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BUSINESSMEN IN POLICE COURT How l the/ THE SCHOOL CASE IN COURT. Jackson "Ward 1 ,-. r. . ..,,,, \, t ful ll..,I gi i - .Hi,I ' I,' V\ , ll W ? 'lin ii Kin I. W Hi Hi < i - ? its .. r i Baker's Baker s ?-,.-.? Premium Bitters You Need I DU Dyap-psia, Indigestion, and all Stomach Troubles. IheUlilk-Mablel-.mKjjr - i of the , i ? ? n.lin ii latin* lp hill* look overly ? il . i ihoiiKht ? '.?i-i:,: ? I ? at i ? MA NORMAL LEAGUE. \ VJ . , |?| ,,,,!,- I (,,- | |1|, ..ll. \ .ll,l| I hu Public, ' ?I ol ? ' - - ? a ? ? fl ? - Rk-e, I YOUNG LADY DIED IN MANCHESTER, After a Long Illness Miss Maude Barrett Pas.s?*d Away. DEATH OF MRS. DELLA HENRY. Iiit'nm N,m .,! fit. .uni Ml*-, P. H ??"lin *-"ii Deed naslnrss Mm i.mim -lll-lll- ? IXI'l I III' Pl ,'|H,-, ?! ' M mu. ? 111. .XI. - .rr nii,|.., ss. ? 1 ri.. Mi 1 : ss I (I Ol I.i!.. . '1 li. Inti r nc -it vs M i: ll M M.I.i , rr ? MIX ' i Xl- I'. ? ? ' ? Tl - n - i , I.r.xi KNT X x Mi ind M ? D ' ? ? ' ' M ll .1 .1 \ ? M EASTER AND SPRING SUITS.! $ 3.95 Al I . riout 5.00 Mens all-Wool Suits, main i?;it . ita which mada Tha ;.;cils. 7.50 Men ** All Wora h -! Suit-:, of Wi Bl ot England I and l>l-i,j Bergen. Mi i si0.00 ? B il I hero till'.** Vi I \ I" "12.50 Men s Suits in a hundred patterns, specially woven foi The Globe. SI5.00 lien's Tory Bigh . ? (Mliilit\ Suits. unexcelled in tha world. I wk. . i i. Iii o Dei bj Hal -. Sc H i ? : 51 is \ll Leatl ? Bl tl ii' H .98 ?'- . 'v W U I Suits i ? we shall pve nnd Sum: aiuiouncenienta. 5c Fsncysnd IHute Hemstitched Handker* ohiefs ->(k Boys' Drab C"i?l Knee Panta. 48c Bilk Mixed PttflfHosona Blurts, 14 to 17. Si23 Boya'Soita artth fcwo-psaw peats. 9tk. lian's AU-Uslbei Uce and Congreea Sin H'S. rou romarin!* values. Watch Fridays THE ? NEWEST SPRING SUITS _BROAD AND LOBE SEVENTH STS., BEST SPRING SUITS, 4 T w i*. ii. U eeg" ?) a CIsoBaats, L > bstbam, C. fc rortun,. xx Brown, C. ii Dorset! P D i- ? M T t;.,rx. J i Mon -? ??'?? i u ? 1 ?'? I, Ben. Wiri, \\ HlBttns, of BIchnHi - I.m.m.-nt lu eboul 'xx , xs h , iii ki h HKBVIt**** TO DAY. i.. bi ld ,' nae ilng ii> the k, and I ? burch | M . |. |* M H X Xl I - ., ri'".! ' I . . .: i-hf i' rworth al Junior I \! X - x al . uv Rt - Wat atiy in ' .- ? i *r* w - ? j r |t ' ' -. ... t ti'. . 1 - M XII I'M ' - * roi k xx :i read i i' - ' ___flflflBB_B___________r* ' Stat' I ! - P " ? GLOUCESTER NOMINEES i |,c h.m.., i.rn, < onrenllnn N'ami - H? i .,nil..!..i. - i ' < ?""'? ,i,n' ' - * '' '' ? SCHOOLFIELD-GAMBILL. I 11,,,,.i ii.ghi B-hkMiabla Wedding Vrstrnlni In IliieiMikr. K"\ ' M - obi n un ll.u.i. ? x\ Bi ni lc j .xii Horace W. J I . .. ind bia ? ll. SS -Sj ntted *.; ? i ? NJaja xx ii h.ii x. i EMPORIA VA March it Herve) ., Indi nw ii i a i,, m. ,i .ii.-.i ii bel I, b sex ni mtv. Richard J, i abaak gt n.i.i: VA Ba .x|. Richard J Bul k di, d on ii. eaa xi ? | , ni' nb, r "i ' bs nun ?r, r.iraavSlfl in iii. late - s , iit.i'ti"-,! t,, th.. Ttilnl Rcgl Mrs -Ieee BtaBvaVeee, s, i 'i "rsx ii.i.i-: VA ii | ; | m r - .j m. Sonder! m igi d lad] ii,.I .it itu ht,i.t h?T Min. Mi f'.-nr-f x\- gou ir h, re ysstsralajr, Pun ? t-i! -.rx:..- xxiii bfl tn Ll Bl Itu- Hd|>ll-t ?hurcht hera SuBdaj flfteraoea al ?> i* clock. . Kaufmann & Co. ?? - - - Rare Easter Offering Fashionable Spring Frocksand Top Coats Thousands pf ladies who attended our preliminary Baster showing- of linc Millinery, Suits, Wraps, and Silk Waists, arc now free to admit that wc have no competition when style and quality are considered, 'Tis But a Week Till Easter. Do You Realize It-One Week J Man-Tailored Suits. The best thoughts ot the de ? Women's West thc world over. $5*o8 .1.-1 iii ? ' 1 wnrkmanshl $13 ault. ' ? Mao-Ta ?v "?- Ih-*, mn.I.-I. tHHiiif .niOOIli A nil! j M la) Cloth - ? . ? ? ? md tvittom - ? I n ? $^*7aS Exclusive Easter Millinery. * a 1 premier 'ti-i-:..v vf thc Par:. il-ni and N'-vv "i.jik .-.'?- TIMM wi rh lat uni.i'l-- concaptloni "( "ir own akin M:i|n?-rv nun^ tl .. ii ... 1 headq mn Specials This Week. I"- I lanilaomi lj | ... Mill ti inint. A w lt .1 tha nen - I ? - and chiffon*. - li. 1 .-rr.-. Uv. j - j * . j* J. ind Walkin* Uni* . it yilan . ?? $7.50 $1.25 ?? ? -a with ne bom lined throughoul -kn ? larket. el M lay roi $IO. - $18. OO 5<> Faster Glove Selling. I rm. ll Kui l.ln?.->. fur $1.00 1: 1 aa mu< h in demandi in Hy front, 11^ht fitting arri nea mel or tuiii'- -kin*. Th* ? - iP _ LA w itOo This I- a m ?? v. r pl l,i-? p.HM l. lip f .1 rf t ? ? . . Lad ? In nil I l ? , .lr K.i..r M ? 1 i latenin**. ail I tne li ' to On- I oat Ina) ama i^.iui ? .(Tor in 11 !k ti 1 ;?.. : Fr* eh K:.l afore Richmond' ?? liu v . adla*' i-'i-m- ii Kill Olovaa 1 lm* ?I ?tltched v adea In .m. brown, ri ind -v.-tv |>alr titted tu 'h*- 1 $!.()() ? -j . Ill KM (i . with ? lied ti whit'- .11 ll ' ;. feati nlni the ?: . antead, I ir I 'Illili! If h*- ii*>we*M ? nd ll.SO vradk "7 C^, guara /D' $1.50 j New Dress Skirts. Tin- I .?ll nlii ? ? Silk Waists. ; mora 1 ia ? 1 hie HU - Vi ital ? ?si mea ti m nan the **> ? l\ri ?r-J'y0 .i.i- k. 5.S.OO Swell Parasols. 1 1 Si Oo . iff* ta si k 3) I i)Ci Silk Pai S 2 tu *?"* ?***?/?> and \ , .. - throughout at , , -*M*,'."> - ii anil ? ' the 1 fullv C- ,\f\ Spring Top Coats. offers .ii- k. >r nu The m viona jnst betoi ? '.' Ladli ? ? I ? .!?? throughoal . k'.Vv(' Liberty Silks. Th. lilka t n.-< kv. I in black, whit** and iii faaa- -*?->/* Kaster Neckwear. Otll Usdies N'.i kn .ection will bc one ol the brightest nc* the store this week- I the new got ?!- tre <?n displaj. !??? tl) li: I rt] Silk C. -,? colon ?J,,.-*r? l : t. .il Plait* -Pl. 40 Mou rilli tt&c ? mbi " *? v p nil-it Utan ? north C. t . 9l.t)n P K Bl maw . . -?.'??"?? \i Bl k Collar ?. t ?*.? ram v bon ? .,< . a)***. Llb* tlftilh ... 1 . matts *8r* I. ld " k %x ' -..lee 0 15* Kaufmann & Co., Fonrth and Broad Sts. \l I LIM Ol LS IN BARTON HEIGHTS. Count) Candidates to Address the rs There Tuesday Night. i. PETERS TO FILL HIS PULPIT. I ho Pnpalar Pastor M>ir* bo Resume H.- x\i,i i. Biahufj (.iii-,.n I., \ !?*!? I |,||, I ililli li Ni-xx- SoteS nf Personal Interest, 'Viii I Helghta al x, I h. bis '?: ? rnkig snd ? th snd i>M ?-. M ! ? I .Ll i,|) lm[,r,,s - em xi . ? ir mond Bro. irned ? l',,il s\\ BET ' \W sn's I for i , The ,-in Irei i' linn, . , 111' r Iii ...J. i i. Hoffman, et RI, hmond tall h U i . m Mel Thomson baa retui leeaanl ,',l P ii k. Iii arno ti..- been - - . ht mi. ii baprovi d and up Molllfl luis.ti -.ii., baa bi f.-rii,k- vxi'ii i aireefl attach "f malaria, I- ? ,il,X fltescenl. ,,'n milln!, .it tbe K|,l i,i. .1 s . bul h ..-i Hi- -? cond Buadax *j* I 11,.- , h.,ir of thi Berton Helghta Baetbrl church ls bus) practlciag apodal maali! foi Bs Mr XX T lu. !ii',si-,l mt,. -idem a fore**, rix eceunted t,x Mr ii k Btrudelck Mr K ti Hurtnii flrBO ?ar< mi? mi f.,r appendlcltli i- nol yet auw r,i u+ n moved io in- hom.i Brookland Park. 11? r.- .'.r meeting of th.- Teem Council an Saturday Bight Tbs bullea of th.' Ai,I gociet, ol th.- M. K church will h.ix^ an ol,l fanni,>'i?*.l ' "tjunti . I time i-> prom - I - ? ' ? x NARROW ESCAPE ' ? ? s both ladle : ? ? r ? I s I M-ball dub . ' - ' land r ii k sre Li I ? base tl n. PERSONAL AND GENERAL. I niel. -i inr, Pacts Marni Richmond's t 'iiraerts and ' Biter Mailer - Mr. H. ( rally ? ? City ta '? rs,,n 1 Mr. and ** ir? ii M x" skin Biaaege the Whits Sutpl ll. xx ? A 'in orci xx . l.asx an,! i: i ,i" s ? "our! Ul K..-.I lama from XV" ? ? 'lon ('?-.,r bfefleeg lina "Tba rabaifl" ll th** ? h, with i Mitch! of III, hm,,n,l .','1 will th:-, morning ted night _t iBa s ..- ', Bot bli xx bite ?* III tw at Tkej xxiii have ss their guest, xi ii, ,s|,. i ot Norfotl xi - l,Hlr*r*r. I-*,/.- - i ^#r_ xx nary in ebal Fuzz) -xxhx-. th.-ir dinners BBtagres eltli th, m before the) ara ,-at.-n. Nc? x -k Tribune. HO-TETTEriX SH! fm CFLIIBATCO *0 *?? ? ? " ? poor Sitters I'oor food ni ra ni nr.ln,-.. and ,,, Blood. Ilo.tellr,'. lin i.r. min li ike 1. I ii .. il and make rich loud for th* ImiiI, Minigin and lir-ltl. ? r.nll SOUTHPORT MAY SHI: THE RALEIGH May Go There Before Going Out of Commission, But Not Certainly. SOME NEW REVENUE RULINGS, >lrn hann. uti.. I a ah llmei On-'k Mgm I'ay ni-i)L**r-' Ia*a*aaaa I ww ii-'*.-- I amine >UjOp-n a UkM **laik.-t !<>r Our Pro-lii. K ? -ti \i;i'i..\ Uart i' .. .-.:--? Thi- Raleigh nu> yet COOM t ? dottthaofft. \ . of . ? ? iii for i. (..ur-- ll * . --.1 .1 the nlfli a Ol illen 'ht.-* -*nrni|)( although ti ? . - lid that no d'-hutt* i ??? !-1?.l ur*.in unit -? not ba until tha cralaai arrive- at New v. . n ttl ST PAT TA\ Th- ? - ..f inti-riial Ra ? ??! that mei I . I ? '. \k\Wkt ? ri ii, i?t p.i\ ? :?? ? - v V .in when it |g tinder. I er* hint-* ..r h.)?. i-r-i itaad randy to uk.- gp aaek <-he?-ka in payanaat lea gaada ac law mah -? ? tam '?"lint ii, niuo laaraa th. . uetom faa t u tortaa an.J corporatlona , tun. .-h., kw atth IkM undemanding that u men-ham ?r "th r |mt?..ii Khali laka up th-*??- .li..-lt" *' ? ? * pay the I mptainad with thc the gfcoVI .1... iv .! mi civ.': tl li ?tated bowevee, that parawa ?im m?v 'm.,- hi i arhlla gi ?-h.*-*h-. *--. rokera It li nly n hoi lng *>f tlm?- checka tl caetnea thai tha Ina la iagal*aS Taaaa un- lacaat ineaaaaa al the f*aa> n laloi er of Intarnal Raaaaaa KO IN'KUtMKKS WANTKP narda ara given to pen Information In raga I lo aatataa !.. -h. laajgi ? v The re gula tiona relating "?? "he Mb li ii tobai ? In quantltlea .-ii-- au inndifie.l with reaped to cigar len! a*, to penah it I., ba a*M tn elgar mnM*ta*twe*t ? ... lem than tha arlaiaal p.n Wage ? aeni thal trafta An om t*** ema* aahjaei to taxation natara* pani t whotU aitaagaaa *''.'mui fowler hag aaa! from - an ajip.-.i! "ii behalf of the ?.uffi-r.-r ? Ilia ralina river laaSa lt la atated thal If the --rain ni-fi f">m th.- r.i. iii. elope win ahlp a *t<-?mi-i laad eil with corn to th.- I'nlt.-.t Statva I thara U grill Ml univ -ive nf ll-.-, 'mt will i.i-en g m.irker ,,f | Ml HI i.i >i...'..? niMimtri later M The . iiinnuUe.' >,i\. th.- nallvea are .ininK nil in th.-ir pawaa f"r th? dim rem r,i it li iminte.i nut that the panatana '* a peculiarly tri tem. tin* gad i' held foi American rue-chanta and inia alnnarti--*.