CRIMINALS OF fENDER YEARS. Little Bo\ '? essed Robbers md B r CRIMES COMMITTED INA WEEK. i bi ... i h. ,' malo Our i- J i : ti ? < ? I ? ? ? I il THIRD STATION ACCEPT. i I Over lo I in- Pity, anti Ha, I ? The City 1 i that tha Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey A M^OICINE-A STIMULANT *s thc ONLY whf_key on TKEONLT.fOlClNAL thc markct that h r^uircd aa v MP* V/HISKFV ky t-lc g?vernm?nt to aM* yCv * the proprietary (medicinal) stamp. In other words "DUFFY'S MALT" is tax rd AS a *.:i:niaNR. ^i This only on'irms what the proprietors have always 'V clai::-.;l hat aHthe -lectors " ' * Je>*^~ know and what millions of "."""*''' people have learned from its ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^lusc. It is a medicine ! It is a tonic I It will do you food, ^cording to directions. Y MALT WHISKEY CO., rochester, n. v. ? ? , -AVENUECHURCH, Influent . - .ii ll ork i" Se* m. i;. i lu ll,.ss i h ti ? ? ? ' ? > ? w inn vi .mini.m. I ? ? v Sin lleriiiji Irn ? ' I ii ? I .mi \ | ,, ,|. ' : I ? ? Ionia Pl lea I In tim ' al , , i i mared ? to N i - -rent i>. **\ til*. Itu.Iv I ..1111*1. ? -his .tty. rseslved :i? thal th-. , ti un I" 1 >ss. Mi W. n. ? fllrsitrtsr*? a few daya ago. ut Mineral City, hud bean found. ??r.tii v i; \ ? aptaiii il. ni i i?.ix lu, ' ' ? " - .:' ? ' ? ' ? ' ? * M l: *, . ' ? r fl I .1 I I.,vs I.. ? \\ .1. .lobnwiii .i Henel ? Hrs. 11 i I i - ..ix- rbi, ? ? n ' . I 1 ' * , i ? Kidney Troubles Hriphta planar IIB1 , , ir i Btg-t, Aching I '-.--. *..-?- Heel, I - curr ed liy weak, Unhealthy Kidneys THE CURE 15 FOUND IN cl. OHNSON'S ".ZS. KIDNEY PoSiTIVCLY GlIAHAWTttfAs F^IL-aLw 'iii<- p. - al ?? ? ti ed reined? Nrwe so Gooduad None no Cheap: ia*pa m ,. . VU l-OMW UlsiLtTui-IS, Ina. PEIUllLflii. WM. P. POYTHRESS& CO, W.H.SCOTT, R. E. SHINE. ..I . the vs..r i I ? ' ' I waa born I : vis. ii ? 1 w from 1 of Iii" ' ? ? ? ' ' i.-ii. ?' ? l\ vi j si >.:i wi I !' ll I I ? ' ? ? ? _? . ' E-.RTER GRANTED. 1 v !?? I' ? Bunine** ? ? ? ? ? - ' : I i ,,i- ra ol'H .1 ! -I ii ll. ? I ? .,! II..M - f >> ' _ _ \ ira In ls na in l.m n. v ii \ nun; I, . O-PTsherl 'f Hampton , ,! l-'.il, H A .lain..- "I I Muri.hs - Mi Harri Walter* ? *--il-hri<.?ii rnL road man ol Baltlm-m-. 1. at Forde. A GOOD OUTLOOK FOR THE YEAR. The State Treasury is in Wry Good Ski pe. GOVERNOR TO RETURN TO-DAY. ii.- w iii lt.- c..i. k iii i:., hm.i i bis Moa .....^ i be Keen gan tani i",i ot lin- Militia Capitol ami I lin .11 x il. UH ? i j ? ? ? ? . ? i ? ' ? ? - ? ? - ? ? ' - - l - ? ' ?' ? th th" ' MR. LEIGH ELECTED. I - V .\s lt. ,,| I,, ,-! . | id lin I , , ., ,,,,,., I ' ' *- ll SS ? Ile. I - r B : MEN AND BOYS. 1 ii HaUding I >. i>.m mid I.. M.xx lu I'.-ii i., i, , I ' - The Youth's Companion March loth. ^ li V_x Vj. number aril! contain I' < verj clever Lynch A Law Hospital, A li., pre D ?? ? life in Excellent Stories, . :. i ':.- . ? | ia:.. ..stn . Sample Copies Frte. 201 Columbus Ave., Boston. READ THE SIGN BOARDS. Warner's Safe Cure the Victor Among Modern Medicines. a.% k ;, gaastiy ? ? ? ?? ** ? k ? i ? ,'"'' ,|Pon * r* Ifsrki ? r ii ? iff \ I I nie ? es. I - ?rn* IneohCi rho a -?. When. I doa ? ? liter tal "I h A ,? ? .4 ?? ?homy .ta tap I >yf I The i i - i - ? I I MOST INTERESTING EVENT. i.i.m.I Music, <.i. .it Merriment In Sti i for i lu - w ii ? i. ? ': ' ' - V ' ? ll PERSONAL AND GENERAL. Interesting Facia I bon I Ittehmond'a < ii i/'i.- .uni * ii her *>l ii lei - ? ? ? li ? ? ; ? ' ? ? ? I ? ? ' ? fl ? ra ' ? ? [te v. M I I j : i li,, I i,i< i., - ll "ir ur- < ii < li. -ii.i ?.-. ? . ? i ...I vs.:. . ipnly la Millan Chandler, the i v \ N,,u,u Asslffaasstat* ii r.i--..i-.i.i'i" k doini buslneas at Ns , i franklin -ti.-'t ni.-i i tani si i'l. ll! Ill li '?? ti, g. u ll Hw liabiltl! (emption The deed t't'.u.l*".- for the payment of legal . live per i eat. ta the rent due -?-..l to becsne -lue N. Dj Bjoan IBS to 1 1. tor lesa! Wrists *n*l 1123 to A. Kaminaky. HOOD'S Sh RDS. Wood's riaine-Grown Seed Potatoes ? 1 ' l rani ? -?"1 Potfl . . s? \ \ SECOND CROP POTATO! I i ? ^t \. v? th lr Was I'S Dr . I C?