Newspaper Page Text
WKATIIIK FORKCtST. Porer a st f..r Tuesday: Vir.' ? .. k eaaterly winds. ih and ? mth Caroltm Boutlieanterly winds. VOL. 13. XO.297 RICHMOND, VA., TUESDAY, JANUARY 24,1899. PRICE TWO CENTS. GEO. W. HUE HUNG IN MECKLENBURG. Executed rn the Jail Yard at Bovdton. KIU.I.l) WM. BOWERS. Shot Down An Inoffensive, Worthy Colorrd Man, FIRED ON OFFICERS OF THE LAW. i? _ . , w ---? i'?11 .uni M m ii ken !>? the i ail. ll- Wa*Moro*.* and Showed Na I', mi, in i l mil il, i ? mu tn w rm an I \ I .11 I .ll I .lt c. ? . fl ' ? ? ' - i - 11 '? -. ? - i trw - i ? ? i ? ? ? iv ' ? B ' I / I ' * . vi. tb* plaa i ? . - ' ' ' - ' A VICTIM OF THESE/ >, g . k i ..mill <>n tha I lnii'in l ills'. : ;' ?' ? ' ? ' t two ' ' ? ' ' IND ' I MRS. BOTKINS' PLEA. ' lainr-a ' ii.ii Shi w aa ? om ii U ??! In a *-i i . \\ ni,..nt J (tried lc* ion 'n < a-w* ? ? I ' HOSPITAL NOT NEEDED. i ii nu-. Bays ii,, ii, .iiiii ,,r uis 1 'll Kielli ? ? ? MRS. MOORE'S BAIL RAISED. N.-w \- orb Supreme t Sowi i Pis* es ll al ae,0O0 sn i li ilda H. i Rn i on URGES HARMONY WITH ENGLAND. France, Conscious of Her Rights is Always Ri .' Negotiate?Her Honor is Untarnished. in ihe ' ? 1 ? I la fl ? ' -assent i ll I ai u ?gel si ike. Tha . in .'.miiii ? foliate, ooaaala?i oi Sw iighta." WILL LIBERATE HIL SPANIARDS. Aguinaldo As S lin's Co-operation in Return. RENEW HOSTILITIES. Ido's Ultimatum Expires To Day and Trouble is Looked For, NO NEWS OF IT IN WASHINGTON. lt i- Vu! Believed There Thal Spain r iniu an Alliance unit the Insurgent* tgntnaldo Ba il, \\ ,11 \\ III,ill.BB Xr^.lll . iii,. I nleaa li-- 1- Ra* ? 11*1 ii -.1*111. ? ' WAS I 1 ? 1 : I ' ? ' ? ' I ? I ' ' ill-* l? i ?' ? ?rou ld ? ? . Ma* ? VB,.lilli p ? I TO RECALL AGONCILLO, AgntnaMo Will l>" 8 1 i ni>na ii, 1 lin ?? j.11 1/ il 1-; H t~lil|i_;i. 11 BV !,' 'N I - I plno j... AGAINST VON DEHAHE. VU ii^iii- lr un iii - ? I'.nl nf I Ito I'i |i ni il. - ' ' ' from B ? losing the niurtt-.-ige. A llronW fur>.n> no ne. ..I in th,- euri; r.i-.l.rv and "I.*..ri th*m was .lint an.I ki The other , ,,1 **u rlu, rtfiwn Iv lliiiiilliuiiiKi-i uiiil tai't sheri Hutu +item ard*. THE FIGHT ON JIDGI: EWART. Senator Pptchard Ap? peals fota Report ACTION ON THURSDAY. The Committee Will Take Up the Case at a Special Meeting, BILL AIMED AT MR. ROBERTS. I. Kn... i.i. s I li.ii V, K ,l>-.uiiis( shall h.* i llf-Ma I., a s, ai in i.nh. i- Boast i: serve lsea)ta Amt li rsi n., Banal ol Etti hm,.ml \|.|.linell M.,my tn l? *-? iii i roon*, in i uii.i, m.-m - n. was behalf ? toa he ? Orsj ? ? noni ' r ? .i.KMire on the ' . ' S ' ? nned: ' Stokes, i F ? ' ' ? ? , | . ? ll '? M arith Vf*, a ' yd Henderson l; . n dolph 1 K vi, | - ?'. Rohan t. THE FOURTH WILL STAY. Tho lt.-ii,,,-ni tm. inI.-il Kn- Mii-h-i w .,- i ho Nagrn s,\11,. - r lii .t say ? BBornlng b n with I un li 11 that tl.* reel in wt: aded in haring 1 United ! re two Mun '. un. EAGAN'S TRIAL. H.* Will In'ii.T Two ( hnrsrs-Hls Pl t Km *i.( Mair I'ui.ii,-. raw har*e-i fl . Commts ? Tlif*r.* ar.- |a; ??(-,,n.tu.-t nd a aentlemen," and " nco of good ? ? >i- fn.rn K.eneral fore the In Ktee In whh-h ho at Th.* ; I OaaaaTaJ Kazan's and spe.-lnoattons ? yet Leen determined upon. Bo ra concerned, lt ls ' al Hanan will not ?f them. A BtTBflflt legal eoati " 'ked for In tfea pfS etxtilugs bei'oio the court-martial. WHILE SPEAKS ON EXPANSION. Thc California Senator Will Not Obey Orders SHOULD SPEAK OUT. Congress Should Make a Declaration of Our Intentions. POLICY IS TO RETAIN ISLANDS. Mr. White Norms to Think. That All l ttorumos Madr bf I'lionils ul'I In i reata Point tiiut Wa] ?41a Vena Will lu- Taken BB BBB 1'i-eaty Calana li* Ita**lnV*atton ?? - ii.? i .nain. WASHINGTON, Ian. 8 Din u of rh" Baaati m oam sion to-day. Mr. Wall i lleorafa, ? ba i i'-.ii.i' ? ? ? ? I ? -ti-- -.\|! i by Mr- Vaat, <Ij.-m. ol ,,i of tba rasolntlon ? liv Kr. Bav "ii ID lag Unit tl-." Ki!-, .uni Ind in vii.'w of tba aeapajatlan af tat M I... bs t.i \ ot* upon th* pott, v ? '? wnii mach Intereal Ha wai accorded , ureful la i ola agu< - i-v l , onsiderabla audi WHITE'S TKXT. for hil . talon*, .'i BMltl i" B frm.1 ? ni BfcKinli I r. a pan rn th* r*poi I that tha Filipinos- were as w< n nu ? nun.-nf BS ' 111 .r .k I to . -ni.ny jnrladtctlon In Beana l li i lon differing entirely from a ? inti il wlrli ,,t miiv t inn1 i ? , . ? daaltti -1 thal :-.-.) i t. -i - r we flhould do io dept inls upon t hf* i kreumstam es. Ha ? thal th* question pri .'ul ar* i.ikf th- Philippines, lie asked, .slum! I r hal arould pro.. - riltitlnn nf .-ur- i, . He thought nor ;im.I -,;i|i| ho flflOuM on ? he in li. t ori it our dui ? I li thai .in .,ii such "I care i ' " ri "Mi ?? ? . .- rr.m. or or MM tain thal ir' . I-.- brought i ? ! into , . ..."in them lt' TS" th* Kilipi". 0V*rnm*Bt, pray know lalo our governmental m " Ul ' THRM Mr. v. ? ? ."tit .lilli ! lr" thi* ? wh" would imi iii" aupperi ution j> ti. 'il r ?ni tin*> in r? Mr. White trhai ? philippi nea A occurred ar this point i Mr. White and Mr ' Nt '.s 11 of tbs um..I that it i but no! , , . on." Wrrlli !'.'>t ro?ponsihl.> for the di i.f baa warda, ba <ii<) l lt in Unit ??ns*. B1IOI M> DBCLARE ? ?' KSKI.VKS ! (:? OP* ? I and til.i- ht* obj. rd fur its position e. - lt v. - - < - furth "i. "li tin- pending tak* 11 p*i 11 ourselves ?aonalbiut) ? .. -ii al nil Wa must ? ph**-****) p,.w i t.. hoM thom." Pm tim along Mr. Whit* refan the necessity nader tho propoaed poUcj of tn na nfl' inBtng Biaay, i ? a*rf***d by tin* eouatry fr a un instltutl ,n. \'. iimit nf tba iv laqulrad. Wa ar* al* told ha i?ontlniif-il. that the rx tlaafra to pni'ttalpat* in th* partition of China, when that shall oona*, iii.lli attona were that this try wai lo ia "ii uki acajulra >".u nth. r ll* of things nat a to ba Bafandea. A RUNNING DB8AT-B*. At this ;?uint a coUoejuy eec Wind, whi. h rrtlclpated in by Mr. ataaon (ol ii ?'.:-, i, ana Mr. VA Mti ^r. ri in.iulreil if lt war* not true irltory flrho? liiltal.itants ha<l to . ii ? - bBBanaan shl oat always require an imrtiuHr- fur. i ta w in aablaatloB. Ur. Whit, did aoi ,i"-iiriB ,-vl.l.-r'.f.v t., commit himself to Mr Uaaon'a position. bal Mr Tiller pointe,! out thal ti fl pie, of Nea Hi doa, Arizom arni Cailforala n f'jro.d at tho pi,Int ..f g*ana into sui,mission nnd their consent prlmarl.y hail not he*j>n serur.-.l. '?Yen." tamtaat Mr. Mason, "but that terri'...rv was B*0*an**4 by tr-,;,ty'' "lt ls hy treaty that we proposed to tho Philippines," retorti.: Toiler. Kr Mason: "By a treaty with ? | win, baan aa more right to maia um tar* rltory than tho Devil h.ul to ..rrer tb* -javiour all tba laud ia aigbt ut the mountain helfht. He d se*Ks a taj o it." Mr i that tha giT-fflinaaaat :. nd th. r? tarn >. tom are r within aa lao?r. . lion to th... f.n:t that UM .natur. i.rrv i ; Mr, Whit.' aft. r a,h. IIM re? ma.!. ? liv .Mi strongly that it anti ??? iiiak.' dei Isiau.m nt thfl tatsntlofl witta rasp. I to the Phil* Hy t? aaafca sax h a deelsrstlon in ad. vaaoa a 1 aa h..* traati aai -l would he proper to maka lt, ? 11 aa, "iii ? - .ie, la* ere imv-* heard regarding the i Kif Manda ar>* in gae ; if th* Phtlipplnee and i'm a an i" ha i alike, the record ought ta ahow lt" HIS i ' In Mr. Whit-- I lld "If Ifl In tho hope that WS Bl ? ra for? ever Htalnle** In its purity .ind unmn .lili.- nf our Catbers that ! i w hat i i be a troua i:inn'.'ii M .in ninti.-in "f Mr I nan ot tIt* <'.>mmltt. ?< ' Ml WK '.. the nmii tra \ A bin srai ng the Courts ot ii,""i m North? ern di'. Tenn* j. lin- hill i orlKlnal .status of "tl their ? dm t in natl P. M. Kn- fa* adjourn. In lin- Hons.*. ' .< WM nn-1 : ? ? ' .. d ly waa Tha onlj - ? Wis (hi : of tba Mil granl ti lng the Ha? il i Malian ? ' Ks) P. M :? ned. RATIFICATION^ NO VOTE. t'licmls iit'ih.- I ..-., i \ w.II Ask |V,i- an i Ebra SsbsIom If Si.-sar*,. I nw i tn ?' by th>* chairman I Coma ly Via in.t taken up In of the tt i by .. mem tx i The i to 1 sure would doti st lt, ol rati'i. aiimi. .v - -hui. they .f th*' i j-i'ei-lnl provMnn \n th" tr., pt-.- i ? .-?;? .ni to el mein lin ?? United C ? : a I di - PROMOTIONS DISCUSSED. Seaate'a Execntttra Beaalon Davotad to I hus.- ..I sainj v.,,i and Sch ley. I ? ' in Kia Baal I rank. Ths cool 4 EMPORIA NOTES, |',.?|?-.liM Wt .Illili-* OS* Ifall Known \ oaaac i'.'.ij,1.'. KM I nouni ? : ' M Rob. ' I : ? Mi Andrew B i till. Hiaen of i Irei ns*, ll m Mall ton of Jada* '! Jlory, ol I ii \ ?' >r thS mair-- I MM! to Mr. I.ninty U I'.-nn. n..lh of G ? OUnl J. . - aldence In Nor! - I ir and Mi ara hera ' i lorri ii In hts r-\K. ahl 1 ' -. H..II will GERMAN CONSUL WAS NOT PRESENT Berlin Advices Say He Gave No Orders for Closing Supreme Court?No German Ships Sent. i'.l'.UKIN', J.m. . .\:n aaaadar, Mr. Andrew i?. WM to tti_? afternoon, li.i.l not rseetved m ftriii-tioris from W?u<nitii-t>>n in MTard to ? nt troub ? tonal Ssataa aa siikk<>*'. ion ot a eaanTaraaeB an th-j .ui>j S.iimi.i of tho mesas later TtM PAoraagn OM . >?*> give im? portant Sala?a af dtoi it ap? pears th;il : iurt Bl Apia was not closed t.y ths Qermi hut hy th.- of thu Sa.iiin.ui KoviTiini-ii!. It l-i .-U'l thal the- Q Koiisiil wan not even prcsrtit MBsBB the In.-ni.-. ' The ofBdsls <>f th.- PVxsagn om f..i ni' i tspoadent .?f HM . Kr.-ss that ll., ? warship had h.-?-n ..i.W-r. I i . S.iun.i. The New York con-e**,* ndent nf lbs C Qaastta <-abie? thal ?h.?i tho flsuaoaa Ootafarance oocura Qm CajMnaBsaal at Wanhinnton will muk.- i < 1.1 many and will r?llin<ulxh the a atari rata vo-protcctorivto over tho Island.:. aaaBIHaH^^BaMIH^__H__i__________i UL AY IS STILL TWELVE SHORT. Hie Fifth Ballot Does Nd Change Situation. KW. STONE STORED \nti-Quay Republicans Resist His In? terference in the Matter. EXCITING IN WEST VIRGINIA. rite- Uneanilaej P*,',>a, ta aa nae Bo I'ar Re Milt*. in a Kepuhlii .111 Majority of Two on .iuini liaiiot The Huu-bo Will I H-.-41 I line l.opllt-li rans. Which Hie Senate W ill ai ilmr Meet. BAMtlBBUKG, PA ? fifth ballot i o-day Bs**. twelve votea - aptl ?? .Hil united . . . ,> ito I half -rn ,n lkai were ami ba re ? ? ?rb be* for* tn \u.i:n \ ? ? Tba v ?? ..' .1- ? u. ,. > Sf, Janka |Dem.) Irvin (I Muff lap.) I, i.-ent a ' nigh! bp ? ? , m mit tea I bl th** bili sa ? -? i. with tho ? \i > "Wu li i i. tm* , . i ol ile K-ivern of tha |eCV;,!i\,j ,i. j.armVnt <?( th- I'ommon ? ? M . ? . r.ireo f 'h^ ? , i -i w de* I ?' i ? I ? ? i . ularity ron of wbl to<l hy Republican - - ni !?.-.,|,le of III" . MANY UNSEATED. iii-uiiH i-iule Wuik ta lin- Maaaae i-ai Once H?i Iib ll, (nil,li, ,m Senate I ? Th* Dwi I I ... ri -. ? i ? b - I ? and ? .... I .'i-re )** inrianv i Th* D s II rosa h.. king ' ? 'ho un. and CanV rlBhl monow the Hen ate arin ana Bsata Dam ;m. minority report! on the .-orites s for the seats of 'Senator* ? n. who now halli . amm ? f army. THEY STILL HANG FIRE. No ?lianne*' a*. Vet in the VariouaNcn. n,,i i il I iran 11 ?< | > MAMIilSuV. WIB., .!m. - ?'?-Tlie R? tinuee. . -. raaklag twenty.flv* i'i a'l. Hal* toting for senator wi i tflsgia ni bath -'?ni to morrow. .lt, DHU, Jan H Two Joint - United State* r to-day hut no break in the dead* urre.l. gJU.T UA1 J?n- a.-ll?U..t. 'e. n.-nator .ontlnneti - LAUBNTO. CAL., Jan. SS.-On th* twenty-- ???? nrh >,tiatoiial ba,int hero. lhere was no nl.VMl'l A WAMI! Jan i It'oniiiivisd oa Boooad lUgv*