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THE CHERUBS ULM TO PIECES. Donen.? W ?'. N mark Batted H m Qui of tho Box, LANCASTER WON FROM PATERSON pa** Wau Again HM Hard Win n HHg w prc n ala ibk v\ IlkrebaiTe < kieed li, i tarli ? ? 1th rwo< >m of i brea, All. ni. w H Wai Maaaat <?ii?. 0 ami - 11 aterdajr. I Le gtaadlng ol the < Inba . i , -i i i. ni- i . ii.i\. ). at 1 ? Morrow, ' WlUejpab?rr< I ? \ i ? I ? ' I ? I . I I ? ? , Xi i: ii .. \ i: - I il ii "?? B D . I i H i' . 1 1 ? .. . ti .ii u li ? 1 . l: Ti. ' N ' I: t ? I.. >no> i i A\ .ik. abel i B B< runton, o. won i w ? test e.-. * ty until ;n the I i: ll ? i. t 1 ? I 1 1 0 0 :? l . l ' . . 1 . 0 J. . f ?I . I) A 1. . u :< \\ i 3 i: it < ' . ? . !, i. r . . .m. r. f. I : . - l i Goading H i. i Fl Totals .S (wara >?>? laniags: ?eraaton . Wllaf.bari.- . 00aiO0t?i-| i >n *. . r ii re. :< ? mdlng, ?alUgMi hlta?Clyu acki i ba?M ?Knoll. Lipper:. I>i!:on. oVunritl) and Voorheea. Ptru..*' out* By Kfenea. 4, by Voorheea. ? I^uWe ula** Atlvrt.n tj &\ui.? flret base cu Sang OH Keenan, . ' 77?^ Thorn Comes Forth With Point Forward/' 'Thc thorn point of disease ts -in ache or pain. But the blood is thc feeder of the I whole body. Purify it with I Hood's Sarsaparilla. Kidoayg, lucr and gtotsaob grill at bora in Ihta point. ( Blood Poisoning ."Tba avfgaoo oaM . .-it tba i.rjs- abell r^ dv. .i in i ai San .in i. mi] two weeki baton, that lt wu'; . . ii- I BM if it bad n . * my pare b o- d. I told Maa it wat Hi ? i ? S iraapai Ita thai ina.1* it\" ? i' i ooraa, < o 0, 2Mb V. s. inf.. I - i gtoo, D, C. Rheumatlam "Myaelf and n friend i th i terara attackaof rheo* raattam. Hi>. ?!? Saraparilla cored both, We a ? v..ti.-.ut ii." Wv. H. Le. . Pall River. Ms*? 3 (catt Sa Ma faa ufl. rfievw-Disappoints \\n -I ? Pl - ,r- ..... ii nutting and saraparilla Umpire, Hen* Heading, i<>: Mlentown, O, i I I \\ ? s t I i.i i i ? a : .- 4 * : l 2 ." ; I 0 .... I J 1 I . " I ALLENTOWN. . ' h ? . . ? ! 1 I - 1 'I s I ' out by ? i .<i 7: Paterenn, 9, 7 VNCA9TER. PA , J ... with bil hard ' ? m, and ' | ! t LANCAS1 R H 0 A E ? '. ' * . I J lb . . 1 - . ' ' . ' > . . . ' R I fl . I . . ? r. f. . p. '110 5 . ? i ? Bl ll ' i me, I.. I i \ i i the JI tupa, ? Q full of . I ' B k of I looki r I . ' JIMP1 nra. t. H. 0. A. E ? f . ? . . l f .. r f . e.. ? . ball. I IRS I ? ? ?. " -1 \ .t 1 l I 1.4 1 : l>.4 0 . 1. f. I '? - nd. c t.-i a ? r. t. i | :i it; | i: tooimii l-l 1 . . : : H ki B ? . -.rr Belton, I nu by i ? Betta !, w. Ila lt) Bei di ? C ? ib eal by Hook, r, v t.y n.'i Ps.-,r,d nu!.*- Elmore (t) Wild pitcJ. Honker. I'rnplre Mr. Halter. Tee). Inninir (inmo. In a pratty fr-lnnlng cr-ntest the !m p.rt*la defeat,*! the Jeffer*on Athletic Hob ?n Ix-e MontHHaiU field y.aterday ? fttrcoi-n. THE TEBEAUITES PLAYED BAD BALI. And the Reds Found Little Trouble in Shutting Them Out. THE CHAMPIONS ALSO BEATEN. Brooklyn Pownd Nichole In tin- taUi Half of cha Mlntfc Orphaaa Mada lt Foar Btmigbt- Beaatora Matts lt Intercut lng OtbejrOaaaea, \ . i. i il.n's BCOtWg. IJ.tltirnriro. ll. Phil tdslpl I I ' i ? ? , II, .. Bl I Minni in- ul Hie < lillis.. w I . ll 1 . . ! . Itt. i . Bi ? . 1.levlHe. \ ? r k. 7 . . ? 1. Bl \\ here I bej Pl*i ro Day. Mondaj 'id mos V- m York. ? lore .' Ph ]. ? t Pltti , < jin iiinat i, | | st. CINCINNATI, O., M i) I,lillis,, ll I ll i: ii i ii ? I. t v. Tin Rrnofclyn, I-. Beeton, lo. ? ? the h : ' whlon u exdtlni i Daly played I A : R I .0 0 0 0 I 1 I I ? Slcl -.?roll. I'm; < 'hicagn, IO; < 'Ifn I.iii I. B rill' ? only ? l: H E. SS 10 I ??10 ll 6 . 10301 5 ll 3 Batteries?Taylor and B mplres?Burns and 1 15. New York 8; Washington, 3. TORK, M ? ' ' R n ,'. york.' ? . i ? Baltimore, 11. Philadelphl < lilli.AI>i:i.I'll ; I ; ' d. i " E I . ii \ ' Ginnie ' Pllfabui .. IO; I onlai ill . .">. I I . i ? gu . I him, w ? A' ' i: H. i. . .. - i 0 n 0 0 Oil il : 1> ,\v ai Kai i * Here's the Whole Information on men's dress for a day wed? ding : Frock roat, (jray trou? sers, white shirt, white ascot, gray gloves, white vest, patent leather shoes, silk hat. And you can part vour hair on the side now and nut bc con? sidered uncivilized. We've just the very things here. Ott* "77" COLDS B'or I itt- Viliou*. Dr. Humphreys* Specific Manual tells all about the treatment and cure of dis? ease, in five lan?ua?es. is published in English, Ger? man. French. Spanish, and Portuguese, that all may know oboul Dr. Humphreys' famous Specifics By consulting this book you can doctor yourself and your family successfully; it can be tound at all c'ru? stores or ma Med free on re? quest. - i ? 'VA! S!TY, 12} TRINITY, 0. Rain Slopped i Ga.?? Whick thc \ rill Stuii waa Out. lae* d i'll '.: ; il E. \ A . M ., ? ? ; ? ' I ; A ?' ?' i: ll ll 1 24-13 ll ? ? I 111 ii k H Defeat. .1 \ -.un. ' ? ? ? ; I R. il .i \ i; ? ? i ' ' ' I ? o 7 ? ? it : 111 To J ? : ISO .-inn ? 431 BBBalBBBBBBBlBBBBBBBB^BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBiBBBBBBUBBBa1 I '? 1 ' ' ' " ' w ... 11. 11 v i: i \ \. i: Ifl ? I ?? R tl E '.' 7 9 K R, M. \ i Md .ii ? 'sBi ho l S, ashla: ? t E by the ll . Br, Mli ?-.- I Md I . e end : ? I I ' Bellen! Georgia, IO; 1 ?.erbllt, i?. I BNB. G A.. tl " ? timi a, ? ? ? ? b 'iii ?f i: \ :!: .. . 1 .. 0 O 1 ii ?' 7 ?> 8 I ? ?? \ l ?? 0 Ox?IO :i i Batt ? Carr; Bani ;; I It'll I I.ililli?. Prince! 1 i I i ] (twelve Innings). . ll- \. -m's. ?? !? v ...... \ May fl I ' ? Kaw i . I al l. Zion Chun i,, In ll an ad.Ir. u eas delivered by Right Rev. Bishop '?' Charleal B. < Idem i o-Atnerlcan I aa gua on ?The '""i litton i.f Negroea In the South." d iring eh . he enid in ?oite of ail the . i ai 'he thing for the - negro to de l?? -?.. trust In God. make hlrn eolf solid with the better class of white r*?oi?!- and ?? i.t tlif r.-.?ult." Bishop W altars rorn::;.?! .'.cd the stand taken by the mwspapors in adnera! m the North in r?gwrl to tim present negro troubloa in Ca South. I^BB^a^balaTJ CHERUBS COME HOME TODAY. Jake Weils and His Men Wi!! Return Tc-Nlfht FIRST GAME HERE TO-MORROW. \. aral k w III I'?<??? fats < inuit's in the I-list Sri irs ililli < I"-.' lill. I |.ainu; Ooateata Ara I Ixpected, -?. Hying hign, an-i a. determl* higher tip tho I r .ilk.-' I ? . S< arark club: Qua I dlge, ? - ? ? ... i i ? * f CAPT ' ? ind trie ? ? - ? ? ? ? ? ? a i i I r . ' * ? ' ' tl ' ' ' ' ' ? ' ? 1 ? ? I ? ' I ipy in Hi . : .n Two ae.aona ago : .'ned the Mei ? 1100. cllmal the hie* ? ? GUN CLUB. 1 In ? Hil liutuinii-n Holli n Sm i essfiil sim,ii \ eatei daj ?.-..i i ha ai targa realer.* mag tatrap g i ki i v. ;\ p f..r ino ' i, there .. in- ;;i rlng May, V| **"?*"! Hart, of I^ou sa. If,! the club with the high s . i it of w "? ? ''ni, with 41 and R. L, (.1.1, tl.lid, \ 37. RAMO* OF THERMOMETER. The thermometer at The Tlmea office yesterday ranged as follows; 9 A M Si? ll M. ro, S p. M. :.'; iP.M.Kiip'ji C; U M. H. Average, SS 5-6. must snifrr also. tiHtti is healthy. INDULGENT MOTHERS MANY I dutiful daughter pays !n pgifl for her mother*! ignorance of perhaps neglect. ' T'ne motbf* sintered and she thinks her daughter This is only to I limited Bgtent No Kvrrv mother should inf.-" self for lier own sake and esp.. for. the sake of her daughter. ' :? to Mrs. 1'inkham, at Lynn, Maia., fur lier advice about all matters concerning the ills ol the fgminJng _organs. . ,.n^ -trl'l beauty If waited by r.nneres.ary pain at t ; menstruation, and numy indulgent mother, ? - tang permit their daughter! to grow cami*. ? al health. CaRBII M UMB, Big Braver. Mich., writes: "Iii ir v g-A year a*o I mitered from profuse gad menstruation KS3ESI^B^- 'f appetite variable, h tOUT and bowels were not regular, and wai subject ba pains Uk* co! :r luring menstruation. 1 wrote you and began to take Lydia B. Pnkhitm s Vegetable Compound and two package* of Sanative Weah. You can't Ino my relief. My NM aro natural and genera! health improved." lits. KaJtim Ai kins. T i. Mo., writes: "Iii a? Mks. PtNgH tM - I il it my duty to Of the good JT - Vege ter. She I agi '"?' -it I -nstn-.ation be r your modi but the i ? >und has ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ' tho pain, given her a bett? o' r, ? ' I Ml ind hu Improved everv wi snoot she lias received, lt is a gre. I . rte." SPRING RACING AT MORRIS PARK The A ? Mi ? ng Was Little Mor' irtain-Raiser. CHURCHILL DOWNS PROGRAMME. Beagle M on ibo Loalavllle Hand In a Gal l ? , .1 hnnyl amie w .is -N,, ip?uded al ' he New I 'll 11 ut. ? ? ? ? ? with' ' I ? Kl! Th* ' ! ? lt ? ? ? SUM ? Isador (ll to I I I PVrni - - Brae, I Montanlc (7 I ? ! ? : , :, third 1 \l (hun hill HOW ns. 1 1 lUISVl 1.1.1: KT., M u I I :' tba pl igi inni" I it tb n ? ii. dnei 1 --..ii ii in-:' ? .,;..| V. W. 1 ?? ?!: tu -. v. .- I |dl d. 'I v.: "1 B At a bid 1 ' ed Bel him until well Into tho sir. ti h. w s>:ii.,k - f' ead wort in i I . The track whs s'oppv pnd th. neath, r cool and r.ilny. Summaries: First race-four and one-half furlong 1 ?Suprpma fl tn -> first, Onoto (ii to 1) s?-ond Clara "Wooley (16 to 1) third. Time, :5S<;. Second race?one ml!, and fifty yards? Ikon Oralno ii to I) Ural, CoL Prank to 1) tl . ? ? ' ll Rani ? ? ' ' a ? - GOLF AND SHOOTI l nj i\.iiiir \u ? \ l..M. .11 . I lull, o I ? ? ? I ' ind a a In Un ? ' ' "b i ..I, ? i ? - , . ?? > arti.'' Neenl Militia Fa da ... ... rt - i - < . ? i i \ ? B , - ? n nb I i in I \|,. II j '' I ; eera killed sjp Special Sales In Millinery This Week. All Trimmed Pits ?re i ? ? ? t i li 5 I J rt stest bars, lins ever ol in tins city Of elvuh'-rc. There will be 5| eel il S Jes ia I'*!. Ribbons, Untrimmed Hats, fte ? ' (test ityles ot" Sailors on hand. Besides, all Hats will be tr.:nmed free of charge MRS. CELIA KASS, 517 Eaei Broad.