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BOLD MID DAV JAIL DELIVERY Three Prisoners Quietly Wak Out at Newport News, DAUGHTERS OF LIBERTY MEET. 1 he StateC.nvi-nimn la Beealos *.'? UaseeaseBaaqaei Male ??i3ii.-i>, 1.1,-, lei I BS Kciil , loesd I'.r tim Xliali.ot. N-WTORT Mw - VA.. A ri?, *. . ic, here at l ? IV -it '.. . ?as kan ra; ? ale, under mee- for I !?: tko i Heat .?-h rai . . the ,.n bia I ? -s held np his ! araa I lo R la tko i ? hs- ? 'th* ? \- low Th's lt )r<.< ? ? thirty?lo portant talked to t fraadow alth all tl ?i . nd lt so i hs-. of branning seems to be en abra thi Th. IO BO I "k lr, I ' - r> ai The State < . ighters nt ' two sf thei tho tktrd *y c Ihe 3 lot, 1 fry. public rited guests lo Wbl h had ' , ? . . ,. *lr>n William ir .1 ihni in ofll lated hs ? who re or. A. A. XX' 1 i Th lt I The I some ? of ? ? OM ' T*-? eonvei . lo meei ? ? ? Th* f - - M. Braal, i J ?. ? ? ? | ncllloi M ? x If XV I - v s ? . ., ? . i: xx'. ! ' M , .... mond. Bl lt, kttaa L 1 J. H Nol ia. Pi .. ? TH ? he last foi ' ' I ? ? I ? ' CROPS rROliKESSING, The l uv. i ibi \, rather I naaea 11 om i l . ni lah Th* fol lo wini l I .. yeti . r . ? Sea - Bsaoani hard I i ll .... ? ,-> |,? I r sown, bul - ? i. ? ? I . i ? B finished. ' ' tv* ?r ? |* alli not i-e ns :? , ? ' i ? ? a . ? I. flni*' . . ?f the Thf. K"au'i'l ls > J is ? | ' |l | k ? to I Irish) planting .xi ,-iv * TMsvator rountlea tb* plants are up tarssl potato lui* ara reported Socks Fruit proapr, ts are rory noni, eieepl bob hes Trw 1. ir p* I ""-a ??rv1 K? ,. ;,rr grsriri I ' Rems'Vs r' a Td*, water Virgil ia?- Ap pl*. *-d r.liin N - | of peas coming up; Irish potatoes planted; sweet po tote bode ai i all garden traeh bark ward: we*k net verv favstahle D a 1 k f a_ Northampton - Favorable Sarsaparilla will taKc it out. Other kinds may, but probably wu! not I ri,* turk; - ovet and fum U ?? . farm ? ? Pavoral la ara h for all i.K al and nata; ? -i planting; whole .. tod plowing vsc?thor. a two mornings this : n nea vs h. Bl ? ? 'it Iv da in a ned. .?I Corn planting going on 1 er mu Inn ? --\ r.i. trnrk linr rapidly lin; roving; j - ' ? f ' \- Bpi l-l being plant jforh ttli cora planted yet; | ' "burch Vi. ar M < mak | ? plant* i irrass lin very n frul! % lia rd rn planting * . ' ter?1 - farra? ll n planting ? wheal well, /?uni. tl took for I ' ' I sheet ant! Improvini proa ; ? ? c .: for fruit; ] ? i in full A ? ? ha have' I - ?? I -K. H Hlsboro Lc ? . . rly; oats 1 Cari ' ; . .for I aete; a ter s;ri akini Harri ? '? - . wi., at lm : : ed; gai late. hard; I vs k a for i SH.p rg ' ? ' : Hunt, r Hall lr ink In Fannel I a in e t for fruit. i . plants . on al lm? < om ? ? ? vs. II. : only moderately ? ? dorn planting In progi ri ? ? ? n th 1 m. 1 ting from two to tl ? ? ? ? a ? wheal ? ?? ' r -.irs. .... .I by dry rheat In fall 1 I fruit, except CROKER'S CARBUNCLES. surgeons fewer Hmm siul Pal Him to Meetj With en Opiate, i | - neat to i od - terday he Dem uk and ? ?- xx- T Bull snd I a thi - " beek ? ? ot Ike ne -k s-. . cocslne, ieS loni;. ? second erl ta wo the fl rat. O iffer from ed him. I. ? a o ' yeoterday to mrnltti tl'.''-IH|" IO ll Mr Croki.? up his min i. I . ? \ .? rill sud oi ? . \ - i Me* X .,i k Bun. A TEN MILLION DOLLAR CHARTER A Colossal Lumber Company Organ? ized in Norfolk, THE STATE LOSES HEAVY TAXES I In-Sun .traillsl Dr, Aiirlrrus' EsTtBte I>< I Irlr-.l Inr I Irlrn,hillls Nort'olla ?v \\BBtgni ivt.i-i a Suit Barr, Mr I, lins R6aag*nedg NORFOLK, VA. April SI , hs tier was ti anted to-daj bj Allan it. Han. bal, ol the l tn porai o i Court, tn tba atlantic i i I . empaay. TI a eonpanTa ; I i !- ' """'" ol which la local, i al Norfolk, har. ;i minimum capital of v oo ,000, whl, ii rn.iy b<- IncTBa I to I ?? Under u>r charter lt nay i quire In Virginia and otb. t Bl timber, tim n Ineral and Binaral lan la, b s liv ea, hergaa and .hip i ure 11 h. i merchandise bualo p uni ttl 'i by its cbartei to fa I : lion n. r. ? ol land, The chi. ' iiusir. i to bi ted the ,, la th.- luml - Tin; OFFICERS The offlren of ttir comps) ? the basil - ?! lng I ara Lawta a. Hall, of Ba) M Ila, i'll nil i il I! I ? t Norfolk, rlca-pn Idem ..? l -. -;. s s I ? ? > "i k . i'y. traas?rai; Robert i of Norfolk, \'a Tue l. .ard al l .1:. u,r i coi ..r N>w York city; Wai I Of Hn?t,,n. If ll Pl Ol NSW York eil folk, \'?.. ],. wis lt Pre. mei . "f Warran, Pennsylvania; Wright in ll*. 1 Norfolk. Va.; Lea t. Hall, ' Bar alina, mi. ii. A .MA.MM- >i ll KN Tl .. : I la .i and balara lt rei l pit l ir. tba dr ? ? v leusly, is thal pramal Int. rfera ?itii t om ummai I ot Ult sm h iii ired t, Dlton feet of iia? aire?d between N ?? , ?? ? . ? ?',-. : i Norfolk I ? ? ? tlie gr. al. il of it 11 thr ? v 'ri;.. Atlantic t . ] ?viii ru . md ita rea?ala w ; rint tba a. Tork .trd I ; ber ll I ? - mu. h ol ? ?nil ba lt : - Other milla aril . THE STATE L, The eatat. o! 11 ? f'llk. w r taxal ? , ?; . for thi vv.i for : and tl ld. -i lt In favoi - Bill not lim. ? 'i he ' ! in Norfolk in falling ... maintain J tern n lea I t hi. t a DU committed, tines the ? on terell by the State and thal u.J, if Injured, coi .mi: itnstkn' RES1 Ree. Jamel Boa n I Trinity i burch, Portmo Itl ?rnatlon to aa Epl t ' ; The Norfolk eounclli e charged i v many proti . mad. Tnt iv.uks of the ii ? ' al otlraarton, n. wei to-day abortly attar B4*4ra. Th. AN ELEGANT AFFAIR. iu.l_.- l\ tr it t le, nf Marti nat Hie, Enter laina iii lils If lee re' Honor. MARTINSVILLE., VA., Al MI B. rgost elegant enterl li Martinsville for many na rn tl tba spacious manal s .; Whittle, In fa Tarry, theil i: i .'-;r county a i a V.irne i-r'.u t . men present vet with games and rn -,; o'clock P. M.. -M which time they were reg lied by delight! Uro] art* of yo mg : a ... v, i v- min h Ind. ? said thal thr .lnriK" and hi* wife wer. tb. ? ? i nott genial gueatt they bad Brat a FIRE IN*HENRY. .firhill.. Bl Utan. 'I'.lii,.tri I Hrf'ir i in |-|Hliir-?. IIAItTlNSVIlXB, VA , April rial. ?At .". ? O'Clock Hilt* morin tObaCCO factory nf JflO. U I . .v F-troad BtrOBt, lil thia plarr. .ind the tire had gottrn tuen _ that thr most ttrrnuoii? rfforts of the Sra company muid not pave it [1 was fi]l?>d from top to liottr,... inf tobact a belonging l i Mr. .i ii Bpanenf Al or.r timr thr houyrs ntBrby 1 J ll. Matthew! were In in;: - bul with er.-at ,ff..r: ? company aavod them 'I'hr tobacco and factory wara Ih In sured. Amount of B-Oni?BOB ? Fire n **'outh IUa-.a.u. KOl'Tlf rXa-TON, VA., April ' Tba Iron fouiiihy of Mi n Bowk g Bianka, Houaton, ?.is bui ni i ight i ? ? iib?at. d to I t $3,uou; Inmraain. tata Tbttty-?v? town lot. i ? estate <jf B. m. lotti aaa an<t i ?*>]?? to-day at pobllo antcllon factory prlete I lOSTON INSURANCE COMPANY OP BOSTON. a.\m u. ST.xTKMKNT K??i: THK YEAR knkini; DECEMBER 31 h !?. ITU.N \.\'I? '? ri OK THK II03TO.N IN8I It.-X Si K ?? xi i uK Hi Mil ?? ! NDER THE LAWS OK THIA BTATK ol' M \SS\< IK SKI rs MADE TO THE AUDITOR OK PUBLIC ACCOl NTS UK THK ?' >.VKX!...\V. I. VK'i 'ii tiy VIRGINIA, KN KKKSKAM'K TO THK KAUS OK VI Hi il MA Prosidenl KANSuM B FULLER. I'll 'MAS ll LOUD. Kin.. Ipa! Office H KI KUY BT BOSTON, MASS General Agent In Virginie. THOS. L. AI.KRIKM" r. , n ,- RICHMOND X A ,;.,?,,,/ ? n lt ,:?.,,td DECEMBER* 1S73. I rumen I JAN! A io .. *. s71 I. CAT ITAL. Amount of capital stock subscribed . '!!^^!S Amount of capital stock paid up in caih. 1,000.000 00 II. ASSET*. Value eg teal estate owned by the company.*.-.? lB'*w w iee i,Inly recopied and being th* tird Urns r,n t il more Kian ona rear's In tercel ls du*.. '; ii ail -..ii morigan, ai i tLastJS; Inter?t aecraaa he f*o therc vii "# . . . , , 's i.iv- of i,ml,linns .nd per - Improvement., valuo ..f boil,lin., - nour:.,.-, 1 MB ourod for SMt.ogo as . $: z*>.w * STOCKS BONDS, ETC., OWNED BT THU OOMPAWT, December ll, I . Mark"! ard K.ok x ? 1 l^.lJ. ?l tmJkt oo 4.632 63 I' ,r Value /-|,,. , I'll. ,? J.1 - n| K'.-f,,,,, || . j \|M "i Boaton, 4 |., r ..nt. tx .- ? I . ply, I per ct 1 Parti - i I rat" ii 1 ? ? Juincy 1 i, ( ? .1; , oad Comp i '' nt ? ' . nj :. per i ? nt. ? i. ? nnany I HIV lilli: ll 1 ? 1. I .. . 4 . '? ' ? ' ' ' " I ? ? . - 'I'd .... I '"k. . I: . ? ,*?! ? ? I: WT . ! ? 1 I Hock ? ? I ' ' I ? A . . I . ' . . . .. . . . . . . I ... t . . ' ItlTIKS ' I . ..MI'VNY. V i'd! THK I'XK AND M xl: , \ I' LOAN i fAfiOO 00 , ? : - g :.-,.oco .vv 3.V0O0 00 tn atm Ort ? ! S ? ? ? |,00 ? - ? ? - ? .. . r,4 iVio net ? . ... ? ? ' ' ? ? ? ' ? .. . ? ?? ? 67.000 ,'" 7,:io I-. 4; I M.B ? : si K netti nu :: M ?? ? K" "i 21.77. ? 2 !?'?: IMS! ? ? ? ? vu .? ? ? .. . ? ' - I I .. ? I * ? so r - i ? "i i ) for fl . . lil. LIABILITIES. | ? j and other . . ! ' ? ' ni i ' j . I ... - i ? I i . j . ? i I bills) received on ell unexpired . ?, due ' i , ' ! . . 1' . ' - I . t . . 1.411 I all lui.ii ? dd up capital ol . J ? IV. REI ' X" " 1 I ' . .- . ..ur ?' - -.1 77 I ' the year ri I MM? ? ku ? for premiums ? ' IS SI tl SM 12.743 tt ndi ? . sj sj I vii ' ? '? t 1.4] f receipts actua received dui gi ?"'ar tn I v, u V. DISBURSEMENTS DURING THK TEAK X!j Kir*. K. for 1 iee (Incl . J'ATJ 7i77 ": J ' : received for . ? M ' mm . -,-.., ?. ? i I atock? du lug th- ? ... _< . ' I", - . . Paid for I ? .-. i ^:: ei Bt*t< s ' ? ? il D-bursomontB during-tho year, in cash |i.< . ; di: STATE OF V1ROIN1 x DURING THI vkxk Mai Inc and I . llllatllU,. I'liii , . .*-;'.' i. paid .,. ll i- .y...'.'..'.'.'.'.'.'.'..'. {.lo ii-'' (?gnedh n. B. fri ri-n bw__. . (Signed , th,..mas ii, J. r"i nt'. gi iti ..? Massachusetts Count) or SuSnik . 8ecrtt?T. Seal ol .-a to I'chin ir, ire ' ll VS A w ***?*? sfatary ruw.c. T. L ALFRIEND, Agent 1203 Main Street. M->GO__rrj**t4*j KIRK INSURANCE ("MIWN'V np MAri'iEnino. ANM'AI, ST A TUM P. NT FOR THS VKAR ENDING DBCRMEBR H, I-'*8. <">F THE CONDITION AND AFFAIRS OF Tilt: MAGDEBURG PIRE issi R ANCB COMPANY OS" MAODESJUKO, ORGANIZED UNDER THE LAWS OF .;i;i{.MANV. MAX*? TO THB AUDITOR <>r PUBLIC A. i Ol NTS OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA, TN Pfitsi ANCE TO THR LAWS OF VIRGINIA. Unltad Stat*. ManiaTrr-l*. B, RASOR. nant United Btatea Manager Al> DOHMBYBR I .,.,.,'., united States Brun h : william st. NEW TOr.K. Virginia?A. '?? PLE \s w - ? RICHMOND. 1 ? .. i . 0r !: oi; rat. d MAI ll 1841 ''v'tnrna-ncrd Iluslir-ss lu Unltad'- I iK.jKMHL'R 2, 1' ?:. ASSETS AOCOl'NT OF BONDS OF THE UNI. MND < WO) OP OT! HSR STATES AND A I.s. . ? ;%-?-.,;:i-, vj IX THIS STATE A XI) OF ALL Ol 'Li: boNI ? 5 i'Lj.Y BY THR COMJ" INT. i "' '? kUi-Bl I ? Lnlr.d State* (Jovernmrnt bonds. 4 prr cent., due tM J S.Ofll <-3 U2 fa) s gold I duo HO ? Nan i gold bond ?'?? TO ? )<m a . ... I BS T '..1 per and n I ? J Bj "BJ " .| 115 Al ? ompanj deposited In bal i . '? I accrued on bend tten tn l mo- ? -- montbi -i ??? t, . t of rill j*. ... . f v I.IAI'.I LI r . . N ? .mount of ? . I ? ' Ui-om premium, received Ure risks, rum in? ri I . rtski runnli g more ??? I - ' . - . ' : "? | ? ? ' I i.n'1 ? aga -i on premiums paid f ? ' . ' A*** agate * t close of t .... N'rf - : ? la ? ll. mil I DIS ' ' ' ? i ' ' ? ? A. L PLEASANTS, Agent, 1114 East Main Street. ] PABLB LIFE ASSI'R ? ANNI At STATEMBN . . ?p tiii: \' Tl lia ' ONDI . ' ? VSSI il INP! i UNDER TH!. LAWS THE AUDITOR OK PUBI ' MA. T OP THU. UNITED 8TA1 . "i:K > . Pn ? HENRI i HYDE Be. ri tar) william ALI -. ' Nan . HOWARD BWINEFORD HMOND, VA . ? of li ' ? hav. ' ? Thr whole nut I rr*. I J - ' Total . . . .. | ? v ' ? ? Total ? ? ? ? ? :! ' ' Th' tn I I" 4 _ . ? ? -' '? 1 ? ' ' - i at Net deferred aad unreported premium! I Carried om al n ' j i . . ? Numl it ai..i amount tal . . o ba ii. ra during the real . Total number and aniuunt ur policies In force D ?i * alni i lalmi of I ? : ?:. ? | the t .,f losses : ..-I ?' ilma on | Aniuunt nf issessmenta. premium, dui ai ' I Virginia during tbs year In cash and notes or credit ell lui jli,.l tea, dlvtdenda, cofaralaalona. or oth.-r cxp.-i 1 i THI -fl D JORD IN i i \V ALEXA M>Lit H -'- St ur of New Tork .itv of New rork Swm ll t,, |\. ,. ,.,. ? -,- .-ll VS ROGAR MILLS, N HOWARD SWINEFORD & SON, Agents. 1110 tot Mila Street.