Newspaper Page Text
TO ASK PARDON FOR A YOUNG MAIN K -Law for Beating His Sister, CORRESPONDENCE ABOUT ATLAS Mp, Ri. ni XX , lc*l< I'-. Ml Ku,,,. XX li,, Keilli* ? Itcpl lill. ?- i K"in , - xv ii ii lng t,, (i ii kera lil l\ ll ls ll l| \|- ,| . I - 1 ? ' - I ' ?' ? ? ? ' ? ? ' ? ' ? ' ? ' ' ? ? ? ' I I ' I ? ? r ? ' ' ' ' ? ' ? ' v ' ? THE SLANDER SUIT. RI Dr. 1 v x;.> I;.-, I, Kiln 9 buns I i t ? ? tl 1 | I i I s ? . j ' ' r _ . i '1 io iard ol N rn X'. -.*?<? m. M. The Whole Family will be interested in Homer Greene's tragic story of the coal-mines, "The Flood in Number Three," to appear in The Youth's Companion of April 6th. Two attract? ive features of the issue for April 13th will be Sir Clements Markham's "Opportunities for Young Kxplorers," and Charles Adams's new serial, "A Boys' Fox-Yard." Sample Copies Free. PERRY MASON & CO., B cton, m i |*n k ? " .. A il. Lyne, THE WONDER DOCTOR. X I ll.Il Illino < ..lin. t lp. I.-H.I bj tbe , ;i-v.u,c_v<-i'i-iii Virgin I*. ?' der three . ? ? I lie "Din lei . Mr, ' ' n0 T1"1" I " a on io ? ?' ? ? I ? ? .1 !i"V\ ' ma, ?'. kneaj.I ll -. it his ? ' ? ? wi ' it si ii ir ? Inn rt ., 1...U ..ii ;. :. .1 t.. ? 1th him, ami 'rn. .? ? ? |bt th* Mi,ncr. ably 1 ? " - D Th,, XV. .Ul,, i fbr Xl ,'l rc ll. Breather rep ? i . jv.., R, T. March 1 F fl SI " ; t ?''? I Pan v , >; i li .it .-rn " . _ " 8 Kirai ....... -K " ? ? v ** ll " '- ; ' m., ;i .; " ' ' . 41 4.V " i .i.j] g in! i "Ul ?-. ?? mr- fd m : s| .-.r, ? ! . A . 42 sar and wann ot fl I'O 4< " " ... .'"I tani .. M '.'* I and cool, " ' . . M IS i .RM .ot . ? ? I wara . TO - .0,;,.', .7", an Tempt I..".'. ? ,k. n -it 12 o'clock noun, ri-nnsi. ra of Real K?mie-. II Kates' trustees v p Lewana, ii it feet o* aasl alda IIikM.hI streel ami ll ri-4 feet on smi'h N I-on Street, let ween Ix-uter and Highland, ; Bama to same, m j.2 feet on Nlehdson cn hw. st corner Hlarhland. IVS ? K Hubbard* traBSBBS to A P law ha .1 uri 'ju W**l side Highland ' I'll.". . William B. 8 Bl ? - ? ? ' ? I ? ? " i NN'irt ll. Cross and wife lo Willi ?? : Upi ' ? ' born, ? ?? Kniglita Knee ( roil ll aro am ill) 'I i: Thurs . r. i . No. 2, K. H ai.-! A onry. ? tl i Mantel I -. r - r- ? Aa ? ' ? Frank W. J Whittet iv,-!.-,-siiiu-_r-is Marry Here, Mr. vi illlam A Btil V W ? : .... Be. K H : . : i : ur fri. ? The bride, ar, Mr. ii i,i> home bride', tr ri.., at Pel I Th. ? Nt ? v | .- " and P. T Billi ol Pet n inrg Mil. nn : alao of Mri We i The couple left for I rester ; ? :, ,V. I I, ll .11 k of ilie ?"' i" e. The : Sergeant Sbinben : ,.i police ii '?'?' '" ? '? "?' -%! ?' ": Numb, r of ari te Mltd i . Whlti Colored. IM , ii ||nam e vlolatl m Mi peoi ? ':r"'' 4 l..,.t ,1,1 . obi. nt ii"i i roi iralks and atreel reported. IM. Total, SB I.m cuni lan ollnaeNt. The follon ilk nen tppll Memaerel-p la ibe Bl hm nd I were handel to Mr. J I. HUI BB v , ter.lay: Millard W. COB. .1 Pi ?' v. Ir l.,rne? K Phillip*. Jr Min Mary A. T ftt. Mt-s C?rrte v Dyer i P, Allen, I tv Bli - ton. Wa J. Klmbrough, Deo, E. Ullman, E. P. Valentine r i kn; i us* The quinine in .'rnv.-'y Quinine Liver Pill* rm,!r:.'* ?turn bettfl than .tl . r ! ref pilli. Tlnt i. all. i'ri.? J.) mid 20 cents. SERVICES AT THE NEW CHURCH Rev. Mr. Richardson to Occupy the Pulpit To-M'irmw, MUCH INTEREST BY OUTSIDERS. llrv. III. X\ Hliri?.|'""i Ul Pica, bo*"AS Banter ItttbHSm*1 Ki. Sallowsi '" I'lCl. || ill lill- I lill.Il I.Ill I Ililli ll i N bel Sei?li ra I" M.., ruff, Th" r . is- ? ? . lui-. Ri s Di KM' I., will - 19.I ISL .- ". Hall, ???? Ma 1 treal bet wi Beivtdt ' ron ' . ?s ,.?.-.,? I ? VI- VV I, !. pi --.I' ll. ? with bright ? ? . , - ? ed, ind ? ? . . ra* m la will meet, I Mu ' - keg In lion I pe, ll Kip vs. \ ?? i k AMI The ? ? I ii M I sill ? ? : i ... ' lt tho nl| .ttl he I I -1 ' KNITV"! XX ' ' '' ' ? ' .... | . | , ' ' I, I ' | .... ' . ? me. Hts I ' Third on a I for I ? ? ? He wi i I the t ? . i Pro ' ? V*. ?n? <f aw. ? ? ? Cath i MR. Ill I K mond i" I . -sill Ik? 's ? ? '?r Hit. Ha ? turn ? ? ??> ths I - that ' he pas Mr VI - - ? - ? ' . ? | mina ? ? ? ?I Mr Maa p. ber 1!. ISSI I, e.! ,,f the ? 1 \ -ii !!? . ? V M i - ? ? 1ST Mel E H. Rae ? ? t ? I Urge ria** I In the s ? SUNDAY AT THE ASSOCIATION. Rs*, Dr. inii of I rntensi | Ketbo ittel ?'linn h lo Sj c.,l Th? at-the 1 " i Chris i an d t Rev. Dr. Tu pasi nary M ? nt 1 ia lion Hall, taking I v ? ? Will b* X!-. A . ' , . ed by W. Fred II ,s ? Bte ? n k a ? ?! XX'oiker 'Tl ? I meet at S:|| this n - lb* ri gul ir | I" !'. ;i will 'i ? of hil laoai ? it s k tn tl v I I ? holli II . I -. * . Hie ? sill laka i ? M in rh- ) .- . Mt) V ? oene, ht- ie vifit ii "LA BELLE HELENE," A [SsBXfJSJ iitnl 1 iisliiu.ili!,' Amlieiii-,' ut rh.- x< ideanr. ? i : i , ':? rlelene." wit! al. ni i-i | ? 11*1 love lineal i t| - -chic effe, t -. arith Lil? li ni Rues*?, Kl.. Wa. Hopper Thomas y BeakroSke STaa i:, philip an,I tho others and B Btrotlg chorus, pie,-cI one of the larg**! nd mos, fash? ionable audie Boee of the season at thc Aciilemv Bf Muslr last Plgbt, Age does not seem IO wither nor CBBtOSt atata the agaeeea-t aMasatj" of Mist Rm Belt, and la?t night she shone tn all her radiance, while Thoma.. Q Senhmoke, iii" BjttBlM ? . ii . lii.n. k'-pt the audience iri muttanonii BaerHaaent. Mlea Hepper wis . xi rs. dingly clever i', OtettlB. and ile- whole prod i- tl- u wes, in f li t. nf sumptuo?i ini geui?bm "Ki Capitela" win hr. ttie attraction a*. ti,.- A, Bdenay i to-day aft.: noon and nicM, The apara la .aid le )?? in tag f a competent company of artleta MR. SQUIRE'S FUNERAL lt Tales pim.- at I ..< l.x-k this After iim ..I from si. i*a,il'.. Tile funeral "t Mr. Leena s Squire, .. ..ii, wa - ia lated .a yeal Tip ? a' 4 " ' In, k this afternoon from *r Peut'i rhurea, ami the mt. a ineiit win h. m...!. m Holly wood. The folio* - a.- tl v.;;: .c t a" , n Borton auk'i*. ll. 8. Hawes, fol. < td Dill, J'.iui p. M. Outre, .ii . Otway s v John How. Ilurmrar) M- *?- Cheatermen, l.ukg Harv. L. '>'. i .ire - > 'bari, il Bar. gamin, s: T Pendleton, N i. Ilaniiif. j. Tej lor titrion, arni George I Merrill. I)eli_ln lui Ritili<l.ii Pa, ly. Mr r., .. Mi r * Bryana gave a de - ?? at borne, No BU ttreei Isa. Pi May night. In ! .- V .ul' . lill ? ? eera leaved and tbe ?jamily etij'.^c.i in ail who ^at. There uai, a number of cuf-'1 #n Um g whom were M ll 'l i nn i ama, ol Pe? ta I ? I taut News . ? , inning 1 he rr,*:i . legs of Nir ; rsderi ?> . lieeealnger to aflea , v. . ? \..rll ith, st i i P. churi ti. re I ? : meld d t-1 . win net sit aa Ha i kaaball on B. B. Lea j B< lay, between ? - i ni-. ,,t r--,iii,m. aad Mill* hiser Mj .'j turing Compeny'a ti<o:-.* Vlrg InU?te In i nw n n\- ii \.lam. Mineral City; James T Csrnsa Chsi '.i:i'.-i tile; it v R, ? Newt J C Martin, Norfolk: a i selia iii ? indi 11. and k H. Hern. nen, 11 - are al Ma pby . lu iee P nv Mmi I oulsa B f Daniel tte; M leott, Jamaa tnsy anil fltorge B Buatell, of the sam* 'oantv. and .1 .1 Crewe, of staun? ton, are regteiered at Ford i. The \, Teta.r. Hr re Ths University i-f Virginia bare.ball team ? I ? ''itr from Charlottes a>e*tei ? ifternoon and went to the - mher el them attend. i Belie ii,-i-i-" at the -|-he '. b hera thia morntr | ?? lt the Jefferson. < .vu., <>f tppeata, Ame- and Twine Co vj M and all .. ng ot \ : 1". 'I Il .'ton and <- W. I ' f,.,- av?;?? I B. C. Man hall and 1 N\ j; le r f'T k| I The Rich mead Omya. Tba RI mead Qreyi heM an adjourned ? ?|th i larne attend gantt! ? i m. tiing tor that ly nlaht. ,' jil who wi*h IO [aurttclpAte ? ,.'? oi otScera may be preaent P<<lill.Ul III I . , 1. I ll|l<c. ? petition In henkrnptey waa Wed *? I k's 00Ice of Ula U S t rourt by Myer Bolnich Illa iu , il ie.304.aa. Ne a \ iptcy waa iran:., d I ' ? ' '.i m.ibcll. I lu- lt'j"., I li?-H?r*? The Blje Ire wai teed eeeterday ? in- being . rood Prldai matinee thia afternoon ? to-night. I lil I PH le-. ge, lei- i . if iv Puekk a .*? C I get a free -imi>ie bot K , ' I B Pl N ' r ' .i; B I of t heir mern .. TlMN t -. a. and are parttcu Inri) efl ? i the cure of C inetipa. - h Heeds, ne l*or Malan? and Liver troubles they i see been proved .' I .ir,ter.I to be ! fret I ?'" .a' rv .ie.el. ri.m.- flttb* ? ? . ? -i ? *? '.il !-. Tea' v .la BOl v? - -1 ? :. ? their ... liol Iml In I ? u..i. '?? -i. I hu'.-el. rm Beg?lar v S lld Ly uv? . I H i;it;i:t>i nix wo iascy t \ui;s Th* , f these aoid hy William C Schmidt, ..- ej?t Bread atreel have nen the reg itailea of taeellenea and the patraMMkga Of the l.est truda la the .Itv. I ?? i? . v-ur Beater inter, ut 4?' mel street, ar 'phone ."i new 'Phone. . 1 Ilene pim -.11 sm tn RKTtltV Ice-Cream, rinrt af the -fi'^n at wm aili!! Ul BBSt Ulead Street, New "Pb ne i"'. 1 '? 1 'Phons aaj Pl ( Kl,I \ N I UM ll \ N ti vi; TB! BiT SAL\ K In the world for na Bruioee ? ree, Ol era, Salt lineum, Fewer Bil ratter, Chapped Mandi, chu* - Bl I ? Skin Bm pt lons, ea Pile. <r no p ly 14 . iraateed te aiv pr-rf*. t tatttiaotion er money refund.d Price, v Por -ale by Uwtr.s A Mino ,: I BF.AT* l Ul Kl oNPVKi:. Mr. A c. Thomee of Maryerilte, Tax, 1 '. , kluable dltcovery 1 i* \ 1 been made in the Blondike Per 1 Bgoni fi ? n.1 v nam nrhag.s. ann was aSeoIutely sured bj Dr King's Nev Di. ? ' tonflUBapUon, ? '"ughs w ile declares that geld la ^f ??? ' ape* -on with thl*, mir.. Veil, aa . . .v lid have lt, 'len If lt ? 'i dollara a bott!-. Asthma, Bree, bins md SM threnl and I 'ted by tu Kins . vet} ' "?: ". n. Trlail bott fr.e at Ob aa ?*?- Miner Drug a 11 i tl CV mteed te cure ei pr*, e refunded. i<? rm: pi'iilii*. The lara I ptep-ef impm ted Ka.n rerj low peleea, and tha? Mle -I III ? f I I I fl .,!!.,;. |,, 1 . g ? v. r I ld 111 tin . uv . and the ?, , Silk and s.iiin . andy Mox*.* for Baster ti ara for v,mr Inapectlon, to bg ' V-N I 'in ''. .S. htnuii .-, lg] ,a>[ Broad p>.? Splint I'ual lino per ton ft?NV er. di Aeg t^r Mice, on Anthracite Coal WABNRR MOOBB New Phone. J72 NINKIV I'KR CBNT. of the neopl., 1 kind "f hi?noe in the blood, ..:,,! iii.* , a many dlaastet. Hood's Baraaparilla r-ures these dlseaa - ie. , x IicllniK Uki liiirmr. ll ,od . Pill, are non-lrritatlner and thai I'iiln to tako with Hoods<.i paillla. \'itsTaata Bataee, vajlap, >tc. nioomine iii.i Deceratlve puiuk. ..m a_ had. nag nilly for Faster, b it at alt times at Ra^y. nods- \- BhS**B '?"' ca-t Main stret 'Phonea, old laai, mw lac*. Bett Splint rosl 14 00 per foi, (delly ej-eaii .W t"r ptteea .>n Anthracite Oaaal WARNER MOORI:. Nsw Thoi-.e. m. [Taylor & Brown g 918 EAST MAIN STREET. 9 Wbv Are We Known as The Always-Busy Store? BECAUSE OF Srcat Jissortmonts, Siotiabtc Qualities, /JfodoratQ Prices, And Above All J'ulft'tmont of ^Promises. FACTS ARE FORCIBLE. While FICTION may entertain, FACTS convince. /. Our Cupid line of ?Sdldf X Shoes gt Hie T i lt line of Pkt* ?nit Leather, Rasmet* Rut sig, las ami BUCK. X I $3-5? $3-50\ lu all Mia new styles-. W*S ||TS I ur guarantee with e*7? ,-i v pair. If to'I dos'l want I pair. | UBI CO BBB tS look. Alvvuv I vv.?)..nne. can't be equaled touts si Ka ii.-bia. This la stir ii'-'v Spring Stock. B OUR $5. $6, AND $7 LINES HAVE JUST BEEN 1 OPENED-THEY ARE PERFECT MODELS TAYLOR & BROWN, I ?:rC<MXKKH^vOOV.4 nt 8 Easl Main Street. v NOT A BIGAMIST. lint Di. Dakota Bar" ljgn?slaSH? ls Daranos tile, NeaarttsalsaB. STAUNTON va , March I Spa, 11 Morris v. Chamberlain, better ki.own aa i r Dakota Ray, arba bad ??? hearing be- I . .:? < -s .I'Jilt,.I I .-i sad east - | for miawful rabi! >a and la ? ? t iw in Jail. Suppoaad alfa No 1 had an Interview with thc bi cured l-i la afterwards hired and drove ? ? train to tak* lld aba ir* ried away with ? , ? ? .... . their joint ile ol ci.!, k medicines Mrs i h.mme, . now in Woodstock, ehere ber bnaaaad ' wa* arrested. Jos K I'ic k w^s to da) ? i ? ted of beti tyal ?( Ml - v .. tata V WI I ?".!? -cl lo the j-ears in tha penitentiary Ur. fUsttsraVa Lectuts. One of the sr*:,'"-' iry (reata tl,.* the sea eon affords is tha lecture lo iv de. |ltrer*d Bl tha Academy ol M I-'' BBB! Tuesday evening by 1 ir. A I Bl H of XVashlrigfon. I) C His ;,.. ? Macbeth, which ls to he Hm nediUBI lot tba display uf hi* agtrsardtnai cal piivver. ls ? tromei:' 'iiriiK : rendition of the most powerful ol Bhakee ] |...8r? s prod? Muns, told vvlth . draatatle Dr Stafford posoosseo -i splendid appearance, a wosderfullr an ll oratorh-al finish, aid ba is an Ideal rle riitionist Ho )? one of thc mool pro found Shakespeare** BtUdentB In this Country, and his lecture BBBl TU, bound to sathMfy Ki" most elli Tick-"* f r the lecture ire tu>w BB *.i'? at thi ttoie of MOOOta XV;iltor l> Xl ta _ Co. i ..ubi Not Agree Tri th. case of C S*. in, ,% i -,. sn ,li il C. Fleming md JokS W Harrison, tried yeetardai la tba Ctreuli Court, tba lory was unable I* .nfl BB **d /?'??? Bdoumed over mitii thi* morning Judgment lor BIMI wis tandara! In j the K?sv and K-iuits- COUTI ni I !?? ot i- Krlllin against K C. md M. Plun? kett. Ifeaara it Heat Shine v C Bbs! j and Reuben Burton qualified lu tbe Must* Inga Cow i aa - hool tndf's. ! Mr CSbOll Invited. HOB ' AI-* ii i'abell hus been invited hs- the preetdenl ol Ike .^nn;. or the Revo Julio* Of Colorado io m.ike ?.!-?? Bf tbe principal iddressei ta be delivered dur hilt Ihe m?eliiu ' ' ti -n K.-liver OB April l.'th This ls . ' i Virginia snd Mr 'abell wm certain:) accept If bis professional rn- Bl I will riot kate! Kr.-. Mr t,?wi?'Mt Has Itel urned. Hon. JOSSph T. Kawlr.-.s has returned fi am Pnrt sst truth He ants called there : - Tburaday on seconal of thc I .nc , Bl BIS moth, i Sh- nas verv aauch b*ltar w ban ba l*fl ? t- 11,ooh. Meeting of Lee t'emp. Kee Kimp. ,'onfederate X'.teians !.,.-t ninhf accepted thc Invit.tlion to ni.nd | Kin M.ikw.I Memon,tl M>i'l>.. on Mav j huh. ConoldoraMa routine btataeaa *?^? trans., ct- d Still Alarm. A still alarm of tire was turned tn .it Tm o ,-lock Um; evening from MM BSSFStl) street, where th-re was i | 'nmney oil tire. Xo. ?, Kinnie Coronalis re.?ponde.u No damage. Meeting Time Changed On aci-ount ot the meeting of the Council Munday night Ina Committee on I.tghl will mc t 1 ? i- - U> lustewsl ot Mvu day. CHI KCH NOTICES FIRST RAPTI8T 'MIK' ll I BC Xl. nen Ices ol HAM and S K Xl Dr . ? 'I Ki. j. .-I??? wili bool .it :? a A. M. A ojr'li.,1 gr, rt Ins. giri a to ali. TIIKKK U ILK B- KKK X''!ll\.; Al I hi. I . "ii" M lu k. b*? t ss.. n Bell ?? nd I in. - . .tn morning ai ii ..?;??? k. Sundas .. i.i ? L, A M. PARK kkv i: xi k . uki;, ii .. <?u i k..n tirrell 'I ll' ?> N K' r I TS I'll K Kl'., - lt ll A M .nd >s K M In* bj I-...-: r. H . i : iii. ii. . -'hiI-' Ki: I Signs lu Stnfu M- n " A i um i ai ' -' . ki ?. i METHODIST church l I Teni ii . i;. . a ?; stark uk pas* ?... I I ll A M and H I' M. by li"\ i. i' HiiANSi'iiiii' ? va Revival sen Bri <-k a ? irdl . si |,'- io .iii. CENTENARY METHODIST SP I SCO. I' ,1 . h . ' ? ' *? ? i Pour th W V Tl 'it'll.'. li l> . i .-.or \.h in al ll A M ' V Rev, Bishop J , ' KU.VNI.KKX and .t s K M b) thu :?? itot- Subject -ii nighi. Tlie i ip of ti i.s.iiiou." 'I.AV STK..KT Xl K CHURCH " "K , : Ad 'in -i:. ? ? i Ri - Kl - >.KNK ll KAW'KIN'IS p?Stol B?bb*tb s. ho.,|. ?? 15 a M Pr, ii '? ? - il \ M., ? -.. ? .? ? ' ic vv .-11.111 v; I, iv Si'.-, i.ii arri rnoen set - l.:m .. io. k Rm .-I'l lon ul ni w mi ml i- 'l-l sa1 i imciH of 'lc i.ofi i \ . -? i -. ?. it night. Woman s Mond*) afternoon . i ? THE M< Ml MENTAL CHURCH fPra* ipili) ' lr . il s t, e*l below Twelfth li WILLIAM ALEXANDER | KA!'!! S ll 11 i \ M and c. P M I'ntorj lenten aa rei a Wt Inesda P. M Hedy communion every Bunda) .hiting Lent it 7 10 A. M. ts Klt.X" K - STREET PRESBYTERIAN K- i iKKi: WIT1IBR8I.V I) l?, paator; realden,-* N> IS east Prank* i Un street Services il n tea x xi I a.- I - . |[ p \| 1',. ,. hlng hy the i i.. ti : - . i at fl ?? A xi .md Wednesday night service ai S O'clo. k ts WKSTMIN'STIEH P lt K S Bj VTKKIA.V hm di ' "i i" ' Sj . rn.nd i *i s* -neets, K.v i- M. .Ill MHKI.T pa-,.. Ki..,hing il II A M. and > ,. M _,|(||_ day - lc il fl V Xl MldaOBg s?t vice XV. .lu. -I is Bl - K Xl SKu'M' PRK8RVTERIAN CHURCH Services nt ll V VI . ? d I P || Re, i DONALD UUTHRIE will preach at .sctr, .-.-rv' ? 1 CHURCH or THE COVENANT nw ' CALVIN STEWART paatoi Pre*?fe. lng at ll v kl ind SP xi i v tba ? vi iweeh -"'s ? ?? vv ? i ?. . it ft.-an AMS.'1 ted to * . Willi tl*. |g -is IN ' I' Bfl I l'| T 'HK'5 I I W rhiircli I eorper Beveath ind ijrec.. atreel.i Preening Bundaj hs Re\ XX .1 WRKIHT ot Waabingtus D ,' Morn. I bled ? V \ w Mt.<.-,g,- for l-"a?,er '? Kvenlng \ Kohl, m In I'roftt an I Bl nd all c.u.Hally are* saad THK NKXX IJ-.KI SVI KXt BPgCfAL Raatei -'-si . - will '-? conducted h\ tko Tl.s LEWIS r" HITB -ii the chap*] of il,.- V ss lei Mleflt, "0 Broad street ,>?>. ,.--.,??-.-'?-?- vt n \ M . ?.im.>ti. baptism oonrtr nation ind th.- -?.. imnit ..f Ike Hoi) Sui'p?'r. Peening servile, at e. K Xl CHRISTADELPHIAN BCCLSSIA I La* Camp Han, Broad street netwven Kiftrt ?md SixtIii Servtesa Rundaj niorntnii at II o'do.k Subject "Waa th.. Klng.l. rn Established on ih? Day ..f Pentecost*" RHEUMATISM CURSO IN A DAY - "Mystic Cure," f >r Rheumatism an.| Neuralgia radleall) .ure* In one to three days. Its action upon the system is re? markable and mysterious It remove- et onie the eua* and the- dUvaae. Imme? diately .ll-..i>i'.ais. Tbo nret dos* greatly hriieflU. 75 cent* S..;-l ht L WAONKR and Owen*. A MlN'fXR DRU CO.. Druggists. Richmond. fd .