NUMBER. All H". Ii. nu Uncut'. Iv BBfl.BBB.Ball High "I*.ii ins ni I,' *Mrs i. Hr..wn. ? whl h Includes aga lt. !-'? B. J Ol T> ? n lan ta * t .-ly throughout H.-j L'nl'.ed States. (5>. The Paynes, nf (Joothland; who have spread as widely. The department of "Notea and Que- I XXX!XXXXXXXXX>QM>&^^ j 4th and Broad Sts. ===== 4th and Broad Sts. I ROTHERT & C FURNITURE I CAR__ I MATTINGS, 1 STOVES. $ First invoice of Baby Carriages and Go* I carts for Season 1899. ? Dinner Sets. Tea Sets, | Lace Curtains, Fortierres. | Blankets, Comforts and Quilts. | 20 Per Cent. Off on All Bed Coverings. oxxxxxx>o\ /VA W In a Bear's Death Grip. FIERCE WILD WEST TALE OF TO-DAY. By Albert Johnson, Editor of the Tacoma News. ? found 111 ail d lakes '?f the finny found ^ion of ton kw tba ? d these nut H.* az* ? is Untiling d. o. pan. night !????? . ix in ll ra ever i. In tba p ha.i fallen ... broki ,-. ni- ire bowsrer, I p il two linnets ' III : i then ? ..f *rc*uing to work al ? ai ImsL In doing tbla it wau ht ann than, %nh . ? time j ny ri*. ter Into ihe pu with n . : : I .:i on!) Imagine; I "Oettlng 'lie rifle ut i- i to work tba loading lever wi:h n muzzle of t'lH- gun falrlv ii.' right ' flhot sent t: n until lt si rider and tl ' ? .ii for an ' to help myaelf. r must i ? I ' ? showed the tuan with the mark of the rr.-l up.,r? lt?"and ? ?" far down rh- brute my failing Strength would allow of I "The ' ' ' ' pl ? ' . i - ? : ' ? had walked I ? ' ' ' ' ' ' ? r li ttJona Reviewed," and am given, as Bellana" ii eatttrnly n'i*'n up to Mr. Alexander Brown s r.jly to Mr.. i wirt Henry's criticisms of "Th*, le In Am- i lode* with ? tl - Historical Hoclet*y, in gen B ' mhers, ? -,- ? ant) eves* hundred 'ri ?? Publication Cr*ean*ltte*, anani i addreaa, ,. ; hnportaat pro I duiinif the . ll. ' Toni Hall, I Ll . . Bte "i-h, .. book is put together in i*. K. ? Tinted In unique : ' tl - iilrji.-.l in white, rad aad gold aith *jtit top arid | itwt taped tn and g-i.l.l. "Wheo - oe at thi da Mest - ? ? Hunter 4 Ul, ' Hi i ri- k S - .- in H ? .ititi'.i "Tb* I Bsa Other ..l03t of the BIBtttT COB I ..j.jk.s baa been published In Truth ? irut mui-h upprecUted l>y the admin ra af ? humorist. The collection a] ..f lils hi*?it work makes a i. nuning little volume, anti Ute . lively gotten up. wllh front ri'.-im.nLii rublcated title pate, m. ir.ufltratlora. deckl* edfei. yel? low top to match the yellow cloth In which the book ls bound. The cover destj-n ts unique and ls stamped both i stdeu In black and red. Price li.3*, For sale hy Hunter & rv, | IV "-' \i: AM> PEACE i toa, '-: ? ce. ith Bil the yrrnr th.lf V ever wriiten rh.- urtderi urrenl Indicated by the line* upon h p.ure: ?who will write thc i Who will p Tte vv I Knows the im .? all tba n Thnt .ier-p truth l? his. !!.? ! I mu 'h for Which tO he thankful by I there is thal )? Ided hi i of ber profound nut har th* put,I. I le baa both m trough the colin tlie N'.-w Tort Sun. tl T.. (Ila's Uni* th* Ki * Englai I Ifagaxii HThem \ er I hum .'i something In I I ? - I rial scissors anil it has been i There ia subtle li | They ari* direct, ,'? a ? art. .-tronir tone that appeals to th agr man. .ind Ssc* Its,-|f |n his m as in the lu ??tr, re claahlna* creeds upraise Their warring itand. Tm th<- fi :m. nt nf 'Ul make our ni vv u .'ht, i^-r ... h and .;. The fals.' must sink In r.i>-ht. The truth yield! not an Inch. i 'Sn 0*Ottghl left loo.e. ungyved, Cnn lon*r a menace he. Tv'lthin a tolerant land. Where every thouicht ls free'" The volume is a dainty one, and the mechanical work beyond crltlctum. The is of the class from whlr-h tha .v?rv-nnv min derives actual help and stimulus. V. 1 JOSCET.TN VETnNON: A Story of Kine Charla* I. By Archibald Campbell I ? * IX THI \ ? A NARROW ESCAPE. >lr. Louis v Clonal i \ afr. L rrow escape from '? to Ut ? *. at her Mr Cha L Mi ' ' il. of *? srtnn, ts \l ontln T Ka'.f'" I ' Kaptlst .1 will give a ui.t.iue it to-morrow evening, the jiiiuuirv, al No MM aaa! Mairabnl entitled, "A floral Hunting Pi tba | abar e' roners wins the Prst prise rtiul tha nex ere?test number the second prise and lbs he booby Pella Fox la Ul and her company ls Idle.