Newspaper Page Text
RECEPTION Ai HAMPDEN SIDNEY ??-. M . M ll* El teftaii. the HS. ORATIONS OF JUNIOR CLASS. Had a Large I nd lenee in the Chap* 1 Sinn,i iv Night Mr. 4 'ii'' rWork ; ?i._i i.,? ii,.- |X ,M.( x Xiiiiu.ii I km u.I. i burnda]. HAM! ? ? ' t . from ? ? ? ? I i ? ? ol j, ? 3 ' ? ? WOMEN. Pi byl,. xx m., i'a Foreign ">li i In Pitt si ' * r ' ' a ? I SUNDAY SCHOOL WORKERS. SI any Dot, ile* to I he Int, nial Ional i cm ion Reach ? I \ . i THL WORLD'S RECORD, ? i leal Ti legra I V . .!., v '? 1 . ' ? ( , I, . ? | a a a - t l ? i ho lintn | r U,, PHILIPPINES. ,\ l'i,.|.,i?itnm I,, Neud Negro ii" ps i bei >Xi, reeta >i at '? llleotlo* xx HING x ? t ? . , . ? ? g much ut alli 'ideied e lues Is urg?d on the ground that tw ia I dil tl i- i to de t l,is?-i:gen'. ?nri defend tbe newiy aty?red possession. In tho East Ons KaufmanR & Co. Boys' Blouse Waists. An offering In Boyt' Waists _iKlt ... , much more than passing importance?prices thsl appeal to every piother , : boys. XVhiti 200 -tilly l ' Paunl _^^^^^^ II. vi, Ki ,,.,-,, -ai'..; and ' uff> edged blue or white; : usn the front, "" "Br-/" your Z^4\, . *?* ? well Ut] ti num. .1 .SOL Mnen Bloui th di ,- ? oui i I rilli jabot 7*?*C I Waists with ' all ? - Cs A/A ?PI .(JO ' -i and i ? np. Child's Dresses. ?it nrfcrs: thc ' ' I .- ' .-monow. made i ni k an : ?. Hamburg , n -s?? ,, ?I ^c, ? of t:ur -1 nal| xi thei Hu Villi, ' nth o 4.0C ?? 1 IK .-. ll ;i i .Hid v ,<k. Ittle tucki k in ?? : . Ka, 6qc i . ? mbi di ry an -?Ham: q8c IT."' yoke ... renelle 'iennM^^^ Ol ? r Short XVhitf nf hemstitch. ^^Am\\\T rn at rn ?? _ ? ??%*"?*?' dren's Di ida of whltg 4_ _. _. _ ? finest $5-95 m\yt ni i'I Ladles' Elastic Belts. with ? - hand ever I'"" ' .aa\m\\%\%mm Ila 11,1 -"in.-Si $1.38 ____________________iadv v _" / lld with tesl *hl I _> V. for. *^ / ti Kl ' Belts I .*;, k and li dors, ? lier kl, 1, worth ir. ? ? 1 buckles. KAU MANN & CO., \ 1 on rt H and Broad. N ? - ,- those a ills not num ? ? '?? ? kindred 1 I ile opportu . . JACOBS' VICTIMS. Measure* < r be Taken foe tbs Relief ol in.rm i'm chaser* WABHINOTOJ I internal .: - ' ? ? ? i'i relict ' vv!. I ' vs xs', _R, i'A April - ? : ? ? ! I and ? ie tbs 1 j ,.1* SAVANl ? ' . ?:? renie 1 ? . 1 manufa ' ?en? right, aa the fra ps were positively I >n.t gfty tb . Kio mi.i.> ira Dena ned. Mal : x story \ : -. rc s of a . have row ned 1 I sher, c -|-|,,. ? by a leta arei cen A Hov ri I ll. vv t. RT l 0, April I i Charlotte Jutt-i, 1 ? 11 th.tstoi Pril > Daniele AMP uiis!-;'. , '1. .. ? ,.f Munt, negro, ? ll - ni for t ni-land. ? .Kilian : in here ai . ? th. v sail I ? Th, A in lr? - ol"' rn tive* of his Oovernmenl tai a disaraaaasaal sw 27.,-The Ile ps fog V|,,,,11,,. - FR - Ajirll rn-?mm ; Morgaa Cit] :. insert 11 vommuiio Milt to-nlglil *ith about HO rocrulti ? ngiment* now tn the I ns Island* She slso csrrisd a l?i ?e quantity of supplies for tho Amor. lug? force* on the islands. t_ .MISS ROPER HER MAID OF HONOR. South Carolina's Sponsor Selects a Lady from Petersburg, , MARRIAGE IN ST. PAUL'S CHURCH Miss Ophelia .M. Jolintalon tba Btrlde of Mr, .Murdin,-,- M illiitms lin. NV groSiispir t> An. -in) Dim ill (li,: Demo,nils lo Meet. PET! R8BURO, V I . A;.-ii . rial.?Ml Jannie Eva <:., ark- iv ia L.e tba I Carol! u tba I- i.n. .. t rang at'. g. i baa aol. 11. d Ml i Marj H city aa I ? BU I W ? ll - I ? ni ul th- r :. .,;, . of Ptteraburg. ' t ? ii ? 1rV( . i .... j ? h. aili leai !.- at . At Bl night, John W. Brad lent, a. i:. \ .1 .1 linn. MARRIED at Bl PAU1 iftei i ipa! < hur. ti 'i kl ? : The u John iii. WT. ?. ? I nd David . ii... Mr. J ' ? Mi i' . Johns! ... ? I rid il tour. . In -his .-itv. Thia is M ? ? ? Pet. rsburg In I f ' Whan Mr wilki In Ma i Tleaf churcl I ? Mr. John v. Long, 1 Isr Co ? ' rs ARI 1 IR - lon of ? A Har ri son on 1 Saturday i Ight, cd l ? rohhrrs -,v | ' ? The rails f ? I ' Dlnwlddle i court-house >??! nexl . and corni ? I i Mr. Henry Hi ? . ? PROGRESSIVE TAR3QR0. Bf any New Enterprise? In Prospect?A Prettj . burch Wedd TARBORO, N I Tho beginning ol n:-"i\ th in thia <? rn m 11 I. i, ? ut one termini] to 1 ? I feet, tl !; .VV i.. . t. .1 by the ti .ry, a > Tba i em eater i ; Public Works. Thr i of lal Vines 1 of Wilmington, a al Mir neb, In i lt. A. M Both i rtlea bara folk, many of wboi Boral ? LADY OF LYONS. |_lt Pla] Pi cannie I by l,i>.-.,l Talent ;it ito- lo il. nu Thr i id en. a at 1 ? ' " la>t m. lion of "The L thr ttl. tl IL ted. This ? . itiful drama i trw Mr. Hei rj Tern .. ? M Wii. ext ? rationally tiri" id i horouj,. ii-.,' ? ? Mis< p. M,v ? D. ichapplle. ? i '?? ? tr,- (, In rn Tba lirroinr of the play wai Pauline." who tra >' lated by Mi I I>nk? Chandler. Hi r quite attractive, though not very ilLtinrt. She r. ipplanae h?.v evi aaa tba r*vtplent ol some aaul Di Hus.*.-ll Pemberton i A common expression i?: "The human race is grow? ing weaker and wi.ser." That we arc growing weak? er is proved hy the large number ot* pale, thin and emaciated people. That we are growing wiser may he proved by overcoming these disorders with thc timely use of Scott's Emulsion of Cod liver Oil with Hypophof phites which gives strength, enriches the blood, invigor? ate! thc nerves and terms fat. iee. tad fi oe, til dru-jr:,ta. SCOTT A SOWN., Cat-uu, .New York. WHAT OTHERS SAY. tin' xv,inls i>r yeleada Af ?geales ami IK'lliililc. ' v poepla IO talk about th*m seaves kass ? ? ?,- better to haii other "r - ahleh s Um rs; ( i.r-o ? ' ,. .'? Mas*.. tars peal ?? . | . pro*. i - 1,1 lt .-lilli:- Bl gil ? I ir. luoe i sop Undi r ti.- advil e ol ; M.i i ? ? Vlrs. tent iri< K. i' : ' ? . i nerv ? He liss a n ' t< I'.,?? ..ii Pla v Ki. I in . - ? I . . i en hve ? ? ? i i ? - ?t I Of tl:. roui . ? . ? ? detail . vi, ;,,, .,|.| H, r Se* y irk, ? ? ? In ?? K ? . CUBAN BOYS LOST. rwoPmap ? nc Pupils ol B ...ker i. \X .,d.iii? a -two XX a 1,1 . .. - X .. ' t I I ' ' ? KILLED BY A POSTMASTER. rwoGeorgian* I Ighi Wilblii Righi of ll,.- K||CI ll s ? ' ' ? ? ? 1 ? vi, vv I rh irleatnn. i'll Xl ? - plan : _ \.,,.-? iiin i'"-?i' ' "i ? -. - . ? ? ? rei hold ot ii"'_ -i ,,.? I.. I t ibllsb ,1. KNOXVILLE, TENN ? . C. D. ''lark I I'. XX I md timber landa ll hs * dla. I .,, rhqn -kc M ' illfe Bis i :i r Tw ^ ???. ike ' A- hi. una ti 1! ,vv ... Two Ik ' s *>,uth vv ? .-1 t ? I Manies ami BeteM ,'XXiDKN N J . Aprl rd Oa """' '^-'ii'v ? . rnlni itahbsd ? , - ' 1 - ?*??"" OUBBlO. ... . Jcfferton a mug. Con ....,.--. Ha thoa out kia own throat, and ?n iiiiin to tho Cooper Hospital e. he is not expected to live. .. , It i. tielleved he bec-me suddenly mian* during til* night. *"wJ FOUGHT ITS WAY TO THE TRENCHES ? unuM from Kirst V.igr.) the mun li Wt BTB "f smokeless powder and ktaussr cartrtdgea, which they are WANTS SPANISH TltooPS? MA KIK! i. April 27..?>Th* gOVSnUBI re< elved a dispatch fmrn OoaSBtBl B Spain's prtr.' Ipa! conunendu, r in thc rin' Ipplnee. asserting that Major - ons has requested Ma net to the S;> mlsb tl if Min ' iriva! of ' ? rh" goverr,.-- f rel ira io COREA'. TROUBLES. Another IMsIm hm,i <? in the f'.iliiiiot i vv rMiaktera Were Baniehed. \'.\N" u x i,K. ii, c., AptU :?", -The ,i hlch ar: iv .-,| - from li": I is I ? ? Uki Kial | \ i \Xs, ha- c K"i BBB ? i hs K-op- rop has ? , I - ? P I mkylg 'i' ? wi,Uh I | - ? ly. ? to an ' tn the favorite r ? pe ?? She ?i ? it he ls a iii . - IBM BBSS 1 .[?at tis. 1 ' td I tads from Thi ui ihol of the or. Thc i ta mink i nhill*' ll ? ? ? a RAISED BRITISH FLAG. Philippine Ialander* Did Not Koon <?! I In M i easton bj Sp tin. x tNCOl ? ' I - t, ' trcher, * - . H ? . ? from I bee i ? IBt, I sn I ? id i ? ? ? thought ll might - : r ? 1 1 til. v I . tn tho i FRIENDS WITH GERMRNY. VI, . Mas \|,| i, s, -. Ki, ... I ! i fl X.'ii t,. i Xiiici ii .ni i able WAS HIM S ? - V '? The , i. to bs knows \ and am ? ? ? .... n md B I New S routs will be i \ ? I be the only line Bot tou ???-. ?.-______ WOMEN TO THE CZAR. Tli?'ir Ai kU',vvl,'ilo,-m?Mit nf II is Groat s.-i v lee ?.. ll mu.nut v. INDIANAPOLIS IND., April B -May ' N , ? lon .1 Conn ll ??: xx omen f tbe Inter? national i 'oiiri- :1 or XX'omen. has a,: a letter t,, the I Russia, in th* Bf tbs LISS women of the United oded in th* membership ot the , oui ? ll In the Isttsr - "Tbs memb, is ol tho National I j f xx o United Stat . r , 'ii! gi' knowledgen arviee bo ?i ? illy, National oi i of re* B i tai and f * that all Bf these nob'.' nh* . .,, i greater et a -.. in tim ? of vs . : ? are rel I vs*; and i ? '? "' lt-" DREYFUS REVISION. I lu l v i leece Dslhrs tte Charl af Cae ?ail ?" Mesa laeeatlgasiaa. PARIS Ape I '-'?? ''?" figaro enttnulng Its publication of tbs evidence befor* the court of i assails* in the Dre ina rertsioa Inuqlry, giraa le-day the remain,i*r or the teatimes, i 'ulgnet, an Blde-de-caran at ths atlnlstry of xx'.r and ths depositions of Senator 'juerin and M. Barthou. who were members of Um Dj P iv Ministry Iri UH when Dreyfui was condemned. M. Harthou. who also held the portfolio of Min?ur of the Interior In the Cabinet J AUccetVs Porous piasters Perhaps you sometimes uso a porous plaster? But do you use the best one? And do you know which the best one isf Tlie one whose reputation covers 10 years, and whose record of cures and wonderful popularity gave birth to the scoresof imitations. And which is this? Whv, Allcock's?the plaster they all try . V ff w to imitate, and the one you want be? cause it cures, lt cures by absorption and does not irritate the skin or cause anv annoyance. ' v if. j . i ? ittltndo of t con* ? ' - ? tht i ? gf. 7* Ihat ha I ? .nt-' oion?i Hem | thal ?b?n Gen* sral M. tinted the < 'ablnet arith the t I iva ta a ... prose* I ? 'l tva* largely ind cemplel * ad, by .,nrl Ftequart witt tral 1 get it has ... furtl ? ? O Patr Da i m. WtM " ? = in j bunand* a Comte . ? Mm thr* I now tl her bodll i. and ' had llnkM hc-r name with tl Ooventlll. ahe co I no ? . ll ati ;?. GERMAN PRESS MODERATE S| ? ii. in ? om illatorj Terr?a r.r < apt. . og titan's Receitl Spee, li k ? .... i prr-** ? ' ' ,'. ? ;? - Brltaii ? , ? | ? ? of ill ' I politic! ? " WESTERN FLOODS lin- Mieeotirl Hirer Drlrra Sta Hun ,li i p, ,,' iv,un Their Moanna. .... t. .?.-..- rlaa of a I In tl - ?? Ifl I ' ? ' ? flood. ti.-i,ks ? v . A-T ll' s. ' ' ? ling ,,n ? being half way up to 1 . v. ei to l ?7* DIDN'T WANT MILES' D?ogbtera of Coefltder?C] Protea Again*-! Inviting ll mi. Thr alexandria Oeaetta of aga - ? ? ha foUowiag wi ot' Intersil to m,.y Richmond pooaia if thr S.-vrnteenth Virginia Regiment Cbaptar, I D C 17th instant. The tee ra ta ry road ;; *ht'h v..-rf approved. Reporti of other ofSoara arera mn'!.* and approved. Th? traaaurer rBportod BM lg tin ury. i:. | I eomaaltt< ? - '?' I, 1 -1 Jl'iT ? .?? vaude, ll tTt lintii-nt : . v ? ? ,,| from thf ? Lee (' imp, n questing ai il itan. a from tba aenta t'> tb. i fi r ? b hi h wis j. ???i \.j ba tin- .nt-,^iti,ni ,,: the fellowing , v lillian : ' ..I Thai the Seventeenth Virginia ni Chapter aili gladly eo-eparate tuaii.atv it, tin- bnprovemtnt ol tba Bite of the Confederatt raonarnenl whan notified a*, to wiuii la Bropea. I bs dot ? v . I aaa ra id . "f the Hi. timi.ii.i . 'hapt. : rivlslon, in t,i t ita- proposed encampment, purporting to ha .i BMetiag of "Dough* t.-rn ot Ute Confsderae-f," to he h.-iii it frails Church. Soma discussion was had tn ragnrd ta 'iii-. BBorantaat, and abjection had to BOBBI Of tIta* featurf*. . otin.-t f ! with it. Bspeclallj thal of dn Invitation to be glim uar.,ra! Milts to be present, and ai they wish lg piara on record their ni.tent to thu. tn. following retV.utlon, wat offered and passed without a dimm? ing voice: Resolved. That while the Seventeenth Virginia Regiment Chapter, U. -?. C., have no ,1*11* M es pi | ? : ' of the K. 13. Lee ' ? ,, invitation M Ident K iv is at Kortre.a M ??-nt rend the annual report. I I Be membership ti id tn ? ? ? I It to te, tw* ? icancn Con fed May Mt h. a I .: i i leracy. a lu- In n be* '. :,KlllU ' ire;, Viper dur i i-i I midi an 01 Tho Cl tills tim*, w ? regretted ky ah ? Inter? course | . r-r--\ \jiT- * In hlgrt I ! Bk ?> Bl the en ? ha;,ter. now evei I ithra of t he k'.nd ? n ? r^ of the i The ? " for ttir> Miss Mr*. Julia. ? Mis. ga? len! Mrs. jana, i Piyi r stary; M?s A|) ? Ulled at < Xn Invitation, xi kn N t, April I ? mPlatt ? ? .1 j'.in th-> Among the libn lt lu - Harri B. Smith , ,11 c. Ml .-ir s -I than ii.!? i . differ* ' I doa vs bli h .', ? Ken liar ? ? e h?H tx a , gc, ? dingly ? '. Mr. i his nw ii | tin- dram ha bat ? par! "ll.irly emphatic thal Ibo figure of Christ must ind he dems ls I tl th, bs '.efl ss ill BS r.< ? New X-ik some tlmo next season." Mill I I MIX K<. bard ?? Hale, Jr. Mr Blohard T laie, .lr, a. well-known young l I al i ls rapid ea cb ...o' I t, at ll o I Mr I vt k ..... Be wu Oi ago. The : hara aol yet Heath* in Psi ne has. PHOKB1 .-'. VA. x -.-. lal - Han -. xv i lunnlngham, vs h I tl"III xi 1 nt , onsumpt a id no . i. ... .li. Wife ol Mr Kimball, died Monday mouing el sumption. Tb* took ice al tho . street, at I ll k vi Mtaa M. v A wife of Mr 0 Q Hughe*. - inda) evealag *' h*r home ave.- rn - Funeral at If Richard II la. t w; , vs is drowned lam F t irs- | j P. M. This la tr , . Xii*, ll, Ul. -.ii, ll li BERRY** -i I xv april Mia Battle fl Tell ca hollie n. ,r \'. lt it 17 lillie >? Mi - t- r of the late Dr. H C"iint. ...ii.! Mr. I: . ? R. Sn i and li Ht ' took ; 'iv from her lat* li,mir- and invrtn-nt wu-, ina,le in the old ChapS gran M's- \.iniil,- luni .mi. .-'??i TH BOS I*ON x' v | . . Ml N in ? he graded K /?-.( seoul two i n ni.t Tko funeral r.."k place fr. at Bo pile! church ie day at 4 P ht >lr>*. N. J Mle*. KMPOSUA, XS.. April _-Special lira N J Ulick, a worthy lady reading In North Kmporia. died at her rt.d.nvS thu morning of paragMi .1. 4.alt sm th NEW TOPK Apr:', ll -J"hn dalt Smltu. of the firm of J Halt Smith eV Co , of thia city, one of the teadng linen snd cotton manufacturers In this coiyitry, died to-day.