MUMMIES COMING > IN FASHION AGAIN. Alphonso XII is the Most Importa of Modern Times, but There will Soon be.Others. I - , r-i I Pto! ii mt, \t AUCTION I ' 1 '..___ ^mmmm**"*"**9*9*9*9*"*"*"*"*"************"*"*"*"***"*"*"*"*****************************************^'^ Af^fkeUea\Am%tUfk^ BJ C White Bed ( #* Ready 25cjSpring Time! jg|;d, 3c ? | ALL OF THE NEWEST AND THE CHOICEST GOODS OF SPRING I 1 Dress Goods, Silks, Pipes, Lawns, Waists, Rugs, Carpets, Mattings. % \ THE BIG RED FLAG WAVES IN FRONT OF OUR STORE t Come here and see what il , ca, . 1 of store appl to J. I ; Brow, tate j 8 AgentsJ Read every v is mo, Eve, J, in the I ,tlni. Silks. Mic p Piqw The Red Flag Tells *s (ioods Wonders. The Red Fli ? the Book Store. 4 j Fruit ')f tlie Loom lied Cot! ia ??J-^'-'T'V'"-. :'Y ! I '?* 9+ap ap ap a* ant am ?9 'PV<*^*ir^VV&^VW*rV$WV LOr. I SI.: tap *p *p<, - rf ?* gp -*-* ua p *?-. ?;*. **> - p ** 9 ^a* CASTOR IA The Kind Yoi! Have Al ip I .. .