? / TONY PASTi Ha* nf** *? I - . ? ? R. T. BOOl H * Hv ' . ? pre* ? *? 1 i ll 1 ' . ? I Price: Trial Outfits, 25c; l?e--iilhr Outfits 51.00; Extra Bottles. 50c. Hyortiei Balm |ft Hyonnei Ounr;intcru Dyspepsia Cure. 50c. All druffUtS-orsettt by mail. ? ? The R. T. Booth Co. IH IV. -.: Mih sr 'Wot < ?mi lluildiiig n *. t , ?, Some Books Worth Reading. a e i ? - J-lila. 1 ? - ' ? ? WHI I ' ' I . - ' ' e ' - ' ' .... ' I ai.*- n their awi AU'I : Kw a ? Si elli ? ? ? > .... a ata'-** -*.. ' ? . *J. rey a .> r 1 ss ii bi i ? ? ?' ? ? " ?? ? ' ' ? ' ? ? - ? x ? - ? ? ' ? ? ' ' i ? ' ? ? ? - -: ? ' i TO LIGHT TAZEWELL. Town e.,un, ii (li ,.,i- ., i i mi bise i,.i nu Klecti i ? i ? ' ? i . ? l ? ? ? SOM. VERNAL MUSINGS. 11 , ; . - nu ol I 'ii t ii > Bpi nix I inpart ? I,, , i ,. - ni M ? ? ? . ? ?? 'I ii, I ? ii nu DBA v. Hi Qd ld tin ??-, ^- ^ ..*??? .a.*. -.???..??????. .??-?*?**?- -.-??.?-??? * ??????? ? ??????..??..??.. ??.tie*. ??-??-????:;;;;;;^-;?V always-busy store millik & unoads. ^ ? ? _ :i The Silks and Dress Goods, The Tailored Costumes, ii The New Kid Gloves, Parasols, Ribbons, Veilings, &c, ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ARE In Full Easter Bloom Now. B C TUt*, W^t, we have an.led ... extraordinary retailing eyenl. Eastern utily ? ferlnighl away, oul we hall mal* For This Week _,J";?r% nni^illIl.nl,1!1,,r..ii....... n-1-...--.?..-i_i.?,...n..?ii.*>--... <-?oie ...?, ,.,,....,??, n,..,,,, ? ? * ? ? ~ - ? "(Mill' MTV llllll-ill.li ?*? iii'- . ... Il f ^ ll. ti i ii i tiw*. ftr>tif h nf our excelleno.es quickly and clearly before the whole city by this dem kyt, nnssible to be mel by any competition. We shall put the trutn 01 our ex- ii I po.*,,hm mat > i i .,.,?,.., ?|" nriMl mpi*nvrmf our popu ar prices, We have made m;in ? hanges 01 gre*,i , i ?? onsirauonu. uu. rr-? ? ,. - . - , ?, -Hartland ?o shall we continue. l filore remains immovable on that we were absolutely ngni at me sran -tu j ? ? sion remain; iaihaarimf of this sterlinq new Sfarinq Merchandise we hive been as .. Ind now a word about our new stock. In lin- gatni rin,.l OI im . ?' .. , ' i ii n P ,,.?,;? ,' .-.peel you lo be in ll.leclionsof *.-,.,- in.liw.lu.,1 purchase-. We haye never been ?.I i-.,...,.,..-.! i the , lt :,;,:', Ou'-'Sill. ,n.l Dress!.I. Stock ,-, -ul,,,,-- ,,..1 .? I =-?'-?? &-??-* **?**, Waists. .Jackal., and Parasols a del ,*j I ? ? ladies. ? ? ? ? ? ? ?*. * MILLER & RHOADS ? J Greatest Master Sale In thc History of the Store ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? The New ... Tailored Suits Olll t. ? , ? - ill Mr d .*-*mi-. Thi ? ? ni wo; knianship and ?t in,iii-nal-' irised. J mill th.il ? . y Ollt'r ilK '. ) make-up ol ' j mian. Vi it tlii- i ? . ? i ii ? ll Sprii ? ? ? ? ? ? * *ii > ,?,, '. '. \ ? ? 4 4 ? Si > rn ? ? ? ? ' **? I *** ( ? -i, ?J'-*/ ?.""*?'? ? ? Si - rr<\ ? ? O I .-,.,?*?!? ? ? ? ? C.fi An IT ii ;; Hosiery. ** Tomorrow I . '. '?''?' '?'? ? ? 11 tlial confidence upon w ? ? !' ted. ? ? Hr ? ? ? ) ? ? ? " I Ml ? ? * 3 ft ? ? ? ? ? ? ? C. rt st ? ? Jrl.OO ! ! ? ? ? ? ? ti lr., ? * ? ? ' * I. - ?. . t- ? ? a rown p -? -,? ?? ? ' . ' Vt Jp1-' \ a ^5s? \! /?/ Jg - 1 Si U : _? The New Dress Goods -. .1 trifle aloa in rom ino, in, ??11*? \? >\\ _________________________________________________________________ 11 l.i-ii, i. i li oii in all popular and desirable weaves. \ collection with an I \< I I *>! \ I air. I blending here, and i lastj predominance ol il makes Ol R shov : ? No other department so complete, \ fe** short, crisp) price-savings. S i. oo 85 c $1.50 ROC I The New Spring Silks \ , il lei (Ion thai has i Iread <. ria ined considerable favor, for thi lively. \ profusion ol helpful nd last) ideas thal cover the --ilk requirem irkling shades that belong onlj lo the BES! Silks No better assortment tutiful corded Silks, new Wash Silks, elegant taffetas, plain and Printed V> P ?, Cotel it ripes a nd Pla i,l $1.50 Si >??; $1.00 75 c Si.do 37* 3,. $2.50 59C . 59C Soc MtLJk^a^ama^k^a^a^m fi t 7*5 - I ? i d ? ** I IliS *? I'' S > *K *. -? i Si iiS v I- ' * >r, , > ' I **? -i.i-s White Goods... Bargain Nuggets; ? * Vt 5c \t.s, \( 8 < ? Vt 5< At toe \t IOC ; \t l