I ll I u ? tx ?? ri RESOURCES OF.THIS GREAT BOSI:: is are a si urceol wonder to many < fthe uninitiated* At thi moment five buyers arc ont of thc city negotiating with manufacturers and importers in the trade cen , f.Kir special lines for merchandise that sooner . ter will cn ..lions here ; while the many steamboats and railroads centring here are daily deliv? ering the many specialties offered here daily* To lllustral the ad^ n i I such a store, we eau best tell of a recent occurrence : A family ol seven commis? sioned the only female member to buy for each a weddin- pre. a relative. With less trouble, delay. :nu\ expense than a scour ol the city would entail, she hon-ht under this one r k>1 the entire -even presents, comprising a parlor table, a sterling silver salad set, an imported china fish set, a boxed set ol table linens. t of lace curtains, an Oriental rug, a earvin/ set. lt j hat the neut of each article was such make successful a sale ol the entire rticles. e of the most potent features in the success of this house is THE WEEKLY SALE OF MERCHANDISE OF WHICH THIS ADVERTISEMENT TELLS. Extra Heavy Fine Weave Mattings ? ,i blemi ? I ' 15c * li i. h. ' i g Deal in Floor Oil-Cloths. ? ? { Remarkable Offering, Eng..! r Carpets 48c. i i 48c ^n^w.*>i?,Li...^w,n, - I ? Minc ' mapped up a ? I . | II.T8 - i . TB I tt fiP*^** kT^tWht *'***fT> er WA ??/-**'"* V\ till' ? III ? IO VV VI ? Hil NW \ lt I I * flt ">l ? ? 1 ? - * ". I . .*? ?raw* (r a .i\f*r>? I'lr-j rr r**? V A emt