Newspaper Page Text
ST. LOUIS LOSES HER FIRST CAMI; Thc Orphans Bunched Their HHr Hence Her Downfall. ORIOLES HAD A NARROW ESCAPE ffwaOajtto itu- Nu,u. Innlafl Balboa ii..-> >iaii?- it lha earns! sus Baas SIi>|>j.eil Un- Linne ot I hr t .tani - ami Senators Standing offthe ' luna ? . I i i . rt 4 1 .. Nan fork I . s < : C ? ^ - i i , v ? ?.. ,. ... ' Where i hej Plaj I- l?.iv. Dal tim * .. ', .lin. Rall >' V. ,?' Ml;T,,|, .' - em. M' - ? l. Mot) ? ri,lin i. M I.ii. :i. I . i ' ? : II, j: . . .1 . 7 .: .> I ?> . I '? 12 1 ? . > ir. H.....I I, |ll. , I. v. 1,1 .'. . _'..,,-, ],, ,, t'i.-vi ll 4 j Itali I mun ].- H i: IMt ll i. .... 1 4 T 11 'J ' Chico lt,, ii ' ' B - - - CHAMPIONSHIP SEASON. '1 h.- \i mi.11 Lt igjuc i ind- u iii Bnjrln th.- i ,. i.- i : as i Wilke*. . . ; ' ? ?a r \ . rn I ? witto nb on ? i M week, si .. to he 1 ? a a li bee.tired y print ' noa here ... -. ?? ? b i . nora M it Shh, ? o la'. nd on ., . I Hm Hi Mses WI*, \ x. ' * waa playi Parl . for the i: . ." i I ' ON THE TURF. I nm Va Ker Vi ill ? inning- lilith) Eg" larras! ai Mewpert sYnclj bssbobTbTIS IWlf, April Sj alohs tv Bob " i . Time Maker k?vt up hts Slnalhtf strr-ak to-day 0 ? lb. fourib rai inna In 'ha ria fa v ?t W.ath.r warm; track f*-i Kital ? . .un furlong*, selling ? Johnny M'liaia iS t, li (lim Tra ? ? rio to 1 and ? to l> aeci nd 1* te 6? thud Tim., 1 SS ? j*a^?r,d !..<?* foul and a naif furlong.? ltomJvard U U 1; lust, florene. An.tla No Gripe, Pain Or rltscomfort, no Irritation of the av teitlnea-btit geutle. prnnupt. thorough healthful cleansluc, wheo >eu tat? Hood's Pills jX.M by nil drnastata ? ( ':i Tlaap ^ tn 1i third. ? . ..: t" ;,. .. itesj 'liri'." M.ikr-r .i to ] and I ?? to ii third RS I"5' a : ' ' kline i:: to I] third, rime. 1 ' "ir Nelli. ?3 to 1 np (4 t i .nd :t to 2) - to w third, Time, 1:44 \t Nevi port n vv ,, at New . t the a ? ii ? '? : ?: ?; ? . i, . third Time, 1 ix ri ilt. I ; i* ?' K to 1) Ari nd, n .- io l.i ? v anr! .1 half iu to J i. '.. ii second, Molo (3 to '?) third. Time, 1:11" ? h, s. ll . I , - .ii \.|in 'iii' i. ' Lilly ! , - ? i to ii third. I I Ti nny ? ? ? Blew Av ? .. 7 ? I) third Time, I W r aili il hall 1)1 ' ? I 15 I ".. OPENING OF ROWING SEASON Hip Mi nih ix of I In- Virginia BOUl Club i ? I.' rate the bv/eut. - ? th >: '.. era and FOURTH READY TO KLTU!:N. I !,, Br v I'r , ? i r I . ntl nulli * p. ni' i M ni Handsome ^w (Til, BAVANNAII, ?i n . April ? I I to a Tl i : ' t I I to look i ' ... mill ? ?? ar, th tl tba battallona ol ti" . -ir. As ?as* ? ; V - ? it Will the mid la) ? ' ; It ht rf Bl ? ? ? leal k i n. p the rt es of tba ? n's- during I ? ? riger agents of I wort ? . inrlili them r . live r tony of ramp Iii slight interruption am ? ? \ thia evening, when Thoma. A M . of lt nf a ' . v\ r , r looted bim bj The ? ... ... I ne of the oro ? lifo. ' ?' ?? nr hf., ta ' ' I .r (he ate of the mu leal t ,i, ni nf the real ea ant ? < the reraaatl a <?f p enartette, which has a.-miir.-.i rjnite a repui popular tts- wherever it hts rn ide ity i. . .... ?mp an,| Tr I! ,- ll ea evei lng paeeet by when they are n>*. hean! at a church eprertalnmenr ?r one of the most Xironiinent Beela] cluba. BEE THE GREAT "TRILBY." MANY HAPPY APRIL BRIDES A Pretty Wedding atShadyhurst Last Night. MR. JENNINGS; MISS LAWSON. Mr. i:. W, Ilropliyaiicl Mrs. TillieC lop i"ii .Marrieil->|r. Willie \ aleut mo and Mivs Mamie '"lulling. Oilier .Nuptial BrOOta A iiiii.f, hm exi"dingly protlt a I dink' l""k j...i .- 1,1 i night at 8 o' ..? k si the p sdi bt, Mrs .1. < 1- BS Bl hunt," thc coatracUng ooupl. being Mr. Georg, ol Dani ill*, now i..' am..1 i ,. and Ml Et i Law wbO is so WI li Ki.on n in .. lal and in I ctreli .in-.ii.i. <iwing to tbe he bride's I ? Bedding v\.i "i : simp i ? tractor, nd only tho lmm ol iii'- bridal ? o ipi. wli ? sed tba my, wblcb wai erformi .i In an im in iiin.-r I.;. I., v. .1. .1 i , by k. v. J. y. i? ? ?ai r Lawson bride, a Jd ol ii,min. Bhi wa attired In a Whltl ? OV( i bl !? Atn- ri. .in l>. .mtv ros.-- Th, ? i Carrie .si ?r Danville; m.-s Lil) )i m; Miss I ind Mum Ja nli E white i gi led pink roset t led with pink ii . m ii eras off white .,--, over white taffeta a ? : ? f-thl ? I b present. Mr. and .?ii trip 1 ??????-. of tin " ol ti lends follow tha newlj on their bi Isl trip Th.- hride will be gn ' n al .ir les bi rc wb* har many friends hara wi:: i | Br .(.in ? lin ? Mr, ? w Brophy, ol < fa and Mm TUllo Clifton, of tl quietly married at the Pb* i hun h. i.y Bar, Dr. O rpera at kgbt .Mr. 1 liol.hy bt a Wi c fl ? ii,: I.It-ki OBI r and ti ? Murphy's bOtOl a.- BSOiStsnt I me tima She ut pratt) : icm itnin. dlati ly affter tho i ft for < home. waa (. un li ? - roses. v dentins Schllllnjr. I and Mr . . of thc i ? ' Quita [fi relatives a wsa rei f hnpreaaively p paul Menu1, Tl ? ushers wi re Mr. James Vol ?'.s.,n. rlty of thc ..'ii;.' ? i by thc largs numbi r'ol bm ? Ono iwin Moon, A very qulol heme wi ? ? of Mr. and Mr D W. Hancock tnt Boon al tw<> o ? k when Mr. O. T, Goodwin, ol ?N. ',1 ;. ct N. ,\> Bnd Mi< ! were united in murri j. H. Daniel. Only a rsry feu i \....... Mr, nnd Mis, Goodwin took tl ? ?! train and win tn ,0 %^ ? me. Clark Vii.. Mr. Pt | | month, nnd v.i Kock, ol th -ii were mnr rled i at W church tl v coll, of OIou - ted tn th i ? . n ? 1,, illili Q ii. This thorning al n ?? a Mi W. W md m v- ? UG i ? l nt thi ' brlde'i ? ithi r, near Bi d Hill, A i inty. FRAVEL-FALKENSTSEIN, The I.ui-ay itapiist Churoh the Scene ..1 .1 III'.lill lill ll l-l Ol I. "IH . I.ll.AV. April - B| ik piaci . church. The bride, Ml ? , . daughter 11 al a of i hal.. U; Tl ? n a i i .'? el, formerly h ? .f this town bi ? h.-r in thc office ol tho Southe! K-, I i - Corn? el {j. rfolk, Va. Th.- alter whs bunked with palm, fern ii.- ? burch i with tli. ti li nda r.f inc . . oupU . u bo -.1 ? f popu Th.- Bride worn an exquisitely dainty gos ii of white ... k, an i arrted Brtdi 'a rot aa Tho brld< ?he' Lynn Berre) but < arrled i Mr Edward Weaver acted ai beal mon Al liri rv s If we cia catch your eye with tli is cut, the price will hold your attention. $3.00 for Trousers that were made to -ell for $3,50. 'Die reason? Because we're tired of teeing you go around in baggy kneed trousers. Htlft^ Unlike the tailor? we don't make to order; but like the tailor?wt make to fit. Result?the same, except the price. 00. WELCOME WORDS TO WOMEN. Wotitfn who ac/Ter with disorders pecu? liar to thru .rs ahould write lo Ui I ? ? ? and receive ftee the advice of a pby-i- ? *" of OTer thirty teen' experience---a skili.'l and successful ipecialut ?? thr di- *> - of neaten Every letter of this sin bis tat moat careful con.nleration and is, of routs-, renrded a* Bactedly coafideatial Many BCneTtively ?ode?t women a-ritr fully to Di Pierce what they wouM sbrln'. fri m telling to their ] .ral pnyeictan. The local physician is pretty BUR BO 'ay 'hat he cati n"t <lo anything tdtboat "ari ti,.ri ?? Di i si ? thal thete di I lt fnl enanlinatiooa are gcneTnr.y aeedleee, and that BO woman. e?, ept in rai. ehr.iild tubrail te them Dr. Pierre * treatment trill cure you ritrht la the privacy ol youl own home. 1!, nt ? Prescription" has cured hendreda ol BioueandaN, aosae of them the wrrt imspriasolt cases It ts thc only- HirdiriTir , ; ifj kltl'i ll tl duct ot i regularly graduated ph] Boats ansi rn] bb un Icli di tn nay oSet toe ? tabetitnte. Doa'l take it -? bi health Write to Dr. k V Pien ?? Bunelo, H. V . take ins advice and be well. Mri v D M a fort, of L< ' Warren ? wntrs ros .1 li"- 'hi* ._ntng lo I" . tb si l hs ve ' A.! v itel tad ? new t ? - - t. part i in receipt of 71 one .... ? p.y cost ling only, a ?? ? ? p. jv ? .- ? _??? tl loon book "Tbs Com Sense Medical Ad i thc ^^^^^^^^^ Ik I hound in fm Preneh - " foi i <-,'-"'i eatra . bsndsoi ? N V ? K . I i ? ? COLLEY BURGESS. B .,,,1 lui ll. ,,.- \\. .I.lin- rn >? "ir ' .1, uni .1 Itil Inri'."'I M.m. I ' I ? | I ' R. T. . ? ? ? I ml : ? ? ?? ll ?'? CILL-FOSTER. Thu of I'.iinivi.i - n; >r Popular Vim ii da<le> Man ? ir i \N i p ' ' ? n T M S Bin ? : ? ? ? ? NEWPORT NFWS WEDDINGS. lim i ? ml. - ni ii i nil in < toe Iflei noon In r he Sum I ? ' ? ? ? Ivriiv* ii ? .. i I ? :: I ' B ' LONC?SANDERS. \n Englishman I'aket .i Knrth I 'nw 'iii ide i ' W n- it WILSON ' ? ? Mr i ? V jp to-night oi \ they ???? VARSITY DID NOT PLAY. Their Genoe arith Peuaaejteunla Cnn celled tot I ?!? I in n ix- l. PH1LADBLPH1 n P - lt -i hall I : Bgemr ii' eh tr nth h< rpi , la? tin pn - Tbs Virginia t< tm - i :>- :?' u the r..... . i g i gan Ham Neaten X,. liiH.' Ilo.irri. atlanta 'iv Ipi I N A petition hue bern tile : talnmg tba naawa of r.early tts-e hundred of the best r.egroes in Atlanta which h-i for lt. Immediate object the placing of the negro public .rhoola In th. city un? der th. control of a negro Board of Edu? cation, PARTY LEADERS j IN LYNCHBURG Senator Martin and Other W.'l1 Known Democrats There Yesterday A VERY ROMANTIC MARRIAGE Sonni l,ail> Tlsdtar to ths CHj rnhea a li ip to Rashest) sad Baturn! s BfftSU- \ House H.-.Illili" lin mn <? I'l-np. 111 Sold. LTNCHBUBO, VA., \ '?' . know. I VV. P. Barb i . i ? ' I I., tlc .. 'lr. VV. ? ROM WI IC M UtUI I " ? ' | " ? ? - ' ' fer ' ' ? ? I - ' I ' CUTTING OUT. I I ' i ! Halli hlil I v' ? ... ? ? M. M. - i' I : a : ? - THE RAILWAY MATTER. 1 \\ nil I In- RI I I ll ..lill.. ? ? - I ' I - > - a Parole I nu t uvalid. ? ? - ? ? siei*.?$Q i - , 't gat np with s , la th.'ir * rhea yon have sj *???k digestion > ?liny, alw.1%- : lull and drowsy, 1 aa I .cu | I What I sse ol thia . trouble 7 ( . BSU| ita I : flt "lit? ii ' \Lr/''J PILL I will (tItb yon prom*, rsttof ?nd cer | ssas, eera Sta. a boa illnsoaahna. I r ?sssnjj Ymmp Blood Puro. if tcii bass Basks ted v.,ur cm a | hjof uaw, | i bm beti ruvke | i Asjcr's SursabarllU ij'10;.1' w'1!' remore A\\ bansnSJaUl , blood ind will greatly .treiT.iUen 'you Price, vlfr , BOSge. < L J-CATER CO . loW,u. BUM. , NICOTINE MADE HARMLESS No discovery of Modern science ap;" tis with greater fores toa larger proportion of mankind than that of the eminenl Du. licRoi m. professor of il"' jri il ?? irmasj University of Halie, and sccredited io encyclopedias as Greatest Url** Authority on McotTaaf Poisoning _nt] Tobacco Heart. Aftrr years of experiments, Dr. 'ri rolS) has produced ? subetaa< a a bich Renders Nicotine Insoluble and Does Not Effect the Flavor or Aroma of the Tobacco. rh is wonderful discovery has I.n hailed with delight Sn Europe, where 58 million cigars treated by the process were sold las! year, lt is now for the first time introduced in America in the Form Health Cigars. M 1 i"-I selected tobacco, equal in flavor to the tm -t 1 igars to be ced al the same price. No more heartburn. No more pal. pitation. No more indigeation. No more lack ol ippetite. OWEN & MINOR DRUG CO., Richmond, Virginia, Wholesale Wetribetlag ageate roe \ Irglnln and Korth ? arotlnu. I or Bale al tit.- following drug stores: 1 M RI ink. 11AI .. I HEALTH TOBACCO CO, 503 Iii tn 4 VC-. nandi.,. 9 Cor. 42d St , N-w York. . u> thi CROKER SAILS FOR ENGLAND i.nun , , lilas01 ffhnn Bead ., rt ? Julian Pnunceforte, - ? ? ' - ? ? - ? - " - " ? ' ? >. i, I V| ,,,,-, ' V I ? - ' ' ' V Pi. lu,- i nt for ii . ni--. I I i Brooklyn's I : ' ... ? - - ' ? " . iddenly a whiff - ? over I . ' ? ! ? ? ? e f ll ? i nlonel i -\ lor*a Donkey'a ' ? ? ?? T m. ' ? ? ' ed to 1 mora Tb ? ulm.l's sd by Di puty Cotleotoe Whit i his latina ano sursrorod by th.i!".t'.r. thc aiiiiti.iU.w. tc adver ? :,? hut the ,t Wael the nsati h.v.s since boon nada jons ii Moody ?<: ? il th* purchaser, nnd ls r.orv the US Uar cf the animal.. Tailor did not receive, hhs donkeys, and will never get them unless he ahall pay th* price i that may t>? os lied him by sir. Moody. A SLANDEROUS NEGRO BISHOP. - I ' - ? I ' ? ? ?? ? ' ! ? ' ?? - - ? ? 1 ? ' ? ' ? ? PERSONAL AND GENERAL. i . t . v> mt itt. inn ni r l ii i/.nix .ni I ? M ? M I ni.iii tm Hr ? lin I, ? I < lin I.-, x. Ti - - 1 . - ?? * - ? ' u thia V I .' I I I . stix. \ irainla i v : \ ' ' Tl-e- f . . ? I _____________ ____??___?________ TO ll KL V ? IN "M DAV Take Laxatlv* nmn-.o Qui: All druggists refill ll tails to .ure 25<- Th. genuine baa _. li. W. on each tablet.