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mmt& Ft>ltE< AST. X'ir.ii.;* -Fair, cider, fr. nil westerly wi - fair Sui ea i .linn Colder ej.-ept in ex 'II portions Iri-Vc westerly VOL.ll. NO.45. RICHMOND. VA.o SATURDAY, APKIL 1,189.) PRICE TWO CENTS ^ FLAG RAISED OVER MOLDS. Our Troops Resting in Aguinaldo's Capital. ARE DEMORALIZED, lt is Thought tii? Insurgi ; A ?, Will Soon Dwindle Away, OUR ARM WILL TAKE A REST. X-'.ini Ulllo Xi ill Ni,I lu-' w. (I H li c-.-iit un! ii IL- M tent pt a in tv., p I |. i Lu i lila XX ;i Lin- li.x'i Mallei a ? un i ? Hired te Kean Hlui Haej I ul ll < bs ll,.un Kr i?'"i I i"1' ? Mai j V. r.. ' | ? I - K ? Ma ? - - ? l i . Ile - ' i ) ' - to ? . I I ? ? ? presser* wi H ? ? jr three - '? knew n??thlnj of thi ? THI D. 5 P. M v ? - ? th, lt la 1> i i faint AK I ' ? \ Idi nt tha ' h..i.iii r, , ni . ? :; ? ? Th.- . ? ' tl ' ! ' * lol ' ' 'i ni; ADVANCE Oenerai MucArtl ? \'.li Ai till, ry ontlnu Kansas and Mont moved "i >n 1 nd thc ? ghi ul Ki. i.iiii.'.d. | : -I wmk half .i tull- from .vi . I I -.. i - Till-: COLONRL FIRST. Col Punston, du.ns .1 iii,- front, was i B ii nt M l"i a d hy a Ki"11!' 'iii" PHiptno linc,, whirl) waa Spins irons th. ceatei ol thc town, was hau'ed Sou ii i' ? .. ot i h.- Moat, n.'ni who triumphantly raised their > ". Prom i hrlntng fi.>ni the I as ? il'" Who,,. |,1, . ,/., it turned um. however, that only th's ) ucla, ',r government building and a few ot the smaller i U id hen, ??ei Ar. to bo th* ] .-? Cora thi y he iiiiivc. Ki. :n i i . reports fathered hy the American of] u?ten it ts belli . i -let tii<- tnsursant bi ii \ i ? --I i ? I . trenytl aeaounl <>f desertions, and ti .ii although th. eiiemv asay mSke-one or tv>o more .tanda the forces of Aguinaldo will de Srserata la p*rhai?s a month, t>> ;i lew ? is who rn..> ' " i -i i. \i.|:1n<- a i nan Illa vvii-1.a. i". tli motmtauML KINK BEHAVIOR. Tie Ameriean troops behaved splendid )> They ?dVi?lio?sd steadily niculnst sue . ? ?? lines of trenches through WOBdS and jungles and SuRerl?| from frightful he.t, in addition, the Ameriean roi?ri? te. rr< wMe baadtaapped lu Bstttlas b* lb. ? it their Springfield rifle, are nf i i aime thsn tlie Mauser rlfl<;? in the ku ...... .,f th,- IBsttrSjents. noaa dr, timstance*. Hie steady Sdranr* of our troon. I. a really remark - .Ul. BitiUrrasnint Hut the mo?r i,...< worthy featurs of this onward aareep of the An-, ri ans is the rmtlsnoe and m |n?*wre ..r i.rlv.te ?<4<Here They have asrsr bestial** ts p?uii#.e ' dill ill country. ... ely i.t, ll . , \ ?: ? ? tl I AT - M.' il ? -: [INOTON i ? ? t ..... NN H. . ; I ll ?' I ' ! . un i irr Whit. " fl' : rirat ..i ntttn* WILL REST AWHILE. Otla 1,1 \\ iii .uni Ree If A yu in;il< I., Ra? iny I 'yul I.'11 in ll '"?? WASHINGTON, Mai. h 31. ' .ni mr ,. ni ireh H. ? ? ? ? ?'. lat til' \. .. I ? i ? ll approv. - ? ! move* ? ? ? - i ' | ? . ? . tl COL, TAYLOR IN COMMAND. Ha i- Milli iii i ti", inn i,t ini the I .ral Time ur rb rei al ITeesI a SAVANNAH ?; n U \ ? ? a ?i'!i - in tba ? . ks. He . H.C. I ? - v. ' ' ? 1 ? Rnaniah !' ? r ,1 < ?,_ LONI ? IMPRISONMENT INCOMMUNICADO Cubans Now Practice lt as Much as Spain Did?General Brook May Abolish Sys! , ll NV.NA' I, Mai , , - ,,,,, lion "i Impi Bl I CC. ., ", ki ;it ln ni :..!:. other ? . der the nd tbe mbient under now appl ? ? Chi I I I r ' Jollffe Bai .-I and do, mid ?..Il!'lt''.t I the lncom :? tribunal of Minn*. ml .tll.-ial , ' ' a nf :? ?I i'? ll that fermi i-lj . irn JBrlartli Hon nf tl ... ? .,f|..r iq nb .: ali with I y the i I i. D< b ..f the AudencI i ol \<i T IN ? IN DE IREES. The faoveri -a || ni ho abolish th'- ?'?' . -a.. pi vern. I a-id BCB. dV-mie which are to he latued I.- ? Omi. -i ,1 <;.-ri'/. -vis received a letter fr.'tn thi ';? I..'-!,! i:-a'thir-.. Well known rc.tchaiits h'-'e, reciting vurto?i ona*** ol rr -ni murder of 3pnnlni<lt In tbe Pro? vince of j'.-ar dd itin. as alleged by Cuban M,Mt..ra, assorting that ttl*e? Ih.irltl.-M bury 'h. vK-tlms bift'*?ia|t' no - the murder?re, ano' kHklntr him ... advt*- them Weir t* aUM rw-r their t ri uris, who write ecanpUlnilig of the?.e thinirs. .ienerul .tomes tn hie tli.rse, occurrences, bot i. - ii'ivi.itlott ho ha* tbe evil. ti radical atsjMf 0 SETTLE THE SAMOAN TROUBLE A Join, High Commission Will be Agreed Oil A PACIFIC SOLUTION lt is Believed th Phase of tiie Affair is Over. KING OSQAR WILL BE UM anti I ngia nd tgree lo Call ll int iii If a l;.-i. i ? ??? Nett ami iii,- l nile I State* xx ill l><.nilli,'-s A; i i vc : heir Choice Nothing \.-\\ Hoard limn Samoa. ' I - ' - i hm ? i I ? ? lt la ? The liing I I ' e- i v. I K . ter, ii ' to WU ? vs ? ? a ? ? WI : : i '. ' thu the fl tiri en I . | ? bul la ai tli ? ? . ? ii" ? ? :'~ b the tnv.sicry n i, from Auehlan i. i\ i ) ? ?? rduy. GERMAN COMMENT. <5,>.itinii" Mi derate, Thonsh Iii mian om Ihla ure Naturally D fond i K.l.UKIN, Avril '? "'''' ' on ,1"' situation tom elate, though thc pap illy dc. fend the Herman ? i, ? ? tbe blame on th, -> -?? MolBlsche /.< iii-'K r of ti>t> renpo.iKll ? ? j-jngUnn s .lour. np vu! aflii?h t? ? thu. showing thai sh. ship of K'iti.-in .ion alway., Join* him vv!.. . ii ... of havi..;: a, tim- ut <;. The / ? iii Brltulu uud He , ,;,.,. ? mnny 1* nd -i . uri I ihnt i m , ?patience Ins its lin i,- Than in con* c*lrable national norn Wi ir. !. ld i tba AnglO-Kcl Ti, ii: . lltcine. Killel ? nOrarnl pit. ?AVAfNAH. TRNN., March .ll .-Three men were Kl'led and two Injured at Shiloh gtational l/ak to-dsy while ar work IS a rfguvel pit, the bank caving ia* WHEELER TO GO TO PHILIPPINES. He is Ai-jdous to See Act? ive Service Again. A TOBACCO EXPERT. Good Position Noa Open in the Agri? cultural Department. CHANCE TO WIDEN OUR MARKET. I .ii : Ign < .'in;, iHorn L I. ng Fm moa gu I,ilmc 'i (i. i "ii \i r.mill of Def, .m. I'.i" a .. , lou < Hain* .uii~ la < I..:. 11 lowed i'. ?:.' ? man \, i. b_________________________ ? him. ii ? 1 ' - : I ? I ? I r i ? ? ? ' ' - ? - Bl ? * - ?? ? ? ? 8 ?' -? > ? - ... | | ? r i . ? ? I' ' . '. . N hon ' R NV B ? i ' ? \ . ? I . ' . ? ? ? : Danville; i " ?' . nn j ci ? y, in ih ^HflB___fl___fl--flB--fl_--_---_ NEW "NYP <_ fi." STEAMER. i - j i: ne?b a Ship! arti ictsto Replace i :,??'-;??-??< l:;irtc--. Burn'-d al Norfblk d'KSTBit. PA.. v 'A t-oatraei i st been placed wllh Roarh'a Bblp Yaid by tbe Ne* v"-1 Phlladelnbla and Norfolk Rnll*N'?v ?ontpany '? r a aleaaaar i? replace thc ("Ape < harlea, which waa lill-.,. .1 al Norfolk In Dr afr Thc- now shlji, which < to bi much finer than the burred vee*.-I. will be 2:2 feet Iona., 41 fort h? ni. I ls to ha driven by twin rx-rews actura- '. by two quadru? ple engines of MOO h'.ree-piwer. The cabins wtll be elaborately finished. Th** new steamer tn to ply between Pane CharlBB and Norfolk, with ttops at Old Peatat tWrnlart. The contract rt qulrea a afatm sf twenty koota. DOWN TO DEATH IN AN OCEAN FOG. An English Excursion Steamer on the Rocks LOSS OF LIFE HEAVY How Many is Not Known, But the Smallest Estimate is Seventy, FOUNDERED IN TEN MINUTES. rho Veseel, Crowded with Excursion. urta,Struck on 'I"- Casquel Kooka \ anthe Island of Alderne) and r-s.ini. I mmedlately I ii <? < ii, xx .-nt Dom n witta His Ship, ? ' ? s . " . ? ' ? ' ni the a ? ? ? ? ? I ? I ' ' . V ? ' ? " I ' ? I ? ' ? R ' '? \; ? rm In the i r ' ' ' d Kl . o i v didi I Bdly In I r ' ' ? ' BC! ? ? ' .... ' V r ' people a spar . e in lill directions i i ' ll I d i narrow es, -,, o from b ? l o : -count of ihe si,.i:"-i . ? i king \. - ? I ? he ? ot i ol ptain, i;e. -k^. f.? beard ur n.- the rowi i - ? Hm- Tl s boa sv. r ? sdi Ifl fer | - ' ' ? were without food or water, and as their i-o-'.s were drenched they Buffered kt-, atty. RUNNING T,>n "APT. The disaster is generally attributed to the high speed r?t which the .steamer was travelling In the f- ti? lt ls thought probable that the wer:- tlie ont* Americana os board the j Stella, as the Hst of survivors doe. not . contain the names of any other Americana bo far as known. \ The seeond male waa the only officer i of the Sulla who wa. aaved. The captain i and the other officer*, most of the crew | sod oshT ?* *** ysssutsis esnk with the chief - ? l lo? uie th. : epefa , : tea in tb. lr pr. n - . Tc; BAVE8 El CHER] rived I . ; t guet Roch '? , ASjRViYOr.'SSTOKY. I London Mer. bani Saj l " rs ami . nu Did lin. j < . - i i M w hom w re w rai ? ? re>1 ? t, a ? ? ? alii b* ? ? . . ' ' '? t ? i ler. . a ..f til" ' 1 I Tw . i ? - ... he sim ? ? " ? ? ' i h - WINK i) US! GROWING, *, ; D i i ? ? f 1 ? - ? ? i i ? . ? ;, Ital "to, c Ti i i ? -, nd fifi which ?' I amount-a Ihti ty-tlva ' rai Ital ea I the : | ? \ t- ^ ?;, |.????!,-,,>|?ry, i ir -. SAN FRASSCtSCO. March .tl?A fire arni. H ita i' d ilghi in tbe engine. room of the Pac ' a Folding Paper Boa Factory, al il arid u> Fr*?aoal street. M--euit t.r the adjoin?is nvr-story build? ing n<-<:uple?| by Mill. r. Sin**, kc Sett. whoieeela I?jdwa?re, totally dsxtroiin, tbe factory nd tutt.t.K the hardware house. Tbt printing and mibltahint; house of the Illckt-Judd Company, st 2) Firm street, was also damaged by tire and water. The loss will probably amount to half a million dollars. Miller. Slo.-n ft Boult eatlmat-, their loot at that amount. but- the aum quoted will, p.obabiy oover all lbj laaraea. ELECTRIC LINES WON ITIE BATTLE. Action on the Penalty Or* dinances Deferred. IGHT IN COMMITTEE Question Raisetl That thc Companiei SoOu!ii Have i Hearing, MEMBERS DIVIDED ON WATTER. Hue.- Hoar*Talk with _rerj Motin ExceptOneto Idjoum, Defense^ <m g l ie X ul. I >i lillian, es Appro wed for the Pru? n,.,i inn of Bunin, aa I lil. I pl I-.C, tba - I l : ' ? ? ? - I ? A< h ? BH< i 1 li EARD i i ' ? | i i ? I v '?.ok I tn ' -i ? tl .. .t ' r i lire to give > w \l ll '? ttl ' . ' . ... 1 ? l-l ' n or. i ? i - the If I ls for th. ol .Mox ? ? a ? i t ls ?? i. ks ? , t west '. ' | ? - ? a ' I . ? - ? l r . \. ? ? I t 1 ' : man of tbs ' i aa lt H a 11 .. . \ ? | hf ri* ? , ..?-... ? ? ? i ly *?en i . ' .... t Ii thPtt ? j mii.?r -If | | murder every day j for ta lim s-Pl en " -| ??.?-.? I the l-if^ntlon , i ry I'is'- lynching f. r n- I ir bad no li tantioB of ittemi't ?he nSaaaaittee i ?).?? sn'n sseasurM ns s\ > ?? d but he did inp'- to aacura iiloa He waa i i. he said, lo go Into tba question, not having had lime to Bel Ma facts and figures In proper ahas*. V Shh id nuked that a. a matter of courtesy rh- o*Ml_?satlan of Hw repert h.- Beetponed aatU tbs next regular meet? ing, sc BU orheer pf his <-. mpatiy had yet had a (hance lo read the oldluanc, ?? ceptlng him*elf. MOTION TO l*OSTPONK. Mr 1'dlsH-k said that in view of tha fart that counsel for the two companies (Coutinuwl on Sew an tb rua>) . _,