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Twenty-Two Pages. IN THREE PARTS. WHATHKit FOKFCAST. Vlrglnla-Pair Sunday; inrresning rloud lnet>* and manner Mondav; fre.h north aMterly winds, becoming rurtahts North Carolin* and Houih ,;,rolln.? Pair Bundar; cloudy and warm'T Mon? day; variable winda. VOL.14. NO. 46. RICHMOND, VA.i SUNDAY, APRIL 2, 1801) PRICE THREE CENTS. GERMAN PRESS IS DISTRUSTFUL. I btful of English and American Intentions. GOVERNMENT CALM. Mr, Wfl te Si, '. r Attaches Importance to Samoan Muddle, AGRARIAN ORGANS INCENDIARY. 1 ii, > xii.i, u the lllatater of Foreign An ms r-i x riding Orer>Mach tu i lu- l i.ii. .1 s tai ea i ?ernann ? i ii, -i I-.- Dependa ? tn .xi a In Inns.i ii., Xi qnln i Letter. Copyright ' me ? ? ? ' ' ? ' ! With - ? ? ? ' In t ? - <s Pi tho I ? ? ? ? ? ' ? ' ' ? i r ? - ' - - ' - ? ? :, mud* ? ? \ M Pl |. ks i ht. e ? i - ? ? ' . I ? I AN UNDERSTANDING. "American I iplonattotia Reen Pound ..i i . " \- iv Pr .i nan I, l. BBB i lie ?? deni ill- ? ail- '1 ' ? ' i UK lui'" Cl ; li- ii >-. lill '.ll. l.III Btes .Xm ha dar. Mi A:. < * i>. win. ..ii j 'i r ' lt Oft il 1. believed that un under- I *a I ? lt ls Ul ? ? 1 s : ? i I ii h to Bamo i a high conn I ? In x'iew. 1 all I ? in at A 1 Sai | t ? con KAUTZ'S REPORT. le Batts tbs Osmans Consul lunged As I ' ? ii nv Pr;<ui, WAdHINOTON April L?Tha folhnrlns ' rss |ir*n out si lbs state ; 111-, al!'-: I The dh Stall is rec, rom the i ? x'arjr a teta ram ad him by Bi ar-Admlral ?? latlve !.> Sam.,,in mutti ra it I N Z w., Isarsh '. j . I orders to leave ovi M mi '?' ? .since then hat a ? nc tig Pl sat'- ll" I ?? British sailors Our niau vue ? I, an consolata "'.' rm in Con -ni Q, e. ia! i sued Inonu '' ? l'-.i s i v.ll^; lll.'M HIV PTO. lamatlon waa untrue, end ba should phold provisional porpmaasnt. "Thi British reece, nt tn vane sri with ii l nited States .helling- rebel", where iey <*n he reached." A c-opy ..f the dispatch was sent to the ?i.nan Auirbasbiuiur. _? ? FOR LYNCHING AT LAKE CITY. | i Prominent Citizens of tho Place to Be Placed on Trial in the Um ed States Court. CHARLESTON. I C Api : ' ' ' ' ? I klllli ? wh0 arith all lt ? ? - - arras sf ">'" FIR! TRIAL This I I . Bouth i Tbs murd, i ol Baki ? i tba nm-1 io ulai i rims knows ,,i ibo Bl I kt t w b ?' |?,st- i leaalsr at Lake Cltj nd I ehargs sf iho aSb ?? ba ara wanted te [ k- ? p -nv ..y ii.- refused, and an attempt waa Made | tn kill him hil i irri.' waa received Thia I ibsa ? : lu mi was organii ,i to put him out of the ??? DBF-tNDANTS Tho defendant, tn the eslsbrgted case sn-. Bara McKnight, W. \. "rebater, M v \\.mi mil, Bpps ii r ? Oodwtn, _ (Continued on i'ifth Pass i CUBAN ASSEMBLY DID NOT DISSOLVE Tiiey Still Hope Our G Help Them Ra ? ? - lng for tli' I- I - JA, April 1 ; teri. . i. ? ? al | . fl i min i i | i | neared tl bj being | matter nf I nt TO RAI BOG ....vis- I ? el, ? a .las i Hgt nm,,nir, th.- liv!! >. r.u tv (hen mr* the i sd a a Suss The h. lion ,\ u Bnallj tai ? led. lt tn cording i" ? many sass Ifho hara net i. ? iContlnuvd wu Thlri PsgeJ THE TRAIN WAS HEAVILY DRAPED [OurD From Cuba tc the National Cemetery at Ar ? n -Funeral Wednesday, 11 N'/ri ?N, Apr il i The : i ral IP : 11 1: lyn. Va . ? m to-da). after u ' i lag I IVllt 'il.ip '1 .i. : . .:. . n ,- *? i vv Berat - a ... ? . : I iv : . BM th to that pan . tiuai ii la te ba atads. a i.igt i. i Base l there'for t of tho t, ,i a.l ii..??-in-ill- n i . i ? Lnttrment, sf these bsdlsa to irlbagt. n Tba tuners! train alter discharging at ' ... will telara la Nsw Fora ?nj , oder or ths hodigg, Il ls -aid that the shipment will be . .i by Tu. ron, In ui , ? :. ii uv that : in) ol Hi- entire . erin he held Bl I rv next 1 La an Impression at i. tau m. however, that tue ar raagsmtnta eaaaot ba coneladed in time to permit of the tan. ral before Thuraday. pall military honors win br- paid ts the of tba patrlota who last their ,n- - in tbs Braal ladlea in Bpteial racesaHtsg af tba occasion, and to allow the government employes ba assisi In tl ?' "i gov sm ut sn i ? >? - i on the aay .rsl ? ? remsutaa FORTY-FIVE DEAD. faro Morn Bodia. Psktsn from the liniiis.,: ti.,- aTluvdaor Hotel. ni: v 'U:K April i vTorks ? Bl ihe : . . .... . il y took s rj at ,f a niau. Only -I. !., 'I. , | ii The ? .. victims ni) ' : during tha I .kell ti in ': ? kaou i.'uni' -r ll. Ml tUSa sv,,i removed tO-MAilt bj ali . nt t,, relatives liv, x \,vv OntSnn Mill, VKW TORN, April 1-A dNpatrh tr, ? -nin rclal .v Iv : -i . r from Boston icturlng Com !? .nv I- tr. iking preparations to erect a n Its Immediate pn.p The company ls tear? ing down iss., o| the "li mills of it. plant to muk ur iii. 1 tri;.- or>> The romp. i som) han.Ii. The o.t look In the entire cotton manufacturing Industry I ring. ??? - - -. ? tannanna* Ka peeled. SAVANNAH QA.. April 1-The Third Immun. I. exp, ted te arrive bi Sapelo Quaran lae station to-morrow on b ii i th* irs iport Sedgwick. They will be detained there five days. ItrtMike's, Mortuary Itepcrt. U A-sHINV.TON. April l.-Oen. Brook, to-day reported ihe /..Hoeing death.. Cuan Columbia Havana?Robert Mc? Kay -Nimpaiiy L. Second South Carolina, typhoid Batitlairo-XX'm Pu rod y. Company A, aXscuud xrolunteera disuatftry. __ i GENERAL OTIS WILL GO AHEAD. Preparing for C-ontinued Active Campaign. OFFICIALS GRATIFIED, Otis' Dispatch Indicates That Agui? naldo Has Got Enough, HIS PLANS ARE YET UNKNOWN Hut ll in Troopa Pet Big af All Points on 4 p| nisi ll of Anni u ana Sonta Bli,Miling is Kept lp at Night, .ipiiureniiT in Pasta ab u?e ltri-t <i| i lu- Ain't BOBBI Sn.dicta. ?I I WASHINOTON, Aim 'l l.-Th- following ?a0 ra Meed tt ?* ? Utfa asw i, April L Adjaj ? '. SfsabbbSbBBi QakB i lu ? B-rSatl I troops at MsletSS and OB railroad un i< I onno.l. ring .i!y in small por. nit,'i y who lethe on Iii- a,,;,: BBI ii "1 SOB irs ftw ot BUT troop, moving I" a nrw po* ration. i.i lin wag astbaj . lu excellent Bpi (Signed) OHS. U al | ?!? \. i . i. . h . ? Bikt?lg IB the , , . om tho Unat there U kittle hit .?r the ai hiv and that lita I W Jill to !.l te Al ll lt IU| i??? ? 1 tn it Bl miling les of i have kata iut ii in mit . ? iii jii'inta on ? i illy from rai tag I w Ure up. . ? ? th Ainr-i i, ni B a ii" on., iel ? bete weabfl t-s ..lad I" I...- . Bl -I H. il.oil >,I the mw - they are et ..nd ho ItS lii^ plans t i ti.- | .!. CUNI IN OTIS, aapreassi fn -,t BtUoa, and no elli bs madt to b front Washington. lt ls believed that trtatB aaav I- tba teresa af tbs laaufgsatg lad li whit run lt ia tbought very probable ti it tn the ,i,lv ai- ? i I I:"ni Ma ts bass sol : traek, alf into .he raagb , ii.ntry 10 tl I right "i '1. on<l BM BOW bs lying In wait to sit upon small Bodia "i American tr. I ; ? r - haps il - of tln? brblgsa on tho ? ? l f"r a Hmo cut .ff ?-om iw.'n Uss Hill.iiiie ef the An.-.t. ri univ and M inila O. ral Otia will take mea ursa ts preveel anyj : tbs kimi, and gs Sa Ibl will ax. il n "f the inrargeats he> ? ral r ideanea bi pursuit A| I bia fl ? nrmy. [I ? evident th it WI 'I OtM reports ere. Quiet, he him>-rif ii pur el hi- .1 mv active in rsesa* ? : 'llroad 1 ' i lag. PLANS UNKNOWN. MANILA April I -1 i P M -The nam ind. d by 0 " MaeAxtl al Mal gay. The m a in la good . ondltloa, considering the fat asnatga, ? ; the) : aslderable I ' I ? SHOOTING AT Ni-.HT. | thia really tot | a al - ? g ?".-! : ,i , - -. '' ns.-. I ? I .1 I I 1 vv' i ? ? isra from ey te ? ' the Insurgents and the Assert. king "if numb, re of ( it lg reported tb it aaa) mil li bi sadet Pllar an- . n eat rat i it Cainta and ral Xii Bf sent . : lng party of twa i wm* hitit ?v 1 .1 irin -: v. I td (in ? ? ? .<, u:,I tw.i pnv . I I DEAD ?if th* Fourth 1 killed seal ths M i ssa ont HU : . UNION DEPOT SCHEME. Th. Tun Cheap uri x Rare PtaotlcaHj hstard i poa i. rosa The Union i Ut tba tatt fsa I ha\e ?> ..nd imond P. l CaroUna i uti t these . aaa. All dr tails have I ged i ste . Mun ' t tho i upon it Will I th. h illdlng ..nd thvii ? n he ' ll i. I. Petersburg end s : I ask I f g depot for Ita eg. "lils COO Bay row has th.- money to f, "in RIchBBOt I t i N. C Th., conti i. - for th complei -ii ol lbs i ?( alli be sires out th:-, w.ek Work will be push .1 :md hy ? 11 asst n. ir traine will ba run? ning into RlebBBead over the new Un*. , 1.1 t'iiiiii, ni VI'11 in I iif.i. m. Wri.MIV.lToN N f_, April l.-A ipe> itch to the Stir from Sou th p>.rt Government officials nrr maw nt iniuirv there at to a site for a cemp for returning soldiers from Cuba while h.-ir ba*B-ge t.? un.lenrolnr fumlgatlog iv i|iiarantnie authorities fltonrds nea* n,I Kurt Fisher have he*n dr. !.l,-d uyoa u> most suitable for this purpose \'saard lins aSaasgdJ f-MfDOtf, April 1 -The. Norwegian lana Ketlsenhouee. of Christensen for liv rr was abandoned ta a water-logg-d snidiiion on March attn in Lat. 51. Long, '-? Jhe ??rw were rescued and landed Si IrtstoL a