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Justice john readyforb.y.p.u They Will Bt- Given tho Best in the S ? GREAT DISPENSER CHEERFUL. iii (/tatters Rill i lad Him Inn Sn ssl 1 i| , \. I Vi I , .,, ... lj j,,,.,. :, iin- 11. i no Lion w HI A ,03 ? ? ? ? it not I . NOB" DI 11.1 M ; t : ? ... . ? ? I ' ii* ii I of ? ? ll For ? I > ? nl?T' ' ?urn i ? ? Hs t r H ' V | . ? . her- to - j. I - I ?' ' Pl Op, tts I t .,,-|. , t ' and Belvidere. I i fl ? I U r ' ' ' \\ l-l.I.-,I III I .,111- ,. ? M r\ | .Mr Al I,rr , I t j J*? UM tiomr ol tn, . tor v, < , Kn I. i < .1*1 ins v ot thr strayer* i . mg. * '***" ' n moulds M, - tssen until Hoad to I dillon. tra v ; K. Hs,, R , li ? ? il,,, moi lu Fultoa hsi'iibt church, nhsnoi they mu , \\ PLAY un: Pl \\n 14 nil,nu \nv Mnolenl KunflrledflTa. )">? mata - tin i it.ii pi* ? ' sn iv xx xx ci x**?>?* u\ I BB Pl xv?s >. ,11 arni -. sr. i xi iv iv . M ll hims sr, 15 up wa i \i.ii is i ni xi*. link, BS M'1' Baj a Grapbophoae, .. ? SEVEB xi p| xm> BARCI xi\s , ni lit ll <?i:o -Ns. PARLOR OH , XN-. t ? v- ,,f condemn ? I ,| |l ,1 V. iv ? ll, in-. ? ? Thomas XV. I hflfl rr*- ; ? ? er of the J : \ Mool Popular Beam i : rt Mr* ll, ll .1.1 v v I mill .,1 Th" I i : -a I i. ii',?mint Mini At a ? l . i : NO TRUST FOR WINSTON. XX ill Iflk C." v.-nil.- < i.liiiiii--.ii,nor IO i i.nii;.- .a Ralina. WINS ? futile, of the pi n prom!:. cr i,f , ? ?t ttl llOfiS a |] laiviclit ll af ? ? ? ? X ,M t . x MvOOXLIGH l to Mi.Il I XX III I IMIT \ il l N'DAXI l Club ? limit )? Meei ' GAY GLOUCESTER. \ Banal IB and Hnlllng nnd Dnnctna Galore. Olouccstei - r. bUl SS H ls tillinir Up , ? times. ,ld not " ? ' ' U i i " - ? t . B I ? ' ' ? ' ? ? ' ? ' ' ' ' 1 I I THE MISSING LINK, \ l ores of IK,inl- to Build the Kin.. I rom i i.' i ,-.v t . , olnmhln. HAM! - ' Hon lo Hue, nd ri ll \ ? ? ' i ' . ? ll ii , 11 IN BOSTON. >ui thai point I nt no nd to so fl of ps) s * pi slni li vt tho Inner Ills' bs queoUtetlvs oaleulauou Thu should k "M.immm WAWS UNION t' BOY* VJ' I H III i: I ' ?'?'' unoi -. Wei ivinf in thr \ woi IUR STORE ...i -. McGuire's ""TJds school Opi rNlVaf-fH _____________________ 1 ' ROANOKE COLLEGE. labu v ? i i M\ I i: i i i ni \ m..i\i i. FRI?!i TO VIRGINIANS In the Academic School-. I riler s, Si icu, e. I ,,.\, SESSION ( si i'll Mill K. For Catalogue ad,ir, )| P. B. i I SIM) lot:; SON io lill Fishburne Military School - ? Vu,, .'. I M HOLLINSSNSTITUTE ? (ll \ -. i Hoi lea, la. i ? I IDOLPH-MAG ?Tl-.V,a]\T:t 11.i\ .11 ,ii FARMS S3 * arr)*...aH cations. East tJiioflut- h irret. ?W \ I 1 ll .**,)I ll r I.' miles - ' I \, t RRIONf EXCURSION IUNDAT Bt noni. ? , t ixion, : I' M. M '' A. Broad-Mreti Park 10-DAY. Richmond vs. Lancaster. Game Called at 4:45 O'clock. | i.i Tl tn*.; s ii i * ur. li-, i. Uv J '' - Trustees* Sale, in Bankruptcy, of HandaotTiaand Spacious Res? idence, and Large Corner Lot, and Sixteen Attract i/e Viicant Lots in BROOKLAND PARK, i ? ITHICm "" [MOND. t -: \'. :., kt.I: n ' - mod* ,i ? t I ' ?A I th, to ? ? ? ? - ? I - ? I ? ? I . Corner Store and Dwelling, Twenty-Ninth and Q Streets. ? ? ti i > ?? ? ? i ? ? i ? ? t ? ? ? j. w. i-i:i'i>!..\ t i a \ TH II I -.i ( t ' ' ' ? I al TO, Ii PIZZINl COMPANY, Auctl reers. I r I N I I > I M? M) I 11 I - irollna Chi i I OF UIR1 ' THIS ? j r] if iii.i I Junta - i after JULY l-l 1889, to all I dara of - T!i.- I mpai li 'he ? ii,di.deil un* "' 'he annual _. W. Tl: \. BB - ]u_| ?_ _ ItflOat-rer, ,1 (THIN s ,| I.-. I iHiir.- I ...... i | , .-. r., , *T* I!! r-i'dT 6 Pl ! LIC I \'T 1 Of The Commodious. Centrally and Pleasantly Located and Valuable WINDSOR HOTEL At the Northeast Corner Franklin and Eighth Streets. ? ? ? and i.. ? JULY IT ,- 12 o rck M e feel I - ? ? ' ? ? ? I ? i Jy7 ? [ I ' 'TR *W Attractive Villa Sites and Granite Quarries JX ll ' ? Alt. . ... TUM * 1 TH i i ! ? \ I ? - ' _ s ' N ? * FRIDAY, JULY ll ? ' '? l C. L. A H. J , Tit rm : \M); il" - (.!' HIGHLAND lli.MT ,t , ? -l NTT, Ry \ ll ."ri 111 ' th ty, 1 . ? ti.,11 l.; . ?prlnan, JULY -'i. los. H wi-ti a ts TERI balam,. ty bs ,.,:. J. J HAWK Tru .111 1.1 IN,.-. A ST V.TBU ,? iMMUNlCATI, -X , ,'?? m Mi.TT.i-iM.i-i'A.N lodge, n-VV ??? A. V. i.i , a M isons, will bs /^A M , . cor 1 A,I.un ? ."ta, THIS id I'XTV ' 7 0 ' "I"-' r M , f lt,.- U'., j>U . ti. u. jALViiiJ, tJecrt 4.(1 ion -\li- "Toter*, ii.t** ?' rt, g -.' mn Bi COURT SALE OF Four Acres of Land, on which there is a Stile ulid Gravel Bed, on Henrico Tum* pik?, Oppositw Barton H | ghts. n Friday, July 14,1839 ? B - I ' In th?- ? ' I Four Nice Lots MARSHALL STRl' Cl I XX I I \ .'.I a ll V ' AI AUCTION, Friday, July 14,6:30 ri . ? i v *? ? i ? ? ii. nu 'i i t:-. RICHMOND TRUST AND Safe Deposit Company, Nani tiin-i Cornel i"i li mid M i RU li Mi CAPITAL, - - SI, OOO, OOO. in AI.I ' nt - - ? Jolm Skelton Williams MD8Dl* j Pru. I , Sec'y and Treas, Henry Landon label Ch * ina First able April and < I Price on .ij>{.li. at ion. SCOTTS STRINGFELLOW M, Ulla. I ? Na kl X '.I I* Sl.? I, ,' \ I. Bankers and Brokers. S State M ol Vuna. H1CH>UI>D. \ X Capital. $500,000 Surplus. 5240.000 JOHNS. WILLIAM. M. HILL, . .i*iu.. - * ii. I or. ?on, J L. Antrim. National Mi of Virginia RICHMOND. VA. Pt Capital, - $300,000 Surplus, ... $ 50,000 rV. LOCKXVi tiler. 1 ' aX'iliia-u-. <l C. W. BRANCH A CO., STATE BANK BUILDING. BANKERS and BROKERS Privet, wire* Now York, C'likaS'. and all principal u..? vaotre*. poA til