Newspaper Page Text
CHERUBS FIVE. PATERSON TWO. Am Interesting Game With Victory for tie Locals. TWO GAMES HERE TO-DAY. lin- First Oom Thia Muming, tin- so< O...I Xii is \l'tn ui".n llir < lui nils .Maintain Un Li .ul Resanll ul fjlkot Oaonas Yaatciday. M.nilling ol Iii'- < lillis. Cluho: Ot ... . . M .ll - . .is BevWnton.13 Allentown.. I Pal .>o PC. ?TM ? Sun |aj - I..un, v. e..un. - Y. vt. iil i] Rlchn '- ?? Kasir Gaines 11 Moi row. .1 ? (Villi ? The P ll! tl ' n their owl faith? ful. ? I ? . , n i i nothing . with a ? * ? | I 1 I ?id, tlu-ir aid? ers ar ? . ? I' ? ;, by a ? fi I - ? . Milty m..:* form ? ba i ? Calaoui I ? i got l .... lng ii: . out a' ' Th'.rr il ?x ... ? ..f the ninth. In tbs aaa a . H. stiff i ? ant at I r wai ' ? ada d.n ).i' ea Btei ?? .? > rifle, la t- ng out at first. Li tr-, lng P. eat ? hil. hf was playing jt>8 ? a down, but Oe* livmir failed I aaa, uni ?. . ? st lu ti..- fourth Inning ts before tbs Cheru i ? -, Calhoua nail t , thJH on u i"-ig gins " sj ii.-. who also lank . and b->th mx-n ?cor?a ea 1 >union ? tlucc t>asa bli Ki>r the neut thr-e Inning's th* Fater ?? hold! Ki''!iiiiond at bar. hut la trie . their sud x-. in fences re '? I.. ;ni and |W0 mara nr.M ref ; xx..* tiis ftr.t saan to show himself at tho i>U'<- Ha nu let three bs..-, and e 'ir?-d on leyscid'g safe hit for one base. Ibsa ColUvuu iwaiUvU Ut* ball Jvr U? Hood's Pills Do not grips nor Irritate the alimen? tary canal. They sot gently yet promptly, cleanse effectually and Dive Comfort Sold hy ali drnfaiotO. SJ rents. ? i .1 Seyh ' .1 .ni third, end the ed ? :. li trgrovi ? t\v out t'? And rai wm bf I i ti MOND, LB. H il BIL <X A E. r, s. s. i 0 l ii t i l f..4 n l | | ?. " lb. 4 l l ii .. I I. f. 1 1 1 f> 0 0 1 I . . I 1 I Ol.! l) 0 f.4 1 1 | 1 1 1 ? .; t..| 1 t ? 1 1 I .J n i i | i ?, j'.| | l 1 1 4 I Totals . H "? 'i I K ic 4 PATERSON I ? AB. R. M. SH. O. A. E. I I.I 1 (J '< 1 ii I I. I.| '. li] | I | .4 1 I '' 4 ?> I -.. '?.4 i> '.l I I I I tj i i. .10 10 1 l I I I 1 .. I 4 . C 'inp. ID. I I 1 I I . I .;: u o ii n i ? I 4 "Ll ll Score by innli 11 . ? 100. i I ill (I), I' ? ? Pails - I * . ? The : : . ' Moran i Brsl ? ? - i true] ? wn I Up Bul he work d , Rending. -? tllanUm n, 1. ? rs were vei ? pitch by Wesl , brought Os n i ld, bul allowi I nt i ? \ lag '.i T Deli and Fox a READ il H O. A E f.." I I ?? i ."'ill 0 ' .a ii 1 (i ft lb. ... i l '.< 'i 0 '.I l 0 I ?? . 1 '? :: 1 0 b.I l ?"? l i ." 'i I i ?? , p.?i " 'i 'J 0 . I ST ll l ALLENTOWN, ii. ll O. A. E. b.?? 0 I l " ? ? 2 I.." 0 th, i. f.o i a i nty, r. f. 1 ?? l \ 0 ...? ix. i ii ii : b.0 0 ll 1 0 .'i I I ii 0 ., III .?! 0 1 1' 0 . 1 re I ': : . lld J Del I smith. Cockman, Lefi on b ? Read Allentov. Weal I". Deli to W . lot fi I; i.ff We ? i v. ,'. Urn is ?. i . ?' Si tallinn. Is; \\ ilki-sliat ri- O. SCRANTON, PA., Maj I I td jiitrli. i tn, with i. K ... M : v The G red the here thia i l .. INTI >N R. li O. A i: '-. f. I 4 !?? f. 1 1 I ll I' .0 1 ! : 1 1 f . 0 1 I 0 I . ft 0 ti 4 .'i 0 I I " I ISSI . 0 'I 4 li I I. p. I I is .j i rt u i vVlLXBBBAJtRE. n lin \ . .0 ft j a n n, r. t.I ii l o ii *.H :' | o | .ii n i; O'DweU, L f. I 'i 4 ii | . . . ;: 1 ?? . 0 10 4 1 . ft l ii | ? In, p.? 1 0 I da.0 6: l: .1 ft 2 ft ft fi ft ft l\_3 vVllkesbarre . Bl si . By i: ?? n. Hil I .? i'll;:' , 1 0 v xx ark, n?; Lan, eater ii. LANC tS i ER, I' \ - ."XVII t,l . not hil I i great game ? LAJfCASTEH, H ll 0 A | Buttennore, rf. If. i i o | o .,. | i | | | ?? . i i | i I. ? f. ) 'i - . i | | i | Bli b Lt. r.I. l I Leahy. .. |. "114 1 e .o i 6 a u Minor. P. 112 3 0 Totals.-.. i 9 34 1* 2 M3WARK. TVaveri: R. H. O. A E. K spf, ? S. 3 4 17 0 ty/c. f. 12 2 0 0 ^heftier. 1. f. I 0 I 0 0 Wise. 2b. 11110 W.edijiga, ls.,.i.loi FVld lh. t 3 BJ Ceaaa, r. r.I 1 ; iSunnon, <? .n ft a | Barndon, i>.l l ft o 0 o .1 I ll Tatala .r> ll ll u 1 I by InnliiK-": ,{ I . r .ft 1 .'I 1 ft n .. ii .looa Bum mary: Barned ? v | Two-bate nita Weddlye, But i. i in.-.'. (Tonto. Threevbaae lilt ?? ; Homo ron ki.ti B i ' hil ?' ? ?; ni Bl rlardeat], Sheol w.i il. stroll I* :'i on ? ' V. \\ .irk. '. gt Leahy, Bardeaty, Wita (I). Bheffler, Plaid Double playa Ward i.. Laroeque; Klopl to Field < I i ter, l. Newark, -. pirti I ? .;r Min..r. I; I ?'! Iii - don, I HM by pl! ii' demon. Time, - hours. _ NATIONAL LEAGUE. si in iini.?>! (..uni- Poataoaed ? The Qaakere Dedbai Clevalaad, Yi'Mi Td ii i 'a Bcorea, Thiiarl. ; Sui'.ilnx- Bl ??! -. ? Sew York. 4: 1 t wi., iv Thej Plaj To Day. ? i il BOal I ? \ ix V'.rk. ? Standing of the ' la ? 1 . B . I I . . . . - . i . . . PC Philadelphia, 7: Cleveland, I. PHILADELPHIA, PA M I r h i: . . ?? ? ! ?'. ? ?'. ?. ?? ? i 6 1 ....10 134 10 1a ' I ? ON THE TURF, loni ai Graveeend aad OfT-Daj Rac In;-. LatOnlt I i ai I. KEW YORK, M 11 ? A from Ihe o?<? in ma ? ? ? -. r ind, i' i.ii third. ? i fi and 2 to i . ? ? i, third. 1 i to li Ol ? i to li flrti " ? to 1) drat, ] i . i ? to ii flral to I) i. mitt at 1 atoala. INNATT, .'. B - n (12 to li thli i ? ?on it to :> flrat, \t to 1) I Third li md i ? 1:47. . ? l I ? n Iwo ? 1 j aile?Allie ] to i) third Policeman Jual ii d. WILSON ' ? I ... if j 11, ii < rafaM Eada, WILMINGTON, N C., May '-".'-The X\ k thli ?ZMmmm' 7 ?tfw~ I a.?v^n?\'a?^t,t| i Shirt sleeves aro all r;cj 1 it in tin- tight place. But our Office. Coats are so light, so thin, anti 60 inexpensive that you'll feel no discomfort in wearing them, even in these hot days. A Ne? gligee Shirt (, no vest, a'id one of our Skeleton Lo^ts ($3.50), give a man a $10 air of coolness. A whole stack ol'St raw-a. a& "STOP THIEF!" It is an old trick Hutong the light fingerr.' fraternity BO divert attention from themselves by raising the nv of " Otoo thiel ' mi'! IO riuttniR the puhlic on B false scent. There is g certain kirri of a'lyerttVr ezperl in similar methods (Pie of his tnri;, is tO tell wolll'-ti that it's ting " to write to a man il saltation about diaasson. "Women should srrite to a woman." The ran da? de! "f the -'!-. "rf.5-ment invitees. lo srrite foi dei sad >s can full? orarded to cob rey lac i<'ca that the atv vi.-r o': , ??' it of .I pbyoici m. Bot a close examinatioi slicnei thal tberc lo do physician's advice ottered and the ? xx rite Pi a woolan " is raj ger] p. .Inert attention from the tad that the woman offering a.lvi.-.- is oot a doctor, god then ? teni to give T-l icc : Tor the advice of an unqualified woman is just SS dangerous aa the advice of an unqualified man. Worn c.\\ ai!. bj ' onsulting Dr. R, V. Pi ot" the Invalids' Hotel hm 1 Surgical In? stitut. . ' . \ As .111 ex^-i lt in th-- t- ni!" "i ? ? I gperiei ind ot* tli it ' ? ? i. oa nce. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription makes Weak Women Strong and 5ick Women Well. _ EXGOV. HOLLIDAY PASSES AWAY. ? ? im lu ? I ?? Mourn IX i Ml'l-l. l ' ' ' i 1 I ? ; ? ' rivi:. r I d NV. I and "M hilt tn ... 0 sr M i I ? - - I ? - him. ' ' r years ? . ? ? ? : I i made two trips to His moat rn Ni w ? i ? ia Rall Maali .1 Tim ? ?.. mi I t lng i cr until alto WHEELER ON HAND. ile frill Deliver Menaortal ?4dreag Bi I Lil.. > i: Post I.. I>..\. -. i I is txx.. el QUasan, of the ? ? ind Army, Chairman Ad ims and E i?. v resent Int '..ppp appointed b ' Peal il during p ? '..I w. I' Bohler, i ' I - t to I - < him i , the Re. " xv I I present I i ' Comm ? ? j- w Kii ilej Pi it, ? .. ?-. ? Mayor ni I ?.? -? To <'iiiiiiiiuiiiI Virginia's Navy. KORFVJLK, YA., MBy ?.??6s?talB An? thony i . ?.? quartermaster of the Second Brigade, Firs! Division B< Army < ?.?pv.k. xv as to-night .'??'? I unanln .f tho Vlr ginla i' italllon of N"av U Raasi tam Hlggtna restgned ins position ?' eh'ef i-e.-k ir. tho naval r>a\ nlr.-tor ? oflre here to aocompany his command, the Cltv fKarri:*. to (" iba. and was detailed by Oonoral ll . ?t,r .u-Jc aa quartermaat.r. On returning he was restored tx) his aid po .MORL PLACES j FOR PIE-HUNTERS. The President Makes Exemptions From Civil Service, EFFECT OF ORDER IN VIRGINIA. Tba Principal i:\emptions arc in the Iii xiiiiii- Bel Vlot -Mr. Tri;:;: Al'ter Mora Ships lui- Hu Y;ii'il-.\ i uiipie Compliment, V. A SH I N> '.ToX, Mix _? Bpi tl.?Tba I Civil I modify : |,00U . ?! !? lil? li.'i mi > ' B. rvl. ?? ?' - hy th.- ord(!'. ? i Mr.-i li \ . I NCC li a . ... lion to ? i a pro i " ? : ? ? ? i .1 i Ul persona al ? ?: ? ? ? - I - '. ' ' ' . ? ? i . . ? .' ' I i ? ? I ? ? V I . '.' ' ? \. rapt p<*r. re-lnatai rye from the nendment ? ? l..- r. tba ' . . Btatea dtatrtct . ? ? il land efl - h....I ion . ? ? i .l!!.l expert*. Department ol I ? ? mi:. TRIGG A HU8T1 i Mr William K. r -.n.' pl '.. I cm Of xx li: ii I,., h ipei to Itt I' * th ii- nj Hi.' Ural >? i -lui I- !?!'.. undi r bli feet Mr. Ti - . 'I'll!'- POpalar around tba N.uv Iio; art mtnt, tad th. oaaeteJa adaatre ?. arty nr,d peratvertaet rory much. Rear Admlral Hltchborn, chlof of tho c- in? trudion Bureau, nnu larkins in .t com pilmtntary way of Mr. tm** to-day i ri i tba remark wi, nude that he mn "li atley." "Hustler." aid tho Admiral, "wrxy that maa ls a iteam entlne In panti." NAVAL ORDBRS. Aaatitant Conatruotor Joieph. E. McDoaaUa . wlU . deuabtd from the) works r>r th? W R Trig* Cern aaay, ?n .tun* int h. and rafael al Mart J lead N ?'.-. \ ,..| .-allfornla. on July lat. Ueutenant-Coramender H. R M Norfolk Navy raid, baa baaa ? ir' tl ?? : ? \ <>f Mouaaader. Cblaf Carpenter A. C Barrousl i i from N- aport Ki a pocrTAL ratyraaa. Artinr Aaatatanl Poatina I m order for the ? ? ,!i<m of tba I item, N- '"?? arith of .1 resalar money order d.rttaadli . Phillp ii. Lybraad, ? - '.? i?"-v:' of win i IP tmaattr va ll - , ?? peal oflate, arlu b ? pia. i r In i harye of n?e new i ta tl IB. .1 mn i i- waa to-day nppoint?d 1 I';,', k, I' 'H.ill ? ? NINE BODIES IN ASHES. Eatlro Family Leta Tba* lives I.i?h ii Fathers <iii<lessnrNs. ? .wm. GA., May M *W ?* , .- C., atys A rn tala aa, i ? : ? ly. A ?? . : On W( ? l I , bald a ? 1 ?? i ? ' . ? l.-ir ml Boor oa s sa of ? il ; A ? ? I t thal . ed. roner'a Jul : TEN KILLED IN WRECK. Mach Damaae aad Man) Caaaaltiet in lin ?? States, WATERLOO, IOWA, M f ? train from ? Ul. W, AMI.' I DAVID ha: p. fl. CARPI ? HAWKINS ? ? WU WILLIAM ? B.E.I Wal ? 8 H. Basher. v-' ? from N ? i " Mi i \ Q Mye wis-. ? ? w ' ll k i . n Bl : porter. 1: V. W T !? ' I ' In ? i ? wei piled Up in ' - ? A POLITICAL EVENT. Thc OhM M;ito I onvi Will Be Vi atched W ni. Interest. nixt T re ii no for thf re trill '.<? for hi:; *>xten' ? ' n ivx with ? x ^ ? orti' ? SHOT AT SIGNALMEN. Treachemaia Negroa lalaadera Attack ii Pert) ult Hill- Layers, MANILA -: | M I ? th.-r nuiii! inded at Cactlante on '*;' lo |.l. k ni. an ! ibta itttr, bea ayer i weet bo sooatr <>n art Brea apoa by the ak '" tba water and t Tilley nmi two of th" . ;? i arti Imtth \x tb ? i on t ??iTair. Traatporta Radob Manila. WASHINGTON. May Bk The War De ? hat rtetlvtd th. foiiowinK ... otis: M . - ? : ? ??Transpor ? Master, vlth tba Thirteenth Infaatry. J^i; arru-ei v i? w.e David R. Johnson, li Company, drowned, and five men deserted at Hono? lulu. No ether casuaUlei." The transports referred to left San Francisco April Sith, BAD BLOOD Producing Rnll?, Okla lrii|itlons. I lcrr*. rimpl** Fever s.n.-*, Kesseas, Screfala. i mc*.? Tho Oraadeol nnd Most Perfect Blood Raaaad] Madi. it. h. rt. ears, n bet ? sthsi iiaaiOUifxll. hm.I ii. alni.. V,, tip. I, ;, ,,,,1 |i Beaaadj la reqeli ea. t.. u.- it. g. g A Fresh Supply Just Received Tragle's Medicine Co. si i i' iii".ni Stree*, Li. hnsoad. A CRAZY NEGRO SEES A LAWYER A Petersburg Attorney H is a VW| From an Escaped Lunatic. A NEW HOTEL TO BE BUILT. Work to Begin oa One al the i;. P. ol < Railroad's '>. n tow n Malea lor \\ ork m. ii..- New Road i he Sew I lei in. I.un-. 4 t Into ?' . " of a Tie tted ? ? ? 0 an e a tho ' ? ? .NP . ROAD. i ? - . r ?; hera > stree ? ? ? .\ NBORO ROW. - E Trio ". monroe I . i ?' j ' i ? I -: i from Ouat - ? ? ? A HOTEL BURNED. i ho Barnet Ronan In Claclnnatl In a Midnight Blas Oneal Sada, ? - i \ At 12.4 ' i he Ol un i ?> Bail. SW' sall for tho : ? Fourth ' ? ' '' ' , iiiiy. \ Kew > "is. i x< i"iii'. NEW roi o Press from 1 * I try at 4:90 I much SleiliinT's I'ri-W In I'eril. ALOIBRA M iv 29 The Fi ? ., ffin M . - * ...i m i. p'-ii i -? i- ikwmo and Hew ?>r ird hus arru- 1 bera \x iil> her cargo ?' sulphur k ..!' ihe \ iM.1 waa (lated and 'A * bm ned. sxvift Oafg di"' I 'Millari. WASHINGTON. May B Tho War De partavsal ts infori.i that th? ?wi:.i ega .tract f..r fumlsbing fr.*h beef to th., armv ii I Pta '? Ktcxo baa :-. ,* Co.. of Chicago, Ranger ls Jar Wrecked. SEATTLE, WASH . May 20 -An slactrlg car, containing twenty-five person*, ass run Into to-day by a Northern Werrie train, killing sine mag ead lajurrng {oar. teen others.